Please stop using this extension and Microsoft's C++ extension for Unreal code completion.
The VSCode extension clangd
has blazing fast code completion in comparison. I've made a VSCode extension for it:
You will use clangd for code completion(Intellisense) and use Microsoft's C++ extension for Building/Debugging
There's also a free for non-commercial use editor made for Unreal called Rider if you want to try it:
- Unreal Engine
- General
- Features
- Requirements
- Installation
- Running
- Extension Settings
- Known Issues
- Release Notes
- Remove old unused settings
- Uninstalling
- Comments
- Help
- 4.25
- 4.26.1+
- 5.0.0+
(newer Unreal Engine versions may require latest extension)
- 4.26.0
It currently supports Unreal Engine v4.25, v4.26.1+, and 5.0.0+
Feel free to comment about it here:
Make sure to add @boocs to the comment to only notify me of the new comment.
You can comment about anything including any code quality comments. I'm just starting out in TypeScript and never really learned JavaScript so any info is great.
Code is hosted here:
- Fixes Unreal Engine/VSCode Intellisense config issues on startup.
- It must happen at startup or the Tag Parser will add unneeded symbols to the browse cache file
- Auto adds new files to compile commands file
- Can force C++ standard in c_cpp_properties.json
- Can force compiler path in c_cpp_properties.json (and compile commands file)
- Added auto M1 Mac support (untested so let me know if it's working)
You can also get to the log by clicking on this icon. It will appear for 2 minutes after the extension is done.
- VSCode v1.63.1 or higher
- Microsoft's C/C++ extension (ms-vscode.cpptools)
- A VSCode project setup by the Unreal Engine (must set the engine to use VSCode)
Download from here:
Click the VSIX file to download (version will be different than pic)
- Click the Extensions button inside VSCode
- Click the ellipsis (3 dots) in upper-right corner of left side panel
- Choose "Install from VSIX..."
- Select the vsix file you just downloaded from GitHub
The extension will fix your projects on startup of VSCode.
You must first enable fixes in the settings. (see Extension Settings)
After enabling fixes, restart VSCode for it to fix your project.
After the fix has run and it's working, on your UE4 project, make sure to reset the Tag Parser cache to take advantage of the smaller cache size
From the VSCode Command Palette, type reset and choose 'C/C++: Reset Intellisense Database'
It'll take ~15 minutes for the Tag Parser to finish running
You should only have to do this once. (Not after each extension update)
When you add new source/header
files or plugins
and restart VSCode, to fix Intellisense for the new files, the extension will ask what response file you want to use for each new file.
If you don't want to mess with figuring it out, cancel the choice menu and reset your project which should fix it instead.
- Note: For v2.0.0+ search for settings using "ue intellisense" instead of ue4
- Fixes are disabled by default. You must enable them.
- You can only set these settings in the global User settings.
- Restart VSCode for newly enabled fixes to take effect.
This extension contributes the following settings:
Versions 2.0.0+
"" : Force C++ standard in c_cpp_properties.jsonUEIntellisenseFixes.compiler.path
"" : Force compiler path in c_cpp_properties.jsonUEIntellisenseFixes.compiler.strictPath
false : Force compiler path in compile commands file
Note: If you've installed with a vsix file you can safely install new updates without uninstalling any previous version.
In very old versions there could be conflicts with fixes previously done.
Remove any prior fixes and reset your project.
Delete old ue4-intellisense-fixes extension folder prior to copying new one over
Note: You can skip this step if you've never fixed your project's Intellisense.
To reset your project: Reset
Note: The wording may be different depending on your IDE
Note: You should only have to do this once per project.
(Only for very old non-vsix installations)
Go to your global User settings file.
Easiest way to open this file:
Scroll down till you see any setting with "Edit in settings.json" and click it.
This will take you to the global user setting but will also automatically paste the random setting. Delete this newly created setting if you don't want it
Now look in the file for old UE4Intellisense settings. Delete these.
You can uninstall/disable the extension and then do a non-destructive reset of your project. Everything should be back to normal.
Comment using the gist feature below: (Must be signed in)
Use @boocs to notify only me that there's a new message
For simple questions or comments use the gist comments below. Make sure to add @boocs to your comment so it only notifies me of a new comment.
For advanced help post here:
Before posting make sure to do a non-destructive reset of your project.
This is a non-destructive reset
- Close VSCode
- Right click on project's *.uproject file (in project's parent directory)
- Choose Generate Visual Studio project files... (Or something similiar)
- Start VSCode so the extension fixes can take affect
It should work with 4.27.2. I'm releasing a new version today with less complicated compiler path fixes. I would wait.
It also depends on what hardware you're running. I know M1 Mac can crash with 4.27.2 but are 'fine' with 5.0.3.