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Last active August 26, 2024 22:57
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* Auto-Update Enabler
* Decisions, not options. Inspired by Trac ticket #58389 by
* Jos Velasco and an offhanded comment on the fedi by Andy
* Fragen.
* @package Auto-Update Enabler
* @author Jason Cosper <[email protected]>
* @license GPL-2.0+
* @link
* @wordpress-plugin
* Plugin Name: Auto-Update Enabler
* Version: 1.0
* Requires at least: 6.0
* Requires PHP: 7.4
* Author: Jason Cosper
* Author URI:
* License: GPL-2.0+
* License URI:
* Description: Enables auto-updates for plugins by default when plugins are installed or activated.
* Gist Plugin URI:
// If this file is called directly, abort.
if (! defined('WPINC') ) {
// Add an action hook during the plugin installation process.
add_action('upgrader_process_complete', 'auto_update_enabler_install_plugin', 10, 2);
* upgrader_process_complete hook callback function.
* @param WP_Upgrader $upgrader WP_Upgrader instance. Might be a Theme_Upgrader, Plugin_Upgrader, Core_Upgrade, or Language_Pack_Upgrader instance.
* @param array $hook_extra Array of bulk item update data.
function auto_update_enabler_install_plugin($upgrader, $hook_extra)
if ($hook_extra['action'] == 'install' && $hook_extra['type'] == 'plugin') {
$plugin_path = $upgrader->plugin_info();
// Check if the auto_update_plugins option exists.
if (!get_option('auto_update_plugins')) {
add_option('auto_update_plugins', array());
// Add the plugin to the auto-update list.
$current = get_option('auto_update_plugins', array());
if (!in_array($plugin_path, $current, true)) {
$current[] = $plugin_path;
// Update the auto-update plugins option.
update_option('auto_update_plugins', $current);
// Add an action hook during the plugin activation process.
add_action( 'activate_plugin', 'auto_update_enabler_activate_plugin', 10, 2 );
* activate_plugin hook callback function.
* @param string $plugin The plugin file.
* @param bool $network Whether the plugin is being activated network-wide.
function auto_update_enabler_activate_plugin( $plugin, $network ) {
// Check if the plugin is activated in the Plugins > Add New section.
if ( ! $network && is_admin() && isset( $_GET['plugin'] ) && isset( $_GET['_wpnonce'] ) ) {
// Verify the security nonce.
if ( ! wp_verify_nonce( $_GET['_wpnonce'], 'activate-plugin_' . $_GET['plugin'] ) ) {
// Check if the $_GET variables are set.
if ( ! isset( $_GET['plugin'] ) || ! isset( $_GET['_wpnonce'] ) ) {
// Check if the auto_update_plugins option exists.
if ( ! get_option( 'auto_update_plugins' ) ) {
add_option( 'auto_update_plugins', array() );
// Add the plugin to the auto-update list.
$current = get_option( 'auto_update_plugins', array() );
$current[] = $plugin;
// Update the auto-update plugins option.
update_option( 'auto_update_plugins', $current );
* Enable auto-updates for a plugin.
* @param string $plugin The plugin file.
function auto_update_enabler_plugin( $plugin ) {
// Do nothing if the auto_update_plugins option does not exist.
if ( ! get_option( 'auto_update_plugins' ) ) {
// Check if the plugin is already in the auto-update list.
$current = get_option( 'auto_update_plugins', array() );
if ( in_array( $plugin, $current, true ) ) {
// Add the plugin to the auto-update list.
$current[] = $plugin;
// Update the auto-update plugins option.
update_option( 'auto_update_plugins', $current );
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