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Created September 26, 2019 20:25
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type PullRequestState
= Proposed
| Rejected
| Merged
branchColor : PullRequestState -> String
branchColor state =
case state of
Proposed ->
Rejected ->
Merged ->
type Availability
= SoldOut
| InStock Int
| Reordered ( Int, Int )
| Announced String
displayStatus : Availability -> String
displayStatus availability =
case availability of
SoldOut ->
"Sold out"
InStock amount ->
"In stock: " ++ String.fromInt amount ++ " left."
Reordered days ->
min =
|> Tuple.first
|> String.fromInt
max =
|> Tuple.second
|> String.fromInt
"Available again in " ++ min ++ " to " ++ max ++ " days."
Announced date ->
"Available on " ++ date ++ "."
foo =
displayStatus (InStock 42)
-- "In stock: 42 left." : String
bar =
displayStatus (Reordered ( 3, 5 ))
-- "Available again in 3 to 5 days." : String
baz =
displayStatus (Announced "2016-12-24")
-- "Available on 2016-12-24." : String
availabilities : List Availability
availabilities =
[ SoldOut
, InStock 42
, Reordered ( 3, 5 )
bob = displayStatus availabilities
-- ["Sold out","In stock: 42 left.","Available again in 3 to 5 days."] : List Str
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