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Created March 17, 2016 22:00
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Combine Chunks Plugin
var ConcatSource = require('webpack/lib/ConcatSource');
var loaderUtils = require('loader-utils');
module.exports = CombineChunksPlugin;
// opts.filename = 'vendor.[contenthash].js'
function CombineChunksPlugin(opts) {
if (opts) {
this.filename = opts.filename ? opts.filename : 'vendor.bundle.js';
this.prelude = opts.prelude;
CombineChunksPlugin.prototype.apply = function(compiler) {
var filename = this.filename;
var prelude = this.prelude;
compiler.plugin('compilation', function(compilation) {
// put chunks in correct order
// prelude first - which will contain common chunk and webpackJsonp defn
compilation.plugin('optimize-chunk-order', function(chunks) {
chunks.sort(function(a, b) {
if ( === prelude) return -1;
if ( === prelude) return 1;
return 0;
// add our asset into compilation
compilation.plugin('optimize-chunk-assets', function(chunks, callback) {
var vendorSource = new ConcatSource('');
chunks.forEach(function(chunk) {
chunk.files.forEach(function(file) {
filename = filename.replace(/\[(?:(\w+):)?contenthash(?::([a-z]+\d*))?(?::(\d+))?\]/ig, function() {
return loaderUtils.getHashDigest(vendorSource.source(), arguments[1], arguments[2], parseInt(arguments[3], 10));
compilation.assets[filename] = vendorSource;
// now we can clean up other chunks that we don't require after the compilation is over
// note that we don't iterate over compilation.assets
// we do this just before emit giving chance for other plugins
// to add its last file as the compilation results to preserve state
compiler.plugin('after-compile', function(compilation, callback) {
compilation.chunks.forEach(function(chunk) {
chunk.files.forEach(function(file) {
delete compilation.assets[file];
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