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Last active November 2, 2020 16:12
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import argparse
from datetime import datetime
import json
import os
import requests
import logging
def GetProducts(DefectDojoURL, apiKey):
url = DefectDojoURL + "/api/v2/products/"
dataApi = None
headers = {'Authorization': "Token " + apiKey}
data = []
n = 0
jsondata = fetch_data(url, headers, dataApi, False)
if jsondata:
for results in jsondata:
n += 1
product_url = results['url'].split("/")
id_product = product_url[len(product_url)-2]
data.append([n, id_product, results['name'], results['url'], results['findings_count'], results['prod_type'],
results['description'], results['platform'], results['lifecycle'], results['origin']])
print((colored(tabulate(data, tablefmt="fancy_grid", headers=[
"#", "ID Product", "Name", "URL", "Findings", "Product Type", "Description", "Platform", "Lifecycle", "Origin"]), 'green')))
def fetch_data(DefectDojoURL, headersapi, dataApi, upload):
if dataApi or upload:
r =, headers=headersapi,
data=dataApi, verify=False)
r = requests.get(DefectDojoURL, headers=headersapi, verify=False)
if not (r.status_code == 200 or r.status_code == 201):
logging.error('Error in operation')
return False
results = json.loads(r.text)
if results:
return results['results']
except KeyError as error:
return results
logging.error('Error in operation')
return None
GetProducts("", 'c3d20a82f95dcc2a758e3ef4a491197358ec0e9f')
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