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Last active August 23, 2023 21:29
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import type { FiberId, FiberRefs, HashMap, List } from 'effect'
import { Cause, Effect, Logger, pipe } from 'effect'
import type { AnnotationValue } from 'effect/Logger'
import type { LogLevel } from 'effect/LoggerLevel'
import type { LogSpan } from 'effect/LoggerSpan'
import pino from 'pino'
import type { WithRequired } from '@/types/helpers'
const pinoLogger = pino()
const defaultLogLevel = 'info'
const pinoMappings: Record<LogLevel['_tag'], pino.Level> = {
All: defaultLogLevel,
Fatal: 'fatal',
Error: 'error',
Warning: 'warn',
Info: defaultLogLevel,
Debug: 'debug',
Trace: 'trace',
None: defaultLogLevel,
interface ILogger {
readonly fiberId: FiberId.FiberId
readonly logLevel: LogLevel
readonly message: unknown
readonly cause: Cause.Cause<unknown>
readonly context: FiberRefs.FiberRefs
readonly spans: List.List<LogSpan>
readonly annotations: HashMap.HashMap<string, AnnotationValue>
readonly date: Date
interface ICaptureEvent {
distinct_id: string
event: string
properties: object
// sends your log to your logging service, e.g. posthog
function capture(event: ICaptureEvent) {
return fetch(`${process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_POSTHOG_HOST}/capture`, {
method: 'POST',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
body: JSON.stringify({
api_key: process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_POSTHOG_KEY,
export function directLogger({
}: WithRequired<Partial<ILogger>, 'logLevel' | 'message' | 'cause' | 'date'>) {
const level = pinoMappings[logLevel._tag]
const isError = level === 'error'
const event = isError ? 'Error occured' : `[${logLevel.label}]`
const log = { cause, message, date }
pinoLogger[level](log, event)
if (isError) {
return capture({
distinct_id: 'errors',
event: event,
properties: log,
export const logger = Logger.make(directLogger)
const layer = Logger.replace(Logger.defaultLogger, logger)
export function getLogger<E, A>(program: Effect.Effect<never, E, A>) {
return Effect.provideLayer(
Effect.tap((result) => {
return Effect.logDebug('Fetch succeeded', result as undefined)
Effect.tapError((error) => {
return Effect.logError('Fetch failed',
// Logger.withMinimumLogLevel(LoggerLevel.Debug)
const fetchEffect = Effect.try(() => fetch(''))
const program = fetchEffect.pipe(getLogger)
// executes the fetch, debug logs the success and error logs the failure
// error logs are automatically sent to external service, if you wish so
await Effect.runPromise(program)
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