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Last active June 4, 2022 02:26
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CLI app with ClojureScript on Node

First install clojure so the clj command will be available.

brew install clojure

Clone and move core.cljs to the right directory:

git clone inc
cd inc
mkdir -p src/inc
mv core.cljs src/inc

To develop:

clj -m cljs.main --repl-env node
cljs.user=> (require '[inc.core])
cljs.user=> (inc.core/handle-input "1")
;; change something in src/inc/core.cljs
cljs.user=> (require '[inc.core] :reload)
;; try the change

To compile the final output:

clj -m cljs.main --target node --output-to inc.js -O simple -c inc.core
chmod +x inc.js

Let's try!

$ time echo 1 | ./inc.js
echo 1  0.00s user 0.00s system 38% cpu 0.002 total
./inc.js  0.13s user 0.03s system 94% cpu 0.173 total

$ time ./inc.js 1
./inc.js 1  0.13s user 0.03s system 96% cpu 0.168 total

$ ./inc.js hello
Not a number: hello

$ echo $?


(ns inc.core)
(def std-input (atom ""))
(defn handle-input
(let [n (js/parseFloat s)]
(if (js/isNaN n)
(do (println "Not a number:" s)
(js/process.exit 1))
(println (inc n)))))
(defn -main [& args]
(if-let [s (first args)]
(handle-input s)
(.setEncoding js/process.stdin "utf8")
(.on js/process.stdin "data"
(fn [data]
(swap! std-input #(str % data))))
(.on js/process.stdin "end"
(fn []
(swap! std-input (fn [s]
(subs s 0 (dec (count s)))))
(handle-input @std-input))))))
(set! cljs.core/*main-cli-fn* -main)
{org.clojure/clojurescript {:git/url ""
:sha "2f233d633f6dc44823105fd544685fc4da43ac6c"}}
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