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Created September 28, 2014 19:54
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Nested wizard example in reagent
;; Create a new project with
;; lein new liberagent reagent-complex-gui-example
;; and replace main.cljs with this file
(ns reagent-complex-gui-example.main
(:require-macros [cljs.core.async.macros :refer (go)])
[reagent.core :as reagent :refer [atom]]
[sablono.core :as html :refer-macros [html]]
[cljs-http.client :as http]
[cljs.core.async :refer (<!)]
[figwheel.client :as fw]
[weasel.repl :as ws-repl]))
(defonce init-dev
;; we need to defonce this, so it won't be executed again upon code
;; reload
(go (let [body (:body (<! (http/get "/is-dev")))]
(when (= body true) ;; has to match exactly true and not some string
:websocket-url "ws://localhost:3449/figwheel-ws"
(fn []
(println "reloaded")))
(ws-repl/connect "ws://localhost:9001" :verbose true)))))
;;; re-usable wizard
(defn tab [id text active?]
[:li (when active?
{:class "active"})
[:a {:href "#"} text]])
(defn nav-bar [active-tab component-specs]
(for [spec component-specs]
[tab (:id spec) (:title spec) (= active-tab (:id spec))])])
(defn wizard [state & component-specs]
;; component-spec :- {:id ..., :title ..., :component ...}
[nav-bar @state component-specs]]
(first (filter #(= @state (:id %)) component-specs)))]]])
;;; end re-usable wizard
(defonce menu-state (atom :foo))
(defn foo-panel []
[:p "Foo panel"]
{:id "fooButton"
:on-click #(reset! menu-state :bar)}
"Click for next step"]])
(defn bar-panel-modal []
(let [bar-wizard-state (atom 0)]
(fn []
[:div.modal.fade {:id "barModal"
:tabIndex "-1"}
[wizard bar-wizard-state
{:id 0 :title "Panel 1" :component [:p "Panel 1 content"]}
{:id 1 :title "Panel 2" :component [:p "Panel 2 content"]}]
[:button.btn.btn-primary {:on-click #(swap! bar-wizard-state
(fn [v] (mod (inc v) 2)))}
"Click to switch between steps"]]]]])))
(defn bar-panel []
[:p "Bar panel"]
{:id "barButton"
:on-click #(reset! menu-state :foo)}
"Click to go back"]
[:button.btn.btn-primary {:data-toggle "modal"
:data-target "#barModal"
:role "dialog"
:data-keyboard "true"}
"Click to toggle modal"]
(defn screen []
[wizard menu-state
{:id :foo :title "Foo" :component [foo-panel]}
{:id :bar :title "Bar" :component [bar-panel]}]])
(reagent/render-component [screen]
(js/document.getElementById "app"))
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