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Created June 26, 2012 07:33
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Ruby 'make test-all' errors with chcp 65001
# Running tests:
[ 611/11297] OpenSSL::TestConfig#test_constants = 0.00 s
1) Failure:
test_constants(OpenSSL::TestConfig) [D:/projects/ruby/ruby-git/test/openssl/test_config.rb:22]:
Exception raised:
<#<Errno::ENOENT: No such file or directory - C:/Users/Luis/Projects/oss/knapsack.old/knap-build/var/knapsack/software/x86-windows/openssl/1.0.0j/ssl/openssl.cnf>>.
[ 3179/11297] TestDir_M17N#test_filename_euc_jp = 0.14 s
2) Failure:
test_filename_euc_jp(TestDir_M17N) [D:/projects/ruby/ruby-git/test/ruby/test_dir_m17n.rb:170]:
ruby exit status is not success: #<Process::Status: pid 7720 exit 1>
[ 3184/11297] TestDir_M17N#test_filename_utf8_raw_name = 0.17 s
3) Failure:
test_filename_utf8_raw_name(TestDir_M17N) [D:/projects/ruby/ruby-git/test/ruby/test_dir_m17n.rb:190]:
ruby exit status is not success: #<Process::Status: pid 5136 exit 1>
[ 4061/11297] TestGDBM#test_reorganize = 0.11 s
4) Failure:
test_reorganize(TestGDBM) [D:/projects/ruby/ruby-git/test/gdbm/test_gdbm.rb:611]:
<true> expected but was
[ 4066/11297] TestGDBM#test_s_open_error = 0.04 s
5) Failure:
test_s_open_error(TestGDBM) [D:/projects/ruby/ruby-git/test/gdbm/test_gdbm.rb:227]:
[Errno::EACCES, Errno::EWOULDBLOCK] expected but nothing was raised.
[ 4544/11297] TestGemInstaller#test_generate_bin_bindir_with_user_install_warning = 0.50 s
6) Failure:
test_generate_bin_bindir_with_user_install_warning(TestGemInstaller) [D:/projects/ruby/ruby-git/test/rubygems/test_gem_installer.rb:247]:
--- expected
+++ actual
@@ -1 +1,3 @@
+"WARNING: You don't have C:\\Windows in your PATH,
+\t gem executables will not run.
[ 5895/11297] TestM17N#test_env = 0.00 s
7) Failure:
test_env(TestM17N) [D:/projects/ruby/ruby-git/test/ruby/test_m17n.rb:1260]:
<#<Encoding:UTF-8>> expected but was
[ 9288/11297] TestRubyOptions#test_encoding = 0.71 s
8) Failure:
test_encoding(TestRubyOptions) [D:/projects/ruby/ruby-git/test/ruby/test_rubyoptions.rb:194]:
<[]> expected but was
[10654/11297] TestUnicodeEscape#test_basic = 0.33 s
9) Failure:
test_basic(TestUnicodeEscape) [D:/projects/ruby/ruby-git/test/ruby/test_unicode_escape.rb:50]:
Expected /^("?)ü\1$/ to match "\"ü\"\n".
[10690/11297] TestWEBrickCGI#test_cgi = 3.42 s
10) Failure:
test_cgi(TestWEBrickCGI) [D:/projects/ruby/ruby-git/test/webrick/test_cgi.rb:41]:
webrick log start:
[2012-06-26 08:57:22] INFO WEBrick 1.3.1
[2012-06-26 08:57:22] INFO ruby 2.0.0 (2012-06-25) [i386-mingw32]
[2012-06-26 08:57:22] INFO WEBrick::HTTPServer#start: pid=3856 port=51710
webrick log end.
<"/\xA4\xDB\xA4\xB2/\xA4\xDB\xA4\xB2"> expected but was
[10936/11297] TestWin32OLE#test_s_codepage_changed = 0.04 s
11) Error:
WIN32OLERuntimeError: (in OLE method `write': )
OLE error code:800A0005 in <Unknown>
<No Description>
HRESULT error code:0x80020009
Exception occurred.
D:/projects/ruby/ruby-git/test/win32ole/test_win32ole.rb:355:in `method_missing'
D:/projects/ruby/ruby-git/test/win32ole/test_win32ole.rb:355:in `test_s_codepage_changed'
Finished tests in 750.442304s, 15.0538 tests/s, 2573.9434 assertions/s.
11297 tests, 1931596 assertions, 10 failures, 1 errors, 80 skips
ruby -v: ruby 2.0.0dev (2012-06-25 trunk 36180) [i386-mingw32]
make: *** [yes-test-all] Error 11
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