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Created February 21, 2013 17:31
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Save boukeversteegh/5006531 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
# Given a position (x,y), returns next position in a grid spiral.
def next(pos):
x, y = pos
top = False
right = False
bottom = False
left = False
horizontal = abs(x) <= abs(y)
vertical = abs(y) <= abs(x)
if y < 0 and horizontal:
top = True
if y > 0 and horizontal:
bottom = True
if x < 0 and vertical:
left = True
if x > 0 and vertical:
right = True
if top:
elif left:
elif bottom:
elif right:
return (x, y)
if __name__ == '__main__':
pos = (0, 0)
assertvalues = [
(-2, 2),
(-1, -2),
(0, -2),
(1, -2),
(2, -2),
(3, -2)
values = [pos]
for i in range(len(assertvalues)):
pos = next(pos)
for assertvalue, value in zip(assertvalues, values):
print str(value).ljust(7), "\t", str(assertvalue).ljust(7), "\t", str(assertvalue==value)
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