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Created January 27, 2012 00:01
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Chapter 5 example
class Server
@http = (method, src, callback) ->
handler = ->
if @readyState is 4 and @status is 200
unless @responseText is null
callback JSON.parse @responseText
client = new XMLHttpRequest
client.onreadystatechange = handler method, src
@get = (src, callback) ->
http "GET", src, callback
@post = (src, callback) ->
http "POST", src, callback
class Mixin
@:: = null
constructor: (to) ->
for key, val of @
to[key] = val
class View extends Mixin
constructor: (to) ->
@node = document.createElement 'div'
@node.className = "product"
document.body.appendChild @node
template = (fn) ->
@template = fn
handler: (event, fn) ->
@node[event] = fn()
update: ->
@node.innerHTML = @template()
class Product
products = []
@find = (query) ->
(product for product in products when is query)
constructor: (@name, @info) ->
products.push @
@view = new View @
@view.template = =>
display_info = "<div>#{key}: #{val}</div>" for own key, val of @info
"#{@name} #{display_info}"
@view.handler "onclick", @purchase
purchase: =>
if @info.stock > 0 "/json/purchase/#{@purchase_category}/#{@name}", (res) =>
if res.status is "success"
@info = res.update
class Camera extends Product
purchase_category: 'camera'
megapixels: -> @info.megapixels || "Unknown"
class Skateboard extends Product
purchase_category: 'skateboard'
length: -> @info.length || "Unknown"
class Shop
constructor: ->
@view = document.createElement "input"
@view.type = "text"
@view.value = ""
@view.onchange = ->
console.log Product.find @value
document.body.appendChild @view
Server.get '/json/list', (data) ->
for own category of data
for own name, info of data[category]
switch category
when 'camera'
new Camera name, info
when 'skateboard'
new Skateboard name, info
shop = new Shop
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