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Michael Bourke bourke

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junosuarez / gitstatus-prompt.zsh
Created October 28, 2022 07:46
starship + gitstatusd
# include this file in your shell config
autoload -Uz add-zsh-hook
# this file comes from installing
SOURCE "${HOMEBREW_PREFIX:-/usr/local}/opt/gitstatus/gitstatus.plugin.zsh" || return
# the following are a mystery - why do they define the fn names with $1?
llimllib / Makefile
Last active March 20, 2022 20:08
The simplest possible use of esbuild to import a package and run a function in the browser
./node_modules/.bin/esbuild index.js --bundle --outfile=out.js
sandys /
Last active June 30, 2024 09:23
fastapi with python 3.10 dataclasses - used to create both sqlalchemy and pydantic models simultaneously. And setting up sqlalchemy the right way (without deadlocks or other problems). Additionally, this also takes care of unified logging when running under well as being able to run in restartable mode.
zzzeek / msg373145.rst
Last active October 22, 2022 12:36
asyncio support for SQLAlchemy (and Flask, and any other blocking-IO library)

This is a cross post of something I just posted on the Python bug tracker at

I seem to have two cents to offer so here it is. An obscure issue in the Python bug tracker is probably not the right place for this so consider this as an early draft of something that maybe I'll talk about more elsewhere.

> This basically divides code into two islands - async and non-async

chockenberry / Debug.swift
Last active April 11, 2024 13:22
Debug and release logging in Swift that's reminiscent of NSLog()
// Debug.swift
// Created by Craig Hockenberry on 3/15/17.
// Updated by Craig Hockenberry on 2/20/24.
// Usage:
// SplineReticulationManager.swift:
gaearon /
Last active March 7, 2025 12:51
useLayoutEffect and server rendering

If you use server rendering, keep in mind that neither useLayoutEffect nor useEffect can run until the JavaScript is downloaded.

You might see a warning if you try to useLayoutEffect on the server. Here's two common ways to fix it.

Option 1: Convert to useEffect

If this effect isn't important for first render (i.e. if the UI still looks valid before it runs), then useEffect instead.

function MyComponent() {
set -e
CONTENTS=$(tesseract -c language_model_penalty_non_dict_word=0.8 --tessdata-dir /usr/local/share/tessdata/ "$1" stdout -l eng | xml esc)
hex=$((cat <<EOF
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
jagmoreira /
Created May 13, 2017 21:30
Updates all pyenv virtual environments to the latest micro version of Python
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Updates all pyenv virtual environments to the latest micro version of Python
# Author: Joao Moreira (jagmoreira)
# First update pyenv to get any new python versions
milch / mail_to_notes.rb
Last active April 8, 2024 01:38
Ruby script to convert a mail (.eml/.emlx) file to a note in macOS
require 'base64'
require 'digest'
require 'mail'
require 'nokogiri'
require 'shellwords'
file = ARGV.first
puts "Processing file #{file}"
contents =
gferreira / varfonts-css_03.css
Last active April 18, 2023 14:31
Univers in CSS
Exercise 3:
Univers in CSS – a tribute to Adrian Frutiger
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