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Last active July 22, 2023 17:30
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  • Save bouyagas/65be4bf6e1c576ab56898219c8b7b160 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save bouyagas/65be4bf6e1c576ab56898219c8b7b160 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
local present, tzen = pcall(require, "true-zen")
if not present then
local truezen_config = {
ui = {
bottom = {
laststatus = 0,
ruler = false,
showmode = false,
showcmd = false,
cmdheight = 1,
top = {
showtabline = 0,
left = {
number = false,
relativenumber = false,
signcolumn = "no",
modes = {
ataraxis = {
left_padding = 32,
right_padding = 32,
top_padding = 1,
bottom_padding = 1,
ideal_writing_area_width = { 0 },
auto_padding = true,
keep_default_fold_fillchars = true,
custom_bg = { "none", "" },
bg_configuration = true,
quit = "untoggle",
ignore_floating_windows = true,
affected_higroups = {
NonText = {},
FoldColumn = {},
ColorColumn = {},
VertSplit = {},
StatusLine = {},
StatusLineNC = {},
SignColumn = {},
focus = {
margin_of_error = 5,
focus_method = "experimental",
integrations = {
vim_gitgutter = false,
galaxyline = false,
tmux = false,
gitsigns = false,
nvim_bufferline = false,
limelight = false,
twilight = false,
vim_airline = false,
vim_powerline = false,
vim_signify = false,
express_line = false,
lualine = false,
misc = {
on_off_commands = false,
ui_elements_commands = false,
cursor_by_mode = false,
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