import * as flags from "https://deno.land/[email protected]/flags/mod.ts"; |
import * as fs from "https://deno.land/[email protected]/fs/mod.ts"; |
import * as path from "https://deno.land/[email protected]/path/mod.ts"; |
type EntryId = string; |
type EntryGraph = Map<EntryId, Set<EntryId>>; |
function buildEntryGraph(dir: string): EntryGraph { |
const entries = new Map<EntryId, Set<EntryId>>(); |
const root = path.resolve(dir); |
for (const entry of fs.walkSync(root)) { |
if (entry.isFile === false) continue; |
const filename = entry.path; |
if (path.extname(filename) !== ".md") continue; |
const [yyyy, mm, dd, _] = path.basename(filename, ".md").split("-"); |
const entryId = [yyyy, mm, dd].join("-"); |
const data = fs.readFileStrSync(filename, { |
encoding: "utf8", |
}); |
const linkedEntryIds = new Set<EntryId>(); // mutable |
for ( |
const m of data.matchAll( |
/https?:\/\/blog\.bouzuya\.net\/(\d\d\d\d\/\d\d\/\d\d)\//g, |
) |
) { |
const linkedEntryId = m[1].split("/").join("-"); |
linkedEntryIds.add(linkedEntryId); |
} |
entries.set(entryId, linkedEntryIds); |
} |
return entries; |
} |
function toJson(graph: EntryGraph): string { |
type JsonMap<T> = { [key: string]: T }; |
type JsonSet = JsonMap<null>; |
const json: JsonMap<JsonSet> = {}; // mutable |
for (const [entryId, linkedEntryIds] of graph) { |
const set: { [entryId: string]: null } = {}; // mutable |
for (const linkedEntryId of linkedEntryIds) { |
set[linkedEntryId] = null; |
} |
json[entryId] = set; |
} |
return JSON.stringify(json); |
} |
export function main(): void { |
const { args } = Deno; |
const { dir } = flags.parse(args); |
if (typeof dir !== "string") throw new Error("dir is not string"); |
const graph = buildEntryGraph(dir); |
console.log(toJson(graph)); |
} |