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Last active March 22, 2019 17:38
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  • Save bowler865/5c471956930b99f2724bca3082b3c02d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Example of how to include the dsp_form_protect.cfm file which displays
the recaptcha if you have the site key and secret set in site settings.
<div class="form-group<cfif listfindnocase(ErrorFields, "recaptcha", ";")> has-error</cfif>">
<div class="col-sm-12">
<cfif listfindnocase(ErrorFields,"recaptcha",";")><span id="helpBlock" class="help-block">#Errors.recaptcha#</span></cfif>
If you have a form you are validating completely on your own
drop this into your validation file or method
This requires you to have the site key and secret set in site settings.
<cfset recaptchaVerification = $.getBean('utility').reCAPTCHA($.event())>
<cfif !recaptchaVerification>
<cfset errors.recaptcha = "#$.rbKey('recaptcha.error')#">
<cfset ErrorFields = ListAppend(ErrorFields, "recaptcha", ";")>
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