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Created May 24, 2024 11:42
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Summarise large documents in go using Google Gemini Flash
package main
import (
genai ""
func printResponse(resp *genai.GenerateContentResponse) {
for _, cand := range resp.Candidates {
if cand.Content != nil {
for _, part := range cand.Content.Parts {
func main() {
// see for all the models
DEFAULT_GEMINI_MODEL := "gemini-1.5-flash-latest" // try "models/gemini-1.5-pro-latest" or "gemini-pro"
// Define and parse the command-line flags
inputFile := flag.String("input-file", "", "Path to the input text file")
inputText := flag.String("input-text", "", "Input text to summarize")
modelString := flag.String("model", DEFAULT_GEMINI_MODEL, "Model to use for the API")
ctx := context.Background()
// Define the system prompt
systemPrompt := `You are a text summarization assistant.
Generate a concise summary of the given input text while preserving the key information and main points.
Provide the summary in three bullet points, totalling 100 words or less.`
var userMessage string
if *inputFile != "" {
// Read input from file
content, err := os.ReadFile(*inputFile)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Error reading input file: %v\n", err)
userMessage = string(content)
} else if *inputText != "" {
// Use input text from command-line argument
userMessage = *inputText
} else {
log.Fatal("Either input-file or input-text must be provided")
client, err := genai.NewClient(ctx, option.WithAPIKey(os.Getenv("GEMINI_API_KEY")))
if err != nil {
defer client.Close()
model := client.GenerativeModel(*modelString)
start := time.Now()
resp, err := model.GenerateContent(ctx, genai.Text(systemPrompt+userMessage))
if err != nil {
elapsed := time.Since(start)
// Print token usage, tokens per second, and total execution time
fmt.Printf("\nTokens generated: %d\n", resp.UsageMetadata.CandidatesTokenCount)
fmt.Printf("Input token count: %d\n", resp.UsageMetadata.PromptTokenCount)
fmt.Printf("Output tokens per Second: %.2f\n", float64(resp.UsageMetadata.CandidatesTokenCount)/elapsed.Seconds())
fmt.Printf("Total Execution Time: %s\n", elapsed)
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