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Last active February 10, 2016 13:07
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Tinder API Documentation

Tinder API documentation

I've sniffed most of the Tinder API to see how it works. You can use this to create bots (etc) very trivially. Some example python bot code is here -> (horribly quick and dirty, you've been warned!)

Note: this was written in April/May 2014 and the API may have changed since. I have nothing to do with Tinder, nor their API, and I do not offer any support for anything you may build on top of this

API Details

Protocol SSL only

Request headers

Header name Description / example Required?
X-Auth-Token A UUID4 format authentication token obtained via the /auth api endpoint Yes
Content-type application/json Yes
app_version 3 no
platform ios no
User-agent User-Agent: Tinder/3.0.4 (iPhone; iOS 7.1; Scale/2.00) Yes
os_version 700001 No

Note: all curl examples below omit headers for brevity -- you'll need to add the required headers shown in the table above


You'll need to supply a facebook auth token and an associated facebook id.

> curl -X POST --data '{"facebook_token": fb_token, "facebook_id": fb_user_id}'

The easiest way to get this is to go here, log in and then pick the auth token out of the URL you are redirected to.


	"token": "8c839cee-0980-4b73-861b-8739cb597f57",
	"user": { ... }, 
	"globals": { ... },
	"versions": { ... }

Updating your profile

> curl -X POST --data '{"age_filter_min": 26, "gender": 1, "age_filter_max": 32, "distance_filter": 14}'

Parameter info:

Gender 0: Male
1: Female
age_filter_min int of min age match
age_filter_max int of max age match
distance_filter max search radius in kilometers

Reporting a user

> curl -X POST '{_id} --data '{"cause": cause_id}'
> curl -X POST '{_id} --data '{"cause": 0, "text": "Custom report messsage"}'
cause_id description
0 Other, with optional reason
1 Spam
2 Inapproiate messages
3 Unknown/reserved
4 Inapproiate pictures
5 Bad offline behavior

Message sending

Send a message to a match. Note you'll get a 500 back if you try to send a message to someone who isn't a match

curl '{_id} --data '{"message": "your message here"}'



Updating your location

curl ' --data '{"lat": latitude, "lon": longitude}'

	"status": 200,
	"error": "position change not significant"

Get "updates"

> curl ''


	"matches": [{
		"_id": "53464b0728ac73976d0a3fbf",
		"messages": [{
			"_id": "534651198ce6da797248c1a3",
			"match_id": "53464b0728ac73976d0a3fbf",
			"to": "53430689ab3c04c13e006ffb",
			"from": "533a59ea52046fc077002815",
			"message": "hi  .... how is it going?",
			"sent_date": "2014-04-10T08:06:49.800Z",
			"created_date": "2014-04-10T08:06:49.800Z",
			"timestamp": 1397117209800
		}, {
			"_id": "53466fd298b7278b72156523",
			"match_id": "53464b0728ac73976d0a3fbf",
			"to": "533a59ea52046fc077002815",
			"from": "53430689ab3c04c13e006ffb",
			"message": "Good thanks you? :)",
			"sent_date": "2014-04-10T10:17:54.379Z",
			"created_date": "2014-04-10T10:17:54.379Z",
			"timestamp": 1397125074379
		"last_activity_date": "2014-04-10T10:17:54.379Z"
	"blocks": [],
	"lists": [],
	"deleted_lists": [],
	"last_activity_date": "2014-04-10T10:17:54.379Z"

To 'like' or 'pass' a User

> curl{like|pass}/{_id}


{match: match_result}

match_result will be true if they like you, false if they haven't liked you or don't like you


> curl
    "status": 200,
    "results": [{
        "distance_mi": 2,
        "common_like_count": 0,
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