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Created December 6, 2024 17:51
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zsh utility function for selecting AWS profile to perform sso login on
# placed inside ~/.oh-my-zsh/custom/aliases.zsh
# requires fzf
sso() {
local profile_file="$HOME/.aws/config"
local profiles
# Check if ~/.aws/config exists
if [[ ! -f $profile_file ]]; then
echo "AWS config file not found: $profile_file"
return 1
# Extract AWS profiles and strip the '[profile ]' prefix
profiles=$(grep -E '^\[profile' "$profile_file" | sed -E 's/^\[profile (.*)\]/\1/')
# Check if any profiles were found
if [[ -z $profiles ]]; then
echo "No profiles found in $profile_file"
return 1
# Use fzf to select a profile
local profile
profile=$(echo "$profiles" | fzf --prompt="Select an AWS Profile: " --height=10 --border)
# If a profile is selected, run the aws sso login command
if [[ -n $profile ]]; then
echo "Logging in with profile: $profile"
aws sso login --profile "$profile"
echo "No profile selected."
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