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Created September 19, 2013 12:27
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Save bpiwowar/6622701 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
* Class for working with BibTex data.
* Most the code comes from OSBib 3.0
* under the GPL licence.
* @author B. Piwowarski
* @date November 2011
* A page range
class BibtexPages {
function BibtexPages($start, $end) {
$this->start = (int)$start;
$this->end = (int)$end;
function count() {
return ($this->start ? 1 : 0) + ($this->end ? 1 : 0);
/** Incremental way of finding the closing delimiter */
class IncrementalClosingDelimiter {
function __construct($delimitEnd) {
$this->delimitEnd = $delimitEnd;
function reset() {
$this->openquote = 0;
$this->bracelevel = 0;
$this->total_length = 0;
$this->found = -1;
function find($val) {
if ($this->found >= 0)
return $this->found;
$i = $j = 0;
$length = strlen($val);
while ($i < $length)
// a '"' found at brace level 0 defines a value such as "ss{\"o}ss"
if ($val[$i] == '"' && !$this->bracelevel)
$this->openquote = !$this->openquote;
elseif ($val[$i] == '{')
elseif ($val[$i] == '}')
if ( $val[$i] == $this->delimitEnd && !$this->openquote && !$this->bracelevel ) {
$this->found = $i + $this->total_length;
return $this->found;
$this->total_length += $length;
return 0;
* A set of bibtex entries
class BibTexEntries {
* This contains all the BibTeX entries
var $data = array();
var $preamble = array();
var $strings = array();
function __construct() {
$this->_processTitles = true;
function processTitles($flag)
$this->_processTitles = $flag;
function parse(&$s) {
$this->preamble = $this->strings = $this->data = $this->undefinedStrings = array();
$this->count = 0;
$this->fieldExtract = TRUE;
$this->removeDelimit = TRUE;
$this->expandMacro = TRUE;
$this->parseFile = TRUE;
foreach($this->data as &$entry)
return true;
function loadBibtexString(&$bibtex_string)
$this->bibtexString = explode("\n",$bibtex_string);
$this->bibtexString = $bibtex_string;
$this->parseFile = FALSE;
$this->currentLine = 0;
// Get a non-empty line from the bib file or from the bibtexString
function getLine()
$line = trim(fgets($this->fid));
while(!feof($this->fid) && !$line);
return $line;
return FALSE;
$line = null;
while($this->currentLine < count($this->bibtexString))
$line = trim($this->bibtexString[$this->currentLine]);
if ($line) break;
return $line;
// Extract value part of @string field enclosed by double-quotes or braces.
// The string may be expanded with previously-defined strings
function extractStringValue($string)
// $string contains a end delimiter, remove it
$string = trim(substr($string,0,strlen($string)-1));
// remove delimiters and expand
$string = $this->removeDelimitersAndExpand($string);
return $string;
// Extract a field
function fieldSplit($seg)
// echo "**** ";print_r($seg);echo "<BR>";
// handle fields like another-field = {}
$array = preg_split("/,\s*([-_.:,a-zA-Z0-9]+)\s*={1}\s*/U", $seg, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE);
// echo "**** ";print_r($array);echo "<BR>";
//$array = preg_split("/,\s*(\w+)\s*={1}\s*/U", $seg, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE);
if(!array_key_exists(1, $array))
return array($array[0], FALSE);
return array($array[0], $array[1]);
// Extract and format fields
function reduceFields($oldString)
// 03/05/2005 G. Gardey. Do not remove all occurences, juste one
// * correctly parse an entry ended by: somefield = {aValue}}
$lg = strlen($oldString);
if($oldString[$lg-1] == "}" || $oldString[$lg-1] == ")" || $oldString[$lg-1] == ",")
$oldString = substr($oldString,0,$lg-1);
// $oldString = rtrim($oldString, "}),");
$split = preg_split("/=/", $oldString, 2);
$string = $split[1];
list($entry, $string) = $this->fieldSplit($string);
$values[] = $entry;
foreach($values as $value)
$pos = strpos($oldString, $value);
$oldString = substr_replace($oldString, '', $pos, strlen($value));
$rev = strrev(trim($oldString));
if($rev{0} != ',')
$oldString .= ',';
$keys = preg_split("/=,/", $oldString);
// 22/08/2004 - Mark Grimshaw
// I have absolutely no idea why this array_pop is required but it is. Seems to always be
// an empty key at the end after the split which causes problems if not removed.
foreach($keys as $key)
$value = trim(array_shift($values));
$rev = strrev($value);
// remove any dangling ',' left on final field of entry
if($rev{0} == ',')
$value = rtrim($value, ",");
// 21/08/2004 G.Gardey -> expand macro
// Don't remove delimiters now needs to know if the value is a string macro
// $this->data[$this->count][strtolower(trim($key))] = trim($this->removeDelimiters(trim($value)));
$key = UTF8::utf8_strtolower(trim($key));
$value = trim($value);
$this->data[$this->count][$key] = $value;
// echo "**** ";print_r($this->data[$this->count]);echo "<BR>";
// Start splitting a bibtex entry into component fields.
// Store the entry type and citation.
function fullSplit($entry)
$matches = preg_split("/@(.*)[{(](.*),/U", $entry, 2, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE);
$this->data[$this->count]['entrytype'] = strtolower(trim($matches[1]));
// sometimes a bibtex entry will have no citation key
if(preg_match("/=/", $matches[2])) // this is a field
$matches = preg_split("/@(.*)\s*[{(](.*)/U", $entry, 2, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE);
// print_r($matches); print "<P>";
$this->data[$this->count]['cite'] = $matches[2];
$this->data[$this->count]['bibtex'] = $entry;
// Grab a complete bibtex entry
function parseEntry($entry)
$count = 0;
$lastLine = FALSE;
if(preg_match("/@(.*)([{(])/U", preg_quote($entry), $matches))
if(!array_key_exists(1, $matches))
return $lastLine;
if(preg_match("/string/i", trim($matches[1])))
$this->strings[] = $entry;
else if(preg_match("/preamble/i", trim($matches[1])))
$this->preamble[] = $entry;
else if(preg_match("/comment/i", $matches[1])); // MG (31/Jan/2006) -- ignore @comment
$this->data[$this->count] = $entry;
return $lastLine;
// Remove delimiters from a string
function removeDelimiters($string)
if($string && ($string{0} == "\""))
$string = substr($string, 1);
$string = substr($string, 0, -1);
else if($string && ($string{0} == "{"))
if(strlen($string) > 0 && $string[strlen($string)-1] == "}")
$string = substr($string, 1);
$string = substr($string, 0, -1);
else if(!is_numeric($string) && !array_key_exists($string, $this->strings)
&& (array_search($string, $this->undefinedStrings) === FALSE))
$this->undefinedStrings[] = $string; // Undefined string that is not a year etc.
return '';
return $string;
// This function works like explode('#',$val) but has to take into account whether
// the character # is part of a string (i.e., is enclosed into "..." or {...} )
// or defines a string concatenation as in @string{ "x # x" # ss # {xx{x}x} }
function explodeString($val)
$openquote = $bracelevel = $i = $j = 0;
while ($i < strlen($val))
if ($val[$i] == '"')
$openquote = !$openquote;
elseif ($val[$i] == '{')
elseif ($val[$i] == '}')
elseif ( $val[$i] == '#' && !$openquote && !$bracelevel )
$strings[] = substr($val,$j,$i-$j);
$strings[] = substr($val,$j);
return $strings;
// This function receives a string and a closing delimiter '}' or ')'
// and looks for the position of the closing delimiter taking into
// account the following Bibtex rules:
// * Inside the braces, there can arbitrarily nested pairs of braces,
// but braces must also be balanced inside quotes!
// * Inside quotes, to place the " character it is not sufficient
// to simply escape with \": Quotes must be placed inside braces.
function closingDelimiter($val,$delimitEnd)
$time_start = microtime(true);
$openquote = $bracelevel = $i = $j = 0;
$l = strlen($val);
// echo "<div>Searching {$delimitEnd} in string of length {$l} </div>";
while ($i < $l)
// a '"' found at brace level 0 defines a value such as "ss{\"o}ss"
if ($val[$i] == '"' && !$bracelevel)
$openquote = !$openquote;
elseif ($val[$i] == '{')
elseif ($val[$i] == '}')
if ( $val[$i] == $delimitEnd && !$openquote && !$bracelevel ) {
// echo "<div>FOUND IT $i /".((microtime(true)-$time_start)*1000)."</div>";
return $i;
// echo "--> $bracelevel, $openquote";
// echo "<pre>" . htmlentities($val) . "</pre>";
// echo "<div style='color: red'>NOT FOUND/".((microtime(true)-$time_start)*1000)."</div>";
return 0;
// Remove enclosures around entry field values. Additionally, expand macros if flag set.
function removeDelimitersAndExpand($string, $inpreamble = FALSE)
// only expand the macro if flag set, if strings defined and not in preamble
if(!$this->expandMacro || empty($this->strings) || $inpreamble)
$string = $this->removeDelimiters($string);
$stringlist = $this->explodeString($string);
$string = "";
foreach ($stringlist as $str)
// trim the string since usually # is enclosed by spaces
$str = trim($str);
// replace the string if macro is already defined
// strtolower is used since macros are case insensitive
if (isset($this->strings[strtolower($str)]))
$string .= $this->strings[strtolower($str)];
$string .= $this->removeDelimiters(trim($str));
return $string;
// This function extract entries taking into account how comments are defined in BibTeX.
// BibTeX splits the file in two areas: inside an entry and outside an entry, the delimitation
// being indicated by the presence of a @ sign. When this character is met, BibTex expects to
// find an entry. Before that sign, and after an entry, everything is considered a comment!
function extractEntries()
$brace_closing = new IncrementalClosingDelimiter('}');
$parenthesis_closing = new IncrementalClosingDelimiter(')');
$inside = $possibleEntryStart = FALSE;
$line = $possibleEntryStart . $line;
if (!$inside && strchr($line,"@"))
// throw all characters before the '@'
if(!strchr($line, "{") && !strchr($line, "("))
$possibleEntryStart = $line;
elseif(preg_match("/@.*([{(])/U", preg_quote($line), $matches))
$inside = TRUE;
if ($matches[1] == '{') {
$detector = $brace_closing;
$delimitEnd = '}';
else {
$detector = $parenthesis_closing;
$delimitEnd = ')';
$possibleEntryStart = FALSE;
if ($inside)
$line = ($entry ? "\n" : "") . $line;
$j = $detector->find($line);
$entry .= $line;
// $j = $this->closingDelimiter($entry,$delimitEnd);
// assert($j == $j2);
if ($j)
// all characters after the delimiter are thrown but the remaining
// characters must be kept since they may start the next entry !!!
$lastLine = substr($entry,$j+1);
$entry = substr($entry,0,$j+1);
// Strip excess whitespaces from the entry
$entry = preg_replace('/\s\s+/', ' ', $entry);
$entry = strchr($lastLine,"@");
if ($entry) {
$inside = TRUE;
$inside = FALSE;
// Return arrays of entries etc. to the calling process.
function returnArrays()
foreach($this->preamble as $value)
preg_match("/.*?[{(](.*)/", $value, $matches);
$preamble = substr($matches[1], 0, -1);
$preambles['bibtexPreamble'] = trim($this->removeDelimitersAndExpand(trim($preamble), TRUE));
$this->preamble = $preambles;
// Next lines must take into account strings defined by previously-defined strings
$strings = $this->strings;
// $this->strings is initialized with strings provided by user if they exists
// it is supposed that there are no substitutions to be made in the user strings, i.e., no #
$this->strings = isset($this->userStrings) ? $this->userStrings : array() ;
foreach($strings as $value)
// changed 21/08/2004 G. Gardey
// 23/08/2004 Mark G. account for comments on same line as @string - count delimiters in string value
$value = trim($value);
$matches = preg_split("/@\s*string\s*([{(])/i", $value, 2, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE);
$delimit = $matches[1];
$matches = preg_split("/=/", $matches[2], 2, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE);
// macros are case insensitive
$this->strings[strtolower(trim($matches[0]))] = $this->extractStringValue($matches[1]);
// changed 21/08/2004 G. Gardey
// 22/08/2004 Mark Grimshaw - stopped useless looping.
// removeDelimit and expandMacro have NO effect if !$this->fieldExtract
if($this->removeDelimit || $this->expandMacro && $this->fieldExtract)
for($i = 0; $i < count($this->data); $i++)
foreach($this->data[$i] as $key => $value)
// 02/05/2005 G. Gardey don't expand macro for bibtexCitation
// and bibtexEntryType
if($key != 'cite' && $key != "bibtex" && $key != 'entrytype')
$this->data[$i][$key] = trim($this->removeDelimitersAndExpand($this->data[$i][$key]));
// EZ: Remove this to be able to use the same instance for parsing several files,
// e.g., parsing a entry file with its associated abbreviation file
// if(empty($this->preamble))
// $this->preamble = FALSE;
// if(empty($this->strings))
// $this->strings = FALSE;
// if(empty($this->data))
// $this->data = FALSE;
return array($this->preamble, $this->strings, $this->data, $this->undefinedStrings);
static function process_accents(&$text) {
// Replace anything of the form (x, y are any character)
// {\x{y}}
// {\x{\i}}
// {\xy}
// \xy
// \x{y}
// \x{\i}
$slash = '\\\\';
$text = preg_replace_callback("#\{$slash(.)\{(.)\}\}#", "BibTexEntries::_accents_cb", $text);
$text = preg_replace_callback("#\{$slash(.)\{$slash(i)\}\}#", "BibTexEntries::_accents_cb", $text);
$text = preg_replace_callback("#\{$slash(.)(.)\}#", "BibTexEntries::_accents_cb", $text);
$text = preg_replace_callback("#$slash(.)\{(.)\}#", "BibTexEntries::_accents_cb", $text);
$text = preg_replace_callback("#$slash(.)\{$slash(i)\}#", "BibTexEntries::_accents_cb", $text);
// When there are no braces, we require a non alphanumeric character
$text = preg_replace_callback("#$slash([^a-zA-Z])(.)#", "BibTexEntries::_accents_cb", $text);
$text = preg_replace_callback("#$slash([a-zA-Z])(.)(?![a-zA-Z])#", "BibTexEntries::_accents_cb", $text);
// $text = preg_replace_callback("#\\\\(?:['\"^`H~\.]|¨)\w|\\\\([LlcCoO]|ss|aa|AA|[ao]e|[OA]E|&)#", "BibTexEntries::_accents_cb", $text);
static $accents = array(
"'" => array("a" => "á", "e" => "é", "i" => "í", "o" => "ó", "u" => "ú", "z" => "ź", "c" => "ć",
"A" => "Á", "E" => "É", "I" => "Í", "O" => "Ó", "U" => "Ú", "Z" => "Ź"),
"`" => array("a" => "à", "e" => "è", "i" => "ì", "o" => "ò", "u" => "ù",
"A" => "À", "E" => "È", "I" => "Ì", "O" => "Ò", "U" => "Ù"),
'"' => array("a" => "ä", "e" => "ë", "i" => "ï", "o" => "ö", "u" => "ü",
"A" => "Ä", "E" => "Ë", "I" => "Ï", "O" => "Ö", "U" => "Ü"),
'^' => array("a" => "â", "e" => "ê", "i" => "î", "o" => "ô", "u" => "û",
"A" => "Â", "E" => "Ê", "I" => "Î", "O" => "Ô", "U" => "Û"),
'.' => array("z" => "ż",
"Z" => "Ż"),
'~' => array("a" => "ã", "n" => "ñ", "o" => "õ",
"A" => "Ã", "N" => "Ñ", "O" => "Õ"),
"a" => array("a" => "å", "e" => "æ",
"A" => "Å", "E" => "Æ"),
'c' => 'ç',
'C' => 'Ç',
'o' => array("" => "ø", "e" => "œ"),
'O' => ARRAY("" => "Ø", "E" => "Œ"),
's' => array("s" => "ß"),
'H' => array("o" => "ő",
"O" => "Ő"),
'l' => "ł",
'L' => "Ł",
'&' => '&',
'_' => '_'
static function _accents_cb($input) {
if (!array_key_exists($input[1], BibTexEntries::$accents)) {
return "$input[0]";
$a = &BibTexEntries::$accents[$input[1]];
if (!is_array($a))
return "$a$input[2]";
if (!array_key_exists($input[2], $a)) {
if (array_key_exists("", $a))
return $a[""] . $input[2];
return "$input[0]";
return $a[$input[2]];
/** Format the title by preserving capitalisation */
function formatTitle($pString, $delimitLeft = '{', $delimitRight = '}')
$in_maths = false;
$brace_level = 0;
$newString = "";
//print "<div style='font-weight:bold'>" . htmlentities($pString) . "</div>";
$start = true;
// delimiter
$c = $v[1] > 0 ? $pString[$v[1] - 1] : "";
// Add the current string unless it is a brace and we are not in math mode
if (($in_maths && ($c == '}' || $c == '{')) || $c == '$')
$newString .= $c;
switch($c) {
case '$':
$in_maths = !$in_maths;
case '{':
case '}':
//print "<div>$brace_level [" . $pString[$v[1]-1] .": $v[1]] " . htmlentities($v[0]) . "</div>";
if ($in_maths || $brace_level > 0)
$newString .= $v[0];
$newString .=
$this->_processTitles ?
($start ? UTF8::utf8_ucfirst( UTF8::utf8_strtolower($v[0]) ) : UTF8::utf8_strtolower($v[0]))
$start = false;
// Error: return the original string
if ($brace_level < 0) {
print "Error while parsing";
return $pString;
return $newString;
* Extracting the data of one entry
* @access private
* @param string $entry The entry
* @return array The representation of the entry or false if there is a problem
function _postProcessing(&$ret) {
// First post processing: Process accents, transform bibtex types
foreach($ret as $key => &$value) {
switch($key) {
case "bibtex":
case "cite":
case "entrytype":
if ($value == "conference")
$value = "inproceedings";
// Remove braces and handles capitalization
foreach(array("title","booktitle", "journal") as $f)
if (in_array($f, array_keys($ret)))
$ret[$f] = $this->formatTitle($ret[$f]);
// Handling pages
if (in_array('pages', array_keys($ret))) {
$matches = array();
if (preg_match("/^\s*(\d+)(?:\s*--?\s*(\d+))?\s*$/", $ret['pages'], $matches)) {
$ret['pages'] = new BibtexPages($matches[1], sizeof($matches) > 2 ? $matches[2] : "");
//Handling the authors
if (in_array('author', array_keys($ret))) {
$ret['author'] = BibTexEntries::_extractAuthors($ret['author']);
//Handling the editors
if (in_array('editor', array_keys($ret))) {
$ret['editor'] = BibTexEntries::_extractAuthors($ret['editor']);
* Extracting the authors
* @access private
* @param string $entry The entry with the authors
* @return array the extracted authors
static function _extractAuthors($authors) {
return BibtexCreators::parse($authors);
} // end class BibTexEntries
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