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Created October 25, 2012 19:52
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Vectorized Forward Operator Test
% Test between loop based and vectorized
% Forward Operators.
% Note that dimensions are in G(z,x,y) form as
% per UBC inversion group spec.
% Set up dimensions
N = 6:2:30;
% Outer Test loop
for tt = 1:length(N)
x = linspace(1, 101, N(tt))';
y = linspace(1, 101, N(tt) + 1)';
z = linspace(1, 101, N(tt) - 1)';
n1 = length(z);
n2 = length(x);
n3 = length(y);
nnn = n1 * n2 * n3;
Nnn(tt) = nnn;
dx = x(2) - x(1);
dy = y(2) - y(1);
dz = z(2) - z(1);
[ObsX, ObsY] = meshgrid(1:10:100, 1:10:100);
ObsZ = zeros(size(ObsX));
nobs = numel(ObsX(:));
h = dx*dy*dz;
%% Loop Code
g = zeros(n1, n2, n3);
G = zeros(nnn, nobs);
count = 1;
for kk = 1:nobs
for iy = 1 : n3
for ix = 1 : n2
for iz = 1 : n1
g(iz, ix, iy) =(z(iz)*h)*1/(((x(ix)-ObsX(kk))^2 + (y(iy) - ObsY(kk))^2 + z(iz)^2).^(3/2));
G(:,count) = g(:);%reshape(g,[nnn,1]);
count = count +1;
loopt(tt) = toc; %#ok<*SAGROW>
%% Vectorized Code
I = @(n) speye(n);
e = @ (n) ones(n, 1);
% Scale up dimensions to 3D
kron3 = @(a, b, c) kron(a, kron(b, c));
% Kron observations to size G
kronobs = @(obs) kron( e(nnn), obs(:)' );
% Kron dimensions to size G
Z = (kron( e(nobs)', kron3( e(n3), e(n2), z)) - kronobs(ObsZ));
X = (kron( e(nobs)', kron3( e(n3), x, e(n1))) - kronobs(ObsX));
Y = (kron( e(nobs)', kron3( y, e(n2), e(n1))) - kronobs(ObsY));
R = (X.^2 + Y.^2 + Z.^2).^(3/2);
G2 = Z * h .* 1./R;
vect(tt) = toc;
fprintf('Norm of (Loop code - Vec code) is %f\n', norm(G - G2))
plot(Nnn, loopt, Nnn, vect)
legend('Loop time', 'Vectorized time')
title('Computation Time Comparison of \nVectorized vs Loop based Forward Operator Code')
ylabel('Time [seconds]')
xlabel('Number of cells')
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