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Last active July 1, 2020 08:29
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BOTC Crazy Train Homebrew Script
"id": "drinkcartpusher",
"edition": "custom",
"firstNight": 3,
"firstNightReminder": ":eye: Point to a player who has an Evil neighbor. :eye-slash:",
"reminders": ["Point"],
"setup": false,
"name": "Drink Cart Pusher",
"team": "townsfolk",
"ability": "You start knowing 1 player who neighbors an Evil player."
"id": "baggagechecker",
"edition": "custom",
"firstNight": 4,
"firstNightReminder": ":eye: Show the token of a Good character who has an Evil neighbor. :eye-slash:",
"reminders": ["Show Token"],
"setup": false,
"name": "Baggage Checker",
"team": "townsfolk",
"ability": "You start knowing 1 Good character who neighbors an Evil player."
"id": "tickettaker",
"edition": "custom",
"firstNight": 5,
"firstNightReminder": ":eye: If the chosen player has a ticket, indicate Yes, otherwise indicate No. :eye-slash:",
"otherNight": 8,
"otherNightReminder": ":eye: If the chosen player has a ticket, indicate Yes, otherwise indicate No. :eye-slash:",
"reminders": ["Ticket"],
"setup": false,
"name": "Ticket-Taker",
"team": "townsfolk",
"ability": "Half of the Good players unknowingly start with a ticket. Each night, choose a player: learn if they have a ticket."
"id": "conductor",
"edition": "custom",
"firstNight": 0,
"firstNightReminder": "",
"otherNight": 9,
"otherNightReminder": "If the Conductor nominated first today, :eye: indicate Yes if the nominee was a townsfolk, or No otherwise. :eye-slash:",
"reminders": ["Nominee"],
"setup": false,
"name": "Conductor",
"team": "townsfolk",
"ability": "Each night*, if you nominated first today, you learn if you nominated a townsfolk."
"id": "secondman",
"edition": "custom",
"firstNight": 0,
"firstNightReminder": "",
"otherNight": 10,
"otherNightReminder": "If the Conductor is alive and got Yes or No, :eye: give the Secondman the same info. :eye-slash: If the Conductor is not alive and the Secondman nominated first today, :eye: indicate Yes if the nominee was a townsfolk, or No otherwise. :eye-slash: ",
"reminders": ["Nominee"],
"setup": true,
"name": "Secondman",
"team": "townsfolk",
"ability": "Each night*, if the Conductor nominated first today, you learn if the nominee was a townsfolk. If there is not an alive Conductor, you have their power. [+The Conductor]"
"id": "insomniac",
"edition": "custom",
"firstNight": 8,
"firstNightReminder": "If at least one player chose the Insomniac tonight, :eye: show one of those character tokens. :eye-slash:",
"otherNight": 13,
"otherNightReminder": "If at least one player chose the Insomniac tonight, :eye: show one of those character tokens. :eye-slash:",
"reminders": ["Chose"],
"setup": false,
"name": "Insomniac",
"team": "townsfolk",
"ability": "Each night, learn a character that chose you tonight."
"id": "lonegun",
"edition": "custom",
"firstNight": 0,
"firstNightReminder": "",
"otherNight": 1,
"otherNightReminder": ":eye: Put the Watched token on the chosen player. :eye-slash: If that player chooses the Lone Gun tonight, they die.",
"reminders": ["Watched"],
"setup": false,
"name": "Lone Gun",
"team": "townsfolk",
"ability": "Each night*, choose a player: if they choose you tonight for any reason, they die."
"id": "speculator",
"edition": "custom",
"firstNight": 0,
"firstNightReminder": "",
"otherNight": 0,
"otherNightReminder": "",
"reminders": ["Nominee", "Drunk to Dusk"],
"setup": false,
"name": "Speculator",
"team": "townsfolk",
"ability": "If the player you nominate is executed, you & a nearest alive Evil neighbor are drunk tonight & tomorrow until dusk."
"id": "marshal",
"edition": "custom",
"firstNight": 0,
"firstNightReminder": "",
"otherNight": 3,
"otherNightReminder": ":eye: Place Protected tokens on the one, two, or three alive players in the chosen direction. :eye-slash:",
"reminders": ["Protected"],
"setup": false,
"name": "Marshal",
"team": "townsfolk",
"ability": "Each night*, pick a direction. The 1, 2, or 3 alive players in that direction cannot die tonight."
"id": "deputy",
"edition": "custom",
"firstNight": 0,
"firstNightReminder": "",
"otherNight": 2,
"otherNightReminder": ":eye: Put the Jailed token on the chose player. :eye-slash: If that player chooses players tonight, they choose the Deputy first.",
"reminders": ["Jailed"],
"setup": false,
"name": "Deputy",
"team": "townsfolk",
"ability": "Each night*, choose a player: if they choose players tonight for any reason at night, they learn that you chose them & they must select you."
"id": "bodyguard",
"edition": "custom",
"firstNight": 0,
"firstNightReminder": "",
"otherNight": 4,
"otherNightReminder": ":eye: Put the Safe token on the chosen player. :eye-slash: They are Safe from their neighbors.",
"reminders": ["Safe"],
"setup": false,
"name": "Bodyguard",
"team": "townsfolk",
"ability": "Each night*, choose a player: they are safe from their neighbors tonight."
"id": "oldcoot",
"edition": "custom",
"firstNight": 0,
"firstNightReminder": "",
"otherNight": 5,
"otherNightReminder": ":eye: If either chosen player is a Minion, put a Drunk token on both. :eye-slash:",
"reminders": ["Drunk"],
"setup": false,
"name": "Old Coot",
"team": "townsfolk",
"ability": "Each night*, choose two players (not yourself): if either is a Minion, both are drunk tonight."
"id": "snoop",
"edition": "custom",
"firstNight": 6,
"firstNightReminder": ":eye: If both of the chosen player's neighbors are on the same team, indicate Yes, otherwise indicate No. :eye-slash:",
"otherNight": 11,
"otherNightReminder": ":eye: If both of the chosen player's neighbors are on the same team, indicate Yes, otherwise indicate No. :eye-slash:",
"setup": false,
"name": "Snoop",
"team": "townsfolk",
"ability": "Each night, choose a player: you learn if their neighbors are both on the same team."
"id": "nuisance",
"edition": "custom",
"setup": false,
"name": "Nuisance",
"team": "outsider",
"ability": "When your neighbor chooses a player for any reason, you may be chosen instead."
"id": "confidante",
"edition": "custom",
"setup": false,
"name": "Confidante",
"team": "outsider",
"ability": "You cannot nominate or vote for your alive neighbors, even if drunk or poisoned."
"id": "yellowbelly",
"edition": "custom",
"otherNight": 15,
"otherNightReminder": "If the Swap at Dawn token is on the Yellow-belly, :eye: indicate the new alignment. :eye-slash:",
"reminders": ["Swap at Dawn"],
"setup": false,
"name": "Yellow-belly",
"team": "outsider",
"ability": "When an alive neighbor dies, you swap your alignment at Dawn."
"id": "signaller",
"edition": "custom",
"setup": false,
"name": "Signaller",
"team": "outsider",
"ability": "Each night, the demon learns the character of one of your closest neighbouring alive townsfolk."
"id": "caboose",
"edition": "custom",
"firstNight": 9,
"firstNightReminder": ":eye: If the chosen player was chosen by the Demon tonight, prompt for a second chosen player; they die. :eye-slash:",
"otherNight": 14,
"otherNightReminder": ":eye: If the chosen player was chosen by the Demon tonight, prompt for a second chosen player; they die. :eye-slash:",
"reminders": ["Die"],
"setup": false,
"name": "Caboose",
"team": "minion",
"ability": "Each night*, choose a player: if the Demon also chose them, choose another player: they die. You act last at night."
"id": "switch",
"edition": "custom",
"reminders": ["Die"],
"setup": false,
"name": "Switch",
"team": "minion",
"ability": "If the Demon kills your alive neighbor, another alive neighbor dies as well."
"id": "coupler",
"edition": "custom",
"firstNight": 2,
"firstNightReminder": ":eye: If the chosen player is an Outsider, put the Coupled token on them. :eye-slash: If the Demon is executed the next day, the Coupled player becomes Evil and swaps characters with the Demon.",
"otherNight": 7,
"otherNightReminder": ":eye: If the chosen player is an Outsider, put the Coupled token on them. :eye-slash: If the Demon is executed the next day, the Coupled player becomes Evil and swaps characters with the Demon.",
"reminders": ["Coupled"],
"setup": true,
"name": "Coupler",
"team": "minion",
"ability": "Each night, choose a player: if they are an Outsider and the Demon is executed tomorrow, they become evil and swap characters with the Demon. [+1 Outsider]"
"id": "whistle",
"edition": "custom",
"firstNight": 10,
"firstNightReminder": "If a player chose the Whistle tonight, they die at dawn.",
"otherNight": 16,
"otherNightReminder": "If a player chose the Whistle tonight, they die at dawn.",
"reminders": ["Die at Dawn"],
"setup": false,
"name": "Whistle",
"team": "minion",
"ability": "If a player chooses you at night, they die at dawn."
"id": "boiler",
"edition": "custom",
"otherNight": 6,
"otherNightReminder": ":eye: Boiler chooses a player. :eye-slash: Wake the chosen player, show them the Boiler token, they choose an alive neighbor to die. If they choose an Evil player, they and all their alive neighbors die tonight.",
"reminders": ["Die"],
"setup": false,
"name": "Boiler",
"team": "demon",
"ability": "Each night*, choose a player. They choose 1 of their alive neighbors to die. If they choose an Evil player, then they die along with all their alive neighbors."
"id": "coalengine",
"edition": "custom",
"otherNight": 6,
"otherNightReminder": ":eye: The chosen player dies. If they had a night action; show it to the Coal Engine and let the Coal Engine use it. :eye-slash:",
"reminders": ["Die"],
"setup": false,
"name": "Coal Engine",
"team": "demon",
"ability": "Each night*, choose a player: they die. If they have a night action, you learn what it is & may use it."
"id": "smokestack",
"edition": "custom",
"firstNight": 1,
"firstNightReminder": ":eye: If a player is chosen, put a Poisoned token on them. Otherwise, all players with Poisoned tokens die. :eye-slash:",
"otherNight": 6,
"otherNightReminder": ":eye: If a player is chosen, put a Poisoned token on them. Otherwise, all players with Poisoned tokens die. :eye-slash:",
"reminders": ["Poisoned", "Die"],
"setup": false,
"name": "Smokestack",
"team": "demon",
"ability": "Each night, choose a player or pass. If you chose a player: they are Poisoned. If you passed, all players poisoned this way die. You act on the first night."
"id": "momentum",
"edition": "custom",
"otherNight": 6,
"otherNightReminder": ":eye: Momentum must choose one more player than they killed last night, they all die. :eye-slash:",
"reminders": ["Die", "Killed Last Night"],
"setup": false,
"name": "Momentum",
"team": "demon",
"ability": "Each night*, choose a number of players that is 1 more than you killed the previous night: they die."
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