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Created November 24, 2021 22:07
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Math expression parsing using Point-Free's swift-parsing library. Expands on code found in the infix-operator branch.
import Parsing
import XCTest
import Foundation
#if canImport(Darwin)
import Darwin.C
#elseif canImport(Glibc)
import Glibc
public enum Associativity {
case left
case right
/// Parser for infix operators. Takes a parser for operators to recognize and an operator for values to use with the
/// operator which could include operations of that are of lower precedence than those parsed by the first parser. Based on
/// code found in swift-parsing infix-operator branch.
public struct InfixOperator<Operator, Operand>: Parser
Operator: Parser,
Operand: Parser,
Operator.Input == Operand.Input,
Operator.Output == (Operand.Output, Operand.Output) -> Operand.Output
let _parser: (inout Operand.Input) -> Operand.Output?
Construct new parser
- parameter operator: the parser that recognizes valid operators at a certain precedence level
- parameter associativity: the associativity for these operators
- parameter operand: the parser for values to provide to the operator
public init(_ operator: Operator, associativity: Associativity, higher operand: Operand) {
switch associativity {
case .left: self._parser = { Self.leftAssociative(input: &$0, operand: operand, operator: `operator`) }
case .right: self._parser = { Self.rightAssociative(input: &$0, operand: operand, operator: `operator`) }
Implementation of Parser method. Looks for "operand operator operand" sequences
- parameter input: the input stream to parse
- returns: the next output value found in the stream, or nil if no match
public func parse(_ input: inout Operand.Input) -> Operand.Output? {
static func leftAssociative(input: inout Operand.Input, operand: Operand, operator: Operator) -> Operand.Output? {
guard var lhs = operand.parse(&input) else { return nil }
var rest = input
let operation = `operator`.parse(&input),
let rhs = operand.parse(&input)
rest = input
lhs = operation(lhs, rhs)
input = rest
return lhs
static func rightAssociative(input: inout Operand.Input, operand: Operand, operator: Operator) -> Operand.Output? {
var lhs: [(Operand.Output, Operator.Output)] = []
while let rhs = operand.parse(&input) {
guard let operation = `operator`.parse(&input)
else {
return lhs.reversed().reduce(rhs) { rhs, pair in
let (lhs, operation) = pair
return operation(lhs, rhs)
lhs.append((rhs, operation))
return nil
/// Parser for addition / subtraction operations
private let additionAndSubtraction = InfixOperator(
"+" { (+) },
"-" { (-) }
associativity: .left,
higher: multiplicationAndDivision
/// Parser for multiplication / division operations
private let multiplicationAndDivision = InfixOperator(
"*" { (*) },
"/" { (/) }
associativity: .left,
higher: exponent
/// Parser for exponentiation operations
private let exponent = InfixOperator(
.take("^" { pow }),
associativity: .left,
higher: factor
/// Parser for parenthetical expression or a literal double value
private let factor: AnyParser<Substring.UTF8View, Double> = Skip(Whitespace())
.take(Lazy { additionAndSubtraction })
.map { $0.1 }
/// Math expression parser that validates everything is consumed from input.
private let expression = additionAndSubtraction
.map { $0.0 }
final class ArithmeticTests: XCTestCase {
func testAddition() {
let eq = " 1 + 2+3 "
let value: Double = 6
XCTAssertEqual(value, expression.parse(eq))
func testSubtraction() {
let eq = " 1 - 2 - 3 "
let value: Double = -4
XCTAssertEqual(value, expression.parse(eq))
func testOrderOfOperations() {
let eq = " 1 + 2 * 3 / 4 - 5 ^ 2"
let value: Double = 1 + 2 * 3 / 4 - pow(5, 2)
XCTAssertEqual(value, expression.parse(eq))
func testParentheses() {
let eq = " ( 1 + 2 ) * 3 / 4 - 5 ^ 2"
let value: Double = ( 1 + 2 ) * 3 / 4 - pow(5, 2)
XCTAssertEqual(value, expression.parse(eq))
func testNestedParentheses() {
let eq = "((1 + 2) * (3 + 4)) / 5 ^ (1 + 3)"
let value: Double = ((1 + 2) * (3 + 4)) / pow(5, 1 + 3)
XCTAssertEqual(value, expression.parse(eq))
func testMissingClosingParenthesis() {
let eq = "(1 + 2"
let value: Double? = nil
XCTAssertEqual(value, expression.parse(eq))
func testMissingOpeningParenthesis() {
let eq = "1 + 2)"
let value: Double? = nil
XCTAssertEqual(value, expression.parse(eq))
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