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Created January 9, 2015 19:18
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Small BASH script to check if Focus is currently activated
ACTIVE_NETWORK=$(echo "open|||get Setup:/Network/Service/$(echo "open|||get State:/Network/Global/IPv4|||" | tr '|||' '\n' | scutil | grep "PrimaryService" | awk '{print $3}') |||" | tr '|||' '\n' | scutil | grep "UserDefinedName" | awk -F': ' '{print $2}')
FOCUS_BLACKHOLE_PID=$(ps aux | grep FocusBlackholeProxy | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}')
PROXY_URL_OUTPUT=$(networksetup -getautoproxyurl "$ACTIVE_NETWORK")
if [[ $PROXY_URL_OUTPUT == *"focus"* ]]
echo "Focus is active!"
echo "Focus is not active"
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