Using Requests and Beautiful Soup, with the most recent Beautiful Soup 4 docs.
Install our tools (preferably in a new virtualenv):
pip install beautifulsoup4 pip install requests
Lets grab the Free Book Samplers from O'Reilly:
>>> import requests >>> >>> result = requests.get("")
Make sure we got a result.
>>> result.status_code 200 >>> result.headers ...
Store your content in an easy-to-type variable!
>>> c = result.content
Start parsing with Beautiful Soup. NOTE: If you installed with pip, you'll need to import from bs4
. If you download the source, you'll need to import from BeautifulSoup
(which is what they do in the online docs).
>>> from bs4 import BeautifulSoup >>> soup = BeautifulSoup(c) >>> samples = soup.find_all("a", "item-title") >>> samples[0] <a class="item-title" href=""> Programming Perl </a>
Now, pick apart individual links.
>>> data = {} >>> for a in samples: ... title = a.string.strip() ... data[title] = a.attrs['href']
Check out the keys/values in the data
dict. Rejoice!
Now go scrape some stuff!
Very nice introduction, thanks!