This is installation documentation for installing Koel on Debian 8.
Most packages can be installed via apt-get.
user@debian:~/$ sudo apt-get install -y apache2 mysql-server php5 php5-mysql g++ git curl
More information about installing Composer can be found on its website here.
user@debian:~/$ sudo su
root@debian:/home/user# curl -sS | php -- --install-dir=/usr/bin --filename=composer
root@debian:/home/user# exit
The node package in the default Debian repo is too old. There is more information about installing newer versions for Ubuntu and Debain here, but the following will be enough.
user@debian:~/$ sudo su
root@debian:/home/user# curl -sL | bash -
root@debian:/home/user# exit
user@debian:~/$ sudo apt-get install -y nodejs
Create the database, a user for the service, and then grant permissions for that user.
user@debian:~/$ mysql -u root -p
Enter password:
mysql> CREATE USER 'koel-db-user'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'koel-pass';
mysql> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON koel.* TO 'koel-db-user'@'localhost' WITH GRANT OPTION;
mysql> exit;
user@debian:~/$ git clone
user@debian:~/$ cd koel
user@debian:~/koel$ npm install
user@debian:~/koel$ composer install
Edit the .env file with the necessary configuration changes. Below are example configuration changes made via sed.
user@debian:~/koel$ sed -i 's/ADMIN_EMAIL=/[email protected]/g' .env
user@debian:~/koel$ sed -i 's/ADMIN_NAME=/ADMIN_NAME=admin/g' .env
user@debian:~/koel$ sed -i 's/ADMIN_PASSWORD=/ADMIN_PASSWORD=admin-pass/g' .env
user@debian:~/koel$ sed -i 's/DB_CONNECTION=/DB_CONNECTION=mysql/g' .env
user@debian:~/koel$ sed -i 's/DB_HOST=/DB_HOST=' .env
user@debian:~/koel$ sed -i 's/DB_DATABASE=homestead/DB_DATABASE=koel/g' .env
user@debian:~/koel$ sed -i 's/DB_USERNAME=homestead/DB_USERNAME=koel-db-user/g' .env
user@debian:~/koel$ sed -i 's/DB_PASSWORD=secret/DB_PASSWORD=koel-pass/g' .env
Now initialize the database and then start serving the site.
user@debian:~/koel$ php artisan koel:init
user@debian:~/koel$ php artisan serve
This will only allow connections from the localhost. If you would like to accept connections from other hosts, start the server by providing the 'host' option.
user@debian:~/koel$ php artisan serve --host
The site should be up now. Browes to it and sign in with the admin credentials we set in the .env file.
Username: [email protected]
Password: admin-pass
I finally got it to work!!
I tried an awful lot of different things and I encountered most of the problems mentioned above, the thing that made it work for me was:
@phanan could you confirm that what I did was necessary and perhaps update the installation instructions?
I found that there are bits and pieces of information about installing Koel located at different places and considering the amount of issues reported related to installing Koel I feel like making a detailed up-to-date install guide is becoming kind off a priority?
Despite my lack of expertise I'm willing to give it a shot!