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Created November 30, 2022 18:52
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Resources for learning Go

Todo list:

  1. A Tour of Go
  2. Learn Go with Tests
  3. Go by Example
  4. Let's Go
  5. Let's Go Further


  1. Golang for Node.js Developmers
  2. Effective Go

From r/golang by u/theNotoriousNPE:

First you should take the language tour:

Then, you should visit:

There are some awesome websites as well:

There's also an exhaustive list of videos related to Go from various authors.

If you prefer books, you can try these:

If you want to learn how to organize your Go project, make sure to read:

Once you are accustomed to the language and syntax, you can read this series of articles for a walkthrough the various standard library packages:

Finally, will give a list of even more resources to learn Go.

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