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Created October 26, 2010 11:00
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mass translate active record entries
# coll = Product.find_all_by_kind('material') +
# Product.find_all_by_kind('materialgroup') +
# Product.find_all_by_kind('pricegroup') +
# Product.find_all_by_kind('component')
# mass_translate(coll, [:name, :description], :en, :de)
# mass_translate(coll, [:name, :description], :de, [:en, :fr]) { |v, l| "#{v} (#{l})" }
# coll = Product.find_all_by_kind('product')
# mass_translate(coll, :name, :de, [:en, :fr])
# coll = Protoype.all + Taxon.all + Taxonomy .all
# mass_translate(coll, :name, :en, :de)
# mass_translate(coll, :name, :de, [:en, :fr]) { |v, l| "#{t} (#{l})" }
# coll = Property.all
# mass_translate(coll, :presentation, :en, :de)
# mass_translate(coll, :presentation, :de, [:en, :fr]) { |v, l| "#{v} (#{l})" }
def mass_translate(collection, attributes, from_locale, to_locales)
default = I18n.locale
attributes = [attributes] unless attributes.is_a? Array
to_locales = [to_locales] unless to_locales.is_a? Array
collection.each do |object|
I18n.locale = from_locale
values = do |hash|
attributes.each do |attribute|
hash[attribute] = object.send(attribute)
attributes.each do |attribute|
puts "read (#{from_locale}): #{values[attribute]}"
to_locales.each do |to_locale|
I18n.locale = to_locale
old_value = object.send(attribute)
puts "overwrite (#{to_locale}): #{old_value}" unless old_value.nil?
new_value = block_given? ? yield(values[attribute], to_locale) : values[attribute]
new_value = "random#{}-#{rand(1000)}" if new_value.blank? # HACK!
puts "write (#{to_locale}): #{new_value}"
object.update_attribute(attribute, new_value)
I18n.locale = default
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