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Last active September 8, 2016 18:50
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  • Save brandonaaskov/978bfd5711a64df22be6 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save brandonaaskov/978bfd5711a64df22be6 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
This will fix node-oracledb's reference to Oracle Instant Client for El Capitan users. Check the README :)

Note: this isn't my solution, this is simply my findings from many github issues and blog posts coalesced into a single place.

To fix node-oracledb's reference to Oracle Instant Client on El Capitan, you'll need to run this from any repo that has node-oracledb as a dependency. Lines 16 and 17 need to point to the location of your zip files, which can live anywhere but I've kept mine in /opt/oracle.

First, you'll need Oracle Instant Client on your machine. Once you click the environment that suits your needs, you'll need to grab two packages: basic, and sdk. Here's an example for the OSX client.

In the bash file also included with this gist, lines 16 and 17 need to be tweaked to point to those zip files you just downloaded.

Once that's done, you'll need to run it from your repo that has node-oracledb as a dependency. So, for example, let's say I had a folder structure like so:

  • dev
    • mip

From the mip directory, I would run: bash ../ Then you wait... Once it's done, you should be all set. If you ever blow away your node_modules folder, you'll need to re-run this script. For this reason, I recommend keeping those zip files somewhere where they won't get deleted.

#! /bin/sh
# Fix up OS X linker paths in Instant Client and node-oracledb
# so that DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH does not need to be set at runtime
# UNFIN: might be issues with destination path names longer than those hardcoded in the IC libraries.
# You might need to change the export of IC_DIR to a location with a shorter path.
[ `uname -s` != "Darwin" ] && { echo "Error: This script only works on OS X" >& 2; exit 8; }
# IMPORTANT!!!! Set these to the location of your Instant Client 'basic' and 'sdk' packages
[ ! -f $IC_BASIC_ZIP ] && { echo "Error: Cannot find basic $IC_BASIC_ZIP" >& 2; exit 1; }
[ ! -f $IC_SDK_ZIP ] && { echo "Error: Cannot find sdk $IC_SDK_ZIP" >& 2; exit 2; }
# This is the temporary working directory that the Instant Client ZIP files are extracted into
# Set the proxy if you are behind a firewall
# Alternatively run 'npm config set https-proxy'
export https_proxy=
# These are the hardcoded default paths in the Instant Client libraries that will be changed
# Extract the Instant Client libraries and headers needed by node-oracledb
function extractic()
echo "==> Extracting Instant Client to staging area $STAGE_DIR"
[ -f $STAGE_DIR -o -d $STAGE_DIR ] && { echo "Error: Remove existing $STAGE_DIR directory and rerun" >& 2; exit 3; }
mkdir -p $STAGE_DIR
# Unzip SDK package
unzip -d $STAGE_DIR $IC_SDK_ZIP > $STAGE_DIR/IC_unzip.log 2>&1
export IC_UNZIP_NAME=`cd $STAGE_DIR && ls -d instantclient_[0-9]*`
# Needed for 'npm install oracledb'
export OCI_INC_DIR=$STAGE_DIR/$IC_UNZIP_NAME/sdk/include
# Unzip Basic package
unzip -d $STAGE_DIR $IC_BASIC_ZIP >> $STAGE_DIR/IC_unzip.log 2>&1
(cd $STAGE_DIR/$IC_UNZIP_NAME && ln -s libclntsh.dylib.* libclntsh.dylib) # Needed by the node-oracledb installer
# Install node-oracledb from NPM
function installnodeoracledb()
export ORCL_NPM_ROOT=`npm root`/oracledb
echo "==> Installing node-oracledb in $ORCL_NPM_ROOT"
[ -z "$OCI_INC_DIR" -o ! -f "$OCI_INC_DIR/oci.h" ] && { echo "Error: Cannot find Instant Client headers in $OCI_INC_DIR. Exiting" >&2; exit 4; }
[ -z "$OCI_LIB_DIR" -o ! -f "$OCI_LIB_DIR/libclntsh.dylib" ] && { echo "Error: Cannot find Instant Client libraries in $OCI_LIB_DIR. Exiting" >&2; exit 5; }
npm install oracledb
# Copy the Instant Client files needed for runtime
function copyclient()
export IC_DIR=$ORCL_NPM_ROOT/instantclient # the directory to install Instant Client into
echo "==> Copying Instant Client to $IC_DIR"
mkdir $IC_DIR && cp $STAGE_DIR/$IC_UNZIP_NAME/{libclntsh.dylib.*,libnnz*.dylib,libociei.dylib} $IC_DIR
[ ! -f "$IC_DIR/libociei.dylib" ] && { echo "Error: $IC_DIR not successfully created" >& 2; exit 6; }
# Fix up the linker paths etc in node-oracledb and Instant Client so DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH is not needed
function updatepaths()
# The location of the node-oracledb shared library created by 'npm install oracledb'
echo "==> Updating library paths in $NODE_ORACLEDB_LIB"
[ ! -f "$NODE_ORACLEDB_LIB" ] && { echo "Error: Cannot find $NODE_ORACLEDB_LIB. Exiting" >&2; exit 7; }
VER=`ls -l $IC_DIR/libclntsh.dylib.* | awk '{print $NF'} | xargs basename | sed 's/libclntsh.dylib.//'g`
chmod 755 $IC_DIR/*dylib*
install_name_tool -id libclntsh.dylib.$VER $IC_DIR/libclntsh.dylib.$VER
install_name_tool -change $IC_DEF2/libnnz11.dylib $IC_DIR/libnnz11.dylib $IC_DIR/libclntsh.dylib.$VER
install_name_tool -id libnnz11.dylib $IC_DIR/libnnz11.dylib
install_name_tool -change $IC_DEF1/libclntsh.dylib.$VER $IC_DIR/libclntsh.dylib.$VER $IC_DIR/libociei.dylib
install_name_tool -change $IC_DEF1/libclntsh.dylib.$VER $IC_DIR/libclntsh.dylib.$VER $NODE_ORACLEDB_LIB
chmod 555 $IC_DIR/*dylib*
function cleanup()
echo "==> Removing temporary directory $STAGE_DIR"
rm -rf $STAGE_DIR
# These must be run in order
# End of script
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