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Last active August 9, 2024 07:39
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{-# LANGUAGE DerivingStrategies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilyDependencies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
import Data.List (intersperse)
import Data.Semigroup (Endo (..))
import Data.String (IsString (..))
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Text qualified as Text
import Data.Text.Lazy qualified as Text.Lazy
import Data.Text.Lazy.Builder qualified as Text (Builder)
import Data.Text.Lazy.Builder qualified as Text.Builder
import GHC.Float (floatToDigits)
{----- Machinery -----}
-- | Laws:
-- * fromBuilder . toBuilder === id
-- * toBuilder . fromBuilder === id
class Monoid (Builder s) => Buildable s where
type Builder s = r | r -> s
toBuilder :: s -> Builder s
fromBuilder :: Builder s -> s
class Buildable s => Interpolate a s where
interpolate :: a -> Builder s
{----- String instances -----}
newtype StringBuilder = StringBuilder (Endo String)
deriving newtype (Semigroup, Monoid)
instance Buildable String where
type Builder String = StringBuilder
toBuilder s = StringBuilder (Endo (s ++))
fromBuilder (StringBuilder (Endo f)) = f []
instance Interpolate String String where
interpolate = toBuilder
instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} Show a => Interpolate a String where
interpolate = StringBuilder . Endo . shows
{----- Text instances -----}
instance Buildable Text where
type Builder Text = Text.Builder
toBuilder = Text.Builder.fromText
fromBuilder = Text.Lazy.toStrict . Text.Builder.toLazyText
instance Interpolate Text Text where
interpolate = toBuilder
instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} Show a => Interpolate a Text where
interpolate = interpolate . show
instance Interpolate String Text where
interpolate = interpolate . Text.pack
instance Interpolate Text String where
interpolate = interpolate . Text.unpack
{----- New SqlQuery type -----}
data SqlQuery = SqlQuery
{ sqlText :: Text
, sqlValues :: [SqlValue]
deriving (Show)
instance IsString SqlQuery where
fromString s = SqlQuery{sqlText = Text.pack s, sqlValues = []}
instance Semigroup SqlQuery where
q1 <> q2 =
{ sqlText = sqlText q1 <> sqlText q2
, sqlValues = sqlValues q1 <> sqlValues q2
instance Monoid SqlQuery where
mempty =
{ sqlText = ""
, sqlValues = []
data SqlValue
= SqlText Text
| SqlInt Int
deriving (Show)
newtype SqlQueryBuilder = SqlQueryBuilder (Endo SqlQuery)
deriving newtype (Semigroup, Monoid)
instance Buildable SqlQuery where
type Builder SqlQuery = SqlQueryBuilder
toBuilder q = SqlQueryBuilder (Endo (q <>))
fromBuilder (SqlQueryBuilder (Endo f)) = f mempty
instance Interpolate SqlQuery SqlQuery where
interpolate = toBuilder
instance Interpolate Text SqlQuery where
interpolate s = toBuilder SqlQuery{sqlText = "?", sqlValues = [SqlText s]}
instance Interpolate String SqlQuery where
interpolate = interpolate . Text.pack
instance Interpolate Int SqlQuery where
interpolate x = toBuilder SqlQuery{sqlText = "?", sqlValues = [SqlInt x]}
{----- New HTML type -----}
newtype Html = Html Text
deriving newtype (Show, IsString, Semigroup, Monoid)
escapeHtml :: Text -> Text
escapeHtml = Text.replace "<" "&lt;" . Text.replace ">" "&gt;"
newtype RawHtml = RawHtml {unRawHtml :: Text}
newtype HtmlBuilder = HtmlBuilder (Endo Html)
deriving newtype (Semigroup, Monoid)
instance Buildable Html where
type Builder Html = HtmlBuilder
toBuilder s = HtmlBuilder (Endo (s <>))
fromBuilder (HtmlBuilder (Endo f)) = f mempty
instance Interpolate String Html where
interpolate = interpolate . Text.pack
instance Interpolate Text Html where
interpolate = toBuilder . Html . escapeHtml
instance Interpolate RawHtml Html where
interpolate = toBuilder . Html . unRawHtml
instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} Show a => Interpolate a Html where
interpolate = interpolate . show
{----- BigDecimal -----}
data BigDecimal = BigDecimal Integer Int
renderBigDecimal :: BigDecimal -> String
renderBigDecimal (BigDecimal digits scale) =
let (int, frac) = splitAt scale (show digits)
in int <> "." <> frac
instance Interpolate BigDecimal String where
interpolate = interpolate . renderBigDecimal
instance Interpolate BigDecimal Text where
interpolate = interpolate . Text.pack . renderBigDecimal
{----- Precision -----}
data Precision a = Prec Int a
instance Interpolate (Precision Int) String where
interpolate = interpolateInt
instance Interpolate (Precision Integer) String where
interpolate = interpolateInt
instance Interpolate (Precision Double) String where
interpolate = interpolateRealFloat
instance Interpolate (Precision Float) String where
interpolate = interpolateRealFloat
interpolateInt :: (Interpolate String s, Integral a) => Precision a -> Builder s
interpolateInt (Prec scale n) = interpolate $ show (toInteger n) <> ('.' : replicate scale '0')
interpolateRealFloat :: (Interpolate String s, RealFloat a) => Precision a -> Builder s
interpolateRealFloat (Prec scale n) =
let (digits, e) = floatToDigits 10 n
(int, frac) = splitAt e digits
in interpolate . concat $ map show int <> ["."] <> (map show . take scale) (frac <> repeat 0)
{----- Entrypoint -----}
main :: IO ()
main = do
let x = "hello" :: String
-- s"${x} world"
print @String $
fromBuilder $
toBuilder ""
<> interpolate x <> toBuilder " world"
-- s"world ${x}"
print @String $
fromBuilder $
toBuilder "world "
<> interpolate x <> toBuilder ""
-- s"${x} world"
print @Text $
fromBuilder $
toBuilder ""
<> interpolate x <> toBuilder " world"
-- s"world ${x}"
print @Text $
fromBuilder $
toBuilder "world "
<> interpolate x <> toBuilder ""
-- s"1 + 1 = ${2 :: Int}"
print @Text $
fromBuilder $
toBuilder "1 + 1 = "
<> interpolate (2 :: Int) <> toBuilder ""
-- s"SELECT * FROM tab WHERE age = ${age} AND name ILIKE ${name}"
let age = 10 :: Int
let name = "Robert'); DROP TABLE Students;--" :: String
print @SqlQuery $
fromBuilder $
toBuilder "SELECT * FROM tab WHERE age = "
<> interpolate age <> toBuilder " AND name ILIKE "
<> interpolate name <> toBuilder ""
-- s"SELECT * FROM tab WHERE ${conjoin whereClauses}"
isAdult = True
nameFilter = SqlText "A%"
whereClauses =
[ ["age > 18" | isAdult]
, [SqlQuery{sqlText = "name ILIKE ?", sqlValues = [nameFilter]}]
conjoin cs = mconcat $ intersperse " AND " (cs :: [SqlQuery])
print @SqlQuery $
fromBuilder $
toBuilder "SELECT * FROM tab WHERE "
<> interpolate (conjoin whereClauses) <> toBuilder ""
-- s"<h1>${title}</h1>${RawHtml body}"
let title = "Why is 1 > 0?" :: Text
let body = "<p>Hello world</p>" :: Text
print @Html $
fromBuilder $
toBuilder "<h1>"
<> interpolate title <> toBuilder "</h1>"
<> interpolate (RawHtml body) <> toBuilder ""
-- s"123456 / 10^3 = ${n}"
let n = BigDecimal 123456 3
print @String $
fromBuilder $
toBuilder "123456 / 10^3 = "
<> interpolate n <> toBuilder ""
-- @"${Prec 3 x}"
let x = 1.2 :: Double
print @String $
fromBuilder $
toBuilder ""
<> interpolate (Prec 3 x) <> toBuilder ""
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