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Save brandongalbraith/7108549 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
@author Bommarito Consulting, LLC
@date 2012-12-23
Generate .ssh/config lines from EC2 instance information.
# Imports
import boto
import os
def main():
Main method.
# Default user
defaultUser = 'ubuntu'
# Default key path
userHome = os.getenv('USERPROFILE') or os.getenv('HOME')
defaultKeyPath = os.path.join(userHome, '.ssh')
# Connec to EC2; this assumes your boto config is in ~/.
ec2Connection = boto.connect_ec2()
# Get list of reservations.
reservationList = ec2Connection.get_all_instances()
# Initialize instance data tuple
instanceData = []
# Iterate over reservations
for reservation in reservationList:
# Iterate over instances
for instance in reservation.instances:
# Check for user tag
if 'user' in instance.tags:
user = instance.tags['user']
user = defaultUser
# Check for name tag
if 'Name' in instance.tags:
name = instance.tags['Name']
name =
instanceData.append((name, instance.public_dns_name, instance.key_name, defaultUser))
# Generate .ssh/config output
for data in instanceData:
print """Host {0}
HostName {1}
User {2}
IdentityFile {3}
""".format(data[0], data[1], data[3], os.path.join(defaultKeyPath, "{0}.pem".format(data[2])))
if __name__ == "__main__":
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