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Last active March 2, 2025 23:03
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Generate zero schema from Database
#!/usr/bin/env node
* @file db-to-zero
* @copyright 2024 Brandon Kalinowski
* @description Generate Zero Schema direct from Postgres (or any ORM) via atlas
* NOTE: The tool expects tables to have a comment zero-gen=true. This is a declarative way to
* only include a subset of tables in the Zero schema
* Declarative: Similar to Terraform, Atlas compares the current state of the database
* to the desired state, as defined in an HCL, SQL, or ORM schema.
* Based on this comparison, it generates and executes a migration plan to
* transition the database to its desired state.
* @see
* @see
* @example
* ```bash
* atlas schema inspect -u $ZERO_UPSTREAM_DB --schema public --format '{{ json . }}' | \
node ./scripts/db-to-zero.js | \
biome format --stdin-file-path=src/generated-zero-schema.ts > src/generated-zero-schema.ts
* ```
const USAGE_DOCS = true;
* @typedef {'string' | 'number' | 'boolean' | 'json'} ColumnType
* @typedef {import('')}
* @typedef {Object} SchemaValue
* @property {ColumnType} type
* @property {boolean} [optional]
* @property {unknown} [customType]
* @typedef {Object} PostgresSchema
* @property {Array<{
* name: string,
* tables: Array<{
* name: string,
* comment?: string,
* columns: Array<{
* name: string,
* type: string,
* null?: boolean
* }>,
* primary_key: {
* parts: Array<{ column: string }>
* },
* foreign_keys?: Array<{
* columns: string[],
* references: {
* table: string,
* columns: string[]
* }
* }>
* }>
* }>} schemas
* @typedef {Object} FieldRelationship
* @property {string} sourceField - The source field name
* @property {string} destField - The destination field name
* @property {function(): Schema} destSchema - Function that returns the destination schema
// Read from stdin
let inputData = "";
process.stdin.on("data", (chunk) => {
inputData += chunk;
process.stdin.on("end", () => {
try {
} catch (error) {
console.error("Error:", error.message);
* Convert Postgres type to schema value
* @param {string} pgType
* @returns {SchemaValue}
function convertType(pgType) {
// Handle array types
if (pgType === "ARRAY") {
return { type: "json", customType: [] };
// Handle JSON types
if (pgType === "jsonb" || pgType === "json") {
return { type: "json" };
// Handle numeric types
if (
pgType === "integer" ||
pgType === "numeric" ||
pgType === "bigint" ||
pgType === "smallint"
) {
return { type: "number" };
// Handle boolean
if (pgType === "boolean") {
return { type: "boolean" };
// Handle text/varchar types
if (pgType.includes("character varying") || pgType.includes("text")) {
return { type: "string" };
// Handle timestamp
if (pgType.includes("timestamp")) {
return { type: "string" }; // Store timestamps as ISO strings
// Default to string for unknown types
console.warn(`Unknown type: ${pgType}, defaulting to string`);
return { type: "string" };
* Main function to process the schema
* @param {string} input
function main(input) {
/** @type {PostgresSchema} */
const schemaJson = JSON.parse(input);
// Find the public schema
const publicSchema = schemaJson.schemas.find((s) => === "public");
if (!publicSchema) {
throw new Error("Public schema not found");
// Generate table schemas
/** @type {Record<string, unknown>} */
const tableSchemas = {};
const combinedSchema = {
version: 1,
tables: {},
const defaultPermissions = {
row: {
select: [],
insert: [],
update: { preMutation: [] },
delete: [],
/** @type {Record<string, unknown>} */
const permissionsOutput = {};
// First pass: Create basic table schemas
for (const table of publicSchema.tables) {
if (!table.comment || !table.comment.includes("zero-gen=")) continue;
/** @type {Record<string, SchemaValue>} */
const columns = {};
// Process columns
for (const column of table.columns) {
const typeInfo = convertType(column.type);
columns[] = {
optional: column.null === true,
/** @type {Record<string, FieldRelationship} */
const relationships = {};
let hasRelationships = false;
const primaryKey = => v.column);
if (table.foreign_keys) {
for (const fkey of table.foreign_keys) {
const key_name = fkey.columns[0];
if (key_name) {
hasRelationships = true;
relationships[key_name] = {
sourceField: fkey.references.columns[0],
destField: fkey.columns[0],
destSchema: `🎾() => ${fkey.references.table}Schema🎾`,
// Create table schema
tableSchemas[] = {
primaryKey: primaryKey.length === 1 ? primaryKey[0] : primaryKey,
relationships: hasRelationships ? relationships : undefined,
combinedSchema.tables[] = `🎾${}Schema🎾`;
permissionsOutput[] = defaultPermissions;
// Generate TypeScript code
const output = `// Generated by scripts/db-to-zero.js
import {
type Schema,
type TableSchema,
type ExpressionBuilder,
type Row
} from '@rocicorp/zero';
// Auth data type from JWT
type AuthData = {
sub: string;
roles?: string[];
([name, schema]) =>
* Schema for the ${name} table
export const ${name}Schema = createTableSchema(${JSON.stringify(schema, null, 2)});`,
* Combined schema containing all tables
export const schema: Schema = ${JSON.stringify(combinedSchema, null, 2)};
// Define permissions
export const permissions = definePermissions<AuthData, typeof schema>(schema, () => {
return ${JSON.stringify(permissionsOutput, null, 2)};
// Export types
export type { AuthData };
.replaceAll(`"🎾`, "")
.replaceAll(`🎾"`, "");
// Write to stdout

Inkjet Executable Markdown


Generate Zero schema from upstream database

atlas schema inspect -u $ZERO_UPSTREAM_DB  --schema public --format '{{ json . }}' | \
  node ./scripts/db-to-zero.js | \
  biome format --stdin-file-path=src/generated-zero-schema.ts > src/generated-zero-schema.ts


Generate Atlas schema JSON for development

atlas schema inspect -u $ZERO_UPSTREAM_DB  --schema public --format '{{ json . }}'
Copy link

This approach uses atlas to introspect the database state. If you prefer, you can use atlas with any ORM you prefer instead. The generated permissions are NOBODY_CAN, a saner default, so just update the arrays to allow permissions

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