openshift list all pods and thier specs (requests/limits)
oc get pod -o jsonpath='{range .items[*]}{"SPEC: \n LIMITS : "}{.spec.containers[*].resources.limits}{"\n REQUESTS: "}{.spec.containers[*].resources.requests}{"\n"}{end}'
openshift list all pods and thier specs with name (requests /limits)
oc get pod -o jsonpath='{range .items[*]}{"NAME: "}{}{"\nSPEC: \n LIMITS : "}{.spec.containers[*].resources.limits}{"\n REQUESTS: "}{.spec.containers[*].resources.requests}{"\n\n"}{end}'
openshift list all nodes and thier corresponding os/kernel verion
oc get nodes -o jsonpath='{range .items[*]}{"\t"}{}{"\t"}{.status.nodeInfo.osImage}{"\t"}{.status.nodeInfo.kernelVersion}{"\n"}{end}'
openshift patch build config with patch
oc patch bc/kube-ops-view -p '{"spec":{"resources":{"limits":{"cpu":"1","memory":"1024Mi"},"requests":{"cpu":"100m","memory":"256Mi"}}}}'
openshift display the images used by Replication Controller
oc get rc -n openshift-infra -o jsonpath='{range .items[*]}{"RC: "}{}{"\n Image:"}{.spec.template.spec.containers[*].image}{"\n"}{end}'
openshift display the requestor for namespace
oc get namespace ui-test -o template --template '{{ index .metadata.annotations "" }}'
openshift display all projects and its creator sorted by creator
IFS=,; while read data1 data2; do printf "%-60s : %-50s\n" $data1 $data2;
done < <( oc get projects -o template \
--template '{{range .items}}{{}},{{index .metadata.annotations ""}}{{"\n"}}{{end }}' |
sort -t, -k2 )
openshift fetch custom column name from metadata
oc get rolebinding -o=custom-columns=USERS:.userNames,GROUPS:.groupNames
for i in `oc get pv | grep pvc` ;
do oc describe pv $i | grep Path |awk '{print $2}';