- Blocked on security in releases
- Need to finish up some client libraries -- JSON schema designed, and doc.json is being ported over
- Product is being shipped
- Helping making the incremental changes needed in Manager API to get this to GA
- Bigger question: is Manager API a functional layer on top of API, or does it belong in the API proper?
- Merged to master
- Ready to start testing this seriously aiming for production
- GitHub recently shipped
- Mostly there, just needs the last mile
- AKA Umbrella
- Offer easy service that provides authentication, sudo checks, metrics, and rate limiting
- AKA the audit stream
- Real-time API to accompany of the REST API
- Examples of use:
- Event Manager API
- Vault
- Security
- Marketing (e.g. immediately flag HVAs)
- Developed strong conventions around V3; spread these ideas to other APIs
- Talk of apps to help bootstrap Heroku services