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Bran van der Meer branneman

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branneman / splitser.js
Last active January 22, 2025 09:38
Splitser algorithm
export const getSettlement = (transactions) => {
const settlement = []
let recurProtection = 0
while (true) {
const balances = getBalances(transactions.concat(settlement))
if (allBalancesZero(balances)) break
if (recurProtection++ > 1e2) {
console.log({ settlement })
$source = "C:\Program Files (x86)\World of Warcraft\_classic_era_\Screenshots"
$destination = "C:\Users\branv\Proton Drive\bran.van.der.meer\My files\70 - Backups\wow-classic\Screenshots"
$zipFolder1 = "C:\Program Files (x86)\World of Warcraft\_classic_era_\Interface"
$zipFolder2 = "C:\Program Files (x86)\World of Warcraft\_classic_era_\WTF"
$zipLocation = "C:\Users\branv\Proton Drive\bran.van.der.meer\My files\70 - Backups\wow-classic\"
$zipDate = Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd"
$zipFileName = "$zipLocation\wowclassic-backup-$"
if (!(Test-Path -Path $destination)) {
branneman / index.html
Created April 13, 2024 13:22
HTML5 Video: MediaSource, SourceBuffer, video segments, etc.
<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8" />
content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, viewport-fit=cover"
<title>video test</title>
branneman / six-nations-table.test.ts
Last active March 23, 2024 14:53
Six Nations table calculator
import { describe, expect, it } from 'vitest'
import { Table, Match } from './six-nations-table'
import {
branneman / index.js
Created December 6, 2023 15:15
Random person selector
const allPeople = ['Aisha', 'Amina', 'Anya', 'Carlos', 'Chen', 'Liam', 'Nia', 'Oliver', 'Raj', 'Yuki' ]
const peopleAlreadySpeaking = ['Anya', 'Raj']
const numberOfPeople = 2
// Fisher–Yates shuffle
function shuffle(list) {
const xs = list.slice()
let currentIndex = xs.length
let randomIndex
branneman / components-app.tsx
Last active December 7, 2023 11:11
React useTranslation Hook
import { useState } from 'react'
import { Outlet } from 'react-router-dom' // you don't have to use this necessarily, just an example
import Header from 'components/Header'
import { makeTranslationValue } from 'hooks/translation'
import { TranslationContext } from 'context/translation'
import translations from 'data/translations.json'
export default function App() {
// Array = ordered + indexed + duplicate values
// a.k.a. List
const arr = [1, 2, 3]
// size
arr.length //=> 3
// random-access
arr[1] // 2
branneman / 2-declarative.js
Last active December 29, 2022 07:49
Code Simplicity is the Ultimate Sophistication -
// Imperative: 'what' + 'how'
const makes1 = []
for (let i = 0; i < cars.length; i += 1) {
// Declarative: only 'what'
const makes2 = => car.make)
branneman / 1-function.js
Last active December 22, 2022 07:57
Functions, Iterators, Promises, Observables - It's all connected -
// Producer
const range = (min, max, acc = []) => {
if (max < min) throw new Error('not supported!')
if (min >= max) return acc
return range(min + 1, max, acc.concat(min))
// Consumer
const lt100 = range(0, 100)
//=> [1, 2, 3, 4, ..., 97, 98, 99]
branneman / 1.js
Created October 17, 2022 19:47
// Interface of a primitive variable: its name and type
const DEFAULT_DB_HOST = 'localhost'
// Interface of a container variable: its name, types and structures
const config = {
user: 'readuser',
pass: '******',
db: 'test-env',