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Last active August 29, 2015 13:56
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Instructions for copying branches from a remote upstream into a cloned repo

#Github Collaboration process

Collaborating on GitHub can be confusing, especially because cloning a fork on your local machine doesn't clone all of its branches. Here are some instructions that make this process easier.

  1. Fork project on GitHub
  2. cd to desired parent directory on local machine
  3. run git clone [email protected]:user/repo.git
  4. cd into cloned directory.
  5. Add remote upstream by running git remote add upstream [email protected]:user/repo.git with [email protected]:user/repo.git being your fork (that was just cloned).
  6. Now, pull branches from your fork one at a time (ew... gross...) by first creating a new branch: git checkout -b branchname
  7. And then pulling the remote upstream branch: git pull upstream branchname

Now push/pull from your fork and submit a pull request from GitHub.

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