The United States Military and DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) potentially represent A.I.s biggest funders. For this reason I have chosen to compile a list of resources and documents that contain pertinent information regarding DARPA funding for AI, as well as suspicious or telling cases, rather than outlining a specific organization or event at this time in my research. For now, I am most interested in investigating the office of Silicon Valley Brain Spect Imaging but that may change as I gather more information.
- DARPA'S NIA (Neurotechnology for Intelligence Analysis): The NIA program has brought operational neuroscience into the realm of imagery analysis via advances in signal processing, human-computer interfaces, and groundbreaking neuroscience with the goal of providing new tools for warfighters in operational environments.
- DARPA's CTD (Cybernetics Technology Division): Initial title "Close-Coupled Man/Machine System". The program's goal was to develop new communication links between man and computer-assisted systems.
- Possible DARPA + office of Silicon Valley Brain Spect Imaging: Evidence suggests secret experiments on patients of that clinic without their consent. These experiments are related to DARPA's goal of developing technologies of artificially reducing the need for sleep.