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Created August 11, 2016 21:26
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0000015638B96885_GAME_MASTER (Pokemon GO 0.31.0-2016073000) dumps

Pokemon GO Game Master Client Templates

The following dump was obtained from the cached GetGameMasterClientTemplatesOutProto message of Pokemon GO version 0.31.0-2016073000. The commands were used on a 0000015638B96885_GAME_MASTER file extracted from the app's data, using POGOProtos@3682394:

$ xxd  -p 0000015638B96885_GAME_MASTER | tr -d '\n' > 0000015638B96885_GAME_MASTER.hex
$ protoc --decode_raw < 0000015638B96885_GAME_MASTER > 0000015638B96885_GAME_MASTER.decoded_raw
$ protoc POGOProtos/src/POGOProtos/Networking/Responses/DownloadItemTemplatesResponse.proto --proto_path=POGOProtos/src --decode=POGOProtos.Networking.Responses.DownloadItemTemplatesResponse < 0000015638B96885_GAME_MASTER > 0000015638B96885_GAME_MASTER.decoded
success: true
item_templates {
badge_settings {
badge_rank: 4
targets: 10
targets: 100
targets: 1000
item_templates {
badge_settings {
badge_rank: 4
targets: 10
targets: 100
targets: 1000
item_templates {
template_id: "BADGE_BIG_MAGIKARP"
badge_settings {
badge_rank: 4
targets: 3
targets: 50
targets: 300
item_templates {
template_id: "BADGE_CAPTURE_TOTAL"
badge_settings {
badge_rank: 4
targets: 30
targets: 500
targets: 2000
item_templates {
template_id: "BADGE_EVOLVED_TOTAL"
badge_settings {
badge_rank: 4
targets: 3
targets: 20
targets: 200
item_templates {
template_id: "BADGE_HATCHED_TOTAL"
badge_settings {
badge_rank: 4
targets: 10
targets: 100
targets: 500
item_templates {
template_id: "BADGE_PIKACHU"
badge_settings {
badge_type: BADGE_PIKACHU
badge_rank: 4
targets: 3
targets: 50
targets: 300
item_templates {
badge_settings {
badge_rank: 4
targets: 5
targets: 50
targets: 100
item_templates {
badge_settings {
badge_rank: 4
targets: 100
targets: 1000
targets: 2000
item_templates {
template_id: "BADGE_SMALL_RATTATA"
badge_settings {
badge_rank: 4
targets: 3
targets: 50
targets: 300
item_templates {
template_id: "BADGE_TRAVEL_KM"
badge_settings {
badge_type: BADGE_TRAVEL_KM
badge_rank: 4
targets: 10
targets: 100
targets: 1000
item_templates {
template_id: "BADGE_TYPE_BUG"
badge_settings {
badge_type: BADGE_TYPE_BUG
badge_rank: 4
targets: 10
targets: 50
targets: 200
item_templates {
template_id: "BADGE_TYPE_DARK"
badge_settings {
badge_type: BADGE_TYPE_DARK
badge_rank: 4
targets: 10
targets: 50
targets: 200
item_templates {
template_id: "BADGE_TYPE_DRAGON"
badge_settings {
badge_rank: 4
targets: 10
targets: 50
targets: 200
item_templates {
template_id: "BADGE_TYPE_ELECTRIC"
badge_settings {
badge_rank: 4
targets: 10
targets: 50
targets: 200
item_templates {
template_id: "BADGE_TYPE_FAIRY"
badge_settings {
badge_type: BADGE_TYPE_FAIRY
badge_rank: 4
targets: 10
targets: 50
targets: 200
item_templates {
template_id: "BADGE_TYPE_FIGHTING"
badge_settings {
badge_rank: 4
targets: 10
targets: 50
targets: 200
item_templates {
template_id: "BADGE_TYPE_FIRE"
badge_settings {
badge_type: BADGE_TYPE_FIRE
badge_rank: 4
targets: 10
targets: 50
targets: 200
item_templates {
template_id: "BADGE_TYPE_FLYING"
badge_settings {
badge_rank: 4
targets: 10
targets: 50
targets: 200
item_templates {
template_id: "BADGE_TYPE_GHOST"
badge_settings {
badge_type: BADGE_TYPE_GHOST
badge_rank: 4
targets: 10
targets: 50
targets: 200
item_templates {
template_id: "BADGE_TYPE_GRASS"
badge_settings {
badge_type: BADGE_TYPE_GRASS
badge_rank: 4
targets: 10
targets: 50
targets: 200
item_templates {
template_id: "BADGE_TYPE_GROUND"
badge_settings {
badge_rank: 4
targets: 10
targets: 50
targets: 200
item_templates {
template_id: "BADGE_TYPE_ICE"
badge_settings {
badge_type: BADGE_TYPE_ICE
badge_rank: 4
targets: 10
targets: 50
targets: 200
item_templates {
template_id: "BADGE_TYPE_NORMAL"
badge_settings {
badge_rank: 4
targets: 10
targets: 50
targets: 200
item_templates {
template_id: "BADGE_TYPE_POISON"
badge_settings {
badge_rank: 4
targets: 10
targets: 50
targets: 200
item_templates {
template_id: "BADGE_TYPE_PSYCHIC"
badge_settings {
badge_rank: 4
targets: 10
targets: 50
targets: 200
item_templates {
template_id: "BADGE_TYPE_ROCK"
badge_settings {
badge_type: BADGE_TYPE_ROCK
badge_rank: 4
targets: 10
targets: 50
targets: 200
item_templates {
template_id: "BADGE_TYPE_STEEL"
badge_settings {
badge_type: BADGE_TYPE_STEEL
badge_rank: 4
targets: 10
targets: 50
targets: 200
item_templates {
template_id: "BADGE_TYPE_WATER"
badge_settings {
badge_type: BADGE_TYPE_WATER
badge_rank: 4
targets: 10
targets: 50
targets: 200
item_templates {
template_id: "BATTLE_SETTINGS"
battle_settings {
retarget_seconds: 0.5
enemy_attack_interval: 1.5
attack_server_interval: 5
round_duration_seconds: 99
bonus_time_per_ally_seconds: 10
maximum_attackers_per_battle: 20
same_type_attack_bonus_multiplier: 1.25
maximum_energy: 100
energy_delta_per_health_lost: 0.5
dodge_duration_ms: 500
minimum_player_level: 5
swap_duration_ms: 1000
item_templates {
encounter_settings {
spin_bonus_threshold: 0.5
excellent_throw_threshold: 1.7
great_throw_threshold: 1.3
nice_throw_threshold: 1
milestone_threshold: 100
item_templates {
template_id: "GYM_LEVEL_SETTINGS"
gym_level {
required_experience: 0
required_experience: 2000
required_experience: 4000
required_experience: 8000
required_experience: 12000
required_experience: 16000
required_experience: 20000
required_experience: 30000
required_experience: 40000
required_experience: 50000
leader_slots: 1
leader_slots: 1
leader_slots: 1
leader_slots: 2
leader_slots: 2
leader_slots: 2
leader_slots: 3
leader_slots: 3
leader_slots: 3
leader_slots: 4
trainer_slots: 0
trainer_slots: 1
trainer_slots: 2
trainer_slots: 2
trainer_slots: 3
trainer_slots: 4
trainer_slots: 4
trainer_slots: 5
trainer_slots: 6
trainer_slots: 6
item_templates {
template_id: "IAP_SETTINGS"
iap_settings {
daily_defender_bonus_per_pokemon: 500
daily_defender_bonus_per_pokemon: 10
daily_defender_bonus_max_defenders: 10
daily_defender_bonus_currency: "STARDUST"
daily_defender_bonus_currency: "POKECOIN"
min_time_between_claims_ms: 75600000
daily_defender_bonus_enabled: true
item_templates {
template_id: "ITEM_BLUK_BERRY"
item_settings {
item_type: ITEM_TYPE_FOOD
item_templates {
template_id: "ITEM_GREAT_BALL"
item_settings {
item_templates {
template_id: "ITEM_HYPER_POTION"
item_settings {
potion {
sta_amount: 200
item_templates {
item_settings {
incense {
incense_lifetime_seconds: 1800
standing_time_between_encounters_seconds: 300
moving_time_between_encounter_seconds: 60
distance_required_for_shorter_interval_meters: 200
item_templates {
item_settings {
egg_incubator {
incubator_type: INCUBATOR_DISTANCE
uses: 3
distance_multiplier: 1
item_templates {
item_settings {
egg_incubator {
incubator_type: INCUBATOR_DISTANCE
distance_multiplier: 1
item_templates {
item_settings {
inventory_upgrade {
additional_storage: 50
item_templates {
template_id: "ITEM_LUCKY_EGG"
item_settings {
xp_boost {
xp_multiplier: 2
boost_duration_ms: 1800000
item_templates {
template_id: "ITEM_MASTER_BALL"
item_settings {
item_templates {
template_id: "ITEM_MAX_POTION"
item_settings {
potion {
sta_percent: 1
item_templates {
template_id: "ITEM_MAX_REVIVE"
item_settings {
revive {
sta_percent: 1
item_templates {
template_id: "ITEM_NANAB_BERRY"
item_settings {
item_type: ITEM_TYPE_FOOD
item_templates {
template_id: "ITEM_PINAP_BERRY"
item_settings {
item_type: ITEM_TYPE_FOOD
item_templates {
item_settings {
inventory_upgrade {
additional_storage: 50
item_templates {
template_id: "ITEM_POKE_BALL"
item_settings {
item_templates {
template_id: "ITEM_POTION"
item_settings {
item_id: ITEM_POTION
potion {
sta_amount: 20
item_templates {
template_id: "ITEM_RAZZ_BERRY"
item_settings {
item_type: ITEM_TYPE_FOOD
item_templates {
template_id: "ITEM_REVIVE"
item_settings {
item_id: ITEM_REVIVE
revive {
sta_percent: 0.5
item_templates {
template_id: "ITEM_SPECIAL_CAMERA"
item_settings {
item_templates {
template_id: "ITEM_SUPER_POTION"
item_settings {
potion {
sta_amount: 50
item_templates {
template_id: "ITEM_TROY_DISK"
item_settings {
item_type: ITEM_TYPE_DISK
item_templates {
template_id: "ITEM_ULTRA_BALL"
item_settings {
item_templates {
template_id: "ITEM_WEPAR_BERRY"
item_settings {
item_type: ITEM_TYPE_FOOD
item_templates {
template_id: "ITEM_X_ATTACK"
item_settings {
item_id: ITEM_X_ATTACK
item_templates {
template_id: "ITEM_X_DEFENSE"
item_settings {
item_templates {
template_id: "ITEM_X_MIRACLE"
item_settings {
item_templates {
player_level {
rank_num: 1
rank_num: 1
rank_num: 1
rank_num: 1
rank_num: 1
rank_num: 1
rank_num: 1
rank_num: 1
rank_num: 1
rank_num: 1
rank_num: 1
rank_num: 1
rank_num: 1
rank_num: 1
rank_num: 1
rank_num: 1
rank_num: 1
rank_num: 1
rank_num: 1
rank_num: 1
rank_num: 1
rank_num: 1
rank_num: 1
rank_num: 1
rank_num: 1
rank_num: 1
rank_num: 1
rank_num: 1
rank_num: 1
rank_num: 1
rank_num: 1
rank_num: 1
rank_num: 1
rank_num: 1
rank_num: 1
rank_num: 1
rank_num: 1
rank_num: 1
rank_num: 1
rank_num: 1
required_experience: 0
required_experience: 1000
required_experience: 3000
required_experience: 6000
required_experience: 10000
required_experience: 15000
required_experience: 21000
required_experience: 28000
required_experience: 36000
required_experience: 45000
required_experience: 55000
required_experience: 65000
required_experience: 75000
required_experience: 85000
required_experience: 100000
required_experience: 120000
required_experience: 140000
required_experience: 160000
required_experience: 185000
required_experience: 210000
required_experience: 260000
required_experience: 335000
required_experience: 435000
required_experience: 560000
required_experience: 710000
required_experience: 900000
required_experience: 1100000
required_experience: 1350000
required_experience: 1650000
required_experience: 2000000
required_experience: 2500000
required_experience: 3000000
required_experience: 3750000
required_experience: 4750000
required_experience: 6000000
required_experience: 7500000
required_experience: 9500000
required_experience: 12000000
required_experience: 15000000
required_experience: 20000000
cp_multiplier: 0.094
cp_multiplier: 0.16639787
cp_multiplier: 0.21573247
cp_multiplier: 0.25572005
cp_multiplier: 0.29024988
cp_multiplier: 0.3210876
cp_multiplier: 0.34921268
cp_multiplier: 0.37523559
cp_multiplier: 0.39956728
cp_multiplier: 0.4225
cp_multiplier: 0.44310755
cp_multiplier: 0.46279839
cp_multiplier: 0.48168495
cp_multiplier: 0.49985844
cp_multiplier: 0.51739395
cp_multiplier: 0.53435433
cp_multiplier: 0.55079269
cp_multiplier: 0.56675452
cp_multiplier: 0.58227891
cp_multiplier: 0.5974
cp_multiplier: 0.61215729
cp_multiplier: 0.62656713
cp_multiplier: 0.64065295
cp_multiplier: 0.65443563
cp_multiplier: 0.667934
cp_multiplier: 0.68116492
cp_multiplier: 0.69414365
cp_multiplier: 0.70688421
cp_multiplier: 0.71939909
cp_multiplier: 0.7317
cp_multiplier: 0.73776948
cp_multiplier: 0.74378943
cp_multiplier: 0.74976104
cp_multiplier: 0.75568551
cp_multiplier: 0.76156384
cp_multiplier: 0.76739717
cp_multiplier: 0.7731865
cp_multiplier: 0.77893275
cp_multiplier: 0.784637
cp_multiplier: 0.7903
max_egg_player_level: 20
max_encounter_player_level: 30
item_templates {
template_id: "POKEMON_TYPE_BUG"
type_effective {
attack_scalar: 1
attack_scalar: 0.8
attack_scalar: 0.8
attack_scalar: 0.8
attack_scalar: 1
attack_scalar: 1
attack_scalar: 1
attack_scalar: 0.8
attack_scalar: 0.8
attack_scalar: 0.8
attack_scalar: 1
attack_scalar: 1.25
attack_scalar: 1
attack_scalar: 1.25
attack_scalar: 1
attack_scalar: 1
attack_scalar: 1.25
attack_scalar: 0.8
attack_type: POKEMON_TYPE_BUG
item_templates {
template_id: "POKEMON_TYPE_DARK"
type_effective {
attack_scalar: 1
attack_scalar: 0.8
attack_scalar: 1
attack_scalar: 1
attack_scalar: 1
attack_scalar: 1
attack_scalar: 1
attack_scalar: 1.25
attack_scalar: 1
attack_scalar: 1
attack_scalar: 1
attack_scalar: 1
attack_scalar: 1
attack_scalar: 1.25
attack_scalar: 1
attack_scalar: 1
attack_scalar: 0.8
attack_scalar: 0.8
attack_type: POKEMON_TYPE_DARK
item_templates {
template_id: "POKEMON_TYPE_DRAGON"
type_effective {
attack_scalar: 1
attack_scalar: 1
attack_scalar: 1
attack_scalar: 1
attack_scalar: 1
attack_scalar: 1
attack_scalar: 1
attack_scalar: 1
attack_scalar: 0.8
attack_scalar: 1
attack_scalar: 1
attack_scalar: 1
attack_scalar: 1
attack_scalar: 1
attack_scalar: 1
attack_scalar: 1.25
attack_scalar: 1
attack_scalar: 0.8
item_templates {
type_effective {
attack_scalar: 1
attack_scalar: 1
attack_scalar: 1.25
attack_scalar: 1
attack_scalar: 0.8
attack_scalar: 1
attack_scalar: 1
attack_scalar: 1
attack_scalar: 1
attack_scalar: 1
attack_scalar: 1.25
attack_scalar: 0.8
attack_scalar: 0.8
attack_scalar: 1
attack_scalar: 1
attack_scalar: 0.8
attack_scalar: 1
attack_scalar: 1
item_templates {
template_id: "POKEMON_TYPE_FAIRY"
type_effective {
attack_scalar: 1
attack_scalar: 1.25
attack_scalar: 1
attack_scalar: 0.8
attack_scalar: 1
attack_scalar: 1
attack_scalar: 1
attack_scalar: 1
attack_scalar: 0.8
attack_scalar: 0.8
attack_scalar: 1
attack_scalar: 1
attack_scalar: 1
attack_scalar: 1
attack_scalar: 1
attack_scalar: 1.25
attack_scalar: 1.25
attack_scalar: 1
item_templates {
type_effective {
attack_scalar: 1.25
attack_scalar: 1
attack_scalar: 0.8
attack_scalar: 0.8
attack_scalar: 1
attack_scalar: 1.25
attack_scalar: 0.8
attack_scalar: 0.8
attack_scalar: 1.25
attack_scalar: 1
attack_scalar: 1
attack_scalar: 1
attack_scalar: 1
attack_scalar: 0.8
attack_scalar: 1.25
attack_scalar: 1
attack_scalar: 1.25
attack_scalar: 0.8
item_templates {
template_id: "POKEMON_TYPE_FIRE"
type_effective {
attack_scalar: 1
attack_scalar: 1
attack_scalar: 1
attack_scalar: 1
attack_scalar: 1
attack_scalar: 0.8
attack_scalar: 1.25
attack_scalar: 1
attack_scalar: 1.25
attack_scalar: 0.8
attack_scalar: 0.8
attack_scalar: 1.25
attack_scalar: 1
attack_scalar: 1
attack_scalar: 1.25
attack_scalar: 0.8
attack_scalar: 1
attack_scalar: 1
attack_type: POKEMON_TYPE_FIRE
item_templates {
template_id: "POKEMON_TYPE_FLYING"
type_effective {
attack_scalar: 1
attack_scalar: 1.25
attack_scalar: 1
attack_scalar: 1
attack_scalar: 1
attack_scalar: 0.8
attack_scalar: 1.25
attack_scalar: 1
attack_scalar: 0.8
attack_scalar: 1
attack_scalar: 1
attack_scalar: 1.25
attack_scalar: 0.8
attack_scalar: 1
attack_scalar: 1
attack_scalar: 1
attack_scalar: 1
attack_scalar: 1
item_templates {
template_id: "POKEMON_TYPE_GHOST"
type_effective {
attack_scalar: 0.8
attack_scalar: 1
attack_scalar: 1
attack_scalar: 1
attack_scalar: 1
attack_scalar: 1
attack_scalar: 1
attack_scalar: 1.25
attack_scalar: 1
attack_scalar: 1
attack_scalar: 1
attack_scalar: 1
attack_scalar: 1
attack_scalar: 1.25
attack_scalar: 1
attack_scalar: 1
attack_scalar: 0.8
attack_scalar: 1
item_templates {
template_id: "POKEMON_TYPE_GRASS"
type_effective {
attack_scalar: 1
attack_scalar: 1
attack_scalar: 0.8
attack_scalar: 0.8
attack_scalar: 1.25
attack_scalar: 1.25
attack_scalar: 0.8
attack_scalar: 1
attack_scalar: 0.8
attack_scalar: 0.8
attack_scalar: 1.25
attack_scalar: 0.8
attack_scalar: 1
attack_scalar: 1
attack_scalar: 1
attack_scalar: 0.8
attack_scalar: 1
attack_scalar: 1
item_templates {
template_id: "POKEMON_TYPE_GROUND"
type_effective {
attack_scalar: 1
attack_scalar: 1
attack_scalar: 0.8
attack_scalar: 1.25
attack_scalar: 1
attack_scalar: 1.25
attack_scalar: 0.8
attack_scalar: 1
attack_scalar: 1.25
attack_scalar: 1.25
attack_scalar: 1
attack_scalar: 0.8
attack_scalar: 1.25
attack_scalar: 1
attack_scalar: 1
attack_scalar: 1
attack_scalar: 1
attack_scalar: 1
item_templates {
template_id: "POKEMON_TYPE_ICE"
type_effective {
attack_scalar: 1
attack_scalar: 1
attack_scalar: 1.25
attack_scalar: 1
attack_scalar: 1.25
attack_scalar: 1
attack_scalar: 1
attack_scalar: 1
attack_scalar: 0.8
attack_scalar: 0.8
attack_scalar: 0.8
attack_scalar: 1.25
attack_scalar: 1
attack_scalar: 1
attack_scalar: 0.8
attack_scalar: 1.25
attack_scalar: 1
attack_scalar: 1
attack_type: POKEMON_TYPE_ICE
item_templates {
template_id: "POKEMON_TYPE_NORMAL"
type_effective {
attack_scalar: 1
attack_scalar: 1
attack_scalar: 1
attack_scalar: 1
attack_scalar: 1
attack_scalar: 0.8
attack_scalar: 1
attack_scalar: 0.8
attack_scalar: 0.8
attack_scalar: 1
attack_scalar: 1
attack_scalar: 1
attack_scalar: 1
attack_scalar: 1
attack_scalar: 1
attack_scalar: 1
attack_scalar: 1
attack_scalar: 1
item_templates {
template_id: "POKEMON_TYPE_POISON"
type_effective {
attack_scalar: 1
attack_scalar: 1
attack_scalar: 1
attack_scalar: 0.8
attack_scalar: 0.8
attack_scalar: 0.8
attack_scalar: 1
attack_scalar: 0.8
attack_scalar: 0.8
attack_scalar: 1
attack_scalar: 1
attack_scalar: 1.25
attack_scalar: 1
attack_scalar: 1
attack_scalar: 1
attack_scalar: 1
attack_scalar: 1
attack_scalar: 1.25
item_templates {
type_effective {
attack_scalar: 1
attack_scalar: 1.25
attack_scalar: 1
attack_scalar: 1.25
attack_scalar: 1
attack_scalar: 1
attack_scalar: 1
attack_scalar: 1
attack_scalar: 0.8
attack_scalar: 1
attack_scalar: 1
attack_scalar: 1
attack_scalar: 1
attack_scalar: 0.8
attack_scalar: 1
attack_scalar: 1
attack_scalar: 0.8
attack_scalar: 1
item_templates {
template_id: "POKEMON_TYPE_ROCK"
type_effective {
attack_scalar: 1
attack_scalar: 0.8
attack_scalar: 1.25
attack_scalar: 1
attack_scalar: 0.8
attack_scalar: 1
attack_scalar: 1.25
attack_scalar: 1
attack_scalar: 0.8
attack_scalar: 1.25
attack_scalar: 1
attack_scalar: 1
attack_scalar: 1
attack_scalar: 1
attack_scalar: 1.25
attack_scalar: 1
attack_scalar: 1
attack_scalar: 1
attack_type: POKEMON_TYPE_ROCK
item_templates {
template_id: "POKEMON_TYPE_STEEL"
type_effective {
attack_scalar: 1
attack_scalar: 1
attack_scalar: 1
attack_scalar: 1
attack_scalar: 1
attack_scalar: 1.25
attack_scalar: 1
attack_scalar: 1
attack_scalar: 0.8
attack_scalar: 0.8
attack_scalar: 0.8
attack_scalar: 1
attack_scalar: 0.8
attack_scalar: 1
attack_scalar: 1.25
attack_scalar: 1
attack_scalar: 1
attack_scalar: 1.25
item_templates {
template_id: "POKEMON_TYPE_WATER"
type_effective {
attack_scalar: 1
attack_scalar: 1
attack_scalar: 1
attack_scalar: 1
attack_scalar: 1.25
attack_scalar: 1.25
attack_scalar: 1
attack_scalar: 1
attack_scalar: 1
attack_scalar: 1.25
attack_scalar: 0.8
attack_scalar: 0.8
attack_scalar: 1
attack_scalar: 1
attack_scalar: 1
attack_scalar: 0.8
attack_scalar: 1
attack_scalar: 1
item_templates {
pokemon_upgrades {
upgrades_per_level: 2
allowed_levels_above_player: 2
candy_cost: 1
candy_cost: 1
candy_cost: 1
candy_cost: 1
candy_cost: 1
candy_cost: 1
candy_cost: 1
candy_cost: 1
candy_cost: 1
candy_cost: 1
candy_cost: 2
candy_cost: 2
candy_cost: 2
candy_cost: 2
candy_cost: 2
candy_cost: 2
candy_cost: 2
candy_cost: 2
candy_cost: 2
candy_cost: 2
candy_cost: 3
candy_cost: 3
candy_cost: 3
candy_cost: 3
candy_cost: 3
candy_cost: 4
candy_cost: 4
candy_cost: 4
candy_cost: 4
candy_cost: 4
candy_cost: 6
candy_cost: 6
candy_cost: 8
candy_cost: 8
candy_cost: 10
candy_cost: 10
candy_cost: 12
candy_cost: 12
candy_cost: 15
candy_cost: 15
stardust_cost: 200
stardust_cost: 200
stardust_cost: 400
stardust_cost: 400
stardust_cost: 600
stardust_cost: 600
stardust_cost: 800
stardust_cost: 800
stardust_cost: 1000
stardust_cost: 1000
stardust_cost: 1300
stardust_cost: 1300
stardust_cost: 1600
stardust_cost: 1600
stardust_cost: 1900
stardust_cost: 1900
stardust_cost: 2200
stardust_cost: 2200
stardust_cost: 2500
stardust_cost: 2500
stardust_cost: 3000
stardust_cost: 3000
stardust_cost: 3500
stardust_cost: 3500
stardust_cost: 4000
stardust_cost: 4000
stardust_cost: 4500
stardust_cost: 4500
stardust_cost: 5000
stardust_cost: 5000
stardust_cost: 6000
stardust_cost: 6000
stardust_cost: 7000
stardust_cost: 7000
stardust_cost: 8000
stardust_cost: 8000
stardust_cost: 9000
stardust_cost: 9000
stardust_cost: 10000
stardust_cost: 10000
item_templates {
template_id: "V0001_POKEMON_BULBASAUR"
pokemon_settings {
pokemon_id: BULBASAUR
model_scale: 1.09
camera {
disk_radius_m: 0.5723
cylinder_radius_m: 0.3815
cylinder_height_m: 0.763
shoulder_mode_scale: 0.5
encounter {
base_capture_rate: 0.16
base_flee_rate: 0.1
collision_radius_m: 0.3815
collision_height_m: 0.654
collision_head_radius_m: 0.2725
movement_type: MOVEMENT_JUMP
movement_timer_s: 10
jump_time_s: 1.15
attack_timer_s: 29
stats {
base_stamina: 90
base_attack: 126
base_defense: 126
quick_moves: VINE_WHIP_FAST
quick_moves: TACKLE_FAST
cinematic_moves: SLUDGE_BOMB
cinematic_moves: SEED_BOMB
cinematic_moves: POWER_WHIP
animation_time: 1.6667
animation_time: 0.6667
animation_time: 1.6667
animation_time: 1.8333
animation_time: 0
animation_time: 2.1667
animation_time: 1.4
animation_time: 1.4666671
evolution_ids: IVYSAUR
evolution_pips: 1
pokedex_height_m: 0.7
pokedex_weight_kg: 6.9
height_std_dev: 0.0875
weight_std_dev: 0.8625
candy_to_evolve: 25
item_templates {
template_id: "V0002_POKEMON_IVYSAUR"
pokemon_settings {
pokemon_id: IVYSAUR
model_scale: 0.85
camera {
disk_radius_m: 0.765
cylinder_radius_m: 0.51
cylinder_height_m: 1.0625
shoulder_mode_scale: 0.5
encounter {
base_capture_rate: 0.08
base_flee_rate: 0.07
collision_radius_m: 0.31875
collision_height_m: 0.6375
collision_head_radius_m: 0.255
movement_type: MOVEMENT_JUMP
movement_timer_s: 23
jump_time_s: 1.5
attack_timer_s: 8
stats {
base_stamina: 120
base_attack: 156
base_defense: 158
quick_moves: RAZOR_LEAF_FAST
quick_moves: VINE_WHIP_FAST
cinematic_moves: SLUDGE_BOMB
cinematic_moves: SOLAR_BEAM
cinematic_moves: POWER_WHIP
animation_time: 2.6667
animation_time: 0.6667
animation_time: 1.6667
animation_time: 2.1667
animation_time: 0
animation_time: 2
animation_time: 1.6667
animation_time: 1.733333
evolution_ids: VENUSAUR
evolution_pips: 1
pokedex_height_m: 1
pokedex_weight_kg: 13
parent_pokemon_id: BULBASAUR
height_std_dev: 0.125
weight_std_dev: 1.625
candy_to_evolve: 100
item_templates {
template_id: "V0003_POKEMON_VENUSAUR"
pokemon_settings {
pokemon_id: VENUSAUR
model_scale: 0.69
camera {
disk_radius_m: 1.1385
cylinder_radius_m: 0.759
cylinder_height_m: 1.2075
shoulder_mode_scale: 0.5
encounter {
base_capture_rate: 0.04
base_flee_rate: 0.05
collision_radius_m: 0.759
collision_height_m: 1.035
collision_head_radius_m: 0.3795
movement_type: MOVEMENT_JUMP
movement_timer_s: 11
jump_time_s: 1.25
attack_timer_s: 4
stats {
base_stamina: 160
base_attack: 198
base_defense: 200
quick_moves: RAZOR_LEAF_FAST
quick_moves: VINE_WHIP_FAST
cinematic_moves: SLUDGE_BOMB
cinematic_moves: PETAL_BLIZZARD
cinematic_moves: SOLAR_BEAM
animation_time: 2.4667
animation_time: 0.6667
animation_time: 1.6667
animation_time: 1.8333
animation_time: 0
animation_time: 2.1333
animation_time: 2
animation_time: 2.0666671
evolution_pips: 1
pokedex_height_m: 2
pokedex_weight_kg: 100
parent_pokemon_id: IVYSAUR
height_std_dev: 0.25
weight_std_dev: 12.5
item_templates {
template_id: "V0004_POKEMON_CHARMANDER"
pokemon_settings {
pokemon_id: CHARMANDER
model_scale: 1.25
camera {
disk_radius_m: 0.4688
cylinder_radius_m: 0.3125
cylinder_height_m: 0.75
shoulder_mode_scale: 0.5
encounter {
base_capture_rate: 0.16
base_flee_rate: 0.1
collision_radius_m: 0.15625
collision_height_m: 0.46875
collision_head_radius_m: 0.15625
movement_type: MOVEMENT_JUMP
movement_timer_s: 29
jump_time_s: 1.25
attack_timer_s: 10
stats {
base_stamina: 78
base_attack: 128
base_defense: 108
quick_moves: EMBER_FAST
quick_moves: SCRATCH_FAST
cinematic_moves: FLAME_CHARGE
cinematic_moves: FLAME_BURST
cinematic_moves: FLAMETHROWER
animation_time: 2.1333
animation_time: 0.6667
animation_time: 1.6667
animation_time: 1.8333
animation_time: 0
animation_time: 2.1333
animation_time: 1.1667
animation_time: 1.333333
evolution_ids: CHARMELEON
evolution_pips: 1
pokedex_height_m: 0.6
pokedex_weight_kg: 8.5
height_std_dev: 0.075
weight_std_dev: 1.0625
candy_to_evolve: 25
item_templates {
template_id: "V0005_POKEMON_CHARMELEON"
pokemon_settings {
pokemon_id: CHARMELEON
model_scale: 1.03
camera {
disk_radius_m: 0.6953
cylinder_radius_m: 0.4635
cylinder_height_m: 1.133
shoulder_mode_scale: 0.5
encounter {
base_capture_rate: 0.08
base_flee_rate: 0.07
collision_radius_m: 0.2575
collision_height_m: 0.7725
collision_head_radius_m: 0.23175
movement_type: MOVEMENT_JUMP
movement_timer_s: 23
jump_time_s: 1
attack_timer_s: 8
stats {
base_stamina: 116
base_attack: 160
base_defense: 140
quick_moves: EMBER_FAST
quick_moves: SCRATCH_FAST
cinematic_moves: FIRE_PUNCH
cinematic_moves: FLAME_BURST
cinematic_moves: FLAMETHROWER
animation_time: 1.8667
animation_time: 0.6667
animation_time: 1.8333
animation_time: 1.5
animation_time: 6.666667
animation_time: 2.3333
animation_time: 2
animation_time: 2.533334
evolution_ids: CHARIZARD
evolution_pips: 1
pokedex_height_m: 1.1
pokedex_weight_kg: 19
parent_pokemon_id: CHARMANDER
height_std_dev: 0.1375
weight_std_dev: 2.375
candy_to_evolve: 100
item_templates {
template_id: "V0006_POKEMON_CHARIZARD"
pokemon_settings {
pokemon_id: CHARIZARD
model_scale: 0.81
camera {
disk_radius_m: 1.215
cylinder_radius_m: 0.81
cylinder_height_m: 1.377
cylinder_ground_m: 0.405
shoulder_mode_scale: 0.5
encounter {
base_capture_rate: 0.04
base_flee_rate: 0.05
collision_radius_m: 0.405
collision_height_m: 1.0125
collision_head_radius_m: 0.2025
movement_type: MOVEMENT_FLYING
movement_timer_s: 11
jump_time_s: 1
attack_timer_s: 4
stats {
base_stamina: 156
base_attack: 212
base_defense: 182
quick_moves: EMBER_FAST
quick_moves: WING_ATTACK_FAST
cinematic_moves: FIRE_BLAST
cinematic_moves: DRAGON_CLAW
cinematic_moves: FLAMETHROWER
animation_time: 2.2
animation_time: 0.6667
animation_time: 1.6667
animation_time: 0.8667
animation_time: 6.666667
animation_time: 2
animation_time: 1.6
animation_time: 2
evolution_pips: 1
pokedex_height_m: 1.7
pokedex_weight_kg: 90.5
parent_pokemon_id: CHARMELEON
height_std_dev: 0.2125
weight_std_dev: 11.3125
item_templates {
template_id: "V0007_POKEMON_SQUIRTLE"
pokemon_settings {
pokemon_id: SQUIRTLE
model_scale: 1.53
camera {
disk_radius_m: 0.5738
cylinder_radius_m: 0.3825
cylinder_height_m: 0.64259988
shoulder_mode_scale: 0.1
encounter {
base_capture_rate: 0.16
base_flee_rate: 0.1
collision_radius_m: 0.2295
collision_height_m: 0.3825
collision_head_radius_m: 0.19125
movement_type: MOVEMENT_JUMP
movement_timer_s: 10
jump_time_s: 1
attack_timer_s: 29
stats {
base_stamina: 88
base_attack: 112
base_defense: 142
quick_moves: BUBBLE_FAST
quick_moves: TACKLE_FAST
cinematic_moves: AQUA_JET
cinematic_moves: AQUA_TAIL
cinematic_moves: WATER_PULSE
animation_time: 1.7333
animation_time: 0.6667
animation_time: 1.6667
animation_time: 1.5
animation_time: 0
animation_time: 2.1667
animation_time: 1
animation_time: 1.333333
evolution_ids: WARTORTLE
evolution_pips: 1
pokedex_height_m: 0.5
pokedex_weight_kg: 9
height_std_dev: 0.0625
weight_std_dev: 1.125
candy_to_evolve: 25
item_templates {
template_id: "V0008_POKEMON_WARTORTLE"
pokemon_settings {
pokemon_id: WARTORTLE
model_scale: 1
camera {
disk_radius_m: 0.5625
cylinder_radius_m: 0.375
cylinder_height_m: 1
shoulder_mode_scale: 0.5
encounter {
base_capture_rate: 0.08
base_flee_rate: 0.07
collision_radius_m: 0.25
collision_height_m: 0.625
collision_head_radius_m: 0.1875
movement_type: MOVEMENT_JUMP
movement_timer_s: 23
jump_time_s: 1.25
attack_timer_s: 8
stats {
base_stamina: 118
base_attack: 144
base_defense: 176
quick_moves: WATER_GUN_FAST
quick_moves: BITE_FAST
cinematic_moves: AQUA_JET
cinematic_moves: ICE_BEAM
cinematic_moves: HYDRO_PUMP
animation_time: 2
animation_time: 0.6667
animation_time: 1.6667
animation_time: 1.8333
animation_time: 0
animation_time: 1.8
animation_time: 1.0667
animation_time: 1.133333
evolution_ids: BLASTOISE
evolution_pips: 1
pokedex_height_m: 1
pokedex_weight_kg: 22.5
parent_pokemon_id: SQUIRTLE
height_std_dev: 0.125
weight_std_dev: 2.8125
candy_to_evolve: 100
item_templates {
template_id: "V0009_POKEMON_BLASTOISE"
pokemon_settings {
pokemon_id: BLASTOISE
model_scale: 0.94
camera {
disk_radius_m: 0.846
cylinder_radius_m: 0.564
cylinder_height_m: 1.2925
shoulder_mode_scale: 0.5
encounter {
base_capture_rate: 0.04
base_flee_rate: 0.05
collision_radius_m: 0.564
collision_height_m: 1.175
collision_head_radius_m: 0.282
movement_type: MOVEMENT_JUMP
movement_timer_s: 14
jump_time_s: 1.25
attack_timer_s: 5
stats {
base_stamina: 158
base_attack: 186
base_defense: 222
quick_moves: WATER_GUN_FAST
quick_moves: BITE_FAST
cinematic_moves: FLASH_CANNON
cinematic_moves: ICE_BEAM
cinematic_moves: HYDRO_PUMP
animation_time: 2.1333
animation_time: 0.6667
animation_time: 1.6667
animation_time: 1.8333
animation_time: 0
animation_time: 2
animation_time: 2.6667
animation_time: 1.333333
evolution_pips: 1
pokedex_height_m: 1.6
pokedex_weight_kg: 85.5
parent_pokemon_id: WARTORTLE
height_std_dev: 0.2
weight_std_dev: 10.6875
item_templates {
template_id: "V0010_POKEMON_CATERPIE"
pokemon_settings {
pokemon_id: CATERPIE
model_scale: 2.04
camera {
disk_radius_m: 0.459
cylinder_radius_m: 0.306
cylinder_height_m: 0.408
encounter {
base_capture_rate: 0.4
base_flee_rate: 0.2
collision_radius_m: 0.102
collision_height_m: 0.306
collision_head_radius_m: 0.153
movement_type: MOVEMENT_JUMP
movement_timer_s: 10
attack_timer_s: 29
stats {
base_stamina: 90
base_attack: 62
base_defense: 66
quick_moves: BUG_BITE_FAST
quick_moves: TACKLE_FAST
cinematic_moves: STRUGGLE
animation_time: 0
animation_time: 0.6667
animation_time: 1.6667
animation_time: 1.6667
animation_time: 0
animation_time: 1.8333
animation_time: 1.6667
animation_time: 0
evolution_ids: METAPOD
evolution_pips: 1
pokedex_height_m: 0.3
pokedex_weight_kg: 2.9
height_std_dev: 0.0375
weight_std_dev: 0.3625
candy_to_evolve: 12
item_templates {
template_id: "V0011_POKEMON_METAPOD"
pokemon_settings {
pokemon_id: METAPOD
model_scale: 1.17
camera {
disk_radius_m: 0.5265
cylinder_radius_m: 0.351
cylinder_height_m: 0.6435
shoulder_mode_scale: 0.5
encounter {
base_capture_rate: 0.2
base_flee_rate: 0.09
collision_radius_m: 0.117
collision_height_m: 0.6435
collision_head_radius_m: 0.1755
movement_type: MOVEMENT_JUMP
movement_timer_s: 3600
jump_time_s: 1
attack_timer_s: 3600
stats {
base_stamina: 100
base_attack: 56
base_defense: 86
quick_moves: BUG_BITE_FAST
quick_moves: TACKLE_FAST
cinematic_moves: STRUGGLE
animation_time: 1.3333
animation_time: 0.6667
animation_time: 1.8333
animation_time: 1.6667
animation_time: 0
animation_time: 1.5667
animation_time: 2
animation_time: 0
evolution_ids: BUTTERFREE
evolution_pips: 1
pokedex_height_m: 0.7
pokedex_weight_kg: 9.9
parent_pokemon_id: CATERPIE
height_std_dev: 0.0875
weight_std_dev: 1.2375
candy_to_evolve: 50
item_templates {
template_id: "V0012_POKEMON_BUTTERFREE"
pokemon_settings {
pokemon_id: BUTTERFREE
model_scale: 1.11
camera {
disk_radius_m: 0.999
cylinder_radius_m: 0.666
cylinder_height_m: 1.11
cylinder_ground_m: 0.555
shoulder_mode_scale: 0.5
encounter {
base_capture_rate: 0.1
base_flee_rate: 0.06
collision_radius_m: 0.1665
collision_height_m: 0.555
collision_head_radius_m: 0.1776
movement_type: MOVEMENT_FLYING
movement_timer_s: 6
jump_time_s: 1
attack_timer_s: 17
stats {
base_stamina: 120
base_attack: 144
base_defense: 144
quick_moves: BUG_BITE_FAST
quick_moves: CONFUSION_FAST
cinematic_moves: BUG_BUZZ
cinematic_moves: PSYCHIC
cinematic_moves: SIGNAL_BEAM
animation_time: 2
animation_time: 0.6667
animation_time: 1.7333
animation_time: 0.6667
animation_time: 0
animation_time: 2.4667
animation_time: 2.1333
animation_time: 0
evolution_pips: 1
pokedex_height_m: 1.1
pokedex_weight_kg: 32
parent_pokemon_id: METAPOD
height_std_dev: 0.1375
weight_std_dev: 4
item_templates {
template_id: "V0013_MOVE_WRAP"
move_settings {
movement_id: WRAP
animation_id: 5
power: 25
accuracy_chance: 1
critical_chance: 0.05
stamina_loss_scalar: 0.06
trainer_level_min: 1
trainer_level_max: 100
vfx_name: "wrap"
duration_ms: 4000
damage_window_start_ms: 2800
damage_window_end_ms: 3400
energy_delta: -20
item_templates {
template_id: "V0013_POKEMON_WEEDLE"
pokemon_settings {
pokemon_id: WEEDLE
model_scale: 2.09
camera {
disk_radius_m: 0.3135
cylinder_radius_m: 0.209
cylinder_height_m: 0.418
shoulder_mode_scale: 0.5
encounter {
base_capture_rate: 0.4
base_flee_rate: 0.2
collision_radius_m: 0.1045
collision_height_m: 0.209
collision_head_radius_m: 0.15675
movement_type: MOVEMENT_JUMP
movement_timer_s: 10
jump_time_s: 1.25
attack_timer_s: 29
stats {
base_stamina: 80
base_attack: 68
base_defense: 64
quick_moves: BUG_BITE_FAST
quick_moves: POISON_STING_FAST
cinematic_moves: STRUGGLE
animation_time: 0
animation_time: 0.6667
animation_time: 1.6667
animation_time: 1.8333
animation_time: 0
animation_time: 1.6667
animation_time: 2
animation_time: 0
evolution_ids: KAKUNA
evolution_pips: 1
pokedex_height_m: 0.3
pokedex_weight_kg: 3.2
height_std_dev: 0.0375
weight_std_dev: 0.4
family_id: FAMILY_WEEDLE
candy_to_evolve: 12
item_templates {
template_id: "V0014_MOVE_HYPER_BEAM"
move_settings {
movement_id: HYPER_BEAM
animation_id: 5
power: 120
accuracy_chance: 1
critical_chance: 0.05
stamina_loss_scalar: 0.15
trainer_level_min: 1
trainer_level_max: 100
vfx_name: "hyper_beam"
duration_ms: 5000
damage_window_start_ms: 4000
damage_window_end_ms: 4800
energy_delta: -100
item_templates {
template_id: "V0014_POKEMON_KAKUNA"
pokemon_settings {
pokemon_id: KAKUNA
model_scale: 1.25
camera {
disk_radius_m: 0.375
cylinder_radius_m: 0.25
cylinder_height_m: 0.75
shoulder_mode_scale: 0.5
encounter {
base_capture_rate: 0.2
base_flee_rate: 0.09
collision_radius_m: 0.25
collision_height_m: 0.75
collision_head_radius_m: 0.125
movement_type: MOVEMENT_JUMP
movement_timer_s: 3600
attack_timer_s: 3600
stats {
base_stamina: 90
base_attack: 62
base_defense: 82
quick_moves: BUG_BITE_FAST
quick_moves: POISON_STING_FAST
cinematic_moves: STRUGGLE
animation_time: 0
animation_time: 0.6667
animation_time: 0
animation_time: 1.6667
animation_time: 0
animation_time: 2
animation_time: 2.5
animation_time: 0
evolution_ids: BEEDRILL
evolution_pips: 1
pokedex_height_m: 0.6
pokedex_weight_kg: 10
parent_pokemon_id: WEEDLE
height_std_dev: 0.075
weight_std_dev: 1.25
family_id: FAMILY_WEEDLE
candy_to_evolve: 50
item_templates {
template_id: "V0015_POKEMON_BEEDRILL"
pokemon_settings {
pokemon_id: BEEDRILL
model_scale: 0.77
camera {
disk_radius_m: 0.693
cylinder_radius_m: 0.462
cylinder_height_m: 0.77
cylinder_ground_m: 0.385
shoulder_mode_scale: 0.5
encounter {
base_capture_rate: 0.1
base_flee_rate: 0.06
collision_radius_m: 0.308
collision_height_m: 0.5775
collision_head_radius_m: 0.231
movement_type: MOVEMENT_ELECTRIC
movement_timer_s: 6
jump_time_s: 1
attack_timer_s: 17
stats {
base_stamina: 130
base_attack: 144
base_defense: 130
quick_moves: BUG_BITE_FAST
quick_moves: POISON_JAB_FAST
cinematic_moves: SLUDGE_BOMB
cinematic_moves: AERIAL_ACE
cinematic_moves: X_SCISSOR
animation_time: 1.6667
animation_time: 0.6667
animation_time: 1.6667
animation_time: 0.6667
animation_time: 0.2
animation_time: 1.8
animation_time: 1.3333
animation_time: 0
evolution_pips: 1
pokedex_height_m: 1
pokedex_weight_kg: 29.5
parent_pokemon_id: KAKUNA
height_std_dev: 0.125
weight_std_dev: 3.6875
family_id: FAMILY_WEEDLE
item_templates {
template_id: "V0016_MOVE_DARK_PULSE"
move_settings {
movement_id: DARK_PULSE
animation_id: 5
pokemon_type: POKEMON_TYPE_DARK
power: 45
accuracy_chance: 1
critical_chance: 0.05
stamina_loss_scalar: 0.08
trainer_level_min: 1
trainer_level_max: 100
vfx_name: "dark_pulse"
duration_ms: 3500
damage_window_start_ms: 2300
damage_window_end_ms: 3400
energy_delta: -33
item_templates {
template_id: "V0016_POKEMON_PIDGEY"
pokemon_settings {
pokemon_id: PIDGEY
model_scale: 1.68
camera {
disk_radius_m: 0.378
cylinder_radius_m: 0.252
cylinder_height_m: 0.504
shoulder_mode_scale: 0.5
encounter {
base_capture_rate: 0.4
base_flee_rate: 0.2
collision_radius_m: 0.1344
collision_height_m: 0.252
collision_head_radius_m: 0.126
movement_type: MOVEMENT_JUMP
movement_timer_s: 10
jump_time_s: 1.4
attack_timer_s: 29
stats {
base_stamina: 80
base_attack: 94
base_defense: 90
quick_moves: QUICK_ATTACK_FAST
quick_moves: TACKLE_FAST
cinematic_moves: TWISTER
cinematic_moves: AERIAL_ACE
cinematic_moves: AIR_CUTTER
animation_time: 1.6667
animation_time: 0.6667
animation_time: 1.6667
animation_time: 1.8333
animation_time: 0
animation_time: 1.8333
animation_time: 0.8
animation_time: 1.333333
evolution_ids: PIDGEOTTO
evolution_pips: 1
pokedex_height_m: 0.3
pokedex_weight_kg: 1.8
height_std_dev: 0.0375
weight_std_dev: 0.225
family_id: FAMILY_PIDGEY
candy_to_evolve: 12
item_templates {
template_id: "V0017_POKEMON_PIDGEOTTO"
pokemon_settings {
pokemon_id: PIDGEOTTO
model_scale: 0.79
camera {
disk_radius_m: 0.711
cylinder_radius_m: 0.474
cylinder_height_m: 0.9875
cylinder_ground_m: 0.395
shoulder_mode_scale: 0.5
encounter {
base_capture_rate: 0.2
base_flee_rate: 0.09
collision_radius_m: 0.316
collision_height_m: 0.69125
collision_head_radius_m: 0.237
movement_type: MOVEMENT_FLYING
movement_timer_s: 10
jump_time_s: 1
attack_timer_s: 29
stats {
base_stamina: 126
base_attack: 126
base_defense: 122
quick_moves: WING_ATTACK_FAST
quick_moves: STEEL_WING_FAST
cinematic_moves: TWISTER
cinematic_moves: AERIAL_ACE
cinematic_moves: AIR_CUTTER
animation_time: 2.6667
animation_time: 0.6667
animation_time: 2
animation_time: 0.8
animation_time: 0
animation_time: 2
animation_time: 0.6667
animation_time: 0
evolution_ids: PIDGEOT
evolution_pips: 1
pokedex_height_m: 1.1
pokedex_weight_kg: 30
parent_pokemon_id: PIDGEY
height_std_dev: 0.1375
weight_std_dev: 3.75
family_id: FAMILY_PIDGEY
candy_to_evolve: 50
item_templates {
template_id: "V0018_MOVE_SLUDGE"
move_settings {
movement_id: SLUDGE
animation_id: 5
power: 30
accuracy_chance: 1
critical_chance: 0.05
stamina_loss_scalar: 0.065
trainer_level_min: 1
trainer_level_max: 100
vfx_name: "sludge"
duration_ms: 2600
damage_window_start_ms: 1850
damage_window_end_ms: 2350
energy_delta: -25
item_templates {
template_id: "V0018_POKEMON_PIDGEOT"
pokemon_settings {
pokemon_id: PIDGEOT
model_scale: 0.72
camera {
disk_radius_m: 1.296
cylinder_radius_m: 0.864
cylinder_height_m: 1.44
cylinder_ground_m: 0.36
shoulder_mode_scale: 0.5
encounter {
base_capture_rate: 0.1
base_flee_rate: 0.06
collision_radius_m: 0.36
collision_height_m: 1.008
collision_head_radius_m: 0.216
movement_type: MOVEMENT_FLYING
movement_timer_s: 6
jump_time_s: 1
attack_timer_s: 17
stats {
base_stamina: 166
base_attack: 170
base_defense: 166
quick_moves: WING_ATTACK_FAST
quick_moves: STEEL_WING_FAST
cinematic_moves: HURRICANE
cinematic_moves: AERIAL_ACE
cinematic_moves: AIR_CUTTER
animation_time: 2.0667
animation_time: 0.6667
animation_time: 1.6667
animation_time: 0.6667
animation_time: 0
animation_time: 2
animation_time: 1.8
animation_time: 0
evolution_pips: 1
pokedex_height_m: 1.5
pokedex_weight_kg: 39.5
parent_pokemon_id: PIDGEOTTO
height_std_dev: 0.1875
weight_std_dev: 4.9375
family_id: FAMILY_PIDGEY
item_templates {
template_id: "V0019_POKEMON_RATTATA"
pokemon_settings {
pokemon_id: RATTATA
model_scale: 1.26
camera {
disk_radius_m: 0.378
cylinder_radius_m: 0.252
cylinder_height_m: 0.378
shoulder_mode_scale: 0.5
encounter {
base_capture_rate: 0.4
base_flee_rate: 0.2
collision_radius_m: 0.189
collision_height_m: 0.252
collision_head_radius_m: 0.126
movement_type: MOVEMENT_JUMP
movement_timer_s: 10
jump_time_s: 0.9
attack_timer_s: 29
stats {
base_stamina: 60
base_attack: 92
base_defense: 86
quick_moves: TACKLE_FAST
quick_moves: QUICK_ATTACK_FAST
cinematic_moves: DIG
cinematic_moves: HYPER_FANG
cinematic_moves: BODY_SLAM
animation_time: 1.9
animation_time: 0.6667
animation_time: 1.8
animation_time: 1.7667
animation_time: 0
animation_time: 2.4
animation_time: 0.8667
animation_time: 0
evolution_ids: RATICATE
evolution_pips: 1
pokedex_height_m: 0.3
pokedex_weight_kg: 3.5
height_std_dev: 0.0375
weight_std_dev: 0.4375
candy_to_evolve: 25
item_templates {
template_id: "V0020_MOVE_VICE_GRIP"
move_settings {
movement_id: VICE_GRIP
animation_id: 5
power: 25
accuracy_chance: 1
critical_chance: 0.05
stamina_loss_scalar: 0.055
trainer_level_min: 1
trainer_level_max: 100
vfx_name: "vice_grip"
duration_ms: 2100
damage_window_start_ms: 1850
damage_window_end_ms: 2100
energy_delta: -20
item_templates {
template_id: "V0020_POKEMON_RATICATE"
pokemon_settings {
pokemon_id: RATICATE
model_scale: 1.17
camera {
disk_radius_m: 0.7898
cylinder_radius_m: 0.5265
cylinder_height_m: 0.936
shoulder_mode_scale: 0.5
encounter {
base_capture_rate: 0.16
base_flee_rate: 0.07
collision_radius_m: 0.2925
collision_height_m: 0.585
collision_head_radius_m: 0.26325
movement_type: MOVEMENT_JUMP
movement_timer_s: 23
jump_time_s: 1
attack_timer_s: 8
stats {
base_stamina: 110
base_attack: 146
base_defense: 150
quick_moves: BITE_FAST
quick_moves: QUICK_ATTACK_FAST
cinematic_moves: DIG
cinematic_moves: HYPER_FANG
cinematic_moves: HYPER_BEAM
animation_time: 1.6667
animation_time: 0.6667
animation_time: 1.7333
animation_time: 1.6667
animation_time: 0
animation_time: 2
animation_time: 2.0667
animation_time: 0
evolution_pips: 1
pokedex_height_m: 0.7
pokedex_weight_kg: 18.5
parent_pokemon_id: RATTATA
height_std_dev: 0.0875
weight_std_dev: 2.3125
item_templates {
template_id: "V0021_MOVE_FLAME_WHEEL"
move_settings {
movement_id: FLAME_WHEEL
animation_id: 5
pokemon_type: POKEMON_TYPE_FIRE
power: 40
accuracy_chance: 1
critical_chance: 0.05
stamina_loss_scalar: 0.06
trainer_level_min: 1
trainer_level_max: 100
vfx_name: "flame_wheel"
duration_ms: 4600
damage_window_start_ms: 2700
damage_window_end_ms: 3200
energy_delta: -25
item_templates {
template_id: "V0021_POKEMON_SPEAROW"
pokemon_settings {
pokemon_id: SPEAROW
model_scale: 1.48
camera {
disk_radius_m: 0.444
cylinder_radius_m: 0.296
cylinder_height_m: 0.518
shoulder_mode_scale: 0.5
encounter {
base_capture_rate: 0.4
base_flee_rate: 0.15
collision_radius_m: 0.148
collision_height_m: 0.2664
collision_head_radius_m: 0.148
movement_type: MOVEMENT_JUMP
movement_timer_s: 10
jump_time_s: 1.25
attack_timer_s: 29
stats {
base_stamina: 80
base_attack: 102
base_defense: 78
quick_moves: PECK_FAST
quick_moves: QUICK_ATTACK_FAST
cinematic_moves: AERIAL_ACE
cinematic_moves: DRILL_PECK
cinematic_moves: TWISTER
animation_time: 1.5333
animation_time: 0.6667
animation_time: 1.6667
animation_time: 1.8333
animation_time: 0
animation_time: 2.3333
animation_time: 0.8
animation_time: 0
evolution_ids: FEAROW
evolution_pips: 1
pokedex_height_m: 0.3
pokedex_weight_kg: 2
height_std_dev: 0.0375
weight_std_dev: 0.25
candy_to_evolve: 50
item_templates {
template_id: "V0022_MOVE_MEGAHORN"
move_settings {
movement_id: MEGAHORN
animation_id: 5
pokemon_type: POKEMON_TYPE_BUG
power: 80
accuracy_chance: 1
critical_chance: 0.05
stamina_loss_scalar: 0.12
trainer_level_min: 1
trainer_level_max: 100
vfx_name: "megahorn"
duration_ms: 3200
damage_window_start_ms: 2400
damage_window_end_ms: 2700
energy_delta: -100
item_templates {
template_id: "V0022_POKEMON_FEAROW"
pokemon_settings {
pokemon_id: FEAROW
model_scale: 0.84
camera {
disk_radius_m: 1.26
cylinder_radius_m: 0.504
cylinder_height_m: 1.05
cylinder_ground_m: 0.42
shoulder_mode_scale: 0.375
encounter {
base_capture_rate: 0.16
base_flee_rate: 0.07
collision_radius_m: 0.252
collision_height_m: 0.63
collision_head_radius_m: 0.126
movement_type: MOVEMENT_FLYING
movement_timer_s: 8
jump_time_s: 1
attack_timer_s: 23
stats {
base_stamina: 130
base_attack: 168
base_defense: 146
quick_moves: PECK_FAST
quick_moves: STEEL_WING_FAST
cinematic_moves: AERIAL_ACE
cinematic_moves: DRILL_RUN
cinematic_moves: TWISTER
animation_time: 2.6667
animation_time: 0.6667
animation_time: 1.6667
animation_time: 0.8333
animation_time: 0
animation_time: 2.3333
animation_time: 1.6667
animation_time: 0
evolution_pips: 1
pokedex_height_m: 1.2
pokedex_weight_kg: 38
parent_pokemon_id: SPEAROW
height_std_dev: 0.15
weight_std_dev: 4.75
item_templates {
template_id: "V0023_POKEMON_EKANS"
pokemon_settings {
pokemon_id: EKANS
model_scale: 1.73
camera {
disk_radius_m: 0.6488
cylinder_radius_m: 0.4325
cylinder_height_m: 0.6055
shoulder_mode_scale: 0.375
encounter {
base_capture_rate: 0.4
base_flee_rate: 0.15
collision_radius_m: 0.2595
collision_height_m: 0.346
collision_head_radius_m: 0.1384
movement_type: MOVEMENT_JUMP
movement_timer_s: 29
jump_time_s: 1.25
attack_timer_s: 10
stats {
base_stamina: 70
base_attack: 112
base_defense: 112
quick_moves: POISON_STING_FAST
quick_moves: ACID_FAST
cinematic_moves: WRAP
cinematic_moves: SLUDGE_BOMB
cinematic_moves: GUNK_SHOT
animation_time: 1.7333
animation_time: 0.6667
animation_time: 1.6667
animation_time: 1.8333
animation_time: 0
animation_time: 2.2
animation_time: 1.6
animation_time: 0
evolution_ids: ARBOK
evolution_pips: 1
pokedex_height_m: 2
pokedex_weight_kg: 6.9
height_std_dev: 0.25
weight_std_dev: 0.8625
family_id: FAMILY_EKANS
candy_to_evolve: 50
item_templates {
template_id: "V0024_MOVE_FLAMETHROWER"
move_settings {
movement_id: FLAMETHROWER
animation_id: 5
pokemon_type: POKEMON_TYPE_FIRE
power: 55
accuracy_chance: 1
critical_chance: 0.05
stamina_loss_scalar: 0.09
trainer_level_min: 1
trainer_level_max: 100
vfx_name: "flamethrower"
duration_ms: 2900
damage_window_start_ms: 1700
damage_window_end_ms: 2600
energy_delta: -50
item_templates {
template_id: "V0024_POKEMON_ARBOK"
pokemon_settings {
pokemon_id: ARBOK
model_scale: 0.82
camera {
disk_radius_m: 0.9225
cylinder_radius_m: 0.615
cylinder_height_m: 1.353
shoulder_mode_scale: 0.5
encounter {
base_capture_rate: 0.16
base_flee_rate: 0.07
collision_radius_m: 0.41
collision_height_m: 1.353
collision_head_radius_m: 0.164
movement_type: MOVEMENT_JUMP
movement_timer_s: 23
jump_time_s: 1
attack_timer_s: 8
stats {
base_stamina: 120
base_attack: 166
base_defense: 166
quick_moves: BITE_FAST
quick_moves: ACID_FAST
cinematic_moves: DARK_PULSE
cinematic_moves: SLUDGE_WAVE
cinematic_moves: GUNK_SHOT
animation_time: 2.6667
animation_time: 0.6667
animation_time: 1.6667
animation_time: 1.5
animation_time: 0
animation_time: 2.6667
animation_time: 2.6667
animation_time: 0
evolution_pips: 1
pokedex_height_m: 3.5
pokedex_weight_kg: 65
parent_pokemon_id: EKANS
height_std_dev: 0.4375
weight_std_dev: 8.125
family_id: FAMILY_EKANS
item_templates {
template_id: "V0025_POKEMON_PIKACHU"
pokemon_settings {
pokemon_id: PIKACHU
model_scale: 1.48
camera {
disk_radius_m: 0.555
cylinder_radius_m: 0.37
cylinder_height_m: 0.74
shoulder_mode_scale: 0.5
encounter {
base_capture_rate: 0.16
base_flee_rate: 0.1
collision_radius_m: 0.185
collision_height_m: 0.518
collision_head_radius_m: 0.185
movement_timer_s: 10
jump_time_s: 1
attack_timer_s: 29
stats {
base_stamina: 70
base_attack: 124
base_defense: 108
quick_moves: QUICK_ATTACK_FAST
cinematic_moves: DISCHARGE
cinematic_moves: THUNDERBOLT
cinematic_moves: THUNDER
animation_time: 1.8333
animation_time: 0.6667
animation_time: 1.6
animation_time: 1.5667
animation_time: 0
animation_time: 1.8
animation_time: 1.1333
animation_time: 1.066667
evolution_ids: RAICHU
evolution_pips: 1
pokedex_height_m: 0.4
pokedex_weight_kg: 6
height_std_dev: 0.05
weight_std_dev: 0.75
candy_to_evolve: 50
item_templates {
template_id: "V0026_MOVE_DIG"
move_settings {
movement_id: DIG
animation_id: 5
power: 70
accuracy_chance: 1
critical_chance: 0.05
stamina_loss_scalar: 0.08
trainer_level_min: 1
trainer_level_max: 100
vfx_name: "dig"
duration_ms: 5800
damage_window_start_ms: 4600
damage_window_end_ms: 5000
energy_delta: -33
item_templates {
template_id: "V0026_POKEMON_RAICHU"
pokemon_settings {
pokemon_id: RAICHU
model_scale: 1.08
camera {
disk_radius_m: 0.729
cylinder_radius_m: 0.486
cylinder_height_m: 1.35
shoulder_mode_scale: 0.5
encounter {
base_capture_rate: 0.08
base_flee_rate: 0.06
collision_radius_m: 0.27
collision_height_m: 0.54
collision_head_radius_m: 0.216
movement_type: MOVEMENT_JUMP
movement_timer_s: 6
jump_time_s: 1.25
attack_timer_s: 17
stats {
base_stamina: 120
base_attack: 200
base_defense: 154
quick_moves: SPARK_FAST
cinematic_moves: BRICK_BREAK
cinematic_moves: THUNDER_PUNCH
cinematic_moves: THUNDER
animation_time: 2.2333
animation_time: 0.6667
animation_time: 2
animation_time: 2
animation_time: 0
animation_time: 2.6667
animation_time: 1
animation_time: 1.133333
evolution_pips: 1
pokedex_height_m: 0.8
pokedex_weight_kg: 30
parent_pokemon_id: PIKACHU
height_std_dev: 0.1
weight_std_dev: 3.75
item_templates {
template_id: "V0027_POKEMON_SANDSHREW"
pokemon_settings {
pokemon_id: SANDSHREW
model_scale: 1.29
camera {
disk_radius_m: 0.4838
cylinder_radius_m: 0.3225
cylinder_height_m: 0.774
shoulder_mode_scale: 0.5
encounter {
base_capture_rate: 0.4
base_flee_rate: 0.1
collision_radius_m: 0.258
collision_height_m: 0.48375
collision_head_radius_m: 0.1935
movement_type: MOVEMENT_JUMP
movement_timer_s: 8
jump_time_s: 1
attack_timer_s: 23
stats {
base_stamina: 100
base_attack: 90
base_defense: 114
quick_moves: SCRATCH_FAST
quick_moves: MUD_SHOT_FAST
cinematic_moves: DIG
cinematic_moves: ROCK_SLIDE
cinematic_moves: ROCK_TOMB
animation_time: 1.8
animation_time: 0.6667
animation_time: 1.4667
animation_time: 1.6667
animation_time: 0
animation_time: 2.6667
animation_time: 1
animation_time: 0
evolution_ids: SANDSLASH
evolution_pips: 1
pokedex_height_m: 0.6
pokedex_weight_kg: 12
height_std_dev: 0.075
weight_std_dev: 1.5
candy_to_evolve: 50
item_templates {
template_id: "V0028_MOVE_CROSS_CHOP"
move_settings {
movement_id: CROSS_CHOP
animation_id: 5
power: 60
accuracy_chance: 1
critical_chance: 0.25
stamina_loss_scalar: 0.1
trainer_level_min: 1
trainer_level_max: 100
vfx_name: "cross_chop"
duration_ms: 2000
damage_window_start_ms: 1500
damage_window_end_ms: 1800
energy_delta: -100
item_templates {
template_id: "V0028_POKEMON_SANDSLASH"
pokemon_settings {
pokemon_id: SANDSLASH
model_scale: 1
camera {
disk_radius_m: 0.6
cylinder_radius_m: 0.4
cylinder_height_m: 1
shoulder_mode_scale: 0.5
encounter {
base_capture_rate: 0.16
base_flee_rate: 0.06
collision_radius_m: 0.35
collision_height_m: 0.9
collision_head_radius_m: 0.35
movement_type: MOVEMENT_JUMP
movement_timer_s: 11
jump_time_s: 1
attack_timer_s: 4
stats {
base_stamina: 150
base_attack: 150
base_defense: 172
quick_moves: METAL_CLAW_FAST
quick_moves: MUD_SHOT_FAST
cinematic_moves: EARTHQUAKE
cinematic_moves: ROCK_TOMB
cinematic_moves: BULLDOZE
animation_time: 1.7333
animation_time: 0.6667
animation_time: 1.6667
animation_time: 1.6667
animation_time: 0
animation_time: 2
animation_time: 1.6
animation_time: 0
evolution_pips: 1
pokedex_height_m: 1
pokedex_weight_kg: 29.5
parent_pokemon_id: SANDSHREW
height_std_dev: 0.125
weight_std_dev: 3.6875
item_templates {
template_id: "V0029_POKEMON_NIDORAN"
pokemon_settings {
pokemon_id: NIDORAN_FEMALE
model_scale: 1.48
camera {
disk_radius_m: 0.555
cylinder_radius_m: 0.37
cylinder_height_m: 0.666
shoulder_mode_scale: 0.5
encounter {
base_capture_rate: 0.4
base_flee_rate: 0.15
collision_radius_m: 0.185
collision_height_m: 0.37
collision_head_radius_m: 0.185
movement_type: MOVEMENT_JUMP
movement_timer_s: 29
jump_time_s: 1.25
attack_timer_s: 10
stats {
base_stamina: 110
base_attack: 100
base_defense: 104
quick_moves: BITE_FAST
quick_moves: POISON_STING_FAST
cinematic_moves: POISON_FANG
cinematic_moves: BODY_SLAM
cinematic_moves: SLUDGE_BOMB
animation_time: 1.3333
animation_time: 0.6667
animation_time: 1.6667
animation_time: 1.8333
animation_time: 0
animation_time: 1.6667
animation_time: 2.1333
animation_time: 0
evolution_ids: NIDORINA
evolution_pips: 1
pokedex_height_m: 0.4
pokedex_weight_kg: 7
height_std_dev: 0.05
weight_std_dev: 0.875
candy_to_evolve: 25
item_templates {
template_id: "V0030_MOVE_PSYBEAM"
move_settings {
movement_id: PSYBEAM
animation_id: 5
power: 40
accuracy_chance: 1
critical_chance: 0.05
stamina_loss_scalar: 0.065
trainer_level_min: 1
trainer_level_max: 100
vfx_name: "psybeam"
duration_ms: 3800
damage_window_start_ms: 2300
damage_window_end_ms: 3600
energy_delta: -25
item_templates {
template_id: "V0030_POKEMON_NIDORINA"
pokemon_settings {
pokemon_id: NIDORINA
model_scale: 1.17
camera {
disk_radius_m: 0.6581
cylinder_radius_m: 0.4388
cylinder_height_m: 0.87749988
shoulder_mode_scale: 0.5
encounter {
base_capture_rate: 0.2
base_flee_rate: 0.07
collision_radius_m: 0.2925
collision_height_m: 0.585
collision_head_radius_m: 0.1755
movement_type: MOVEMENT_JUMP
movement_timer_s: 23
jump_time_s: 1
attack_timer_s: 8
stats {
base_stamina: 140
base_attack: 132
base_defense: 136
quick_moves: BITE_FAST
quick_moves: POISON_STING_FAST
cinematic_moves: POISON_FANG
cinematic_moves: DIG
cinematic_moves: SLUDGE_BOMB
animation_time: 1.6667
animation_time: 0.6667
animation_time: 1.7667
animation_time: 1.4667
animation_time: 0
animation_time: 2
animation_time: 1.3333
animation_time: 0
evolution_ids: NIDOQUEEN
evolution_pips: 1
pokedex_height_m: 0.8
pokedex_weight_kg: 20
parent_pokemon_id: NIDORAN_FEMALE
height_std_dev: 0.1
weight_std_dev: 2.5
candy_to_evolve: 100
item_templates {
template_id: "V0031_MOVE_EARTHQUAKE"
move_settings {
movement_id: EARTHQUAKE
animation_id: 5
power: 100
accuracy_chance: 1
critical_chance: 0.05
stamina_loss_scalar: 0.1
trainer_level_min: 1
trainer_level_max: 100
vfx_name: "earthquake"
duration_ms: 4200
damage_window_start_ms: 2000
damage_window_end_ms: 3950
energy_delta: -100
item_templates {
template_id: "V0031_POKEMON_NIDOQUEEN"
pokemon_settings {
pokemon_id: NIDOQUEEN
model_scale: 0.91
camera {
disk_radius_m: 0.6143
cylinder_radius_m: 0.4095
cylinder_height_m: 1.183
shoulder_mode_scale: 0.5
encounter {
base_capture_rate: 0.1
base_flee_rate: 0.05
collision_radius_m: 0.455
collision_height_m: 0.79625
collision_head_radius_m: 0.2275
movement_type: MOVEMENT_JUMP
movement_timer_s: 14
jump_time_s: 1
attack_timer_s: 5
stats {
base_stamina: 180
base_attack: 184
base_defense: 190
quick_moves: POISON_JAB_FAST
quick_moves: BITE_FAST
cinematic_moves: EARTHQUAKE
cinematic_moves: SLUDGE_WAVE
cinematic_moves: STONE_EDGE
animation_time: 1.8333
animation_time: 0.6667
animation_time: 1.6667
animation_time: 1.6667
animation_time: 0
animation_time: 2
animation_time: 1.6667
animation_time: 0
evolution_pips: 1
pokedex_height_m: 1.3
pokedex_weight_kg: 60
parent_pokemon_id: NIDORINA
height_std_dev: 0.1625
weight_std_dev: 7.5
item_templates {
template_id: "V0032_MOVE_STONE_EDGE"
move_settings {
movement_id: STONE_EDGE
animation_id: 5
pokemon_type: POKEMON_TYPE_ROCK
power: 80
accuracy_chance: 1
critical_chance: 0.5
stamina_loss_scalar: 0.1
trainer_level_min: 1
trainer_level_max: 100
vfx_name: "stone_edge"
duration_ms: 3100
damage_window_start_ms: 1400
damage_window_end_ms: 1800
energy_delta: -100
item_templates {
template_id: "V0032_POKEMON_NIDORAN"
pokemon_settings {
pokemon_id: NIDORAN_MALE
model_scale: 1.26
camera {
disk_radius_m: 0.7088
cylinder_radius_m: 0.4725
cylinder_height_m: 0.756
shoulder_mode_scale: 0.5
encounter {
base_capture_rate: 0.4
base_flee_rate: 0.15
collision_radius_m: 0.252
collision_height_m: 0.315
collision_head_radius_m: 0.1575
movement_type: MOVEMENT_JUMP
movement_timer_s: 29
jump_time_s: 1
attack_timer_s: 10
stats {
base_stamina: 92
base_attack: 110
base_defense: 94
quick_moves: PECK_FAST
quick_moves: POISON_STING_FAST
cinematic_moves: HORN_ATTACK
cinematic_moves: BODY_SLAM
cinematic_moves: SLUDGE_BOMB
animation_time: 1.8333
animation_time: 0.6667
animation_time: 1.6667
animation_time: 1.6667
animation_time: 0
animation_time: 2
animation_time: 1.6667
animation_time: 0
evolution_ids: NIDORINO
evolution_pips: 1
pokedex_height_m: 0.5
pokedex_weight_kg: 9
height_std_dev: 0.0625
weight_std_dev: 1.125
candy_to_evolve: 25
item_templates {
template_id: "V0033_MOVE_ICE_PUNCH"
move_settings {
movement_id: ICE_PUNCH
animation_id: 5
pokemon_type: POKEMON_TYPE_ICE
power: 45
accuracy_chance: 1
critical_chance: 0.05
stamina_loss_scalar: 0.075
trainer_level_min: 1
trainer_level_max: 100
vfx_name: "ice_punch"
duration_ms: 3500
damage_window_start_ms: 2100
damage_window_end_ms: 3200
energy_delta: -33
item_templates {
template_id: "V0033_POKEMON_NIDORINO"
pokemon_settings {
pokemon_id: NIDORINO
model_scale: 0.99
camera {
disk_radius_m: 0.7425
cylinder_radius_m: 0.495
cylinder_height_m: 0.792
shoulder_mode_scale: 0.5
encounter {
base_capture_rate: 0.2
base_flee_rate: 0.07
collision_radius_m: 0.297
collision_height_m: 0.594
collision_head_radius_m: 0.2475
movement_type: MOVEMENT_JUMP
movement_timer_s: 23
jump_time_s: 1
attack_timer_s: 8
stats {
base_stamina: 122
base_attack: 142
base_defense: 128
quick_moves: POISON_JAB_FAST
quick_moves: POISON_STING_FAST
cinematic_moves: HORN_ATTACK
cinematic_moves: DIG
cinematic_moves: SLUDGE_BOMB
animation_time: 1.8
animation_time: 0.6667
animation_time: 1.6667
animation_time: 1.7333
animation_time: 0
animation_time: 1.6667
animation_time: 1.6667
animation_time: 0
evolution_ids: NIDOKING
evolution_pips: 1
pokedex_height_m: 0.9
pokedex_weight_kg: 19.5
parent_pokemon_id: NIDORAN_MALE
height_std_dev: 0.1125
weight_std_dev: 2.4375
candy_to_evolve: 100
item_templates {
template_id: "V0034_MOVE_HEART_STAMP"
move_settings {
movement_id: HEART_STAMP
animation_id: 5
power: 25
accuracy_chance: 1
critical_chance: 0.05
stamina_loss_scalar: 0.06
trainer_level_min: 1
trainer_level_max: 100
vfx_name: "heart_stamp"
duration_ms: 2550
damage_window_start_ms: 1950
damage_window_end_ms: 2250
energy_delta: -25
item_templates {
template_id: "V0034_POKEMON_NIDOKING"
pokemon_settings {
pokemon_id: NIDOKING
model_scale: 0.87
camera {
disk_radius_m: 0.8222
cylinder_radius_m: 0.5481
cylinder_height_m: 1.305
shoulder_mode_scale: 0.5
encounter {
base_capture_rate: 0.1
base_flee_rate: 0.05
collision_radius_m: 0.5481
collision_height_m: 0.87
collision_head_radius_m: 0.27405
movement_type: MOVEMENT_JUMP
movement_timer_s: 14
jump_time_s: 1
attack_timer_s: 5
stats {
base_stamina: 162
base_attack: 204
base_defense: 170
quick_moves: POISON_JAB_FAST
quick_moves: FURY_CUTTER_FAST
cinematic_moves: EARTHQUAKE
cinematic_moves: SLUDGE_WAVE
cinematic_moves: MEGAHORN
animation_time: 2
animation_time: 0.6667
animation_time: 2
animation_time: 1.5
animation_time: 0
animation_time: 2.1667
animation_time: 1.4
animation_time: 0
evolution_pips: 1
pokedex_height_m: 1.4
pokedex_weight_kg: 62
parent_pokemon_id: NIDORINO
height_std_dev: 0.175
weight_std_dev: 7.75
item_templates {
template_id: "V0035_MOVE_DISCHARGE"
move_settings {
movement_id: DISCHARGE
animation_id: 5
power: 35
accuracy_chance: 1
critical_chance: 0.05
stamina_loss_scalar: 0.08
trainer_level_min: 1
trainer_level_max: 100
vfx_name: "discharge"
duration_ms: 2500
damage_window_start_ms: 1600
damage_window_end_ms: 2300
energy_delta: -33
item_templates {
template_id: "V0035_POKEMON_CLEFAIRY"
pokemon_settings {
pokemon_id: CLEFAIRY
model_scale: 1.25
camera {
disk_radius_m: 0.675
cylinder_radius_m: 0.45
cylinder_height_m: 0.75
shoulder_mode_scale: 0.5
encounter {
base_capture_rate: 0.24
base_flee_rate: 0.1
collision_radius_m: 0.3125
collision_height_m: 0.75
collision_head_radius_m: 0.225
movement_timer_s: 8
jump_time_s: 1.25
attack_timer_s: 23
stats {
base_stamina: 140
base_attack: 116
base_defense: 124
quick_moves: POUND_FAST
quick_moves: ZEN_HEADBUTT_FAST
cinematic_moves: DISARMING_VOICE
cinematic_moves: BODY_SLAM
cinematic_moves: MOONBLAST
animation_time: 2
animation_time: 0.6667
animation_time: 1.6667
animation_time: 1.8333
animation_time: 0
animation_time: 2
animation_time: 1.3333
animation_time: 1.666667
evolution_ids: CLEFABLE
evolution_pips: 1
pokedex_height_m: 0.6
pokedex_weight_kg: 7.5
height_std_dev: 0.075
weight_std_dev: 0.9375
candy_to_evolve: 50
item_templates {
template_id: "V0036_MOVE_FLASH_CANNON"
move_settings {
movement_id: FLASH_CANNON
animation_id: 5
pokemon_type: POKEMON_TYPE_STEEL
power: 60
accuracy_chance: 1
critical_chance: 0.05
stamina_loss_scalar: 0.08
trainer_level_min: 1
trainer_level_max: 100
vfx_name: "flash_cannon"
duration_ms: 3900
damage_window_start_ms: 2400
damage_window_end_ms: 3500
energy_delta: -33
item_templates {
template_id: "V0036_POKEMON_CLEFABLE"
pokemon_settings {
pokemon_id: CLEFABLE
model_scale: 0.89
camera {
disk_radius_m: 1.1681
cylinder_radius_m: 0.712
cylinder_height_m: 1.44625
shoulder_mode_scale: 0.5
encounter {
base_capture_rate: 0.08
base_flee_rate: 0.06
collision_radius_m: 0.445
collision_height_m: 1.1125
collision_head_radius_m: 0.445
movement_type: MOVEMENT_JUMP
movement_timer_s: 4
jump_time_s: 1.25
attack_timer_s: 11
stats {
base_stamina: 190
base_attack: 178
base_defense: 178
quick_moves: POUND_FAST
quick_moves: ZEN_HEADBUTT_FAST
cinematic_moves: DAZZLING_GLEAM
cinematic_moves: PSYCHIC
cinematic_moves: MOONBLAST
animation_time: 2.3333
animation_time: 0.6667
animation_time: 1.6667
animation_time: 1.8333
animation_time: 0
animation_time: 2.6667
animation_time: 1.3333
animation_time: 0
evolution_pips: 1
pokedex_height_m: 1.3
pokedex_weight_kg: 40
parent_pokemon_id: CLEFAIRY
height_std_dev: 0.1625
weight_std_dev: 5
item_templates {
template_id: "V0037_POKEMON_VULPIX"
pokemon_settings {
pokemon_id: VULPIX
model_scale: 1.26
camera {
disk_radius_m: 0.8505
cylinder_radius_m: 0.567
cylinder_height_m: 0.756
shoulder_mode_scale: 0.5
encounter {
base_capture_rate: 0.24
base_flee_rate: 0.1
collision_radius_m: 0.315
collision_height_m: 0.63
collision_head_radius_m: 0.252
movement_type: MOVEMENT_JUMP
movement_timer_s: 10
jump_time_s: 1
attack_timer_s: 29
stats {
base_stamina: 76
base_attack: 106
base_defense: 118
quick_moves: QUICK_ATTACK_FAST
quick_moves: EMBER_FAST
cinematic_moves: BODY_SLAM
cinematic_moves: FLAMETHROWER
cinematic_moves: FLAME_CHARGE
animation_time: 1.6667
animation_time: 0.6667
animation_time: 1.6667
animation_time: 1.6
animation_time: 0
animation_time: 2
animation_time: 1.3333
animation_time: 2.2
evolution_ids: NINETALES
evolution_pips: 1
pokedex_height_m: 0.6
pokedex_weight_kg: 9.9
height_std_dev: 0.075
weight_std_dev: 1.2375
family_id: FAMILY_VULPIX
candy_to_evolve: 50
item_templates {
template_id: "V0038_MOVE_DRILL_PECK"
move_settings {
movement_id: DRILL_PECK
animation_id: 5
power: 40
accuracy_chance: 1
critical_chance: 0.05
stamina_loss_scalar: 0.08
trainer_level_min: 1
trainer_level_max: 100
vfx_name: "drill_peck"
duration_ms: 2700
damage_window_start_ms: 1600
damage_window_end_ms: 2500
energy_delta: -33
item_templates {
template_id: "V0038_POKEMON_NINETALES"
pokemon_settings {
pokemon_id: NINETALES
model_scale: 0.96
camera {
disk_radius_m: 1.296
cylinder_radius_m: 0.864
cylinder_height_m: 1.2
shoulder_mode_scale: 0.5
encounter {
base_capture_rate: 0.08
base_flee_rate: 0.06
collision_radius_m: 0.36
collision_height_m: 0.96
collision_head_radius_m: 0.24
movement_type: MOVEMENT_JUMP
movement_timer_s: 5
jump_time_s: 1.25
attack_timer_s: 14
stats {
base_stamina: 146
base_attack: 176
base_defense: 194
quick_moves: FEINT_ATTACK_FAST
quick_moves: EMBER_FAST
cinematic_moves: HEAT_WAVE
cinematic_moves: FLAMETHROWER
cinematic_moves: FIRE_BLAST
animation_time: 2.6667
animation_time: 0.6667
animation_time: 2
animation_time: 2
animation_time: 0
animation_time: 2.1667
animation_time: 2
animation_time: 2
evolution_pips: 1
pokedex_height_m: 1.1
pokedex_weight_kg: 19.9
parent_pokemon_id: VULPIX
height_std_dev: 0.1375
weight_std_dev: 2.4875
family_id: FAMILY_VULPIX
item_templates {
template_id: "V0039_MOVE_ICE_BEAM"
move_settings {
movement_id: ICE_BEAM
animation_id: 5
pokemon_type: POKEMON_TYPE_ICE
power: 65
accuracy_chance: 1
critical_chance: 0.05
stamina_loss_scalar: 0.09
trainer_level_min: 1
trainer_level_max: 100
vfx_name: "ice_beam"
duration_ms: 3650
damage_window_start_ms: 2150
damage_window_end_ms: 3500
energy_delta: -50
item_templates {
template_id: "V0039_POKEMON_JIGGLYPUFF"
pokemon_settings {
pokemon_id: JIGGLYPUFF
model_scale: 1.28
camera {
disk_radius_m: 0.768
cylinder_radius_m: 0.512
cylinder_height_m: 0.96
shoulder_mode_scale: 0.5
encounter {
base_capture_rate: 0.4
base_flee_rate: 0.1
collision_radius_m: 0.32
collision_height_m: 0.64
collision_head_radius_m: 0.256
movement_timer_s: 10
jump_time_s: 3
attack_timer_s: 29
stats {
base_stamina: 230
base_attack: 98
base_defense: 54
quick_moves: POUND_FAST
quick_moves: FEINT_ATTACK_FAST
cinematic_moves: DISARMING_VOICE
cinematic_moves: BODY_SLAM
cinematic_moves: PLAY_ROUGH
animation_time: 2.6667
animation_time: 0.6667
animation_time: 1.6667
animation_time: 3.6667
animation_time: 0
animation_time: 2.6667
animation_time: 1.6667
animation_time: 2
evolution_ids: WIGGLYTUFF
evolution_pips: 1
pokedex_height_m: 0.5
pokedex_weight_kg: 5.5
height_std_dev: 0.0625
weight_std_dev: 0.6875
candy_to_evolve: 50
item_templates {
template_id: "V0040_MOVE_BLIZZARD"
move_settings {
movement_id: BLIZZARD
animation_id: 5
pokemon_type: POKEMON_TYPE_ICE
power: 100
accuracy_chance: 1
critical_chance: 0.05
stamina_loss_scalar: 0.11
trainer_level_min: 1
trainer_level_max: 100
vfx_name: "blizzard"
duration_ms: 3900
damage_window_start_ms: 3600
damage_window_end_ms: 3600
energy_delta: -100
item_templates {
template_id: "V0040_POKEMON_WIGGLYTUFF"
pokemon_settings {
pokemon_id: WIGGLYTUFF
model_scale: 0.89
camera {
disk_radius_m: 1.0013
cylinder_radius_m: 0.445
cylinder_height_m: 1.22375
shoulder_mode_scale: 0.4
encounter {
base_capture_rate: 0.16
base_flee_rate: 0.06
collision_radius_m: 0.356
collision_height_m: 0.89
collision_head_radius_m: 0.2225
movement_type: MOVEMENT_JUMP
movement_timer_s: 4
jump_time_s: 1.25
attack_timer_s: 11
stats {
base_stamina: 280
base_attack: 168
base_defense: 108
quick_moves: POUND_FAST
quick_moves: FEINT_ATTACK_FAST
cinematic_moves: DAZZLING_GLEAM
cinematic_moves: HYPER_BEAM
cinematic_moves: PLAY_ROUGH
animation_time: 1.6667
animation_time: 0.6667
animation_time: 1.6333
animation_time: 1.8333
animation_time: 0
animation_time: 1.8333
animation_time: 2
animation_time: 0
evolution_pips: 1
pokedex_height_m: 1
pokedex_weight_kg: 12
parent_pokemon_id: JIGGLYPUFF
height_std_dev: 0.125
weight_std_dev: 1.5
item_templates {
template_id: "V0041_POKEMON_ZUBAT"
pokemon_settings {
pokemon_id: ZUBAT
model_scale: 1.07
camera {
disk_radius_m: 0.963
cylinder_radius_m: 0.642
cylinder_height_m: 0.6955
cylinder_ground_m: 0.535
shoulder_mode_scale: 0.5
encounter {
base_capture_rate: 0.4
base_flee_rate: 0.2
collision_radius_m: 0.0535
collision_height_m: 0.0535
collision_head_radius_m: 0.1605
movement_type: MOVEMENT_FLYING
movement_timer_s: 10
jump_time_s: 1
attack_timer_s: 29
stats {
base_stamina: 80
base_attack: 88
base_defense: 90
quick_moves: QUICK_ATTACK_FAST
quick_moves: BITE_FAST
cinematic_moves: POISON_FANG
cinematic_moves: AIR_CUTTER
cinematic_moves: SLUDGE_BOMB
animation_time: 1.3333
animation_time: 0.6667
animation_time: 1.3333
animation_time: 0.6667
animation_time: 0
animation_time: 1.5
animation_time: 1.3333
animation_time: 0
evolution_ids: GOLBAT
evolution_pips: 1
pokedex_height_m: 0.8
pokedex_weight_kg: 7.5
height_std_dev: 0.1
weight_std_dev: 0.9375
family_id: FAMILY_ZUBAT
candy_to_evolve: 50
item_templates {
template_id: "V0042_MOVE_HEAT_WAVE"
move_settings {
movement_id: HEAT_WAVE
animation_id: 5
pokemon_type: POKEMON_TYPE_FIRE
power: 80
accuracy_chance: 1
critical_chance: 0.05
stamina_loss_scalar: 0.095
trainer_level_min: 1
trainer_level_max: 100
vfx_name: "heat_wave"
duration_ms: 3800
damage_window_start_ms: 3000
damage_window_end_ms: 3400
energy_delta: -100
item_templates {
template_id: "V0042_POKEMON_GOLBAT"
pokemon_settings {
pokemon_id: GOLBAT
model_scale: 0.71
camera {
disk_radius_m: 1.5975
cylinder_radius_m: 0.75
cylinder_height_m: 1.2425
cylinder_ground_m: 1.065
shoulder_mode_scale: 0.5
encounter {
base_capture_rate: 0.16
base_flee_rate: 0.07
collision_radius_m: 0.0355
collision_height_m: 0.0355
collision_head_radius_m: 0.355
movement_type: MOVEMENT_FLYING
movement_timer_s: 6
jump_time_s: 1
attack_timer_s: 17
stats {
base_stamina: 150
base_attack: 164
base_defense: 164
quick_moves: WING_ATTACK_FAST
quick_moves: BITE_FAST
cinematic_moves: POISON_FANG
cinematic_moves: AIR_CUTTER
cinematic_moves: OMINOUS_WIND
animation_time: 1.5
animation_time: 0.6667
animation_time: 1.3333
animation_time: 0.6667
animation_time: 0
animation_time: 2
animation_time: 2
animation_time: 0
evolution_pips: 1
pokedex_height_m: 1.6
pokedex_weight_kg: 55
parent_pokemon_id: ZUBAT
height_std_dev: 0.2
weight_std_dev: 6.875
family_id: FAMILY_ZUBAT
item_templates {
template_id: "V0043_POKEMON_ODDISH"
pokemon_settings {
pokemon_id: ODDISH
model_scale: 1.35
camera {
disk_radius_m: 0.6075
cylinder_radius_m: 0.405
cylinder_height_m: 0.81000012
shoulder_mode_scale: 0.5
encounter {
base_capture_rate: 0.48
base_flee_rate: 0.15
collision_radius_m: 0.2025
collision_height_m: 0.50625
collision_head_radius_m: 0.2025
movement_type: MOVEMENT_JUMP
movement_timer_s: 10
jump_time_s: 1
attack_timer_s: 29
stats {
base_stamina: 90
base_attack: 134
base_defense: 130
quick_moves: RAZOR_LEAF_FAST
quick_moves: ACID_FAST
cinematic_moves: SEED_BOMB
cinematic_moves: SLUDGE_BOMB
cinematic_moves: MOONBLAST
animation_time: 1.4667
animation_time: 0.6667
animation_time: 1.6667
animation_time: 1.6667
animation_time: 0
animation_time: 2.5
animation_time: 1.6667
animation_time: 0
evolution_ids: GLOOM
evolution_pips: 1
pokedex_height_m: 0.5
pokedex_weight_kg: 5.4
height_std_dev: 0.0625
weight_std_dev: 0.675
family_id: FAMILY_ODDISH
candy_to_evolve: 25
item_templates {
template_id: "V0044_POKEMON_GLOOM"
pokemon_settings {
pokemon_id: GLOOM
model_scale: 1.1
camera {
disk_radius_m: 0.7425
cylinder_radius_m: 0.495
cylinder_height_m: 0.88000011
shoulder_mode_scale: 0.5
encounter {
base_capture_rate: 0.24
base_flee_rate: 0.07
collision_radius_m: 0.4125
collision_height_m: 0.88000011
collision_head_radius_m: 0.2475
movement_type: MOVEMENT_JUMP
movement_timer_s: 8
jump_time_s: 1
attack_timer_s: 23
stats {
base_stamina: 120
base_attack: 162
base_defense: 158
quick_moves: RAZOR_LEAF_FAST
quick_moves: ACID_FAST
cinematic_moves: PETAL_BLIZZARD
cinematic_moves: SLUDGE_BOMB
cinematic_moves: MOONBLAST
animation_time: 1.8333
animation_time: 0.6667
animation_time: 1.6667
animation_time: 1.6667
animation_time: 0
animation_time: 1.6667
animation_time: 1.2667
animation_time: 0
evolution_ids: VILEPLUME
evolution_pips: 1
pokedex_height_m: 0.8
pokedex_weight_kg: 8.6
parent_pokemon_id: ODDISH
height_std_dev: 0.1
weight_std_dev: 1.075
family_id: FAMILY_ODDISH
candy_to_evolve: 100
item_templates {
template_id: "V0045_MOVE_AERIAL_ACE"
move_settings {
movement_id: AERIAL_ACE
animation_id: 5
power: 30
accuracy_chance: 1
critical_chance: 0.05
stamina_loss_scalar: 0.06
trainer_level_min: 1
trainer_level_max: 100
vfx_name: "aerial_ace"
duration_ms: 2900
damage_window_start_ms: 2000
damage_window_end_ms: 2600
energy_delta: -25
item_templates {
template_id: "V0045_POKEMON_VILEPLUME"
pokemon_settings {
pokemon_id: VILEPLUME
model_scale: 0.92
camera {
disk_radius_m: 1.242
cylinder_radius_m: 0.828
cylinder_height_m: 1.196
shoulder_mode_scale: 0.5
encounter {
base_capture_rate: 0.12
base_flee_rate: 0.05
collision_radius_m: 1.012
collision_height_m: 1.196
collision_head_radius_m: 0.552
movement_type: MOVEMENT_JUMP
movement_timer_s: 11
jump_time_s: 1
attack_timer_s: 4
stats {
base_stamina: 150
base_attack: 202
base_defense: 190
quick_moves: RAZOR_LEAF_FAST
quick_moves: ACID_FAST
cinematic_moves: PETAL_BLIZZARD
cinematic_moves: SOLAR_BEAM
cinematic_moves: MOONBLAST
animation_time: 2.1667
animation_time: 0.6667
animation_time: 1.6667
animation_time: 1.5
animation_time: 0
animation_time: 2.1667
animation_time: 0.9667
animation_time: 0
evolution_pips: 1
pokedex_height_m: 1.2
pokedex_weight_kg: 18.6
parent_pokemon_id: GLOOM
height_std_dev: 0.15
weight_std_dev: 2.325
family_id: FAMILY_ODDISH
item_templates {
template_id: "V0046_MOVE_DRILL_RUN"
move_settings {
movement_id: DRILL_RUN
animation_id: 5
power: 50
accuracy_chance: 1
critical_chance: 0.25
stamina_loss_scalar: 0.08
trainer_level_min: 1
trainer_level_max: 100
vfx_name: "drill_run"
duration_ms: 3400
damage_window_start_ms: 2100
damage_window_end_ms: 2800
energy_delta: -33
item_templates {
template_id: "V0046_POKEMON_PARAS"
pokemon_settings {
pokemon_id: PARAS
model_scale: 1.28
camera {
disk_radius_m: 0.576
cylinder_radius_m: 0.384
cylinder_height_m: 0.448
shoulder_mode_scale: 0.5
encounter {
base_capture_rate: 0.32
base_flee_rate: 0.15
collision_radius_m: 0.192
collision_height_m: 0.32
collision_head_radius_m: 0.192
movement_type: MOVEMENT_JUMP
movement_timer_s: 29
jump_time_s: 1.1
attack_timer_s: 10
stats {
base_stamina: 70
base_attack: 122
base_defense: 120
quick_moves: SCRATCH_FAST
quick_moves: BUG_BITE_FAST
cinematic_moves: CROSS_POISON
cinematic_moves: X_SCISSOR
cinematic_moves: SEED_BOMB
animation_time: 1.6667
animation_time: 0.6667
animation_time: 1.7667
animation_time: 1.6333
animation_time: 0
animation_time: 2.3333
animation_time: 1.3333
animation_time: 1.5333329
evolution_ids: PARASECT
evolution_pips: 1
pokedex_height_m: 0.3
pokedex_weight_kg: 5.4
height_std_dev: 0.0375
weight_std_dev: 0.675
family_id: FAMILY_PARAS
candy_to_evolve: 50
item_templates {
template_id: "V0047_MOVE_PETAL_BLIZZARD"
move_settings {
movement_id: PETAL_BLIZZARD
animation_id: 5
pokemon_type: POKEMON_TYPE_GRASS
power: 65
accuracy_chance: 1
critical_chance: 0.05
stamina_loss_scalar: 0.09
trainer_level_min: 1
trainer_level_max: 100
vfx_name: "petal_blizzard"
duration_ms: 3200
damage_window_start_ms: 2100
damage_window_end_ms: 3100
energy_delta: -50
item_templates {
template_id: "V0047_POKEMON_PARASECT"
pokemon_settings {
pokemon_id: PARASECT
model_scale: 1.01
camera {
disk_radius_m: 0.9469
cylinder_radius_m: 0.6313
cylinder_height_m: 1.01
shoulder_mode_scale: 0.5
encounter {
base_capture_rate: 0.16
base_flee_rate: 0.07
collision_radius_m: 0.4545
collision_height_m: 1.01
collision_head_radius_m: 0.505
movement_type: MOVEMENT_JUMP
movement_timer_s: 17
jump_time_s: 1.25
attack_timer_s: 6
stats {
base_stamina: 120
base_attack: 162
base_defense: 170
quick_moves: BUG_BITE_FAST
quick_moves: FURY_CUTTER_FAST
cinematic_moves: CROSS_POISON
cinematic_moves: X_SCISSOR
cinematic_moves: SOLAR_BEAM
animation_time: 1.6667
animation_time: 0.6667
animation_time: 1.6667
animation_time: 1.8333
animation_time: 0
animation_time: 1.6667
animation_time: 2
animation_time: 0
evolution_pips: 1
pokedex_height_m: 1
pokedex_weight_kg: 29.5
parent_pokemon_id: PARAS
height_std_dev: 0.125
weight_std_dev: 3.6875
family_id: FAMILY_PARAS
item_templates {
template_id: "V0048_MOVE_MEGA_DRAIN"
move_settings {
movement_id: MEGA_DRAIN
animation_id: 5
pokemon_type: POKEMON_TYPE_GRASS
power: 25
accuracy_chance: 1
critical_chance: 0.05
heal_scalar: 0.5
stamina_loss_scalar: 0.04
trainer_level_min: 1
trainer_level_max: 100
vfx_name: "mega_drain"
duration_ms: 3200
damage_window_start_ms: 1400
damage_window_end_ms: 2600
energy_delta: -20
item_templates {
template_id: "V0048_POKEMON_VENONAT"
pokemon_settings {
pokemon_id: VENONAT
model_scale: 0.71
camera {
disk_radius_m: 0.7988
cylinder_radius_m: 0.5325
cylinder_height_m: 1.1715
shoulder_mode_scale: 0.5
encounter {
base_capture_rate: 0.4
base_flee_rate: 0.15
collision_radius_m: 0.355
collision_height_m: 0.71
collision_head_radius_m: 0.26625
movement_type: MOVEMENT_JUMP
movement_timer_s: 10
jump_time_s: 1.25
attack_timer_s: 29
stats {
base_stamina: 120
base_attack: 108
base_defense: 118
quick_moves: BUG_BITE_FAST
quick_moves: CONFUSION_FAST
cinematic_moves: POISON_FANG
cinematic_moves: PSYBEAM
cinematic_moves: SIGNAL_BEAM
animation_time: 2
animation_time: 0.6667
animation_time: 1.6667
animation_time: 2
animation_time: 0
animation_time: 2
animation_time: 2
animation_time: 0
evolution_ids: VENOMOTH
evolution_pips: 1
pokedex_height_m: 1
pokedex_weight_kg: 30
height_std_dev: 0.125
weight_std_dev: 3.75
candy_to_evolve: 50
item_templates {
template_id: "V0049_MOVE_BUG_BUZZ"
move_settings {
movement_id: BUG_BUZZ
animation_id: 5
pokemon_type: POKEMON_TYPE_BUG
power: 75
accuracy_chance: 1
critical_chance: 0.05
stamina_loss_scalar: 0.09
trainer_level_min: 1
trainer_level_max: 100
vfx_name: "bug_buzz"
duration_ms: 4250
damage_window_start_ms: 2600
damage_window_end_ms: 4100
energy_delta: -50
item_templates {
template_id: "V0049_POKEMON_VENOMOTH"
pokemon_settings {
pokemon_id: VENOMOTH
model_scale: 0.72
camera {
disk_radius_m: 0.864
cylinder_radius_m: 0.576
cylinder_height_m: 1.08
cylinder_ground_m: 0.36
shoulder_mode_scale: 0.5
encounter {
base_capture_rate: 0.16
base_flee_rate: 0.07
collision_radius_m: 0.36
collision_height_m: 0.72
collision_head_radius_m: 0.288
movement_type: MOVEMENT_FLYING
movement_timer_s: 6
jump_time_s: 1
attack_timer_s: 17
stats {
base_stamina: 140
base_attack: 172
base_defense: 154
quick_moves: BUG_BITE_FAST
quick_moves: CONFUSION_FAST
cinematic_moves: POISON_FANG
cinematic_moves: PSYCHIC
cinematic_moves: BUG_BUZZ
animation_time: 0
animation_time: 0.6
animation_time: 1.6667
animation_time: 0.6
animation_time: 0
animation_time: 2.1333
animation_time: 1.6
animation_time: 0
evolution_pips: 1
pokedex_height_m: 1.5
pokedex_weight_kg: 12.5
parent_pokemon_id: VENONAT
height_std_dev: 0.1875
weight_std_dev: 1.5625
item_templates {
template_id: "V0050_MOVE_POISON_FANG"
move_settings {
movement_id: POISON_FANG
animation_id: 5
power: 25
accuracy_chance: 1
critical_chance: 0.05
stamina_loss_scalar: 0.05
trainer_level_min: 1
trainer_level_max: 100
vfx_name: "poison_fang"
duration_ms: 2400
damage_window_start_ms: 1650
damage_window_end_ms: 1850
energy_delta: -20
item_templates {
template_id: "V0050_POKEMON_DIGLETT"
pokemon_settings {
pokemon_id: DIGLETT
model_scale: 2
camera {
disk_radius_m: 0.45
cylinder_radius_m: 0.3
cylinder_height_m: 0.4
shoulder_mode_scale: 0.5
encounter {
base_capture_rate: 0.4
base_flee_rate: 0.1
collision_radius_m: 0.16
collision_height_m: 0.4
collision_head_radius_m: 0.18
movement_timer_s: 29
attack_timer_s: 10
stats {
base_stamina: 20
base_attack: 108
base_defense: 86
quick_moves: MUD_SHOT_FAST
quick_moves: SCRATCH_FAST
cinematic_moves: DIG
cinematic_moves: MUD_BOMB
cinematic_moves: ROCK_TOMB
animation_time: 1.4333
animation_time: 0.6667
animation_time: 2
animation_time: 0.8667
animation_time: 0
animation_time: 2.1667
animation_time: 1.3333
animation_time: 1.333333
evolution_ids: DUGTRIO
evolution_pips: 1
pokedex_height_m: 0.2
pokedex_weight_kg: 0.8
height_std_dev: 0.025
weight_std_dev: 0.1
candy_to_evolve: 50
item_templates {
template_id: "V0051_MOVE_NIGHT_SLASH"
move_settings {
movement_id: NIGHT_SLASH
animation_id: 5
pokemon_type: POKEMON_TYPE_DARK
power: 30
accuracy_chance: 1
critical_chance: 0.25
stamina_loss_scalar: 0.07
trainer_level_min: 1
trainer_level_max: 100
vfx_name: "night_slash"
duration_ms: 2700
damage_window_start_ms: 2400
damage_window_end_ms: 2600
energy_delta: -25
item_templates {
template_id: "V0051_POKEMON_DUGTRIO"
pokemon_settings {
pokemon_id: DUGTRIO
model_scale: 1.12
camera {
disk_radius_m: 1.008
cylinder_radius_m: 0.672
cylinder_height_m: 0.84
shoulder_mode_scale: 0.5
encounter {
base_capture_rate: 0.16
base_flee_rate: 0.06
collision_radius_m: 0.448
collision_height_m: 0.84
collision_head_radius_m: 0.336
movement_timer_s: 29
attack_timer_s: 10
stats {
base_stamina: 70
base_attack: 148
base_defense: 140
quick_moves: SUCKER_PUNCH_FAST
quick_moves: MUD_SHOT_FAST
cinematic_moves: EARTHQUAKE
cinematic_moves: MUD_BOMB
cinematic_moves: STONE_EDGE
animation_time: 1.7333
animation_time: 0.6667
animation_time: 1.6667
animation_time: 0.9
animation_time: 0
animation_time: 2.1333
animation_time: 2
animation_time: 0
evolution_pips: 1
pokedex_height_m: 0.7
pokedex_weight_kg: 33.3
parent_pokemon_id: DIGLETT
height_std_dev: 0.0875
weight_std_dev: 4.1625
item_templates {
template_id: "V0052_POKEMON_MEOWTH"
pokemon_settings {
pokemon_id: MEOWTH
model_scale: 1.6
camera {
disk_radius_m: 0.6
cylinder_radius_m: 0.4
cylinder_height_m: 0.64
shoulder_mode_scale: 0.5
encounter {
base_capture_rate: 0.4
base_flee_rate: 0.15
collision_radius_m: 0.128
collision_height_m: 0.4
collision_head_radius_m: 0.2
movement_type: MOVEMENT_JUMP
movement_timer_s: 29
jump_time_s: 1
attack_timer_s: 10
stats {
base_stamina: 80
base_attack: 104
base_defense: 94
quick_moves: SCRATCH_FAST
quick_moves: BITE_FAST
cinematic_moves: NIGHT_SLASH
cinematic_moves: DARK_PULSE
cinematic_moves: BODY_SLAM
animation_time: 2
animation_time: 0.6667
animation_time: 1.7333
animation_time: 1.5
animation_time: 0
animation_time: 2
animation_time: 1.4
animation_time: 2
evolution_ids: PERSIAN
evolution_pips: 1
pokedex_height_m: 0.4
pokedex_weight_kg: 4.2
height_std_dev: 0.05
weight_std_dev: 0.525
family_id: FAMILY_MEOWTH
candy_to_evolve: 50
item_templates {
template_id: "V0053_MOVE_BUBBLE_BEAM"
move_settings {
movement_id: BUBBLE_BEAM
animation_id: 5
pokemon_type: POKEMON_TYPE_WATER
power: 30
accuracy_chance: 1
critical_chance: 0.05
stamina_loss_scalar: 0.065
trainer_level_min: 1
trainer_level_max: 100
vfx_name: "bubble_beam"
duration_ms: 2900
damage_window_start_ms: 2600
damage_window_end_ms: 2800
energy_delta: -25
item_templates {
template_id: "V0053_POKEMON_PERSIAN"
pokemon_settings {
pokemon_id: PERSIAN
model_scale: 0.82
camera {
disk_radius_m: 0.7995
cylinder_radius_m: 0.533
cylinder_height_m: 0.902
shoulder_mode_scale: 0.5
encounter {
base_capture_rate: 0.16
base_flee_rate: 0.07
collision_radius_m: 0.328
collision_height_m: 0.615
collision_head_radius_m: 0.164
movement_type: MOVEMENT_JUMP
movement_timer_s: 8
jump_time_s: 1.25
attack_timer_s: 23
stats {
base_stamina: 130
base_attack: 156
base_defense: 146
quick_moves: SCRATCH_FAST
quick_moves: FEINT_ATTACK_FAST
cinematic_moves: NIGHT_SLASH
cinematic_moves: POWER_GEM
cinematic_moves: PLAY_ROUGH
animation_time: 2
animation_time: 0.6667
animation_time: 1.6667
animation_time: 1.8333
animation_time: 0
animation_time: 1.6667
animation_time: 1.6667
animation_time: 0
evolution_pips: 1
pokedex_height_m: 1
pokedex_weight_kg: 32
parent_pokemon_id: MEOWTH
height_std_dev: 0.125
weight_std_dev: 4
family_id: FAMILY_MEOWTH
item_templates {
template_id: "V0054_MOVE_SUBMISSION"
move_settings {
movement_id: SUBMISSION
animation_id: 5
power: 30
accuracy_chance: 1
critical_chance: 0.05
stamina_loss_scalar: 0.08
trainer_level_min: 1
trainer_level_max: 100
vfx_name: "submission"
duration_ms: 2100
damage_window_start_ms: 1850
damage_window_end_ms: 2000
energy_delta: -33
item_templates {
template_id: "V0054_POKEMON_PSYDUCK"
pokemon_settings {
pokemon_id: PSYDUCK
model_scale: 0.97
camera {
disk_radius_m: 0.5456
cylinder_radius_m: 0.3638
cylinder_height_m: 0.97
shoulder_mode_scale: 0.5
encounter {
base_capture_rate: 0.4
base_flee_rate: 0.1
collision_radius_m: 0.291
collision_height_m: 0.60625
collision_head_radius_m: 0.3395
movement_type: MOVEMENT_JUMP
movement_timer_s: 10
jump_time_s: 1
attack_timer_s: 29
stats {
base_stamina: 100
base_attack: 132
base_defense: 112
quick_moves: WATER_GUN_FAST
quick_moves: ZEN_HEADBUTT_FAST
cinematic_moves: PSYBEAM
cinematic_moves: AQUA_TAIL
cinematic_moves: CROSS_CHOP
animation_time: 1.8333
animation_time: 0.6667
animation_time: 1.6667
animation_time: 1.5
animation_time: 0
animation_time: 2.6
animation_time: 1.6667
animation_time: 0
evolution_ids: GOLDUCK
evolution_pips: 1
pokedex_height_m: 0.8
pokedex_weight_kg: 19.6
height_std_dev: 0.1
weight_std_dev: 2.45
candy_to_evolve: 50
item_templates {
template_id: "V0055_POKEMON_GOLDUCK"
pokemon_settings {
pokemon_id: GOLDUCK
model_scale: 0.93
camera {
disk_radius_m: 0.9765
cylinder_radius_m: 0.465
cylinder_height_m: 1.3485
shoulder_mode_scale: 0.5
encounter {
base_capture_rate: 0.16
base_flee_rate: 0.06
collision_radius_m: 0.2325
collision_height_m: 0.81375
collision_head_radius_m: 0.2325
movement_type: MOVEMENT_JUMP
movement_timer_s: 5
jump_time_s: 1
attack_timer_s: 14
stats {
base_stamina: 160
base_attack: 194
base_defense: 176
quick_moves: WATER_GUN_FAST
quick_moves: CONFUSION_FAST
cinematic_moves: PSYCHIC
cinematic_moves: HYDRO_PUMP
cinematic_moves: ICE_BEAM
animation_time: 1.6667
animation_time: 0.6667
animation_time: 1.6667
animation_time: 1.6667
animation_time: 0
animation_time: 2
animation_time: 1.6667
animation_time: 0
evolution_pips: 1
pokedex_height_m: 1.7
pokedex_weight_kg: 76.6
parent_pokemon_id: PSYDUCK
height_std_dev: 0.2125
weight_std_dev: 9.575
item_templates {
template_id: "V0056_MOVE_LOW_SWEEP"
move_settings {
movement_id: LOW_SWEEP
animation_id: 5
power: 30
accuracy_chance: 1
critical_chance: 0.05
stamina_loss_scalar: 0.065
trainer_level_min: 1
trainer_level_max: 100
vfx_name: "low_sweep"
duration_ms: 2250
damage_window_start_ms: 2000
damage_window_end_ms: 2150
energy_delta: -25
item_templates {
template_id: "V0056_POKEMON_MANKEY"
pokemon_settings {
pokemon_id: MANKEY
model_scale: 1.29
camera {
disk_radius_m: 0.7256
cylinder_radius_m: 0.4838
cylinder_height_m: 0.80625
shoulder_mode_scale: 0.5
encounter {
base_capture_rate: 0.4
base_flee_rate: 0.1
collision_radius_m: 0.1935
collision_height_m: 0.645
collision_head_radius_m: 0.129
movement_type: MOVEMENT_JUMP
movement_timer_s: 29
jump_time_s: 1
attack_timer_s: 10
stats {
base_stamina: 80
base_attack: 122
base_defense: 96
quick_moves: KARATE_CHOP_FAST
quick_moves: SCRATCH_FAST
cinematic_moves: CROSS_CHOP
cinematic_moves: LOW_SWEEP
cinematic_moves: BRICK_BREAK
animation_time: 1.5
animation_time: 0.6
animation_time: 1.3333
animation_time: 1.6333
animation_time: 0
animation_time: 1.9667
animation_time: 0.9333
animation_time: 0
evolution_ids: PRIMEAPE
evolution_pips: 1
pokedex_height_m: 0.5
pokedex_weight_kg: 28
height_std_dev: 0.0625
weight_std_dev: 3.5
family_id: FAMILY_MANKEY
candy_to_evolve: 50
item_templates {
template_id: "V0057_MOVE_AQUA_JET"
move_settings {
movement_id: AQUA_JET
animation_id: 5
pokemon_type: POKEMON_TYPE_WATER
power: 25
accuracy_chance: 1
critical_chance: 0.05
stamina_loss_scalar: 0.04
trainer_level_min: 1
trainer_level_max: 100
vfx_name: "aqua_jet"
duration_ms: 2350
damage_window_start_ms: 1700
damage_window_end_ms: 2100
energy_delta: -20
item_templates {
template_id: "V0057_POKEMON_PRIMEAPE"
pokemon_settings {
pokemon_id: PRIMEAPE
model_scale: 0.92
camera {
disk_radius_m: 0.69
cylinder_radius_m: 0.46
cylinder_height_m: 1.15
shoulder_mode_scale: 0.5
encounter {
base_capture_rate: 0.16
base_flee_rate: 0.06
collision_radius_m: 0.46
collision_height_m: 1.104
collision_head_radius_m: 0.23
movement_type: MOVEMENT_JUMP
movement_timer_s: 17
jump_time_s: 1
attack_timer_s: 6
stats {
base_stamina: 130
base_attack: 178
base_defense: 150
quick_moves: LOW_KICK_FAST
quick_moves: KARATE_CHOP_FAST
cinematic_moves: CROSS_CHOP
cinematic_moves: LOW_SWEEP
cinematic_moves: NIGHT_SLASH
animation_time: 1.3333
animation_time: 0.6667
animation_time: 1.5
animation_time: 1.3333
animation_time: 0
animation_time: 1.6667
animation_time: 1.3333
animation_time: 0
evolution_pips: 1
pokedex_height_m: 1
pokedex_weight_kg: 32
parent_pokemon_id: MANKEY
height_std_dev: 0.125
weight_std_dev: 4
family_id: FAMILY_MANKEY
item_templates {
template_id: "V0058_MOVE_AQUA_TAIL"
move_settings {
movement_id: AQUA_TAIL
animation_id: 5
pokemon_type: POKEMON_TYPE_WATER
power: 45
accuracy_chance: 1
critical_chance: 0.05
stamina_loss_scalar: 0.09
trainer_level_min: 1
trainer_level_max: 100
vfx_name: "aqua_tail"
duration_ms: 2350
damage_window_start_ms: 2050
damage_window_end_ms: 2250
energy_delta: -50
item_templates {
template_id: "V0058_POKEMON_GROWLITHE"
pokemon_settings {
pokemon_id: GROWLITHE
model_scale: 1.17
camera {
disk_radius_m: 0.8775
cylinder_radius_m: 0.585
cylinder_height_m: 1.02375
shoulder_mode_scale: 0.5
encounter {
base_capture_rate: 0.24
base_flee_rate: 0.1
collision_radius_m: 0.234
collision_height_m: 0.585
collision_head_radius_m: 0.1755
movement_type: MOVEMENT_JUMP
movement_timer_s: 10
jump_time_s: 1
attack_timer_s: 29
stats {
base_stamina: 110
base_attack: 156
base_defense: 110
quick_moves: EMBER_FAST
quick_moves: BITE_FAST
cinematic_moves: FLAME_WHEEL
cinematic_moves: BODY_SLAM
cinematic_moves: FLAMETHROWER
animation_time: 2.0333
animation_time: 0.6667
animation_time: 1.8
animation_time: 1.5
animation_time: 0
animation_time: 2.2667
animation_time: 0.8
animation_time: 1.8
evolution_ids: ARCANINE
evolution_pips: 1
pokedex_height_m: 0.7
pokedex_weight_kg: 19
height_std_dev: 0.0875
weight_std_dev: 2.375
candy_to_evolve: 50
item_templates {
template_id: "V0059_MOVE_SEED_BOMB"
move_settings {
movement_id: SEED_BOMB
animation_id: 5
pokemon_type: POKEMON_TYPE_GRASS
power: 40
accuracy_chance: 1
critical_chance: 0.05
stamina_loss_scalar: 0.08
trainer_level_min: 1
trainer_level_max: 100
vfx_name: "seed_bomb"
duration_ms: 2400
damage_window_start_ms: 1300
damage_window_end_ms: 1800
energy_delta: -33
item_templates {
template_id: "V0059_POKEMON_ARCANINE"
pokemon_settings {
pokemon_id: ARCANINE
model_scale: 0.74
camera {
disk_radius_m: 0.999
cylinder_radius_m: 0.666
cylinder_height_m: 1.48
shoulder_mode_scale: 0.5
encounter {
base_capture_rate: 0.08
base_flee_rate: 0.06
collision_radius_m: 0.37
collision_height_m: 0.74
collision_head_radius_m: 0.333
movement_type: MOVEMENT_JUMP
movement_timer_s: 4
jump_time_s: 1.25
attack_timer_s: 11
stats {
base_stamina: 180
base_attack: 230
base_defense: 180
quick_moves: FIRE_FANG_FAST
quick_moves: BITE_FAST
cinematic_moves: FIRE_BLAST
cinematic_moves: FLAMETHROWER
cinematic_moves: BULLDOZE
animation_time: 2.1333
animation_time: 0.6667
animation_time: 1.7333
animation_time: 1.8333
animation_time: 0
animation_time: 1.8667
animation_time: 1.7333
animation_time: 2
evolution_pips: 1
pokedex_height_m: 1.9
pokedex_weight_kg: 155
parent_pokemon_id: GROWLITHE
height_std_dev: 0.2375
weight_std_dev: 19.375
item_templates {
template_id: "V0060_MOVE_PSYSHOCK"
move_settings {
movement_id: PSYSHOCK
animation_id: 5
power: 40
accuracy_chance: 1
critical_chance: 0.05
stamina_loss_scalar: 0.08
trainer_level_min: 1
trainer_level_max: 100
vfx_name: "psyshock"
duration_ms: 2700
damage_window_start_ms: 2200
damage_window_end_ms: 2700
energy_delta: -33
item_templates {
template_id: "V0060_POKEMON_POLIWAG"
pokemon_settings {
pokemon_id: POLIWAG
model_scale: 1.25
camera {
disk_radius_m: 0.75
cylinder_radius_m: 0.5
cylinder_height_m: 0.875
shoulder_mode_scale: 0.5
encounter {
base_capture_rate: 0.4
base_flee_rate: 0.15
collision_radius_m: 0.3125
collision_height_m: 0.75
collision_head_radius_m: 0.3125
movement_type: MOVEMENT_JUMP
movement_timer_s: 10
jump_time_s: 1
attack_timer_s: 29
stats {
base_stamina: 80
base_attack: 108
base_defense: 98
quick_moves: BUBBLE_FAST
quick_moves: MUD_SHOT_FAST
cinematic_moves: BUBBLE_BEAM
cinematic_moves: MUD_BOMB
cinematic_moves: BODY_SLAM
animation_time: 1.6667
animation_time: 0.6667
animation_time: 2
animation_time: 1.5
animation_time: 0
animation_time: 1.6667
animation_time: 1.5
animation_time: 0
evolution_ids: POLIWHIRL
evolution_pips: 1
pokedex_height_m: 0.6
pokedex_weight_kg: 12.4
height_std_dev: 0.075
weight_std_dev: 1.55
candy_to_evolve: 25
item_templates {
template_id: "V0061_POKEMON_POLIWHIRL"
pokemon_settings {
pokemon_id: POLIWHIRL
model_scale: 0.98
camera {
disk_radius_m: 1.1025
cylinder_radius_m: 0.735
cylinder_height_m: 1.078
shoulder_mode_scale: 0.5
encounter {
base_capture_rate: 0.2
base_flee_rate: 0.07
collision_radius_m: 0.49
collision_height_m: 0.882
collision_head_radius_m: 0.3675
movement_type: MOVEMENT_JUMP
movement_timer_s: 8
jump_time_s: 0.8
attack_timer_s: 23
stats {
base_stamina: 130
base_attack: 132
base_defense: 132
quick_moves: BUBBLE_FAST
quick_moves: MUD_SHOT_FAST
cinematic_moves: SCALD
cinematic_moves: MUD_BOMB
cinematic_moves: BUBBLE_BEAM
animation_time: 1.3333
animation_time: 0.6667
animation_time: 2.1667
animation_time: 1.5
animation_time: 0
animation_time: 2
animation_time: 1.3333
animation_time: 0
evolution_ids: POLIWRATH
evolution_pips: 1
pokedex_height_m: 1
pokedex_weight_kg: 20
parent_pokemon_id: POLIWAG
height_std_dev: 0.125
weight_std_dev: 2.5
candy_to_evolve: 100
item_templates {
template_id: "V0062_MOVE_ANCIENT_POWER"
move_settings {
movement_id: ANCIENT_POWER
animation_id: 5
pokemon_type: POKEMON_TYPE_ROCK
power: 35
accuracy_chance: 1
critical_chance: 0.05
stamina_loss_scalar: 0.06
trainer_level_min: 1
trainer_level_max: 100
vfx_name: "ancient_power"
duration_ms: 3600
damage_window_start_ms: 2900
damage_window_end_ms: 3250
energy_delta: -25
item_templates {
template_id: "V0062_POKEMON_POLIWRATH"
pokemon_settings {
pokemon_id: POLIWRATH
model_scale: 0.86
camera {
disk_radius_m: 1.2255
cylinder_radius_m: 0.817
cylinder_height_m: 1.204
shoulder_mode_scale: 0.5
encounter {
base_capture_rate: 0.1
base_flee_rate: 0.05
collision_radius_m: 0.645
collision_height_m: 1.118
collision_head_radius_m: 0.344
movement_type: MOVEMENT_JUMP
movement_timer_s: 11
jump_time_s: 1.05
attack_timer_s: 4
stats {
base_stamina: 180
base_attack: 180
base_defense: 202
quick_moves: BUBBLE_FAST
quick_moves: MUD_SHOT_FAST
cinematic_moves: HYDRO_PUMP
cinematic_moves: SUBMISSION
cinematic_moves: ICE_PUNCH
animation_time: 2
animation_time: 0.6667
animation_time: 1.6667
animation_time: 1.6667
animation_time: 0
animation_time: 2
animation_time: 1.2333
animation_time: 0
evolution_pips: 1
pokedex_height_m: 1.3
pokedex_weight_kg: 54
parent_pokemon_id: POLIWHIRL
height_std_dev: 0.1625
weight_std_dev: 6.75
item_templates {
template_id: "V0063_MOVE_ROCK_TOMB"
move_settings {
movement_id: ROCK_TOMB
animation_id: 5
pokemon_type: POKEMON_TYPE_ROCK
power: 30
accuracy_chance: 1
critical_chance: 0.25
stamina_loss_scalar: 0.06
trainer_level_min: 1
trainer_level_max: 100
vfx_name: "rock_tomb"
duration_ms: 3400
damage_window_start_ms: 2300
damage_window_end_ms: 3200
energy_delta: -25
item_templates {
template_id: "V0063_POKEMON_ABRA"
pokemon_settings {
pokemon_id: ABRA
model_scale: 1.12
camera {
disk_radius_m: 0.672
cylinder_radius_m: 0.448
cylinder_height_m: 0.784
cylinder_ground_m: 0.168
shoulder_mode_scale: 0.5
encounter {
base_capture_rate: 0.4
base_flee_rate: 0.99
collision_radius_m: 0.28
collision_height_m: 0.56
collision_head_radius_m: 0.28
movement_type: MOVEMENT_PSYCHIC
movement_timer_s: 29
jump_time_s: 1
attack_timer_s: 10
stats {
base_stamina: 50
base_attack: 110
base_defense: 76
quick_moves: ZEN_HEADBUTT_FAST
cinematic_moves: PSYSHOCK
cinematic_moves: SIGNAL_BEAM
cinematic_moves: SHADOW_BALL
animation_time: 0
animation_time: 0.6667
animation_time: 1.6667
animation_time: 0.6667
animation_time: 0
animation_time: 2.1667
animation_time: 2.6667
animation_time: 0
evolution_ids: KADABRA
evolution_pips: 1
pokedex_height_m: 0.9
pokedex_weight_kg: 19.5
height_std_dev: 0.1125
weight_std_dev: 2.4375
family_id: FAMILY_ABRA
candy_to_evolve: 25
item_templates {
template_id: "V0064_MOVE_ROCK_SLIDE"
move_settings {
movement_id: ROCK_SLIDE
animation_id: 5
pokemon_type: POKEMON_TYPE_ROCK
power: 50
accuracy_chance: 1
critical_chance: 0.05
stamina_loss_scalar: 0.075
trainer_level_min: 1
trainer_level_max: 100
vfx_name: "rock_slide"
duration_ms: 3200
damage_window_start_ms: 1500
damage_window_end_ms: 2900
energy_delta: -33
item_templates {
template_id: "V0064_POKEMON_KADABRA"
pokemon_settings {
pokemon_id: KADABRA
model_scale: 0.89
camera {
disk_radius_m: 1.0013
cylinder_radius_m: 0.6675
cylinder_height_m: 1.157
shoulder_mode_scale: 0.5
encounter {
base_capture_rate: 0.2
base_flee_rate: 0.07
collision_radius_m: 0.445
collision_height_m: 0.89
collision_head_radius_m: 0.33375
movement_type: MOVEMENT_JUMP
movement_timer_s: 6
jump_time_s: 1.25
attack_timer_s: 17
stats {
base_stamina: 80
base_attack: 150
base_defense: 112
quick_moves: PSYCHO_CUT_FAST
quick_moves: CONFUSION_FAST
cinematic_moves: PSYBEAM
cinematic_moves: DAZZLING_GLEAM
cinematic_moves: SHADOW_BALL
animation_time: 1.7333
animation_time: 0.6667
animation_time: 1.6667
animation_time: 1.8667
animation_time: 0
animation_time: 2.1
animation_time: 1.7333
animation_time: 0
evolution_ids: ALAKAZAM
evolution_pips: 1
pokedex_height_m: 1.3
pokedex_weight_kg: 56.5
parent_pokemon_id: ABRA
height_std_dev: 0.1625
weight_std_dev: 7.0625
family_id: FAMILY_ABRA
candy_to_evolve: 100
item_templates {
template_id: "V0065_MOVE_POWER_GEM"
move_settings {
movement_id: POWER_GEM
animation_id: 5
pokemon_type: POKEMON_TYPE_ROCK
power: 40
accuracy_chance: 1
critical_chance: 0.05
stamina_loss_scalar: 0.08
trainer_level_min: 1
trainer_level_max: 100
vfx_name: "power_gem"
duration_ms: 2900
damage_window_start_ms: 2000
damage_window_end_ms: 2800
energy_delta: -33
item_templates {
template_id: "V0065_POKEMON_ALAKAZAM"
pokemon_settings {
pokemon_id: ALAKAZAM
model_scale: 0.85
camera {
disk_radius_m: 0.765
cylinder_radius_m: 0.51
cylinder_height_m: 1.275
shoulder_mode_scale: 0.5
encounter {
base_capture_rate: 0.1
base_flee_rate: 0.05
collision_radius_m: 0.425
collision_height_m: 0.93500012
collision_head_radius_m: 0.255
movement_type: MOVEMENT_JUMP
movement_timer_s: 4
jump_time_s: 1
attack_timer_s: 11
stats {
base_stamina: 110
base_attack: 186
base_defense: 152
quick_moves: PSYCHO_CUT_FAST
quick_moves: CONFUSION_FAST
cinematic_moves: PSYCHIC
cinematic_moves: DAZZLING_GLEAM
cinematic_moves: SHADOW_BALL
animation_time: 2
animation_time: 0.6667
animation_time: 1.6667
animation_time: 1.5
animation_time: 0
animation_time: 2.3333
animation_time: 2.5
animation_time: 2
evolution_pips: 1
pokedex_height_m: 1.5
pokedex_weight_kg: 48
parent_pokemon_id: KADABRA
height_std_dev: 0.1875
weight_std_dev: 6
family_id: FAMILY_ABRA
item_templates {
template_id: "V0066_MOVE_SHADOW_SNEAK"
move_settings {
movement_id: SHADOW_SNEAK
animation_id: 5
pokemon_type: POKEMON_TYPE_GHOST
power: 25
accuracy_chance: 1
critical_chance: 0.05
stamina_loss_scalar: 0.04
trainer_level_min: 1
trainer_level_max: 100
vfx_name: "shadow_sneak"
duration_ms: 3100
damage_window_start_ms: 2300
damage_window_end_ms: 2900
energy_delta: -20
item_templates {
template_id: "V0066_POKEMON_MACHOP"
pokemon_settings {
pokemon_id: MACHOP
model_scale: 1.1
camera {
disk_radius_m: 0.6188
cylinder_radius_m: 0.4125
cylinder_height_m: 0.88000011
shoulder_mode_scale: 0.5
encounter {
base_capture_rate: 0.4
base_flee_rate: 0.1
collision_radius_m: 0.22
collision_height_m: 0.55
collision_head_radius_m: 0.20625
movement_type: MOVEMENT_JUMP
movement_timer_s: 23
jump_time_s: 1
attack_timer_s: 8
stats {
base_stamina: 140
base_attack: 118
base_defense: 96
quick_moves: LOW_KICK_FAST
quick_moves: KARATE_CHOP_FAST
cinematic_moves: LOW_SWEEP
cinematic_moves: BRICK_BREAK
cinematic_moves: CROSS_CHOP
animation_time: 2.2667
animation_time: 0.6667
animation_time: 2
animation_time: 1.7333
animation_time: 0
animation_time: 2.1667
animation_time: 1
animation_time: 0
evolution_ids: MACHOKE
evolution_pips: 1
pokedex_height_m: 0.8
pokedex_weight_kg: 19.5
height_std_dev: 0.1
weight_std_dev: 2.4375
family_id: FAMILY_MACHOP
candy_to_evolve: 25
item_templates {
template_id: "V0067_MOVE_SHADOW_PUNCH"
move_settings {
movement_id: SHADOW_PUNCH
animation_id: 5
pokemon_type: POKEMON_TYPE_GHOST
power: 25
accuracy_chance: 1
critical_chance: 0.05
stamina_loss_scalar: 0.06
trainer_level_min: 1
trainer_level_max: 100
vfx_name: "shadow_punch"
duration_ms: 2100
damage_window_start_ms: 1400
damage_window_end_ms: 1700
energy_delta: -25
item_templates {
template_id: "V0067_POKEMON_MACHOKE"
pokemon_settings {
pokemon_id: MACHOKE
model_scale: 0.91
camera {
disk_radius_m: 0.819
cylinder_radius_m: 0.546
cylinder_height_m: 1.274
shoulder_mode_scale: 0.5
encounter {
base_capture_rate: 0.2
base_flee_rate: 0.07
collision_radius_m: 0.54600012
collision_height_m: 1.092
collision_head_radius_m: 0.1365
movement_type: MOVEMENT_JUMP
movement_timer_s: 14
jump_time_s: 1
attack_timer_s: 5
stats {
base_stamina: 160
base_attack: 154
base_defense: 144
quick_moves: LOW_KICK_FAST
quick_moves: KARATE_CHOP_FAST
cinematic_moves: SUBMISSION
cinematic_moves: BRICK_BREAK
cinematic_moves: CROSS_CHOP
animation_time: 1.5
animation_time: 0.6667
animation_time: 1.6667
animation_time: 1.6667
animation_time: 0
animation_time: 2.1667
animation_time: 1.0667
animation_time: 0
evolution_ids: MACHAMP
evolution_pips: 1
pokedex_height_m: 1.5
pokedex_weight_kg: 70.5
parent_pokemon_id: MACHOP
height_std_dev: 0.1875
weight_std_dev: 8.8125
family_id: FAMILY_MACHOP
candy_to_evolve: 100
item_templates {
template_id: "V0068_POKEMON_MACHAMP"
pokemon_settings {
pokemon_id: MACHAMP
model_scale: 0.89
camera {
disk_radius_m: 0.8678
cylinder_radius_m: 0.5785
cylinder_height_m: 1.424
shoulder_mode_scale: 0.5
encounter {
base_capture_rate: 0.1
base_flee_rate: 0.05
collision_radius_m: 0.5785
collision_height_m: 1.246
collision_head_radius_m: 0.1335
movement_type: MOVEMENT_JUMP
movement_timer_s: 8
jump_time_s: 1
attack_timer_s: 3
stats {
base_stamina: 180
base_attack: 198
base_defense: 180
quick_moves: BULLET_PUNCH_FAST
quick_moves: KARATE_CHOP_FAST
cinematic_moves: STONE_EDGE
cinematic_moves: SUBMISSION
cinematic_moves: CROSS_CHOP
animation_time: 1.6667
animation_time: 0.6667
animation_time: 1.6667
animation_time: 1.6667
animation_time: 0
animation_time: 1.6667
animation_time: 1.3333
animation_time: 1.333333
evolution_pips: 1
pokedex_height_m: 1.6
pokedex_weight_kg: 130
parent_pokemon_id: MACHOKE
height_std_dev: 0.2
weight_std_dev: 16.25
family_id: FAMILY_MACHOP
item_templates {
template_id: "V0069_MOVE_OMINOUS_WIND"
move_settings {
movement_id: OMINOUS_WIND
animation_id: 5
pokemon_type: POKEMON_TYPE_GHOST
power: 30
accuracy_chance: 1
critical_chance: 0.05
stamina_loss_scalar: 0.06
trainer_level_min: 1
trainer_level_max: 100
vfx_name: "ominous_wind"
duration_ms: 3100
damage_window_start_ms: 1850
damage_window_end_ms: 2100
energy_delta: -25
item_templates {
template_id: "V0069_POKEMON_BELLSPROUT"
pokemon_settings {
pokemon_id: BELLSPROUT
model_scale: 1.29
camera {
disk_radius_m: 0.6773
cylinder_radius_m: 0.4515
cylinder_height_m: 0.90299988
shoulder_mode_scale: 0.5
encounter {
base_capture_rate: 0.4
base_flee_rate: 0.15
collision_radius_m: 0.1935
collision_height_m: 0.4515
collision_head_radius_m: 0.22575
movement_type: MOVEMENT_JUMP
movement_timer_s: 10
jump_time_s: 1.2
attack_timer_s: 29
stats {
base_stamina: 100
base_attack: 158
base_defense: 78
quick_moves: VINE_WHIP_FAST
quick_moves: ACID_FAST
cinematic_moves: POWER_WHIP
cinematic_moves: SLUDGE_BOMB
cinematic_moves: WRAP
animation_time: 1.7
animation_time: 0.6667
animation_time: 2.5
animation_time: 1.8333
animation_time: 0
animation_time: 2
animation_time: 2
animation_time: 0
evolution_ids: WEEPINBELL
evolution_pips: 1
pokedex_height_m: 0.7
pokedex_weight_kg: 4
height_std_dev: 0.0875
weight_std_dev: 0.5
candy_to_evolve: 25
item_templates {
template_id: "V0070_MOVE_SHADOW_BALL"
move_settings {
movement_id: SHADOW_BALL
animation_id: 5
pokemon_type: POKEMON_TYPE_GHOST
power: 45
accuracy_chance: 1
critical_chance: 0.05
stamina_loss_scalar: 0.08
trainer_level_min: 1
trainer_level_max: 100
vfx_name: "shadow_ball"
duration_ms: 3080
damage_window_start_ms: 2300
damage_window_end_ms: 2600
energy_delta: -33
item_templates {
template_id: "V0070_POKEMON_WEEPINBELL"
pokemon_settings {
pokemon_id: WEEPINBELL
model_scale: 1
camera {
disk_radius_m: 0.975
cylinder_radius_m: 0.65
cylinder_height_m: 1
cylinder_ground_m: 0.375
shoulder_mode_scale: 0.5
encounter {
base_capture_rate: 0.2
base_flee_rate: 0.07
collision_radius_m: 0.25
collision_height_m: 0.95
collision_head_radius_m: 0.25
movement_type: MOVEMENT_HOVERING
movement_timer_s: 8
jump_time_s: 1
attack_timer_s: 23
stats {
base_stamina: 130
base_attack: 190
base_defense: 110
quick_moves: RAZOR_LEAF_FAST
quick_moves: ACID_FAST
cinematic_moves: POWER_WHIP
cinematic_moves: SLUDGE_BOMB
cinematic_moves: SEED_BOMB
animation_time: 1.8
animation_time: 0.6667
animation_time: 1.5333
animation_time: 0.6667
animation_time: 0
animation_time: 2.2667
animation_time: 2
animation_time: 0
evolution_ids: VICTREEBEL
evolution_pips: 1
pokedex_height_m: 1
pokedex_weight_kg: 6.4
parent_pokemon_id: BELLSPROUT
height_std_dev: 0.125
weight_std_dev: 0.8
candy_to_evolve: 100
item_templates {
template_id: "V0071_POKEMON_VICTREEBEL"
pokemon_settings {
pokemon_id: VICTREEBEL
model_scale: 0.84
camera {
disk_radius_m: 0.819
cylinder_radius_m: 0.546
cylinder_height_m: 1.428
cylinder_ground_m: 0.42
shoulder_mode_scale: 0.5
encounter {
base_capture_rate: 0.1
base_flee_rate: 0.05
collision_radius_m: 0.336
collision_height_m: 1.428
collision_head_radius_m: 0.273
movement_type: MOVEMENT_HOVERING
movement_timer_s: 14
jump_time_s: 1
attack_timer_s: 5
stats {
base_stamina: 160
base_attack: 222
base_defense: 152
quick_moves: RAZOR_LEAF_FAST
quick_moves: ACID_FAST
cinematic_moves: LEAF_BLADE
cinematic_moves: SLUDGE_BOMB
cinematic_moves: SOLAR_BEAM
animation_time: 2
animation_time: 0.6667
animation_time: 1.6667
animation_time: 0.6667
animation_time: 0
animation_time: 2.1667
animation_time: 2
animation_time: 0
evolution_pips: 1
pokedex_height_m: 1.7
pokedex_weight_kg: 15.5
parent_pokemon_id: WEEPINBELL
height_std_dev: 0.2125
weight_std_dev: 1.9375
item_templates {
template_id: "V0072_MOVE_MAGNET_BOMB"
move_settings {
movement_id: MAGNET_BOMB
animation_id: 5
pokemon_type: POKEMON_TYPE_STEEL
power: 30
accuracy_chance: 1
critical_chance: 0.05
stamina_loss_scalar: 0.06
trainer_level_min: 1
trainer_level_max: 100
vfx_name: "magnet_bomb"
duration_ms: 2800
damage_window_start_ms: 1750
damage_window_end_ms: 2300
energy_delta: -25
item_templates {
template_id: "V0072_POKEMON_TENTACOOL"
pokemon_settings {
pokemon_id: TENTACOOL
model_scale: 1.05
camera {
disk_radius_m: 0.4725
cylinder_radius_m: 0.315
cylinder_height_m: 0.91874993
cylinder_ground_m: 0.2625
shoulder_mode_scale: 0.5
encounter {
base_capture_rate: 0.4
base_flee_rate: 0.15
collision_radius_m: 0.21
collision_height_m: 0.91874993
collision_head_radius_m: 0.1575
movement_type: MOVEMENT_HOVERING
movement_timer_s: 23
jump_time_s: 1
attack_timer_s: 8
stats {
base_stamina: 80
base_attack: 106
base_defense: 136
quick_moves: BUBBLE_FAST
quick_moves: POISON_STING_FAST
cinematic_moves: BUBBLE_BEAM
cinematic_moves: WATER_PULSE
cinematic_moves: WRAP
animation_time: 2.6667
animation_time: 0.6667
animation_time: 1.6667
animation_time: 0.6667
animation_time: 0
animation_time: 2.3
animation_time: 2
animation_time: 0
evolution_ids: TENTACRUEL
evolution_pips: 1
pokedex_height_m: 0.9
pokedex_weight_kg: 45.5
height_std_dev: 0.1125
weight_std_dev: 5.6875
candy_to_evolve: 50
item_templates {
template_id: "V0073_POKEMON_TENTACRUEL"
pokemon_settings {
pokemon_id: TENTACRUEL
model_scale: 0.82
camera {
disk_radius_m: 0.738
cylinder_radius_m: 0.492
cylinder_height_m: 1.312
cylinder_ground_m: 0.205
shoulder_mode_scale: 0.5
encounter {
base_capture_rate: 0.16
base_flee_rate: 0.07
collision_radius_m: 0.492
collision_height_m: 1.23
collision_head_radius_m: 0.246
movement_type: MOVEMENT_HOVERING
movement_timer_s: 11
jump_time_s: 1
attack_timer_s: 4
stats {
base_stamina: 160
base_attack: 170
base_defense: 196
quick_moves: ACID_FAST
quick_moves: POISON_JAB_FAST
cinematic_moves: HYDRO_PUMP
cinematic_moves: SLUDGE_WAVE
cinematic_moves: BLIZZARD
animation_time: 2.1667
animation_time: 0.6667
animation_time: 1.3333
animation_time: 0.6667
animation_time: 0
animation_time: 2
animation_time: 2.6667
animation_time: 2
evolution_pips: 1
pokedex_height_m: 1.6
pokedex_weight_kg: 55
parent_pokemon_id: TENTACOOL
height_std_dev: 0.2
weight_std_dev: 6.875
item_templates {
template_id: "V0074_MOVE_IRON_HEAD"
move_settings {
movement_id: IRON_HEAD
animation_id: 5
pokemon_type: POKEMON_TYPE_STEEL
power: 30
accuracy_chance: 1
critical_chance: 0.05
stamina_loss_scalar: 0.08
trainer_level_min: 1
trainer_level_max: 100
vfx_name: "iron_head"
duration_ms: 2000
damage_window_start_ms: 1550
damage_window_end_ms: 1800
energy_delta: -33
item_templates {
template_id: "V0074_POKEMON_GEODUDE"
pokemon_settings {
pokemon_id: GEODUDE
model_scale: 0.87
camera {
disk_radius_m: 0.5873
cylinder_radius_m: 0.3915
cylinder_height_m: 0.348
cylinder_ground_m: 0.261
shoulder_mode_scale: 0.5
encounter {
base_capture_rate: 0.4
base_flee_rate: 0.1
collision_radius_m: 0.3915
collision_height_m: 0.1305
collision_head_radius_m: 0.19575
movement_type: MOVEMENT_HOVERING
movement_timer_s: 8
jump_time_s: 1
attack_timer_s: 23
stats {
base_stamina: 80
base_attack: 106
base_defense: 118
quick_moves: ROCK_THROW_FAST
quick_moves: TACKLE_FAST
cinematic_moves: ROCK_SLIDE
cinematic_moves: ROCK_TOMB
cinematic_moves: DIG
animation_time: 2.3333
animation_time: 0.6667
animation_time: 1.6667
animation_time: 0.6667
animation_time: 0
animation_time: 2
animation_time: 1.6667
animation_time: 0
evolution_ids: GRAVELER
evolution_pips: 1
pokedex_height_m: 0.4
pokedex_weight_kg: 20
height_std_dev: 0.05
weight_std_dev: 2.5
candy_to_evolve: 25
item_templates {
template_id: "V0075_MOVE_PARABOLIC_CHARGE"
move_settings {
animation_id: 5
power: 25
accuracy_chance: 1
critical_chance: 0.05
heal_scalar: 0.5
stamina_loss_scalar: 0.05
trainer_level_min: 1
trainer_level_max: 100
vfx_name: "parabolic_charge"
duration_ms: 2100
damage_window_start_ms: 1300
damage_window_end_ms: 1700
energy_delta: -20
item_templates {
template_id: "V0075_POKEMON_GRAVELER"
pokemon_settings {
pokemon_id: GRAVELER
model_scale: 0.82
camera {
disk_radius_m: 1.0455
cylinder_radius_m: 0.697
cylinder_height_m: 0.82
shoulder_mode_scale: 0.5
encounter {
base_capture_rate: 0.2
base_flee_rate: 0.07
collision_radius_m: 0.492
collision_height_m: 0.697
collision_head_radius_m: 0.369
movement_type: MOVEMENT_JUMP
movement_timer_s: 14
jump_time_s: 1.2
attack_timer_s: 5
stats {
base_stamina: 110
base_attack: 142
base_defense: 156
quick_moves: ROCK_THROW_FAST
quick_moves: MUD_SHOT_FAST
cinematic_moves: DIG
cinematic_moves: STONE_EDGE
cinematic_moves: ROCK_SLIDE
animation_time: 2.3333
animation_time: 0.6667
animation_time: 1.8667
animation_time: 1.8333
animation_time: 0
animation_time: 2
animation_time: 1.6667
animation_time: 0
evolution_ids: GOLEM
evolution_pips: 1
pokedex_height_m: 1
pokedex_weight_kg: 105
parent_pokemon_id: GEODUDE
height_std_dev: 0.125
weight_std_dev: 13.125
candy_to_evolve: 100
item_templates {
template_id: "V0076_POKEMON_GOLEM"
pokemon_settings {
pokemon_id: GOLEM
model_scale: 0.84
camera {
disk_radius_m: 0.945
cylinder_radius_m: 0.63
cylinder_height_m: 1.092
shoulder_mode_scale: 0.5
encounter {
base_capture_rate: 0.1
base_flee_rate: 0.05
collision_radius_m: 0.63
collision_height_m: 1.092
collision_head_radius_m: 0.315
movement_type: MOVEMENT_JUMP
movement_timer_s: 8
jump_time_s: 1.2
attack_timer_s: 3
stats {
base_stamina: 160
base_attack: 176
base_defense: 198
quick_moves: ROCK_THROW_FAST
quick_moves: MUD_SHOT_FAST
cinematic_moves: STONE_EDGE
cinematic_moves: ANCIENT_POWER
cinematic_moves: EARTHQUAKE
animation_time: 2.6667
animation_time: 0.6667
animation_time: 2
animation_time: 2
animation_time: 0
animation_time: 2.1667
animation_time: 2
animation_time: 0
evolution_pips: 1
pokedex_height_m: 1.4
pokedex_weight_kg: 300
parent_pokemon_id: GRAVELER
height_std_dev: 0.175
weight_std_dev: 37.5
item_templates {
template_id: "V0077_MOVE_THUNDER_PUNCH"
move_settings {
movement_id: THUNDER_PUNCH
animation_id: 5
power: 40
accuracy_chance: 1
critical_chance: 0.05
stamina_loss_scalar: 0.075
trainer_level_min: 1
trainer_level_max: 100
vfx_name: "thunder_punch"
duration_ms: 2400
damage_window_start_ms: 1950
damage_window_end_ms: 2200
energy_delta: -33
item_templates {
template_id: "V0077_POKEMON_PONYTA"
pokemon_settings {
pokemon_id: PONYTA
model_scale: 1.01
camera {
disk_radius_m: 0.5681
cylinder_radius_m: 0.3788
cylinder_height_m: 1.2625
shoulder_mode_scale: 0.5
encounter {
base_capture_rate: 0.32
base_flee_rate: 0.1
collision_radius_m: 0.2525
collision_height_m: 0.63125
collision_head_radius_m: 0.202
movement_type: MOVEMENT_JUMP
movement_timer_s: 8
jump_time_s: 0.95
attack_timer_s: 23
stats {
base_stamina: 100
base_attack: 168
base_defense: 138
quick_moves: TACKLE_FAST
quick_moves: EMBER_FAST
cinematic_moves: FLAME_CHARGE
cinematic_moves: FLAME_WHEEL
cinematic_moves: FIRE_BLAST
animation_time: 2.3333
animation_time: 0.6667
animation_time: 1.6667
animation_time: 1.5
animation_time: 5.333333
animation_time: 2.3333
animation_time: 1.6667
animation_time: 0
evolution_ids: RAPIDASH
evolution_pips: 1
pokedex_height_m: 1
pokedex_weight_kg: 30
height_std_dev: 0.125
weight_std_dev: 3.75
family_id: FAMILY_PONYTA
candy_to_evolve: 50
item_templates {
template_id: "V0078_MOVE_THUNDER"
move_settings {
movement_id: THUNDER
animation_id: 5
power: 100
accuracy_chance: 1
critical_chance: 0.05
stamina_loss_scalar: 0.11
trainer_level_min: 1
trainer_level_max: 100
vfx_name: "thunder"
duration_ms: 4300
damage_window_start_ms: 2550
damage_window_end_ms: 4100
energy_delta: -100
item_templates {
template_id: "V0078_POKEMON_RAPIDASH"
pokemon_settings {
pokemon_id: RAPIDASH
model_scale: 0.81
camera {
disk_radius_m: 0.6075
cylinder_radius_m: 0.405
cylinder_height_m: 1.701
shoulder_mode_scale: 0.5
encounter {
base_capture_rate: 0.12
base_flee_rate: 0.06
collision_radius_m: 0.324
collision_height_m: 0.891
collision_head_radius_m: 0.243
movement_type: MOVEMENT_JUMP
movement_timer_s: 6
jump_time_s: 1
attack_timer_s: 17
stats {
base_stamina: 130
base_attack: 200
base_defense: 170
quick_moves: LOW_KICK_FAST
quick_moves: EMBER_FAST
cinematic_moves: FIRE_BLAST
cinematic_moves: DRILL_RUN
cinematic_moves: HEAT_WAVE
animation_time: 2.0667
animation_time: 0.8333
animation_time: 2.3333
animation_time: 1.8667
animation_time: 0
animation_time: 2.1667
animation_time: 2.6667
animation_time: 0
evolution_pips: 1
pokedex_height_m: 1.7
pokedex_weight_kg: 95
parent_pokemon_id: PONYTA
height_std_dev: 0.2125
weight_std_dev: 11.875
family_id: FAMILY_PONYTA
item_templates {
template_id: "V0079_MOVE_THUNDERBOLT"
move_settings {
movement_id: THUNDERBOLT
animation_id: 5
power: 55
accuracy_chance: 1
critical_chance: 0.05
stamina_loss_scalar: 0.09
trainer_level_min: 1
trainer_level_max: 100
vfx_name: "thunderbolt"
duration_ms: 2700
damage_window_start_ms: 1900
damage_window_end_ms: 2700
energy_delta: -50
item_templates {
template_id: "V0079_POKEMON_SLOWPOKE"
pokemon_settings {
pokemon_id: SLOWPOKE
model_scale: 0.79
camera {
disk_radius_m: 1.185
cylinder_radius_m: 0.5925
cylinder_height_m: 0.94800007
shoulder_mode_scale: 0.5
encounter {
base_capture_rate: 0.4
base_flee_rate: 0.1
collision_radius_m: 0.316
collision_height_m: 0.5135
collision_head_radius_m: 0.29625
movement_type: MOVEMENT_JUMP
movement_timer_s: 8
jump_time_s: 1
attack_timer_s: 23
stats {
base_stamina: 180
base_attack: 110
base_defense: 110
quick_moves: WATER_GUN_FAST
quick_moves: CONFUSION_FAST
cinematic_moves: WATER_PULSE
cinematic_moves: PSYSHOCK
cinematic_moves: PSYCHIC
animation_time: 3
animation_time: 0.6667
animation_time: 2
animation_time: 1.6667
animation_time: 0
animation_time: 2
animation_time: 1.6667
animation_time: 0
evolution_ids: SLOWBRO
evolution_pips: 1
pokedex_height_m: 1.2
pokedex_weight_kg: 36
height_std_dev: 0.15
weight_std_dev: 4.5
candy_to_evolve: 50
item_templates {
template_id: "V0080_MOVE_TWISTER"
move_settings {
movement_id: TWISTER
animation_id: 5
power: 25
accuracy_chance: 1
critical_chance: 0.05
stamina_loss_scalar: 0.04
trainer_level_min: 1
trainer_level_max: 100
vfx_name: "twister"
duration_ms: 2700
damage_window_start_ms: 850
damage_window_end_ms: 2600
energy_delta: -20
item_templates {
template_id: "V0080_POKEMON_SLOWBRO"
pokemon_settings {
pokemon_id: SLOWBRO
model_scale: 0.85
camera {
disk_radius_m: 0.7013
cylinder_radius_m: 0.4675
cylinder_height_m: 1.275
shoulder_mode_scale: 0.5
encounter {
base_capture_rate: 0.16
base_flee_rate: 0.06
collision_radius_m: 0.425
collision_height_m: 0.85
collision_head_radius_m: 0.255
movement_type: MOVEMENT_JUMP
movement_timer_s: 3
jump_time_s: 1
attack_timer_s: 8
stats {
base_stamina: 190
base_attack: 184
base_defense: 198
quick_moves: WATER_GUN_FAST
quick_moves: CONFUSION_FAST
cinematic_moves: WATER_PULSE
cinematic_moves: PSYCHIC
cinematic_moves: ICE_BEAM
animation_time: 2.3333
animation_time: 0.6667
animation_time: 1.6667
animation_time: 2.1
animation_time: 0
animation_time: 1.8333
animation_time: 2
animation_time: 3
evolution_pips: 1
pokedex_height_m: 1.6
pokedex_weight_kg: 78.5
parent_pokemon_id: SLOWPOKE
height_std_dev: 0.2
weight_std_dev: 9.8125
item_templates {
template_id: "V0081_POKEMON_MAGNEMITE"
pokemon_settings {
pokemon_id: MAGNEMITE
model_scale: 1.52
camera {
disk_radius_m: 0.684
cylinder_radius_m: 0.456
cylinder_height_m: 0.456
cylinder_ground_m: 0.912
shoulder_mode_scale: 0.5
encounter {
base_capture_rate: 0.4
base_flee_rate: 0.1
collision_radius_m: 0.456
collision_height_m: 0.456
collision_head_radius_m: 0.228
movement_type: MOVEMENT_ELECTRIC
movement_timer_s: 8
jump_time_s: 1
attack_timer_s: 23
stats {
base_stamina: 50
base_attack: 128
base_defense: 138
quick_moves: SPARK_FAST
cinematic_moves: DISCHARGE
cinematic_moves: MAGNET_BOMB
cinematic_moves: THUNDERBOLT
animation_time: 1.3333
animation_time: 0.6667
animation_time: 1.2333
animation_time: 0.6667
animation_time: 0
animation_time: 2
animation_time: 1.1667
animation_time: 1.166667
evolution_ids: MAGNETON
evolution_pips: 1
pokedex_height_m: 0.3
pokedex_weight_kg: 6
height_std_dev: 0.0375
weight_std_dev: 0.75
candy_to_evolve: 50
item_templates {
template_id: "V0082_MOVE_DRAGON_PULSE"
move_settings {
movement_id: DRAGON_PULSE
animation_id: 5
power: 65
accuracy_chance: 1
critical_chance: 0.05
stamina_loss_scalar: 0.085
trainer_level_min: 1
trainer_level_max: 100
vfx_name: "dragon_pulse"
duration_ms: 3600
damage_window_start_ms: 2100
damage_window_end_ms: 3300
energy_delta: -50
item_templates {
template_id: "V0082_POKEMON_MAGNETON"
pokemon_settings {
pokemon_id: MAGNETON
model_scale: 1.1
camera {
disk_radius_m: 0.66
cylinder_radius_m: 0.44
cylinder_height_m: 1.1
cylinder_ground_m: 0.44
shoulder_mode_scale: 0.5
encounter {
base_capture_rate: 0.16
base_flee_rate: 0.06
collision_radius_m: 0.44
collision_height_m: 0.825
collision_head_radius_m: 0.22
movement_type: MOVEMENT_ELECTRIC
movement_timer_s: 5
jump_time_s: 1
attack_timer_s: 14
stats {
base_stamina: 100
base_attack: 186
base_defense: 180
quick_moves: SPARK_FAST
cinematic_moves: DISCHARGE
cinematic_moves: MAGNET_BOMB
cinematic_moves: FLASH_CANNON
animation_time: 1.5
animation_time: 0.6667
animation_time: 1.3333
animation_time: 0.6667
animation_time: 0
animation_time: 1.8333
animation_time: 2
animation_time: 0
evolution_pips: 1
pokedex_height_m: 1
pokedex_weight_kg: 60
parent_pokemon_id: MAGNEMITE
height_std_dev: 0.125
weight_std_dev: 7.5
item_templates {
template_id: "V0083_MOVE_DRAGON_CLAW"
move_settings {
movement_id: DRAGON_CLAW
animation_id: 5
power: 35
accuracy_chance: 1
critical_chance: 0.25
stamina_loss_scalar: 0.08
trainer_level_min: 1
trainer_level_max: 100
vfx_name: "dragon_claw"
duration_ms: 1500
damage_window_start_ms: 1200
damage_window_end_ms: 1400
energy_delta: -50
item_templates {
template_id: "V0083_POKEMON_FARFETCHD"
pokemon_settings {
pokemon_id: FARFETCHD
model_scale: 1.13
camera {
disk_radius_m: 0.678
cylinder_radius_m: 0.452
cylinder_height_m: 0.8475
shoulder_mode_scale: 0.5
encounter {
base_capture_rate: 0.24
base_flee_rate: 0.09
collision_radius_m: 0.2825
collision_height_m: 0.42375
collision_head_radius_m: 0.2825
movement_type: MOVEMENT_JUMP
movement_timer_s: 29
jump_time_s: 1.25
attack_timer_s: 10
stats {
base_stamina: 104
base_attack: 138
base_defense: 132
quick_moves: CUT_FAST
quick_moves: FURY_CUTTER_FAST
cinematic_moves: AERIAL_ACE
cinematic_moves: AIR_CUTTER
cinematic_moves: LEAF_BLADE
animation_time: 1.6667
animation_time: 0.6667
animation_time: 1.6667
animation_time: 1.8333
animation_time: 0
animation_time: 1.8333
animation_time: 1.6
animation_time: 0
evolution_pips: 1
pokedex_height_m: 0.8
pokedex_weight_kg: 15
height_std_dev: 0.1
weight_std_dev: 1.875
item_templates {
template_id: "V0084_MOVE_DISARMING_VOICE"
move_settings {
movement_id: DISARMING_VOICE
animation_id: 5
pokemon_type: POKEMON_TYPE_FAIRY
power: 25
accuracy_chance: 1
critical_chance: 0.05
stamina_loss_scalar: 0.04
trainer_level_min: 1
trainer_level_max: 100
vfx_name: "disarming_voice"
duration_ms: 3900
damage_window_start_ms: 1800
damage_window_end_ms: 3600
energy_delta: -20
item_templates {
template_id: "V0084_POKEMON_DODUO"
pokemon_settings {
pokemon_id: DODUO
model_scale: 0.88
camera {
disk_radius_m: 0.594
cylinder_radius_m: 0.396
cylinder_height_m: 1.232
shoulder_mode_scale: 0.5
encounter {
base_capture_rate: 0.4
base_flee_rate: 0.1
collision_radius_m: 0.352
collision_height_m: 1.232
collision_head_radius_m: 0.198
movement_type: MOVEMENT_JUMP
movement_timer_s: 10
jump_time_s: 1
attack_timer_s: 29
stats {
base_stamina: 70
base_attack: 126
base_defense: 96
quick_moves: PECK_FAST
quick_moves: QUICK_ATTACK_FAST
cinematic_moves: DRILL_PECK
cinematic_moves: AERIAL_ACE
cinematic_moves: SWIFT
animation_time: 2
animation_time: 0.6667
animation_time: 1.6667
animation_time: 1.5
animation_time: 0
animation_time: 2
animation_time: 1.5333
animation_time: 0
evolution_ids: DODRIO
evolution_pips: 1
pokedex_height_m: 1.4
pokedex_weight_kg: 39.2
height_std_dev: 0.175
weight_std_dev: 4.9
family_id: FAMILY_DODUO
candy_to_evolve: 50
item_templates {
template_id: "V0085_MOVE_DRAINING_KISS"
move_settings {
movement_id: DRAINING_KISS
animation_id: 5
pokemon_type: POKEMON_TYPE_FAIRY
power: 25
accuracy_chance: 1
critical_chance: 0.05
heal_scalar: 1
stamina_loss_scalar: 0.05
trainer_level_min: 1
trainer_level_max: 100
vfx_name: "draining_kiss"
duration_ms: 2800
damage_window_start_ms: 1000
damage_window_end_ms: 1100
energy_delta: -20
item_templates {
template_id: "V0085_POKEMON_DODRIO"
pokemon_settings {
pokemon_id: DODRIO
model_scale: 0.78
camera {
disk_radius_m: 0.7722
cylinder_radius_m: 0.5148
cylinder_height_m: 1.287
shoulder_mode_scale: 0.5
encounter {
base_capture_rate: 0.16
base_flee_rate: 0.06
collision_radius_m: 0.39
collision_height_m: 1.287
collision_head_radius_m: 0.2574
movement_type: MOVEMENT_JUMP
movement_timer_s: 6
jump_time_s: 1.25
attack_timer_s: 17
stats {
base_stamina: 120
base_attack: 182
base_defense: 150
quick_moves: FEINT_ATTACK_FAST
quick_moves: STEEL_WING_FAST
cinematic_moves: DRILL_PECK
cinematic_moves: AERIAL_ACE
cinematic_moves: AIR_CUTTER
animation_time: 1.3333
animation_time: 0.6667
animation_time: 1.6667
animation_time: 2
animation_time: 0
animation_time: 2
animation_time: 2
animation_time: 0
evolution_pips: 1
pokedex_height_m: 1.8
pokedex_weight_kg: 85.2
parent_pokemon_id: DODUO
height_std_dev: 0.225
weight_std_dev: 10.65
family_id: FAMILY_DODUO
item_templates {
template_id: "V0086_MOVE_DAZZLING_GLEAM"
move_settings {
movement_id: DAZZLING_GLEAM
animation_id: 5
pokemon_type: POKEMON_TYPE_FAIRY
power: 55
accuracy_chance: 1
critical_chance: 0.05
stamina_loss_scalar: 0.08
trainer_level_min: 1
trainer_level_max: 100
vfx_name: "dazzling_gleam"
duration_ms: 4200
damage_window_start_ms: 3300
damage_window_end_ms: 4100
energy_delta: -33
item_templates {
template_id: "V0086_POKEMON_SEEL"
pokemon_settings {
pokemon_id: SEEL
model_scale: 1.1
camera {
disk_radius_m: 0.4125
cylinder_radius_m: 0.275
cylinder_height_m: 0.55
shoulder_mode_scale: 0.5
encounter {
base_capture_rate: 0.4
base_flee_rate: 0.09
collision_radius_m: 0.275
collision_height_m: 0.4125
collision_head_radius_m: 0.22
movement_type: MOVEMENT_JUMP
movement_timer_s: 10
jump_time_s: 0.9
attack_timer_s: 29
stats {
base_stamina: 130
base_attack: 104
base_defense: 138
quick_moves: ICE_SHARD_FAST
quick_moves: WATER_GUN_FAST
cinematic_moves: AQUA_JET
cinematic_moves: ICY_WIND
cinematic_moves: AQUA_TAIL
animation_time: 2.6667
animation_time: 0.6667
animation_time: 1.8333
animation_time: 1.6667
animation_time: 0
animation_time: 2
animation_time: 2
animation_time: 0
evolution_ids: DEWGONG
evolution_pips: 1
pokedex_height_m: 1.1
pokedex_weight_kg: 90
height_std_dev: 0.1375
weight_std_dev: 11.25
family_id: FAMILY_SEEL
candy_to_evolve: 50
item_templates {
template_id: "V0087_MOVE_MOONBLAST"
move_settings {
movement_id: MOONBLAST
animation_id: 5
pokemon_type: POKEMON_TYPE_FAIRY
power: 85
accuracy_chance: 1
critical_chance: 0.05
stamina_loss_scalar: 0.095
trainer_level_min: 1
trainer_level_max: 100
vfx_name: "moonblast"
duration_ms: 4100
damage_window_start_ms: 3500
damage_window_end_ms: 4100
energy_delta: -100
item_templates {
template_id: "V0087_POKEMON_DEWGONG"
pokemon_settings {
pokemon_id: DEWGONG
model_scale: 1.05
camera {
disk_radius_m: 0.7875
cylinder_radius_m: 0.525
cylinder_height_m: 0.84
cylinder_ground_m: 0.39375
shoulder_mode_scale: 0.5
encounter {
base_capture_rate: 0.16
base_flee_rate: 0.06
collision_radius_m: 0.315
collision_height_m: 0.63
collision_head_radius_m: 0.13125
movement_type: MOVEMENT_HOVERING
movement_timer_s: 5
jump_time_s: 1
attack_timer_s: 14
stats {
base_stamina: 180
base_attack: 156
base_defense: 192
quick_moves: FROST_BREATH_FAST
quick_moves: ICE_SHARD_FAST
cinematic_moves: ICY_WIND
cinematic_moves: AQUA_JET
cinematic_moves: BLIZZARD
animation_time: 2.0667
animation_time: 0.8333
animation_time: 1.6667
animation_time: 0.6667
animation_time: 0
animation_time: 2.3333
animation_time: 2
animation_time: 0
evolution_pips: 1
pokedex_height_m: 1.7
pokedex_weight_kg: 120
parent_pokemon_id: SEEL
height_std_dev: 0.2125
weight_std_dev: 15
family_id: FAMILY_SEEL
item_templates {
template_id: "V0088_MOVE_PLAY_ROUGH"
move_settings {
movement_id: PLAY_ROUGH
animation_id: 5
pokemon_type: POKEMON_TYPE_FAIRY
power: 55
accuracy_chance: 1
critical_chance: 0.05
stamina_loss_scalar: 0.1
trainer_level_min: 1
trainer_level_max: 100
vfx_name: "play_rough"
duration_ms: 2900
damage_window_start_ms: 1400
damage_window_end_ms: 2700
energy_delta: -50
item_templates {
template_id: "V0088_POKEMON_GRIMER"
pokemon_settings {
pokemon_id: GRIMER
model_scale: 0.98
camera {
disk_radius_m: 0.882
cylinder_radius_m: 0.588
cylinder_height_m: 0.98
shoulder_mode_scale: 0.5
encounter {
base_capture_rate: 0.4
base_flee_rate: 0.1
collision_radius_m: 0.49
collision_height_m: 0.83300012
collision_head_radius_m: 0.294
movement_type: MOVEMENT_JUMP
movement_timer_s: 23
jump_time_s: 1
attack_timer_s: 8
stats {
base_stamina: 160
base_attack: 124
base_defense: 110
quick_moves: ACID_FAST
quick_moves: MUD_SLAP_FAST
cinematic_moves: SLUDGE
cinematic_moves: MUD_BOMB
cinematic_moves: SLUDGE_BOMB
animation_time: 1.6667
animation_time: 0.6667
animation_time: 1.6667
animation_time: 1.6667
animation_time: 10
animation_time: 1.6667
animation_time: 2.6667
animation_time: 0
evolution_ids: MUK
evolution_pips: 1
pokedex_height_m: 0.9
pokedex_weight_kg: 30
height_std_dev: 0.1125
weight_std_dev: 3.75
family_id: FAMILY_GRIMER
candy_to_evolve: 50
item_templates {
template_id: "V0089_MOVE_CROSS_POISON"
move_settings {
movement_id: CROSS_POISON
animation_id: 5
power: 25
accuracy_chance: 1
critical_chance: 0.25
stamina_loss_scalar: 0.07
trainer_level_min: 1
trainer_level_max: 100
vfx_name: "cross_poison"
duration_ms: 1500
damage_window_start_ms: 1200
damage_window_end_ms: 1500
energy_delta: -25
item_templates {
template_id: "V0089_POKEMON_MUK"
pokemon_settings {
pokemon_id: MUK
model_scale: 0.76
camera {
disk_radius_m: 1.14
cylinder_radius_m: 0.86
cylinder_height_m: 0.912
shoulder_mode_scale: 0.5
encounter {
base_capture_rate: 0.16
base_flee_rate: 0.06
collision_radius_m: 0.76
collision_height_m: 0.57
collision_head_radius_m: 0.38
movement_type: MOVEMENT_JUMP
movement_timer_s: 8
jump_time_s: 1.25
attack_timer_s: 3
stats {
base_stamina: 210
base_attack: 180
base_defense: 188
quick_moves: ACID_FAST
quick_moves: POISON_JAB_FAST
cinematic_moves: DARK_PULSE
cinematic_moves: GUNK_SHOT
cinematic_moves: SLUDGE_WAVE
animation_time: 2
animation_time: 1
animation_time: 1.6667
animation_time: 2.1667
animation_time: 10
animation_time: 2
animation_time: 2.6667
animation_time: 0
evolution_pips: 1
pokedex_height_m: 1.2
pokedex_weight_kg: 30
parent_pokemon_id: GRIMER
height_std_dev: 0.15
weight_std_dev: 3.75
family_id: FAMILY_GRIMER
item_templates {
template_id: "V0090_MOVE_SLUDGE_BOMB"
move_settings {
movement_id: SLUDGE_BOMB
animation_id: 5
power: 55
accuracy_chance: 1
critical_chance: 0.05
stamina_loss_scalar: 0.09
trainer_level_min: 1
trainer_level_max: 100
vfx_name: "sludge_bomb"
duration_ms: 2600
damage_window_start_ms: 1950
damage_window_end_ms: 2450
energy_delta: -50
item_templates {
template_id: "V0090_POKEMON_SHELLDER"
pokemon_settings {
pokemon_id: SHELLDER
model_scale: 1.68
camera {
disk_radius_m: 0.5796
cylinder_radius_m: 0.3864
cylinder_height_m: 0.504
shoulder_mode_scale: 0.5
encounter {
base_capture_rate: 0.4
base_flee_rate: 0.1
collision_radius_m: 0.336
collision_height_m: 0.504
collision_head_radius_m: 0.294
movement_type: MOVEMENT_JUMP
movement_timer_s: 23
jump_time_s: 1.2
attack_timer_s: 8
stats {
base_stamina: 60
base_attack: 120
base_defense: 112
quick_moves: ICE_SHARD_FAST
quick_moves: TACKLE_FAST
cinematic_moves: BUBBLE_BEAM
cinematic_moves: WATER_PULSE
cinematic_moves: ICY_WIND
animation_time: 2
animation_time: 0.6667
animation_time: 1.6667
animation_time: 1.6667
animation_time: 0
animation_time: 1.6667
animation_time: 2.6667
animation_time: 0
evolution_ids: CLOYSTER
evolution_pips: 1
pokedex_height_m: 0.3
pokedex_weight_kg: 4
height_std_dev: 0.0375
weight_std_dev: 0.5
candy_to_evolve: 50
item_templates {
template_id: "V0091_MOVE_SLUDGE_WAVE"
move_settings {
movement_id: SLUDGE_WAVE
animation_id: 5
power: 70
accuracy_chance: 1
critical_chance: 0.05
stamina_loss_scalar: 0.095
trainer_level_min: 1
trainer_level_max: 100
vfx_name: "sludge_wave"
duration_ms: 3400
damage_window_start_ms: 2400
damage_window_end_ms: 3300
energy_delta: -100
item_templates {
template_id: "V0091_POKEMON_CLOYSTER"
pokemon_settings {
pokemon_id: CLOYSTER
model_scale: 0.84
camera {
disk_radius_m: 0.945
cylinder_radius_m: 0.63
cylinder_height_m: 1.05
cylinder_ground_m: 0.42
shoulder_mode_scale: 0.5
encounter {
base_capture_rate: 0.16
base_flee_rate: 0.06
collision_radius_m: 0.42
collision_height_m: 1.05
collision_head_radius_m: 0.54599988
movement_type: MOVEMENT_HOVERING
movement_timer_s: 3
jump_time_s: 1
attack_timer_s: 8
stats {
base_stamina: 100
base_attack: 196
base_defense: 196
quick_moves: FROST_BREATH_FAST
quick_moves: ICE_SHARD_FAST
cinematic_moves: ICY_WIND
cinematic_moves: HYDRO_PUMP
cinematic_moves: BLIZZARD
animation_time: 2.4333
animation_time: 0.6667
animation_time: 1.7333
animation_time: 0.6667
animation_time: 0
animation_time: 2.3333
animation_time: 1.9667
animation_time: 3.8
evolution_pips: 1
pokedex_height_m: 1.5
pokedex_weight_kg: 132.5
parent_pokemon_id: SHELLDER
height_std_dev: 0.1875
weight_std_dev: 16.5625
item_templates {
template_id: "V0092_MOVE_GUNK_SHOT"
move_settings {
movement_id: GUNK_SHOT
animation_id: 5
power: 65
accuracy_chance: 1
critical_chance: 0.05
stamina_loss_scalar: 0.12
trainer_level_min: 1
trainer_level_max: 100
vfx_name: "gunk_shot"
duration_ms: 3000
damage_window_start_ms: 2000
damage_window_end_ms: 2400
energy_delta: -100
item_templates {
template_id: "V0092_POKEMON_GASTLY"
pokemon_settings {
pokemon_id: GASTLY
model_scale: 1
camera {
disk_radius_m: 0.675
cylinder_radius_m: 0.45
cylinder_height_m: 0.8
cylinder_ground_m: 0.6
shoulder_mode_scale: 0.5
encounter {
base_capture_rate: 0.32
base_flee_rate: 0.1
collision_radius_m: 0.25
collision_height_m: 0.6
collision_head_radius_m: 0.3
movement_type: MOVEMENT_PSYCHIC
movement_timer_s: 29
jump_time_s: 1
attack_timer_s: 10
stats {
base_stamina: 60
base_attack: 136
base_defense: 82
quick_moves: LICK_FAST
quick_moves: SUCKER_PUNCH_FAST
cinematic_moves: OMINOUS_WIND
cinematic_moves: DARK_PULSE
cinematic_moves: SLUDGE_BOMB
animation_time: 0
animation_time: 0.6667
animation_time: 1.6667
animation_time: 1
animation_time: 0
animation_time: 2.1333
animation_time: 2.1333
animation_time: 0
evolution_ids: HAUNTER
evolution_pips: 1
pokedex_height_m: 1.3
pokedex_weight_kg: 0.1
height_std_dev: 0.1625
weight_std_dev: 0.0125
family_id: FAMILY_GASTLY
candy_to_evolve: 25
item_templates {
template_id: "V0093_POKEMON_HAUNTER"
pokemon_settings {
pokemon_id: HAUNTER
model_scale: 0.68
camera {
disk_radius_m: 0.765
cylinder_radius_m: 0.51
cylinder_height_m: 1.088
cylinder_ground_m: 0.34
shoulder_mode_scale: 0.5
encounter {
base_capture_rate: 0.16
base_flee_rate: 0.07
collision_radius_m: 0.442
collision_height_m: 1.156
collision_head_radius_m: 0.442
movement_type: MOVEMENT_PSYCHIC
movement_timer_s: 23
jump_time_s: 1
attack_timer_s: 8
stats {
base_stamina: 90
base_attack: 172
base_defense: 118
quick_moves: SHADOW_CLAW_FAST
quick_moves: LICK_FAST
cinematic_moves: SHADOW_BALL
cinematic_moves: DARK_PULSE
cinematic_moves: SLUDGE_BOMB
animation_time: 2.1667
animation_time: 0.6667
animation_time: 1.6667
animation_time: 0.6667
animation_time: 0
animation_time: 2.3333
animation_time: 2
animation_time: 0
evolution_ids: GENGAR
evolution_pips: 1
pokedex_height_m: 1.6
pokedex_weight_kg: 0.1
parent_pokemon_id: GASTLY
height_std_dev: 0.2
weight_std_dev: 0.0125
family_id: FAMILY_GASTLY
candy_to_evolve: 100
item_templates {
template_id: "V0094_MOVE_BONE_CLUB"
move_settings {
movement_id: BONE_CLUB
animation_id: 5
power: 25
accuracy_chance: 1
critical_chance: 0.05
stamina_loss_scalar: 0.065
trainer_level_min: 1
trainer_level_max: 100
vfx_name: "bone_club"
duration_ms: 1600
damage_window_start_ms: 1250
damage_window_end_ms: 1500
energy_delta: -25
item_templates {
template_id: "V0094_POKEMON_GENGAR"
pokemon_settings {
pokemon_id: GENGAR
model_scale: 0.84
camera {
disk_radius_m: 0.693
cylinder_radius_m: 0.462
cylinder_height_m: 1.176
shoulder_mode_scale: 0.5
encounter {
base_capture_rate: 0.08
base_flee_rate: 0.05
collision_radius_m: 0.462
collision_height_m: 1.092
collision_head_radius_m: 0.504
movement_type: MOVEMENT_JUMP
movement_timer_s: 14
jump_time_s: 1.3
attack_timer_s: 5
stats {
base_stamina: 120
base_attack: 204
base_defense: 156
quick_moves: SUCKER_PUNCH_FAST
quick_moves: SHADOW_CLAW_FAST
cinematic_moves: SHADOW_BALL
cinematic_moves: DARK_PULSE
cinematic_moves: SLUDGE_WAVE
animation_time: 1.6667
animation_time: 0.6667
animation_time: 1.6667
animation_time: 1.8333
animation_time: 0
animation_time: 1.6667
animation_time: 1.3333
animation_time: 1.666667
evolution_pips: 1
pokedex_height_m: 1.5
pokedex_weight_kg: 40.5
parent_pokemon_id: HAUNTER
height_std_dev: 0.1875
weight_std_dev: 5.0625
family_id: FAMILY_GASTLY
item_templates {
template_id: "V0095_MOVE_BULLDOZE"
move_settings {
movement_id: BULLDOZE
animation_id: 5
power: 35
accuracy_chance: 1
critical_chance: 0.05
stamina_loss_scalar: 0.06
trainer_level_min: 1
trainer_level_max: 100
vfx_name: "bulldoze"
duration_ms: 3400
damage_window_start_ms: 1900
damage_window_end_ms: 3000
energy_delta: -25
item_templates {
template_id: "V0095_POKEMON_ONIX"
pokemon_settings {
pokemon_id: ONIX
model_scale: 0.47
camera {
disk_radius_m: 0.987
cylinder_radius_m: 0.658
cylinder_height_m: 1.41
shoulder_mode_scale: 0.5
encounter {
base_capture_rate: 0.16
base_flee_rate: 0.09
collision_radius_m: 0.658
collision_height_m: 1.175
collision_head_radius_m: 0.376
movement_type: MOVEMENT_JUMP
movement_timer_s: 17
jump_time_s: 1
attack_timer_s: 6
stats {
base_stamina: 70
base_attack: 90
base_defense: 186
quick_moves: ROCK_THROW_FAST
quick_moves: TACKLE_FAST
cinematic_moves: ROCK_SLIDE
cinematic_moves: STONE_EDGE
cinematic_moves: IRON_HEAD
animation_time: 2.3333
animation_time: 0.6667
animation_time: 1.7333
animation_time: 1.7333
animation_time: 0
animation_time: 2.3333
animation_time: 2.0333
animation_time: 0
evolution_pips: 1
pokedex_height_m: 8.8
pokedex_weight_kg: 210
height_std_dev: 1.1
weight_std_dev: 26.25
family_id: FAMILY_ONIX
item_templates {
template_id: "V0096_MOVE_MUD_BOMB"
move_settings {
movement_id: MUD_BOMB
animation_id: 5
power: 30
accuracy_chance: 1
critical_chance: 0.05
stamina_loss_scalar: 0.065
trainer_level_min: 1
trainer_level_max: 100
vfx_name: "mud_bomb"
duration_ms: 2600
damage_window_start_ms: 2050
damage_window_end_ms: 2500
energy_delta: -25
item_templates {
template_id: "V0096_POKEMON_DROWZEE"
pokemon_settings {
pokemon_id: DROWZEE
model_scale: 1.05
camera {
disk_radius_m: 0.63
cylinder_radius_m: 0.42
cylinder_height_m: 1.05
shoulder_mode_scale: 0.5
encounter {
base_capture_rate: 0.4
base_flee_rate: 0.1
collision_radius_m: 0.3675
collision_height_m: 0.63
collision_head_radius_m: 0.2625
movement_type: MOVEMENT_JUMP
movement_timer_s: 8
jump_time_s: 1.25
attack_timer_s: 23
stats {
base_stamina: 120
base_attack: 104
base_defense: 140
quick_moves: POUND_FAST
quick_moves: CONFUSION_FAST
cinematic_moves: PSYBEAM
cinematic_moves: PSYSHOCK
cinematic_moves: PSYCHIC
animation_time: 1.8333
animation_time: 0.6667
animation_time: 1.6667
animation_time: 1.7667
animation_time: 0
animation_time: 2
animation_time: 2.3333
animation_time: 0
evolution_ids: HYPNO
evolution_pips: 1
pokedex_height_m: 1
pokedex_weight_kg: 32.4
height_std_dev: 0.125
weight_std_dev: 4.05
candy_to_evolve: 50
item_templates {
template_id: "V0097_POKEMON_HYPNO"
pokemon_settings {
pokemon_id: HYPNO
model_scale: 0.83
camera {
disk_radius_m: 0.9338
cylinder_radius_m: 0.6225
cylinder_height_m: 1.328
shoulder_mode_scale: 0.5
encounter {
base_capture_rate: 0.16
base_flee_rate: 0.06
collision_radius_m: 0.332
collision_height_m: 0.83
collision_head_radius_m: 0.332
movement_type: MOVEMENT_JUMP
movement_timer_s: 11
jump_time_s: 0.8
attack_timer_s: 4
stats {
base_stamina: 170
base_attack: 162
base_defense: 196
quick_moves: ZEN_HEADBUTT_FAST
quick_moves: CONFUSION_FAST
cinematic_moves: PSYSHOCK
cinematic_moves: PSYCHIC
cinematic_moves: SHADOW_BALL
animation_time: 1.8667
animation_time: 0.6667
animation_time: 2
animation_time: 1.4333
animation_time: 0
animation_time: 2.6667
animation_time: 1.6
animation_time: 0
evolution_pips: 1
pokedex_height_m: 1.6
pokedex_weight_kg: 75.6
parent_pokemon_id: DROWZEE
height_std_dev: 0.2
weight_std_dev: 9.45
item_templates {
template_id: "V0098_POKEMON_KRABBY"
pokemon_settings {
pokemon_id: KRABBY
model_scale: 1.16
camera {
disk_radius_m: 0.783
cylinder_radius_m: 0.522
cylinder_height_m: 0.87
shoulder_mode_scale: 0.5
encounter {
base_capture_rate: 0.4
base_flee_rate: 0.15
collision_radius_m: 0.522
collision_height_m: 0.87
collision_head_radius_m: 0.261
movement_type: MOVEMENT_JUMP
movement_timer_s: 23
jump_time_s: 1
attack_timer_s: 8
stats {
base_stamina: 60
base_attack: 116
base_defense: 110
quick_moves: BUBBLE_FAST
quick_moves: MUD_SHOT_FAST
cinematic_moves: VICE_GRIP
cinematic_moves: BUBBLE_BEAM
cinematic_moves: WATER_PULSE
animation_time: 1.4333
animation_time: 0.6667
animation_time: 1.6667
animation_time: 1.5
animation_time: 0
animation_time: 2.3333
animation_time: 1.3333
animation_time: 0
evolution_ids: KINGLER
evolution_pips: 1
pokedex_height_m: 0.4
pokedex_weight_kg: 6.5
height_std_dev: 0.05
weight_std_dev: 0.8125
family_id: FAMILY_KRABBY
candy_to_evolve: 50
item_templates {
template_id: "V0099_MOVE_SIGNAL_BEAM"
move_settings {
movement_id: SIGNAL_BEAM
animation_id: 5
pokemon_type: POKEMON_TYPE_BUG
power: 45
accuracy_chance: 1
critical_chance: 0.05
stamina_loss_scalar: 0.075
trainer_level_min: 1
trainer_level_max: 100
vfx_name: "signal_beam"
duration_ms: 3100
damage_window_start_ms: 2000
damage_window_end_ms: 3000
energy_delta: -33
item_templates {
template_id: "V0099_POKEMON_KINGLER"
pokemon_settings {
pokemon_id: KINGLER
model_scale: 0.87
camera {
disk_radius_m: 0.9788
cylinder_radius_m: 0.6525
cylinder_height_m: 1.0005
shoulder_mode_scale: 0.5
encounter {
base_capture_rate: 0.16
base_flee_rate: 0.07
collision_radius_m: 0.6525
collision_height_m: 1.0005
collision_head_radius_m: 0.32625
movement_type: MOVEMENT_JUMP
movement_timer_s: 8
jump_time_s: 0.8
attack_timer_s: 3
stats {
base_stamina: 110
base_attack: 178
base_defense: 168
quick_moves: METAL_CLAW_FAST
quick_moves: MUD_SHOT_FAST
cinematic_moves: VICE_GRIP
cinematic_moves: X_SCISSOR
cinematic_moves: WATER_PULSE
animation_time: 2.2667
animation_time: 0.6667
animation_time: 1.8
animation_time: 1.5667
animation_time: 0
animation_time: 2
animation_time: 1.5333
animation_time: 0
evolution_pips: 1
pokedex_height_m: 1.3
pokedex_weight_kg: 60
parent_pokemon_id: KRABBY
height_std_dev: 0.1625
weight_std_dev: 7.5
family_id: FAMILY_KRABBY
item_templates {
template_id: "V0100_MOVE_X_SCISSOR"
move_settings {
movement_id: X_SCISSOR
animation_id: 5
pokemon_type: POKEMON_TYPE_BUG
power: 35
accuracy_chance: 1
critical_chance: 0.05
stamina_loss_scalar: 0.08
trainer_level_min: 1
trainer_level_max: 100
vfx_name: "x_scissor"
duration_ms: 2100
damage_window_start_ms: 1350
damage_window_end_ms: 1600
energy_delta: -33
item_templates {
template_id: "V0100_POKEMON_VOLTORB"
pokemon_settings {
pokemon_id: VOLTORB
model_scale: 1.35
camera {
disk_radius_m: 0.5063
cylinder_radius_m: 0.3375
cylinder_height_m: 0.675
shoulder_mode_scale: 0.5
encounter {
base_capture_rate: 0.4
base_flee_rate: 0.1
collision_radius_m: 0.3375
collision_height_m: 0.675
collision_head_radius_m: 0.16875
movement_type: MOVEMENT_JUMP
movement_timer_s: 10
jump_time_s: 1.2
attack_timer_s: 29
stats {
base_stamina: 80
base_attack: 102
base_defense: 124
quick_moves: SPARK_FAST
quick_moves: TACKLE_FAST
cinematic_moves: DISCHARGE
cinematic_moves: THUNDERBOLT
cinematic_moves: SIGNAL_BEAM
animation_time: 2.6667
animation_time: 0.6667
animation_time: 1.6667
animation_time: 1.8333
animation_time: 0
animation_time: 2.3333
animation_time: 2
animation_time: 2
evolution_ids: ELECTRODE
evolution_pips: 1
pokedex_height_m: 0.5
pokedex_weight_kg: 10.4
height_std_dev: 0.0625
weight_std_dev: 1.3
candy_to_evolve: 50
item_templates {
template_id: "V0101_MOVE_FLAME_CHARGE"
move_settings {
movement_id: FLAME_CHARGE
animation_id: 5
pokemon_type: POKEMON_TYPE_FIRE
power: 25
accuracy_chance: 1
critical_chance: 0.05
stamina_loss_scalar: 0.05
trainer_level_min: 1
trainer_level_max: 100
vfx_name: "flame_charge"
duration_ms: 3100
damage_window_start_ms: 2700
damage_window_end_ms: 2900
energy_delta: -20
item_templates {
template_id: "V0101_POKEMON_ELECTRODE"
pokemon_settings {
pokemon_id: ELECTRODE
model_scale: 0.92
camera {
disk_radius_m: 0.828
cylinder_radius_m: 0.552
cylinder_height_m: 1.104
shoulder_mode_scale: 0.5
encounter {
base_capture_rate: 0.16
base_flee_rate: 0.06
collision_radius_m: 0.552
collision_height_m: 1.104
collision_head_radius_m: 0.276
movement_type: MOVEMENT_JUMP
movement_timer_s: 8
jump_time_s: 1.2
attack_timer_s: 23
stats {
base_stamina: 120
base_attack: 150
base_defense: 174
quick_moves: SPARK_FAST
quick_moves: TACKLE_FAST
cinematic_moves: DISCHARGE
cinematic_moves: THUNDERBOLT
cinematic_moves: HYPER_BEAM
animation_time: 2.3333
animation_time: 0.6667
animation_time: 1.6667
animation_time: 1.8333
animation_time: 0
animation_time: 2.3333
animation_time: 3
animation_time: 0
evolution_pips: 1
pokedex_height_m: 1.2
pokedex_weight_kg: 66.6
parent_pokemon_id: VOLTORB
height_std_dev: 0.15
weight_std_dev: 8.325
item_templates {
template_id: "V0102_MOVE_FLAME_BURST"
move_settings {
movement_id: FLAME_BURST
animation_id: 5
pokemon_type: POKEMON_TYPE_FIRE
power: 30
accuracy_chance: 1
critical_chance: 0.05
stamina_loss_scalar: 0.07
trainer_level_min: 1
trainer_level_max: 100
vfx_name: "flame_burst"
duration_ms: 2100
damage_window_start_ms: 1200
damage_window_end_ms: 1600
energy_delta: -25
item_templates {
template_id: "V0102_POKEMON_EXEGGCUTE"
pokemon_settings {
pokemon_id: EXEGGCUTE
model_scale: 1.03
camera {
disk_radius_m: 0.7725
cylinder_radius_m: 0.515
cylinder_height_m: 0.412
shoulder_mode_scale: 0.5
encounter {
base_capture_rate: 0.4
base_flee_rate: 0.1
collision_radius_m: 0.515
collision_height_m: 0.412
collision_head_radius_m: 0.2575
movement_type: MOVEMENT_JUMP
movement_timer_s: 8
jump_time_s: 1
attack_timer_s: 23
stats {
base_stamina: 120
base_attack: 110
base_defense: 132
quick_moves: CONFUSION_FAST
cinematic_moves: SEED_BOMB
cinematic_moves: PSYCHIC
cinematic_moves: ANCIENT_POWER
animation_time: 2.5
animation_time: 0.6667
animation_time: 1.6667
animation_time: 1.6667
animation_time: 0
animation_time: 2
animation_time: 2
animation_time: 0
evolution_ids: EXEGGUTOR
evolution_pips: 1
pokedex_height_m: 0.4
pokedex_weight_kg: 2.5
height_std_dev: 0.05
weight_std_dev: 0.3125
candy_to_evolve: 50
item_templates {
template_id: "V0103_MOVE_FIRE_BLAST"
move_settings {
movement_id: FIRE_BLAST
animation_id: 5
pokemon_type: POKEMON_TYPE_FIRE
power: 100
accuracy_chance: 1
critical_chance: 0.05
stamina_loss_scalar: 0.11
trainer_level_min: 1
trainer_level_max: 100
vfx_name: "fire_blast"
duration_ms: 4100
damage_window_start_ms: 3600
damage_window_end_ms: 4000
energy_delta: -100
item_templates {
template_id: "V0103_POKEMON_EXEGGUTOR"
pokemon_settings {
pokemon_id: EXEGGUTOR
model_scale: 0.78
camera {
disk_radius_m: 0.7605
cylinder_radius_m: 0.507
cylinder_height_m: 1.365
shoulder_mode_scale: 0.5
encounter {
base_capture_rate: 0.16
base_flee_rate: 0.06
collision_radius_m: 0.507
collision_height_m: 1.365
collision_head_radius_m: 0.2535
movement_type: MOVEMENT_JUMP
movement_timer_s: 8
jump_time_s: 1
attack_timer_s: 3
stats {
base_stamina: 190
base_attack: 232
base_defense: 164
quick_moves: CONFUSION_FAST
quick_moves: ZEN_HEADBUTT_FAST
cinematic_moves: SEED_BOMB
cinematic_moves: PSYCHIC
cinematic_moves: SOLAR_BEAM
animation_time: 2.4667
animation_time: 0.6667
animation_time: 1.6667
animation_time: 2
animation_time: 0
animation_time: 2.2
animation_time: 1.6
animation_time: 0
evolution_pips: 1
pokedex_height_m: 2
pokedex_weight_kg: 120
parent_pokemon_id: EXEGGCUTE
height_std_dev: 0.25
weight_std_dev: 15
item_templates {
template_id: "V0104_MOVE_BRINE"
move_settings {
movement_id: BRINE
animation_id: 5
pokemon_type: POKEMON_TYPE_WATER
power: 25
accuracy_chance: 1
critical_chance: 0.05
stamina_loss_scalar: 0.065
trainer_level_min: 1
trainer_level_max: 100
vfx_name: "brine"
duration_ms: 2400
damage_window_start_ms: 1650
damage_window_end_ms: 2000
energy_delta: -25
item_templates {
template_id: "V0104_POKEMON_CUBONE"
pokemon_settings {
pokemon_id: CUBONE
model_scale: 1.48
camera {
disk_radius_m: 0.444
cylinder_radius_m: 0.296
cylinder_height_m: 0.592
shoulder_mode_scale: 0.5
encounter {
base_capture_rate: 0.32
base_flee_rate: 0.1
collision_radius_m: 0.222
collision_height_m: 0.37
collision_head_radius_m: 0.222
movement_type: MOVEMENT_JUMP
movement_timer_s: 8
jump_time_s: 1
attack_timer_s: 23
stats {
base_stamina: 100
base_attack: 102
base_defense: 150
quick_moves: MUD_SLAP_FAST
quick_moves: ROCK_SMASH_FAST
cinematic_moves: BONE_CLUB
cinematic_moves: DIG
cinematic_moves: BULLDOZE
animation_time: 1.7333
animation_time: 0.6667
animation_time: 1.6
animation_time: 1.6
animation_time: 0
animation_time: 1.8333
animation_time: 1.6
animation_time: 0
evolution_ids: MAROWAK
evolution_pips: 1
pokedex_height_m: 0.4
pokedex_weight_kg: 6.5
height_std_dev: 0.05
weight_std_dev: 0.8125
family_id: FAMILY_CUBONE
candy_to_evolve: 50
item_templates {
template_id: "V0105_MOVE_WATER_PULSE"
move_settings {
movement_id: WATER_PULSE
animation_id: 5
pokemon_type: POKEMON_TYPE_WATER
power: 35
accuracy_chance: 1
critical_chance: 0.05
stamina_loss_scalar: 0.06
trainer_level_min: 1
trainer_level_max: 100
vfx_name: "water_pulse"
duration_ms: 3300
damage_window_start_ms: 1900
damage_window_end_ms: 2900
energy_delta: -25
item_templates {
template_id: "V0105_POKEMON_MAROWAK"
pokemon_settings {
pokemon_id: MAROWAK
model_scale: 1
camera {
disk_radius_m: 0.525
cylinder_radius_m: 0.35
cylinder_height_m: 1
shoulder_mode_scale: 0.5
encounter {
base_capture_rate: 0.12
base_flee_rate: 0.06
collision_radius_m: 0.25
collision_height_m: 0.75
collision_head_radius_m: 0.25
movement_type: MOVEMENT_JUMP
movement_timer_s: 14
jump_time_s: 0.85
attack_timer_s: 5
stats {
base_stamina: 120
base_attack: 140
base_defense: 202
quick_moves: MUD_SLAP_FAST
quick_moves: ROCK_SMASH_FAST
cinematic_moves: BONE_CLUB
cinematic_moves: DIG
cinematic_moves: EARTHQUAKE
animation_time: 2
animation_time: 0.6667
animation_time: 1.6667
animation_time: 1.5
animation_time: 0
animation_time: 2
animation_time: 1.4
animation_time: 0
evolution_pips: 1
pokedex_height_m: 1
pokedex_weight_kg: 45
parent_pokemon_id: CUBONE
height_std_dev: 0.125
weight_std_dev: 5.625
family_id: FAMILY_CUBONE
item_templates {
template_id: "V0106_MOVE_SCALD"
move_settings {
movement_id: SCALD
animation_id: 5
pokemon_type: POKEMON_TYPE_WATER
power: 55
accuracy_chance: 1
critical_chance: 0.05
stamina_loss_scalar: 0.08
trainer_level_min: 1
trainer_level_max: 100
vfx_name: "scald"
duration_ms: 4000
damage_window_start_ms: 1800
damage_window_end_ms: 3900
energy_delta: -33
item_templates {
template_id: "V0106_POKEMON_HITMONLEE"
pokemon_settings {
pokemon_id: HITMONLEE
model_scale: 0.83
camera {
disk_radius_m: 0.6225
cylinder_radius_m: 0.415
cylinder_height_m: 1.245
shoulder_mode_scale: 0.5
encounter {
base_capture_rate: 0.16
base_flee_rate: 0.09
collision_radius_m: 0.415
collision_height_m: 1.245
collision_head_radius_m: 0.2075
movement_type: MOVEMENT_JUMP
movement_timer_s: 11
jump_time_s: 0.8
attack_timer_s: 4
stats {
base_stamina: 100
base_attack: 148
base_defense: 172
quick_moves: LOW_KICK_FAST
quick_moves: ROCK_SMASH_FAST
cinematic_moves: STOMP
cinematic_moves: LOW_SWEEP
cinematic_moves: STONE_EDGE
animation_time: 1.6667
animation_time: 0.6667
animation_time: 1.6667
animation_time: 1.5
animation_time: 0
animation_time: 2
animation_time: 0.9333
animation_time: 0
evolution_pips: 1
pokedex_height_m: 1.5
pokedex_weight_kg: 49.8
height_std_dev: 0.1875
weight_std_dev: 6.225
item_templates {
template_id: "V0107_MOVE_HYDRO_PUMP"
move_settings {
movement_id: HYDRO_PUMP
animation_id: 5
pokemon_type: POKEMON_TYPE_WATER
power: 90
accuracy_chance: 1
critical_chance: 0.05
stamina_loss_scalar: 0.11
trainer_level_min: 1
trainer_level_max: 100
vfx_name: "hydro_pump"
duration_ms: 3800
damage_window_start_ms: 1500
damage_window_end_ms: 3600
energy_delta: -100
item_templates {
template_id: "V0107_POKEMON_HITMONCHAN"
pokemon_settings {
pokemon_id: HITMONCHAN
model_scale: 1.02
camera {
disk_radius_m: 0.6885
cylinder_radius_m: 0.459
cylinder_height_m: 1.428
shoulder_mode_scale: 0.5
encounter {
base_capture_rate: 0.16
base_flee_rate: 0.09
collision_radius_m: 0.3315
collision_height_m: 1.02
collision_head_radius_m: 0.255
movement_type: MOVEMENT_JUMP
movement_timer_s: 14
jump_time_s: 1.1
attack_timer_s: 5
stats {
base_stamina: 100
base_attack: 138
base_defense: 204
quick_moves: BULLET_PUNCH_FAST
quick_moves: ROCK_SMASH_FAST
cinematic_moves: FIRE_PUNCH
cinematic_moves: ICE_PUNCH
cinematic_moves: THUNDER_PUNCH
cinematic_moves: BRICK_BREAK
animation_time: 1.5
animation_time: 0.6667
animation_time: 1.6667
animation_time: 1.6667
animation_time: 0
animation_time: 1.7333
animation_time: 0.6667
animation_time: 0
evolution_pips: 1
pokedex_height_m: 1.4
pokedex_weight_kg: 50.2
height_std_dev: 0.175
weight_std_dev: 6.275
item_templates {
template_id: "V0108_MOVE_PSYCHIC"
move_settings {
movement_id: PSYCHIC
animation_id: 5
power: 55
accuracy_chance: 1
critical_chance: 0.05
stamina_loss_scalar: 0.09
trainer_level_min: 1
trainer_level_max: 100
vfx_name: "psychic"
duration_ms: 2800
damage_window_start_ms: 1600
damage_window_end_ms: 2800
energy_delta: -50
item_templates {
template_id: "V0108_POKEMON_LICKITUNG"
pokemon_settings {
pokemon_id: LICKITUNG
model_scale: 0.92
camera {
disk_radius_m: 0.69
cylinder_radius_m: 0.46
cylinder_height_m: 1.104
shoulder_mode_scale: 0.5
encounter {
base_capture_rate: 0.16
base_flee_rate: 0.09
collision_radius_m: 0.46
collision_height_m: 0.92
collision_head_radius_m: 0.253
movement_type: MOVEMENT_JUMP
movement_timer_s: 23
jump_time_s: 1.25
attack_timer_s: 8
stats {
base_stamina: 180
base_attack: 126
base_defense: 160
quick_moves: LICK_FAST
quick_moves: ZEN_HEADBUTT_FAST
cinematic_moves: HYPER_BEAM
cinematic_moves: STOMP
cinematic_moves: POWER_WHIP
animation_time: 1.6667
animation_time: 0.6667
animation_time: 1.6667
animation_time: 1.7333
animation_time: 0
animation_time: 2
animation_time: 0.8
animation_time: 0
evolution_pips: 1
pokedex_height_m: 1.2
pokedex_weight_kg: 65.5
height_std_dev: 0.15
weight_std_dev: 8.1875
item_templates {
template_id: "V0109_MOVE_PSYSTRIKE"
move_settings {
movement_id: PSYSTRIKE
animation_id: 5
power: 100
accuracy_chance: 1
critical_chance: 0.05
stamina_loss_scalar: 0.1
trainer_level_min: 1
trainer_level_max: 100
vfx_name: "psystrike"
duration_ms: 5100
damage_window_start_ms: 4400
damage_window_end_ms: 5300
energy_delta: -100
item_templates {
template_id: "V0109_POKEMON_KOFFING"
pokemon_settings {
pokemon_id: KOFFING
model_scale: 1.2
camera {
disk_radius_m: 0.72
cylinder_radius_m: 0.48
cylinder_height_m: 0.72
cylinder_ground_m: 0.6
shoulder_mode_scale: 0.5
encounter {
base_capture_rate: 0.4
base_flee_rate: 0.1
collision_radius_m: 0.36
collision_height_m: 0.66
collision_head_radius_m: 0.6
movement_type: MOVEMENT_FLYING
movement_timer_s: 8
jump_time_s: 1
attack_timer_s: 23
stats {
base_stamina: 80
base_attack: 136
base_defense: 142
quick_moves: ACID_FAST
quick_moves: TACKLE_FAST
cinematic_moves: SLUDGE
cinematic_moves: SLUDGE_BOMB
cinematic_moves: DARK_PULSE
animation_time: 1.3333
animation_time: 0.6667
animation_time: 1.5
animation_time: 0.6667
animation_time: 6.666667
animation_time: 2
animation_time: 2
animation_time: 0
evolution_ids: WEEZING
evolution_pips: 1
pokedex_height_m: 0.6
pokedex_weight_kg: 1
height_std_dev: 0.075
weight_std_dev: 0.125
candy_to_evolve: 50
item_templates {
template_id: "V0110_POKEMON_WEEZING"
pokemon_settings {
pokemon_id: WEEZING
model_scale: 1.24
camera {
disk_radius_m: 0.93
cylinder_radius_m: 0.62
cylinder_height_m: 0.744
cylinder_ground_m: 0.62
shoulder_mode_scale: 0.5
encounter {
base_capture_rate: 0.16
base_flee_rate: 0.06
collision_radius_m: 0.682
collision_height_m: 0.744
collision_head_radius_m: 0.465
movement_type: MOVEMENT_FLYING
movement_timer_s: 4
jump_time_s: 1
attack_timer_s: 11
stats {
base_stamina: 130
base_attack: 190
base_defense: 198
quick_moves: ACID_FAST
quick_moves: TACKLE_FAST
cinematic_moves: SLUDGE_BOMB
cinematic_moves: SHADOW_BALL
cinematic_moves: DARK_PULSE
animation_time: 2
animation_time: 0.6667
animation_time: 1.6667
animation_time: 0.6667
animation_time: 3.333333
animation_time: 2.4667
animation_time: 2.6667
animation_time: 0
evolution_pips: 1
pokedex_height_m: 1.2
pokedex_weight_kg: 9.5
parent_pokemon_id: KOFFING
height_std_dev: 0.15
weight_std_dev: 1.1875
item_templates {
template_id: "V0111_MOVE_ICY_WIND"
move_settings {
movement_id: ICY_WIND
animation_id: 5
pokemon_type: POKEMON_TYPE_ICE
power: 25
accuracy_chance: 1
critical_chance: 0.05
stamina_loss_scalar: 0.055
trainer_level_min: 1
trainer_level_max: 100
vfx_name: "icy_wind"
duration_ms: 3800
damage_window_start_ms: 2000
damage_window_end_ms: 2700
energy_delta: -20
item_templates {
template_id: "V0111_POKEMON_RHYHORN"
pokemon_settings {
pokemon_id: RHYHORN
model_scale: 1
camera {
disk_radius_m: 0.75
cylinder_radius_m: 0.5
cylinder_height_m: 0.85
shoulder_mode_scale: 0.5
encounter {
base_capture_rate: 0.4
base_flee_rate: 0.1
collision_radius_m: 0.5
collision_height_m: 0.85
collision_head_radius_m: 0.3
movement_type: MOVEMENT_JUMP
movement_timer_s: 14
jump_time_s: 1.25
attack_timer_s: 5
stats {
base_stamina: 160
base_attack: 110
base_defense: 116
quick_moves: MUD_SLAP_FAST
quick_moves: ROCK_SMASH_FAST
cinematic_moves: BULLDOZE
cinematic_moves: HORN_ATTACK
cinematic_moves: STOMP
animation_time: 1.7667
animation_time: 1
animation_time: 1.5
animation_time: 1.8333
animation_time: 0
animation_time: 2.6667
animation_time: 2.4
animation_time: 0
evolution_ids: RHYDON
evolution_pips: 1
pokedex_height_m: 1
pokedex_weight_kg: 115
height_std_dev: 0.125
weight_std_dev: 14.375
candy_to_evolve: 50
item_templates {
template_id: "V0112_POKEMON_RHYDON"
pokemon_settings {
pokemon_id: RHYDON
model_scale: 0.79
camera {
disk_radius_m: 1.185
cylinder_radius_m: 0.79
cylinder_height_m: 1.343
shoulder_mode_scale: 0.5
encounter {
base_capture_rate: 0.16
base_flee_rate: 0.06
collision_radius_m: 0.5925
collision_height_m: 1.185
collision_head_radius_m: 0.395
movement_type: MOVEMENT_JUMP
movement_timer_s: 8
jump_time_s: 1
attack_timer_s: 3
stats {
base_stamina: 210
base_attack: 166
base_defense: 160
quick_moves: MUD_SLAP_FAST
quick_moves: ROCK_SMASH_FAST
cinematic_moves: MEGAHORN
cinematic_moves: EARTHQUAKE
cinematic_moves: STONE_EDGE
animation_time: 1.7
animation_time: 0.6667
animation_time: 2.1
animation_time: 1.7
animation_time: 0
animation_time: 2
animation_time: 1.6
animation_time: 0
evolution_pips: 1
pokedex_height_m: 1.9
pokedex_weight_kg: 120
parent_pokemon_id: RHYHORN
height_std_dev: 0.2375
weight_std_dev: 15
item_templates {
template_id: "V0113_POKEMON_CHANSEY"
pokemon_settings {
pokemon_id: CHANSEY
model_scale: 0.96
camera {
disk_radius_m: 0.72
cylinder_radius_m: 0.48
cylinder_height_m: 1.056
shoulder_mode_scale: 0.5
encounter {
base_capture_rate: 0.16
base_flee_rate: 0.09
collision_radius_m: 0.48
collision_height_m: 1.056
collision_head_radius_m: 0.24
movement_type: MOVEMENT_JUMP
movement_timer_s: 3
jump_time_s: 1
attack_timer_s: 8
stats {
base_stamina: 500
base_attack: 40
base_defense: 60
quick_moves: POUND_FAST
quick_moves: ZEN_HEADBUTT_FAST
cinematic_moves: PSYCHIC
cinematic_moves: PSYBEAM
cinematic_moves: DAZZLING_GLEAM
animation_time: 2.1667
animation_time: 0.6667
animation_time: 2
animation_time: 1.5667
animation_time: 0
animation_time: 2.1667
animation_time: 1.7333
animation_time: 1.666667
evolution_pips: 1
pokedex_height_m: 1.1
pokedex_weight_kg: 34.6
height_std_dev: 0.1375
weight_std_dev: 4.325
item_templates {
template_id: "V0114_MOVE_GIGA_DRAIN"
move_settings {
movement_id: GIGA_DRAIN
animation_id: 5
pokemon_type: POKEMON_TYPE_GRASS
power: 50
accuracy_chance: 1
critical_chance: 0.05
heal_scalar: 0.5
stamina_loss_scalar: 0.075
trainer_level_min: 1
trainer_level_max: 100
vfx_name: "giga_drain"
duration_ms: 3600
damage_window_start_ms: 350
damage_window_end_ms: 1500
energy_delta: -33
item_templates {
template_id: "V0114_POKEMON_TANGELA"
pokemon_settings {
pokemon_id: TANGELA
model_scale: 1
camera {
disk_radius_m: 1.095
cylinder_radius_m: 0.73
cylinder_height_m: 1
shoulder_mode_scale: 0.5
encounter {
base_capture_rate: 0.32
base_flee_rate: 0.09
collision_radius_m: 0.5
collision_height_m: 0.9
collision_head_radius_m: 0.365
movement_type: MOVEMENT_JUMP
movement_timer_s: 4
jump_time_s: 1.25
attack_timer_s: 11
stats {
base_stamina: 130
base_attack: 164
base_defense: 152
quick_moves: VINE_WHIP_FAST
cinematic_moves: POWER_WHIP
cinematic_moves: SLUDGE_BOMB
cinematic_moves: SOLAR_BEAM
animation_time: 2
animation_time: 0.6667
animation_time: 1.8333
animation_time: 1.8333
animation_time: 0
animation_time: 2.5
animation_time: 1.8667
animation_time: 0
evolution_pips: 1
pokedex_height_m: 1
pokedex_weight_kg: 35
height_std_dev: 0.125
weight_std_dev: 4.375
item_templates {
template_id: "V0115_MOVE_FIRE_PUNCH"
move_settings {
movement_id: FIRE_PUNCH
animation_id: 5
pokemon_type: POKEMON_TYPE_FIRE
power: 40
accuracy_chance: 1
critical_chance: 0.05
stamina_loss_scalar: 0.075
trainer_level_min: 1
trainer_level_max: 100
vfx_name: "fire_punch"
duration_ms: 2800
damage_window_start_ms: 1690
damage_window_end_ms: 2200
energy_delta: -33
item_templates {
template_id: "V0115_POKEMON_KANGASKHAN"
pokemon_settings {
pokemon_id: KANGASKHAN
model_scale: 0.72
camera {
disk_radius_m: 0.864
cylinder_radius_m: 0.576
cylinder_height_m: 1.584
shoulder_mode_scale: 0.5
encounter {
base_capture_rate: 0.16
base_flee_rate: 0.09
collision_radius_m: 0.504
collision_height_m: 1.26
collision_head_radius_m: 0.36
movement_type: MOVEMENT_JUMP
movement_timer_s: 11
jump_time_s: 0.7
attack_timer_s: 4
stats {
base_stamina: 210
base_attack: 142
base_defense: 178
quick_moves: MUD_SLAP_FAST
quick_moves: LOW_KICK_FAST
cinematic_moves: BRICK_BREAK
cinematic_moves: EARTHQUAKE
cinematic_moves: STOMP
animation_time: 2.1333
animation_time: 0.6667
animation_time: 1.6667
animation_time: 1.5
animation_time: 0
animation_time: 2.3333
animation_time: 2.3333
animation_time: 2.333333
evolution_pips: 1
pokedex_height_m: 2.2
pokedex_weight_kg: 80
height_std_dev: 0.275
weight_std_dev: 10
item_templates {
template_id: "V0116_MOVE_SOLAR_BEAM"
move_settings {
movement_id: SOLAR_BEAM
animation_id: 5
pokemon_type: POKEMON_TYPE_GRASS
power: 120
accuracy_chance: 1
critical_chance: 0.05
stamina_loss_scalar: 0.12
trainer_level_min: 1
trainer_level_max: 100
vfx_name: "solar_beam"
duration_ms: 4900
damage_window_start_ms: 3100
damage_window_end_ms: 4800
energy_delta: -100
item_templates {
template_id: "V0116_POKEMON_HORSEA"
pokemon_settings {
pokemon_id: HORSEA
model_scale: 1.48
camera {
disk_radius_m: 0.2775
cylinder_radius_m: 0.25
cylinder_height_m: 0.74
cylinder_ground_m: 0.185
shoulder_mode_scale: 0.5
encounter {
base_capture_rate: 0.4
base_flee_rate: 0.1
collision_radius_m: 0.148
collision_height_m: 0.444
collision_head_radius_m: 0.185
movement_type: MOVEMENT_HOVERING
movement_timer_s: 10
jump_time_s: 1
attack_timer_s: 29
stats {
base_stamina: 60
base_attack: 122
base_defense: 100
quick_moves: WATER_GUN_FAST
quick_moves: BUBBLE_FAST
cinematic_moves: BUBBLE_BEAM
cinematic_moves: DRAGON_PULSE
cinematic_moves: FLASH_CANNON
animation_time: 0
animation_time: 0.6667
animation_time: 1.7333
animation_time: 0.8333
animation_time: 0.333333
animation_time: 1.6667
animation_time: 2
animation_time: 0
evolution_ids: SEADRA
evolution_pips: 1
pokedex_height_m: 0.4
pokedex_weight_kg: 8
height_std_dev: 0.05
weight_std_dev: 1
family_id: FAMILY_HORSEA
candy_to_evolve: 50
item_templates {
template_id: "V0117_MOVE_LEAF_BLADE"
move_settings {
movement_id: LEAF_BLADE
animation_id: 5
pokemon_type: POKEMON_TYPE_GRASS
power: 55
accuracy_chance: 1
critical_chance: 0.25
stamina_loss_scalar: 0.09
trainer_level_min: 1
trainer_level_max: 100
vfx_name: "leaf_blade"
duration_ms: 2800
damage_window_start_ms: 1200
damage_window_end_ms: 2200
energy_delta: -50
item_templates {
template_id: "V0117_POKEMON_SEADRA"
pokemon_settings {
pokemon_id: SEADRA
model_scale: 0.92
camera {
disk_radius_m: 0.69
cylinder_radius_m: 0.46
cylinder_height_m: 1.15
cylinder_ground_m: 0.46
shoulder_mode_scale: 0.5
encounter {
base_capture_rate: 0.16
base_flee_rate: 0.06
collision_radius_m: 0.322
collision_height_m: 0.46
collision_head_radius_m: 0.414
movement_type: MOVEMENT_HOVERING
movement_timer_s: 6
jump_time_s: 1
attack_timer_s: 17
stats {
base_stamina: 110
base_attack: 176
base_defense: 150
quick_moves: WATER_GUN_FAST
cinematic_moves: BLIZZARD
cinematic_moves: DRAGON_PULSE
cinematic_moves: HYDRO_PUMP
animation_time: 0
animation_time: 0.6667
animation_time: 1.6667
animation_time: 0.6667
animation_time: 0
animation_time: 1.8333
animation_time: 2
animation_time: 0
evolution_pips: 1
pokedex_height_m: 1.2
pokedex_weight_kg: 25
parent_pokemon_id: HORSEA
height_std_dev: 0.15
weight_std_dev: 3.125
family_id: FAMILY_HORSEA
item_templates {
template_id: "V0118_MOVE_POWER_WHIP"
move_settings {
movement_id: POWER_WHIP
animation_id: 5
pokemon_type: POKEMON_TYPE_GRASS
power: 70
accuracy_chance: 1
stamina_loss_scalar: 0.12
trainer_level_min: 1
trainer_level_max: 100
vfx_name: "power_whip"
duration_ms: 2800
damage_window_start_ms: 1500
damage_window_end_ms: 2800
energy_delta: -100
item_templates {
template_id: "V0118_POKEMON_GOLDEEN"
pokemon_settings {
pokemon_id: GOLDEEN
model_scale: 1.35
camera {
disk_radius_m: 0.405
cylinder_radius_m: 0.27
cylinder_height_m: 0.3375
cylinder_ground_m: 0.3375
shoulder_mode_scale: 0.5
encounter {
base_capture_rate: 0.4
base_flee_rate: 0.15
collision_radius_m: 0.135
collision_height_m: 0.16875
collision_head_radius_m: 0.16875
movement_type: MOVEMENT_HOVERING
movement_timer_s: 10
jump_time_s: 1
attack_timer_s: 29
stats {
base_stamina: 90
base_attack: 112
base_defense: 126
quick_moves: PECK_FAST
quick_moves: MUD_SHOT_FAST
cinematic_moves: WATER_PULSE
cinematic_moves: HORN_ATTACK
cinematic_moves: AQUA_TAIL
animation_time: 3
animation_time: 1
animation_time: 1.6667
animation_time: 0.6667
animation_time: 0
animation_time: 2.1667
animation_time: 2.3
animation_time: 0
evolution_ids: SEAKING
evolution_pips: 1
pokedex_height_m: 0.6
pokedex_weight_kg: 15
height_std_dev: 0.075
weight_std_dev: 1.875
candy_to_evolve: 50
item_templates {
template_id: "V0119_POKEMON_SEAKING"
pokemon_settings {
pokemon_id: SEAKING
model_scale: 0.88
camera {
disk_radius_m: 0.594
cylinder_radius_m: 0.396
cylinder_height_m: 0.748
cylinder_ground_m: 0.33
shoulder_mode_scale: 0.5
encounter {
base_capture_rate: 0.16
base_flee_rate: 0.07
collision_radius_m: 0.044
collision_height_m: 0.044
collision_head_radius_m: 0.242
movement_type: MOVEMENT_HOVERING
movement_timer_s: 14
jump_time_s: 1
attack_timer_s: 5
stats {
base_stamina: 160
base_attack: 172
base_defense: 160
quick_moves: PECK_FAST
quick_moves: POISON_JAB_FAST
cinematic_moves: ICY_WIND
cinematic_moves: DRILL_RUN
cinematic_moves: MEGAHORN
animation_time: 3.5
animation_time: 0.6667
animation_time: 1.6667
animation_time: 0.8333
animation_time: 0
animation_time: 1.6667
animation_time: 2
animation_time: 0
evolution_pips: 1
pokedex_height_m: 1.3
pokedex_weight_kg: 39
parent_pokemon_id: GOLDEEN
height_std_dev: 0.1625
weight_std_dev: 4.875
item_templates {
template_id: "V0120_POKEMON_STARYU"
pokemon_settings {
pokemon_id: STARYU
model_scale: 1.1
camera {
disk_radius_m: 0.6188
cylinder_radius_m: 0.4125
cylinder_height_m: 0.88000011
shoulder_mode_scale: 0.5
encounter {
base_capture_rate: 0.4
base_flee_rate: 0.15
collision_radius_m: 0.4125
collision_height_m: 0.88000011
collision_head_radius_m: 0.20625
movement_type: MOVEMENT_JUMP
movement_timer_s: 10
jump_time_s: 1.35
attack_timer_s: 29
stats {
base_stamina: 60
base_attack: 130
base_defense: 128
quick_moves: QUICK_ATTACK_FAST
quick_moves: WATER_GUN_FAST
cinematic_moves: SWIFT
cinematic_moves: BUBBLE_BEAM
cinematic_moves: POWER_GEM
animation_time: 1.3333
animation_time: 0.6667
animation_time: 1.6667
animation_time: 1.8333
animation_time: 0
animation_time: 1.6667
animation_time: 2
animation_time: 2
evolution_ids: STARMIE
evolution_pips: 1
pokedex_height_m: 0.8
pokedex_weight_kg: 34.5
height_std_dev: 0.1
weight_std_dev: 4.3125
family_id: FAMILY_STARYU
candy_to_evolve: 50
item_templates {
template_id: "V0121_MOVE_AIR_CUTTER"
move_settings {
movement_id: AIR_CUTTER
animation_id: 5
power: 30
accuracy_chance: 1
critical_chance: 0.25
stamina_loss_scalar: 0.06
trainer_level_min: 1
trainer_level_max: 100
vfx_name: "air_cutter"
duration_ms: 3300
damage_window_start_ms: 2200
damage_window_end_ms: 3100
energy_delta: -25
item_templates {
template_id: "V0121_POKEMON_STARMIE"
pokemon_settings {
pokemon_id: STARMIE
model_scale: 0.97
camera {
disk_radius_m: 0.7275
cylinder_radius_m: 0.485
cylinder_height_m: 1.067
shoulder_mode_scale: 0.5
encounter {
base_capture_rate: 0.16
base_flee_rate: 0.06
collision_radius_m: 0.485
collision_height_m: 1.067
collision_head_radius_m: 0.2425
movement_type: MOVEMENT_JUMP
movement_timer_s: 6
jump_time_s: 1.6
attack_timer_s: 17
stats {
base_stamina: 120
base_attack: 194
base_defense: 192
quick_moves: QUICK_ATTACK_FAST
quick_moves: WATER_GUN_FAST
cinematic_moves: HYDRO_PUMP
cinematic_moves: POWER_GEM
cinematic_moves: PSYBEAM
animation_time: 1.7333
animation_time: 0.6667
animation_time: 1.8667
animation_time: 2.1
animation_time: 0
animation_time: 2.6667
animation_time: 1.9
animation_time: 2.1
evolution_pips: 1
pokedex_height_m: 1.1
pokedex_weight_kg: 80
parent_pokemon_id: STARYU
height_std_dev: 0.1375
weight_std_dev: 10
family_id: FAMILY_STARYU
item_templates {
template_id: "V0122_MOVE_HURRICANE"
move_settings {
movement_id: HURRICANE
animation_id: 5
power: 80
accuracy_chance: 1
critical_chance: 0.05
stamina_loss_scalar: 0.11
trainer_level_min: 1
trainer_level_max: 100
vfx_name: "hurricane"
duration_ms: 3200
damage_window_start_ms: 1030
damage_window_end_ms: 2800
energy_delta: -100
item_templates {
template_id: "V0122_POKEMON_MR_MIME"
pokemon_settings {
pokemon_id: MR_MIME
model_scale: 0.89
camera {
disk_radius_m: 0.6675
cylinder_radius_m: 0.445
cylinder_height_m: 1.157
shoulder_mode_scale: 0.5
encounter {
base_capture_rate: 0.24
base_flee_rate: 0.09
collision_radius_m: 0.267
collision_height_m: 0.6675
collision_head_radius_m: 0.267
movement_type: MOVEMENT_JUMP
movement_timer_s: 5
jump_time_s: 1
attack_timer_s: 14
stats {
base_stamina: 80
base_attack: 154
base_defense: 196
quick_moves: CONFUSION_FAST
quick_moves: ZEN_HEADBUTT_FAST
cinematic_moves: PSYBEAM
cinematic_moves: PSYCHIC
cinematic_moves: SHADOW_BALL
animation_time: 2.6667
animation_time: 0.8333
animation_time: 1.8333
animation_time: 2
animation_time: 0
animation_time: 2
animation_time: 2.5333
animation_time: 0
evolution_pips: 1
pokedex_height_m: 1.3
pokedex_weight_kg: 54.5
height_std_dev: 0.1625
weight_std_dev: 6.8125
family_id: FAMILY_MR_MIME
item_templates {
template_id: "V0123_MOVE_BRICK_BREAK"
move_settings {
movement_id: BRICK_BREAK
animation_id: 5
power: 30
accuracy_chance: 1
critical_chance: 0.25
stamina_loss_scalar: 0.075
trainer_level_min: 1
trainer_level_max: 100
vfx_name: "brick_break"
duration_ms: 1600
damage_window_start_ms: 1100
damage_window_end_ms: 1500
energy_delta: -33
item_templates {
template_id: "V0123_POKEMON_SCYTHER"
pokemon_settings {
pokemon_id: SCYTHER
model_scale: 0.8
camera {
disk_radius_m: 1.14
cylinder_radius_m: 0.76
cylinder_height_m: 1.2
cylinder_ground_m: 0.4
shoulder_mode_scale: 0.5
encounter {
base_capture_rate: 0.24
base_flee_rate: 0.09
collision_radius_m: 0.4
collision_height_m: 1
collision_head_radius_m: 0.2
movement_type: MOVEMENT_FLYING
movement_timer_s: 14
jump_time_s: 1
attack_timer_s: 5
stats {
base_stamina: 140
base_attack: 176
base_defense: 180
quick_moves: FURY_CUTTER_FAST
quick_moves: STEEL_WING_FAST
cinematic_moves: NIGHT_SLASH
cinematic_moves: X_SCISSOR
cinematic_moves: BUG_BUZZ
animation_time: 1.7333
animation_time: 0.6667
animation_time: 1.6667
animation_time: 0.6667
animation_time: 0
animation_time: 2
animation_time: 2
animation_time: 0
evolution_pips: 1
pokedex_height_m: 1.5
pokedex_weight_kg: 56
height_std_dev: 0.1875
weight_std_dev: 7
item_templates {
template_id: "V0124_POKEMON_JYNX"
pokemon_settings {
pokemon_id: JYNX
model_scale: 0.87
camera {
disk_radius_m: 0.9788
cylinder_radius_m: 0.6525
cylinder_height_m: 1.218
shoulder_mode_scale: 0.5
encounter {
base_capture_rate: 0.24
base_flee_rate: 0.09
collision_radius_m: 0.435
collision_height_m: 0.87
collision_head_radius_m: 0.522
movement_type: MOVEMENT_JUMP
movement_timer_s: 4
jump_time_s: 1.25
attack_timer_s: 11
stats {
base_stamina: 130
base_attack: 172
base_defense: 134
quick_moves: FROST_BREATH_FAST
quick_moves: POUND_FAST
cinematic_moves: DRAINING_KISS
cinematic_moves: ICE_PUNCH
cinematic_moves: PSYSHOCK
animation_time: 2.2667
animation_time: 0.6667
animation_time: 1.6667
animation_time: 1.7667
animation_time: 0
animation_time: 1.8667
animation_time: 2
animation_time: 0
evolution_pips: 1
pokedex_height_m: 1.4
pokedex_weight_kg: 40.6
height_std_dev: 0.175
weight_std_dev: 5.075
family_id: FAMILY_JYNX
item_templates {
template_id: "V0125_MOVE_SWIFT"
move_settings {
movement_id: SWIFT
animation_id: 5
power: 30
accuracy_chance: 1
critical_chance: 0.05
stamina_loss_scalar: 0.06
trainer_level_min: 1
trainer_level_max: 100
vfx_name: "swift"
duration_ms: 3000
damage_window_start_ms: 2300
damage_window_end_ms: 2800
energy_delta: -25
item_templates {
template_id: "V0125_POKEMON_ELECTABUZZ"
pokemon_settings {
pokemon_id: ELECTABUZZ
model_scale: 0.98
camera {
disk_radius_m: 0.8453
cylinder_radius_m: 0.5635
cylinder_height_m: 0.98
shoulder_mode_scale: 0.5
encounter {
base_capture_rate: 0.24
base_flee_rate: 0.09
collision_radius_m: 0.392
collision_height_m: 0.735
collision_head_radius_m: 0.28175
movement_type: MOVEMENT_JUMP
movement_timer_s: 6
jump_time_s: 1
attack_timer_s: 17
stats {
base_stamina: 130
base_attack: 198
base_defense: 160
quick_moves: LOW_KICK_FAST
cinematic_moves: THUNDER_PUNCH
cinematic_moves: THUNDERBOLT
cinematic_moves: THUNDER
animation_time: 1.5
animation_time: 0.6667
animation_time: 1.5
animation_time: 1.5
animation_time: 0
animation_time: 1.6667
animation_time: 1.3333
animation_time: 0
evolution_pips: 1
pokedex_height_m: 1.1
pokedex_weight_kg: 30
height_std_dev: 0.1375
weight_std_dev: 3.75
item_templates {
template_id: "V0126_MOVE_HORN_ATTACK"
move_settings {
movement_id: HORN_ATTACK
animation_id: 5
power: 25
accuracy_chance: 1
critical_chance: 0.05
stamina_loss_scalar: 0.065
trainer_level_min: 1
trainer_level_max: 100
vfx_name: "horn_attack"
duration_ms: 2200
damage_window_start_ms: 1600
damage_window_end_ms: 1900
energy_delta: -25
item_templates {
template_id: "V0126_POKEMON_MAGMAR"
pokemon_settings {
pokemon_id: MAGMAR
model_scale: 0.88
camera {
disk_radius_m: 0.99
cylinder_radius_m: 0.66
cylinder_height_m: 1.144
shoulder_mode_scale: 0.5
encounter {
base_capture_rate: 0.24
base_flee_rate: 0.09
collision_radius_m: 0.44
collision_height_m: 0.88
collision_head_radius_m: 0.33
movement_type: MOVEMENT_JUMP
movement_timer_s: 14
jump_time_s: 1.25
attack_timer_s: 5
stats {
base_stamina: 130
base_attack: 214
base_defense: 158
quick_moves: EMBER_FAST
quick_moves: KARATE_CHOP_FAST
cinematic_moves: FIRE_BLAST
cinematic_moves: FIRE_PUNCH
cinematic_moves: FLAMETHROWER
animation_time: 1.6667
animation_time: 0.6667
animation_time: 1.6667
animation_time: 1.8333
animation_time: 8
animation_time: 2
animation_time: 2
animation_time: 0
evolution_pips: 1
pokedex_height_m: 1.3
pokedex_weight_kg: 44.5
height_std_dev: 0.1625
weight_std_dev: 5.5625
family_id: FAMILY_MAGMAR
item_templates {
template_id: "V0127_MOVE_STOMP"
move_settings {
movement_id: STOMP
animation_id: 5
power: 30
accuracy_chance: 1
critical_chance: 0.05
stamina_loss_scalar: 0.065
trainer_level_min: 1
trainer_level_max: 100
vfx_name: "stomp"
duration_ms: 2100
damage_window_start_ms: 1200
damage_window_end_ms: 1900
energy_delta: -25
item_templates {
template_id: "V0127_POKEMON_PINSIR"
pokemon_settings {
pokemon_id: PINSIR
model_scale: 0.87
camera {
disk_radius_m: 0.522
cylinder_radius_m: 0.348
cylinder_height_m: 1.131
shoulder_mode_scale: 0.5
encounter {
base_capture_rate: 0.24
base_flee_rate: 0.09
collision_radius_m: 0.348
collision_height_m: 0.87
collision_head_radius_m: 0.348
movement_type: MOVEMENT_JUMP
movement_timer_s: 8
jump_time_s: 1.25
attack_timer_s: 3
stats {
base_stamina: 130
base_attack: 184
base_defense: 186
quick_moves: ROCK_SMASH_FAST
quick_moves: FURY_CUTTER_FAST
cinematic_moves: VICE_GRIP
cinematic_moves: X_SCISSOR
cinematic_moves: SUBMISSION
animation_time: 2
animation_time: 0.6667
animation_time: 1.6667
animation_time: 1.8333
animation_time: 0
animation_time: 2
animation_time: 1.3333
animation_time: 0
evolution_pips: 1
pokedex_height_m: 1.5
pokedex_weight_kg: 55
height_std_dev: 0.1875
weight_std_dev: 6.875
family_id: FAMILY_PINSIR
item_templates {
template_id: "V0128_POKEMON_TAUROS"
pokemon_settings {
pokemon_id: TAUROS
model_scale: 0.87
camera {
disk_radius_m: 0.8613
cylinder_radius_m: 0.5742
cylinder_height_m: 1.19625
shoulder_mode_scale: 0.5
encounter {
base_capture_rate: 0.24
base_flee_rate: 0.09
collision_radius_m: 0.435
collision_height_m: 1.19625
collision_head_radius_m: 0.2871
movement_type: MOVEMENT_JUMP
movement_timer_s: 4
jump_time_s: 1.2
attack_timer_s: 11
stats {
base_stamina: 150
base_attack: 148
base_defense: 184
quick_moves: TACKLE_FAST
quick_moves: ZEN_HEADBUTT_FAST
cinematic_moves: HORN_ATTACK
cinematic_moves: IRON_HEAD
cinematic_moves: EARTHQUAKE
animation_time: 2.3333
animation_time: 0.6667
animation_time: 1.6667
animation_time: 2
animation_time: 0
animation_time: 1.6667
animation_time: 1.6
animation_time: 0
evolution_pips: 1
pokedex_height_m: 1.4
pokedex_weight_kg: 88.4
height_std_dev: 0.175
weight_std_dev: 11.05
family_id: FAMILY_TAUROS
item_templates {
template_id: "V0129_MOVE_HYPER_FANG"
move_settings {
movement_id: HYPER_FANG
animation_id: 5
power: 35
accuracy_chance: 1
critical_chance: 0.05
stamina_loss_scalar: 0.08
trainer_level_min: 1
trainer_level_max: 100
vfx_name: "hyper_fang"
duration_ms: 2100
damage_window_start_ms: 1700
damage_window_end_ms: 2000
energy_delta: -33
item_templates {
template_id: "V0129_POKEMON_MAGIKARP"
pokemon_settings {
pokemon_id: MAGIKARP
model_scale: 1.07
camera {
disk_radius_m: 0.642
cylinder_radius_m: 0.428
cylinder_height_m: 0.535
shoulder_mode_scale: 0.5
encounter {
base_capture_rate: 0.56
base_flee_rate: 0.15
collision_radius_m: 0.2675
collision_height_m: 0.4815
collision_head_radius_m: 0.321
movement_type: MOVEMENT_JUMP
movement_timer_s: 3600
jump_time_s: 1.3
attack_timer_s: 3600
stats {
base_stamina: 40
base_attack: 42
base_defense: 84
quick_moves: SPLASH_FAST
cinematic_moves: STRUGGLE
animation_time: 1.3333
animation_time: 0.6667
animation_time: 0
animation_time: 1.5
animation_time: 0
animation_time: 0
animation_time: 1
animation_time: 0
evolution_ids: GYARADOS
evolution_pips: 1
pokedex_height_m: 0.9
pokedex_weight_kg: 10
height_std_dev: 0.1125
weight_std_dev: 1.25
candy_to_evolve: 400
item_templates {
template_id: "V0130_POKEMON_GYARADOS"
pokemon_settings {
pokemon_id: GYARADOS
model_scale: 0.48
camera {
disk_radius_m: 0.72
cylinder_radius_m: 0.48
cylinder_height_m: 1.2
cylinder_ground_m: 0.48
shoulder_mode_scale: 0.5
encounter {
base_capture_rate: 0.08
base_flee_rate: 0.07
collision_radius_m: 0.24
collision_height_m: 0.48
collision_head_radius_m: 0.36
movement_type: MOVEMENT_HOVERING
movement_timer_s: 8
jump_time_s: 1
attack_timer_s: 3
stats {
base_stamina: 190
base_attack: 192
base_defense: 196
quick_moves: BITE_FAST
cinematic_moves: HYDRO_PUMP
cinematic_moves: TWISTER
cinematic_moves: DRAGON_PULSE
animation_time: 2
animation_time: 0.6667
animation_time: 1.5
animation_time: 0.6667
animation_time: 0
animation_time: 2.3333
animation_time: 2
animation_time: 2
evolution_pips: 1
pokedex_height_m: 6.5
pokedex_weight_kg: 235
parent_pokemon_id: MAGIKARP
height_std_dev: 0.8125
weight_std_dev: 29.375
item_templates {
template_id: "V0131_MOVE_BODY_SLAM"
move_settings {
movement_id: BODY_SLAM
animation_id: 5
power: 40
accuracy_chance: 1
critical_chance: 0.05
stamina_loss_scalar: 0.085
trainer_level_min: 1
trainer_level_max: 100
vfx_name: "body_slam"
duration_ms: 1560
damage_window_start_ms: 1100
damage_window_end_ms: 1300
energy_delta: -50
item_templates {
template_id: "V0131_POKEMON_LAPRAS"
pokemon_settings {
pokemon_id: LAPRAS
model_scale: 0.7
camera {
disk_radius_m: 1.05
cylinder_radius_m: 0.7
cylinder_height_m: 1.75
shoulder_mode_scale: 0.5
encounter {
base_capture_rate: 0.16
base_flee_rate: 0.09
collision_radius_m: 0.525
collision_height_m: 0.7
collision_head_radius_m: 0.35
movement_type: MOVEMENT_JUMP
movement_timer_s: 3
jump_time_s: 1.2
attack_timer_s: 8
stats {
base_stamina: 260
base_attack: 186
base_defense: 190
quick_moves: FROST_BREATH_FAST
quick_moves: ICE_SHARD_FAST
cinematic_moves: DRAGON_PULSE
cinematic_moves: ICE_BEAM
cinematic_moves: BLIZZARD
animation_time: 2.6667
animation_time: 0.6667
animation_time: 1.6667
animation_time: 1.9
animation_time: 0
animation_time: 2.4
animation_time: 3
animation_time: 2.666667
evolution_pips: 1
pokedex_height_m: 2.5
pokedex_weight_kg: 220
height_std_dev: 0.3125
weight_std_dev: 27.5
family_id: FAMILY_LAPRAS
item_templates {
template_id: "V0132_MOVE_REST"
move_settings {
movement_id: REST
animation_id: 5
power: 50
accuracy_chance: 1
heal_scalar: 1
trainer_level_min: 1
trainer_level_max: 100
vfx_name: "rest"
duration_ms: 3100
damage_window_start_ms: 1395
damage_window_end_ms: 2691
energy_delta: -33
item_templates {
template_id: "V0132_POKEMON_DITTO"
pokemon_settings {
pokemon_id: DITTO
model_scale: 1.61
camera {
disk_radius_m: 0.6038
cylinder_radius_m: 0.4025
cylinder_height_m: 0.52325
shoulder_mode_scale: 0.5
encounter {
base_capture_rate: 0.16
base_flee_rate: 0.1
collision_radius_m: 0.4025
collision_height_m: 0.52325
collision_head_radius_m: 0.20125
movement_type: MOVEMENT_JUMP
movement_timer_s: 3600
jump_time_s: 1
attack_timer_s: 3600
stats {
base_stamina: 96
base_attack: 110
base_defense: 110
quick_moves: POUND_FAST
cinematic_moves: STRUGGLE
animation_time: 0
animation_time: 0.6667
animation_time: 1.6667
animation_time: 1.6667
animation_time: 0
animation_time: 2
animation_time: 2
animation_time: 0
evolution_pips: 1
pokedex_height_m: 0.3
pokedex_weight_kg: 4
height_std_dev: 0.0375
weight_std_dev: 0.5
family_id: FAMILY_DITTO
item_templates {
template_id: "V0133_MOVE_STRUGGLE"
move_settings {
movement_id: STRUGGLE
animation_id: 5
power: 15
accuracy_chance: 1
stamina_loss_scalar: 0.1
trainer_level_min: 1
trainer_level_max: 100
vfx_name: "struggle"
duration_ms: 1695
damage_window_start_ms: 800
damage_window_end_ms: 1500
energy_delta: -20
item_templates {
template_id: "V0133_POKEMON_EEVEE"
pokemon_settings {
pokemon_id: EEVEE
model_scale: 1.68
camera {
disk_radius_m: 0.63
cylinder_radius_m: 0.42
cylinder_height_m: 0.504
shoulder_mode_scale: 0.5
encounter {
base_capture_rate: 0.32
base_flee_rate: 0.1
collision_radius_m: 0.252
collision_height_m: 0.336
collision_head_radius_m: 0.252
movement_type: MOVEMENT_JUMP
movement_timer_s: 10
jump_time_s: 1.35
attack_timer_s: 29
stats {
base_stamina: 110
base_attack: 114
base_defense: 128
quick_moves: QUICK_ATTACK_FAST
quick_moves: TACKLE_FAST
cinematic_moves: DIG
cinematic_moves: SWIFT
cinematic_moves: BODY_SLAM
animation_time: 2.4667
animation_time: 0.6667
animation_time: 2.0667
animation_time: 1.8333
animation_time: 0
animation_time: 2.3333
animation_time: 0.8667
animation_time: 1.233333
evolution_ids: VAPOREON
evolution_ids: JOLTEON
evolution_ids: FLAREON
evolution_pips: 1
pokedex_height_m: 0.3
pokedex_weight_kg: 6.5
height_std_dev: 0.0375
weight_std_dev: 0.8125
family_id: FAMILY_EEVEE
candy_to_evolve: 25
item_templates {
template_id: "V0134_MOVE_SCALD_BLASTOISE"
move_settings {
movement_id: SCALD_BLASTOISE
animation_id: 5
pokemon_type: POKEMON_TYPE_WATER
power: 50
accuracy_chance: 1
critical_chance: 0.05
stamina_loss_scalar: 0.08
trainer_level_min: 1
trainer_level_max: 100
vfx_name: "scald_blastoise"
duration_ms: 4000
damage_window_start_ms: 1800
damage_window_end_ms: 3900
energy_delta: -33
item_templates {
template_id: "V0134_POKEMON_VAPOREON"
pokemon_settings {
pokemon_id: VAPOREON
model_scale: 1.05
camera {
disk_radius_m: 0.5198
cylinder_radius_m: 0.3465
cylinder_height_m: 0.94499987
shoulder_mode_scale: 0.4
encounter {
base_capture_rate: 0.12
base_flee_rate: 0.06
collision_radius_m: 0.21
collision_height_m: 0.525
collision_head_radius_m: 0.2625
movement_type: MOVEMENT_JUMP
movement_timer_s: 3
jump_time_s: 1
attack_timer_s: 8
stats {
base_stamina: 260
base_attack: 186
base_defense: 168
quick_moves: WATER_GUN_FAST
cinematic_moves: WATER_PULSE
cinematic_moves: HYDRO_PUMP
cinematic_moves: AQUA_TAIL
animation_time: 1.8667
animation_time: 0.6667
animation_time: 1.9
animation_time: 1.7
animation_time: 0
animation_time: 2
animation_time: 2.1333
animation_time: 2.133333
evolution_pips: 1
pokedex_height_m: 1
pokedex_weight_kg: 29
parent_pokemon_id: EEVEE
height_std_dev: 0.125
weight_std_dev: 3.625
family_id: FAMILY_EEVEE
item_templates {
template_id: "V0135_MOVE_HYDRO_PUMP_BLASTOISE"
move_settings {
animation_id: 5
pokemon_type: POKEMON_TYPE_WATER
power: 90
accuracy_chance: 1
critical_chance: 0.05
stamina_loss_scalar: 0.11
trainer_level_min: 1
trainer_level_max: 100
vfx_name: "hydro_pump_blastoise"
duration_ms: 3800
damage_window_start_ms: 1500
damage_window_end_ms: 3600
energy_delta: -100
item_templates {
template_id: "V0135_POKEMON_JOLTEON"
pokemon_settings {
pokemon_id: JOLTEON
model_scale: 1.1
camera {
disk_radius_m: 0.495
cylinder_radius_m: 0.33
cylinder_height_m: 0.88000011
shoulder_mode_scale: 0.5
encounter {
base_capture_rate: 0.12
base_flee_rate: 0.06
collision_radius_m: 0.22
collision_height_m: 0.55
collision_head_radius_m: 0.22
movement_type: MOVEMENT_JUMP
movement_timer_s: 4
jump_time_s: 1.3
attack_timer_s: 11
stats {
base_stamina: 130
base_attack: 192
base_defense: 174
cinematic_moves: DISCHARGE
cinematic_moves: THUNDERBOLT
cinematic_moves: THUNDER
animation_time: 2.6333
animation_time: 0.6667
animation_time: 1.9333
animation_time: 2.3333
animation_time: 0
animation_time: 2.6667
animation_time: 1.3333
animation_time: 1.866667
evolution_pips: 1
pokedex_height_m: 0.8
pokedex_weight_kg: 24.5
parent_pokemon_id: EEVEE
height_std_dev: 0.1
weight_std_dev: 3.0625
family_id: FAMILY_EEVEE
item_templates {
template_id: "V0136_MOVE_WRAP_GREEN"
move_settings {
movement_id: WRAP_GREEN
animation_id: 5
power: 25
accuracy_chance: 1
critical_chance: 0.05
stamina_loss_scalar: 0.06
trainer_level_min: 1
trainer_level_max: 100
vfx_name: "wrap_green"
duration_ms: 3700
damage_window_start_ms: 2200
damage_window_end_ms: 3200
energy_delta: -20
item_templates {
template_id: "V0136_POKEMON_FLAREON"
pokemon_settings {
pokemon_id: FLAREON
model_scale: 0.87
camera {
disk_radius_m: 0.4568
cylinder_radius_m: 0.3045
cylinder_height_m: 0.783
shoulder_mode_scale: 0.5
encounter {
base_capture_rate: 0.12
base_flee_rate: 0.06
collision_radius_m: 0.2175
collision_height_m: 0.522
collision_head_radius_m: 0.19575
movement_type: MOVEMENT_JUMP
movement_timer_s: 3
jump_time_s: 1.35
attack_timer_s: 8
stats {
base_stamina: 130
base_attack: 238
base_defense: 178
quick_moves: EMBER_FAST
cinematic_moves: FIRE_BLAST
cinematic_moves: FLAMETHROWER
cinematic_moves: HEAT_WAVE
animation_time: 2.5
animation_time: 0.6667
animation_time: 1.6667
animation_time: 2.0667
animation_time: 0
animation_time: 2.3333
animation_time: 1
animation_time: 2.666667
evolution_pips: 1
pokedex_height_m: 0.9
pokedex_weight_kg: 25
parent_pokemon_id: EEVEE
height_std_dev: 0.1125
weight_std_dev: 3.125
family_id: FAMILY_EEVEE
item_templates {
template_id: "V0137_MOVE_WRAP_PINK"
move_settings {
movement_id: WRAP_PINK
animation_id: 5
power: 25
accuracy_chance: 1
critical_chance: 0.05
stamina_loss_scalar: 0.06
trainer_level_min: 1
trainer_level_max: 100
vfx_name: "wrap_pink"
duration_ms: 3700
damage_window_start_ms: 2200
damage_window_end_ms: 3200
energy_delta: -20
item_templates {
template_id: "V0137_POKEMON_PORYGON"
pokemon_settings {
pokemon_id: PORYGON
model_scale: 1.1
camera {
disk_radius_m: 0.825
cylinder_radius_m: 0.55
cylinder_height_m: 0.93500012
cylinder_ground_m: 0.55
shoulder_mode_scale: 0.5
encounter {
base_capture_rate: 0.32
base_flee_rate: 0.09
collision_radius_m: 0.385
collision_height_m: 0.55
collision_head_radius_m: 0.33
movement_type: MOVEMENT_HOVERING
movement_timer_s: 8
jump_time_s: 1
attack_timer_s: 23
stats {
base_stamina: 130
base_attack: 156
base_defense: 158
quick_moves: QUICK_ATTACK_FAST
quick_moves: TACKLE_FAST
cinematic_moves: PSYBEAM
cinematic_moves: SIGNAL_BEAM
cinematic_moves: DISCHARGE
animation_time: 1.8333
animation_time: 0.6667
animation_time: 0
animation_time: 0.6667
animation_time: 0
animation_time: 2.6667
animation_time: 1.6
animation_time: 0
evolution_pips: 1
pokedex_height_m: 0.8
pokedex_weight_kg: 36.5
height_std_dev: 0.1
weight_std_dev: 4.5625
item_templates {
template_id: "V0138_POKEMON_OMANYTE"
pokemon_settings {
pokemon_id: OMANYTE
model_scale: 1.48
camera {
disk_radius_m: 0.333
cylinder_radius_m: 0.222
cylinder_height_m: 0.592
shoulder_mode_scale: 0.5
encounter {
base_capture_rate: 0.32
base_flee_rate: 0.09
collision_radius_m: 0.222
collision_height_m: 0.592
collision_head_radius_m: 0.111
movement_type: MOVEMENT_JUMP
movement_timer_s: 8
jump_time_s: 1.3
attack_timer_s: 23
stats {
base_stamina: 70
base_attack: 132
base_defense: 160
quick_moves: WATER_GUN_FAST
quick_moves: MUD_SHOT_FAST
cinematic_moves: ANCIENT_POWER
cinematic_moves: BRINE
cinematic_moves: ROCK_TOMB
animation_time: 2
animation_time: 0.6667
animation_time: 1.6667
animation_time: 1.8333
animation_time: 0
animation_time: 2.3333
animation_time: 2.6667
animation_time: 0
evolution_ids: OMASTAR
evolution_pips: 1
pokedex_height_m: 0.4
pokedex_weight_kg: 7.5
height_std_dev: 0.05
weight_std_dev: 0.9375
candy_to_evolve: 50
item_templates {
template_id: "V0139_POKEMON_OMASTAR"
pokemon_settings {
pokemon_id: OMASTAR
model_scale: 1
camera {
disk_radius_m: 0.5625
cylinder_radius_m: 0.375
cylinder_height_m: 1
shoulder_mode_scale: 0.5
encounter {
base_capture_rate: 0.12
base_flee_rate: 0.05
collision_radius_m: 0.25
collision_height_m: 0.9
collision_head_radius_m: 0.1875
movement_type: MOVEMENT_JUMP
movement_timer_s: 3
jump_time_s: 1.25
attack_timer_s: 8
stats {
base_stamina: 140
base_attack: 180
base_defense: 202
quick_moves: ROCK_THROW_FAST
quick_moves: WATER_GUN_FAST
cinematic_moves: ANCIENT_POWER
cinematic_moves: HYDRO_PUMP
cinematic_moves: ROCK_SLIDE
animation_time: 2
animation_time: 0.6667
animation_time: 1.6667
animation_time: 1.8333
animation_time: 0
animation_time: 2
animation_time: 2.6667
animation_time: 0
evolution_pips: 1
pokedex_height_m: 1
pokedex_weight_kg: 35
parent_pokemon_id: OMANYTE
height_std_dev: 0.125
weight_std_dev: 4.375
item_templates {
template_id: "V0140_POKEMON_KABUTO"
pokemon_settings {
pokemon_id: KABUTO
model_scale: 1.35
camera {
disk_radius_m: 0.5063
cylinder_radius_m: 0.3375
cylinder_height_m: 0.50625
shoulder_mode_scale: 0.5
encounter {
base_capture_rate: 0.32
base_flee_rate: 0.09
collision_radius_m: 0.3375
collision_height_m: 0.50625
collision_head_radius_m: 0.16875
movement_type: MOVEMENT_JUMP
movement_timer_s: 8
jump_time_s: 0.9
attack_timer_s: 23
stats {
base_stamina: 60
base_attack: 148
base_defense: 142
quick_moves: SCRATCH_FAST
quick_moves: MUD_SHOT_FAST
cinematic_moves: ANCIENT_POWER
cinematic_moves: AQUA_JET
cinematic_moves: ROCK_TOMB
animation_time: 0
animation_time: 0.6667
animation_time: 0
animation_time: 1.5
animation_time: 0
animation_time: 2
animation_time: 2
animation_time: 0
evolution_ids: KABUTOPS
evolution_pips: 1
pokedex_height_m: 0.5
pokedex_weight_kg: 11.5
height_std_dev: 0.0625
weight_std_dev: 1.4375
family_id: FAMILY_KABUTO
candy_to_evolve: 50
item_templates {
template_id: "V0141_POKEMON_KABUTOPS"
pokemon_settings {
pokemon_id: KABUTOPS
model_scale: 0.91
camera {
disk_radius_m: 0.6825
cylinder_radius_m: 0.455
cylinder_height_m: 1.1375
shoulder_mode_scale: 0.5
encounter {
base_capture_rate: 0.12
base_flee_rate: 0.05
collision_radius_m: 0.364
collision_height_m: 0.91
collision_head_radius_m: 0.3185
movement_type: MOVEMENT_JUMP
movement_timer_s: 11
jump_time_s: 1
attack_timer_s: 4
stats {
base_stamina: 120
base_attack: 190
base_defense: 190
quick_moves: MUD_SHOT_FAST
quick_moves: FURY_CUTTER_FAST
cinematic_moves: ANCIENT_POWER
cinematic_moves: WATER_PULSE
cinematic_moves: STONE_EDGE
animation_time: 2.1667
animation_time: 0.6667
animation_time: 1.6667
animation_time: 1.6
animation_time: 0
animation_time: 2.2
animation_time: 1.2
animation_time: 0
evolution_pips: 1
pokedex_height_m: 1.3
pokedex_weight_kg: 40.5
parent_pokemon_id: KABUTO
height_std_dev: 0.1625
weight_std_dev: 5.0625
family_id: FAMILY_KABUTO
item_templates {
template_id: "V0142_POKEMON_AERODACTYL"
pokemon_settings {
pokemon_id: AERODACTYL
model_scale: 0.57
camera {
disk_radius_m: 0.5985
cylinder_radius_m: 0.399
cylinder_height_m: 0.9975
cylinder_ground_m: 0.855
shoulder_mode_scale: 0.5
encounter {
base_capture_rate: 0.16
base_flee_rate: 0.09
collision_radius_m: 0.285
collision_height_m: 0.9975
collision_head_radius_m: 0.285
movement_type: MOVEMENT_FLYING
movement_timer_s: 5
jump_time_s: 1
attack_timer_s: 14
stats {
base_stamina: 160
base_attack: 182
base_defense: 162
quick_moves: STEEL_WING_FAST
quick_moves: BITE_FAST
cinematic_moves: ANCIENT_POWER
cinematic_moves: IRON_HEAD
cinematic_moves: HYPER_BEAM
animation_time: 2.1667
animation_time: 0.9
animation_time: 1.5
animation_time: 0.7333
animation_time: 0
animation_time: 2
animation_time: 1.3333
animation_time: 1.666667
evolution_pips: 1
pokedex_height_m: 1.8
pokedex_weight_kg: 59
height_std_dev: 0.225
weight_std_dev: 7.375
item_templates {
template_id: "V0143_POKEMON_SNORLAX"
pokemon_settings {
pokemon_id: SNORLAX
model_scale: 0.74
camera {
disk_radius_m: 1.11
cylinder_radius_m: 0.74
cylinder_height_m: 1.48
shoulder_mode_scale: 0.5
encounter {
base_capture_rate: 0.16
base_flee_rate: 0.09
collision_radius_m: 0.74
collision_height_m: 1.11
collision_head_radius_m: 0.481
movement_type: MOVEMENT_JUMP
movement_timer_s: 3
jump_time_s: 1
attack_timer_s: 8
stats {
base_stamina: 320
base_attack: 180
base_defense: 180
quick_moves: ZEN_HEADBUTT_FAST
quick_moves: LICK_FAST
cinematic_moves: BODY_SLAM
cinematic_moves: HYPER_BEAM
cinematic_moves: EARTHQUAKE
animation_time: 2.4
animation_time: 0.6667
animation_time: 1.8333
animation_time: 1.6667
animation_time: 0
animation_time: 2.5
animation_time: 2.5
animation_time: 2.333333
evolution_pips: 1
pokedex_height_m: 2.1
pokedex_weight_kg: 460
height_std_dev: 0.2625
weight_std_dev: 57.5
item_templates {
template_id: "V0144_POKEMON_ARTICUNO"
pokemon_settings {
pokemon_id: ARTICUNO
model_scale: 0.66
camera {
disk_radius_m: 0.594
cylinder_radius_m: 0.396
cylinder_height_m: 0.99
cylinder_ground_m: 0.66
shoulder_mode_scale: 0.5
encounter {
base_flee_rate: 0.1
collision_radius_m: 0.231
collision_height_m: 0.66
collision_head_radius_m: 0.231
movement_type: MOVEMENT_FLYING
movement_timer_s: 3
jump_time_s: 1
attack_timer_s: 8
stats {
base_stamina: 180
base_attack: 198
base_defense: 242
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cinematic_moves: ICE_BEAM
cinematic_moves: ICY_WIND
cinematic_moves: BLIZZARD
animation_time: 2.0667
animation_time: 1
animation_time: 1.6667
animation_time: 0.6667
animation_time: 0
animation_time: 2.4
animation_time: 1.3333
animation_time: 1.333333
evolution_pips: 1
pokedex_height_m: 1.7
pokedex_weight_kg: 55.4
height_std_dev: 0.2125
weight_std_dev: 6.925
item_templates {
template_id: "V0145_POKEMON_ZAPDOS"
pokemon_settings {
pokemon_id: ZAPDOS
model_scale: 0.69
camera {
disk_radius_m: 0.7763
cylinder_radius_m: 0.5175
cylinder_height_m: 1.035
cylinder_ground_m: 0.8625
shoulder_mode_scale: 0.5
encounter {
base_flee_rate: 0.1
collision_radius_m: 0.4485
collision_height_m: 0.759
collision_head_radius_m: 0.276
movement_type: MOVEMENT_ELECTRIC
movement_timer_s: 3
jump_time_s: 1
attack_timer_s: 8
stats {
base_stamina: 180
base_attack: 232
base_defense: 194
cinematic_moves: DISCHARGE
cinematic_moves: THUNDERBOLT
cinematic_moves: THUNDER
animation_time: 1.6
animation_time: 0.8333
animation_time: 1.5
animation_time: 0.8333
animation_time: 0
animation_time: 2
animation_time: 1
animation_time: 1.666667
evolution_pips: 1
pokedex_height_m: 1.6
pokedex_weight_kg: 52.6
height_std_dev: 0.2
weight_std_dev: 6.575
family_id: FAMILY_ZAPDOS
item_templates {
template_id: "V0146_POKEMON_MOLTRES"
pokemon_settings {
pokemon_id: MOLTRES
model_scale: 0.62
camera {
disk_radius_m: 0.93
cylinder_radius_m: 0.62
cylinder_height_m: 1.395
cylinder_ground_m: 0.93
shoulder_mode_scale: 0.25
encounter {
base_flee_rate: 0.1
collision_radius_m: 0.403
collision_height_m: 0.93
collision_head_radius_m: 0.217
movement_type: MOVEMENT_FLYING
movement_timer_s: 3
jump_time_s: 1
attack_timer_s: 8
stats {
base_stamina: 180
base_attack: 242
base_defense: 194
quick_moves: EMBER_FAST
cinematic_moves: FIRE_BLAST
cinematic_moves: HEAT_WAVE
cinematic_moves: FLAMETHROWER
animation_time: 2.7333
animation_time: 1.3333
animation_time: 2
animation_time: 1.1667
animation_time: 0
animation_time: 2.5
animation_time: 1.8
animation_time: 1.8
evolution_pips: 1
pokedex_height_m: 2
pokedex_weight_kg: 60
height_std_dev: 0.25
weight_std_dev: 7.5
item_templates {
template_id: "V0147_POKEMON_DRATINI"
pokemon_settings {
pokemon_id: DRATINI
model_scale: 1.11
camera {
disk_radius_m: 0.4163
cylinder_radius_m: 0.2775
cylinder_height_m: 0.8325
shoulder_mode_scale: 0.5
encounter {
base_capture_rate: 0.32
base_flee_rate: 0.09
collision_radius_m: 0.2775
collision_height_m: 0.555
collision_head_radius_m: 0.19425
movement_type: MOVEMENT_JUMP
movement_timer_s: 10
jump_time_s: 0.85
attack_timer_s: 29
stats {
base_stamina: 82
base_attack: 128
base_defense: 110
cinematic_moves: WRAP
cinematic_moves: TWISTER
cinematic_moves: AQUA_TAIL
animation_time: 1.6667
animation_time: 0.6667
animation_time: 1.8333
animation_time: 1.4333
animation_time: 0
animation_time: 2
animation_time: 1.6
animation_time: 0
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evolution_pips: 1
pokedex_height_m: 1.8
pokedex_weight_kg: 3.3
height_std_dev: 0.225
weight_std_dev: 0.4125
candy_to_evolve: 25
item_templates {
template_id: "V0148_POKEMON_DRAGONAIR"
pokemon_settings {
pokemon_id: DRAGONAIR
model_scale: 0.75
camera {
disk_radius_m: 0.8438
cylinder_radius_m: 0.5625
cylinder_height_m: 1.5
shoulder_mode_scale: 0.5
encounter {
base_capture_rate: 0.08
base_flee_rate: 0.06
collision_radius_m: 0.375
collision_height_m: 1.125
collision_head_radius_m: 0.28125
movement_type: MOVEMENT_JUMP
movement_timer_s: 8
jump_time_s: 1.25
attack_timer_s: 23
stats {
base_stamina: 122
base_attack: 170
base_defense: 152
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cinematic_moves: AQUA_TAIL
cinematic_moves: DRAGON_PULSE
animation_time: 1.6
animation_time: 0.6667
animation_time: 1.6667
animation_time: 2
animation_time: 0
animation_time: 2.5
animation_time: 2
animation_time: 2
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evolution_pips: 1
pokedex_height_m: 4
pokedex_weight_kg: 16.5
parent_pokemon_id: DRATINI
height_std_dev: 0.5
weight_std_dev: 2.0625
candy_to_evolve: 100
item_templates {
template_id: "V0149_POKEMON_DRAGONITE"
pokemon_settings {
pokemon_id: DRAGONITE
model_scale: 0.7
camera {
disk_radius_m: 0.63
cylinder_radius_m: 0.42
cylinder_height_m: 1.47
cylinder_ground_m: 0.595
shoulder_mode_scale: 0.5
encounter {
base_capture_rate: 0.04
base_flee_rate: 0.05
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collision_height_m: 1.05
collision_head_radius_m: 0.245
movement_type: MOVEMENT_FLYING
movement_timer_s: 3
jump_time_s: 1
attack_timer_s: 8
stats {
base_stamina: 182
base_attack: 250
base_defense: 212
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cinematic_moves: DRAGON_PULSE
cinematic_moves: HYPER_BEAM
cinematic_moves: DRAGON_CLAW
animation_time: 2.6667
animation_time: 0.6667
animation_time: 1.6667
animation_time: 0.8333
animation_time: 0
animation_time: 2.6667
animation_time: 1.5
animation_time: 1.5
evolution_pips: 1
pokedex_height_m: 2.2
pokedex_weight_kg: 210
parent_pokemon_id: DRAGONAIR
height_std_dev: 0.275
weight_std_dev: 26.25
item_templates {
template_id: "V0150_POKEMON_MEWTWO"
pokemon_settings {
pokemon_id: MEWTWO
model_scale: 0.74
camera {
disk_radius_m: 0.555
cylinder_radius_m: 0.37
cylinder_height_m: 1.48
shoulder_mode_scale: 0.5
encounter {
base_flee_rate: 0.1
collision_radius_m: 0.37
collision_height_m: 1.184
collision_head_radius_m: 0.185
movement_type: MOVEMENT_JUMP
movement_timer_s: 8
jump_time_s: 1.2
attack_timer_s: 3
stats {
base_stamina: 212
base_attack: 284
base_defense: 202
quick_moves: PSYCHO_CUT_FAST
quick_moves: CONFUSION_FAST
cinematic_moves: PSYCHIC
cinematic_moves: SHADOW_BALL
cinematic_moves: HYPER_BEAM
animation_time: 1.3333
animation_time: 0.6667
animation_time: 1.6667
animation_time: 2
animation_time: 0
animation_time: 2
animation_time: 3
animation_time: 3
evolution_pips: 1
pokedex_height_m: 2
pokedex_weight_kg: 122
height_std_dev: 0.25
weight_std_dev: 15.25
family_id: FAMILY_MEWTWO
item_templates {
template_id: "V0151_POKEMON_MEW"
pokemon_settings {
pokemon_id: MEW
model_scale: 1.41
camera {
disk_radius_m: 0.423
cylinder_radius_m: 0.282
cylinder_height_m: 0.7755
cylinder_ground_m: 0.0705
shoulder_mode_scale: 0.5
encounter {
base_flee_rate: 0.1
collision_radius_m: 0.141
collision_height_m: 0.564
collision_head_radius_m: 0.17625
movement_type: MOVEMENT_PSYCHIC
movement_timer_s: 3
jump_time_s: 1
attack_timer_s: 8
stats {
base_stamina: 200
base_attack: 220
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cinematic_moves: EARTHQUAKE
cinematic_moves: PSYCHIC
cinematic_moves: DRAGON_PULSE
cinematic_moves: THUNDER
cinematic_moves: MOONBLAST
cinematic_moves: FIRE_BLAST
cinematic_moves: SOLAR_BEAM
cinematic_moves: HYPER_BEAM
animation_time: 2.6667
animation_time: 0.6667
animation_time: 1.6667
animation_time: 0.6667
animation_time: 0
animation_time: 2.6667
animation_time: 1.6667
animation_time: 2
evolution_pips: 1
pokedex_height_m: 0.4
pokedex_weight_kg: 4
height_std_dev: 0.05
weight_std_dev: 0.5
family_id: FAMILY_MEW
item_templates {
template_id: "V0200_MOVE_FURY_CUTTER_FAST"
move_settings {
movement_id: FURY_CUTTER_FAST
animation_id: 4
pokemon_type: POKEMON_TYPE_BUG
power: 3
accuracy_chance: 1
stamina_loss_scalar: 0.01
trainer_level_min: 1
trainer_level_max: 100
vfx_name: "fury_cutter_fast"
duration_ms: 400
damage_window_start_ms: 200
damage_window_end_ms: 400
energy_delta: 6
item_templates {
template_id: "V0201_MOVE_BUG_BITE_FAST"
move_settings {
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animation_id: 4
pokemon_type: POKEMON_TYPE_BUG
power: 5
accuracy_chance: 1
stamina_loss_scalar: 0.01
trainer_level_min: 1
trainer_level_max: 100
vfx_name: "bug_bite_fast"
duration_ms: 450
damage_window_start_ms: 250
damage_window_end_ms: 450
energy_delta: 7
item_templates {
template_id: "V0202_MOVE_BITE_FAST"
move_settings {
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animation_id: 4
pokemon_type: POKEMON_TYPE_DARK
power: 6
accuracy_chance: 1
stamina_loss_scalar: 0.01
trainer_level_min: 1
trainer_level_max: 100
vfx_name: "bite_fast"
duration_ms: 500
damage_window_start_ms: 300
damage_window_end_ms: 500
energy_delta: 7
item_templates {
template_id: "V0203_MOVE_SUCKER_PUNCH_FAST"
move_settings {
movement_id: SUCKER_PUNCH_FAST
animation_id: 4
pokemon_type: POKEMON_TYPE_DARK
power: 7
accuracy_chance: 1
stamina_loss_scalar: 0.01
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trainer_level_max: 100
vfx_name: "sucker_punch_fast"
duration_ms: 700
damage_window_start_ms: 500
damage_window_end_ms: 700
energy_delta: 9
item_templates {
template_id: "V0204_MOVE_DRAGON_BREATH_FAST"
move_settings {
animation_id: 4
power: 6
accuracy_chance: 1
stamina_loss_scalar: 0.01
trainer_level_min: 1
trainer_level_max: 100
vfx_name: "dragon_breath_fast"
duration_ms: 500
damage_window_start_ms: 300
damage_window_end_ms: 500
energy_delta: 7
item_templates {
template_id: "V0205_MOVE_THUNDER_SHOCK_FAST"
move_settings {
animation_id: 4
power: 5
accuracy_chance: 1
stamina_loss_scalar: 0.01
trainer_level_min: 1
trainer_level_max: 100
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duration_ms: 600
damage_window_start_ms: 400
damage_window_end_ms: 600
energy_delta: 8
item_templates {
template_id: "V0206_MOVE_SPARK_FAST"
move_settings {
movement_id: SPARK_FAST
animation_id: 4
power: 7
accuracy_chance: 1
stamina_loss_scalar: 0.01
trainer_level_min: 1
trainer_level_max: 100
vfx_name: "spark_fast"
duration_ms: 700
damage_window_start_ms: 500
damage_window_end_ms: 700
energy_delta: 8
item_templates {
template_id: "V0207_MOVE_LOW_KICK_FAST"
move_settings {
movement_id: LOW_KICK_FAST
animation_id: 4
power: 5
accuracy_chance: 1
stamina_loss_scalar: 0.01
trainer_level_min: 1
trainer_level_max: 100
vfx_name: "low_kick_fast"
duration_ms: 600
damage_window_start_ms: 400
damage_window_end_ms: 600
energy_delta: 7
item_templates {
template_id: "V0208_MOVE_KARATE_CHOP_FAST"
move_settings {
movement_id: KARATE_CHOP_FAST
animation_id: 4
power: 6
accuracy_chance: 1
stamina_loss_scalar: 0.01
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trainer_level_max: 100
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duration_ms: 800
damage_window_start_ms: 600
damage_window_end_ms: 800
energy_delta: 8
item_templates {
template_id: "V0209_MOVE_EMBER_FAST"
move_settings {
movement_id: EMBER_FAST
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pokemon_type: POKEMON_TYPE_FIRE
power: 10
accuracy_chance: 1
stamina_loss_scalar: 0.01
trainer_level_min: 1
trainer_level_max: 100
vfx_name: "ember_fast"
duration_ms: 1050
damage_window_start_ms: 850
damage_window_end_ms: 1050
energy_delta: 10
item_templates {
template_id: "V0210_MOVE_WING_ATTACK_FAST"
move_settings {
movement_id: WING_ATTACK_FAST
animation_id: 4
power: 9
accuracy_chance: 1
stamina_loss_scalar: 0.01
trainer_level_min: 1
trainer_level_max: 100
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duration_ms: 750
damage_window_start_ms: 550
damage_window_end_ms: 750
energy_delta: 7
item_templates {
template_id: "V0211_MOVE_PECK_FAST"
move_settings {
movement_id: PECK_FAST
animation_id: 4
power: 10
accuracy_chance: 1
stamina_loss_scalar: 0.01
trainer_level_min: 1
trainer_level_max: 100
vfx_name: "peck_fast"
duration_ms: 1150
damage_window_start_ms: 950
damage_window_end_ms: 1150
energy_delta: 10
item_templates {
template_id: "V0212_MOVE_LICK_FAST"
move_settings {
movement_id: LICK_FAST
animation_id: 4
pokemon_type: POKEMON_TYPE_GHOST
power: 5
accuracy_chance: 1
stamina_loss_scalar: 0.01
trainer_level_min: 1
trainer_level_max: 100
vfx_name: "lick_fast"
duration_ms: 500
damage_window_start_ms: 300
damage_window_end_ms: 500
energy_delta: 6
item_templates {
template_id: "V0213_MOVE_SHADOW_CLAW_FAST"
move_settings {
movement_id: SHADOW_CLAW_FAST
animation_id: 4
pokemon_type: POKEMON_TYPE_GHOST
power: 11
accuracy_chance: 1
stamina_loss_scalar: 0.01
trainer_level_min: 1
trainer_level_max: 100
vfx_name: "shadow_claw_fast"
duration_ms: 950
damage_window_start_ms: 750
damage_window_end_ms: 950
energy_delta: 8
item_templates {
template_id: "V0214_MOVE_VINE_WHIP_FAST"
move_settings {
movement_id: VINE_WHIP_FAST
animation_id: 4
pokemon_type: POKEMON_TYPE_GRASS
power: 7
accuracy_chance: 1
stamina_loss_scalar: 0.01
trainer_level_min: 1
trainer_level_max: 100
vfx_name: "vine_whip_fast"
duration_ms: 650
damage_window_start_ms: 450
damage_window_end_ms: 650
energy_delta: 7
item_templates {
template_id: "V0215_MOVE_RAZOR_LEAF_FAST"
move_settings {
movement_id: RAZOR_LEAF_FAST
animation_id: 4
pokemon_type: POKEMON_TYPE_GRASS
power: 15
accuracy_chance: 1
stamina_loss_scalar: 0.01
trainer_level_min: 1
trainer_level_max: 100
vfx_name: "razor_leaf_fast"
duration_ms: 1450
damage_window_start_ms: 1250
damage_window_end_ms: 1450
energy_delta: 12
item_templates {
template_id: "V0216_MOVE_MUD_SHOT_FAST"
move_settings {
movement_id: MUD_SHOT_FAST
animation_id: 4
power: 6
accuracy_chance: 1
stamina_loss_scalar: 0.01
trainer_level_min: 1
trainer_level_max: 100
vfx_name: "mud_shot_fast"
duration_ms: 550
damage_window_start_ms: 350
damage_window_end_ms: 550
energy_delta: 7
item_templates {
template_id: "V0217_MOVE_ICE_SHARD_FAST"
move_settings {
movement_id: ICE_SHARD_FAST
animation_id: 4
pokemon_type: POKEMON_TYPE_ICE
power: 15
accuracy_chance: 1
stamina_loss_scalar: 0.01
trainer_level_min: 1
trainer_level_max: 100
vfx_name: "ice_shard_fast"
duration_ms: 1400
damage_window_start_ms: 1200
damage_window_end_ms: 1400
energy_delta: 12
item_templates {
template_id: "V0218_MOVE_FROST_BREATH_FAST"
move_settings {
movement_id: FROST_BREATH_FAST
animation_id: 4
pokemon_type: POKEMON_TYPE_ICE
power: 9
accuracy_chance: 1
stamina_loss_scalar: 0.01
trainer_level_min: 1
trainer_level_max: 100
vfx_name: "frost_breath_fast"
duration_ms: 810
damage_window_start_ms: 610
damage_window_end_ms: 810
energy_delta: 7
item_templates {
template_id: "V0219_MOVE_QUICK_ATTACK_FAST"
move_settings {
movement_id: QUICK_ATTACK_FAST
animation_id: 4
power: 10
accuracy_chance: 1
stamina_loss_scalar: 0.01
trainer_level_min: 1
trainer_level_max: 100
vfx_name: "quick_attack_fast"
duration_ms: 1330
damage_window_start_ms: 1130
damage_window_end_ms: 1330
energy_delta: 12
item_templates {
template_id: "V0220_MOVE_SCRATCH_FAST"
move_settings {
movement_id: SCRATCH_FAST
animation_id: 4
power: 6
accuracy_chance: 1
stamina_loss_scalar: 0.01
trainer_level_min: 1
trainer_level_max: 100
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duration_ms: 500
damage_window_start_ms: 300
damage_window_end_ms: 500
energy_delta: 7
item_templates {
template_id: "V0221_MOVE_TACKLE_FAST"
move_settings {
movement_id: TACKLE_FAST
animation_id: 4
power: 12
accuracy_chance: 1
stamina_loss_scalar: 0.01
trainer_level_min: 1
trainer_level_max: 100
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duration_ms: 1100
damage_window_start_ms: 900
damage_window_end_ms: 1100
energy_delta: 10
item_templates {
template_id: "V0222_MOVE_POUND_FAST"
move_settings {
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animation_id: 4
power: 7
accuracy_chance: 1
stamina_loss_scalar: 0.01
trainer_level_min: 1
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duration_ms: 540
damage_window_start_ms: 340
damage_window_end_ms: 540
energy_delta: 7
item_templates {
template_id: "V0223_MOVE_CUT_FAST"
move_settings {
movement_id: CUT_FAST
animation_id: 4
power: 12
accuracy_chance: 1
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duration_ms: 1130
damage_window_start_ms: 930
damage_window_end_ms: 1130
energy_delta: 10
item_templates {
template_id: "V0224_MOVE_POISON_JAB_FAST"
move_settings {
movement_id: POISON_JAB_FAST
animation_id: 4
power: 12
accuracy_chance: 1
stamina_loss_scalar: 0.01
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interpolation: CAM_INTERP_LINEAR
interpolation: CAM_INTERP_LINEAR
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transition_seconds: 0.9
transition_seconds: 0.4
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pitch_degree: 10
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pitch_offset_degree: 0
pitch_offset_degree: 0
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roll_degree: 0
roll_degree: 0
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interpolation: CAM_INTERP_LINEAR
interpolation: CAM_INTERP_CUT
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east_out_speed: 0.5
east_out_speed: 0.5
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duration_seconds: 0.57
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duration_seconds: 1.6
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wait_seconds: 0
wait_seconds: 0
wait_seconds: 0
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transition_seconds: 0.5
transition_seconds: 0.25
transition_seconds: 0
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pitch_degree: 5
pitch_degree: 20
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pitch_offset_degree: 0
pitch_offset_degree: 0
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roll_degree: 0
roll_degree: 0
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distance_meters: 2
distance_meters: 4
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height_percent: 0
height_percent: 0
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vert_ctr_ratio: 0.75
vert_ctr_ratio: 0.5
vert_ctr_ratio: 0.75
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interpolation: CAM_INTERP_LINEAR
interpolation: CAM_INTERP_CUT
interpolation: CAM_INTERP_LINEAR
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ease_in_speed: 0.5
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ease_in_speed: 0.5
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east_out_speed: 0.5
east_out_speed: 0.5
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wait_seconds: 0
wait_seconds: 0
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transition_seconds: 1
transition_seconds: 0.15
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angle_offset_degree: 0
angle_offset_degree: 0
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pitch_degree: 20
pitch_degree: 20
pitch_offset_degree: 0
pitch_offset_degree: 0
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roll_degree: 0
roll_degree: 0
roll_degree: 0
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distance_meters: 4
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height_percent: 0
height_percent: 0
height_percent: 0
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vert_ctr_ratio: 0.5
vert_ctr_ratio: 1
vert_ctr_ratio: 0.5
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ease_in_speed: 0.5
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wait_seconds: 0
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transition_seconds: 0.15
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angle_degree: -120
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pitch_degree: 0
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height_percent: 0.15
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item_templates {
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interpolation: CAM_INTERP_LINEAR
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transition_seconds: 0.5
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roll_degree: 0
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distance_meters: 3
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height_percent: 0
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interpolation: CAM_INTERP_LINEAR
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transition_seconds: 0.5
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interpolation: CAM_INTERP_LINEAR
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transition_seconds: 0.5
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transition_seconds: 1.75
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interpolation: CAM_INTERP_LINEAR
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angle_offset_degree: 5
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angle_offset_degree: 5
angle_offset_degree: 5
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pitch_degree: 10
pitch_degree: 10
pitch_degree: 10
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pitch_degree: 10
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interpolation: CAM_INTERP_LINEAR
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pitch_degree: 10
pitch_degree: 10
pitch_degree: 10
pitch_degree: 10
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interpolation: CAM_INTERP_LINEAR
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interpolation: CAM_INTERP_LINEAR
interpolation: CAM_INTERP_LINEAR
interpolation: CAM_INTERP_LINEAR
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ease_in_speed: 0
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wait_seconds: 0
wait_seconds: 0
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transition_seconds: 0.6
transition_seconds: 0.55
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angle_offset_degree: 0
angle_offset_degree: 0
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pitch_degree: 15
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pitch_offset_degree: 0
pitch_offset_degree: -5
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roll_degree: 0
roll_degree: 0
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distance_meters: 3
distance_meters: 3
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height_percent: 0
height_percent: 0
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vert_ctr_ratio: 1
vert_ctr_ratio: 1
item_templates {
template_id: "camera_shadowsneakenter"
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transition_seconds: 0.5
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pitch_degree: 25
pitch_offset_degree: 0
roll_degree: 0
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item_templates {
template_id: "camera_shoot"
camera {
interpolation: CAM_INTERP_CUT
interpolation: CAM_INTERP_LINEAR
ease_in_speed: 0.5
ease_in_speed: 0.5
east_out_speed: 0.5
east_out_speed: 0.5
duration_seconds: 0
duration_seconds: 2
wait_seconds: 0
wait_seconds: 0
transition_seconds: 0
transition_seconds: 0.25
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angle_degree: 180
angle_offset_degree: 0
angle_offset_degree: 0
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pitch_degree: 5
pitch_offset_degree: 0
pitch_offset_degree: 0
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roll_degree: 0
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distance_meters: -1
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height_percent: 0
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vert_ctr_ratio: 1
item_templates {
template_id: "camera_signalbeam"
camera {
interpolation: CAM_INTERP_LINEAR
ease_in_speed: 0.5
east_out_speed: 0.5
duration_seconds: 5
wait_seconds: 0.85
transition_seconds: 0.25
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pitch_degree: 10
pitch_offset_degree: 0
roll_degree: 0
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item_templates {
template_id: "camera_signalbeamenter"
camera {
interpolation: CAM_INTERP_CUT
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duration_seconds: 5
wait_seconds: 0
transition_seconds: 0.5
angle_degree: -20
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pitch_degree: 20
pitch_offset_degree: 0
roll_degree: 0
distance_meters: 0
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vert_ctr_ratio: 1
item_templates {
template_id: "camera_sludgebomb"
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interpolation: CAM_INTERP_LINEAR
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east_out_speed: 0.5
duration_seconds: 5
wait_seconds: 0.25
transition_seconds: 0.75
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pitch_degree: 5
pitch_offset_degree: 0
roll_degree: 0
distance_meters: 3
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vert_ctr_ratio: 0.85
item_templates {
template_id: "camera_sludgewave"
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transition_seconds: 1
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pitch_degree: 10
pitch_offset_degree: 0
roll_degree: 0
distance_meters: 2
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item_templates {
template_id: "camera_solarbeam"
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interpolation: CAM_INTERP_LINEAR
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transition_seconds: 0.83
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angle_offset_degree: 0
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pitch_offset_degree: 0
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roll_degree: 0
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distance_meters: 4
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height_percent: 0
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template_id: "camera_solarbeam_leader_player_left_"
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interpolation: CAM_INTERP_LINEAR
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east_out_speed: 0
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wait_seconds: 0.25
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transition_seconds: 0.83
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roll_degree: 0
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height_percent: 0
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interpolation: CAM_INTERP_LINEAR
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wait_seconds: 0.25
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transition_seconds: 0.83
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angle_degree: -145
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roll_degree: 0
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height_percent: 0
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interpolation: CAM_INTERP_LINEAR
interpolation: CAM_INTERP_LINEAR
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east_out_speed: 0
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duration_seconds: 5
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wait_seconds: 0.25
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transition_seconds: 0.83
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height_percent: 0
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item_templates {
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interpolation: CAM_INTERP_LINEAR
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wait_seconds: 0.25
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transition_seconds: 0.83
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item_templates {
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interpolation: CAM_INTERP_LINEAR
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transition_seconds: 0.5
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angle_degree: -150
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transition_seconds: 0.5
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interpolation: CAM_INTERP_LINEAR
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wait_seconds: 0
wait_seconds: 1.16
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transition_seconds: 0.33
transition_seconds: 0.5
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angle_offset_degree: -5
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pitch_degree: 10
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transition_seconds: 0.5
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wait_seconds: 0
transition_seconds: 0.4
transition_seconds: 0.17
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item_templates {
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transition_seconds: 0.35
transition_seconds: 0.15
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angle_degree: -20
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wait_seconds: 0
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transition_seconds: 0.1
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vert_ctr_ratio: 1
item_templates {
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wait_seconds: 0
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angle_offset_degree: 0
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distance_meters: 0.15
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transition_seconds: 0.2
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distance_meters: 0.25
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transition_seconds: 0.75
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wait_seconds: 0
wait_seconds: 0
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transition_seconds: 0.25
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transition_seconds: 0.1
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transition_seconds: 0.1
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transition_seconds: 0.1
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angle_degree: -155
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transition_seconds: 0.1
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height_percent: 0
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item_templates {
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interpolation: CAM_INTERP_CUT
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ease_in_speed: 0.5
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transition_seconds: 0.38
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interpolation: CAM_INTERP_LINEAR
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item_templates {
template_id: "sequence_acid_fast"
move_sequence_settings {
sequence: "anim attacker atk-move"
sequence: "f2fvfx attacker acid_fast"
sequence: "sfx attacker 051-0_acid"
sequence: "wait 0.15"
sequence: "vfx defender acid_fast_hit"
sequence: "anim defender damageS01"
sequence: "wait 0.35"
sequence: "sys ui-sync"
sequence: "sys complete"
item_templates {
template_id: "sequence_aerial_ace"
move_sequence_settings {
sequence: "anim attacker atk-move"
sequence: "wait 0.733"
sequence: "cam AerialAce_ATKR_DFND_"
sequence: "background attacker 0.5/0.75/1.0/0.0"
sequence: "vfx camera camera_diagonal_vignette"
sequence: "f2fvfx defender aerial_ace"
sequence: "sfx attacker 332-0_aerial_ace"
sequence: "wait 0.6"
sequence: "anim defender damageS01"
sequence: "wait 0.4"
sequence: "anim defender damageS01"
sequence: "reset_background attacker 0.5/0.75/1.0/0.0"
sequence: "wait 0.25"
sequence: "cam CutFromDefender_ATKR_DFND_"
sequence: "sys ui-sync"
sequence: "sys complete"
item_templates {
template_id: "sequence_air_cutter"
move_sequence_settings {
sequence: "vfx camera camera_horizontal_vignette_3s"
sequence: "cam DefaultAttack_ATKR_DFND_"
sequence: "wait 0.25"
sequence: "background attacker 0.0/0.25/0.5/0.5"
sequence: "anim attacker atk-move"
sequence: "event"
sequence: "cam AirCutter_ATKR_DFND_"
sequence: "vfx attacker air_cutter_ground"
sequence: "sfx attacker 314-0_air_cutter"
sequence: "wait 0.5"
sequence: "f2fvfx attacker air_cutter_emit"
sequence: "vfx defender air_cutter_hit"
sequence: "wait 0.5"
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sequence: "wait 1.0"
sequence: "reset_background attacker 0.0/0.25/0.5/0.5"
sequence: "wait 0.5"
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sequence: "sys complete"
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sequence: "vfx camera camera_horizontal_vignette_4s"
sequence: "cam EnterBehindAttackerFarAway_ATKR_DFND_"
sequence: "anim attacker atk-move"
sequence: "background attacker 0.5/0.2/0.5/0.25"
sequence: "event"
sequence: "cam AncientPower_ATKR_DFND_"
sequence: "f2fvfx attacker ancient_power"
sequence: "sfx attacker 246-0_ancient_power"
sequence: "wait 2.1"
sequence: "vfx defender ancient_power_hit"
sequence: "wait 0.15"
sequence: "shake SideToSide/0.45"
sequence: "anim defender damageS01"
sequence: "reset_background attacker 0.5/0.2/0.5/0.25"
sequence: "wait 1.0"
sequence: "cam CutFromDefender_ATKR_DFND_"
sequence: "sys ui-sync"
sequence: "sys complete"
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sequence: "vfx camera camera_horizontal_vignette_3s"
sequence: "cam AquaJetEnter_ATKR_DFND_"
sequence: "anim attacker atk-move"
sequence: "event"
sequence: "vfx attacker aqua_jet_emit"
sequence: "vfx defender aqua_jet_hit"
sequence: "sfx attacker 453-0_aqua_jet"
sequence: "cam AquaJet_ATKR_DFND_"
sequence: "wait 0.2"
sequence: "hide attacker"
sequence: "wait 0.667"
sequence: "anim defender damageS01"
sequence: "wait 0.7"
sequence: "unhide attacker"
sequence: "wait 0.8"
sequence: "sys ui-sync"
sequence: "sys complete"
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sequence: "vfx camera camera_horizontal_vignette_3s"
sequence: "cam EnterBehindAttacker_ATKR_DFND_"
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sequence: "event"
sequence: "background attacker 0.0/0.25/1.0/0.0"
sequence: "vfx attacker aqua_tail_origin"
sequence: "sfx attacker 401-0_aqua_tail"
sequence: "wait 0.35"
sequence: "cam PunchHit_ATKR_DFND_"
sequence: "f2fvfx defender aqua_tail"
sequence: "wait 0.3"
sequence: "shake UpDown/0.67/0.5"
sequence: "anim defender damageS01"
sequence: "wait 0.5"
sequence: "reset_background attacker 0.0/0.25/1.0/0.0"
sequence: "wait 1.0"
sequence: "cam CutFromDefender_ATKR_DFND_"
sequence: "sys ui-sync"
sequence: "sys complete"
item_templates {
template_id: "sequence_bite_fast"
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sequence: "anim attacker atk-move"
sequence: "f2fvfx defender bite_fast"
sequence: "wait 0.25"
sequence: "sfx attacker 044-0_bite"
sequence: "wait 0.25"
sequence: "sfx attacker 044-0_bite"
sequence: "anim defender damageS01"
sequence: "sys ui-sync"
sequence: "sys complete"
item_templates {
template_id: "sequence_blizzard"
move_sequence_settings {
sequence: "vfx camera camera_horizontal_vignette_1s"
sequence: "cam FaceAttackerTilt_ATKR_DFND_"
sequence: "anim attacker atk-move"
sequence: "event"
sequence: "vfx attacker blizzard"
sequence: "vfx camera blizzard_camera_ice"
sequence: "sfx attacker 059-0_blizzard"
sequence: "background attacker 1.0/1.0/1.0/0.25"
sequence: "wait 1.0"
sequence: "cam CutToFaceDefender_ATKR_DFND_"
sequence: "vfx defender blizzard_hit"
sequence: "wait 1.0"
sequence: "anim defender damageS01"
sequence: "reset_background attacker 1.0/1.0/1.0/0.25"
sequence: "wait 1.0"
sequence: "cam CutFromDefender_ATKR_DFND_"
sequence: "sys ui-sync"
sequence: "sys complete"
item_templates {
template_id: "sequence_body_slam"
move_sequence_settings {
sequence: "vfx camera camera_horizontal_vignette_2s"
sequence: "cam DefaultAttack_ATKR_DFND_"
sequence: "anim attacker atk-move"
sequence: "sfx attacker 034-0_body_slam"
sequence: "sink attacker -4/12"
sequence: "wait 0.5"
sequence: "cam PanToDefender_ATKR_DFND_"
sequence: "anim attacker atk-move"
sequence: "wait 0.2"
sequence: "vfx camera camera_speed_lines_short_lower_center"
sequence: "vfx defender body_slam_hit"
sequence: "squish defender 0.5"
sequence: "anim defender damageS01"
sequence: "shake UpDown/1.0/1.0/1.0"
sequence: "wait 0.5"
sequence: "sink attacker 0.0/8"
sequence: "anim defender damageS01"
sequence: "wait 1.0"
sequence: "sys ui-sync"
sequence: "sys complete"
item_templates {
template_id: "sequence_bone_club"
move_sequence_settings {
sequence: "vfx camera camera_horizontal_vignette_2s"
sequence: "cam DefaultAttack_ATKR_DFND_"
sequence: "anim attacker atk-move"
sequence: "event"
sequence: "cam PanToDefender_ATKR_DFND_"
sequence: "f2fvfx defender bone_club"
sequence: "sfx attacker 125-0_bone_club"
sequence: "wait 0.5"
sequence: "shake UpDown/0.5/1.0"
sequence: "anim defender damageS01"
sequence: "sfx attacker 033-0_tackle"
sequence: "wait 1.0"
sequence: "sys ui-sync"
sequence: "sys complete"
item_templates {
template_id: "sequence_brick_break"
move_sequence_settings {
sequence: "vfx camera camera_horizontal_vignette_2s"
sequence: "cam DefaultAttack_ATKR_DFND_"
sequence: "anim attacker atk-move"
sequence: "event"
sequence: "cam BrickBreak_ATKR_DFND_"
sequence: "f2fvfx defender brick_break"
sequence: "sfx attacker 280-0_brick_break"
sequence: "wait 0.35"
sequence: "anim defender damageS01"
sequence: "shake UpDown/0.5/0.5/2.0"
sequence: "wait 0.5"
sequence: "sys ui-sync"
sequence: "sys complete"
item_templates {
template_id: "sequence_brine"
move_sequence_settings {
sequence: "vfx camera camera_horizontal_vignette_3s"
sequence: "cam DefaultAttack_ATKR_DFND_"
sequence: "anim attacker atk-move"
sequence: "event"
sequence: "f2fvfx attacker brine"
sequence: "sfx attacker 362-0_brine"
sequence: "cam FollowArcingProjectile_ATKR_DFND_"
sequence: "wait 0.75"
sequence: "vfx defender brine_hit"
sequence: "shake UpDown/0.5/1.0"
sequence: "anim defender damageS01"
sequence: "wait 1.0"
sequence: "sys ui-sync"
sequence: "sys complete"
item_templates {
template_id: "sequence_bubble_beam"
move_sequence_settings {
sequence: "vfx camera camera_horizontal_vignette_3s"
sequence: "cam EnterFaceAttacker_ATKR_DFND_"
sequence: "anim attacker atk-move"
sequence: "event"
sequence: "f2fvfx attacker bubble_beam"
sequence: "sfx attacker 061-0_bubble_beam"
sequence: "wait 0.74"
sequence: "cam CutToFaceDefender_ATKR_DFND_"
sequence: "shake BubbleBeam"
sequence: "wait 0.26"
sequence: "f2fvfx defender bubble_beam_hit"
sequence: "vfx camera bubble_beam_camera"
sequence: "wait 0.66"
sequence: "anim defender damageS01"
sequence: "wait 0.5"
sequence: "cam CutFromDefender_ATKR_DFND_"
sequence: "sys ui-sync"
sequence: "sys complete"
item_templates {
template_id: "sequence_bubble_fast"
move_sequence_settings {
sequence: "anim attacker atk-move"
sequence: "f2fvfx attacker bubble_fast_emit"
sequence: "wait 0.65"
sequence: "vfx defender bubble_fast_hit"
sequence: "anim defender damageS01"
sequence: "sfx attacker 061-0_bubble_beam"
sequence: "wait 0.25"
sequence: "sys ui-sync"
sequence: "sys complete"
item_templates {
template_id: "sequence_bug_bite_fast"
move_sequence_settings {
sequence: "anim attacker atk-move"
sequence: "f2fvfx defender bug_bite_fast"
sequence: "sfx attacker 450-0_bug_bite"
sequence: "wait 0.15"
sequence: "anim defender damageS01"
sequence: "wait 0.35"
sequence: "sys ui-sync"
sequence: "sys complete"
item_templates {
template_id: "sequence_bug_buzz"
move_sequence_settings {
sequence: "vfx camera camera_horizontal_vignette_4s"
sequence: "cam DefaultAttack_ATKR_DFND_"
sequence: "anim attacker atk-move"
sequence: "event"
sequence: "background attacker 0.0/0.0/0.0/0.5"
sequence: "vfx attacker bug_buzz_waist:Origin/Waist"
sequence: "sfx attacker 405-0_bug_buzz"
sequence: "wait 0.25"
sequence: "f2fvfx attacker bug_buzz"
sequence: "wait 0.72"
sequence: "cam EnterFaceDefender_ATKR_DFND_"
sequence: "wait 0.33"
sequence: "anim defender damageS01"
sequence: "wait 1.0"
sequence: "reset_background attacker 0.0/0.0/0.0/0.5"
sequence: "wait 1.2"
sequence: "cam CutFromDefender_ATKR_DFND_"
sequence: "sys ui-sync"
sequence: "sys complete"
item_templates {
template_id: "sequence_bulldoze"
move_sequence_settings {
sequence: "vfx camera camera_horizontal_vignette_5s"
sequence: "cam Overhead_ATKR_DFND_"
sequence: "anim attacker atk-move"
sequence: "wait 0.75"
sequence: "background attacker 0.5/0.4/0.2/0.0"
sequence: "shake UpDown/2.4/1.5"
sequence: "vfx attacker bulldoze"
sequence: "sfx attacker 523-0_bulldoze"
sequence: "wait 1.0"
sequence: "anim defender damageS01"
sequence: "wait 0.5"
sequence: "reset_background attacker 0.5/0.4/0.2/0.0"
sequence: "wait 1.8"
sequence: "sys ui-sync"
sequence: "sys complete"
item_templates {
template_id: "sequence_bullet_punch_fast"
move_sequence_settings {
sequence: "anim attacker atk-move"
sequence: "wait 0.25"
sequence: "anim defender damageS01"
sequence: "f2fvfx defender bullet_punch_fast"
sequence: "sfx attacker 418-0_bullet_punch"
sequence: "wait 0.25"
sequence: "sys ui-sync"
sequence: "sys complete"
item_templates {
template_id: "sequence_confusion_fast"
move_sequence_settings {
sequence: "anim attacker atk-move"
sequence: "f2fvfx attacker confusion_fast_emit"
sequence: "wait 0.5"
sequence: "vfx defender confusion_fast_hit"
sequence: "anim defender damageS01"
sequence: "sfx attacker 466-0_ominous_wind"
sequence: "wait 0.25"
sequence: "sys ui-sync"
sequence: "sys complete"
item_templates {
template_id: "sequence_cross_chop"
move_sequence_settings {
sequence: "vfx camera camera_horizontal_vignette_3s"
sequence: "cam EnterFaceDefender_ATKR_DFND_"
sequence: "anim attacker atk-move"
sequence: "event"
sequence: "f2fvfx defender cross_chop"
sequence: "sfx attacker 238-0_cross_chop"
sequence: "wait 0.25"
sequence: "shake Medium/0.5/0.5/0.5"
sequence: "anim defender damageS01"
sequence: "wait 1.0"
sequence: "cam CutFromDefender_ATKR_DFND_"
sequence: "sys ui-sync"
sequence: "sys complete"
item_templates {
template_id: "sequence_cross_poison"
move_sequence_settings {
sequence: "vfx camera camera_horizontal_vignette_2s"
sequence: "cam DefaultAttack_ATKR_DFND_"
sequence: "anim attacker atk-move"
sequence: "event"
sequence: "wait 0.25"
sequence: "f2fvfx defender cross_poison"
sequence: "sfx attacker 440-0_cross_poison"
sequence: "wait 0.25"
sequence: "shake SideToSide/0.2/0.5"
sequence: "anim defender damageS01"
sequence: "silhouette defender 0.6/0.0/1.0/0.0"
sequence: "wait 0.25"
sequence: "reset_silhouette defender 0.6/0.0/1.0/0.0"
sequence: "wait 0.75"
sequence: "sys ui-sync"
sequence: "sys complete"
item_templates {
template_id: "sequence_cut_fast"
move_sequence_settings {
sequence: "anim attacker atk-move"
sequence: "sfx attacker 015-0_cut"
sequence: "wait 0.15"
sequence: "f2fvfx defender cut_fast"
sequence: "wait 0.15"
sequence: "anim defender damageS01"
sequence: "wait 0.2"
sequence: "sys ui-sync"
sequence: "sys complete"
item_templates {
template_id: "sequence_dark_pulse"
move_sequence_settings {
sequence: "vfx camera camera_horizontal_vignette_4s"
sequence: "cam EnterFaceAttacker_ATKR_DFND_"
sequence: "background attacker 0.5/0.0/0.5/0.5"
sequence: "wait 0.25"
sequence: "vfx attacker dark_pulse_waist:Origin/Waist"
sequence: "vfx attacker dark_pulse_origin"
sequence: "sfx attacker 399-0_dark_pulse"
sequence: "wait 0.1"
sequence: "anim attacker atk-move"
sequence: "wait 0.66"
sequence: "cam PanToDefender_ATKR_DFND_"
sequence: "f2fvfx attacker dark_pulse"
sequence: "wait 0.2"
sequence: "f2fvfx defender dark_pulse_hit"
sequence: "anim defender damageS01"
sequence: "wait 0.6"
sequence: "anim defender damageS01"
sequence: "wait 0.6"
sequence: "reset_background attacker 0.5/0.0/0.5/0.5"
sequence: "wait 1.0"
sequence: "sys ui-sync"
sequence: "sys complete"
item_templates {
template_id: "sequence_dazzling_gleam"
move_sequence_settings {
sequence: "anim attacker atk-move"
sequence: "wait 0.6"
sequence: "cam EnterFaceAttacker_ATKR_DFND_"
sequence: "wait 0.5"
sequence: "background attacker 1.0/1.0/1.0/0.0"
sequence: "silhouette attacker 1.0/1.0/1.0/0.1"
sequence: "f2fvfx attacker dazzling_gleam_emit"
sequence: "vfx defender dazzling_gleam_hit"
sequence: "vfx camera dazzling_gleam_camera"
sequence: "sfx attacker 605-0_dazzling_gleam"
sequence: "wait 0.5"
sequence: "cam DefaultAttack_ATKR_DFND_"
sequence: "reset_silhouette attacker 1.0/1.0/1.0/0.1"
sequence: "wait 1.5"
sequence: "anim defender damageS01"
sequence: "wait 1.0"
sequence: "reset_background attacker 0.2/0.2/0.2/0.0"
sequence: "wait 0.5"
sequence: "sys ui-sync"
sequence: "sys complete"
item_templates {
template_id: "sequence_default"
move_sequence_settings {
sequence: "anim attacker atk-move"
sequence: "wait 1.0"
sequence: "anim defender damageS01"
sequence: "sys ui-sync"
sequence: "wait 1.0"
sequence: "sys complete"
item_templates {
template_id: "sequence_dig"
move_sequence_settings {
sequence: "vfx camera camera_horizontal_vignette_5s"
sequence: "cam DefaultAttack_ATKR_DFND_"
sequence: "anim attacker atk-move"
sequence: "wait 1.0"
sequence: "dscvfx attacker dig_burrow"
sequence: "sfx attacker 091-0_dig"
sequence: "sink attacker 1.5"
sequence: "shake Medium/1.15/0.25"
sequence: "wait 1.5"
sequence: "dscvfx attacker dig_attack"
sequence: "sfx attacker 091-1_dig"
sequence: "wait 1.0"
sequence: "anim defender damageS01"
sequence: "dscvfx defender dig_hit_ground"
sequence: "sink attacker 0.0"
sequence: "wait 1.0"
sequence: "sys ui-sync"
sequence: "sys complete"
item_templates {
template_id: "sequence_disarming_voice"
move_sequence_settings {
sequence: "vfx camera camera_horizontal_vignette_5s"
sequence: "cam EnterFaceAttacker_ATKR_DFND_"
sequence: "background attacker 1.0/0.5/0.5/0.5"
sequence: "wait 0.6"
sequence: "anim attacker atk-move"
sequence: "event"
sequence: "f2fvfx attacker disarming_voice"
sequence: "sfx attacker 574-0_disarming_voice"
sequence: "wait 0.5"
sequence: "cam PanToFaceDefender_ATKR_DFND_"
sequence: "wait 1.5"
sequence: "anim defender damageS01"
sequence: "wait 0.5"
sequence: "reset_background attacker 1.0/0.5/0.5/0.5"
sequence: "wait 1.0"
sequence: "cam CutFromDefender_ATKR_DFND_"
sequence: "sys ui-sync"
sequence: "sys complete"
item_templates {
template_id: "sequence_discharge"
move_sequence_settings {
sequence: "vfx camera camera_horizontal_vignette_1s"
sequence: "cam EnterFaceAttacker_ATKR_DFND_"
sequence: "background attacker 1.0/0.9/0.6/0.5"
sequence: "anim attacker atk-move"
sequence: "event"
sequence: "vfx attacker discharge_waist:Origin/Waist"
sequence: "sfx attacker 435-0_discharge"
sequence: "wait 0.5"
sequence: "cam PanToDefender_ATKR_DFND_"
sequence: "wait 0.5"
sequence: "shake SideToSide/0.2/0.25/0.75"
sequence: "anim defender damageS01"
sequence: "reset_silhouette defender 1.0/1.0/1.0/0.0"
sequence: "vfx defender discharge_hit_waist:Origin/Waist"
sequence: "vfx camera camera_electric"
sequence: "reset_background attacker 1.0/0.9/0.6/0.5"
sequence: "wait 1.0"
sequence: "sys ui-sync"
sequence: "sys complete"
item_templates {
template_id: "sequence_dragon_breath_fast"
move_sequence_settings {
sequence: "anim attacker atk-move"
sequence: "f2fvfx attacker dragon_breath_fast"
sequence: "sfx attacker 225-0_dragon_breath"
sequence: "shake DragonBreath"
sequence: "wait 0.25"
sequence: "anim defender damageS01"
sequence: "wait 0.25"
sequence: "sys ui-sync"
sequence: "sys complete"
item_templates {
template_id: "sequence_dragon_claw"
move_sequence_settings {
sequence: "vfx camera camera_horizontal_vignette_2s"
sequence: "cam DefaultAttack_ATKR_DFND_"
sequence: "vfx attacker dragon_claw_charge"
sequence: "sfx attacker 337-0_dragon_claw"
sequence: "wait 0.25"
sequence: "background attacker 0.0/0.0/0.0/0.5"
sequence: "anim attacker atk-move"
sequence: "event"
sequence: "f2fvfx defender dragon_claw"
sequence: "wait 0.15"
sequence: "shake SideToSide/0.333/1.5"
sequence: "anim defender damageS01"
sequence: "reset_background attacker 0.0/0.0/0.0/0.5"
sequence: "wait 0.5"
sequence: "sys ui-sync"
sequence: "sys complete"
item_templates {
template_id: "sequence_dragon_pulse"
move_sequence_settings {
sequence: "vfx camera camera_horizontal_vignette_4s"
sequence: "cam EnterFaceAttacker_ATKR_DFND_"
sequence: "background attacker 0.0/0.0/0.0/0.5"
sequence: "f2fvfx attacker dragon_pulse_charge_up"
sequence: "sfx attacker 406-0_dragon_pulse"
sequence: "wait 0.84"
sequence: "shake SideToSide/0.66/0.5"
sequence: "anim attacker atk-move"
sequence: "wait 0.16"
sequence: "cam DefaultAttack_ATKR_DFND_"
sequence: "wait 0.25"
sequence: "vfx attacker dragon_pulse_ground"
sequence: "f2fvfx attacker dragon_pulse"
sequence: "wait 0.25"
sequence: "f2fvfx defender dragon_pulse_hit"
sequence: "shake UpDown/1.66/1.5"
sequence: "wait 0.25"
sequence: "anim defender damageS01"
sequence: "wait 0.33"
sequence: "anim defender damageS01"
sequence: "wait 0.33"
sequence: "anim defender damageS01"
sequence: "wait 0.5"
sequence: "reset_background attacker 0.0/0.0/0.0/0.5"
sequence: "wait 0.5"
sequence: "sys ui-sync"
sequence: "sys complete"
item_templates {
template_id: "sequence_draining_kiss"
move_sequence_settings {
sequence: "vfx camera camera_horizontal_vignette_1s"
sequence: "cam DefaultAttack_ATKR_DFND_"
sequence: "anim attacker atk-move"
sequence: "event"
sequence: "f2fvfx defender draining_kiss"
sequence: "sfx attacker 577-0_draining_kiss"
sequence: "anim defender damageS01"
sequence: "wait 0.3"
sequence: "f2fvfx attacker draining_kiss_projectile"
sequence: "wait 0.7"
sequence: "sys ui-sync"
sequence: "sys complete"
item_templates {
template_id: "sequence_drill_peck"
move_sequence_settings {
sequence: "vfx camera camera_horizontal_vignette_2s"
sequence: "cam EnterBehindAttacker_ATKR_DFND_"
sequence: "anim attacker atk-move"
sequence: "event"
sequence: "cam PunchHit_ATKR_DFND_"
sequence: "vfx attacker speed_lines_short"
sequence: "wait 0.15"
sequence: "f2fvfx defender drill_peck"
sequence: "sfx attacker 065-0_drill_peck"
sequence: "anim defender damageS01"
sequence: "wait 0.33"
sequence: "anim defender damageS01"
sequence: "wait 0.33"
sequence: "anim defender damageS01"
sequence: "wait 0.5"
sequence: "cam CutFromDefender_ATKR_DFND_"
sequence: "sys ui-sync"
sequence: "sys complete"
item_templates {
template_id: "sequence_drill_run"
move_sequence_settings {
sequence: "vfx camera camera_horizontal_vignette_4s"
sequence: "cam DrillRun_ATKR_DFND_"
sequence: "background attacker 0.5/0.4/0.2/0.5"
sequence: "anim attacker atk-move"
sequence: "spin attacker 0.7"
sequence: "sfx attacker 529-0_drill_run"
sequence: "wait 0.5"
sequence: "scale attacker 0.0001"
sequence: "vfx attacker drill_run_emit"
sequence: "vfx defender drill_run_hit"
sequence: "wait 0.833"
sequence: "shake DrillRun"
sequence: "anim defender damageS01"
sequence: "reset_background attacker 1.0/1.0/0.75/0.0"
sequence: "wait 1.0"
sequence: "scale attacker 1.0"
sequence: "wait 1.0"
sequence: "cam CutFromDefender_ATKR_DFND_"
sequence: "sys ui-sync"
sequence: "sys complete"
item_templates {
template_id: "sequence_earthquake"
move_sequence_settings {
sequence: "vfx camera camera_horizontal_vignette_4s"
sequence: "cam Overhead_ATKR_DFND_"
sequence: "anim attacker atk-move"
sequence: "event"
sequence: "background attacker 0.2/0.15/0.1/0.0"
sequence: "vfx attacker earthquake"
sequence: "sfx attacker 089-0_earthquake"
sequence: "wait 0.5"
sequence: "shake Earthquake"
sequence: "wait 1.0"
sequence: "anim defender damageS01"
sequence: "wait 0.25"
sequence: "reset_background attacker 0.2/0.15/0.1/0.0"
sequence: "sys ui-sync"
sequence: "wait 1.5"
sequence: "sys complete"
item_templates {
template_id: "sequence_ember_fast"
move_sequence_settings {
sequence: "anim attacker atk-move"
sequence: "sfx attacker 052-0_ember"
sequence: "wait 0.1"
sequence: "f2fvfx attacker ember_fast"
sequence: "wait 0.4"
sequence: "f2fvfx defender ember_fast_hit"
sequence: "anim defender damageS01"
sequence: "sys ui-sync"
sequence: "sys complete"
item_templates {
template_id: "sequence_feint_attack_fast"
move_sequence_settings {
sequence: "anim attacker atk-move"
sequence: "f2fvfx attacker tackle_fast"
sequence: "wait 0.65"
sequence: "vfx defender feint_attack_fast"
sequence: "anim defender damageS01"
sequence: "sfx attacker 399-0_dark_pulse"
sequence: "wait 0.25"
sequence: "sys ui-sync"
sequence: "sys complete"
item_templates {
template_id: "sequence_fire_blast"
move_sequence_settings {
sequence: "vfx camera camera_horizontal_vignette_4s"
sequence: "cam EnterFaceAttacker_ATKR_DFND_"
sequence: "sfx attacker 126-0_fire_blast"
sequence: "background attacker 0.0/0.0/0.0/0.0"
sequence: "wait 0.5"
sequence: "anim attacker atk-move"
sequence: "event"
sequence: "cam FireBlast_ATKR_DFND_"
sequence: "f2fvfx attacker fire_blast"
sequence: "wait 0.15"
sequence: "reset_background attacker 1.0/0.9/0.8/0.0"
sequence: "wait 0.15"
sequence: "background attacker 1.0/0.0/0.0/0.5"
sequence: "wait 1.5"
sequence: "shake UpDown/1.25/0.5"
sequence: "vfx camera camera_speed_lines_short"
sequence: "wait 0.2"
sequence: "anim defender damageS01"
sequence: "vfx defender flamethrower_hit_waist:Origin/Waist"
sequence: "shake UpDownDecay/0.33"
sequence: "reset_background attacker 1.0/0.0/0.0/0.5"
sequence: "wait 1.0"
sequence: "sys ui-sync"
sequence: "sys complete"
item_templates {
template_id: "sequence_fire_fang_fast"
move_sequence_settings {
sequence: "anim attacker atk-move"
sequence: "f2fvfx attacker tackle_fast"
sequence: "wait 0.25"
sequence: "vfx defender fire_fang_fast"
sequence: "anim defender damageS01"
sequence: "sfx attacker 158-0_hyper_fang"
sequence: "wait 0.25"
sequence: "sys ui-sync"
sequence: "sys complete"
item_templates {
template_id: "sequence_fire_punch"
move_sequence_settings {
sequence: "vfx camera camera_horizontal_vignette_1s"
sequence: "cam EnterBehindAttacker_ATKR_DFND_"
sequence: "background attacker 0.0/0.0/0.0/0.5"
sequence: "anim attacker atk-move"
sequence: "event"
sequence: "sfx attacker 007-0_fire_punch"
sequence: "wait 0.15"
sequence: "f2fvfx defender fire_punch"
sequence: "wait 0.45"
sequence: "cam PunchHit_ATKR_DFND_"
sequence: "wait 0.15"
sequence: "anim defender damageS01"
sequence: "shake SideToSideDecay/0.33"
sequence: "vfx camera fire_punch_camera_flames"
sequence: "reset_background attacker 1.0/0.25/0.0/0.5"
sequence: "wait 1.5"
sequence: "cam CutFromDefender_ATKR_DFND_"
sequence: "sys ui-sync"
sequence: "sys complete"
item_templates {
template_id: "sequence_flame_burst"
move_sequence_settings {
sequence: "vfx camera camera_horizontal_vignette_3s"
sequence: "cam DefaultAttack_ATKR_DFND_"
sequence: "anim attacker atk-move"
sequence: "event"
sequence: "f2fvfx attacker flame_burst"
sequence: "sfx attacker 481-0_flame_burst"
sequence: "wait 0.27"
sequence: "cam PanToDefender_ATKR_DFND_"
sequence: "wait 0.23"
sequence: "shake UpDownDecay/1.0/0.5"
sequence: "vfx defender flamethrower_hit_waist:Origin/Waist"
sequence: "vfx defender flame_burst_hit"
sequence: "wait 0.1"
sequence: "anim defender damageS01"
sequence: "wait 1.4"
sequence: "sys ui-sync"
sequence: "sys complete"
item_templates {
template_id: "sequence_flame_charge"
move_sequence_settings {
sequence: "vfx camera camera_horizontal_vignette_4s"
sequence: "cam FlameCharge_ATKR_DFND_"
sequence: "vfx attacker flame_charge"
sequence: "wait 0.15"
sequence: "sfx attacker 488-0_flame_charge"
sequence: "wait 0.75"
sequence: "anim attacker atk-move"
sequence: "wait 0.25"
sequence: "f2fvfx attacker flame_charge_projectile"
sequence: "wait 0.15"
sequence: "hide attacker"
sequence: "wait 0.95"
sequence: "anim defender damageS01"
sequence: "vfx defender flamethrower_hit_waist:Origin/Waist"
sequence: "shake UpDownDecay/0.33/0.5/0.5"
sequence: "wait 0.9"
sequence: "unhide attacker"
sequence: "wait 0.25"
sequence: "cam CutFromDefender_ATKR_DFND_"
sequence: "sys ui-sync"
sequence: "sys complete"
item_templates {
template_id: "sequence_flame_wheel"
move_sequence_settings {
sequence: "vfx camera camera_horizontal_vignette_4s"
sequence: "cam EnterFaceAttacker_ATKR_DFND_"
sequence: "silhouette attacker 0.9/1.0/0.7/0.0"
sequence: "wait 0.15"
sequence: "anim attacker atk-move"
sequence: "event"
sequence: "vfx attacker flame_wheel"
sequence: "wait 0.15"
sequence: "sfx attacker 172-0_flame_wheel"
sequence: "wait 0.2"
sequence: "cam PanToDefender_ATKR_DFND_"
sequence: "wait 1.0"
sequence: "anim defender damageS01"
sequence: "vfx defender flamethrower_hit_waist:Origin/Waist"
sequence: "wait 1.0"
sequence: "sys ui-sync"
sequence: "sys complete"
sequence: "sys complete"
item_templates {
template_id: "sequence_flamethrower"
move_sequence_settings {
sequence: "vfx camera camera_horizontal_vignette_4s"
sequence: "cam EnterFaceAttacker_ATKR_DFND_"
sequence: "anim attacker atk-move"
sequence: "event"
sequence: "cam DefaultAttack_ATKR_DFND_"
sequence: "f2fvfx attacker flamethrower"
sequence: "sfx attacker 053-0_flamethrower"
sequence: "background attacker 0.6/0.15/0.0/0.8"
sequence: "wait 0.6"
sequence: "shake Flamethrower"
sequence: "wait 0.4"
sequence: "anim defender damageS01"
sequence: "vfx defender flamethrower_hit_waist:Origin/Waist"
sequence: "reset_background attacker 0.6/0.15/0.0/0.8"
sequence: "wait 1.6"
sequence: "sys ui-sync"
sequence: "sys complete"
item_templates {
template_id: "sequence_flash_cannon"
move_sequence_settings {
sequence: "vfx camera camera_horizontal_vignette_3s"
sequence: "cam EnterFaceAttacker_ATKR_DFND_"
sequence: "background attacker 0.0/0.0/0.0/0.5"
sequence: "anim attacker atk-move"
sequence: "event"
sequence: "f2fvfx attacker flash_cannon"
sequence: "sfx attacker 430-0_flash_cannon"
sequence: "wait 0.9"
sequence: "f2fvfx defender flash_cannon_hit"
sequence: "wait 0.1"
sequence: "cam CutToFaceDefender_ATKR_DFND_"
sequence: "wait 0.1"
sequence: "reset_background attacker 1.0/1.0/1.0/0.0"
sequence: "anim defender damageS01"
sequence: "shake UpDownDecay/0.333/0.5"
sequence: "wait 0.9"
sequence: "anim defender damageS01"
sequence: "wait 1.0"
sequence: "cam CutFromDefender_ATKR_DFND_"
sequence: "sys ui-sync"
sequence: "sys complete"
item_templates {
template_id: "sequence_frost_breath_fast"
move_sequence_settings {
sequence: "anim attacker atk-move"
sequence: "sfx attacker 524-0_frost_breath"
sequence: "wait 0.15"
sequence: "f2fvfx attacker frost_breath_fast"
sequence: "wait 0.25"
sequence: "f2fvfx defender frost_breath_fast_hit"
sequence: "vfx defender frost_breath_fast_hit"
sequence: "wait 0.1"
sequence: "anim defender damageS01"
sequence: "sys ui-sync"
sequence: "sys complete"
item_templates {
template_id: "sequence_fury_cutter_fast"
move_sequence_settings {
sequence: "anim attacker atk-move"
sequence: "f2fvfx defender fury_cutter_fast"
sequence: "sfx attacker 210-0_fury_cutter"
sequence: "wait 0.15"
sequence: "anim defender damageS01"
sequence: "wait 0.35"
sequence: "sys ui-sync"
sequence: "sys complete"
item_templates {
template_id: "sequence_giga_drain"
move_sequence_settings {
sequence: "vfx camera camera_horizontal_vignette_4s"
sequence: "cam EnterFaceDefender_ATKR_DFND_"
sequence: "background attacker 1.0/0.95/0.8/0.5"
sequence: "wait 0.25"
sequence: "f2fvfx attacker giga_drain"
sequence: "vfx defender giga_drain_hit"
sequence: "vfx defender giga_drain_hit_waist:Origin/Waist"
sequence: "sfx attacker 030-0_horn_attack"
sequence: "wait 0.15"
sequence: "anim defender damageS01"
sequence: "wait 0.5"
sequence: "cam PanToAttacker_ATKR_DFND_"
sequence: "sfx attacker 202-0_giga_drain"
sequence: "wait 0.55"
sequence: "anim attacker atk-move"
sequence: "wait 0.3"
sequence: "vfx attacker giga_drain_waist:Origin/Waist"
sequence: "wait 0.5"
sequence: "reset_background attacker 1.0/0.95/0.8/0.5"
sequence: "wait 0.5"
sequence: "cam CutFromDefender_ATKR_DFND_"
sequence: "sys ui-sync"
sequence: "sys complete"
item_templates {
template_id: "sequence_gunk_shot"
move_sequence_settings {
sequence: "vfx camera camera_horizontal_vignette_3s"
sequence: "cam GunkShot_ATKR_DFND_"
sequence: "wait 0.333"
sequence: "anim attacker atk-move"
sequence: "wait 0.15"
sequence: "f2fvfx attacker gunk_shot"
sequence: "sfx attacker 441-0_gunk_shot"
sequence: "wait 0.2"
sequence: "shake UpDownDecay/0.15/0.5"
sequence: "wait 0.25"
sequence: "vfx camera camera_speed_lines_short"
sequence: "wait 0.65"
sequence: "anim defender damageS01"
sequence: "vfx defender gunk_shot_hit"
sequence: "shake UpDownDecay/0.667"
sequence: "wait 1.0"
sequence: "sys ui-sync"
sequence: "sys complete"
item_templates {
template_id: "sequence_heart_stamp"
move_sequence_settings {
sequence: "vfx camera camera_horizontal_vignette_2s"
sequence: "cam DefaultAttack_ATKR_DFND_"
sequence: "anim attacker atk-move"
sequence: "vfx attacker heart_stamp_waist:Origin/Waist"
sequence: "sfx attacker 531-0_heart_stamp"
sequence: "event"
sequence: "vfx defender heart_stamp"
sequence: "wait 0.27"
sequence: "cam PanToDefender_ATKR_DFND_"
sequence: "wait 0.33"
sequence: "anim defender damageS01"
sequence: "wait 1.0"
sequence: "sys ui-sync"
sequence: "sys complete"
item_templates {
template_id: "sequence_heat_wave"
move_sequence_settings {
sequence: "vfx camera camera_horizontal_vignette_1s"
sequence: "cam FaceAttackerTilt_ATKR_DFND_"
sequence: "anim attacker atk-move"
sequence: "event"
sequence: "vfx attacker heat_wave"
sequence: "sfx attacker 257-0_heat_wave"
sequence: "background attacker 1.0/0.25/0.0/0.5"
sequence: "wait 1.0"
sequence: "cam CutToFaceDefender_ATKR_DFND_"
sequence: "wait 0.5"
sequence: "f2fvfx defender heat_wave_hit"
sequence: "wait 0.25"
sequence: "anim defender damageS01"
sequence: "wait 1.0"
sequence: "reset_background attacker 1.0/0.25/0.0/0.5"
sequence: "wait 1.0"
sequence: "cam CutFromDefender_ATKR_DFND_"
sequence: "sys ui-sync"
sequence: "sys complete"
item_templates {
template_id: "sequence_horn_attack"
move_sequence_settings {
sequence: "vfx camera camera_horizontal_vignette_2s"
sequence: "cam DefaultAttack_ATKR_DFND_"
sequence: "wait 0.4"
sequence: "anim attacker atk-move"
sequence: "event"
sequence: "f2fvfx attacker horn_attack"
sequence: "sfx attacker 030-0_horn_attack"
sequence: "wait 0.25"
sequence: "f2fvfx defender horn_attack_hit"
sequence: "wait 0.1"
sequence: "anim defender damageS01"
sequence: "shake UpDown/0.5/0.25/2.0"
sequence: "reset_background attacker 1.0/1.0/1.0/0.75"
sequence: "wait 0.5"
sequence: "sys ui-sync"
sequence: "sys complete"
item_templates {
template_id: "sequence_hurricane"
move_sequence_settings {
sequence: "vfx camera camera_horizontal_vignette_3s"
sequence: "cam EnterBehindAttackerFarAway_ATKR_DFND_"
sequence: "background attacker 0.0/0.1/0.2/0.5"
sequence: "anim attacker atk-move"
sequence: "event"
sequence: "cam FaceDefenderZoomOut_ATKR_DFND_"
sequence: "vfx camera hurricane_camera"
sequence: "vfx defender hurricane"
sequence: "sfx attacker 542-0_hurricane"
sequence: "shake SideToSide/1.5/2.0/0.5"
sequence: "wait 0.33"
sequence: "spin defender 1.0"
sequence: "wait 0.33"
sequence: "anim defender damageS01"
sequence: "wait 0.33"
sequence: "anim defender damageS01"
sequence: "wait 0.33"
sequence: "anim defender damageS01"
sequence: "reset_background attacker 0.0/0.1/0.2/0.5"
sequence: "wait 1.0"
sequence: "cam CutFromDefender_ATKR_DFND_"
sequence: "sys ui-sync"
sequence: "sys complete"
item_templates {
template_id: "sequence_hydro_pump"
move_sequence_settings {
sequence: "vfx camera camera_horizontal_vignette_4s"
sequence: "cam EnterFaceAttacker_ATKR_DFND_"
sequence: "wait 0.233"
sequence: "anim attacker atk-move"
sequence: "background attacker 0.0/0.2/0.5/0.5"
sequence: "event"
sequence: "f2fvfx attacker hydro_pump"
sequence: "f2fvfx defender hydro_pump_beam_hit"
sequence: "sfx attacker 056-0_hydro_pump"
sequence: "wait 0.2"
sequence: "cam CutToFaceDefender_ATKR_DFND_"
sequence: "anim defender damageS01"
sequence: "vfx defender hydro_pump_hit"
sequence: "shake UpDown/0.85/0.5"
sequence: "wait 0.2"
sequence: "vfx camera camera_speed_lines"
sequence: "wait 0.13"
sequence: "anim defender damageS01"
sequence: "wait 0.67"
sequence: "anim defender damageS01"
sequence: "vfx camera camera_speed_lines"
sequence: "shake SideToSide/0.5/0.5"
sequence: "wait 0.66"
sequence: "anim defender damageS01"
sequence: "shake UpDown/0.5/0.5"
sequence: "reset_background attacker 0.0/0.2/0.5/0.5"
sequence: "wait 0.83"
sequence: "cam CutFromDefender_ATKR_DFND_"
sequence: "sys ui-sync"
sequence: "sys complete"
item_templates {
template_id: "sequence_hydro_pump_blastoise"
move_sequence_settings {
sequence: "vfx camera camera_horizontal_vignette_4s"
sequence: "cam EnterFaceAttacker_ATKR_DFND_"
sequence: "wait 0.233"
sequence: "anim attacker atk-move"
sequence: "background attacker 0.0/0.2/0.5/0.5"
sequence: "event"
sequence: "vfx attacker hydro_pump_cannon:Origin/Waist/LFeelerA/LFeelerB/LFeelerC"
sequence: "vfx attacker hydro_pump_cannon:Origin/Waist/RFeelerA/RFeelerB/RFeelerC"
sequence: "f2fvfx attacker hydro_pump_double_beam"
sequence: "sfx attacker 056-0_hydro_pump"
sequence: "wait 0.2"
sequence: "cam CutToFaceDefender_ATKR_DFND_"
sequence: "anim defender damageS01"
sequence: "vfx defender hydro_pump_hit"
sequence: "shake UpDown/0.85/0.5"
sequence: "wait 0.2"
sequence: "vfx camera camera_speed_lines"
sequence: "wait 0.13"
sequence: "anim defender damageS01"
sequence: "wait 0.67"
sequence: "anim defender damageS01"
sequence: "vfx camera camera_speed_lines"
sequence: "shake SideToSide/0.5/0.5"
sequence: "wait 0.66"
sequence: "anim defender damageS01"
sequence: "shake UpDown/0.5/0.5"
sequence: "reset_background attacker 0.0/0.2/0.5/0.5"
sequence: "wait 0.83"
sequence: "cam CutFromDefender_ATKR_DFND_"
sequence: "sys ui-sync"
sequence: "sys complete"
item_templates {
template_id: "sequence_hyper_beam"
move_sequence_settings {
sequence: "vfx camera camera_horizontal_vignette_5s"
sequence: "cam EnterFaceAttacker_ATKR_DFND_"
sequence: "background attacker 0.0/0.0/0.0/0.25"
sequence: "wait 0.5"
sequence: "f2fvfx attacker hyper_beam_charge_up"
sequence: "sfx attacker 063-0_hyper_beam"
sequence: "wait 1.0"
sequence: "reset_background attacker 0.0/0.0/0.0/0.25"
sequence: "wait 0.33"
sequence: "anim attacker atk-move"
sequence: "background attacker 1.0/1.0/1.0/0.0"
sequence: "wait 0.67"
sequence: "f2fvfx attacker hyper_beam"
sequence: "f2fvfx defender hyper_beam_hit"
sequence: "cam HyperBeam_ATKR_DFND_"
sequence: "shake UpDown/0.5/0.5/2.0"
sequence: "wait 0.15"
sequence: "anim defender damageS01"
sequence: "reset_background attacker 1.0/1.0/1.0/0.0"
sequence: "wait 0.33"
sequence: "anim defender damageS01"
sequence: "reset_background attacker 1.0/1.0/1.0/0.0"
sequence: "wait 0.66"
sequence: "anim defender damageS01"
sequence: "reset_background attacker 1.0/1.0/1.0/0.0"
sequence: "shake UpDown/0.5/0.5/2.0"
sequence: "wait 1.5"
sequence: "cam CutFromDefender_ATKR_DFND_"
sequence: "sys ui-sync"
sequence: "sys complete"
item_templates {
template_id: "sequence_hyper_fang"
move_sequence_settings {
sequence: "vfx camera camera_horizontal_vignette_2s"
sequence: "cam EnterBehindAttacker_ATKR_DFND_"
sequence: "background attacker 0.0/0.0/0.0/0.25"
sequence: "wait 0.25"
sequence: "sfx attacker 158-0_hyper_fang"
sequence: "anim attacker atk-move"
sequence: "vfx attacker speed_lines"
sequence: "wait 0.75"
sequence: "cam HyperFang_ATKR_DFND_"
sequence: "wait 0.1"
sequence: "f2fvfx defender hyper_fang"
sequence: "vfx camera camera_speed_lines_short"
sequence: "wait 0.15"
sequence: "anim defender damageS01"
sequence: "wait 1.0"
sequence: "cam CutFromDefender_ATKR_DFND_"
sequence: "reset_background attacker 0.0/0.0/0.0/0.25"
sequence: "sys ui-sync"
sequence: "sys complete"
item_templates {
template_id: "sequence_ice_beam"
move_sequence_settings {
sequence: "vfx camera camera_horizontal_vignette_4s"
sequence: "cam EnterFaceAttacker_ATKR_DFND_"
sequence: "wait 0.35"
sequence: "f2fvfx attacker ice_beam_charge_up"
sequence: "background attacker 0.0/0.25/0.25/0.75"
sequence: "anim attacker atk-move"
sequence: "event"
sequence: "cam IceBeam_ATKR_DFND_"
sequence: "f2fvfx attacker ice_beam"
sequence: "sfx attacker 058-0_ice_beam"
sequence: "wait 0.25"
sequence: "vfx defender ice_beam_hit_waist:Origin/Waist"
sequence: "wait 0.5"
sequence: "vfx defender ice_beam_hit"
sequence: "anim defender damageS01"
sequence: "wait 0.5"
sequence: "anim defender damageS01"
sequence: "wait 0.8"
sequence: "reset_background attacker 1.0/1.0/1.0/0.0"
sequence: "wait 1.0"
sequence: "cam CutFromDefender_ATKR_DFND_"
sequence: "sys ui-sync"
sequence: "sys complete"
item_templates {
template_id: "sequence_ice_punch"
move_sequence_settings {
sequence: "vfx camera camera_horizontal_vignette_1s"
sequence: "cam EnterBehindAttacker_ATKR_DFND_"
sequence: "background attacker 0.0/0.0/0.0/0.5"
sequence: "anim attacker atk-move"
sequence: "event"
sequence: "sfx attacker 008-0_ice_punch"
sequence: "wait 0.15"
sequence: "f2fvfx defender ice_punch"
sequence: "wait 0.45"
sequence: "cam Punch_ATKR_DFND_"
sequence: "wait 0.15"
sequence: "anim defender damageS01"
sequence: "vfx camera ice_punch_camera_ice"
sequence: "vfx defender ice_punch_hit"
sequence: "reset_background attacker 1.0/1.0/1.0/0.0"
sequence: "wait 0.75"
sequence: "cam CutFromDefender_ATKR_DFND_"
sequence: "sys ui-sync"
sequence: "sys complete"
item_templates {
template_id: "sequence_ice_shard_fast"
move_sequence_settings {
sequence: "anim attacker atk-move"
sequence: "sfx attacker 420-0_ice_shard"
sequence: "wait 0.25"
sequence: "f2fvfx attacker ice_shard_fast"
sequence: "vfx defender ice_shard_fast_hit"
sequence: "wait 0.25"
sequence: "anim defender damageS01"
sequence: "sys ui-sync"
sequence: "sys complete"
item_templates {
template_id: "sequence_icy_wind"
move_sequence_settings {
sequence: "vfx camera camera_horizontal_vignette_3s"
sequence: "cam DefaultAttack_ATKR_DFND_"
sequence: "anim attacker atk-move"
sequence: "event"
sequence: "f2fvfx attacker icy_wind"
sequence: "sfx attacker 196-0_icy_wind"
sequence: "background attacker 1.0/1.0/1.0/0.75"
sequence: "wait 0.8"
sequence: "cam PanToDefender_ATKR_DFND_"
sequence: "wait 0.2"
sequence: "vfx defender icy_wind_hit"
sequence: "wait 0.5"
sequence: "anim defender damageS01"
sequence: "reset_background attacker 1.0/1.0/1.0/0.75"
sequence: "wait 1.0"
sequence: "sys ui-sync"
sequence: "sys complete"
item_templates {
template_id: "sequence_iron_head"
move_sequence_settings {
sequence: "vfx camera camera_horizontal_vignette_3s"
sequence: "cam EnterBehindAttacker_ATKR_DFND_"
sequence: "background attacker 0.0/0.0/0.0/0.75"
sequence: "anim attacker atk-move"
sequence: "event"
sequence: "sfx attacker 442-0_iron_head"
sequence: "wait 0.4"
sequence: "cam IronHead_ATKR_DFND_"
sequence: "f2fvfx defender iron_head"
sequence: "wait 0.3"
sequence: "anim defender damageS01"
sequence: "shake SideToSide/0.4/0.25/2.0"
sequence: "wait 0.5"
sequence: "reset_background attacker 0.0/0.0/0.0/0.75"
sequence: "wait 1.0"
sequence: "cam CutFromDefender_ATKR_DFND_"
sequence: "sys ui-sync"
sequence: "sys complete"
item_templates {
template_id: "sequence_karate_chop_fast"
move_sequence_settings {
sequence: "anim attacker atk-move"
sequence: "wait 0.25"
sequence: "f2fvfx defender karate_chop_fast"
sequence: "sfx attacker 002-0_karate_chop"
sequence: "wait 0.25"
sequence: "anim defender damageS01"
sequence: "shake UpDown/0.5/0.25/1.0"
sequence: "sys ui-sync"
sequence: "sys complete"
item_templates {
template_id: "sequence_leaf_blade"
move_sequence_settings {
sequence: "vfx camera camera_horizontal_vignette_3s"
sequence: "cam EnterBehindAttacker_ATKR_DFND_"
sequence: "background attacker 0.0/0.0/0.0/0.5"
sequence: "anim attacker atk-move"
sequence: "event"
sequence: "cam PanToFaceDefender_ATKR_DFND_"
sequence: "sfx attacker 348-0_leaf_blade"
sequence: "wait 0.25"
sequence: "f2fvfx defender leaf_blade"
sequence: "wait 0.33"
sequence: "shake UpDown/0.25/0.25/0.5"
sequence: "anim defender damageS01"
sequence: "wait 0.33"
sequence: "shake UpDown/0.25/0.25/0.5"
sequence: "anim defender damageS01"
sequence: "wait 0.33"
sequence: "shake SideToSide/0.25/0.25/0.5"
sequence: "anim defender damageS01"
sequence: "reset_background attacker 0.0/0.0/0.0/0.5"
sequence: "wait 0.5"
sequence: "cam CutFromDefender_ATKR_DFND_"
sequence: "sys ui-sync"
sequence: "sys complete"
item_templates {
template_id: "sequence_lick_fast"
move_sequence_settings {
sequence: "anim attacker atk-move"
sequence: "f2fvfx attacker lick_fast_slobber"
sequence: "f2fvfx defender lick_fast"
sequence: "sfx attacker 122-0_lick"
sequence: "wait 0.1"
sequence: "anim defender damageS01"
sequence: "wait 0.4"
sequence: "sys ui-sync"
sequence: "sys complete"
item_templates {
template_id: "sequence_low_kick_fast"
move_sequence_settings {
sequence: "anim attacker atk-move"
sequence: "sfx attacker 067-0_low_kick"
sequence: "spin attacker 0.25"
sequence: "wait 0.15"
sequence: "vfx attacker low_kick_fast"
sequence: "wait 0.1"
sequence: "anim defender damageS01"
sequence: "sys ui-sync"
sequence: "sys complete"
item_templates {
template_id: "sequence_low_sweep"
move_sequence_settings {
sequence: "vfx camera camera_horizontal_vignette_3s"
sequence: "anim attacker atk-move"
sequence: "event"
sequence: "vfx defender low_sweep"
sequence: "cam EnterFaceDefenderFromFarAway_ATKR_DFND_"
sequence: "wait 0.75"
sequence: "anim defender damageS01"
sequence: "sfx attacker 490-0_low_sweep"
sequence: "shake SideToSide/0.25/1.5/0.5"
sequence: "wait 1.4"
sequence: "cam CutFromDefender_ATKR_DFND_"
sequence: "sys ui-sync"
sequence: "sys complete"
item_templates {
template_id: "sequence_magnet_bomb"
move_sequence_settings {
sequence: "vfx camera camera_horizontal_vignette_3s"
sequence: "cam DefaultAttack_ATKR_DFND_"
sequence: "anim attacker atk-move"
sequence: "f2fvfx attacker magnet_bomb"
sequence: "sfx attacker 443-0_magnet_bomb"
sequence: "wait 1.0"
sequence: "cam PanToDefender_ATKR_DFND_"
sequence: "wait 0.6"
sequence: "anim defender damageS01"
sequence: "shake UpDown/1.0/0.5/2.0"
sequence: "wait 1.0"
sequence: "sys ui-sync"
sequence: "sys complete"
item_templates {
template_id: "sequence_mega_drain"
move_sequence_settings {
sequence: "vfx camera camera_horizontal_vignette_4s"
sequence: "cam EnterFaceDefender_ATKR_DFND_"
sequence: "anim attacker atk-move"
sequence: "event"
sequence: "vfx defender mega_drain_hit_waist:Origin/Waist"
sequence: "f2fvfx attacker mega_drain"
sequence: "sfx attacker 072-0_mega_drain"
sequence: "wait 0.15"
sequence: "cam PanToAttacker_ATKR_DFND_"
sequence: "anim defender damageS01"
sequence: "wait 0.85"
sequence: "vfx attacker mega_drain_waist:Origin/Waist"
sequence: "wait 1.0"
sequence: "cam CutFromDefender_ATKR_DFND_"
sequence: "sys ui-sync"
sequence: "sys complete"
item_templates {
template_id: "sequence_megahorn"
move_sequence_settings {
sequence: "vfx camera camera_horizontal_vignette_4s"
sequence: "cam EnterFaceAttacker_ATKR_DFND_"
sequence: "wait 0.4"
sequence: "cam PanToDefender_ATKR_DFND_"
sequence: "anim attacker atk-move"
sequence: "vfx attacker megahorn_charge"
sequence: "sfx attacker 224-0_megahorn"
sequence: "event"
sequence: "f2fvfx attacker megahorn"
sequence: "wait 0.5"
sequence: "f2fvfx defender megahorn_hit"
sequence: "anim defender damageS01"
sequence: "shake UpDown/0.5/0.5/2.0"
sequence: "reset_background attacker 1.0/1.0/1.0/0.5"
sequence: "wait 0.9"
sequence: "sys ui-sync"
sequence: "sys complete"
item_templates {
template_id: "sequence_metal_claw_fast"
move_sequence_settings {
sequence: "anim attacker atk-move"
sequence: "sfx attacker 232-0_metal_claw"
sequence: "wait 0.25"
sequence: "f2fvfx defender metal_claw_fast"
sequence: "wait 0.25"
sequence: "anim defender damageS01"
sequence: "sys ui-sync"
sequence: "sys complete"
item_templates {
template_id: "sequence_moonblast"
move_sequence_settings {
sequence: "background attacker 0.1/0.0/0.15/0.2"
sequence: "anim attacker atk-move"
sequence: "event"
sequence: "cam Moonblast_ATKR_DFND_"
sequence: "vfx attacker moonblast"
sequence: "sfx attacker 585-0_moonblast"
sequence: "wait 0.33"
sequence: "anim attacker atk-move"
sequence: "wait 0.66"
sequence: "vfx camera camera_horizontal_vignette_2s"
sequence: "f2fvfx attacker moonblast_projectile_emit"
sequence: "vfx defender moonblast_projectile_hit"
sequence: "wait 1.5"
sequence: "anim defender damageS01"
sequence: "wait 0.5"
sequence: "reset_background attacker 0.1/0.0/0.15/0.2"
sequence: "wait 0.5"
sequence: "sys ui-sync"
sequence: "sys complete"
item_templates {
template_id: "sequence_mud_bomb"
move_sequence_settings {
sequence: "vfx camera camera_horizontal_vignette_3s"
sequence: "cam DefaultAttack_ATKR_DFND_"
sequence: "anim attacker atk-move"
sequence: "event"
sequence: "vfx attacker mud_bomb"
sequence: "sfx attacker 426-0_mud_bomb"
sequence: "wait 0.2"
sequence: "cam FollowArcingProjectile_ATKR_DFND_"
sequence: "wait 0.8"
sequence: "shake UpDown/0.5/0.25/2.0"
sequence: "anim defender damageS01"
sequence: "vfx defender mud_bomb_hit"
sequence: "wait 1.0"
sequence: "sys ui-sync"
sequence: "sys complete"
item_templates {
template_id: "sequence_mud_shot_fast"
move_sequence_settings {
sequence: "anim attacker atk-move"
sequence: "f2fvfx attacker mud_shot_fast"
sequence: "sfx attacker 341-0_mud_shot"
sequence: "wait 0.25"
sequence: "vfx defender mud_shot_hit_fast"
sequence: "wait 0.1"
sequence: "shake UpDown/0.25/0.25/1.0"
sequence: "anim defender damageS01"
sequence: "wait 0.15"
sequence: "sys ui-sync"
sequence: "sys complete"
item_templates {
template_id: "sequence_mud_slap_fast"
move_sequence_settings {
sequence: "anim attacker atk-move"
sequence: "vfx attacker mud_slap_fast_emit"
sequence: "wait 0.50"
sequence: "vfx defender mud_slap_fast_hit"
sequence: "anim defender damageS01"
sequence: "sfx attacker 341-0_mud_shot"
sequence: "wait 0.25"
sequence: "sys ui-sync"
sequence: "sys complete"
item_templates {
template_id: "sequence_night_slash"
move_sequence_settings {
sequence: "vfx camera camera_horizontal_vignette_3s"
sequence: "cam EnterFaceAttacker_ATKR_DFND_"
sequence: "background attacker 0.0/0.0/0.25/0.5"
sequence: "wait 0.4"
sequence: "anim attacker atk-move"
sequence: "event"
sequence: "vfx attacker night_slash_emit"
sequence: "vfx defender night_slash_hit"
sequence: "sfx attacker 400-0_night_slash"
sequence: "wait 0.42"
sequence: "cam PanToDefender_ATKR_DFND_"
sequence: "wait 0.33"
sequence: "anim defender damageS01"
sequence: "reset_background attacker 0.0/0.0/0.25/0.5"
sequence: "wait 1.0"
sequence: "sys ui-sync"
sequence: "sys complete"
item_templates {
template_id: "sequence_ominous_wind"
move_sequence_settings {
sequence: "vfx camera camera_horizontal_vignette_3s"
sequence: "cam DefaultAttack_ATKR_DFND_"
sequence: "background attacker 0.0/0.1/0.3/0.5"
sequence: "anim attacker atk-move"
sequence: "event"
sequence: "vfx camera ominous_wind_camera_wind"
sequence: "sfx attacker 466-0_ominous_wind"
sequence: "wait 1.0"
sequence: "f2fvfx defender ominous_wind_hit"
sequence: "anim defender damageS01"
sequence: "wait 0.33"
sequence: "anim defender damageS01"
sequence: "wait 0.33"
sequence: "anim defender damageS01"
sequence: "reset_background attacker 0.0/0.1/0.3/0.5"
sequence: "wait 0.5"
sequence: "sys ui-sync"
sequence: "sys complete"
item_templates {
template_id: "sequence_parabolic_charge"
move_sequence_settings {
sequence: "vfx camera camera_horizontal_vignette_3s"
sequence: "cam EnterBehindAttacker_ATKR_DFND_"
sequence: "background attacker 1.0/0.9/0.6/0.5"
sequence: "anim attacker atk-move"
sequence: "vfx attacker parabolic_charge_waist:Origin/Waist"
sequence: "sfx attacker 570-0_parabolic_charge"
sequence: "event"
sequence: "cam ParabolicCharge_ATKR_DFND_"
sequence: "vfx attacker parabolic_charge"
sequence: "wait 0.33"
sequence: "f2fvfx attacker thunder_shock_fast"
sequence: "wait 0.33"
sequence: "anim defender damageS01"
sequence: "reset_background attacker 1.0/1.0/0.9/0.0"
sequence: "vfx defender parabolic_charge_hit_waist:Origin/Waist"
sequence: "wait 0.33"
sequence: "f2fvfx attacker parabolic_charge_hit"
sequence: "reset_background attacker 1.0/0.9/0.6/0.5"
sequence: "wait 2.0"
sequence: "cam CutFromDefender_ATKR_DFND_"
sequence: "sys ui-sync"
sequence: "sys complete"
item_templates {
template_id: "sequence_peck_fast"
move_sequence_settings {
sequence: "anim attacker atk-move"
sequence: "wait 0.3"
sequence: "f2fvfx defender peck_fast"
sequence: "sfx attacker 064-0_peck"
sequence: "wait 0.2"
sequence: "anim defender damageS01"
sequence: "sfx attacker 064-0_peck"
sequence: "sys ui-sync"
sequence: "sys complete"
item_templates {
template_id: "sequence_petal_blizzard"
move_sequence_settings {
sequence: "vfx camera camera_horizontal_vignette_4s"
sequence: "cam EnterFaceDefenderFromFarAway_ATKR_DFND_"
sequence: "anim attacker atk-move"
sequence: "event"
sequence: "vfx camera petal_blizzard_camera"
sequence: "vfx defender petal_blizzard_hit"
sequence: "sfx attacker 572-0_petal_blizzard"
sequence: "wait 1.41"
sequence: "anim defender damageS01"
sequence: "wait 2.0"
sequence: "cam CutFromDefender_ATKR_DFND_"
sequence: "sys ui-sync"
sequence: "sys complete"
item_templates {
template_id: "sequence_play_rough"
move_sequence_settings {
sequence: "vfx camera camera_horizontal_vignette_3s"
sequence: "cam EnterBehindAttacker_ATKR_DFND_"
sequence: "anim attacker atk-move"
sequence: "event"
sequence: "cam PlayRough_ATKR_DFND_"
sequence: "sfx attacker 583-0_play_rough"
sequence: "wait 0.45"
sequence: "vfx defender play_rough"
sequence: "wait 0.3"
sequence: "scale defender 0.0001"
sequence: "anim defender damageS01"
sequence: "wait 0.3"
sequence: "scale defender 1"
sequence: "wait 0.7"
sequence: "anim defender damageS01"
sequence: "wait 0.75"
sequence: "cam CutFromDefender_ATKR_DFND_"
sequence: "sys ui-sync"
sequence: "sys complete"
item_templates {
template_id: "sequence_poison_fang"
move_sequence_settings {
sequence: "vfx camera camera_horizontal_vignette_2s"
sequence: "cam DefaultAttack_ATKR_DFND_"
sequence: "anim attacker atk-move"
sequence: "event"
sequence: "cam PanToDefender_ATKR_DFND_"
sequence: "f2fvfx defender poison_fang"
sequence: "sfx attacker 305-0_poison_fang"
sequence: "wait 0.4"
sequence: "anim defender damageS01"
sequence: "reset_background attacker 0.6/0.0/1.0/0.0"
sequence: "silhouette defender 0.6/0.0/1.0/0.0"
sequence: "wait 0.25"
sequence: "reset_silhouette defender 0.6/0.0/1.0/0.0"
sequence: "wait 0.75"
sequence: "sys ui-sync"
sequence: "sys complete"
item_templates {
template_id: "sequence_poison_jab_fast"
move_sequence_settings {
sequence: "anim attacker atk-move"
sequence: "f2fvfx attacker poison_jab_fast"
sequence: "vfx defender poison_jab_fast_hit"
sequence: "sfx attacker 398-0_poison_jab"
sequence: "wait 0.15"
sequence: "anim defender damageS01"
sequence: "wait 0.35"
sequence: "sys ui-sync"
sequence: "sys complete"
item_templates {
template_id: "sequence_poison_sting_fast"
move_sequence_settings {
sequence: "anim attacker atk-move"
sequence: "f2fvfx attacker poison_sting_fast_emit"
sequence: "wait 0.25"
sequence: "vfx defender poison_sting_fast_hit"
sequence: "anim defender damageS01"
sequence: "sfx attacker 305-0_poison_fang"
sequence: "wait 0.25"
sequence: "sys ui-sync"
sequence: "sys complete"
item_templates {
template_id: "sequence_pound_fast"
move_sequence_settings {
sequence: "anim attacker atk-move"
sequence: "wait 0.1"
sequence: "f2fvfx defender pound_fast"
sequence: "wait 0.1"
sequence: "anim defender damageS01"
sequence: "sfx attacker 001-0_pound"
sequence: "shake UpDown/0.5/1.0"
sequence: "wait 0.2"
sequence: "sys ui-sync"
sequence: "sys complete"
item_templates {
template_id: "sequence_power_gem"
move_sequence_settings {
sequence: "vfx camera camera_horizontal_vignette_3s"
sequence: "cam DefaultAttack_ATKR_DFND_"
sequence: "anim attacker atk-move"
sequence: "event"
sequence: "f2fvfx attacker power_gem"
sequence: "sfx attacker 408-0_power_gem"
sequence: "wait 1.2"
sequence: "f2fvfx defender power_gem_hit"
sequence: "anim defender damageS01"
sequence: "wait 0.2"
sequence: "anim defender damageS01"
sequence: "wait 0.2"
sequence: "anim defender damageS01"
sequence: "wait 0.2"
sequence: "anim defender damageS01"
sequence: "wait 0.5"
sequence: "sys ui-sync"
sequence: "sys complete"
item_templates {
template_id: "sequence_power_whip"
move_sequence_settings {
sequence: "cam PowerWhip_ATKR_DFND_"
sequence: "anim attacker atk-move"
sequence: "event"
sequence: "background attacker 0.2/0.8/0.0/0.0"
sequence: "silhouette attacker 0.0/0.0/0.0/0.0"
sequence: "silhouette defender 0.0/0.0/0.0/0.0"
sequence: "vfx defender power_whip"
sequence: "vfx camera camera_horizontal_vignette"
sequence: "sfx attacker 438-0_power_whip"
sequence: "wait 0.1"
sequence: "sfx attacker 030-0_horn_attack"
sequence: "wait 0.3"
sequence: "shake SideToSide/2.0/2.0/0.0"
sequence: "vfx defender power_whip_hit_waist:Origin/Waist"
sequence: "anim defender damageS01"
sequence: "sfx attacker 030-0_horn_attack"
sequence: "wait 0.4"
sequence: "anim defender damageS01"
sequence: "sfx attacker 030-0_horn_attack"
sequence: "wait 0.4"
sequence: "anim defender damageS01"
sequence: "wait 0.2"
sequence: "reset_background attacker 0.2/0.8/0.0/0.0"
sequence: "reset_silhouette attacker 0.0/0.0/0.0/0.0"
sequence: "reset_silhouette defender 0.0/0.0/0.0/0.0"
sequence: "wait 0.75"
sequence: "sys ui-sync"
sequence: "sys complete"
item_templates {
template_id: "sequence_psybeam"
move_sequence_settings {
sequence: "vfx camera camera_horizontal_vignette_2s"
sequence: "cam PsybeamEnter_ATKR_DFND_"
sequence: "wait 0.15"
sequence: "anim attacker atk-move"
sequence: "event"
sequence: "f2fvfx attacker psybeam"
sequence: "sfx attacker 060-0_psybeam"
sequence: "wait 0.25"
sequence: "cam PanToDefender_ATKR_DFND_"
sequence: "vfx camera psybeam_camera_psychic_circles"
sequence: "wait 0.25"
sequence: "f2fvfx defender psybeam_hit"
sequence: "anim defender damageS01"
sequence: "shake SideToSide/1.5/0.5/0.25"
sequence: "wait 0.8"
sequence: "shake SideToSide/1.5/0.5/0.25"
sequence: "wait 0.5"
sequence: "anim defender damageS01"
sequence: "wait 1.0"
sequence: "sys ui-sync"
sequence: "sys complete"
item_templates {
template_id: "sequence_psychic"
move_sequence_settings {
sequence: "cam DefaultAttack_ATKR_DFND_"
sequence: "anim attacker atk-move"
sequence: "event"
sequence: "f2fvfx attacker psychic_emit"
sequence: "vfx defender psychic_hit"
sequence: "sfx attacker 094-0_psychic"
sequence: "wait 0.35"
sequence: "cam EnterFaceDefender_ATKR_DFND_"
sequence: "vfx camera psychic_camera"
sequence: "wait 1.0"
sequence: "anim defender damageS01"
sequence: "wait 1.0"
sequence: "cam CutFromDefender_ATKR_DFND_"
sequence: "sys ui-sync"
sequence: "sys complete"
item_templates {
template_id: "sequence_psycho_cut_fast"
move_sequence_settings {
sequence: "anim attacker atk-move"
sequence: "f2fvfx attacker psycho_cut_fast_emit"
sequence: "vfx defender psycho_cut_fast_hit"
sequence: "sfx attacker 427-0_psycho_cut"
sequence: "wait 0.25"
sequence: "anim defender damageS01"
sequence: "wait 0.25"
sequence: "sys ui-sync"
sequence: "sys complete"
item_templates {
template_id: "sequence_psyshock"
move_sequence_settings {
sequence: "vfx camera camera_horizontal_vignette_3s"
sequence: "cam EnterBehindAttacker_ATKR_DFND_"
sequence: "anim attacker atk-move"
sequence: "event"
sequence: "vfx attacker psyshock_emit"
sequence: "vfx defender psyshock_hit"
sequence: "sfx attacker 473-0_psyshock"
sequence: "wait 0.5"
sequence: "cam Psyshock_ATKR_DFND_"
sequence: "wait 1.0"
sequence: "anim defender damageS01"
sequence: "shake UpDown/0.5/1.0/01.0"
sequence: "wait 0.5"
sequence: "cam CutFromDefender_ATKR_DFND_"
sequence: "sys ui-sync"
sequence: "sys complete"
item_templates {
template_id: "sequence_psystrike"
move_sequence_settings {
sequence: "cam Psystrike_ATKR_DFND_"
sequence: "background attacker 0.8/0.8/0.8/0.0"
sequence: "wait 0.5"
sequence: "anim attacker atk-move"
sequence: "event"
sequence: "vfx attacker psystrike_emit"
sequence: "vfx defender psystrike_hit"
sequence: "f2fvfx defender psystrike_projectile"
sequence: "sfx attacker 540-0_psystrike"
sequence: "wait 3.0"
sequence: "anim defender damageS01"
sequence: "wait 1.0"
sequence: "reset_background attacker 0.8/0.8/0.8/0.0"
sequence: "wait 0.8"
sequence: "cam CutFromDefender_ATKR_DFND_"
sequence: "sys ui-sync"
sequence: "sys complete"
item_templates {
template_id: "sequence_quick_attack_fast"
move_sequence_settings {
sequence: "anim attacker atk-move"
sequence: "f2fvfx attacker quick_attack_fast_emit"
sequence: "vfx defender quick_attack_fast_hit"
sequence: "sfx attacker 098-0_quick_attack"
sequence: "wait 0.5"
sequence: "anim defender damageS01"
sequence: "sys ui-sync"
sequence: "sys complete"
item_templates {
template_id: "sequence_razor_leaf_fast"
move_sequence_settings {
sequence: "anim attacker atk-move"
sequence: "f2fvfx attacker razor_leaf_fast"
sequence: "sfx attacker 075-0_razor_leaf"
sequence: "wait 0.5"
sequence: "anim defender damageS01"
sequence: "sys ui-sync"
sequence: "sys complete"
item_templates {
template_id: "sequence_rest"
move_sequence_settings {
sequence: "vfx camera camera_horizontal_vignette_3s"
sequence: "cam EnterFaceAttacker_ATKR_DFND_"
sequence: "anim attacker atk-move"
sequence: "event"
sequence: "f2fvfx attacker rest"
sequence: "sfx attacker 156-0_rest"
sequence: "wait 2.0"
sequence: "cam CutFromAttacker_ATKR_DFND_"
sequence: "sys ui-sync"
sequence: "sys complete"
item_templates {
template_id: "sequence_rock_slide"
move_sequence_settings {
sequence: "vfx camera camera_horizontal_vignette_3s"
sequence: "cam EnterFaceDefenderFromFarAway_ATKR_DFND_"
sequence: "anim attacker atk-move"
sequence: "event"
sequence: "vfx defender rock_slide"
sequence: "sfx attacker 157-0_rock_slide"
sequence: "wait 0.75"
sequence: "anim defender damageS01"
sequence: "wait 0.33"
sequence: "anim defender damageS01"
sequence: "wait 0.33"
sequence: "anim defender damageS01"
sequence: "wait 1.0"
sequence: "cam CutFromDefender_ATKR_DFND_"
sequence: "sys ui-sync"
sequence: "sys complete"
item_templates {
template_id: "sequence_rock_smash_fast"
move_sequence_settings {
sequence: "anim attacker atk-move"
sequence: "f2fvfx attacker tackle_fast"
sequence: "wait 0.25"
sequence: "vfx defender rock_smash_fast"
sequence: "anim defender damageS01"
sequence: "sfx attacker 280-0_brick_break"
sequence: "wait 0.25"
sequence: "sys ui-sync"
sequence: "sys complete"
item_templates {
template_id: "sequence_rock_throw_fast"
move_sequence_settings {
sequence: "anim attacker atk-move"
sequence: "f2fvfx attacker rock_throw_fast_emit"
sequence: "vfx defender rock_throw_fast_hit"
sequence: "wait 0.25"
sequence: "sfx attacker 088-0_rock_throw"
sequence: "wait 0.25"
sequence: "anim defender damageS01"
sequence: "sys ui-sync"
sequence: "sys complete"
item_templates {
template_id: "sequence_rock_tomb"
move_sequence_settings {
sequence: "vfx camera camera_horizontal_vignette_3s"
sequence: "cam EnterBehindAttackerFarAway_ATKR_DFND_"
sequence: "anim attacker atk-move"
sequence: "event"
sequence: "sfx attacker 317-0_rock_tomb"
sequence: "wait 0.5"
sequence: "vfx defender rock_tomb"
sequence: "cam PanToFaceDefender_ATKR_DFND_"
sequence: "wait 1.0"
sequence: "anim defender damageS01"
sequence: "wait 1.0"
sequence: "cam CutFromDefender_ATKR_DFND_"
sequence: "sys ui-sync"
sequence: "sys complete"
item_templates {
template_id: "sequence_scald"
move_sequence_settings {
sequence: "vfx camera camera_horizontal_vignette_4s"
sequence: "cam EnterFaceAttacker_ATKR_DFND_"
sequence: "wait 0.5"
sequence: "anim attacker atk-move"
sequence: "event"
sequence: "f2fvfx attacker scald"
sequence: "sfx attacker 503-0_scald"
sequence: "wait 0.25"
sequence: "cam CutToFaceDefender_ATKR_DFND_"
sequence: "vfx defender hydro_pump_hit"
sequence: "background attacker 1.0/0.0/0.0/0.8"
sequence: "anim defender damageS01"
sequence: "wait 0.33"
sequence: "anim defender damageS01"
sequence: "silhouette defender 1.0/0.0/0.0/0.5"
sequence: "wait 0.66"
sequence: "reset_background attacker 1.0/0.0/0.0/0.8"
sequence: "wait 0.7"
sequence: "reset_silhouette defender 1.0/0.0/0.0/0.5"
sequence: "wait 0.5"
sequence: "cam CutFromDefender_ATKR_DFND_"
sequence: "sys ui-sync"
sequence: "sys complete"
item_templates {
template_id: "sequence_scald_blastoise"
move_sequence_settings {
sequence: "vfx camera camera_horizontal_vignette_4s"
sequence: "cam EnterFaceAttacker_ATKR_DFND_"
sequence: "wait 0.5"
sequence: "anim attacker atk-move"
sequence: "event"
sequence: "vfx attacker scald_cannon:Origin/Waist/LFeelerA/LFeelerB/LFeelerC"
sequence: "vfx attacker scald_cannon:Origin/Waist/RFeelerA/RFeelerB/RFeelerC"
sequence: "f2fvfx attacker scald_double_beam"
sequence: "sfx attacker 503-0_scald"
sequence: "wait 0.25"
sequence: "cam CutToFaceDefender_ATKR_DFND_"
sequence: "vfx defender hydro_pump_hit"
sequence: "background attacker 1.0/0.0/0.0/0.8"
sequence: "anim defender damageS01"
sequence: "wait 0.33"
sequence: "anim defender damageS01"
sequence: "silhouette defender 1.0/0.0/0.0/0.5"
sequence: "wait 0.66"
sequence: "reset_background attacker 1.0/0.0/0.0/0.8"
sequence: "wait 0.7"
sequence: "reset_silhouette defender 1.0/0.0/0.0/0.5"
sequence: "wait 0.5"
sequence: "cam CutFromDefender_ATKR_DFND_"
sequence: "sys ui-sync"
sequence: "sys complete"
item_templates {
template_id: "sequence_scratch_fast"
move_sequence_settings {
sequence: "anim attacker atk-move"
sequence: "f2fvfx defender scratch_fast"
sequence: "sfx attacker 010-0_scratch"
sequence: "wait 0.25"
sequence: "anim defender damageS01"
sequence: "wait 0.25"
sequence: "sys ui-sync"
sequence: "sys complete"
item_templates {
template_id: "sequence_seed_bomb"
move_sequence_settings {
sequence: "vfx camera camera_horizontal_vignette_2s"
sequence: "cam SeedBombEnter_ATKR_DFND_"
sequence: "anim attacker atk-move"
sequence: "event"
sequence: "f2fvfx attacker seed_bomb"
sequence: "sfx attacker 402-0_seed_bomb"
sequence: "wait 0.3"
sequence: "cam PanToDefender_ATKR_DFND_"
sequence: "wait 0.3"
sequence: "anim defender damageS01"
sequence: "wait 0.12"
sequence: "anim defender damageS01"
sequence: "wait 0.12"
sequence: "anim defender damageS01"
sequence: "wait 1.0"
sequence: "sys ui-sync"
sequence: "sys complete"
item_templates {
template_id: "sequence_seq_ding"
move_sequence_settings {
sequence: "anim attacker damageS01"
sequence: "wait 0.5"
sequence: "sys complete"
item_templates {
template_id: "sequence_seq_faint"
move_sequence_settings {
sequence: "cam FortFaint"
sequence: "anim attacker down01"
sequence: "wait 0.9"
sequence: "vfx attacker pokeball_enter"
sequence: "wait 0.05"
sequence: "silhouette attacker 3.0/3.0/3.0/0.0"
sequence: "wait 0.01"
sequence: "scale attacker 0.0/3"
sequence: "wait 0.66"
sequence: "sys complete"
item_templates {
template_id: "sequence_seq_fort_faint"
move_sequence_settings {
sequence: "cam FortFaint"
sequence: "wait 1.0"
sequence: "sys faintbegin"
sequence: "anim attacker down01"
sequence: "sys ui-sync"
sequence: "wait 2.0"
sequence: "sys scaledown"
sequence: "wait 0.5"
sequence: "sys defender_poof"
sequence: "sys faintvfx"
sequence: "wait 3.5"
sequence: "sys complete"
item_templates {
template_id: "sequence_seq_intro"
move_sequence_settings {
sequence: "wait 0.5"
sequence: "sys complete"
item_templates {
template_id: "sequence_seq_outro"
move_sequence_settings {
sequence: "wait 0.2"
sequence: "sys complete"
item_templates {
template_id: "sequence_seq_return"
move_sequence_settings {
sequence: "vfx attacker pokeball_enter"
sequence: "wait 0.05"
sequence: "silhouette attacker 3.0/3.0/3.0/0.0"
sequence: "wait 0.01"
sequence: "scale attacker 0.0/3"
sequence: "wait 0.66"
sequence: "sys complete"
item_templates {
template_id: "sequence_shadow_ball"
move_sequence_settings {
sequence: "vfx camera camera_horizontal_vignette_4s"
sequence: "cam EnterFaceAttacker_ATKR_DFND_"
sequence: "wait 0.33"
sequence: "anim attacker atk-move"
sequence: "vfx attacker shadow_ball_emit"
sequence: "vfx defender shadow_ball_hit"
sequence: "sfx attacker 247-0_shadow_ball"
sequence: "wait 1.25"
sequence: "cam PanToDefender_ATKR_DFND_"
sequence: "wait 0.5"
sequence: "anim defender damageS01"
sequence: "wait 1.0"
sequence: "sys ui-sync"
sequence: "sys complete"
item_templates {
template_id: "sequence_shadow_claw_fast"
move_sequence_settings {
sequence: "anim attacker atk-move"
sequence: "f2fvfx defender shadow_claw_fast"
sequence: "sfx attacker 421-0_shadow_claw"
sequence: "wait 0.4"
sequence: "anim defender damageS01"
sequence: "wait 0.1"
sequence: "sys ui-sync"
sequence: "sys complete"
item_templates {
template_id: "sequence_shadow_punch"
move_sequence_settings {
sequence: "vfx camera camera_horizontal_vignette_1s"
sequence: "cam EnterBehindAttacker_ATKR_DFND_"
sequence: "background attacker 0.0/0.0/0.0/0.25"
sequence: "silhouette attacker 0.0/0.0/0.0/0.0"
sequence: "anim attacker atk-move"
sequence: "event"
sequence: "sfx attacker 325-0_shadow_punch"
sequence: "wait 0.15"
sequence: "f2fvfx defender shadow_punch"
sequence: "wait 0.3"
sequence: "cam PunchHit_ATKR_DFND_"
sequence: "wait 0.15"
sequence: "anim defender damageS01"
sequence: "wait 0.25"
sequence: "reset_background attacker 0.0/0.0/0.0/0.25"
sequence: "reset_silhouette attacker 0.0/0.0/0.0/0.0"
sequence: "wait 0.5"
sequence: "cam CutFromDefender_ATKR_DFND_"
sequence: "sys ui-sync"
sequence: "sys complete"
item_templates {
template_id: "sequence_shadow_sneak"
move_sequence_settings {
sequence: "vfx camera camera_horizontal_vignette_3s"
sequence: "cam EnterBehindAttackerFarAway_ATKR_DFND_"
sequence: "anim attacker atk-move"
sequence: "event"
sequence: "vfx attacker shadow_sneak"
sequence: "sfx attacker 425-0_shadow_sneak"
sequence: "cam ShadowSneak_ATKR_DFND_"
sequence: "wait 1.0"
sequence: "vfx defender shadow_sneak_hit"
sequence: "shake UpDown/0.75/1.0/1.0"
sequence: "wait 0.4"
sequence: "anim defender damageS01"
sequence: "wait 1.0"
sequence: "cam CutFromDefender_ATKR_DFND_"
sequence: "sys ui-sync"
sequence: "sys complete"
item_templates {
template_id: "sequence_signal_beam"
move_sequence_settings {
sequence: "vfx camera camera_horizontal_vignette_4s"
sequence: "cam DefaultAttack_ATKR_DFND_"
sequence: "anim attacker atk-move"
sequence: "event"
sequence: "cam PanToDefender_ATKR_DFND_"
sequence: "f2fvfx attacker signal_beam"
sequence: "sfx attacker 324-0_signal_beam"
sequence: "background attacker 0.0/0.3/0.6/0.25"
sequence: "wait 0.9"
sequence: "f2fvfx defender signal_beam_hit"
sequence: "wait 0.2"
sequence: "anim defender damageS01"
sequence: "reset_background attacker 0.4/1.0/0.7/0.25"
sequence: "wait 0.33"
sequence: "anim defender damageS01"
sequence: "reset_background attacker 1.0/0.4/0.7/0.25"
sequence: "wait 0.5"
sequence: "anim defender damageS01"
sequence: "reset_background attacker 0.4/0.7/1.0/0.25"
sequence: "wait 1.0"
sequence: "sys ui-sync"
sequence: "sys complete"
item_templates {
template_id: "sequence_sludge"
move_sequence_settings {
sequence: "vfx camera camera_horizontal_vignette_3s"
sequence: "cam DefaultAttack_ATKR_DFND_"
sequence: "anim attacker atk-move"
sequence: "event"
sequence: "f2fvfx attacker sludge"
sequence: "sfx attacker 124-0_sludge"
sequence: "wait 0.5"
sequence: "vfx defender sludge_hit"
sequence: "wait 0.2"
sequence: "anim defender damageS01"
sequence: "wait 0.25"
sequence: "sys ui-sync"
sequence: "sys complete"
item_templates {
template_id: "sequence_sludge_bomb"
move_sequence_settings {
sequence: "vfx camera camera_horizontal_vignette_3s"
sequence: "cam DefaultAttack_ATKR_DFND_"
sequence: "anim attacker atk-move"
sequence: "event"
sequence: "vfx attacker sludge_bomb"
sequence: "sfx attacker 188-0_sludge_bomb"
sequence: "wait 0.2"
sequence: "cam FollowArcingProjectile_ATKR_DFND_"
sequence: "wait 0.8"
sequence: "shake UpDown/0.5/0.25/2.0"
sequence: "anim defender damageS01"
sequence: "vfx defender sludge_bomb_hit"
sequence: "wait 1.0"
sequence: "sys ui-sync"
sequence: "sys complete"
item_templates {
template_id: "sequence_sludge_wave"
move_sequence_settings {
sequence: "vfx camera camera_horizontal_vignette_3s"
sequence: "cam EnterBehindAttacker_ATKR_DFND_"
sequence: "anim attacker atk-move"
sequence: "event"
sequence: "vfx attacker sludge_wave_ground"
sequence: "f2fvfx attacker sludge_wave_projectile"
sequence: "sfx attacker 482-0_sludge_wave"
sequence: "wait 0.2"
sequence: "cam PanToFaceDefender_ATKR_DFND_"
sequence: "wait 1.0"
sequence: "f2fvfx defender sludge_wave_projectile_hit"
sequence: "vfx defender sludge_wave_hit"
sequence: "anim defender damageS01"
sequence: "wait 0.5"
sequence: "anim defender damageS01"
sequence: "wait 1.0"
sequence: "cam CutFromDefender_ATKR_DFND_"
sequence: "sys ui-sync"
sequence: "sys complete"
item_templates {
template_id: "sequence_solar_beam"
move_sequence_settings {
sequence: "vfx camera camera_horizontal_vignette_2s"
sequence: "cam SolarBeamEnter_ATKR_DFND_"
sequence: "background attacker 1.0/0.95/0.8/0.5"
sequence: "anim attacker atk-move"
sequence: "event"
sequence: "vfx attacker solar_beam_charge_waist:Origin/Waist"
sequence: "sfx attacker 076-0_solar_beam"
sequence: "wait 0.5"
sequence: "vfx attacker solar_beam_charge"
sequence: "wait 0.85"
sequence: "cam SolarBeam_ATKR_DFND_"
sequence: "wait 0.41"
sequence: "vfx defender solar_beam_hit"
sequence: "sfx attacker 076-1_solar_beam"
sequence: "shake UpDown/0.75/0.5/2.0"
sequence: "wait 0.4"
sequence: "shake UpDown/0.75/1.0/1.0"
sequence: "wait 1.3"
sequence: "shake UpDown/0.75/2.0/0.5"
sequence: "anim defender damageS01"
sequence: "reset_background attacker 1.0/1.0/1.0/0.0"
sequence: "wait 1.0"
sequence: "cam CutFromDefender_ATKR_DFND_"
sequence: "sys ui-sync"
sequence: "sys complete"
item_templates {
template_id: "sequence_spark_fast"
move_sequence_settings {
sequence: "sfx attacker 209-0_spark"
sequence: "anim attacker atk-move"
sequence: "vfx attacker spark_waist_fast:Origin/Waist"
sequence: "wait 0.15"
sequence: "f2fvfx attacker spark_fast"
sequence: "wait 0.15"
sequence: "anim defender damageS01"
sequence: "vfx defender spark_hit_waist_fast:Origin/Waist"
sequence: "wait 0.2"
sequence: "sys ui-sync"
sequence: "sys complete"
item_templates {
template_id: "sequence_splash_fast"
move_sequence_settings {
sequence: "anim attacker atk-move"
sequence: "wait 0.36"
sequence: "vfx attacker jump"
sequence: "sfx attacker 150-0_splash"
sequence: "wait 0.53"
sequence: "vfx attacker splash"
sequence: "sys ui-sync"
sequence: "sys complete"
item_templates {
template_id: "sequence_steel_wing_fast"
move_sequence_settings {
sequence: "anim attacker atk-move"
sequence: "wait 0.35"
sequence: "vfx defender steel_wing_fast"
sequence: "sfx attacker 017-0_wing_attack"
sequence: "wait 0.15"
sequence: "anim defender damageS01"
sequence: "sys ui-sync"
sequence: "sys complete"
item_templates {
template_id: "sequence_stomp"
move_sequence_settings {
sequence: "vfx camera camera_horizontal_vignette_2s"
sequence: "cam PanToDefender_ATKR_DFND_"
sequence: "wait 0.4"
sequence: "anim attacker atk-move"
sequence: "event"
sequence: "vfx defender stomp_hit"
sequence: "sfx attacker 023-0_stomp"
sequence: "squish defender 0.9"
sequence: "wait 0.15"
sequence: "anim defender damageS01"
sequence: "shake UpDown/1.0/1.0/1.0"
sequence: "wait 1.0"
sequence: "sys ui-sync"
sequence: "sys complete"
item_templates {
template_id: "sequence_stone_edge"
move_sequence_settings {
sequence: "vfx camera camera_horizontal_vignette_2s"
sequence: "cam EnterFaceDefenderFromFarAway_ATKR_DFND_"
sequence: "sfx attacker 444-0_stone_edge"
sequence: "anim attacker atk-move"
sequence: "event"
sequence: "shake UpDown/0.75/0.75"
sequence: "vfx defender stone_edge"
sequence: "wait 0.25"
sequence: "anim defender damageS01"
sequence: "wait 0.75"
sequence: "cam CutFromDefender_ATKR_DFND_"
sequence: "sys ui-sync"
sequence: "sys complete"
item_templates {
template_id: "sequence_struggle"
move_sequence_settings {
sequence: "vfx camera camera_horizontal_vignette_3s"
sequence: "cam DefaultAttack_ATKR_DFND_"
sequence: "shake SideToSide/1.5/0.1/1.0"
sequence: "anim attacker atk-move"
sequence: "event"
sequence: "f2fvfx defender struggle"
sequence: "sfx attacker 165-0_struggle"
sequence: "anim defender damageS01"
sequence: "wait 1.5"
sequence: "sys ui-sync"
sequence: "sys complete"
item_templates {
template_id: "sequence_submission"
move_sequence_settings {
sequence: "vfx camera camera_horizontal_vignette_3s"
sequence: "anim attacker atk-move"
sequence: "event"
sequence: "cam PanToDefender_ATKR_DFND_"
sequence: "background attacker 0.0/0.0/0.0/0.5"
sequence: "vfx camera camera_speed_lines"
sequence: "vfx attacker submission"
sequence: "sfx attacker 066-0_submission"
sequence: "hide defender"
sequence: "wait 1.15"
sequence: "unhide defender"
sequence: "anim defender damageS01"
sequence: "shake UpDown/0.5/0.25/1.0"
sequence: "reset_background attacker 0.0/0.0/0.0/0.5"
sequence: "wait 0.5"
sequence: "sys ui-sync"
sequence: "sys complete"
item_templates {
template_id: "sequence_sucker_punch_fast"
move_sequence_settings {
sequence: "anim attacker atk-move"
sequence: "f2fvfx defender sucker_punch_fast"
sequence: "sfx attacker 389-0_sucker_punch"
sequence: "wait 0.5"
sequence: "anim defender damageS01"
sequence: "sys ui-sync"
sequence: "sys complete"
item_templates {
template_id: "sequence_swift"
move_sequence_settings {
sequence: "vfx camera camera_horizontal_vignette_3s"
sequence: "cam DefaultAttack_ATKR_DFND_"
sequence: "anim attacker atk-move"
sequence: "event"
sequence: "f2fvfx attacker swift_emit"
sequence: "vfx defender swift_hit"
sequence: "sfx attacker 129-0_swift"
sequence: "wait 1.4"
sequence: "anim defender damageS01"
sequence: "shake SideToSide/0.25/0.5/1.0"
sequence: "wait 1.0"
sequence: "sys ui-sync"
sequence: "sys complete"
item_templates {
template_id: "sequence_tackle_fast"
move_sequence_settings {
sequence: "anim attacker atk-move"
sequence: "f2fvfx attacker tackle_fast"
sequence: "wait 0.25"
sequence: "f2fvfx defender tackle_fast_hit"
sequence: "anim defender damageS01"
sequence: "sfx attacker 033-0_tackle"
sequence: "wait 0.25"
sequence: "sys ui-sync"
sequence: "sys complete"
item_templates {
template_id: "sequence_thunder"
move_sequence_settings {
sequence: "vfx camera camera_horizontal_vignette_2s"
sequence: "cam Thunder_ATKR_DFND_"
sequence: "anim attacker atk-move"
sequence: "vfx defender thunder"
sequence: "sfx attacker 087-0_thunder"
sequence: "wait 1.0"
sequence: "background attacker 0.0/0.0/0.0/0.0"
sequence: "wait 1.35"
sequence: "shake UpDown/0.5/1.0/0.0"
sequence: "anim defender damageS01"
sequence: "reset_background attacker 1.0/1.0/0.9/0.0"
sequence: "wait 0.33"
sequence: "anim defender damageS01"
sequence: "reset_background attacker 1.0/1.0/0.9/0.0"
sequence: "wait 0.33"
sequence: "anim defender damageS01"
sequence: "reset_background attacker 1.0/1.0/0.9/0.0"
sequence: "wait 1.7"
sequence: "sys ui-sync"
sequence: "sys complete"
item_templates {
template_id: "sequence_thunder_punch"
move_sequence_settings {
sequence: "vfx camera camera_horizontal_vignette_2s"
sequence: "cam EnterBehindAttacker_ATKR_DFND_"
sequence: "background attacker 0.0/0.0/0.0/0.5"
sequence: "anim attacker atk-move"
sequence: "event"
sequence: "sfx attacker 009-0_thunder_punch"
sequence: "wait 0.15"
sequence: "f2fvfx defender thunder_punch"
sequence: "wait 0.85"
sequence: "cam PunchHit_ATKR_DFND_"
sequence: "wait 0.15"
sequence: "anim defender damageS01"
sequence: "vfx camera camera_electric"
sequence: "reset_background attacker 1.0/1.0/1.0/0.0"
sequence: "wait 1.0"
sequence: "cam CutFromDefender_ATKR_DFND_"
sequence: "sys ui-sync"
sequence: "sys complete"
item_templates {
template_id: "sequence_thunder_shock_fast"
move_sequence_settings {
sequence: "anim attacker atk-move"
sequence: "vfx attacker thunder_shock_waist_fast:Origin/Waist"
sequence: "f2fvfx attacker thunder_shock_fast"
sequence: "sfx attacker 084-0_thunder_shock"
sequence: "wait 0.25"
sequence: "anim defender damageS01"
sequence: "vfx defender thunder_shock_hit_waist_fast:Origin/Waist"
sequence: "wait 0.25"
sequence: "sys ui-sync"
sequence: "sys complete"
item_templates {
template_id: "sequence_thunderbolt"
move_sequence_settings {
sequence: "vfx camera camera_horizontal_vignette_1s"
sequence: "cam EnterBehindAttackerFarAway_ATKR_DFND_"
sequence: "background attacker 1.0/0.9/0.6/0.5"
sequence: "anim attacker atk-move"
sequence: "event"
sequence: "vfx attacker thunderbolt_waist:Origin/Waist"
sequence: "f2fvfx attacker thunderbolt"
sequence: "sfx attacker 085-0_thunderbolt"
sequence: "wait 0.3"
sequence: "cam PanToFaceDefender_ATKR_DFND_"
sequence: "wait 0.6"
sequence: "vfx defender thunderbolt_hit"
sequence: "wait 0.15"
sequence: "anim defender damageS01"
sequence: "reset_silhouette defender 1.0/1.0/1.0/0.0"
sequence: "vfx defender thunder_shock_hit_waist_fast:Origin/Waist"
sequence: "wait 0.15"
sequence: "anim defender damageS01"
sequence: "reset_silhouette defender 1.0/1.0/1.0/0.0"
sequence: "reset_background attacker 1.0/0.9/0.6/0.5"
sequence: "wait 1.0"
sequence: "cam CutFromDefender_ATKR_DFND_"
sequence: "sys ui-sync"
sequence: "sys complete"
item_templates {
template_id: "sequence_twister"
move_sequence_settings {
sequence: "vfx camera camera_horizontal_vignette_2s"
sequence: "cam EnterBehindAttackerFarAway_ATKR_DFND_"
sequence: "anim attacker atk-move"
sequence: "event"
sequence: "cam FaceDefenderZoomOut_ATKR_DFND_"
sequence: "vfx defender twister"
sequence: "sfx attacker 239-0_twister"
sequence: "wait 0.33"
sequence: "spin defender 1.0"
sequence: "wait 0.33"
sequence: "anim defender damageS01"
sequence: "wait 0.33"
sequence: "anim defender damageS01"
sequence: "wait 0.33"
sequence: "anim defender damageS01"
sequence: "wait 0.5"
sequence: "cam CutFromDefender_ATKR_DFND_"
sequence: "sys ui-sync"
sequence: "sys complete"
item_templates {
template_id: "sequence_vice_grip"
move_sequence_settings {
sequence: "vfx camera camera_horizontal_vignette_3s"
sequence: "cam DefaultAttack_ATKR_DFND_"
sequence: "anim attacker atk-move"
sequence: "event"
sequence: "cam ViceGrip"
sequence: "vfx defender vice_grip"
sequence: "wait 0.3"
sequence: "sfx attacker 011-0_vice_grip"
sequence: "wait 0.25"
sequence: "anim defender damageS01"
sequence: "wait 0.5"
sequence: "sys ui-sync"
sequence: "sys complete"
item_templates {
template_id: "sequence_vine_whip_fast"
move_sequence_settings {
sequence: "anim attacker atk-move"
sequence: "f2fvfx attacker vine_whip_fast_emit"
sequence: "vfx defender vine_whip_fast_hit"
sequence: "sfx attacker 022-0_vine_whip"
sequence: "wait 0.3"
sequence: "anim defender damageS01"
sequence: "wait 0.2"
sequence: "sys ui-sync"
sequence: "sys complete"
item_templates {
template_id: "sequence_water_gun_fast"
move_sequence_settings {
sequence: "anim attacker atk-move"
sequence: "f2fvfx attacker water_gun_fast"
sequence: "sfx attacker 055-0_water_gun"
sequence: "wait 0.15"
sequence: "anim defender damageS01"
sequence: "wait 0.35"
sequence: "sys ui-sync"
sequence: "sys complete"
item_templates {
template_id: "sequence_water_gun_fast_blastoise"
move_sequence_settings {
sequence: "anim attacker atk-move"
sequence: "f2fvfx attacker water_gun_fast_double_beam_emit"
sequence: "vfx defender water_gun_fast_double_beam hit"
sequence: "sfx attacker 055-0_water_gun"
sequence: "wait 0.15"
sequence: "anim defender damageS01"
sequence: "wait 0.35"
sequence: "sys ui-sync"
sequence: "sys complete"
item_templates {
template_id: "sequence_water_pulse"
move_sequence_settings {
sequence: "vfx camera camera_horizontal_vignette_4s"
sequence: "cam WaterPulseEnter_ATKR_DFND_"
sequence: "wait 0.5"
sequence: "vfx attacker water_pulse_ring"
sequence: "sfx attacker 352-0_water_pulse"
sequence: "wait 0.25"
sequence: "background attacker 0.0/0.25/1.0/0.5"
sequence: "anim attacker atk-move"
sequence: "wait 0.33"
sequence: "cam PanToFaceDefender_ATKR_DFND_"
sequence: "f2fvfx attacker water_pulse"
sequence: "wait 0.4"
sequence: "f2fvfx defender water_pulse_hit"
sequence: "wait 0.1"
sequence: "anim defender damageS01"
sequence: "wait 1.5"
sequence: "reset_background attacker 0.0/0.25/1.0/0.5"
sequence: "wait 0.5"
sequence: "cam CutFromDefender_ATKR_DFND_"
sequence: "sys ui-sync"
sequence: "sys complete"
item_templates {
template_id: "sequence_wing_attack_fast"
move_sequence_settings {
sequence: "anim attacker atk-move"
sequence: "wait 0.35"
sequence: "f2fvfx defender wing_attack_fast"
sequence: "sfx attacker 017-0_wing_attack"
sequence: "wait 0.15"
sequence: "anim defender damageS01"
sequence: "sys ui-sync"
sequence: "sys complete"
item_templates {
template_id: "sequence_wrap"
move_sequence_settings {
sequence: "vfx camera camera_horizontal_vignette_5s"
sequence: "cam DefaultAttack_ATKR_DFND_"
sequence: "anim attacker atk-move"
sequence: "event"
sequence: "vfx defender wrap_tentacles"
sequence: "sfx attacker 035-0_wrap"
sequence: "wait 1.5"
sequence: "sfx attacker 035-1_wrap"
sequence: "wait 0.06"
sequence: "anim defender damageS01"
sequence: "wait 0.3"
sequence: "sfx attacker 035-1_wrap"
sequence: "wait 0.06"
sequence: "anim defender damageS01"
sequence: "wait 0.5"
sequence: "sys ui-sync"
sequence: "sys complete"
item_templates {
template_id: "sequence_wrap_green"
move_sequence_settings {
sequence: "vfx camera camera_horizontal_vignette_5s"
sequence: "cam DefaultAttack_ATKR_DFND_"
sequence: "anim attacker atk-move"
sequence: "event"
sequence: "vfx defender wrap_tentacles_green"
sequence: "sfx attacker 035-0_wrap"
sequence: "wait 1.5"
sequence: "sfx attacker 035-1_wrap"
sequence: "wait 0.06"
sequence: "anim defender damageS01"
sequence: "wait 0.3"
sequence: "sfx attacker 035-1_wrap"
sequence: "wait 0.06"
sequence: "anim defender damageS01"
sequence: "wait 0.5"
sequence: "sys ui-sync"
sequence: "sys complete"
item_templates {
template_id: "sequence_wrap_pink"
move_sequence_settings {
sequence: "vfx camera camera_horizontal_vignette_5s"
sequence: "cam DefaultAttack_ATKR_DFND_"
sequence: "anim attacker atk-move"
sequence: "event"
sequence: "vfx defender wrap_tentacles_pink"
sequence: "sfx attacker 035-0_wrap"
sequence: "wait 1.5"
sequence: "sfx attacker 035-1_wrap"
sequence: "wait 0.06"
sequence: "anim defender damageS01"
sequence: "wait 0.3"
sequence: "sfx attacker 035-1_wrap"
sequence: "wait 0.06"
sequence: "anim defender damageS01"
sequence: "wait 0.5"
sequence: "sys ui-sync"
sequence: "sys complete"
item_templates {
template_id: "sequence_x_scissor"
move_sequence_settings {
sequence: "vfx camera camera_horizontal_vignette_2s"
sequence: "cam DefaultAttack_ATKR_DFND_"
sequence: "anim attacker atk-move"
sequence: "event"
sequence: "cam PanToDefender_ATKR_DFND_"
sequence: "sfx attacker 404-0_x_scissor"
sequence: "background attacker 0.0/0.0/0.0/0.5"
sequence: "wait 0.25"
sequence: "f2fvfx defender x_scissor"
sequence: "wait 0.25"
sequence: "anim defender damageS01"
sequence: "reset_background attacker 0.0/0.0/0.0/0.5"
sequence: "wait 1.0"
sequence: "sys ui-sync"
sequence: "sys complete"
item_templates {
template_id: "sequence_zen_headbutt_fast"
move_sequence_settings {
sequence: "anim attacker atk-move"
sequence: "f2fvfx attacker zen_headbutt_fast_emit"
sequence: "wait 0.40"
sequence: "vfx defender zen_headbutt_fast_hit"
sequence: "anim defender damageS01"
sequence: "sfx attacker 442-0_iron_head"
sequence: "wait 0.25"
sequence: "sys ui-sync"
sequence: "sys complete"
timestamp_ms: 1469830490245
This file has been truncated, but you can view the full file.
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2: "\000\350\007\270\027\360.\220N\230u\210\244\001\340\332\001\240\231\002\310\337\002\330\255\003\350\373\003\370\311\004\210\230\005\240\215\006\300\251\007\340\305\010\200\342\t\250\245\013\320\350\014\240\357\017\230\271\024\270\306\032\200\227\"\360\252+\240\3676\340\221C\360\262R\320\332d\200\211z\240\313\230\001\300\215\267\001\360\360\344\001\260\365\241\002\200\233\356\002\340\341\311\003\340\352\303\004\200\266\334\005\300\303\223\007\200\332\304\t"
3: "\022\203\300=4d*>\371\350\\>\275\355\202>\242\233\224>\230e\244>\001\314\262>\341\036\300>\025\224\314>\354Q\330>\376\336\342>\351\363\354>i\237\366>r\355\377>\356s\004?r\313\010?\300\000\r?\323\026\021?;\020\025?5\357\030?W\266\034?\264f ?\325\001$?\030\211\'?\271\375*?\323`.?f\2631?]\3664?\212*8?\261P;?v\336<?\374h>?W\360??\233tA?\331\365B?$tD?\215\357E?#hG?\370\335H?\032QJ?"
4: 20
5: 30
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2: 7
2 {
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1: "\000\000\200?\315\314L?\000\000\200?\000\000\200?\000\000\200?\000\000\200?\000\000\200?\000\000\240?\000\000\200?\000\000\200?\000\000\200?\000\000\200?\000\000\200?\000\000\240?\000\000\200?\000\000\200?\315\314L?\315\314L?"
2: 17
2 {
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1: "\000\000\200?\000\000\200?\000\000\200?\000\000\200?\000\000\200?\000\000\200?\000\000\200?\000\000\200?\315\314L?\000\000\200?\000\000\200?\000\000\200?\000\000\200?\000\000\200?\000\000\200?\000\000\240?\000\000\200?\315\314L?"
2: 16
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8 {
1: "\000\000\200?\000\000\200?\000\000\240?\000\000\200?\315\314L?\000\000\200?\000\000\200?\000\000\200?\000\000\200?\000\000\200?\000\000\240?\315\314L?\315\314L?\000\000\200?\000\000\200?\315\314L?\000\000\200?\000\000\200?"
2: 13
2 {
8 {
1: "\000\000\200?\000\000\240?\000\000\200?\315\314L?\000\000\200?\000\000\200?\000\000\200?\000\000\200?\315\314L?\315\314L?\000\000\200?\000\000\200?\000\000\200?\000\000\200?\000\000\200?\000\000\240?\000\000\240?\000\000\200?"
2: 18
2 {
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1: "\000\000\240?\000\000\200?\315\314L?\315\314L?\000\000\200?\000\000\240?\315\314L?\315\314L?\000\000\240?\000\000\200?\000\000\200?\000\000\200?\000\000\200?\315\314L?\000\000\240?\000\000\200?\000\000\240?\315\314L?"
2: 2
2 {
8 {
1: "\000\000\200?\000\000\200?\000\000\200?\000\000\200?\000\000\200?\315\314L?\000\000\240?\000\000\200?\000\000\240?\315\314L?\315\314L?\000\000\240?\000\000\200?\000\000\200?\000\000\240?\315\314L?\000\000\200?\000\000\200?"
2: 10
2 {
8 {
1: "\000\000\200?\000\000\240?\000\000\200?\000\000\200?\000\000\200?\315\314L?\000\000\240?\000\000\200?\315\314L?\000\000\200?\000\000\200?\000\000\240?\315\314L?\000\000\200?\000\000\200?\000\000\200?\000\000\200?\000\000\200?"
2: 3
2 {
8 {
1: "\315\314L?\000\000\200?\000\000\200?\000\000\200?\000\000\200?\000\000\200?\000\000\200?\000\000\240?\000\000\200?\000\000\200?\000\000\200?\000\000\200?\000\000\200?\000\000\240?\000\000\200?\000\000\200?\315\314L?\000\000\200?"
2: 8
2 {
8 {
1: "\000\000\200?\000\000\200?\315\314L?\315\314L?\000\000\240?\000\000\240?\315\314L?\000\000\200?\315\314L?\315\314L?\000\000\240?\315\314L?\000\000\200?\000\000\200?\000\000\200?\315\314L?\000\000\200?\000\000\200?"
2: 12
2 {
8 {
1: "\000\000\200?\000\000\200?\315\314L?\000\000\240?\000\000\200?\000\000\240?\315\314L?\000\000\200?\000\000\240?\000\000\240?\000\000\200?\315\314L?\000\000\240?\000\000\200?\000\000\200?\000\000\200?\000\000\200?\000\000\200?"
2: 5
2 {
8 {
1: "\000\000\200?\000\000\200?\000\000\240?\000\000\200?\000\000\240?\000\000\200?\000\000\200?\000\000\200?\315\314L?\315\314L?\315\314L?\000\000\240?\000\000\200?\000\000\200?\315\314L?\000\000\240?\000\000\200?\000\000\200?"
2: 15
2 {
8 {
1: "\000\000\200?\000\000\200?\000\000\200?\000\000\200?\000\000\200?\315\314L?\000\000\200?\315\314L?\315\314L?\000\000\200?\000\000\200?\000\000\200?\000\000\200?\000\000\200?\000\000\200?\000\000\200?\000\000\200?\000\000\200?"
2: 1
2 {
8 {
1: "\000\000\200?\000\000\200?\000\000\200?\315\314L?\315\314L?\315\314L?\000\000\200?\315\314L?\315\314L?\000\000\200?\000\000\200?\000\000\240?\000\000\200?\000\000\200?\000\000\200?\000\000\200?\000\000\200?\000\000\240?"
2: 4
2 {
8 {
1: "\000\000\200?\000\000\240?\000\000\200?\000\000\240?\000\000\200?\000\000\200?\000\000\200?\000\000\200?\315\314L?\000\000\200?\000\000\200?\000\000\200?\000\000\200?\315\314L?\000\000\200?\000\000\200?\315\314L?\000\000\200?"
2: 14
2 {
8 {
1: "\000\000\200?\315\314L?\000\000\240?\000\000\200?\315\314L?\000\000\200?\000\000\240?\000\000\200?\315\314L?\000\000\240?\000\000\200?\000\000\200?\000\000\200?\000\000\200?\000\000\240?\000\000\200?\000\000\200?\000\000\200?"
2: 6
2 {
8 {
1: "\000\000\200?\000\000\200?\000\000\200?\000\000\200?\000\000\200?\000\000\240?\000\000\200?\000\000\200?\315\314L?\315\314L?\315\314L?\000\000\200?\315\314L?\000\000\200?\000\000\240?\000\000\200?\000\000\200?\000\000\240?"
2: 9
2 {
8 {
1: "\000\000\200?\000\000\200?\000\000\200?\000\000\200?\000\000\240?\000\000\240?\000\000\200?\000\000\200?\000\000\200?\000\000\240?\315\314L?\315\314L?\000\000\200?\000\000\200?\000\000\200?\315\314L?\000\000\200?\000\000\200?"
2: 11
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1: 2
2: 2
3: "\001\001\001\001\001\001\001\001\001\001\002\002\002\002\002\002\002\002\002\002\003\003\003\003\003\004\004\004\004\004\006\006\010\010\n\n\014\014\017\017"
4: "\310\001\310\001\220\003\220\003\330\004\330\004\240\006\240\006\350\007\350\007\224\n\224\n\300\014\300\014\354\016\354\016\230\021\230\021\304\023\304\023\270\027\270\027\254\033\254\033\240\037\240\037\224#\224#\210\'\210\'\360.\360.\3306\3306\300>\300>\250F\250F\220N\220N"
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1: 1
3: 0x3f8b851f
4: 12
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6: 1
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8 {
1: 90
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3: 126
9: "\326\001\335\001"
10: "Z;v"
11: "mV\325?\332\254*?mV\325?\223\251\352?\000\000\000\0006\253\n@33\263?\277\273\273?"
12: "\002"
13: 1
15: 0x3f333333
16: 0x40dccccd
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21: 1
22: 25
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1: 2
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6: 1
7: 0x41b80000
8: 0x3fc00000
9: 0x41000000
8 {
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3: 158
9: "\327\001\326\001"
10: "Ztv"
11: "6\253*@\332\254*?mV\325?6\253\n@\000\000\000\000\000\000\000@mV\325?\333\335\335?"
12: "\003"
13: 1
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16: 0x41500000
17: 1
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21: 1
22: 100
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1: 3
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6: 1
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8: 0x3fa00000
9: 0x40800000
8 {
1: 160
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3: 200
9: "\327\001\326\001"
10: "Z/t"
11: "j\336\035@\332\254*?mV\325?\223\251\352?\000\000\000\000\375\207\010@\000\000\000@FD\004@"
13: 1
15: 0x40000000
16: 0x42c80000
17: 2
18: 0x3e800000
19: 0x41480000
21: 1
2 {
2 {
1: 4
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4: 10
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1: 0x3ef0068e
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3: 0x3e200000
4: 0x3ef00000
5: 0x3e200000
6: 1
7: 0x41e80000
8: 0x3fa00000
9: 0x41200000
8 {
1: 78
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3: 108
9: "\321\001\334\001"
10: "ef\030"
11: "\375\207\010@\332\254*?mV\325?\223\251\352?\000\000\000\000\375\207\010@mV\225?\250\252\252?"
12: "\005"
13: 1
15: 0x3f19999a
16: 0x41080000
18: 0x3d99999a
19: 0x3f880000
21: 4
22: 25
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1: 5
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4: 10
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5: 0x3e6d4fdf
6: 1
7: 0x41b80000
8: 0x3f800000
9: 0x41000000
8 {
1: 116
2: 160
3: 140
9: "\321\001\334\001"
10: "sf\030"
11: "\007\360\356?\332\254*?\223\251\352?\000\000\300?VU\325@\312T\025@\000\000\000@%\"\"@"
12: "\006"
13: 1
15: 0x3f8ccccd
16: 0x41980000
17: 4
18: 0x3e0ccccd
19: 0x40180000
21: 4
22: 100
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2 {
1: 6
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5: 3
6 {
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5: 0x3e4f5c29
6: 5
7: 0x41300000
8: 0x3f800000
9: 0x40800000
8 {
1: 156
2: 212
3: 182
9: "\321\001\322\001"
10: "gS\030"
11: "\315\314\014@\332\254*?mV\325?\r\340]?VU\325@\000\000\000@\315\314\314?\000\000\000@"
13: 1
15: 0x3fd9999a
16: 0x42b50000
17: 5
18: 0x3e59999a
19: 0x41350000
21: 4
2 {
2 {
1: 7
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4: 11
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1: 0x3f12e48f
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7 {
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5: 0x3e43d70a
6: 1
7: 0x41200000
8: 0x3f800000
9: 0x41e80000
8 {
1: 88
2: 112
3: 142
9: "\355\001\335\001"
10: "9:i"
11: "\306\334\335?\332\254*?mV\325?\000\000\300?\000\000\000\0006\253\n@\000\000\200?\250\252\252?"
12: "\010"
13: 1
15: 0x3f000000
16: 0x41100000
18: 0x3d800000
19: 0x3f900000
21: 7
22: 25
2 {
2 {
1: 8
3: 0x3f800000
4: 11
6 {
1: 0x3f100000
2: 0x3ec00000
3: 0x3f800000
5: 0x3f000000
7 {
1: 0x3da3d70a
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4: 0x3f200000
5: 0x3e400000
6: 1
7: 0x41b80000
8: 0x3fa00000
9: 0x41000000
8 {
1: 118
2: 144
3: 176
9: "\346\001\312\001"
10: "9\'k"
11: "\000\000\000@\332\254*?mV\325?\223\251\352?\000\000\000\000ff\346?\240\211\210?\016\021\221?"
12: "\t"
13: 1
15: 0x3f800000
16: 0x41b40000
17: 7
18: 0x3e000000
19: 0x40340000
21: 7
22: 100
2 {
2 {
1: 9
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4: 11
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7 {
1: 0x3d23d70a
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6: 1
7: 0x41600000
8: 0x3fa00000
9: 0x40a00000
8 {
1: 158
2: 186
3: 222
9: "\346\001\312\001"
10: "$\'k"
11: "\375\207\010@\332\254*?mV\325?\223\251\352?\000\000\000\000\000\000\000@6\253*@\250\252\252?"
13: 1
15: 0x3fcccccd
16: 0x42ab0000
17: 8
18: 0x3e4ccccd
19: 0x412b0000
21: 7
2 {
2 {
1: 10
3: 0x40028f5c
4: 7
6 {
1: 0x3eeb020c
2: 0x3e9cac08
3: 0x3ed0e560
7 {
1: 0x3ecccccd
2: 0x3e4ccccd
3: 0x3dd0e560
4: 0x3e9cac08
5: 0x3e1cac08
6: 1
7: 0x41200000
9: 0x41e80000
8 {
1: 90
2: 62
3: 66
9: "\311\001\335\001"
10: "\205\001"
11: "\000\000\000\000\332\254*?mV\325?mV\325?\000\000\000\000\223\251\352?mV\325?\000\000\000\000"
12: "\013"
13: 1
15: 0x3e99999a
16: 0x4039999a
18: 0x3d19999a
19: 0x3eb9999a
21: 10
22: 12
2 {
2 {
1: 11
3: 0x3f95c28f
4: 7
6 {
1: 0x3f06c8b4
2: 0x3eb3b646
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5: 0x3f000000
7 {
1: 0x3e4ccccd
2: 0x3db851ec
3: 0x3def9db2
4: 0x3f24bc6a
5: 0x3e33b646
6: 1
7: 0x45610000
8: 0x3f800000
9: 0x45610000
8 {
1: 100
2: 56
3: 86
9: "\311\001\335\001"
10: "\205\001"
11: "\223\251\252?\332\254*?\223\251\352?mV\325?\000\000\000\000\240\211\310?\000\000\000@\000\000\000\000"
12: "\014"
13: 1
15: 0x3f333333
16: 0x411e6666
17: 10
18: 0x3db33333
19: 0x3f9e6666
21: 10
22: 50
2 {
2 {
1: 12
3: 0x3f8e147b
4: 7
5: 3
6 {
1: 0x3f7fbe77
2: 0x3f2a7efa
3: 0x3f8e147b
4: 0x3f0e147b
5: 0x3f000000
7 {
1: 0x3dcccccd
2: 0x3d75c28f
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4: 0x3f0e147b
5: 0x3e35dcc6
6: 5
7: 0x40c00000
8: 0x3f800000
9: 0x41880000
8 {
1: 120
2: 144
3: 144
9: "\311\001\353\001"
10: "1lc"
11: "\000\000\000@\332\254*?\306\334\335?\332\254*?\000\000\000\000j\336\035@\375\207\010@\000\000\000\000"
13: 1
15: 0x3f8ccccd
16: 0x42000000
17: 11
18: 0x3e0ccccd
19: 0x40800000
21: 10
2 {
1: "V0013_MOVE_WRAP"
4 {
1: 13
2: 5
3: 1
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8: 0x3d75c28f
9: 1
10: 100
11: "wrap"
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13: 2800
14: 3400
15: 18446744073709551596
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4: 7
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6 {
1: 0x3ea08312
2: 0x3e560419
3: 0x3ed60419
5: 0x3f000000
7 {
1: 0x3ecccccd
2: 0x3e4ccccd
3: 0x3dd60419
4: 0x3e560419
5: 0x3e208312
6: 1
7: 0x41200000
8: 0x3fa00000
9: 0x41e80000
8 {
1: 80
2: 68
3: 64
9: "\311\001\354\001"
10: "\205\001"
11: "\000\000\000\000\332\254*?mV\325?\223\251\352?\000\000\000\000mV\325?\000\000\000@\000\000\000\000"
12: "\016"
13: 1
15: 0x3e99999a
16: 0x404ccccd
18: 0x3d19999a
19: 0x3ecccccd
21: 13
22: 12
2 {
4 {
1: 14
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3: 1
4: 0x42f00000
5: 0x3f800000
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8: 0x3e19999a
9: 1
10: 100
11: "hyper_beam"
12: 5000
13: 4000
14: 4800
15: 18446744073709551516
2 {
2 {
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4: 7
5: 4
6 {
1: 0x3ec00000
2: 0x3e800000
3: 0x3f400000
5: 0x3f000000
7 {
1: 0x3e4ccccd
2: 0x3db851ec
3: 0x3e800000
4: 0x3f400000
5: 0x3e000000
6: 1
7: 0x45610000
9: 0x45610000
8 {
1: 90
2: 62
3: 82
9: "\311\001\354\001"
10: "\205\001"
11: "\000\000\000\000\332\254*?\000\000\000\000mV\325?\000\000\000\000\000\000\000@\000\000 @\000\000\000\000"
12: "\017"
13: 1
15: 0x3f19999a
16: 0x41200000
17: 13
18: 0x3d99999a
19: 0x3fa00000
21: 13
22: 50
2 {
2 {
1: 15
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4: 7
5: 4
6 {
1: 0x3f316873
2: 0x3eec8b44
3: 0x3f451eb8
4: 0x3ec51eb8
5: 0x3f000000
7 {
1: 0x3dcccccd
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5: 0x3e6c8b44
6: 4
7: 0x40c00000
8: 0x3f800000
9: 0x41880000
8 {
1: 130
2: 144
3: 130
9: "\311\001\340\001"
10: "Z-d"
11: "mV\325?\332\254*?mV\325?\332\254*?\315\314L>ff\346?\223\251\252?\000\000\000\000"
13: 1
15: 0x3f800000
16: 0x41ec0000
17: 14
18: 0x3e000000
19: 0x406c0000
21: 13
2 {
4 {
1: 16
2: 5
3: 17
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9: 1
10: 100
11: "dark_pulse"
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13: 2300
14: 3400
15: 18446744073709551583
2 {
2 {
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4: 1
5: 3
6 {
1: 0x3ec18937
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5: 0x3f000000
7 {
1: 0x3ecccccd
2: 0x3e4ccccd
3: 0x3e09a027
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5: 0x3e010625
6: 1
7: 0x41200000
8: 0x3fb33333
9: 0x41e80000
8 {
1: 80
2: 94
3: 90
9: "\333\001\335\001"
10: "P-y"
11: "mV\325?\332\254*?mV\325?\223\251\352?\000\000\000\000\223\251\352?\315\314L?\250\252\252?"
12: "\021"
13: 1
15: 0x3e99999a
16: 0x3fe66666
18: 0x3d19999a
19: 0x3e666666
21: 16
22: 12
2 {
2 {
1: 17
3: 0x3f4a3d71
4: 1
5: 3
6 {
1: 0x3f360419
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4: 0x3eca3d71
5: 0x3f000000
7 {
1: 0x3e4ccccd
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5: 0x3e72b021
6: 5
7: 0x41200000
8: 0x3f800000
9: 0x41e80000
8 {
1: 126
2: 126
3: 122
9: "\322\001\357\001"
10: "P-y"
11: "6\253*@\332\254*?\000\000\000@\315\314L?\000\000\000\000\000\000\000@\332\254*?\000\000\000\000"
12: "\022"
13: 1
15: 0x3f8ccccd
16: 0x41f00000
17: 16
18: 0x3e0ccccd
19: 0x40700000
21: 16
22: 50
2 {
1: "V0018_MOVE_SLUDGE"
4 {
1: 18
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3: 4
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5: 0x3f800000
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8: 0x3d851eb8
9: 1
10: 100
11: "sludge"
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13: 1850
14: 2350
15: 18446744073709551591
2 {
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4: 1
5: 3
6 {
1: 0x3fa5e354
2: 0x3f5d2f1b
3: 0x3fb851ec
4: 0x3eb851ec
5: 0x3f000000
7 {
1: 0x3dcccccd
2: 0x3d75c28f
3: 0x3eb851ec
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5: 0x3e5d2f1b
6: 5
7: 0x40c00000
8: 0x3f800000
9: 0x41880000
8 {
1: 166
2: 170
3: 166
9: "\322\001\357\001"
10: "z-y"
11: "\320D\004@\332\254*?mV\325?\332\254*?\000\000\000\000\000\000\000@ff\346?\000\000\000\000"
13: 1
15: 0x3fc00000
16: 0x421e0000
17: 17
18: 0x3e400000
19: 0x409e0000
21: 16
2 {
2 {
1: 19
3: 0x3fa147ae
4: 1
6 {
1: 0x3ec18937
2: 0x3e810625
3: 0x3ec18937
5: 0x3f000000
7 {
1: 0x3ecccccd
2: 0x3e4ccccd
3: 0x3e418937
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5: 0x3e010625
6: 1
7: 0x41200000
8: 0x3f666666
9: 0x41e80000
8 {
1: 60
2: 92
3: 86
9: "\335\001\333\001"
10: "\032\201\001\203\001"
11: "33\363?\332\254*?ff\346?:#\342?\000\000\000\000\232\231\031@\r\340]?\000\000\000\000"
12: "\024"
13: 1
15: 0x3e99999a
16: 0x40600000
18: 0x3d19999a
19: 0x3ee00000
21: 19
22: 25
2 {
4 {
1: 20
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1: 20
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4: 1
6 {
1: 0x3f4a3055
2: 0x3f06c8b4
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5: 0x3f000000
7 {
1: 0x3e23d70a
2: 0x3d8f5c29
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4: 0x3f15c28f
5: 0x3e86c8b4
6: 1
7: 0x41b80000
8: 0x3f800000
9: 0x41000000
8 {
1: 110
2: 146
3: 150
9: "\312\001\333\001"
10: "\032\201\001\016"
11: "mV\325?\332\254*?\306\334\335?mV\325?\000\000\000\000\000\000\000@\320D\004@\000\000\000\000"
13: 1
15: 0x3f333333
16: 0x41940000
17: 19
18: 0x3db33333
19: 0x40140000
21: 19
2 {
4 {
1: 21
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9: 1
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15: 18446744073709551591
2 {
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5: 3
6 {
1: 0x3ee353f8
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7 {
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5: 0x3e178d50
6: 1
7: 0x41200000
8: 0x3fa00000
9: 0x41e80000
8 {
1: 80
2: 102
3: 78
9: "\323\001\333\001"
10: "-&P"
11: "-C\304?\332\254*?mV\325?\223\251\352?\000\000\000\000\312T\025@\315\314L?\000\000\000\000"
12: "\026"
13: 1
15: 0x3e99999a
16: 0x40000000
18: 0x3d19999a
19: 0x3e800000
21: 21
22: 50
2 {
4 {
1: 22
2: 5
3: 7
4: 0x42a00000
5: 0x3f800000
6: 0x3d4ccccd
8: 0x3df5c28f
9: 1
10: 100
11: "megahorn"
12: 3200
13: 2400
14: 2700
15: 18446744073709551516
2 {
2 {
1: 22
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4: 1
5: 3
6 {
1: 0x3fa147ae
2: 0x3f010625
3: 0x3f866666
4: 0x3ed70a3d
5: 0x3ec00000
7 {
1: 0x3e23d70a
2: 0x3d8f5c29
3: 0x3e810625
4: 0x3f2147ae
5: 0x3e010625
6: 5
7: 0x41000000
8: 0x3f800000
9: 0x41b80000
8 {
1: 130
2: 168
3: 146
9: "\323\001\357\001"
10: "-.P"
11: "6\253*@\332\254*?mV\325?&SU?\000\000\000\000\312T\025@mV\325?\000\000\000\000"
13: 1
15: 0x3f99999a
16: 0x42180000
17: 21
18: 0x3e19999a
19: 0x40980000
21: 21
2 {
2 {
1: 23
3: 0x3fdd70a4
4: 4
6 {
1: 0x3f2617c2
2: 0x3edd70a4
3: 0x3f1b020c
5: 0x3ec00000
7 {
1: 0x3ecccccd
2: 0x3e19999a
3: 0x3e84dd2f
4: 0x3eb126e9
5: 0x3e0db8bb
6: 1
7: 0x41e80000
8: 0x3fa00000
9: 0x41200000
8 {
1: 70
2: 112
3: 112
9: "\354\001\341\001"
10: "\rZ\\"
11: "\306\334\335?\332\254*?mV\325?\223\251\352?\000\000\000\000\315\314\014@\315\314\314?\000\000\000\000"
12: "\030"
13: 1
15: 0x40000000
16: 0x40dccccd
18: 0x3e800000
19: 0x3f5ccccd
21: 23
22: 50
2 {
4 {
1: 24
2: 5
3: 10
4: 0x425c0000
5: 0x3f800000
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8: 0x3db851ec
9: 1
10: 100
11: "flamethrower"
12: 2900
13: 1700
14: 2600
15: 18446744073709551566
2 {
2 {
1: 24
3: 0x3f51eb85
4: 4
6 {
1: 0x3f6c28f6
2: 0x3f1d70a4
3: 0x3fad2f1b
5: 0x3f000000
7 {
1: 0x3e23d70a
2: 0x3d8f5c29
3: 0x3ed1eb85
4: 0x3fad2f1b
5: 0x3e27ef9e
6: 1
7: 0x41b80000
8: 0x3f800000
9: 0x41000000
8 {
1: 120
2: 166
3: 166
9: "\312\001\341\001"
10: "\020[\\"
11: "6\253*@\332\254*?mV\325?\000\000\300?\000\000\000\0006\253*@6\253*@\000\000\000\000"
13: 1
15: 0x40600000
16: 0x42820000
17: 23
18: 0x3ee00000
19: 0x41020000
21: 23
2 {
2 {
1: 25
3: 0x3fbd70a4
4: 13
6 {
1: 0x3f0e147b
2: 0x3ebd70a4
3: 0x3f3d70a4
5: 0x3f000000
7 {
1: 0x3e23d70a
2: 0x3dcccccd
3: 0x3e3d70a4
4: 0x3f049ba6
5: 0x3e3d70a4
7: 0x41200000
8: 0x3f800000
9: 0x41e80000
8 {
1: 70
2: 124
3: 108
9: "\315\001\333\001"
10: "#ON"
11: "\223\251\352?\332\254*?\315\314\314?\240\211\310?\000\000\000\000ff\346?\371\017\221?\213\210\210?"
12: "\032"
13: 1
15: 0x3ecccccd
16: 0x40c00000
18: 0x3d4ccccd
19: 0x3f400000
21: 25
22: 50
2 {
1: "V0026_MOVE_DIG"
4 {
1: 26
2: 5
3: 5
4: 0x428c0000
5: 0x3f800000
6: 0x3d4ccccd
8: 0x3da3d70a
9: 1
10: 100
11: "dig"
12: 5800
13: 4600
14: 5000
15: 18446744073709551583
2 {
2 {
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4: 13
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1: 0x3f3a9fbe
2: 0x3ef8d4fe
3: 0x3faccccd
5: 0x3f000000
7 {
1: 0x3da3d70a
2: 0x3d75c28f
3: 0x3e8a3d71
4: 0x3f0a3d71
5: 0x3e5d2f1b
6: 1
7: 0x40c00000
8: 0x3fa00000
9: 0x41880000
8 {
1: 120
2: 200
3: 154
9: "\315\001\316\001"
10: "{MN"
11: "c\356\016@\332\254*?\000\000\000@\000\000\000@\000\000\000\0006\253*@\000\000\200?\016\021\221?"
13: 1
15: 0x3f4ccccd
16: 0x41f00000
17: 25
18: 0x3dcccccd
19: 0x40700000
21: 25
2 {
2 {
1: 27
3: 0x3fa51eb8
4: 5
6 {
1: 0x3ef7b4a2
2: 0x3ea51eb8
3: 0x3f4624dd
5: 0x3f000000
7 {
1: 0x3ecccccd
2: 0x3dcccccd
3: 0x3e841893
4: 0x3ef7ae14
5: 0x3e4624dd
6: 1
7: 0x41000000
8: 0x3f800000
9: 0x41b80000
8 {
1: 100
2: 90
3: 114
9: "\334\001\330\001"
10: "\032@?"
11: "ff\346?\332\254*?\323\274\273?mV\325?\000\000\000\0006\253*@\000\000\200?\000\000\000\000"
12: "\034"
13: 1
15: 0x3f19999a
16: 0x41400000
18: 0x3d99999a
19: 0x3fc00000
21: 27
22: 50
2 {
4 {
1: 28
2: 5
3: 2
4: 0x42700000
5: 0x3f800000
6: 0x3e800000
8: 0x3dcccccd
9: 1
10: 100
11: "cross_chop"
12: 2000
13: 1500
14: 1800
15: 18446744073709551516
2 {
2 {
1: 28
3: 0x3f800000
4: 5
6 {
1: 0x3f19999a
2: 0x3ecccccd
3: 0x3f800000
5: 0x3f000000
7 {
1: 0x3e23d70a
2: 0x3d75c28f
3: 0x3eb33333
4: 0x3f666666
5: 0x3eb33333
6: 1
7: 0x41300000
8: 0x3f800000
9: 0x40800000
8 {
1: 150
2: 150
3: 172
9: "\344\001\330\001"
10: "\037?_"
11: "\306\334\335?\332\254*?mV\325?mV\325?\000\000\000\000\000\000\000@\315\314\314?\000\000\000\000"
13: 1
15: 0x3f800000
16: 0x41ec0000
17: 27
18: 0x3e000000
19: 0x406c0000
21: 27
2 {
2 {
1: 29
3: 0x3fbd70a4
4: 4
6 {
1: 0x3f0e147b
2: 0x3ebd70a4
3: 0x3f2a7efa
5: 0x3f000000
7 {
1: 0x3ecccccd
2: 0x3e19999a
3: 0x3e3d70a4
4: 0x3ebd70a4
5: 0x3e3d70a4
6: 1
7: 0x41e80000
8: 0x3fa00000
9: 0x41200000
8 {
1: 110
2: 100
3: 104
9: "\312\001\354\001"
10: "2\203\001Z"
11: "\223\251\252?\332\254*?mV\325?\223\251\352?\000\000\000\000mV\325?\375\207\010@\000\000\000\000"
12: "\036"
13: 1
15: 0x3ecccccd
16: 0x40e00000
18: 0x3d4ccccd
19: 0x3f600000
21: 29
22: 25
2 {
4 {
1: 30
2: 5
3: 14
4: 0x42200000
5: 0x3f800000
6: 0x3d4ccccd
8: 0x3d851eb8
9: 1
10: 100
11: "psybeam"
12: 3800
13: 2300
14: 3600
15: 18446744073709551591
2 {
2 {
1: 30
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4: 4
6 {
1: 0x3f28793e
2: 0x3ee0aa65
3: 0x3f60a3d5
5: 0x3f000000
7 {
1: 0x3e4ccccd
2: 0x3d8f5c29
3: 0x3e95c28f
4: 0x3f15c28f
5: 0x3e33b646
6: 1
7: 0x41b80000
8: 0x3f800000
9: 0x41000000
8 {
1: 140
2: 132
3: 136
9: "\312\001\354\001"
10: "2\032Z"
11: "mV\325?\332\254*?:#\342?\323\274\273?\000\000\000\000\000\000\000@\223\251\252?\000\000\000\000"
12: "\037"
13: 1
15: 0x3f4ccccd
16: 0x41a00000
17: 29
18: 0x3dcccccd
19: 0x40200000
21: 29
22: 100
2 {
4 {
1: 31
2: 5
3: 5
4: 0x42c80000
5: 0x3f800000
6: 0x3d4ccccd
8: 0x3dcccccd
9: 1
10: 100
11: "earthquake"
12: 4200
13: 2000
14: 3950
15: 18446744073709551516
2 {
2 {
1: 31
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4: 4
5: 5
6 {
1: 0x3f1d42c4
2: 0x3ed1a9fc
3: 0x3f976c8b
5: 0x3f000000
7 {
1: 0x3dcccccd
2: 0x3d4ccccd
3: 0x3ee8f5c3
4: 0x3f4bd70a
5: 0x3e68f5c3
6: 1
7: 0x41600000
8: 0x3f800000
9: 0x40a00000
8 {
1: 180
2: 184
3: 190
9 {
28: 202
10: "\037[ "
11: "\223\251\352?\332\254*?mV\325?mV\325?\000\000\000\000\000\000\000@mV\325?\000\000\000\000"
13: 1
15: 0x3fa66666
16: 0x42700000
17: 30
18: 0x3e266666
19: 0x40f00000
21: 29
2 {
4 {
1: 32
2: 5
3: 6
4: 0x42a00000
5: 0x3f800000
6: 0x3f000000
8: 0x3dcccccd
9: 1
10: 100
11: "stone_edge"
12: 3100
13: 1400
14: 1800
15: 18446744073709551516
2 {
2 {
1: 32
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4: 4
6 {
1: 0x3f3573eb
2: 0x3ef1eb85
3: 0x3f418937
5: 0x3f000000
7 {
1: 0x3ecccccd
2: 0x3e19999a
3: 0x3e810625
4: 0x3ea147ae
5: 0x3e2147ae
6: 1
7: 0x41e80000
8: 0x3f800000
9: 0x41200000
8 {
1: 92
2: 110
3: 94
9: "\323\001\354\001"
10: "~\203\001Z"
11: "\223\251\352?\332\254*?mV\325?mV\325?\000\000\000\000\000\000\000@mV\325?\000\000\000\000"
12: "!"
13: 1
15: 0x3f000000
16: 0x41100000
18: 0x3d800000
19: 0x3f900000
21: 32
22: 25
2 {
4 {
1: 33
2: 5
3: 15
4: 0x42340000
5: 0x3f800000
6: 0x3d4ccccd
8: 0x3d99999a
9: 1
10: 100
11 {
13: 0x68636e75705f6563
12: 3500
13: 2100
14: 3200
15: 18446744073709551583
2 {
2 {
1: 33
3: 0x3f7d70a4
4: 4
6 {
1: 0x3f3e147b
2: 0x3efd70a4
3: 0x3f4ac083
5: 0x3f000000
7 {
1: 0x3e4ccccd
2: 0x3d8f5c29
3: 0x3e981062
4: 0x3f181062
5: 0x3e7d70a4
6: 1
7: 0x41b80000
8: 0x3f800000
9: 0x41000000
8 {
1: 122
2: 142
3: 128
9 {
28: 236
10: "~\032Z"
11: "ff\346?\332\254*?mV\325?\306\334\335?\000\000\000\000mV\325?mV\325?\000\000\000\000"
12: "\""
13: 1
15: 0x3f666666
16: 0x419c0000
17: 32
18: 0x3de66666
19: 0x401c0000
21: 32
22: 100
2 {
4 {
1: 34
2: 5
3: 14
4: 0x41c80000
5: 0x3f800000
6: 0x3d4ccccd
8: 0x3d75c28f
9: 1
10: 100
11 {
13: 101
12: 0x706d6174735f7472
12: 2550
13: 1950
14: 2250
15: 18446744073709551591
2 {
2 {
1: 34
3: 0x3f5eb852
4: 4
5: 5
6 {
1: 0x3f527bb3
2: 0x3f0c5048
3: 0x3fa70a3d
5: 0x3f000000
7 {
1: 0x3dcccccd
2: 0x3d4ccccd
3: 0x3f0c5048
4: 0x3f5eb852
5: 0x3e8c5048
6: 1
7: 0x41600000
8: 0x3f800000
9: 0x40a00000
8 {
1: 162
2: 204
3: 170
9 {
28: 200
10: "\037[\026"
11: "\000\000\000@\332\254*?\000\000\000@\000\000\300?\000\000\000\0006\253\n@33\263?\000\000\000\000"
13: 1
15: 0x3fb33333
16: 0x42780000
17: 33
18: 0x3e333333
19: 0x40f80000
21: 32
2 {
4 {
1: 35
2: 5
3: 13
4: 0x420c0000
5: 0x3f800000
6: 0x3d4ccccd
8: 0x3da3d70a
9: 1
10: 100
11: "discharge"
12: 2500
13: 1600
14: 2300
15: 18446744073709551583
2 {
2 {
1: 35
3: 0x3fa00000
4: 18
6 {
1: 0x3f2ccccd
2: 0x3ee66666
3: 0x3f400000
5: 0x3f000000
7 {
1: 0x3e75c28f
2: 0x3dcccccd
3: 0x3ea00000
4: 0x3f400000
5: 0x3e666666
7: 0x41000000
8: 0x3fa00000
9: 0x41b80000
8 {
1: 140
2: 116
3: 124
9: "\336\001\352\001"
10: "T\203\001W"
11: "\000\000\000@\332\254*?mV\325?\223\251\352?\000\000\000\000\000\000\000@\223\251\252?XU\325?"
12: "$"
13: 1
15: 0x3f19999a
16: 0x40f00000
18: 0x3d99999a
19: 0x3f700000
21: 35
22: 50
2 {
4 {
1: 36
2: 5
3: 9
4: 0x42700000
5: 0x3f800000
6: 0x3d4ccccd
8: 0x3da3d70a
9: 1
10: 100
11: "flash_cannon"
12: 3900
13: 2400
14: 3500
15: 18446744073709551583
2 {
2 {
1: 36
3: 0x3f63d70a
4: 18
6 {
1: 0x3f95844d
2: 0x3f3645a2
3: 0x3fb91eb8
5: 0x3f000000
7 {
1: 0x3da3d70a
2: 0x3d75c28f
3: 0x3ee3d70a
4: 0x3f8e6666
5: 0x3ee3d70a
6: 1
7: 0x40800000
8: 0x3fa00000
9: 0x41300000
8 {
1: 190
2: 178
3: 178
9: "\336\001\352\001"
10: "VlW"
11: "\312T\025@\332\254*?mV\325?\223\251\352?\000\000\000\0006\253*@\223\251\252?\000\000\000\000"
13: 1
15: 0x3fa66666
16: 0x42200000
17: 35
18: 0x3e266666
19: 0x40a00000
21: 35
2 {
2 {
1: 37
3: 0x3fa147ae
4: 10
6 {
1: 0x3f59ba5e
2: 0x3f1126e9
3: 0x3f418937
5: 0x3f000000
7 {
1: 0x3e75c28f
2: 0x3dcccccd
3: 0x3ea147ae
4: 0x3f2147ae
5: 0x3e810625
6: 1
7: 0x41200000
8: 0x3f800000
9: 0x41e80000
8 {
1: 76
2: 106
3: 118
9: "\333\001\321\001"
10: "\203\001\030e"
11: "mV\325?\332\254*?mV\325?\315\314\314?\000\000\000\000\000\000\000@\223\251\252?\315\314\014@"
12: "&"
13: 1
15: 0x3f19999a
16: 0x411e6666
18: 0x3d99999a
19: 0x3f9e6666
21: 37
22: 50
2 {
4 {
1: 38
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3: 3
4: 0x42200000
5: 0x3f800000
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9: 1
10: 100
11: "drill_peck"
12: 2700
13: 1600
14: 2500
15: 18446744073709551583
2 {
2 {
1: 38
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4: 10
6 {
1: 0x3fa5e354
2: 0x3f5d2f1b
3: 0x3f99999a
5: 0x3f000000
7 {
1: 0x3da3d70a
2: 0x3d75c28f
3: 0x3eb851ec
4: 0x3f75c28f
5: 0x3e75c28f
6: 1
7: 0x40a00000
8: 0x3fa00000
9: 0x41600000
8 {
1: 146
2: 176
3: 194
9: "\356\001\321\001"
10: "*\030g"
11: "6\253*@\332\254*?\000\000\000@\000\000\000@\000\000\000\0006\253\n@\000\000\000@\000\000\000@"
13: 1
15: 0x3f8ccccd
16: 0x419f3333
17: 37
18: 0x3e0ccccd
19: 0x401f3333
21: 37
2 {
1: "V0039_MOVE_ICE_BEAM"
4 {
1: 39
2: 5
3: 15
4: 0x42820000
5: 0x3f800000
6: 0x3d4ccccd
8: 0x3db851ec
9: 1
10: 100
11: "ice_beam"
12: 3650
13: 2150
14: 3500
15: 18446744073709551566
2 {
2 {
1: 39
3: 0x3fa3d70a
4: 1
5: 18
6 {
1: 0x3f449ba6
2: 0x3f03126f
3: 0x3f75c28f
5: 0x3f000000
7 {
1: 0x3ecccccd
2: 0x3dcccccd
3: 0x3ea3d70a
4: 0x3f23d70a
5: 0x3e83126f
7: 0x41200000
8: 0x40400000
9: 0x41e80000
8 {
1: 230
2: 98
3: 54
9: "\336\001\356\001"
10: "T\203\001X"
11: "6\253*@\332\254*?mV\325?6\253j@\000\000\000\0006\253*@mV\325?\000\000\000@"
12: "("
13: 1
15: 0x3f000000
16: 0x40b00000
18: 0x3d800000
19: 0x3f300000
21: 39
22: 50
2 {
4 {
1: 40
2: 5
3: 15
4: 0x42c80000
5: 0x3f800000
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8: 0x3de147ae
9: 1
10: 100
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12: 3900
13: 3600
14: 3600
15: 18446744073709551516
2 {
2 {
1: 40
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4: 1
5: 18
6 {
1: 0x3f802a99
2: 0x3ee3d70a
3: 0x3f9ca3d7
5: 0x3ecccccd
7 {
1: 0x3e23d70a
2: 0x3d75c28f
3: 0x3eb645a2
4: 0x3f63d70a
5: 0x3e63d70a
6: 1
7: 0x40800000
8: 0x3fa00000
9: 0x41300000
8 {
1: 280
2: 168
3: 108
9: "\336\001\356\001"
10: "V\016X"
11: "mV\325?\332\254*?\371\017\321?\223\251\352?\000\000\000\000\223\251\352?\000\000\000@\000\000\000\000"
13: 1
15: 0x3f800000
16: 0x41400000
17: 39
18: 0x3e000000
19: 0x3fc00000
21: 39
2 {
2 {
1: 41
3: 0x3f88f5c3
4: 4
5: 3
6 {
1: 0x3f76872b
2: 0x3f245a1d
3: 0x3f320c4a
4: 0x3f08f5c3
5: 0x3f000000
7 {
1: 0x3ecccccd
2: 0x3e4ccccd
3: 0x3d5b22d1
4: 0x3d5b22d1
5: 0x3e245a1d
6: 5
7: 0x41200000
8: 0x3f800000
9: 0x41e80000
8 {
1: 80
2: 88
3: 90
9: "\333\001\312\001"
10: "2yZ"
11: "\223\251\252?\332\254*?\223\251\252?\332\254*?\000\000\000\000\000\000\300?\223\251\252?\000\000\000\000"
12: "*"
13: 1
15: 0x3f4ccccd
16: 0x40f00000
18: 0x3dcccccd
19: 0x3f700000
21: 41
22: 50
2 {
4 {
1: 42
2: 5
3: 10
4: 0x42a00000
5: 0x3f800000
6: 0x3d4ccccd
8: 0x3dc28f5c
9: 1
10: 100
11: "heat_wave"
12: 3800
13: 3000
14: 3400
15: 18446744073709551516
2 {
2 {
1: 42
3: 0x3f35c28f
4: 4
5: 3
6 {
1: 0x3fcc7ae1
2: 0x3f400000
3: 0x3f9f0a3d
4: 0x3f8851ec
5: 0x3f000000
7 {
1: 0x3e23d70a
2: 0x3d8f5c29
3: 0x3d116873
4: 0x3d116873
5: 0x3eb5c28f
6: 5
7: 0x40c00000
8: 0x3f800000
9: 0x41880000
8 {
1: 150
2: 164
3: 164
9: "\322\001\312\001"
10: "2yE"
11: "\000\000\300?\332\254*?\223\251\252?\332\254*?\000\000\000\000\000\000\000@\000\000\000@\000\000\000\000"
13: 1
15: 0x3fcccccd
16: 0x425c0000
17: 41
18: 0x3e4ccccd
19: 0x40dc0000
21: 41
2 {
2 {
1: 43
3: 0x3faccccd
4: 12
5: 4
6 {
1: 0x3f1b851f
2: 0x3ecf5c29
3: 0x3f4f5c2b
5: 0x3f000000
7 {
1: 0x3ef5c28f
2: 0x3e19999a
3: 0x3e4f5c29
4: 0x3f01999a
5: 0x3e4f5c29
6: 1
7: 0x41200000
8: 0x3f800000
9: 0x41e80000
8 {
1: 90
2: 134
3: 130
9: "\327\001\341\001"
10: ";ZW"
11: "\323\274\273?\332\254*?mV\325?mV\325?\000\000\000\000\000\000 @mV\325?\000\000\000\000"
12: ","
13: 1
15: 0x3f000000
16: 0x40accccd
18: 0x3d800000
19: 0x3f2ccccd
21: 43
22: 25
2 {
2 {
1: 44
3: 0x3f8ccccd
4: 12
5: 4
6 {
1: 0x3f3e147b
2: 0x3efd70a4
3: 0x3f6147b0
5: 0x3f000000
7 {
1: 0x3e75c28f
2: 0x3d8f5c29
3: 0x3ed33333
4: 0x3f6147b0
5: 0x3e7d70a4
6: 1
7: 0x41000000
8: 0x3f800000
9: 0x41b80000
8 {
1: 120
2: 162
3: 158
9: "\327\001\341\001"
10: "/ZW"
11: "\223\251\352?\332\254*?mV\325?mV\325?\000\000\000\000mV\325?:#\242?\000\000\000\000"
12: "-"
13: 1
15: 0x3f4ccccd
16: 0x4109999a
17: 43
18: 0x3dcccccd
19: 0x3f89999a
21: 43
22: 100
2 {
4 {
1: 45
2: 5
3: 3
4: 0x41f00000
5: 0x3f800000
6: 0x3d4ccccd
8: 0x3d75c28f
9: 1
10: 100
11: "aerial_ace"
12: 2900
13: 2000
14: 2600
15: 18446744073709551591
2 {
2 {
1: 45
3: 0x3f6b851f
4: 12
5: 4
6 {
1: 0x3f9ef9db
2: 0x3f53f7cf
3: 0x3f991687
5: 0x3f000000
7 {
1: 0x3df5c28f
2: 0x3d4ccccd
3: 0x3f818937
4: 0x3f991687
5: 0x3f0d4fdf
6: 1
7: 0x41300000
8: 0x3f800000
9: 0x40800000
8 {
1: 150
2: 202
3: 190
9: "\327\001\341\001"
10: "/tW"
11: "6\253\n@\332\254*?mV\325?\000\000\300?\000\000\000\0006\253\n@\247yw?\000\000\000\000"
13: 1
15: 0x3f99999a
16: 0x4194cccd
17: 44
18: 0x3e19999a
19: 0x4014cccd
21: 43
2 {
4 {
1: 46
2: 5
3: 5
4: 0x42480000
5: 0x3f800000
6: 0x3e800000
8: 0x3da3d70a
9: 1
10: 100
11: "drill_run"
12: 3400
13: 2100
14: 2800
15: 18446744073709551583
2 {
2 {
1: 46
3: 0x3fa3d70a
4: 7
5: 12
6 {
1: 0x3f1374bc
2: 0x3ec49ba6
3: 0x3ee56042
5: 0x3f000000
7 {
1: 0x3ea3d70a
2: 0x3e19999a
3: 0x3e449ba6
4: 0x3ea3d70a
5: 0x3e449ba6
6: 1
7: 0x41e80000
8: 0x3f8ccccd
9: 0x41200000
8 {
1: 70
2: 122
3: 120
9: "\334\001\311\001"
10: "Yd;"
11: "mV\325?\332\254*?:#\342?\371\017\321?\000\000\000\000\312T\025@\223\251\252?AD\304?"
12: "/"
13: 1
15: 0x3e99999a
16: 0x40accccd
18: 0x3d19999a
19: 0x3f2ccccd
21: 46
22: 50
2 {
4 {
1: 47
2: 5
3: 12
4: 0x42820000
5: 0x3f800000
6: 0x3d4ccccd
8: 0x3db851ec
9: 1
10: 100
11: "petal_blizzard"
12: 3200
13: 2100
14: 3100
15: 18446744073709551566
2 {
2 {
1: 47
3: 0x3f8147ae
4: 7
5: 12
6 {
1: 0x3f72680a
2: 0x3f219ce0
3: 0x3f8147ae
5: 0x3f000000
7 {
1: 0x3e23d70a
2: 0x3d8f5c29
3: 0x3ee8b439
4: 0x3f8147ae
5: 0x3f0147ae
6: 1
7: 0x41880000
8: 0x3fa00000
9: 0x40c00000
8 {
1: 120
2: 162
3: 170
9: "\311\001\310\001"
10: "Ydt"
11: "mV\325?\332\254*?mV\325?\223\251\352?\000\000\000\000mV\325?\000\000\000@\000\000\000\000"
13: 1
15: 0x3f800000
16: 0x41ec0000
17: 46
18: 0x3e000000
19: 0x406c0000
21: 46
2 {
4 {
1: 48
2: 5
3: 12
4: 0x41c80000
5: 0x3f800000
6: 0x3d4ccccd
7: 0x3f000000
8: 0x3d23d70a
9: 1
10: 100
11: "mega_drain"
12: 3200
13: 1400
14: 2600
15: 18446744073709551596
2 {
2 {
1: 48
3: 0x3f35c28f
4: 7
5: 4
6 {
1: 0x3f4c7e28
2: 0x3f0851ec
3: 0x3f95f3b6
5: 0x3f000000
7 {
1: 0x3ecccccd
2: 0x3e19999a
3: 0x3eb5c28f
4: 0x3f35c28f
5: 0x3e8851ec
6: 1
7: 0x41200000
8: 0x3fa00000
9: 0x41e80000
8 {
1: 120
2: 108
3: 118
9: "\311\001\353\001"
10: "2\036c"
11: "\000\000\000@\332\254*?mV\325?\000\000\000@\000\000\000\000\000\000\000@\000\000\000@\000\000\000\000"
12: "1"
13: 1
15: 0x3f800000
16: 0x41f00000
18: 0x3e000000
19: 0x40700000
21: 48
22: 50
2 {
1: "V0049_MOVE_BUG_BUZZ"
4 {
1: 49
2: 5
3: 7
4: 0x42960000
5: 0x3f800000
6: 0x3d4ccccd
8: 0x3db851ec
9: 1
10: 100
11: "bug_buzz"
12: 4250
13: 2600
14: 4100
15: 18446744073709551566
2 {
2 {
1: 49
3: 0x3f3851ec
4: 7
5: 4
6 {
1: 0x3f5d2f1b
2: 0x3f1374bc
3: 0x3f8a3d71
4: 0x3eb851ec
5: 0x3f000000
7 {
1: 0x3e23d70a
2: 0x3d8f5c29
3: 0x3eb851ec
4: 0x3f3851ec
5: 0x3e9374bc
6: 5
7: 0x40c00000
8: 0x3f800000
9: 0x41880000
8 {
1: 140
2: 172
3: 154
9: "\311\001\353\001"
10: "2l1"
11: "\000\000\000\000\232\231\031?mV\325?\232\231\031?\000\000\000\000\375\207\010@\315\314\314?\000\000\000\000"
13: 1
15: 0x3fc00000
16: 0x41480000
17: 48
18: 0x3e400000
19: 0x3fc80000
21: 48
2 {
4 {
1: 50
2: 5
3: 4
4: 0x41c80000
5: 0x3f800000
6: 0x3d4ccccd
8: 0x3d4ccccd
9: 1
10: 100
11 {
14: 111
13: 0x676e61665f6e6f73
12: 2400
13: 1650
14: 1850
15: 18446744073709551596
2 {
2 {
1: 50
3: 0x40000000
4: 5
6 {
1: 0x3ee66666
2: 0x3e99999a
3: 0x3ecccccd
5: 0x3f000000
7 {
1: 0x3ecccccd
2: 0x3dcccccd
3: 0x3e23d70a
4: 0x3ecccccd
5: 0x3e3851ec
7: 0x41e80000
9: 0x41200000
8 {
1: 20
2: 108
3: 86
9 {
27: 220
10: "\032`?"
11: "`v\267?\332\254*?\000\000\000@\r\340]?\000\000\000\0006\253\n@\223\251\252?\250\252\252?"
12: "3"
13: 1
15: 0x3e4ccccd
16: 0x3f4ccccd
18: 0x3ccccccd
19: 0x3dcccccd
21: 50
22: 50
2 {
4 {
1: 51
2: 5
3: 17
4: 0x41f00000
5: 0x3f800000
6: 0x3e800000
8: 0x3d8f5c29
9: 1
10: 100
11: "night_slash"
12: 2700
13: 2400
14: 2600
15: 18446744073709551591
2 {
2 {
1: 51
3: 0x3f8f5c29
4: 5
6 {
1: 0x3f810625
2: 0x3f2c0831
3: 0x3f570a3d
5: 0x3f000000
7 {
1: 0x3e23d70a
2: 0x3d75c28f
3: 0x3ee56042
4: 0x3f570a3d
5: 0x3eac0831
7: 0x41e80000
9: 0x41200000
8 {
1: 70
2: 148
3: 140
9: "\313\001\330\001"
10: "\037` "
11: "\306\334\335?\332\254*?mV\325?fff?\000\000\000\000\375\207\010@\000\000\000@\000\000\000\000"
13: 1
15: 0x3f333333
16: 0x42053333
17: 50
18: 0x3db33333
19: 0x40853333
21: 50
2 {
2 {
1: 52
3: 0x3fcccccd
4: 1
6 {
1: 0x3f19999a
2: 0x3ecccccd
3: 0x3f23d70a
5: 0x3f000000
7 {
1: 0x3ecccccd
2: 0x3e19999a
3: 0x3e03126f
4: 0x3ecccccd
5: 0x3e4ccccd
6: 1
7: 0x41e80000
8: 0x3f800000
9: 0x41200000
8 {
1: 80
2: 104
3: 94
9: "\334\001\312\001"
10: "3\020\203\001"
11: "\000\000\000@\332\254*?\306\334\335?\000\000\300?\000\000\000\000\000\000\000@33\263?\000\000\000@"
12: "5"
13: 1
15: 0x3ecccccd
16: 0x40866666
18: 0x3d4ccccd
19: 0x3f066666
21: 52
22: 50
2 {
4 {
1: 53
2: 5
3: 11
4: 0x41f00000
5: 0x3f800000
6: 0x3d4ccccd
8: 0x3d851eb8
9: 1
10: 100
11: "bubble_beam"
12: 2900
13: 2600
14: 2800
15: 18446744073709551591
2 {
2 {
1: 53
3: 0x3f51eb85
4: 1
6 {
1: 0x3f4cac08
2: 0x3f0872b0
3: 0x3f66e979
5: 0x3f000000
7 {
1: 0x3e23d70a
2: 0x3d8f5c29
3: 0x3ea7ef9e
4: 0x3f1d70a4
5: 0x3e27ef9e
6: 1
7: 0x41000000
8: 0x3fa00000
9: 0x41b80000
8 {
1: 130
2: 156
3: 146
9: "\334\001\356\001"
10: "3AX"
11: "\000\000\000@\332\254*?mV\325?\223\251\352?\000\000\000\000mV\325?mV\325?\000\000\000\000"
13: 1
15: 0x3f800000
16: 0x42000000
17: 52
18: 0x3e000000
19: 0x40800000
21: 52
2 {
4 {
1: 54
2: 5
3: 2
4: 0x41f00000
5: 0x3f800000
6: 0x3d4ccccd
8: 0x3da3d70a
9: 1
10: 100
11: "submission"
12: 2100
13: 1850
14: 2000
15: 18446744073709551583
2 {
2 {
1: 54
3: 0x3f7851ec
4: 11
6 {
1: 0x3f0bac71
2: 0x3eba43fe
3: 0x3f7851ec
5: 0x3f000000
7 {
1: 0x3ecccccd
2: 0x3dcccccd
3: 0x3e94fdf4
4: 0x3f1b3333
5: 0x3eadd2f2
6: 1
7: 0x41200000
8: 0x3f800000
9: 0x41e80000
8 {
1: 100
2: 132
3: 112
9: "\346\001\352\001"
10: "\036:\034"
11: "\223\251\352?\332\254*?mV\325?\000\000\300?\000\000\000\000ff&@mV\325?\000\000\000\000"
12: "7"
13: 1
15: 0x3f4ccccd
16: 0x419ccccd
18: 0x3dcccccd
19: 0x401ccccd
21: 54
22: 50
2 {
2 {
1: 55
3: 0x3f6e147b
4: 11
6 {
1: 0x3f79fbe7
2: 0x3eee147b
3: 0x3fac9ba6
5: 0x3f000000
7 {
1: 0x3e23d70a
2: 0x3d75c28f
3: 0x3e6e147b
4: 0x3f5051ec
5: 0x3e6e147b
6: 1
7: 0x40a00000
8: 0x3f800000
9: 0x41600000
8 {
1: 160
2: 194
3: 176
9: "\346\001\353\001"
10: "lk\'"
11: "mV\325?\332\254*?mV\325?mV\325?\000\000\000\000\000\000\000@mV\325?\000\000\000\000"
13: 1
15: 0x3fd9999a
16: 0x42993333
17: 54
18: 0x3e59999a
19: 0x41193333
21: 54
2 {
4 {
1: 56
2: 5
3: 2
4: 0x41f00000
5: 0x3f800000
6: 0x3d4ccccd
8: 0x3d851eb8
9: 1
10: 100
11: "low_sweep"
12: 2250
13: 2000
14: 2150
15: 18446744073709551591
2 {
2 {
1: 56
3: 0x3fa51eb8
4: 2
6 {
1: 0x3f39c0ec
2: 0x3ef7b4a2
3: 0x3f4e6666
5: 0x3f000000
7 {
1: 0x3ecccccd
2: 0x3dcccccd
3: 0x3e4624dd
4: 0x3f251eb8
5: 0x3e041893
6: 1
7: 0x41e80000
8: 0x3f800000
9: 0x41200000
8 {
1: 80
2: 122
3: 96
9 {
26: 220
10: "\0348{"
11: "\000\000\300?\232\231\031?\223\251\252?\371\017\321?\000\000\000\000\323\274\373?\300\354n?\000\000\000\000"
12: "9"
13: 1
15: 0x3f000000
16: 0x41e00000
18: 0x3d800000
19: 0x40600000
21: 56
22: 50
2 {
1: "V0057_MOVE_AQUA_JET"
4 {
1: 57
2: 5
3: 11
4: 0x41c80000
5: 0x3f800000
6: 0x3d4ccccd
8: 0x3d23d70a
9: 1
10: 100
11: "aqua_jet"
12: 2350
13: 1700
14: 2100
15: 18446744073709551596
2 {
2 {
1: 57
3: 0x3f6b851f
4: 2
6 {
1: 0x3f30a3d7
2: 0x3eeb851f
3: 0x3f933333
5: 0x3f000000
7 {
1: 0x3e23d70a
2: 0x3d75c28f
3: 0x3eeb851f
4: 0x3f8d4fdf
5: 0x3e6b851f
6: 1
7: 0x41880000
8: 0x3f800000
9: 0x40c00000
8 {
1: 130
2: 178
3: 150
9: "\317\001\320\001"
10: "\03483"
11: "\223\251\252?\332\254*?\000\000\300?\223\251\252?\000\000\000\000mV\325?\223\251\252?\000\000\000\000"
13: 1
15: 0x3f800000
16: 0x42000000
17: 56
18: 0x3e000000
19: 0x40800000
21: 56
2 {
4 {
1: 58
2: 5
3: 11
4: 0x42340000
5: 0x3f800000
6: 0x3d4ccccd
8: 0x3db851ec
9: 1
10: 100
11 {
12: 0x6c6961745f617571
12: 2350
13: 2050
14: 2250
15: 18446744073709551566
2 {
2 {
1: 58
3: 0x3f95c28f
4: 10
6 {
1: 0x3f60a3d7
2: 0x3f15c28f
3: 0x3f830a3d
5: 0x3f000000
7 {
1: 0x3e75c28f
2: 0x3dcccccd
3: 0x3e6f9db2
4: 0x3f15c28f
5: 0x3e33b646
6: 1
7: 0x41200000
8: 0x3f800000
9: 0x41e80000
8 {
1: 110
2: 156
3: 110
9: "\321\001\312\001"
10: "\025\203\001\030"
11: "\226!\002@\332\254*?ff\346?\000\000\300?\000\000\000\000\235\021\021@\315\314L?ff\346?"
12: ";"
13: 1
15: 0x3f333333
16: 0x41980000
18: 0x3db33333
19: 0x40180000
21: 58
22: 50
2 {
4 {
1: 59
2: 5
3: 12
4: 0x42200000
5: 0x3f800000
6: 0x3d4ccccd
8: 0x3da3d70a
9: 1
10: 100
11: "seed_bomb"
12: 2400
13: 1300
14: 1800
15: 18446744073709551583
2 {
2 {
1: 59
3: 0x3f3d70a4
4: 10
6 {
1: 0x3f7fbe77
2: 0x3f2a7efa
3: 0x3fbd70a4
5: 0x3f000000
7 {
1: 0x3da3d70a
2: 0x3d75c28f
3: 0x3ebd70a4
4: 0x3f3d70a4
5: 0x3eaa7efa
6: 1
7: 0x40800000
8: 0x3fa00000
9: 0x41300000
8 {
1: 180
2: 230
3: 180
9 {
30: 202
10: "g\030_"
11: "\375\207\010@\332\254*?\306\334\335?\223\251\352?\000\000\000\000\007\360\356?\306\334\335?\000\000\000@"
13: 1
15: 0x3ff33333
16: 0x431b0000
17: 58
18: 0x3e733333
19: 0x419b0000
21: 58
2 {
4 {
1: 60
2: 5
3: 14
4: 0x42200000
5: 0x3f800000
6: 0x3d4ccccd
8: 0x3da3d70a
9: 1
10: 100
11: "psyshock"
12: 2700
13: 2200
14: 2700
15: 18446744073709551583
2 {
2 {
1: 60
3: 0x3fa00000
4: 11
6 {
1: 0x3f400000
2: 0x3f000000
3: 0x3f600000
5: 0x3f000000
7 {
1: 0x3ecccccd
2: 0x3e19999a
3: 0x3ea00000
4: 0x3f400000
5: 0x3ea00000
6: 1
7: 0x41200000
8: 0x3f800000
9: 0x41e80000
8 {
1: 80
2: 108
3: 98
9: "\355\001\330\001"
10: "5`\203\001"
11: "mV\325?\332\254*?\000\000\000@\000\000\300?\000\000\000\000mV\325?\000\000\300?\000\000\000\000"
12: "="
13: 1
15: 0x3f19999a
16: 0x41466666
18: 0x3d99999a
19: 0x3fc66666
21: 60
22: 25
2 {
2 {
1: 61
3: 0x3f7ae148
4: 11
6 {
1: 0x3f8d1eb8
2: 0x3f3c28f6
3: 0x3f89fbe7
5: 0x3f000000
7 {
1: 0x3e4ccccd
2: 0x3d8f5c29
3: 0x3efae148
4: 0x3f61cac1
5: 0x3ebc28f6
6: 1
7: 0x41000000
8: 0x3f4ccccd
9: 0x41b80000
8 {
1: 130
2: 132
3: 132
9: "\355\001\330\001"
10: "j`5"
11: "\223\251\252?\332\254*?6\253\n@\000\000\300?\000\000\000\000\000\000\000@\223\251\252?\000\000\000\000"
12: ">"
13: 1
15: 0x3f800000
16: 0x41a00000
17: 60
18: 0x3e000000
19: 0x40200000
21: 60
22: 100
2 {
4 {
1: 62
2: 5
3: 6
4: 0x420c0000
5: 0x3f800000
6: 0x3d4ccccd
8: 0x3d75c28f
9: 1
10: 100
11: "ancient_power"
12: 3600
13: 2900
14: 3250
15: 18446744073709551591
2 {
2 {
1: 62
3: 0x3f5c28f6
4: 11
5: 2
6 {
1: 0x3f9cdd2f
2: 0x3f5126e9
3: 0x3f9a1cac
5: 0x3f000000
7 {
1: 0x3dcccccd
2: 0x3d4ccccd
3: 0x3f251eb8
4: 0x3f8f1aa0
5: 0x3eb020c5
6: 1
7: 0x41300000
8: 0x3f866666
9: 0x40800000
8 {
1: 180
2: 180
3: 202
9: "\355\001\330\001"
10: "k6!"
11: "\000\000\000@\332\254*?mV\325?mV\325?\000\000\000\000\000\000\000@\306\334\235?\000\000\000\000"
13: 1
15: 0x3fa66666
16: 0x42580000
17: 61
18: 0x3e266666
19: 0x40d80000
21: 60
2 {
4 {
1: 63
2: 5
3: 6
4: 0x41f00000
5: 0x3f800000
6: 0x3e800000
8: 0x3d75c28f
9: 1
10: 100
11: "rock_tomb"
12: 3400
13: 2300
14: 3200
15: 18446744073709551591
2 {
2 {
1: 63
3: 0x3f8f5c29
4: 14
6 {
1: 0x3f2c0831
2: 0x3ee56042
3: 0x3f48b439
4: 0x3e2c0831
5: 0x3f000000
7 {
1: 0x3ecccccd
2: 0x3f7d70a4
3: 0x3e8f5c29
4: 0x3f0f5c29
5: 0x3e8f5c29
6: 3
7: 0x41e80000
8: 0x3f800000
9: 0x41200000
8 {
1: 50
2: 110
3: 76
9: "\352\001"
10: "<cF"
11: "\000\000\000\000\332\254*?mV\325?\332\254*?\000\000\000\0006\253\n@6\253*@\000\000\000\000"
12: "@"
13: 1
15: 0x3f666666
16: 0x419c0000
18: 0x3de66666
19: 0x401c0000
21: 63
22: 25
2 {
4 {
1: 64
2: 5
3: 6
4: 0x42480000
5: 0x3f800000
6: 0x3d4ccccd
8: 0x3d99999a
9: 1
10: 100
11: "rock_slide"
12: 3200
13: 1500
14: 2900
15: 18446744073709551583
2 {
2 {
1: 64
3: 0x3f63d70a
4: 14
6 {
1: 0x3f802a99
2: 0x3f2ae148
3: 0x3f941893
5: 0x3f000000
7 {
1: 0x3e4ccccd
2: 0x3d8f5c29
3: 0x3ee3d70a
4: 0x3f63d70a
5: 0x3eaae148
6: 1
7: 0x40c00000
8: 0x3fa00000
9: 0x41880000
8 {
1: 80
2: 150
3: 112
9: "\342\001\353\001"
10: "\036VF"
11: "\306\334\335?\332\254*?mV\325?\007\360\356?\000\000\000\000ff\006@\306\334\335?\000\000\000\000"
12: "A"
13: 1
15: 0x3fa66666
16: 0x42620000
17: 63
18: 0x3e266666
19: 0x40e20000
21: 63
22: 100
2 {
4 {
1: 65
2: 5
3: 6
4: 0x42200000
5: 0x3f800000
6: 0x3d4ccccd
8: 0x3da3d70a
9: 1
10: 100
11: "power_gem"
12: 2900
13: 2000
14: 2800
15: 18446744073709551583
2 {
2 {
1: 65
3: 0x3f59999a
4: 14
6 {
1: 0x3f43d70a
2: 0x3f028f5c
3: 0x3fa33333
5: 0x3f000000
7 {
1: 0x3dcccccd
2: 0x3d4ccccd
3: 0x3ed9999a
4: 0x3f6f5c2b
5: 0x3e828f5c
6: 1
7: 0x40800000
8: 0x3f800000
9: 0x41300000
8 {
1: 110
2: 186
3: 152
9: "\342\001\353\001"
10: "lVF"
11: "\000\000\000@\332\254*?mV\325?\000\000\300?\000\000\000\000\312T\025@\000\000 @\000\000\000@"
13: 1
15: 0x3fc00000
16: 0x42400000
17: 64
18: 0x3e400000
19: 0x40c00000
21: 63
2 {
4 {
1: 66
2: 5
3: 8
4: 0x41c80000
5: 0x3f800000
6: 0x3d4ccccd
8: 0x3d23d70a
9: 1
10: 100
11: "shadow_sneak"
12: 3100
13: 2300
14: 2900
15: 18446744073709551596
2 {
2 {
1: 66
3: 0x3f8ccccd
4: 2
6 {
1: 0x3f1e69ad
2: 0x3ed33333
3: 0x3f6147b0
5: 0x3f000000
7 {
1: 0x3ecccccd
2: 0x3dcccccd
3: 0x3e6147ae
4: 0x3f0ccccd
5: 0x3e533333
6: 1
7: 0x41b80000
8: 0x3f800000
9: 0x41000000
8 {
1: 140
2: 118
3: 96
9: "\317\001\320\001"
10: "8{\034"
11: "\235\021\021@\332\254*?\000\000\000@\306\334\335?\000\000\000\0006\253\n@\000\000\200?\000\000\000\000"
12: "C"
13: 1
15: 0x3f4ccccd
16: 0x419c0000
18: 0x3dcccccd
19: 0x401c0000
21: 66
22: 25
2 {
4 {
1: 67
2: 5
3: 8
4: 0x41c80000
5: 0x3f800000
6: 0x3d4ccccd
8: 0x3d75c28f
9: 1
10: 100
11: "shadow_punch"
12: 2100
13: 1400
14: 1700
15: 18446744073709551591
2 {
2 {
1: 67
3: 0x3f68f5c3
4: 2
6 {
1: 0x3f51a9fc
2: 0x3f0bc6a8
3: 0x3fa3126f
5: 0x3f000000
7 {
1: 0x3e4ccccd
2: 0x3d8f5c29
3: 0x3f0bc6aa
4: 0x3f8bc6a8
5: 0x3e0bc6a8
6: 1
7: 0x41600000
8: 0x3f800000
9: 0x40a00000
8 {
1: 160
2: 154
3: 144
9: "\317\001\320\001"
10: "6{\034"
11: "\000\000\300?\332\254*?mV\325?mV\325?\000\000\000\0006\253\n@\240\211\210?\000\000\000\000"
12: "D"
13: 1
15: 0x3fc00000
16: 0x428d0000
17: 66
18: 0x3e400000
19: 0x410d0000
21: 66
22: 100
2 {
2 {
1: 68
3: 0x3f63d70a
4: 2
6 {
1: 0x3f5e2824
2: 0x3f141893
3: 0x3fb645a2
5: 0x3f000000
7 {
1: 0x3dcccccd
2: 0x3d4ccccd
3: 0x3f141893
4: 0x3f9f7cee
5: 0x3e08b439
6: 1
7: 0x41000000
8: 0x3f800000
9: 0x40400000
8 {
1: 180
2: 198
3: 180
9: "\345\001\320\001"
10: " 6\034"
11: "mV\325?\332\254*?mV\325?mV\325?\000\000\000\000mV\325?\223\251\252?\250\252\252?"
13: 1
15: 0x3fcccccd
16: 0x43020000
17: 67
18: 0x3e4ccccd
19: 0x41820000
21: 66
2 {
4 {
1: 69
2: 5
3: 8
4: 0x41f00000
5: 0x3f800000
6: 0x3d4ccccd
8: 0x3d75c28f
9: 1
10: 100
11: "ominous_wind"
12: 3100
13: 1850
14: 2100
15: 18446744073709551591
2 {
2 {
1: 69
3: 0x3fa51eb8
4: 12
5: 4
6 {
1: 0x3f2d6388
2: 0x3ee72b02
3: 0x3f672b00
5: 0x3f000000
7 {
1: 0x3ecccccd
2: 0x3e19999a
3: 0x3e4624dd
4: 0x3ee72b02
5: 0x3e672b02
6: 1
7: 0x41200000
8: 0x3f99999a
9: 0x41e80000
8 {
1: 100
2: 158
3: 78
9: "\326\001\341\001"
10: "vZ\r"
11: "\232\231\331?\332\254*?\000\000 @\223\251\352?\000\000\000\000\000\000\000@\000\000\000@\000\000\000\000"
12: "F"
13: 1
15: 0x3f333333
16: 0x40800000
18: 0x3db33333
19: 0x3f000000
21: 69
22: 25
2 {
4 {
1: 70
2: 5
3: 8
4: 0x42340000
5: 0x3f800000
6: 0x3d4ccccd
8: 0x3da3d70a
9: 1
10: 100
11: "shadow_ball"
12: 3080
13: 2300
14: 2600
15: 18446744073709551583
2 {
2 {
1: 70
3: 0x3f800000
4: 12
5: 4
6 {
1: 0x3f79999a
2: 0x3f266666
3: 0x3f800000
4: 0x3ec00000
5: 0x3f000000
7 {
1: 0x3e4ccccd
2: 0x3d8f5c29
3: 0x3e800000
4: 0x3f733333
5: 0x3e800000
6: 6
7: 0x41000000
8: 0x3f800000
9: 0x41b80000
8 {
1: 130
2: 190
3: 110
9: "\327\001\341\001"
10: "vZ;"
11: "ff\346?\332\254*?-C\304?\332\254*?\000\000\000\000\235\021\021@\000\000\000@\000\000\000\000"
12: "G"
13: 1
15: 0x3f800000
16: 0x40cccccd
17: 69
18: 0x3e000000
19: 0x3f4ccccd
21: 69
22: 100
2 {
2 {
1: 71
3: 0x3f570a3d
4: 12
5: 4
6 {
1: 0x3f51a9fc
2: 0x3f0bc6a8
3: 0x3fb6c8b4
4: 0x3ed70a3d
5: 0x3f000000
7 {
1: 0x3dcccccd
2: 0x3d4ccccd
3: 0x3eac0831
4: 0x3fb6c8b4
5: 0x3e8bc6a8
6: 6
7: 0x41600000
8: 0x3f800000
9: 0x40a00000
8 {
1: 160
2: 222
3: 152
9: "\327\001\341\001"
10: "uZt"
11: "\000\000\000@\332\254*?mV\325?\332\254*?\000\000\000\0006\253\n@\000\000\000@\000\000\000\000"
13: 1
15: 0x3fd9999a
16: 0x41780000
17: 70
18: 0x3e59999a
19: 0x3ff80000
21: 69
2 {
4 {
1: 72
2: 5
3: 9
4: 0x41f00000
5: 0x3f800000
6: 0x3d4ccccd
8: 0x3d75c28f
9: 1
10: 100
11: "magnet_bomb"
12: 2800
13: 1750
14: 2300
15: 18446744073709551591
2 {
2 {
1: 72
3: 0x3f866666
4: 11
5: 4
6 {
1: 0x3ef1eb85
2: 0x3ea147ae
3: 0x3f6b3332
4: 0x3e866666
5: 0x3f000000
7 {
1: 0x3ecccccd
2: 0x3e19999a
3: 0x3e570a3d
4: 0x3f6b3332
5: 0x3e2147ae
6: 6
7: 0x41b80000
8: 0x3f800000
9: 0x41000000
8 {
1: 80
2: 106
3: 136
9: "\355\001\354\001"
10: "5i\r"
11: "6\253*@\332\254*?mV\325?\332\254*?\000\000\000\00033\023@\000\000\000@\000\000\000\000"
12: "I"
13: 1
15: 0x3f666666
16: 0x42360000
18: 0x3de66666
19: 0x40b60000
21: 72
22: 50
2 {
2 {
1: 73
3: 0x3f51eb85
4: 11
5: 4
6 {
1: 0x3f3ced91
2: 0x3efbe76d
3: 0x3fa7ef9e
4: 0x3e51eb85
5: 0x3f000000
7 {
1: 0x3e23d70a
2: 0x3d8f5c29
3: 0x3efbe76d
4: 0x3f9d70a4
5: 0x3e7be76d
6: 6
7: 0x41300000
8: 0x3f800000
9: 0x40800000
8 {
1: 160
2: 170
3: 196
9: "\341\001\340\001"
10: "k[("
11: "6\253\n@\332\254*?\223\251\252?\332\254*?\000\000\000\000\000\000\000@6\253*@\000\000\000@"
13: 1
15: 0x3fcccccd
16: 0x425c0000
17: 72
18: 0x3e4ccccd
19: 0x40dc0000
21: 72
2 {
4 {
1: 74
2: 5
3: 9
4: 0x41f00000
5: 0x3f800000
6: 0x3d4ccccd
8: 0x3da3d70a
9: 1
10: 100
11 {
13: 0x646165685f6e6f72
12: 2000
13: 1550
14: 1800
15: 18446744073709551583
2 {
2 {
1: 74
3: 0x3f5eb852
4: 6
5: 5
6 {
1: 0x3f16594b
2: 0x3ec872b0
3: 0x3eb22d0e
4: 0x3e85a1cb
5: 0x3f000000
7 {
1: 0x3ecccccd
2: 0x3dcccccd
3: 0x3ec872b0
4: 0x3e05a1cb
5: 0x3e4872b0
6: 6
7: 0x41000000
8: 0x3f800000
9: 0x41b80000
8 {
1: 80
2: 106
3: 118
9: "\343\001\335\001"
10: "@?\032"
11: "\312T\025@\332\254*?mV\325?\332\254*?\000\000\000\000\000\000\000@mV\325?\000\000\000\000"
12: "K"
13: 1
15: 0x3ecccccd
16: 0x41a00000
18: 0x3d4ccccd
19: 0x40200000
21: 74
22: 25
2 {
4 {
1: 75
2: 5
3: 13
4: 0x41c80000
5: 0x3f800000
6: 0x3d4ccccd
7: 0x3f000000
8: 0x3d4ccccd
9: 1
10: 100
11: "parabolic_charge"
12: 2100
13: 1300
14: 1700
15: 18446744073709551596
2 {
2 {
1: 75
3: 0x3f51eb85
4: 6
5: 5
6 {
1: 0x3f85d2f2
2: 0x3f326e98
3: 0x3f51eb85
5: 0x3f000000
7 {
1: 0x3e4ccccd
2: 0x3d8f5c29
3: 0x3efbe76d
4: 0x3f326e98
5: 0x3ebced91
6: 1
7: 0x41600000
8: 0x3f99999a
9: 0x40a00000
8 {
1: 110
2: 142
3: 156
9: "\343\001\330\001"
10: "\032 @"
11: "\312T\025@\332\254*?\007\360\356?\223\251\352?\000\000\000\000\000\000\000@mV\325?\000\000\000\000"
12: "L"
13: 1
15: 0x3f800000
16: 0x42d20000
17: 74
18: 0x3e000000
19: 0x41520000
21: 74
22: 100
2 {
2 {
1: 76
3: 0x3f570a3d
4: 6
5: 5
6 {
1: 0x3f71eb85
2: 0x3f2147ae
3: 0x3f8bc6a8
5: 0x3f000000
7 {
1: 0x3dcccccd
2: 0x3d4ccccd
3: 0x3f2147ae
4: 0x3f8bc6a8
5: 0x3ea147ae
6: 1
7: 0x41000000
8: 0x3f99999a
9: 0x40400000
8 {
1: 160
2: 176
3: 198
9: "\343\001\330\001"
10: " >\037"
11: "6\253*@\332\254*?\000\000\000@\000\000\000@\000\000\000\0006\253\n@\000\000\000@\000\000\000\000"
13: 1
15: 0x3fb33333
16: 0x43960000
17: 75
18: 0x3e333333
19: 0x42160000
21: 74
2 {
4 {
1: 77
2: 5
3: 13
4: 0x42200000
5: 0x3f800000
6: 0x3d4ccccd
8: 0x3d99999a
9: 1
10: 100
11: "thunder_punch"
12: 2400
13: 1950
14: 2200
15: 18446744073709551583
2 {
2 {
1: 77
3: 0x3f8147ae
4: 10
6 {
1: 0x3f116f00
2: 0x3ec1f213
3: 0x3fa1999a
5: 0x3f000000
7 {
1: 0x3ea3d70a
2: 0x3dcccccd
3: 0x3e8147ae
4: 0x3f21999a
5: 0x3e4ed917
6: 1
7: 0x41000000
8: 0x3f733333
9: 0x41b80000
8 {
1: 100
2: 168
3: 138
9: "\335\001\321\001"
10: "e\025g"
11: "\312T\025@\332\254*?mV\325?\000\000\300?\252\252\252@\312T\025@mV\325?\000\000\000\000"
12: "N"
13: 1
15: 0x3f800000
16: 0x41f00000
18: 0x3e000000
19: 0x40700000
21: 77
22: 50
2 {
4 {
1: 78
2: 5
3: 13
4: 0x42c80000
5: 0x3f800000
6: 0x3d4ccccd
8: 0x3de147ae
9: 1
10: 100
11: "thunder"
12: 4300
13: 2550
14: 4100
15: 18446744073709551516
2 {
2 {
1: 78
3: 0x3f4f5c29
4: 10
6 {
1: 0x3f1b851f
2: 0x3ecf5c29
3: 0x3fd9ba5e
5: 0x3f000000
7 {
1: 0x3df5c28f
2: 0x3d75c28f
3: 0x3ea5e354
4: 0x3f641893
5: 0x3e78d4fe
6: 1
7: 0x40c00000
8: 0x3f800000
9: 0x41880000
8 {
1: 130
2: 200
3: 170
9: "\317\001\321\001"
10: "g.*"
11: "\320D\004@&SU?\312T\025@\007\360\356?\000\000\000\0006\253\n@6\253*@\000\000\000\000"
13: 1
15: 0x3fd9999a
16: 0x42be0000
17: 77
18: 0x3e59999a
19: 0x413e0000
21: 77
2 {
4 {
1: 79
2: 5
3: 13
4: 0x425c0000
5: 0x3f800000
6: 0x3d4ccccd
8: 0x3db851ec
9: 1
10: 100
11: "thunderbolt"
12: 2700
13: 1900
14: 2700
15: 18446744073709551566
2 {
2 {
1: 79
3: 0x3f4a3d71
4: 11
5: 14
6 {
1: 0x3f97ae14
2: 0x3f17ae14
3: 0x3f72b022
5: 0x3f000000
7 {
1: 0x3ecccccd
2: 0x3dcccccd
3: 0x3ea1cac1
4: 0x3f0374bc
5: 0x3e97ae14
6: 1
7: 0x41000000
8: 0x3f800000
9: 0x41b80000
8 {
1: 180
2: 110
3: 110
9: "\346\001\353\001"
10: "i<l"
11: "\000\000@@\332\254*?\000\000\000@mV\325?\000\000\000\000\000\000\000@mV\325?\000\000\000\000"
12: "P"
13: 1
15: 0x3f99999a
16: 0x42100000
18: 0x3e19999a
19: 0x40900000
21: 79
22: 50
2 {
4 {
1: 80
2: 5
3: 16
4: 0x41c80000
5: 0x3f800000
6: 0x3d4ccccd
8: 0x3d23d70a
9: 1
10: 100
11: "twister"
12: 2700
13: 850
14: 2600
15: 18446744073709551596
2 {
2 {
1: 80
3: 0x3f59999a
4: 11
5: 14
6 {
1: 0x3f338866
2: 0x3eef5c29
3: 0x3fa33333
5: 0x3f000000
7 {
1: 0x3e23d70a
2: 0x3d75c28f
3: 0x3ed9999a
4: 0x3f59999a
5: 0x3e828f5c
6: 1
7: 0x40400000
8: 0x3f800000
9: 0x41000000
8 {
1: 190
2: 184
3: 198
9: "\346\001\353\001"
10: "il\'"
11: "\312T\025@\332\254*?mV\325?ff\006@\000\000\000\000\223\251\352?\000\000\000@\000\000@@"
13: 1
15: 0x3fcccccd
16: 0x429d0000
17: 79
18: 0x3e4ccccd
19: 0x411d0000
21: 79
2 {
2 {
1: 81
3: 0x3fc28f5c
4: 13
5: 9
6 {
1: 0x3f2f1aa0
2: 0x3ee978d5
3: 0x3ee978d5
4: 0x3f6978d5
5: 0x3f000000
7 {
1: 0x3ecccccd
2: 0x3dcccccd
3: 0x3ee978d5
4: 0x3ee978d5
5: 0x3e6978d5
6: 4
7: 0x41000000
8: 0x3f800000
9: 0x41b80000
8 {
1: 50
2: 128
3: 138
9: "\316\001\315\001"
10: "#HO"
11: "\223\251\252?\332\254*?\306\334\235?\332\254*?\000\000\000\000\000\000\000@mV\225?XU\225?"
12: "R"
13: 1
15: 0x3e99999a
16: 0x40c00000
18: 0x3d19999a
19: 0x3f400000
21: 81
22: 50
2 {
4 {
1: 82
2: 5
3: 16
4: 0x42820000
5: 0x3f800000
6: 0x3d4ccccd
8: 0x3dae147b
9: 1
10: 100
11: "dragon_pulse"
12: 3600
13: 2100
14: 3300
15: 18446744073709551566
2 {
2 {
1: 82
3: 0x3f8ccccd
4: 13
5: 9
6 {
1: 0x3f28f5c3
2: 0x3ee147ae
3: 0x3f8ccccd
4: 0x3ee147ae
5: 0x3f000000
7 {
1: 0x3e23d70a
2: 0x3d75c28f
3: 0x3ee147ae
4: 0x3f533333
5: 0x3e6147ae
6: 4
7: 0x40a00000
8: 0x3f800000
9: 0x41600000
8 {
1: 100
2: 186
3: 180
9: "\316\001\315\001"
10: "#H$"
11: "\000\000\300?\332\254*?\223\251\252?\332\254*?\000\000\000\000\223\251\352?\000\000\000@\000\000\000\000"
13: 1
15: 0x3f800000
16: 0x42700000
17: 81
18: 0x3e000000
19: 0x40f00000
21: 81
2 {
4 {
1: 83
2: 5
3: 16
4: 0x420c0000
5: 0x3f800000
6: 0x3e800000
8: 0x3da3d70a
9: 1
10: 100
11: "dragon_claw"
12: 1500
13: 1200
14: 1400
15: 18446744073709551566
2 {
2 {
1: 83
3: 0x3f90a3d7
4: 1
5: 3
6 {
1: 0x3f2d9168
2: 0x3ee76c8b
3: 0x3f58f5c3
5: 0x3f000000
7 {
1: 0x3e75c28f
2: 0x3db851ec
3: 0x3e90a3d7
4: 0x3ed8f5c3
5: 0x3e90a3d7
6: 1
7: 0x41e80000
8: 0x3fa00000
9: 0x41200000
8 {
1: 104
2: 138
3: 132
9: "\337\001\310\001"
10: "-yu"
11: "mV\325?\332\254*?mV\325?\223\251\352?\000\000\000\000\223\251\352?\315\314\314?\000\000\000\000"
13: 1
15: 0x3f4ccccd
16: 0x41700000
18: 0x3dcccccd
19: 0x3ff00000
21: 83
2 {
4 {
1: 84
2: 5
3: 18
4: 0x41c80000
5: 0x3f800000
6: 0x3d4ccccd
8: 0x3d23d70a
9: 1
10: 100
11: "disarming_voice"
12: 3900
13: 1800
14: 3600
15: 18446744073709551596
2 {
2 {
1: 84
3: 0x3f6147ae
4: 1
5: 3
6 {
1: 0x3f181062
2: 0x3ecac083
3: 0x3f9db22d
5: 0x3f000000
7 {
1: 0x3ecccccd
2: 0x3dcccccd
3: 0x3eb43958
4: 0x3f9db22d
5: 0x3e4ac083
6: 1
7: 0x41200000
8: 0x3f800000
9: 0x41e80000
8 {
1: 70
2: 126
3: 96
9: "\323\001\333\001"
10: "&-}"
11: "\000\000\000@\332\254*?mV\325?\000\000\300?\000\000\000\000\000\000\000@-C\304?\000\000\000\000"
12: "U"
13: 1
15: 0x3fb33333
16: 0x421ccccd
18: 0x3e333333
19: 0x409ccccd
21: 84
22: 50
2 {
4 {
1: 85
2: 5
3: 18
4: 0x41c80000
5: 0x3f800000
6: 0x3d4ccccd
7: 0x3f800000
8: 0x3d4ccccd
9: 1
10: 100
11: "draining_kiss"
12: 2800
13: 1000
14: 1100
15: 18446744073709551596
2 {
2 {
1: 85
3: 0x3f47ae14
4: 1
5: 3
6 {
1: 0x3f45aee6
2: 0x3f03c9ef
3: 0x3fa4bc6a
5: 0x3f000000
7 {
1: 0x3e23d70a
2: 0x3d75c28f
3: 0x3ec7ae14
4: 0x3fa4bc6a
5: 0x3e83c9ef
6: 1
7: 0x40c00000
8: 0x3fa00000
9: 0x41880000
8 {
1: 120
2: 182
3: 150
9: "\356\001\357\001"
10: "&-y"
11: "\223\251\252?\332\254*?mV\325?\000\000\000@\000\000\000\000\000\000\000@\000\000\000@\000\000\000\000"
13: 1
15: 0x3fe66666
16: 0x42aa6666
17: 84
18: 0x3e666666
19: 0x412a6666
21: 84
2 {
4 {
1: 86
2: 5
3: 18
4: 0x425c0000
5: 0x3f800000
6: 0x3d4ccccd
8: 0x3da3d70a
9: 1
10: 100
11: "dazzling_gleam"
12: 4200
13: 3300
14: 4100
15: 18446744073709551583
2 {
2 {
1: 86
3: 0x3f8ccccd
4: 11
6 {
1: 0x3ed33333
2: 0x3e8ccccd
3: 0x3f0ccccd
5: 0x3f000000
7 {
1: 0x3ecccccd
2: 0x3db851ec
3: 0x3e8ccccd
4: 0x3ed33333
5: 0x3e6147ae
6: 1
7: 0x41200000
8: 0x3f666666
9: 0x41e80000
8 {
1: 130
2: 104
3: 138
9: "\331\001\346\001"
10: "9o:"
11: "6\253*@\332\254*?\223\251\352?mV\325?\000\000\000\000\000\000\000@\000\000\000@\000\000\000\000"
12: "W"
13: 1
15: 0x3f8ccccd
16: 0x42b40000
18: 0x3e0ccccd
19: 0x41340000
21: 86
22: 50
2 {
4 {
1: 87
2: 5
3: 18
4: 0x42aa0000
5: 0x3f800000
6: 0x3d4ccccd
8: 0x3dc28f5c
9: 1
10: 100
11: "moonblast"
12: 4100
13: 3500
14: 4100
15: 18446744073709551516
2 {
2 {
1: 87
3: 0x3f866666
4: 11
5: 15
6 {
1: 0x3f49999a
2: 0x3f066666
3: 0x3f570a3d
4: 0x3ec9999a
5: 0x3f000000
7 {
1: 0x3e23d70a
2: 0x3d75c28f
3: 0x3ea147ae
4: 0x3f2147ae
5: 0x3e066666
6: 6
7: 0x40a00000
8: 0x3f800000
9: 0x41600000
8 {
1: 180
2: 156
3: 192
9: "\332\001\331\001"
10: "o9("
11: "\320D\004@&SU?mV\325?\332\254*?\000\000\000\000\312T\025@\000\000\000@\000\000\000\000"
13: 1
15: 0x3fd9999a
16: 0x42f00000
17: 86
18: 0x3e59999a
19: 0x41700000
21: 86
2 {
4 {
1: 88
2: 5
3: 18
4: 0x425c0000
5: 0x3f800000
6: 0x3d4ccccd
8: 0x3dcccccd
9: 1
10: 100
11: "play_rough"
12: 2900
13: 1400
14: 2700
15: 18446744073709551566
2 {
2 {
1: 88
3: 0x3f7ae148
4: 4
6 {
1: 0x3f61cac1
2: 0x3f16872b
3: 0x3f7ae148
5: 0x3f000000
7 {
1: 0x3ecccccd
2: 0x3dcccccd
3: 0x3efae148
4: 0x3f553f7f
5: 0x3e96872b
6: 1
7: 0x41b80000
8: 0x3f800000
9: 0x41000000
8 {
1: 160
2: 124
3: 110
9: "\341\001\351\001"
10: "\022`Z"
11: "mV\325?\332\254*?mV\325?mV\325?\000\000 AmV\325?6\253*@\000\000\000\000"
12: "Y"
13: 1
15: 0x3f666666
16: 0x41f00000
18: 0x3de66666
19: 0x40700000
21: 88
22: 50
2 {
4 {
1: 89
2: 5
3: 4
4: 0x41c80000
5: 0x3f800000
6: 0x3e800000
8: 0x3d8f5c29
9: 1
10: 100
11: "cross_poison"
12: 1500
13: 1200
14: 1500
15: 18446744073709551591
2 {
1: "V0089_POKEMON_MUK"
2 {
1: 89
3: 0x3f428f5c
4: 4
6 {
1: 0x3f91eb85
2: 0x3f5c28f6
3: 0x3f6978d5
5: 0x3f000000
7 {
1: 0x3e23d70a
2: 0x3d75c28f
3: 0x3f428f5c
4: 0x3f11eb85
5: 0x3ec28f5c
6: 1
7: 0x41000000
8: 0x3fa00000
9: 0x40400000
8 {
1: 210
2: 180
3: 188
9: "\341\001\340\001"
10: "\020\\["
11: "\000\000\000@\000\000\200?mV\325?6\253\n@\000\000 A\000\000\000@6\253*@\000\000\000\000"
13: 1
15: 0x3f99999a
16: 0x41f00000
17: 88
18: 0x3e19999a
19: 0x40700000
21: 88
2 {
4 {
1: 90
2: 5
3: 4
4: 0x425c0000
5: 0x3f800000
6: 0x3d4ccccd
8: 0x3db851ec
9: 1
10: 100
11: "sludge_bomb"
12: 2600
13: 1950
14: 2450
15: 18446744073709551566
2 {
2 {
1: 90
3: 0x3fd70a3d
4: 11
6 {
1: 0x3f1460aa
2: 0x3ec5d639
3: 0x3f010625
5: 0x3f000000
7 {
1: 0x3ecccccd
2: 0x3dcccccd
3: 0x3eac0831
4: 0x3f010625
5: 0x3e96872b
6: 1
7: 0x41b80000
8: 0x3f99999a
9: 0x41000000
8 {
1: 60
2: 120
3: 112
9: "\331\001\335\001"
10: "5io"
11: "\000\000\000@\332\254*?mV\325?mV\325?\000\000\000\000mV\325?6\253*@\000\000\000\000"
12: "["
13: 1
15: 0x3e99999a
16: 0x40800000
18: 0x3d19999a
19: 0x3f000000
21: 90
22: 50
2 {
4 {
1: 91
2: 5
3: 4
4: 0x428c0000
5: 0x3f800000
6: 0x3d4ccccd
8: 0x3dc28f5c
9: 1
10: 100
11: "sludge_wave"
12: 3400
13: 2400
14: 3300
15: 18446744073709551516
2 {
2 {
1: 91
3: 0x3f570a3d
4: 11
5: 15
6 {
1: 0x3f71eb85
2: 0x3f2147ae
3: 0x3f866666
4: 0x3ed70a3d
5: 0x3f000000
7 {
1: 0x3e23d70a
2: 0x3d75c28f
3: 0x3ed70a3d
4: 0x3f866666
5: 0x3f0bc6a6
6: 6
7: 0x40400000
8: 0x3f800000
9: 0x41000000
8 {
1: 100
2: 196
3: 196
9: "\332\001\331\001"
10: "ok("
11: "0\273\033@\332\254*?\306\334\335?\332\254*?\000\000\000\000\312T\025@\323\274\373?33s@"
13: 1
15: 0x3fc00000
16: 0x43048000
17: 90
18: 0x3e400000
19: 0x41848000
21: 90
2 {
4 {
1: 92
2: 5
3: 4
4: 0x42820000
5: 0x3f800000
6: 0x3d4ccccd
8: 0x3df5c28f
9: 1
10: 100
11: "gunk_shot"
12: 3000
13: 2000
14: 2400
15: 18446744073709551516
2 {
2 {
1: 92
3: 0x3f800000
4: 8
5: 4
6 {
1: 0x3f2ccccd
2: 0x3ee66666
3: 0x3f4ccccd
4: 0x3f19999a
5: 0x3f000000
7 {
1: 0x3ea3d70a
2: 0x3dcccccd
3: 0x3e800000
4: 0x3f19999a
5: 0x3e99999a
6: 3
7: 0x41e80000
8: 0x3f800000
9: 0x41200000
8 {
1: 60
2: 136
3: 82
9: "\324\001\313\001"
10: "E\020Z"
11: "\000\000\000\000\332\254*?mV\325?\000\000\200?\000\000\000\000\375\207\010@\375\207\010@\000\000\000\000"
12: "]"
13: 1
15: 0x3fa66666
16: 0x3dcccccd
18: 0x3e266666
19: 0x3c4ccccd
21: 92
22: 25
2 {
2 {
1: 93
3: 0x3f2e147b
4: 8
5: 4
6 {
1: 0x3f43d70a
2: 0x3f028f5c
3: 0x3f8b4396
4: 0x3eae147b
5: 0x3f000000
7 {
1: 0x3e23d70a
2: 0x3d8f5c29
3: 0x3ee24dd3
4: 0x3f93f7cf
5: 0x3ee24dd3
6: 3
7: 0x41b80000
8: 0x3f800000
9: 0x41000000
8 {
1: 90
2: 172
3: 118
9: "\325\001\324\001"
10: "F\020Z"
11: "6\253\n@\332\254*?mV\325?\332\254*?\000\000\000\000\312T\025@\000\000\000@\000\000\000\000"
12: "^"
13: 1
15: 0x3fcccccd
16: 0x3dcccccd
17: 92
18: 0x3e4ccccd
19: 0x3c4ccccd
21: 92
22: 100
2 {
4 {
1: 94
2: 5
3: 5
4: 0x41c80000
5: 0x3f800000
6: 0x3d4ccccd
8: 0x3d851eb8
9: 1
10: 100
11: "bone_club"
12: 1600
13: 1250
14: 1500
15: 18446744073709551591
2 {
2 {
1: 94
3: 0x3f570a3d
4: 8
5: 4
6 {
1: 0x3f316873
2: 0x3eec8b44
3: 0x3f96872b
5: 0x3f000000
7 {
1: 0x3da3d70a
2: 0x3d4ccccd
3: 0x3eec8b44
4: 0x3f8bc6a8
5: 0x3f010625
6: 1
7: 0x41600000
8: 0x3fa66666
9: 0x40a00000
8 {
1: 120
2: 204
3: 156
9: "\313\001\325\001"
10: "F\020["
11: "mV\325?\332\254*?mV\325?\223\251\352?\000\000\000\000mV\325?\223\251\252?XU\325?"
13: 1
15: 0x3fc00000
16: 0x42220000
17: 93
18: 0x3e400000
19: 0x40a20000
21: 92
2 {
4 {
1: 95
2: 5
3: 5
4: 0x420c0000
5: 0x3f800000
6: 0x3d4ccccd
8: 0x3d75c28f
9: 1
10: 100
11: "bulldoze"
12: 3400
13: 1900
14: 3000
15: 18446744073709551591
2 {
2 {
1: 95
3: 0x3ef0a3d7
4: 6
5: 5
6 {
1: 0x3f7cac08
2: 0x3f2872b0
3: 0x3fb47ae1
5: 0x3f000000
7 {
1: 0x3e23d70a
2: 0x3db851ec
3: 0x3f2872b0
4: 0x3f966666
5: 0x3ec08312
6: 1
7: 0x41880000
8: 0x3f800000
9: 0x40c00000
8 {
1: 70
2: 90
3: 186
9: "\343\001\335\001"
10: "@ J"
11: "\312T\025@\332\254*?\306\334\335?\306\334\335?\000\000\000\000\312T\025@\226!\002@\000\000\000\000"
13: 1
15: 0x410ccccd
16: 0x43520000
18: 0x3f8ccccd
19: 0x41d20000
21: 95
2 {
1: "V0096_MOVE_MUD_BOMB"
4 {
1: 96
2: 5
3: 5
4: 0x41f00000
5: 0x3f800000
6: 0x3d4ccccd
8: 0x3d851eb8
9: 1
10: 100
11: "mud_bomb"
12: 2600
13: 2050
14: 2500
15: 18446744073709551591
2 {
2 {
1: 96
3: 0x3f866666
4: 14
6 {
1: 0x3f2147ae
2: 0x3ed70a3d
3: 0x3f866666
5: 0x3f000000
7 {
1: 0x3ecccccd
2: 0x3dcccccd
3: 0x3ebc28f6
4: 0x3f2147ae
5: 0x3e866666
6: 1
7: 0x41000000
8: 0x3fa00000
9: 0x41b80000
8 {
1: 120
2: 104
3: 140
9: "\336\001\353\001"
10: "\036<l"
11: "\223\251\352?\332\254*?mV\325?:#\342?\000\000\000\000\000\000\000@\312T\025@\000\000\000\000"
12: "a"
13: 1
15: 0x3f800000
16: 0x4201999a
18: 0x3e000000
19: 0x4081999a
21: 96
22: 50
2 {
2 {
1: 97
3: 0x3f547ae1
4: 14
6 {
1: 0x3f6f0d84
2: 0x3f1f5c29
3: 0x3fa9fbe7
5: 0x3f000000
7 {
1: 0x3e23d70a
2: 0x3d75c28f
3: 0x3ea9fbe7
4: 0x3f547ae1
5: 0x3ea9fbe7
6: 1
7: 0x41300000
8: 0x3f4ccccd
9: 0x40800000
8 {
1: 170
2: 162
3: 196
9: "\352\001\353\001"
10: "<lF"
11: "\007\360\356?\332\254*?\000\000\000@`v\267?\000\000\000\0006\253*@\315\314\314?\000\000\000\000"
13: 1
15: 0x3fcccccd
16: 0x42973333
17: 96
18: 0x3e4ccccd
19: 0x41173333
21: 96
2 {
2 {
1: 98
3: 0x3f947ae1
4: 11
6 {
1: 0x3f4872b0
2: 0x3f05a1cb
3: 0x3f5eb852
5: 0x3f000000
7 {
1: 0x3ecccccd
2: 0x3e19999a
3: 0x3f05a1cb
4: 0x3f5eb852
5: 0x3e85a1cb
6: 1
7: 0x41b80000
8: 0x3f800000
9: 0x41000000
8 {
1: 60
2: 116
3: 110
9: "\355\001\330\001"
10: "\0245i"
11: "`v\267?\332\254*?mV\325?\000\000\300?\000\000\000\000\312T\025@\223\251\252?\000\000\000\000"
12: "c"
13: 1
15: 0x3ecccccd
16: 0x40d00000
18: 0x3d4ccccd
19: 0x3f500000
21: 98
22: 50
2 {
4 {
1: 99
2: 5
3: 7
4: 0x42340000
5: 0x3f800000
6: 0x3d4ccccd
8: 0x3d99999a
9: 1
10: 100
11: "signal_beam"
12: 3100
13: 2000
14: 3000
15: 18446744073709551583
2 {
2 {
1: 99
3: 0x3f5eb852
4: 11
6 {
1: 0x3f7a92a3
2: 0x3f270a3d
3: 0x3f801062
5: 0x3f000000
7 {
1: 0x3e23d70a
2: 0x3d8f5c29
3: 0x3f270a3d
4: 0x3f801062
5: 0x3ea70a3d
6: 1
7: 0x41000000
8: 0x3f4ccccd
9: 0x40400000
8 {
1: 110
2: 178
3: 168
9: "\344\001\330\001"
10: "\024di"
11: "\235\021\021@\332\254*?ff\346?\240\211\310?\000\000\000\000\000\000\000@-C\304?\000\000\000\000"
13: 1
15: 0x3fa66666
16: 0x42700000
17: 98
18: 0x3e266666
19: 0x40f00000
21: 98
2 {
4 {
1: 100
2: 5
3: 7
4: 0x420c0000
5: 0x3f800000
6: 0x3d4ccccd
8: 0x3da3d70a
9: 1
10: 100
11: "x_scissor"
12: 2100
13: 1350
14: 1600
15: 18446744073709551583
2 {
2 {
1: 100
3: 0x3faccccd
4: 13
6 {
1: 0x3f019ce0
2: 0x3eaccccd
3: 0x3f2ccccd
5: 0x3f000000
7 {
1: 0x3ecccccd
2: 0x3dcccccd
3: 0x3eaccccd
4: 0x3f2ccccd
5: 0x3e2ccccd
6: 1
7: 0x41200000
8: 0x3f99999a
9: 0x41e80000
8 {
1: 80
2: 102
3: 124
9: "\316\001\335\001"
10: "#Oc"
11: "6\253*@\332\254*?mV\325?\223\251\352?\000\000\000\000\312T\025@\000\000\000@\000\000\000@"
12: "e"
13: 1
15: 0x3f000000
16: 0x41266666
18: 0x3d800000
19: 0x3fa66666
21: 100
22: 50
2 {
4 {
1: 101
2: 5
3: 10
4: 0x41c80000
5: 0x3f800000
6: 0x3d4ccccd
8: 0x3d4ccccd
9: 1
10: 100
11: "flame_charge"
12: 3100
13: 2700
14: 2900
15: 18446744073709551596
2 {
2 {
1: 101
3: 0x3f6b851f
4: 13
6 {
1: 0x3f53f7cf
2: 0x3f0d4fdf
3: 0x3f8d4fdf
5: 0x3f000000
7 {
1: 0x3e23d70a
2: 0x3d75c28f
3: 0x3f0d4fdf
4: 0x3f8d4fdf
5: 0x3e8d4fdf
6: 1
7: 0x41000000
8: 0x3f99999a
9: 0x41b80000
8 {
1: 120
2: 150
3: 174
9: "\316\001\335\001"
10: "#O\016"
11: "\312T\025@\332\254*?mV\325?\223\251\352?\000\000\000\000\312T\025@\000\000@@\000\000\000\000"
13: 1
15: 0x3f99999a
16: 0x42853333
17: 100
18: 0x3e19999a
19: 0x41053333
21: 100
2 {
4 {
1: 102
2: 5
3: 10
4: 0x41f00000
5: 0x3f800000
6: 0x3d4ccccd
8: 0x3d8f5c29
9: 1
10: 100
11: "flame_burst"
12: 2100
13: 1200
14: 1600
15: 18446744073709551591
2 {
2 {
1: 102
3: 0x3f83d70a
4: 12
5: 14
6 {
1: 0x3f45c28f
2: 0x3f03d70a
3: 0x3ed2f1aa
5: 0x3f000000
7 {
1: 0x3ecccccd
2: 0x3dcccccd
3: 0x3f03d70a
4: 0x3ed2f1aa
5: 0x3e83d70a
6: 1
7: 0x41000000
8: 0x3f800000
9: 0x41b80000
8 {
1: 120
2: 110
3: 132
9: "\353\001"
10: ";l>"
11: "\000\000 @\332\254*?mV\325?mV\325?\000\000\000\000\000\000\000@\000\000\000@\000\000\000\000"
12: "g"
13: 1
15: 0x3ecccccd
16: 0x40200000
18: 0x3d4ccccd
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21: 102
22: 50
2 {
4 {
1: 103
2: 5
3: 10
4: 0x42c80000
5: 0x3f800000
6: 0x3d4ccccd
8: 0x3de147ae
9: 1
10: 100
11: "fire_blast"
12: 4100
13: 3600
14: 4000
15: 18446744073709551516
2 {
2 {
1: 103
3: 0x3f47ae14
4: 12
5: 14
6 {
1: 0x3f42b021
2: 0x3f01cac1
3: 0x3faeb852
5: 0x3f000000
7 {
1: 0x3e23d70a
2: 0x3d75c28f
3: 0x3f01cac1
4: 0x3faeb852
5: 0x3e81cac1
6: 1
7: 0x41000000
8: 0x3f800000
9: 0x40400000
8 {
1: 190
2: 232
3: 164
9: "\353\001\352\001"
10: ";lt"
11: "j\336\035@\332\254*?mV\325?\000\000\000@\000\000\000\000\315\314\014@\315\314\314?\000\000\000\000"
13: 1
15: 0x40000000
16: 0x42f00000
17: 102
18: 0x3e800000
19: 0x41700000
21: 102
2 {
1: "V0104_MOVE_BRINE"
4 {
1: 104
2: 5
3: 11
4: 0x41c80000
5: 0x3f800000
6: 0x3d4ccccd
8: 0x3d851eb8
9: 1
10: 100
11: "brine"
12: 2400
13: 1650
14: 2000
15: 18446744073709551591
2 {
2 {
1: 104
3: 0x3fbd70a4
4: 5
6 {
1: 0x3ee353f8
2: 0x3e978d50
3: 0x3f178d50
5: 0x3f000000
7 {
1: 0x3ea3d70a
2: 0x3dcccccd
3: 0x3e6353f8
4: 0x3ebd70a4
5: 0x3e6353f8
6: 1
7: 0x41000000
8: 0x3f800000
9: 0x41b80000
8 {
1: 100
2: 102
3: 150
9: "\351\001\361\001"
10: "^\032_"
11: "\306\334\335?\332\254*?\315\314\314?\315\314\314?\000\000\000\000\223\251\352?\315\314\314?\000\000\000\000"
12: "i"
13: 1
15: 0x3ecccccd
16: 0x40d00000
18: 0x3d4ccccd
19: 0x3f500000
21: 104
22: 50
2 {
4 {
1: 105
2: 5
3: 11
4: 0x420c0000
5: 0x3f800000
6: 0x3d4ccccd
8: 0x3d75c28f
9: 1
10: 100
11: "water_pulse"
12: 3300
13: 1900
14: 2900
15: 18446744073709551591
2 {
2 {
1: 105
3: 0x3f800000
4: 5
6 {
1: 0x3f066666
2: 0x3eb33333
3: 0x3f800000
5: 0x3f000000
7 {
1: 0x3df5c28f
2: 0x3d75c28f
3: 0x3e800000
4: 0x3f400000
5: 0x3e800000
6: 1
7: 0x41600000
8: 0x3f59999a
9: 0x40a00000
8 {
1: 120
2: 140
3: 202
9: "\351\001\361\001"
10: "^\032\037"
11: "\000\000\000@\332\254*?mV\325?\000\000\300?\000\000\000\000\000\000\000@33\263?\000\000\000\000"
13: 1
15: 0x3f800000
16: 0x42340000
17: 104
18: 0x3e000000
19: 0x40b40000
21: 104
2 {
1: "V0106_MOVE_SCALD"
4 {
1: 106
2: 5
3: 11
4: 0x425c0000
5: 0x3f800000
6: 0x3d4ccccd
8: 0x3da3d70a
9: 1
10: 100
11: "scald"
12: 4000
13: 1800
14: 3900
15: 18446744073709551583
2 {
2 {
1: 106
3: 0x3f547ae1
4: 2
6 {
1: 0x3f1f5c29
2: 0x3ed47ae1
3: 0x3f9f5c29
5: 0x3f000000
7 {
1: 0x3e23d70a
2: 0x3db851ec
3: 0x3ed47ae1
4: 0x3f9f5c29
5: 0x3e547ae1
6: 1
7: 0x41300000
8: 0x3f4ccccd
9: 0x40800000
8 {
1: 100
2: 148
3: 172
9: "\317\001\361\001"
10: "\1778 "
11: "mV\325?\332\254*?mV\325?\000\000\300?\000\000\000\000\000\000\000@\300\354n?\000\000\000\000"
13: 1
15: 0x3fc00000
16: 0x42473333
18: 0x3e400000
19: 0x40c73333
21: 106
2 {
4 {
1: 107
2: 5
3: 11
4: 0x42b40000
5: 0x3f800000
6: 0x3d4ccccd
8: 0x3de147ae
9: 1
10: 100
11: "hydro_pump"
12: 3800
13: 1500
14: 3600
15: 18446744073709551516
2 {
2 {
1: 107
3: 0x3f828f5c
4: 2
6 {
1: 0x3f304189
2: 0x3eeb020c
3: 0x3fb6c8b4
5: 0x3f000000
7 {
1: 0x3e23d70a
2: 0x3db851ec
3: 0x3ea9ba5e
4: 0x3f828f5c
5: 0x3e828f5c
6: 1
7: 0x41600000
8: 0x3f8ccccd
9: 0x40a00000
8 {
1: 100
2: 138
3: 204
9: "\345\001\361\001"
10: "s!M{"
11: "\000\000\300?\332\254*?mV\325?mV\325?\000\000\000\000\306\334\335?\332\254*?\000\000\000\000"
13: 1
15: 0x3fb33333
16: 0x4248cccd
18: 0x3e333333
19: 0x40c8cccd
21: 107
2 {
4 {
1: 108
2: 5
3: 14
4: 0x425c0000
5: 0x3f800000
6: 0x3d4ccccd
8: 0x3db851ec
9: 1
10: 100
11: "psychic"
12: 2800
13: 1600
14: 2800
15: 18446744073709551566
2 {
2 {
1: 108
3: 0x3f6b851f
4: 1
6 {
1: 0x3f30a3d7
2: 0x3eeb851f
3: 0x3f8d4fdf
5: 0x3f000000
7 {
1: 0x3e23d70a
2: 0x3db851ec
3: 0x3eeb851f
4: 0x3f6b851f
5: 0x3e818937
6: 1
7: 0x41b80000
8: 0x3fa00000
9: 0x41000000
8 {
1: 180
2: 126
3: 160
9: "\324\001\352\001"
10: "\016\177v"
11: "mV\325?\332\254*?mV\325?\306\334\335?\000\000\000\000\000\000\000@\315\314L?\000\000\000\000"
13: 1
15: 0x3f99999a
16: 0x42830000
18: 0x3e19999a
19: 0x41030000
21: 108
2 {
4 {
1: 109
2: 5
3: 14
4: 0x42c80000
5: 0x3f800000
6: 0x3d4ccccd
8: 0x3dcccccd
9: 1
10: 100
11: "psystrike"
12: 5100
13: 4400
14: 5300
15: 18446744073709551516
2 {
2 {
1: 109
3: 0x3f99999a
4: 4
6 {
1: 0x3f3851ec
2: 0x3ef5c28f
3: 0x3f3851ec
4: 0x3f19999a
5: 0x3f000000
7 {
1: 0x3ecccccd
2: 0x3dcccccd
3: 0x3eb851ec
4: 0x3f28f5c3
5: 0x3f19999a
6: 5
7: 0x41000000
8: 0x3f800000
9: 0x41b80000
8 {
1: 80
2: 136
3: 142
9: "\341\001\335\001"
10: "\022Z\020"
11: "\223\251\252?\332\254*?\000\000\300?\332\254*?VU\325@\000\000\000@\000\000\000@\000\000\000\000"
12: "n"
13: 1
15: 0x3f19999a
16: 0x3f800000
18: 0x3d99999a
19: 0x3e000000
21: 109
22: 50
2 {
2 {
1: 110
3: 0x3f9eb852
4: 4
6 {
1: 0x3f6e147b
2: 0x3f1eb852
3: 0x3f3e76c9
4: 0x3f1eb852
5: 0x3f000000
7 {
1: 0x3e23d70a
2: 0x3d75c28f
3: 0x3f2e978d
4: 0x3f3e76c9
5: 0x3eee147b
6: 5
7: 0x40800000
8: 0x3f800000
9: 0x41300000
8 {
1: 130
2: 190
3: 198
9: "\341\001\335\001"
10: "ZF\020"
11: "\000\000\000@\332\254*?mV\325?\332\254*?TUU@j\336\035@6\253*@\000\000\000\000"
13: 1
15: 0x3f99999a
16: 0x41180000
17: 109
18: 0x3e19999a
19: 0x3f980000
21: 109
2 {
1: "V0111_MOVE_ICY_WIND"
4 {
1: 111
2: 5
3: 15
4: 0x41c80000
5: 0x3f800000
6: 0x3d4ccccd
8: 0x3d6147ae
9: 1
10: 100
11: "icy_wind"
12: 3800
13: 2000
14: 2700
15: 18446744073709551596
2 {
2 {
1: 111
3: 0x3f800000
4: 5
5: 6
6 {
1: 0x3f400000
2: 0x3f000000
3: 0x3f59999a
5: 0x3f000000
7 {
1: 0x3ecccccd
2: 0x3dcccccd
3: 0x3f000000
4: 0x3f59999a
5: 0x3e99999a
6: 1
7: 0x41600000
8: 0x3fa00000
9: 0x40a00000
8 {
1: 160
2: 110
3: 116
9: "\351\001\361\001"
10: "_~\177"
11: ":#\342?\000\000\200?\000\000\300?\223\251\352?\000\000\000\0006\253*@\232\231\031@\000\000\000\000"
12: "p"
13: 1
15: 0x3f800000
16: 0x42e60000
18: 0x3e000000
19: 0x41660000
21: 111
22: 50
2 {
2 {
1: 112
3: 0x3f4a3d71
4: 5
5: 6
6 {
1: 0x3f97ae14
2: 0x3f4a3d71
3: 0x3fabe76d
5: 0x3f000000
7 {
1: 0x3e23d70a
2: 0x3d75c28f
3: 0x3f17ae14
4: 0x3f97ae14
5: 0x3eca3d71
6: 1
7: 0x41000000
8: 0x3f800000
9: 0x40400000
8 {
1: 210
2: 166
3: 160
9: "\351\001\361\001"
10: "\026\037 "
11: "\232\231\331?\332\254*?ff\006@\232\231\331?\000\000\000\000\000\000\000@\315\314\314?\000\000\000\000"
13: 1
15: 0x3ff33333
16: 0x42f00000
17: 111
18: 0x3e733333
19: 0x41700000
21: 111
2 {
2 {
1: 113
3: 0x3f75c28f
4: 1
6 {
1: 0x3f3851ec
2: 0x3ef5c28f
3: 0x3f872b02
5: 0x3f000000
7 {
1: 0x3e23d70a
2: 0x3db851ec
3: 0x3ef5c28f
4: 0x3f872b02
5: 0x3e75c28f
6: 1
7: 0x40400000
8: 0x3f800000
9: 0x41000000
8 {
1: 500
2: 40
3: 60
9: "\336\001\352\001"
10: "l\036V"
11: "6\253\n@\332\254*?\000\000\000@\240\211\310?\000\000\000\0006\253\n@\306\334\335?XU\325?"
13: 1
15: 0x3f8ccccd
16: 0x420a6666
18: 0x3e0ccccd
19: 0x408a6666
21: 113
2 {
4 {
1: 114
2: 5
3: 12
4: 0x42480000
5: 0x3f800000
6: 0x3d4ccccd
7: 0x3f000000
8: 0x3d99999a
9: 1
10: 100
11: "giga_drain"
12: 3600
13: 350
14: 1500
15: 18446744073709551583
2 {
2 {
1: 114
3: 0x3f800000
4: 12
6 {
1: 0x3f8c28f6
2: 0x3f3ae148
3: 0x3f800000
5: 0x3f000000
7 {
1: 0x3ea3d70a
2: 0x3db851ec
3: 0x3f000000
4: 0x3f666666
5: 0x3ebae148
6: 1
7: 0x40800000
8: 0x3fa00000
9: 0x41300000
8 {
1: 130
2: 164
3: 152
9: "\326\001"
10: "vZt"
11: "\000\000\000@\332\254*?\223\251\352?\223\251\352?\000\000\000\000\000\000 @\007\360\356?\000\000\000\000"
13: 1
15: 0x3f800000
16: 0x420c0000
18: 0x3e000000
19: 0x408c0000
21: 114
2 {
4 {
1: 115
2: 5
3: 10
4: 0x42200000
5: 0x3f800000
6: 0x3d4ccccd
8: 0x3d99999a
9: 1
10: 100
11: "fire_punch"
12: 2800
13: 1690
14: 2200
15: 18446744073709551583
2 {
2 {
1: 115
3: 0x3f3851ec
4: 1
6 {
1: 0x3f5d2f1b
2: 0x3f1374bc
3: 0x3fcac083
5: 0x3f000000
7 {
1: 0x3e23d70a
2: 0x3db851ec
3: 0x3f010625
4: 0x3fa147ae
5: 0x3eb851ec
6: 1
7: 0x41300000
8: 0x3f333333
9: 0x40800000
8 {
1: 210
2: 142
3: 178
9: "\351\001\317\001"
10: "{\037\177"
11: "\375\207\010@\332\254*?mV\325?\000\000\300?\000\000\000\000\312T\025@\312T\025@TU\025@"
13: 1
15: 0x400ccccd
16: 0x42a00000
18: 0x3e8ccccd
19: 0x41200000
21: 115
2 {
4 {
1: 116
2: 5
3: 12
4: 0x42f00000
5: 0x3f800000
6: 0x3d4ccccd
8: 0x3df5c28f
9: 1
10: 100
11: "solar_beam"
12: 4900
13: 3100
14: 4800
15: 18446744073709551516
2 {
2 {
1: 116
3: 0x3fbd70a4
4: 11
6 {
1: 0x3e8e147b
2: 0x3e800000
3: 0x3f3d70a4
4: 0x3e3d70a4
5: 0x3f000000
7 {
1: 0x3ecccccd
2: 0x3dcccccd
3: 0x3e178d50
4: 0x3ee353f8
5: 0x3e3d70a4
6: 6
7: 0x41200000
8: 0x3f800000
9: 0x41e80000
8 {
1: 60
2: 122
3: 100
9: "\346\001\355\001"
10: "5R$"
11: "\000\000\000\000\332\254*?\306\334\335?&SU?\237\252\252>mV\325?\000\000\000@\000\000\000\000"
12: "u"
13: 1
15: 0x3ecccccd
16: 0x41000000
18: 0x3d4ccccd
19: 0x3f800000
21: 116
22: 50
2 {
4 {
1: 117
2: 5
3: 12
4: 0x425c0000
5: 0x3f800000
6: 0x3e800000
8: 0x3db851ec
9: 1
10: 100
11: "leaf_blade"
12: 2800
13: 1200
14: 2200
15: 18446744073709551566
2 {
2 {
1: 117
3: 0x3f6b851f
4: 11
6 {
1: 0x3f30a3d7
2: 0x3eeb851f
3: 0x3f933333
4: 0x3eeb851f
5: 0x3f000000
7 {
1: 0x3e23d70a
2: 0x3d75c28f
3: 0x3ea4dd2f
4: 0x3eeb851f
5: 0x3ed3f7cf
6: 6
7: 0x40c00000
8: 0x3f800000
9: 0x41880000
8 {
1: 110
2: 176
3: 150
9: "\346\001\314\001"
10: "(Rk"
11: "\000\000\000\000\332\254*?mV\325?\332\254*?\000\000\000\000\223\251\352?\000\000\000@\000\000\000\000"
13: 1
15: 0x3f99999a
16: 0x41c80000
17: 116
18: 0x3e19999a
19: 0x40480000
21: 116
2 {
4 {
1: 118
2: 5
3: 12
4: 0x428c0000
5: 0x3f800000
8: 0x3df5c28f
9: 1
10: 100
11: "power_whip"
12: 2800
13: 1500
14: 2800
15: 18446744073709551516
2 {
2 {
1: 118
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4: 11
6 {
1: 0x3ecf5c29
2: 0x3e8a3d71
3: 0x3eaccccd
4: 0x3eaccccd
5: 0x3f000000
7 {
1: 0x3ecccccd
2: 0x3e19999a
3: 0x3e0a3d71
4: 0x3e2ccccd
5: 0x3e2ccccd
6: 6
7: 0x41200000
8: 0x3f800000
9: 0x41e80000
8 {
1: 90
2: 112
3: 126
9: "\323\001\330\001"
10: "i~:"
11: "\000\000@@\000\000\200?mV\325?\332\254*?\000\000\000\0006\253\n@33\023@\000\000\000\000"
12: "w"
13: 1
15: 0x3f19999a
16: 0x41700000
18: 0x3d99999a
19: 0x3ff00000
21: 118
22: 50
2 {
2 {
1: 119
3: 0x3f6147ae
4: 11
6 {
1: 0x3f181062
2: 0x3ecac083
3: 0x3f3f7cee
4: 0x3ea8f5c3
5: 0x3f000000
7 {
1: 0x3e23d70a
2: 0x3d8f5c29
3: 0x3d343958
4: 0x3d343958
5: 0x3e77ced9
6: 6
7: 0x41600000
8: 0x3f800000
9: 0x40a00000
8 {
1: 160
2: 172
3: 160
9: "\323\001\340\001"
10: "o.\026"
11: "\000\000`@\332\254*?mV\325?&SU?\000\000\000\000mV\325?\000\000\000@\000\000\000\000"
13: 1
15: 0x3fa66666
16: 0x421c0000
17: 118
18: 0x3e266666
19: 0x409c0000
21: 118
2 {
2 {
1: 120
3: 0x3f8ccccd
4: 11
6 {
1: 0x3f1e69ad
2: 0x3ed33333
3: 0x3f6147b0
5: 0x3f000000
7 {
1: 0x3ecccccd
2: 0x3e19999a
3: 0x3ed33333
4: 0x3f6147b0
5: 0x3e533333
6: 1
7: 0x41200000
8: 0x3faccccd
9: 0x41e80000
8 {
1: 60
2: 130
3: 128
9: "\333\001\346\001"
10: "}5A"
11: "\223\251\252?\332\254*?mV\325?\223\251\352?\000\000\000\000mV\325?\000\000\000@\000\000\000@"
12: "y"
13: 1
15: 0x3f4ccccd
16: 0x420a0000
18: 0x3dcccccd
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21: 120
22: 50
2 {
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1: 121
2: 5
3: 3
4: 0x41f00000
5: 0x3f800000
6: 0x3e800000
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9: 1
10: 100
11: "air_cutter"
12: 3300
13: 2200
14: 3100
15: 18446744073709551591
2 {
2 {
1: 121
3: 0x3f7851ec
4: 11
5: 14
6 {
1: 0x3f3a3d71
2: 0x3ef851ec
3: 0x3f889375
5: 0x3f000000
7 {
1: 0x3e23d70a
2: 0x3d75c28f
3: 0x3ef851ec
4: 0x3f889375
5: 0x3e7851ec
6: 1
7: 0x40c00000
8: 0x3fcccccd
9: 0x41880000
8 {
1: 120
2: 194
3: 192
9: "\333\001\346\001"
10: "kA\036"
11: "\306\334\335?\332\254*?\007\360\356?ff\006@\000\000\000\0006\253*@33\363?ff\006@"
13: 1
15: 0x3f8ccccd
16: 0x42a00000
17: 120
18: 0x3e0ccccd
19: 0x41200000
21: 120
2 {
4 {
1: 122
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3: 3
4: 0x42a00000
5: 0x3f800000
6: 0x3d4ccccd
8: 0x3de147ae
9: 1
10: 100
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12: 3200
13: 1030
14: 2800
15: 18446744073709551516
2 {
2 {
1: 122
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4: 14
5: 18
6 {
1: 0x3f2ae148
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3: 0x3f941893
5: 0x3f000000
7 {
1: 0x3e75c28f
2: 0x3db851ec
3: 0x3e88b439
4: 0x3f2ae148
5: 0x3e88b439
6: 1
7: 0x40a00000
8: 0x3f800000
9: 0x41600000
8 {
1: 80
2: 154
3: 196
9: "\353\001\352\001"
10: "\036lF"
11: "6\253*@&SU?\223\251\352?\000\000\000@\000\000\000\000\000\000\000@\226!\"@\000\000\000\000"
13: 1
15: 0x3fa66666
16: 0x425a0000
18: 0x3e266666
19: 0x40da0000
21: 122
2 {
4 {
1: 123
2: 5
3: 2
4: 0x41f00000
5: 0x3f800000
6: 0x3e800000
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9: 1
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13: 1100
14: 1500
15: 18446744073709551583
2 {
2 {
1: 123
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4: 7
5: 3
6 {
1: 0x3f91eb85
2: 0x3f428f5c
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5: 0x3f000000
7 {
1: 0x3e75c28f
2: 0x3db851ec
3: 0x3ecccccd
4: 0x3f800000
5: 0x3e4ccccd
6: 5
7: 0x41600000
8: 0x3f800000
9: 0x40a00000
8 {
1: 140
2: 176
3: 180
9 {
25: 239
10: "3d1"
11: "\306\334\335?\332\254*?mV\325?\332\254*?\000\000\000\000\000\000\000@\000\000\000@\000\000\000\000"
13: 1
15: 0x3fc00000
16: 0x42600000
18: 0x3e400000
19: 0x40e00000
21: 123
2 {
2 {
1: 124
3: 0x3f5eb852
4: 15
5: 14
6 {
1: 0x3f7a92a3
2: 0x3f270a3d
3: 0x3f9be76d
5: 0x3f000000
7 {
1: 0x3e75c28f
2: 0x3db851ec
3: 0x3edeb852
4: 0x3f5eb852
5: 0x3f05a1cb
6: 1
7: 0x40800000
8: 0x3fa00000
9: 0x41300000
8 {
1: 130
2: 172
3: 134
9: "\332\001\336\001"
10: "U!<"
11: "\235\021\021@\332\254*?mV\325?:#\342?\000\000\000\000\007\360\356?\000\000\000@\000\000\000\000"
13: 1
15: 0x3fb33333
16: 0x42226666
18: 0x3e333333
19: 0x40a26666
21: 124
2 {
1: "V0125_MOVE_SWIFT"
4 {
1: 125
2: 5
3: 1
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5: 0x3f800000
6: 0x3d4ccccd
8: 0x3d75c28f
9: 1
10: 100
11: "swift"
12: 3000
13: 2300
14: 2800
15: 18446744073709551591
2 {
2 {
1: 125
3: 0x3f7ae148
4: 13
6 {
1: 0x3f586595
2: 0x3f104189
3: 0x3f7ae148
5: 0x3f000000
7 {
1: 0x3e75c28f
2: 0x3db851ec
3: 0x3ec8b439
4: 0x3f3c28f6
5: 0x3e904189
6: 1
7: 0x40c00000
8: 0x3f800000
9: 0x41880000
8 {
1: 130
2: 198
3: 160
9: "\315\001\317\001"
10: "MON"
11: "\000\000\300?\332\254*?\000\000\300?\000\000\300?\000\000\000\000mV\325?\223\251\252?\000\000\000\000"
13: 1
15: 0x3f8ccccd
16: 0x41f00000
18: 0x3e0ccccd
19: 0x40700000
21: 125
2 {
4 {
1: 126
2: 5
3: 1
4: 0x41c80000
5: 0x3f800000
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8: 0x3d851eb8
9: 1
10: 100
11: "horn_attack"
12: 2200
13: 1600
14: 1900
15: 18446744073709551591
2 {
2 {
1: 126
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4: 10
6 {
1: 0x3f7d70a4
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5: 0x3f000000
7 {
1: 0x3e75c28f
2: 0x3db851ec
3: 0x3ee147ae
4: 0x3f6147ae
5: 0x3ea8f5c3
6: 1
7: 0x41600000
8: 0x3fa00000
9: 0x40a00000
8 {
1: 130
2: 214
3: 158
9: "\321\001\320\001"
10: "gs\030"
11: "mV\325?\332\254*?mV\325?\223\251\352?\000\000\000A\000\000\000@\000\000\000@\000\000\000\000"
13: 1
15: 0x3fa66666
16: 0x42320000
18: 0x3e266666
19: 0x40b20000
21: 126
2 {
1: "V0127_MOVE_STOMP"
4 {
1: 127
2: 5
3: 1
4: 0x41f00000
5: 0x3f800000
6: 0x3d4ccccd
8: 0x3d851eb8
9: 1
10: 100
11: "stomp"
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13: 1200
14: 1900
15: 18446744073709551591
2 {
2 {
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4: 7
6 {
1: 0x3f05a1cb
2: 0x3eb22d0e
3: 0x3f90c49c
5: 0x3f000000
7 {
1: 0x3e75c28f
2: 0x3db851ec
3: 0x3eb22d0e
4: 0x3f5eb852
5: 0x3eb22d0e
6: 1
7: 0x41000000
8: 0x3fa00000
9: 0x40400000
8 {
1: 130
2: 184
3: 186
9: "\361\001\310\001"
10: "\024d6"
11: "\000\000\000@\332\254*?mV\325?\223\251\352?\000\000\000\000\000\000\000@\223\251\252?\000\000\000\000"
13: 1
15: 0x3fc00000
16: 0x425c0000
18: 0x3e400000
19: 0x40dc0000
21: 127
2 {
2 {
1: 128
3: 0x3f5eb852
4: 1
6 {
1: 0x3f5c7e28
2: 0x3f12fec5
3: 0x3f991eb8
5: 0x3f000000
7 {
1: 0x3e75c28f
2: 0x3db851ec
3: 0x3edeb852
4: 0x3f991eb8
5: 0x3e92fec5
6: 1
7: 0x40800000
8: 0x3f99999a
9: 0x41300000
8 {
1: 150
2: 148
3: 184
9: "\335\001\352\001"
10: "~J\037"
11 {
1353: "@\332\254*?mV\325?\000\000\000@\000\000\000\000mV\325?"
16671945: 0x00000000
13: 1
15: 0x3fb33333
16: 0x42b0cccd
18: 0x3e333333
19: 0x4130cccd
21: 128
2 {
4 {
1: 129
2: 5
3: 1
4: 0x420c0000
5: 0x3f800000
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8: 0x3da3d70a
9: 1
10: 100
11: "hyper_fang"
12: 2100
13: 1700
14: 2000
15: 18446744073709551583
2 {
2 {
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3: 0x3f88f5c3
4: 11
6 {
1: 0x3f245a1d
2: 0x3edb22d1
3: 0x3f08f5c3
5: 0x3f000000
7 {
1: 0x3f0f5c29
2: 0x3e19999a
3: 0x3e88f5c3
4: 0x3ef6872b
5: 0x3ea45a1d
6: 1
7: 0x45610000
8: 0x3fa66666
9: 0x45610000
8 {
1: 40
2: 42
3: 84
9: "\347\001"
10: "\205\001"
11: "\223\251\252?\332\254*?\000\000\000\000\000\000\300?\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\200?\000\000\000\000"
12: "\202\001"
13: 1
15: 0x3f666666
16: 0x41200000
18: 0x3de66666
19: 0x3fa00000
21: 129
22: 400
2 {
2 {
1: 130
3: 0x3ef5c28f
4: 11
5: 3
6 {
1: 0x3f3851ec
2: 0x3ef5c28f
3: 0x3f99999a
4: 0x3ef5c28f
5: 0x3f000000
7 {
1: 0x3da3d70a
2: 0x3d8f5c29
3: 0x3e75c28f
4: 0x3ef5c28f
5: 0x3eb851ec
6: 6
7: 0x41000000
8: 0x3f800000
9: 0x40400000
8 {
1: 190
2: 192
3: 196
9: "\314\001\312\001"
10: "kPR"
11: "\000\000\000@\332\254*?\000\000\300?\332\254*?\000\000\000\000\312T\025@\000\000\000@\000\000\000@"
13: 1
15: 0x40d00000
16: 0x436b0000
17: 129
18: 0x3f500000
19: 0x41eb0000
21: 129
2 {
4 {
1: 131
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3: 1
4: 0x42200000
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8: 0x3dae147b
9: 1
10: 100
11: "body_slam"
12: 1560
13: 1100
14: 1300
15: 18446744073709551566
2 {
2 {
1: 131
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4: 11
5: 15
6 {
1: 0x3f866666
2: 0x3f333333
3: 0x3fe00000
5: 0x3f000000
7 {
1: 0x3e23d70a
2: 0x3db851ec
3: 0x3f066666
4: 0x3f333333
5: 0x3eb33333
6: 1
7: 0x40400000
8: 0x3f99999a
9: 0x41000000
8 {
1: 260
2: 186
3: 190
9: "\332\001\331\001"
10: "R\'("
11: "6\253*@\332\254*?mV\325?33\363?\000\000\000\000\232\231\031@\000\000@@\254\252*@"
13: 1
15: 0x40200000
16: 0x435c0000
18: 0x3ea00000
19: 0x41dc0000
21: 131
2 {
1: "V0132_MOVE_REST"
4 {
1: 132
2: 5
3: 1
4: 0x42480000
5: 0x3f800000
7: 0x3f800000
9: 1
10: 100
11: "rest"
12: 3100
13: 1395
14: 2691
15: 18446744073709551583
2 {
2 {
1: 132
3: 0x3fce147b
4: 1
6 {
1: 0x3f1a92a3
2: 0x3ece147b
3: 0x3f05f3b6
5: 0x3f000000
7 {
1: 0x3e23d70a
2: 0x3dcccccd
3: 0x3ece147b
4: 0x3f05f3b6
5: 0x3e4e147b
6: 1
7: 0x45610000
8: 0x3f800000
9: 0x45610000
8 {
1: 96
2: 110
3: 110
9: "\336\001"
10: "\205\001"
11: "\000\000\000\000\332\254*?mV\325?mV\325?\000\000\000\000\000\000\000@\000\000\000@\000\000\000\000"
13: 1
15: 0x3e99999a
16: 0x40800000
18: 0x3d19999a
19: 0x3f000000
21: 132
2 {
4 {
1: 133
2: 5
3: 1
4: 0x41700000
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9: 1
10: 100
11: "struggle"
12: 1695
13: 800
14: 1500
15: 18446744073709551596
2 {
2 {
1: 133
3: 0x3fd70a3d
4: 1
6 {
1: 0x3f2147ae
2: 0x3ed70a3d
3: 0x3f010625
5: 0x3f000000
7 {
1: 0x3ea3d70a
2: 0x3dcccccd
3: 0x3e810625
4: 0x3eac0831
5: 0x3e810625
6: 1
7: 0x41200000
8: 0x3faccccd
9: 0x41e80000
8 {
1: 110
2: 114
3: 128
9: "\333\001\335\001"
10: "\032}\203\001"
11: "j\336\035@\332\254*?\320D\004@\223\251\352?\000\000\000\000\312T\025@\r\340]?\333\335\235?"
12: "\206\001\207\001\210\001"
13: 1
15: 0x3e99999a
16: 0x40d00000
18: 0x3d19999a
19: 0x3f500000
21: 133
22: 25
2 {
4 {
1: 134
2: 5
3: 11
4: 0x42480000
5: 0x3f800000
6: 0x3d4ccccd
8: 0x3da3d70a
9: 1
10: 100
11: "scald_blastoise"
12: 4000
13: 1800
14: 3900
15: 18446744073709551583
2 {
2 {
1: 134
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4: 11
6 {
1: 0x3f05119d
2: 0x3eb16873
3: 0x3f71eb83
5: 0x3ecccccd
7 {
1: 0x3df5c28f
2: 0x3d75c28f
3: 0x3e570a3d
4: 0x3f066666
5: 0x3e866666
6: 1
7: 0x40400000
8: 0x3f800000
9: 0x41000000
8 {
1: 260
2: 186
3: 168
9: "\346\001"
10: "ik:"
11: "\007\360\356?\332\254*?33\363?\232\231\331?\000\000\000\000\000\000\000@\375\207\010@\207\210\010@"
13: 1
15: 0x3f800000
16: 0x41e80000
17: 133
18: 0x3e000000
19: 0x40680000
21: 133
2 {
4 {
1: 135
2: 5
3: 11
4: 0x42b40000
5: 0x3f800000
6: 0x3d4ccccd
8: 0x3de147ae
9: 1
10: 100
11: "hydro_pump_blastoise"
12: 3800
13: 1500
14: 3600
15: 18446744073709551516
2 {
2 {
1: 135
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4: 13
6 {
1: 0x3efd70a4
2: 0x3ea8f5c3
3: 0x3f6147b0
5: 0x3f000000
7 {
1: 0x3df5c28f
2: 0x3d75c28f
3: 0x3e6147ae
4: 0x3f0ccccd
5: 0x3e6147ae
6: 1
7: 0x40800000
8: 0x3fa66666
9: 0x41300000
8 {
1: 130
2: 192
3: 174
9: "\315\001"
10: "#ON"
11: "\375\207(@\332\254*?`v\367?\312T\025@\000\000\000\0006\253*@\223\251\252?\362\356\356?"
13: 1
15: 0x3f4ccccd
16: 0x41c40000
17: 133
18: 0x3dcccccd
19: 0x40440000
21: 133
2 {
4 {
1: 136
2: 5
3: 1
4: 0x41c80000
5: 0x3f800000
6: 0x3d4ccccd
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9: 1
10: 100
11: "wrap_green"
12: 3700
13: 2200
14: 3200
15: 18446744073709551596
2 {
2 {
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4: 10
6 {
1: 0x3ee9e1b1
2: 0x3e9be76d
3: 0x3f4872b0
5: 0x3f000000
7 {
1: 0x3df5c28f
2: 0x3d75c28f
3: 0x3e5eb852
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5: 0x3e4872b0
6: 1
7: 0x40400000
8: 0x3faccccd
9: 0x41000000
8 {
1: 130
2: 238
3: 178
9: "\321\001"
10: "g\030*"
11: "\000\000 @\332\254*?mV\325?\320D\004@\000\000\000\000\312T\025@\000\000\200?\254\252*@"
13: 1
15: 0x3f666666
16: 0x41c80000
17: 133
18: 0x3de66666
19: 0x40480000
21: 133
2 {
4 {
1: 137
2: 5
3: 1
4: 0x41c80000
5: 0x3f800000
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9: 1
10: 100
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13: 2200
14: 3200
15: 18446744073709551596
2 {
2 {
1: 137
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4: 1
6 {
1: 0x3f533333
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3: 0x3f6f5c2b
4: 0x3f0ccccd
5: 0x3f000000
7 {
1: 0x3ea3d70a
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3: 0x3ec51eb8
4: 0x3f0ccccd
5: 0x3ea8f5c3
6: 6
7: 0x41000000
8: 0x3f800000
9: 0x41b80000
8 {
1: 130
2: 156
3: 158
9: "\333\001\335\001"
10: "\036c#"
11: "\223\251\352?\332\254*?\000\000\000\000\332\254*?\000\000\000\0006\253*@\315\314\314?\000\000\000\000"
13: 1
15: 0x3f4ccccd
16: 0x42120000
18: 0x3dcccccd
19: 0x40920000
21: 137
2 {
2 {
1: 138
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4: 6
5: 11
6 {
1: 0x3eaa7efa
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7 {
1: 0x3ea3d70a
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3: 0x3e6353f8
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5: 0x3de353f8
6: 1
7: 0x41000000
8: 0x3fa66666
9: 0x41b80000
8 {
1: 70
2: 132
3: 160
9: "\346\001\330\001"
10: ">h?"
11: "\000\000\000@\332\254*?mV\325?\223\251\352?\000\000\000\000\312T\025@6\253*@\000\000\000\000"
12: "\213\001"
13: 1
15: 0x3ecccccd
16: 0x40f00000
18: 0x3d4ccccd
19: 0x3f700000
21: 138
22: 50
2 {
2 {
1: 139
3: 0x3f800000
4: 6
5: 11
6 {
1: 0x3f100000
2: 0x3ec00000
3: 0x3f800000
5: 0x3f000000
7 {
1: 0x3df5c28f
2: 0x3d4ccccd
3: 0x3e800000
4: 0x3f666666
5: 0x3e400000
6: 1
7: 0x40400000
8: 0x3fa00000
9: 0x41000000
8 {
1: 140
2: 180
3: 202
9: "\343\001\346\001"
10: ">k@"
11: "\000\000\000@\332\254*?mV\325?\223\251\352?\000\000\000\000\000\000\000@6\253*@\000\000\000\000"
13: 1
15: 0x3f800000
16: 0x420c0000
17: 138
18: 0x3e000000
19: 0x408c0000
21: 138
2 {
2 {
1: 140
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4: 6
5: 11
6 {
1: 0x3f019ce0
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7 {
1: 0x3ea3d70a
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3: 0x3eaccccd
4: 0x3f01999a
5: 0x3e2ccccd
6: 1
7: 0x41000000
8: 0x3f666666
9: 0x41b80000
8 {
1: 60
2: 148
3: 142
9: "\334\001\330\001"
10: ">9?"
11: "\000\000\000\000\332\254*?\000\000\000\000\000\000\300?\000\000\000\000\000\000\000@\000\000\000@\000\000\000\000"
12: "\215\001"
13: 1
15: 0x3f000000
16: 0x41380000
18: 0x3d800000
19: 0x3fb80000
21: 140
22: 50
2 {
2 {
1: 141
3: 0x3f68f5c3
4: 6
5: 11
6 {
1: 0x3f2eb852
2: 0x3ee8f5c3
3: 0x3f91999a
5: 0x3f000000
7 {
1: 0x3df5c28f
2: 0x3d4ccccd
3: 0x3eba5e35
4: 0x3f68f5c3
5: 0x3ea3126f
6: 1
7: 0x41300000
8: 0x3f800000
9: 0x40800000
8 {
1: 120
2: 190
3: 190
9 {
27: 200
10: ">i "
11: "6\253\n@\332\254*?mV\325?\315\314\314?\000\000\000\000\315\314\014@\232\231\231?\000\000\000\000"
13: 1
15: 0x3fa66666
16: 0x42220000
17: 140
18: 0x3e266666
19: 0x40a20000
21: 140
2 {
2 {
1: 142
3: 0x3f11eb85
4: 6
5: 3
6 {
1: 0x3f19374c
2: 0x3ecc49ba
3: 0x3f7f5c29
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5: 0x3f000000
7 {
1: 0x3e23d70a
2: 0x3db851ec
3: 0x3e91eb85
4: 0x3f7f5c29
5: 0x3e91eb85
6: 5
7: 0x40a00000
8: 0x3f800000
9: 0x41600000
8 {
1: 160
2: 182
3: 162
9: "\357\001\312\001"
10: ">J\016"
11: "6\253\n@fff?\000\000\300?\214\271;?\000\000\000\000\000\000\000@\223\251\252?XU\325?"
13: 1
15: 0x3fe66666
16: 0x426c0000
18: 0x3e666666
19: 0x40ec0000
21: 142
2 {
2 {
1: 143
3: 0x3f3d70a4
4: 1
6 {
1: 0x3f8e147b
2: 0x3f3d70a4
3: 0x3fbd70a4
5: 0x3f000000
7 {
1: 0x3e23d70a
2: 0x3db851ec
3: 0x3f3d70a4
4: 0x3f8e147b
5: 0x3ef645a2
6: 1
7: 0x40400000
8: 0x3f800000
9: 0x41000000
8 {
1: 320
2: 180
3: 180
9: "\352\001\324\001"
10: "\203\001\016\037"
11: "\232\231\031@\332\254*?\223\251\352?mV\325?\000\000\000\000\000\000 @\000\000 @TU\025@"
13: 1
15: 0x40066666
16: 0x43e60000
18: 0x3e866666
19: 0x42660000
21: 143
2 {
2 {
1: 144
3: 0x3f28f5c3
4: 15
5: 3
6 {
1: 0x3f181062
2: 0x3ecac083
3: 0x3f7d70a4
4: 0x3f28f5c3
5: 0x3f000000
7 {
2: 0x3dcccccd
3: 0x3e6c8b44
4: 0x3f28f5c3
5: 0x3e6c8b44
6: 5
7: 0x40400000
8: 0x3f800000
9: 0x41000000
8 {
1: 180
2: 198
3: 242
9: "\332\001"
10: "\'o("
11: "\320D\004@\000\000\200?mV\325?\332\254*?\000\000\000\000\232\231\031@\223\251\252?\250\252\252?"
13: 1
14: 1
15: 0x3fd9999a
16: 0x425d999a
18: 0x3e59999a
19: 0x40dd999a
21: 144
2 {
2 {
1: 145
3: 0x3f30a3d7
4: 13
5: 3
6 {
1: 0x3f46bb99
2: 0x3f047ae1
3: 0x3f847ae1
4: 0x3f5ccccd
5: 0x3f000000
7 {
2: 0x3dcccccd
3: 0x3ee5a1cb
4: 0x3f424dd3
5: 0x3e8d4fdf
6: 4
7: 0x40400000
8: 0x3f800000
9: 0x41000000
8 {
1: 180
2: 232
3: 194
9: "\315\001"
10: "#ON"
11: "\315\314\314?&SU?\000\000\300?&SU?\000\000\000\000\000\000\000@\000\000\200?XU\325?"
13: 1
14: 1
15: 0x3fcccccd
16: 0x42526666
18: 0x3e4ccccd
19: 0x40d26666
21: 145
2 {
2 {
1: 146
3: 0x3f1eb852
4: 10
5: 3
6 {
1: 0x3f6e147b
2: 0x3f1eb852
3: 0x3fb28f5c
4: 0x3f6e147b
5: 0x3e800000
7 {
2: 0x3dcccccd
3: 0x3ece5604
4: 0x3f6e147b
5: 0x3e5e353f
6: 5
7: 0x40400000
8: 0x3f800000
9: 0x41000000
8 {
1: 180
2: 242
3: 194
9: "\321\001"
10: "g*\030"
11: "c\356.@\223\251\252?\000\000\000@mV\225?\000\000\000\000\000\000 @ff\346?ff\346?"
13: 1
14: 1
15: 0x40000000
16: 0x42700000
18: 0x3e800000
19: 0x40f00000
21: 146
2 {
2 {
1: 147
3: 0x3f8e147b
4: 16
6 {
1: 0x3ed52546
2: 0x3e8e147b
3: 0x3f551eb8
5: 0x3f000000
7 {
1: 0x3ea3d70a
2: 0x3db851ec
3: 0x3e8e147b
4: 0x3f0e147b
5: 0x3e46e979
6: 1
7: 0x41200000
8: 0x3f59999a
9: 0x41e80000
8 {
1: 82
2: 128
3: 110
9: "\314\001"
10: "\rP:"
11: "mV\325?\332\254*?\223\251\352?`v\267?\000\000\000\000\000\000\000@\315\314\314?\000\000\000\000"
12: "\224\001"
13: 1
15: 0x3fe66666
16: 0x40533333
18: 0x3e666666
19: 0x3ed33333
21: 147
22: 25
2 {
2 {
1: 148
3: 0x3f400000
4: 16
6 {
1: 0x3f580347
2: 0x3f100000
3: 0x3fc00000
5: 0x3f000000
7 {
1: 0x3da3d70a
2: 0x3d75c28f
3: 0x3ec00000
4: 0x3f900000
5: 0x3e900000
6: 1
7: 0x41000000
8: 0x3fa00000
9: 0x41b80000
8 {
1: 122
2: 170
3: 152
9: "\314\001"
10: "\r:R"
11: "\315\314\314?\332\254*?mV\325?\000\000\000@\000\000\000\000\000\000 @\000\000\000@\000\000\000@"
12: "\225\001"
13: 1
15: 0x40800000
16: 0x41840000
17: 147
18: 0x3f000000
19: 0x40040000
21: 147
22: 100
2 {
2 {
1: 149
3: 0x3f333333
4: 16
5: 3
6 {
1: 0x3f2147ae
2: 0x3ed70a3d
3: 0x3fbc28f6
4: 0x3f1851ec
5: 0x3f000000
7 {
1: 0x3d23d70a
2: 0x3d4ccccd
3: 0x3ed70a3d
4: 0x3f866666
5: 0x3e7ae148
6: 5
7: 0x40400000
8: 0x3f800000
9: 0x41000000
8 {
1: 182
2: 250
3: 212
9: "\314\001\357\001"
10: "R\016S"
11: "6\253*@\332\254*?mV\325?&SU?\000\000\000\0006\253*@\000\000\300?\000\000\300?"
13: 1
15: 0x400ccccd
16: 0x43520000
17: 148
18: 0x3e8ccccd
19: 0x41d20000
21: 147
2 {
2 {
1: 150
3: 0x3f3d70a4
4: 14
6 {
1: 0x3f0e147b
2: 0x3ebd70a4
3: 0x3fbd70a4
5: 0x3f000000
7 {
2: 0x3dcccccd
3: 0x3ebd70a4
4: 0x3f978d50
5: 0x3e3d70a4
6: 1
7: 0x41000000
8: 0x3f99999a
9: 0x40400000
8 {
1: 212
2: 284
3: 202
9: "\342\001\353\001"
10: "lF\016"
11: "\223\251\252?\332\254*?mV\325?\000\000\000@\000\000\000\000\000\000\000@\000\000@@\000\000@@"
13: 1
14: 1
15: 0x40000000
16: 0x42f40000
18: 0x3e800000
19: 0x41740000
21: 150
2 {
1: "V0151_POKEMON_MEW"
2 {
1: 151
3: 0x3fb47ae1
4: 14
6 {
1: 0x3ed89375
2: 0x3e90624e
3: 0x3f46872b
4: 0x3d90624e
5: 0x3f000000
7 {
2: 0x3dcccccd
3: 0x3e10624e
4: 0x3f10624e
5: 0x3e347ae1
6: 3
7: 0x40400000
8: 0x3f800000
9: 0x41000000
8 {
1: 200
2: 220
3: 220
9: "\336\001"
10: "z\037lRNWgt\016"
11: "6\253*@\332\254*?mV\325?\332\254*?\000\000\000\0006\253*@mV\325?\000\000\000@"
13: 1
14: 2
15: 0x3ecccccd
16: 0x40800000
18: 0x3d4ccccd
19: 0x3f000000
21: 151
2 {
4 {
1: 200
2: 4
3: 7
4: 0x40400000
5: 0x3f800000
8: 0x3c23d70a
9: 1
10: 100
11: "fury_cutter_fast"
12: 400
13: 200
14: 400
15: 6
2 {
4 {
1: 201
2: 4
3: 7
4: 0x40a00000
5: 0x3f800000
8: 0x3c23d70a
9: 1
10: 100
11: "bug_bite_fast"
12: 450
13: 250
14: 450
15: 7
2 {
4 {
1: 202
2: 4
3: 17
4: 0x40c00000
5: 0x3f800000
8: 0x3c23d70a
9: 1
10: 100
11: "bite_fast"
12: 500
13: 300
14: 500
15: 7
2 {
4 {
1: 203
2: 4
3: 17
4: 0x40e00000
5: 0x3f800000
8: 0x3c23d70a
9: 1
10: 100
11: "sucker_punch_fast"
12: 700
13: 500
14: 700
15: 9
2 {
4 {
1: 204
2: 4
3: 16
4: 0x40c00000
5: 0x3f800000
8: 0x3c23d70a
9: 1
10: 100
11: "dragon_breath_fast"
12: 500
13: 300
14: 500
15: 7
2 {
4 {
1: 205
2: 4
3: 13
4: 0x40a00000
5: 0x3f800000
8: 0x3c23d70a
9: 1
10: 100
11: "thunder_shock_fast"
12: 600
13: 400
14: 600
15: 8
2 {
4 {
1: 206
2: 4
3: 13
4: 0x40e00000
5: 0x3f800000
8: 0x3c23d70a
9: 1
10: 100
11: "spark_fast"
12: 700
13: 500
14: 700
15: 8
2 {
4 {
1: 207
2: 4
3: 2
4: 0x40a00000
5: 0x3f800000
8: 0x3c23d70a
9: 1
10: 100
11: "low_kick_fast"
12: 600
13: 400
14: 600
15: 7
2 {
4 {
1: 208
2: 4
3: 2
4: 0x40c00000
5: 0x3f800000
8: 0x3c23d70a
9: 1
10: 100
11: "karate_chop_fast"
12: 800
13: 600
14: 800
15: 8
2 {
4 {
1: 209
2: 4
3: 10
4: 0x41200000
5: 0x3f800000
8: 0x3c23d70a
9: 1
10: 100
11: "ember_fast"
12: 1050
13: 850
14: 1050
15: 10
2 {
4 {
1: 210
2: 4
3: 3
4: 0x41100000
5: 0x3f800000
8: 0x3c23d70a
9: 1
10: 100
11: "wing_attack_fast"
12: 750
13: 550
14: 750
15: 7
2 {
4 {
1: 211
2: 4
3: 3
4: 0x41200000
5: 0x3f800000
8: 0x3c23d70a
9: 1
10: 100
11: "peck_fast"
12: 1150
13: 950
14: 1150
15: 10
2 {
4 {
1: 212
2: 4
3: 8
4: 0x40a00000
5: 0x3f800000
8: 0x3c23d70a
9: 1
10: 100
11: "lick_fast"
12: 500
13: 300
14: 500
15: 6
2 {
4 {
1: 213
2: 4
3: 8
4: 0x41300000
5: 0x3f800000
8: 0x3c23d70a
9: 1
10: 100
11: "shadow_claw_fast"
12: 950
13: 750
14: 950
15: 8
2 {
4 {
1: 214
2: 4
3: 12
4: 0x40e00000
5: 0x3f800000
8: 0x3c23d70a
9: 1
10: 100
11: "vine_whip_fast"
12: 650
13: 450
14: 650
15: 7
2 {
4 {
1: 215
2: 4
3: 12
4: 0x41700000
5: 0x3f800000
8: 0x3c23d70a
9: 1
10: 100
11: "razor_leaf_fast"
12: 1450
13: 1250
14: 1450
15: 12
2 {
4 {
1: 216
2: 4
3: 5
4: 0x40c00000
5: 0x3f800000
8: 0x3c23d70a
9: 1
10: 100
11: "mud_shot_fast"
12: 550
13: 350
14: 550
15: 7
2 {
4 {
1: 217
2: 4
3: 15
4: 0x41700000
5: 0x3f800000
8: 0x3c23d70a
9: 1
10: 100
11: "ice_shard_fast"
12: 1400
13: 1200
14: 1400
15: 12
2 {
4 {
1: 218
2: 4
3: 15
4: 0x41100000
5: 0x3f800000
8: 0x3c23d70a
9: 1
10: 100
11: "frost_breath_fast"
12: 810
13: 610
14: 810
15: 7
2 {
4 {
1: 219
2: 4
3: 1
4: 0x41200000
5: 0x3f800000
8: 0x3c23d70a
9: 1
10: 100
11: "quick_attack_fast"
12: 1330
13: 1130
14: 1330
15: 12
2 {
4 {
1: 220
2: 4
3: 1
4: 0x40c00000
5: 0x3f800000
8: 0x3c23d70a
9: 1
10: 100
11: "scratch_fast"
12: 500
13: 300
14: 500
15: 7
2 {
4 {
1: 221
2: 4
3: 1
4: 0x41400000
5: 0x3f800000
8: 0x3c23d70a
9: 1
10: 100
11: "tackle_fast"
12: 1100
13: 900
14: 1100
15: 10
2 {
4 {
1: 222
2: 4
3: 1
4: 0x40e00000
5: 0x3f800000
8: 0x3c23d70a
9: 1
10: 100
11: "pound_fast"
12: 540
13: 340
14: 540
15: 7
2 {
1: "V0223_MOVE_CUT_FAST"
4 {
1: 223
2: 4
3: 1
4: 0x41400000
5: 0x3f800000
8: 0x3c23d70a
9: 1
10: 100
11: "cut_fast"
12: 1130
13: 930
14: 1130
15: 10
2 {
4 {
1: 224
2: 4
3: 4
4: 0x41400000
5: 0x3f800000
8: 0x3c23d70a
9: 1
10: 100
11: "poison_jab_fast"
12: 1050
13: 850
14: 1050
15: 10
2 {
4 {
1: 225
2: 4
3: 4
4: 0x41200000
5: 0x3f800000
8: 0x3c23d70a
9: 1
10: 100
11 {
12: 0x747361665f646963
12: 1050
13: 850
14: 1050
15: 10
2 {
4 {
1: 226
2: 4
3: 14
4: 0x40e00000
5: 0x3f800000
8: 0x3c23d70a
9: 1
10: 100
11: "psycho_cut_fast"
12: 570
13: 370
14: 570
15: 7
2 {
4 {
1: 227
2: 4
3: 6
4: 0x41400000
5: 0x3f800000
8: 0x3c23d70a
9: 1
10: 100
11: "rock_throw_fast"
12: 1360
13: 1160
14: 1360
15: 15
2 {
4 {
1: 228
2: 4
3: 9
4: 0x41000000
5: 0x3f800000
8: 0x3c23d70a
9: 1
10: 100
11: "metal_claw_fast"
12: 630
13: 430
14: 630
15: 7
2 {
4 {
1: 229
2: 4
3: 9
4: 0x41200000
5: 0x3f800000
8: 0x3c23d70a
9: 1
10: 100
11: "bullet_punch_fast"
12: 1200
13: 1000
14: 1200
15: 10
2 {
4 {
1: 230
2: 4
3: 11
4: 0x40c00000
5: 0x3f800000
8: 0x3c23d70a
9: 1
10: 100
11: "water_gun_fast"
12: 500
13: 300
14: 500
15: 7
2 {
4 {
1: 231
2: 4
3: 11
5: 0x3f800000
8: 0x3c23d70a
9: 1
10: 100
11: "splash_fast"
12: 1230
13: 1030
14: 1230
15: 10
2 {
4 {
1: 232
2: 4
3: 11
4: 0x40c00000
5: 0x3f800000
8: 0x3c23d70a
9: 1
10: 100
11: "water_gun_fast_blastoise"
12: 500
13: 300
14: 500
15: 7
2 {
4 {
1: 233
2: 4
3: 5
4: 0x41700000
5: 0x3f800000
8: 0x3c23d70a
9: 1
10: 100
11: "mud_slap_fast"
12: 1350
13: 1150
14: 1350
15: 12
2 {
4 {
1: 234
2: 4
3: 14
4: 0x41400000
5: 0x3f800000
8: 0x3c23d70a
9: 1
10: 100
11: "zen_headbutt_fast"
12: 1050
13: 850
14: 1050
15: 9
2 {
4 {
1: 235
2: 4
3: 14
4: 0x41700000
5: 0x3f800000
8: 0x3c23d70a
9: 1
10: 100
11: "confusion_fast"
12: 1510
13: 1310
14: 1510
15: 14
2 {
4 {
1: 236
2: 4
3: 4
4: 0x40c00000
5: 0x3f800000
8: 0x3c23d70a
9: 1
10: 100
11: "poison_sting_fast"
12: 575
13: 375
14: 575
15: 8
2 {
4 {
1: 237
2: 4
3: 11
4: 0x41c80000
5: 0x3f800000
8: 0x3c23d70a
9: 1
10: 100
11: "bubble_fast"
12: 2300
13: 2100
14: 2300
15: 25
2 {
4 {
1: 238
2: 4
3: 17
4: 0x41400000
5: 0x3f800000
8: 0x3c23d70a
9: 1
10: 100
11: "feint_attack_fast"
12: 1040
13: 840
14: 1040
15: 10
2 {
4 {
1: 239
2: 4
3: 9
4: 0x41700000
5: 0x3f800000
8: 0x3c23d70a
9: 1
10: 100
11: "steel_wing_fast"
12: 1330
13: 1130
14: 1330
15: 12
2 {
4 {
1: 240
2: 4
3: 10
4: 0x41200000
5: 0x3f800000
8: 0x3c23d70a
9: 1
10: 100
11: "fire_fang_fast"
12: 840
13: 640
14: 840
15: 8
2 {
4 {
1: 241
2: 4
3: 2
4: 0x41700000
5: 0x3f800000
8: 0x3c23d70a
9: 1
10: 100
11: "rock_smash_fast"
12: 1410
13: 1210
14: 1410
15: 12
2 {
1: "android.test.canceled"
16 {
1: "android.test.canceled"
2: 4
3: 1002
2 {
1: "android.test.item_unavailable"
16 {
1: "android.test.item_unavailable"
2: 4
3: 1003
2 {
1: "android.test.purchased"
16 {
1: "android.test.purchased"
2: 4
3: 1001
2 {
1: "camera_aerialace"
11 {
2: "\000\001"
3: "\006\003"
4: "\000\000\000?\000\000\000?"
5: "\000\000\000?\000\000\000?"
6: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\240@"
7: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
8: "\000\000\000\000\315\314L>"
9: "\000\000\240\301\000\000*C"
10: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
11: "\000\000\240A\000\000\240A"
12: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\200?"
15: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
16: "\000\000\200?\000\000\000?"
2 {
1: "camera_aerialace_leader_player_left_"
11 {
2: "\000\001"
3: "\003\003"
4: "\000\000\200?\000\000\000\000"
5: "\000\000\200?\000\000\000\000"
6: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\240@"
7: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
8: "\000\000\000\000\315\314L>"
9: "\000\000 C\000\000 C"
10: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
11: "\000\000\240A\000\000 A"
12: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\240\300"
13: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000\240@\000\000\200?"
15: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000?"
16: "\000\000\000?\000\000\000?"
2 {
1: "camera_aerialace_leader_player_right_"
11 {
2: "\000\001"
3: "\003\003"
4: "\000\000\200?\000\000\000\000"
5: "\000\000\200?\000\000\000\000"
6: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\240@"
7: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
8: "\000\000\000\000\315\314L>"
9: "\000\000*\303\000\000*\303"
10: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
11: "\000\000\240A\000\000 A"
12: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\240\300"
13: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000\240@\000\000\200?"
15: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000?"
16: "\000\000\000?\000\000\000?"
2 {
1: "camera_aerialace_player_left_leader_"
11 {
2: "\001"
3: "\003"
4: "\000\000\000\000"
5: "\000\000\000\000"
6: "\000\000\240@"
7: "\000\000\000\000"
8: "\315\314L>"
9: "\000\000\026\303"
10: "\000\000\000\000"
11: "\000\000 A"
12: "\000\000\240\300"
13: "\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000\200?"
15: "\000\000\000?"
16: "\000\000\000?"
2 {
1: "camera_aerialace_player_right_leader_"
11 {
2: "\001"
3: "\003"
4: "\000\000\000\000"
5: "\000\000\000\000"
6: "\000\000\240@"
7: "\000\000\000\000"
8: "\315\314L>"
9: "\000\000\026C"
10: "\000\000\000\000"
11: "\000\000 A"
12: "\000\000\240\300"
13: "\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000\200?"
15: "\000\000\000?"
16: "\000\000\000?"
2 {
1: "camera_aircutter"
11 {
2: "\001"
3: "\003"
4: "\000\000\200?"
5: "\000\000\000\000"
6: "\000\000 A"
7: "\000\000\000\000"
8: "\000\000@?"
9: "\000\000 C"
10: "\000\000\000\000"
11: "\000\000\240@"
12: "\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000\200@"
15: "\000\000\000\000"
16: "\315\314L?"
2 {
1: "camera_aircutter_leader_player_left_"
11 {
2: "\001"
3: "\003"
4: "\000\000\200?"
5: "\000\000\000\000"
6: "\000\000 A"
7: "\000\000\000\000"
8: "\000\000@?"
9: "\000\000\240A"
10: "\000\000\000\000"
11: "\000\000\240@"
12: "\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000\000@"
15: "\000\000\000\000"
16: "\315\314L?"
2 {
1: "camera_aircutter_leader_player_right_"
11 {
2: "\001"
3: "\003"
4: "\000\000\200?"
5: "\000\000\000\000"
6: "\000\000 A"
7: "\000\000\000\000"
8: "\000\000@?"
9: "\000\000\240\301"
10: "\000\000\000\000"
11: "\000\000\240@"
12: "\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000\000@"
15: "\000\000\000\000"
16: "\315\314L?"
2 {
1: "camera_aircutter_player_left_leader_"
11 {
2: "\001"
3: "\003"
4: "\000\000\200?"
5: "\000\000\000\000"
6: "\000\000 A"
7: "\000\000\000\000"
8: "\000\000@?"
9: "\000\000 \303"
10: "\000\000\000\000"
11: "\000\000\240@"
12: "\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000\200@"
15: "\000\000\000\000"
16: "\315\314L?"
2 {
1: "camera_aircutter_player_right_leader_"
11 {
2: "\001"
3: "\003"
4: "\000\000\200?"
5: "\000\000\000\000"
6: "\000\000 A"
7: "\000\000\000\000"
8: "\000\000@?"
9: "\000\000 C"
10: "\000\000\000\000"
11: "\000\000\240@"
12: "\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000\200@"
15: "\000\000\000\000"
16: "\315\314L?"
2 {
1: "camera_aircutterenter"
11 {
2: "\000"
3: "\001"
4: "\000\000\000\000"
5: "\000\000\000\000"
6: "\000\000 A"
7: "\000\000\000\000"
8: "\000\000\000?"
9: "\000\000H\302"
10: "\000\000\000\000"
11: "\000\000 A"
12: "\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000\200?"
15: "\000\000\000\000"
16: "\000\000\200?"
2 {
1: "camera_airslash"
11 {
2: "\001"
3: "\001"
4: "\000\000\000?"
5: "\000\000\000?"
6: "\000\000\240@"
7: "\000\000\000\000"
8: "\000\000\000?"
9: "\000\000\026\303"
10: "\000\000\000\000"
11: "\000\000\000\000"
12: "\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000\200?"
15: "\000\000\000\000"
16: "\000\000@?"
2 {
1: "camera_airslash_swp"
11 {
2: "\001"
3: "\003"
4: "\000\000\000?"
5: "\000\000\000?"
6: "\000\000\240@"
7: "\000\000\000\000"
8: "\315\314\314>"
9: "\000\000*C"
10: "\000\000\000\000"
11: "\000\000pA"
12: "\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000\000@"
15: "\000\000\000\000"
16: "\000\000@?"
2 {
1: "camera_ancientpower"
11 {
2: "\000\001\001"
3: "\006\006\003"
4: "\000\000\000?\000\000\000?\000\000\000?"
5: "\000\000\000?\000\000\000?\000\000\000?"
6: "\315\314\314>ff\006@\000\000\240@"
7: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
8: "\000\000\000\000\315\314\314?\315\314\314>"
9: "\000\000\240\301\000\000 \301\000\000 C"
10: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
11: "\000\000\240A\000\0004B\000\000 A"
12: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\200?\000\000 @"
15: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
16: "\000\000\200?\000\000\200?\000\000\000?"
2 {
1: "camera_ancientpower_leader_player_left_"
11 {
2: "\001\001"
3: "\006\003"
4: "\000\000\000?\000\000\000?"
5: "\000\000\000?\000\000\000?"
6: "33\363?\000\000\240@"
7: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
8: "\000\000\240?\315\314\314>"
9: "\000\000 \301\000\000 C"
10: "\000\000\240@\000\000\000\000"
11: "\000\0004B\000\000 A"
12: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000\300?\000\000 @"
15: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
16: "\000\000\200?\000\000\000?"
2 {
1: "camera_ancientpower_leader_player_right_"
11 {
2: "\001\001"
3: "\006\003"
4: "\000\000\000?\000\000\000?"
5: "\000\000\000?\000\000\000?"
6: "33\363?\000\000\240@"
7: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
8: "\000\000\240?\315\314\314>"
9: "\000\000 A\000\000 \303"
10: "\000\000\240\300\000\000\000\000"
11: "\000\0004B\000\000 A"
12: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000\300?\000\000 @"
15: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
16: "\000\000\200?\000\000\000?"
2 {
1: "camera_ancientpower_player_left_leader_"
11 {
2: "\001\001"
3: "\006\003"
4: "\000\000\000?\000\000\000?"
5: "\000\000\000?\000\000\000?"
6: "33\363?\000\000\240@"
7: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
8: "\000\000\240?\315\314\314>"
9: "\000\000 A\000\000 \303"
10: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
11: "\000\0004B\000\000 A"
12: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000\300?\000\000 @"
15: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
16: "\000\000\200?\000\000\000?"
2 {
1: "camera_ancientpower_player_right_leader_"
11 {
2: "\001\001"
3: "\006\003"
4: "\000\000\000?\000\000\000?"
5: "\000\000\000?\000\000\000?"
6: "33\363?\000\000\240@"
7: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
8: "\000\000\240?\315\314\314>"
9: "\000\000 \301\000\000 C"
10: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
11: "\000\0004B\000\000 A"
12: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000\300?\000\000 @"
15: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
16: "\000\000\200?\000\000\000?"
2 {
1: "camera_aquajet"
11 {
2: "\000\001\001"
3: "\006\000\003"
4: "\000\000\000?\000\000\000?\000\000\000?"
5: "\000\000\000?\000\000\000?\000\000\000?"
6: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000?\000\000\000?"
7: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
8: "\000\000\000\000\303\365\250>\000\000\000?"
9: "\000\000\240\301\000\000\264\302\000\000%C"
10: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
11: "\000\000\240A\000\000\240@\000\000\240@"
12: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000?\000\000@@"
15: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
16: "\000\000\200?\000\000\000?\000\000\000?"
2 {
1: "camera_aquajet_leader_player_left_"
11 {
2: "\001\001\001"
3: "\002\016\016"
4: "\000\000\000?\000\000\000?\000\000\000\000"
5: "\000\000\000?\000\000\000\000\000\000\200?"
6: "\303\365\250>\303\365(?\000\000\240@"
7: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
8: "\303\365\250>\303\365(?\303\365\250>"
9: "\000\000\026\303\000\000%\303\000\000%\303"
10: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
11: "\000\000 A\000\000 A\000\000 A"
12: "\000\000\000\000\000\000 @\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000\200?\000\000\000@\000\000\000@"
15: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
16: "\000\000\000?\000\000\200?\000\000\200?"
2 {
1: "camera_aquajet_leader_player_right_"
11 {
2: "\001\001\001"
3: "\002\016\016"
4: "\000\000\000?\000\000\000?\000\000\000\000"
5: "\000\000\000?\000\000\000\000\000\000\200?"
6: "\303\365\250>\303\365(?\000\000\240@"
7: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
8: "\303\365\250>\303\365(?\303\365\250>"
9: "\000\000\026C\000\000\021C\000\000\021C"
10: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
11: "\000\000 A\000\000 A\000\000 A"
12: "\000\000\000\000\000\000 @\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000\200?\000\000\000@\000\000\000@"
15: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
16: "\000\000\000?\000\000\200?\000\000\200?"
2 {
1: "camera_aquajet_player_left_leader_"
11 {
2: "\001\001\001"
3: "\016\005\005"
4: "\000\000\000?\000\000\000?\000\000\000\000"
5: "\000\000\000?\000\000\000\000\000\000\200?"
6: "\303\365\250>\303\365(?\000\000\240@"
7: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
8: "\303\365\250>\303\365(?\303\365\250>"
9: "\000\000%\303\000\000%\303\000\000%\303"
10: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
11: "\000\000 A\000\000 A\000\000 A"
12: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\240@\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000\000\000\000\000`@\000\000`@"
15: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
16: "\000\000\200?\000\000\200?\000\000\200?"
2 {
1: "camera_aquajet_player_right_leader_"
11 {
2: "\001\001\001"
3: "\016\005\005"
4: "\000\000\000?\000\000\000?\000\000\000\000"
5: "\000\000\000?\000\000\000\000\000\000\200?"
6: "\303\365\250>\303\365(?\000\000\240@"
7: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
8: "\303\365\250>\303\365(?\303\365\250>"
9: "\000\000\026C\000\000\026C\000\000\026C"
10: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
11: "\000\000 A\000\000 A\000\000 A"
12: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\240@\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000\000\000\000\000`@\000\000`@"
15: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
16: "\000\000\200?\000\000\200?\000\000\200?"
2 {
1: "camera_aquajetenter_leader_player_left_"
11 {
2: "\001"
3: "\002"
4: "\000\000\200?"
5: "\000\000\000?"
6: "\000\000\240@"
7: "\000\000\000\000"
8: "\303\365\250>"
9: "\000\000\026\303"
10: "\000\000\000\000"
11: "\000\000 A"
12: "\000\000\240\300"
13: "\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000\200?"
15: "\000\000\000\000"
16: "\000\000\000?"
2 {
1: "camera_aquajetenter_leader_player_right_"
11 {
2: "\001"
3: "\002"
4: "\000\000\200?"
5: "\000\000\000?"
6: "\000\000\240@"
7: "\000\000\000\000"
8: "\303\365\250>"
9: "\000\000\026C"
10: "\000\000\000\000"
11: "\000\000 A"
12: "\000\000\240\300"
13: "\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000\200?"
15: "\000\000\000\000"
16: "\000\000\000?"
2 {
1: "camera_aquajetenter_player_left_leader_"
11 {
2: "\001"
3: "\016"
4: "\000\000\000\000"
5: "\000\000\000?"
6: "\000\000\240@"
7: "\000\000\000\000"
8: "\303\365\250>"
9: "\000\000\021\303"
10: "\000\000\000\000"
11: "\000\000 A"
12: "\000\000\240@"
13: "\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000\000\000"
15: "\000\000\000\000"
16: "\000\000\200?"
2 {
1: "camera_aquajetenter_player_right_leader_"
11 {
2: "\001"
3: "\016"
4: "\000\000\000\000"
5: "\000\000\000?"
6: "\000\000\240@"
7: "\000\000\000\000"
8: "\303\365\250>"
9: "\000\000\021C"
10: "\000\000\000\000"
11: "\000\000 A"
12: "\000\000\240@"
13: "\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000\000\000"
15: "\000\000\000\000"
16: "\000\000\200?"
2 {
1: "camera_aquatail"
11 {
2: "\001"
3: "\003"
4: "\000\000\000?"
5: "\000\000\000?"
6: "\000\000\240@"
7: "\000\000\000\000"
8: "\232\231\031>"
9: "\000\000 C"
10: "\000\000\000\000"
11: "\000\000\240A"
12: "\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000\000@"
15: "\000\000\000\000"
16: "\000\000\000?"
2 {
1: "camera_aquatailenter"
11 {
2: "\000"
3: "\006"
4: "\000\000\000?"
5: "\000\000\000?"
6: "\000\000\240@"
7: "\000\000\000\000"
8: "\000\000\000\000"
9: "\000\000\240\301"
10: "\000\000\000\000"
11: "\000\000\240A"
12: "\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000\000\000"
15: "\000\000\000\000"
16: "\000\000\200?"
2 {
1: "camera_battlefainted"
11 {
1: "battlefainted"
2: "\001"
3: "\005"
4: "\000\000\000\000"
5: "\000\000\000\000"
6: "\000\000\000@"
7: "\000\000\000\000"
8: "\000\000\000@"
9: "\000\000 \303"
10: "\000\000\000\000"
11: "\000\000 A"
12: "\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000 @"
15: "\000\000\000\000"
16: "\232\231Y?"
2 {
1: "camera_battlewait"
11 {
2: "\001"
3: "\r"
4: "\000\000\000?"
5: "\000\000\000?"
6: "\000\000 A"
7: "\000\000\000\000"
8: "\000\000\000\000"
9: "\000\000\240\301"
10: "\000\000\000\000"
11: "\000\000\240A"
12: "\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000\000\000"
15: "\000\000\000\000"
16: "\000\000\200?"
2 {
1: "camera_bodyslam"
11 {
2: "\001"
3: "\003"
4: "\000\000\000\000"
5: "\000\000\000\000"
6: "\000\000 A"
7: "\000\000\000\000"
8 {
487: 7941
9: "\000\000*C"
10: "\000\000\000\000"
11: "\000\000\240A"
12: "\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000\000@"
15: "\000\000\000\000"
16: "\000\000\200?"
2 {
1: "camera_boneclub"
11 {
2: "\001"
3: "\004"
4: "\000\000\000\000"
5: "\000\000\000\000"
6: "\000\000 A"
7: "\000\000\200>"
8: "\000\000\200>"
9: "\000\000\360B"
10: "\000\000\000\000"
11: "\000\000pA"
12: "\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000@@"
15: "\000\000\000\000"
16: "\000\000\000?"
2 {
1: "camera_boneclubenter"
11 {
2: "\000"
3: "\t"
4: "\000\000\000\000"
5: "\000\000\000\000"
6: "\000\000 A"
7: "\000\000\000\000"
8: "\000\000\000?"
9: "\000\000\014C"
10: "\000\000\000\000"
11: "\000\000pA"
12: "\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000\000?"
15: "\000\000\000\000"
16: "\000\000\000?"
2 {
1: "camera_bothsidecut"
11 {
2: "\001"
3: "\006"
4: "\000\000\000?"
5: "\000\000\000?"
6: "\000\000\240@"
7: "\000\000\000\000"
8: "\000\000\000\000"
9: "\000\000\264\302"
10: "\000\000\000\000"
11: "\000\000pA"
12: "\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000\300?"
15: "\000\000\000\000"
16: "\000\000\200?"
2 {
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11 {
2: "\001"
3: "\003"
4: "\000\000\000?"
5: "\000\000\000?"
6: "\000\000 A"
7: "\315\314\314="
8: "\315\314L>"
9: "\000\000%C"
10: "\000\000\000\000"
11: "\000\000\240@"
12: "\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000@@"
15: "\000\000\000\000"
16: "\000\000\000?"
2 {
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11 {
2: "\001"
3: "\005"
4: "\000\000\000\000"
5: "\000\000\000\000"
6: "\000\000\240@"
7: "\000\000\000\000"
8: "\303\365\250>"
9: "\000\000\240\300"
10: "\000\000\000\000"
11: "\000\000\310A"
12: "\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000\000@"
15: "\000\000\000\000"
16: "\000\000@?"
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1: "camera_brickbreak_leader_player_right_"
11 {
2: "\001"
3: "\005"
4: "\000\000\000\000"
5: "\000\000\000\000"
6: "\000\000\240@"
7: "\000\000\000\000"
8: "\303\365\250>"
9: "\000\000\240\301"
10: "\000\000\000\000"
11: "\000\000\240A"
12: "\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000\200@"
15: "\000\000\000\000"
16: "\000\000@?"
2 {
1: "camera_brickbreak_player_left_leader_"
11 {
2: "\001"
3: "\005"
4: "\000\000\000\000"
5: "\000\000\000\000"
6: "\000\000\240@"
7: "\000\000\000\000"
8: "\303\365\250>"
9: "\000\000/\303"
10: "\000\000@@"
11: "\000\000\310A"
12: "\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000@@"
15: "\000\000\000\000"
16: "\000\000@?"
2 {
1: "camera_brickbreak_player_right_leader_"
11 {
2: "\001"
3: "\005"
4: "\000\000\000\000"
5: "\000\000\000\000"
6: "\000\000\240@"
7: "\000\000\000\000"
8: "\303\365\250>"
9: "\000\000\021C"
10: "\000\000\240\300"
11: "\000\000\240A"
12: "\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000\200@"
15: "\000\000\000\000"
16: "\000\000@?"
2 {
1: "camera_brine"
11 {
2: "\000"
3: "\005"
4: "\000\000\000?"
5: "\000\000\000?"
6: "\000\000\240@"
7: "\000\000\200>"
8: "\232\231\231>"
9: "\000\000\033C"
10: "\000\000\000\000"
11: "\000\000 A"
12: "\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000\200@"
15: "\000\000\000\000"
16: "\000\000\200?"
2 {
1: "camera_bubblebeam"
11 {
2: "\000\001\001\000"
3: "\001\001\001\003"
4: "\000\000\000?\000\000\000?\000\000\000?\000\000\000?"
5: "\000\000\000?\000\000\000?\000\000\000?\000\000\000?"
6: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000?\037\205+?\000\000\240@"
7: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
8: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000?\037\205+?\000\000\000\000"
9: "\000\000\007\303\000\000\360\302\000\000 \303\000\000\014C"
10: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
11: "\000\000\240A\000\000\240@\000\000\000\000\000\000pA"
12: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\240@\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000\000@\000\000\000\277\000\000 @\000\000\200?"
15: "\000\000\200>\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
16: "\000\000\200?\000\000\000?\000\000\000?\000\000\000?"
2 {
1: "camera_bugbuzz"
11 {
2: "\000\001\001"
3: "\006\000\003"
4: "\000\000\000?\000\000\000?\000\000\000?"
5: "\000\000\000?\000\000\000?\000\000\000?"
6: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\300?\217\302\325?"
7: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
8: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\200?\303\365\250>"
9: "\000\000\240\301\000\000\240\301\000\000 C"
10: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
11: "\000\000\240A\000\000pA\000\000pA"
12: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000\000\000\000\000@@\000\000@@"
15: "\000\000\000\000\232\231\031>\000\000\000\000"
16: "\000\000\200?\000\000@?\000\000\000?"
2 {
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11 {
2: "\000\001"
3: "\014\003"
4: "\000\000\000?\000\000\000?"
5: "\000\000\000?\000\000\000?"
6: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\240@"
7: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
8: "\000\000\000\000\232\231\231>"
9: "\000\000\240\301\000\000%C"
10: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
11: "\000\000\240A\000\000pA"
12: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000\000\000\000\000 @"
15: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
16: "\000\000\000?\000\000\000?"
2 {
1: "camera_crosspoison"
11 {
2: "\000\001\001"
3: "\006\003\003"
4: "\000\000\000?\000\000\000?\000\000\000?"
5: "\000\000\000?\000\000\000?\000\000\000?"
6: "\000\000\000\000ff\346>\000\000\240@"
7: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
8: "\000\000\000\000\232\231\031>\315\314\314="
9: "\000\000\240\301\000\000 C\000\000 C"
10: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\240\300\000\000\240\300"
11: "\000\000\240A\000\000\240@\000\000\240@"
12: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000@\300"
13: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000\000\000\000\000@@\000\000`@"
15: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
16: "\000\000\200?\000\000\000?\000\000\000?"
2 {
1: "camera_cutfromattacker_player_left_leader_"
11 {
2: "\000"
3: "\002"
4: "\000\000\200?"
5: "\000\000\200?"
6: "\000\000\000\000"
7: "\000\000\000\000"
8: "\000\000\000\000"
9: "\000\000\360A"
10: "\000\000\000\000"
11: "\000\000 A"
12: "\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000\200@"
15: "\000\000\000\000"
16: "\000\000\000?"
2 {
1: "camera_cutfromattacker_player_right_leader_"
11 {
2: "\000"
3: "\002"
4: "\000\000\200?"
5: "\000\000\200?"
6: "\000\000\000\000"
7: "\000\000\000\000"
8: "\000\000\000\000"
9: "\000\000\360\301"
10: "\000\000\000\000"
11: "\000\000 A"
12: "\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000\200@"
15: "\000\000\000\000"
16: "\000\000\000?"
2 {
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11 {
2: "\000"
3: "\002"
4: "\000\000\200?"
5: "\000\000\200?"
6: "\000\000\000\000"
7: "\000\000\000\000"
8: "\000\000\000\000"
9: "\000\000\026\303"
10: "\000\000\000\000"
11: "\000\000 A"
12: "\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000\200@"
15: "\000\000\000\000"
16: "\000\000\000?"
2 {
1: "camera_cutfromdefender_leader_player_right_"
11 {
2: "\000"
3: "\002"
4: "\000\000\200?"
5: "\000\000\200?"
6: "\000\000\000\000"
7: "\000\000\000\000"
8: "\000\000\000\000"
9: "\000\000\026C"
10: "\000\000\000\000"
11: "\000\000 A"
12: "\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000\200@"
15: "\000\000\000\000"
16: "\000\000\000?"
2 {
1: "camera_cutreturn"
11 {
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2: "\000"
3: "\r"
4: "\000\000\000?"
5: "\000\000\000?"
6: "\000\000 A"
7: "\000\000\000\000"
8: "\000\000\000\000"
9: "\000\000\240\301"
10: "\000\000\000\000"
11: "\000\000\240A"
12: "\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000\000\000"
15: "\000\000\000\000"
16: "\000\000\200?"
2 {
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11 {
2: "\000\001"
3: "\003\003"
4: "\000\000\200?\000\000\200?"
5: "\000\000\200?\000\000\000\000"
6: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\240@"
7: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
8: "\000\000\000\000\303\365\250>"
9: "\000\000\026C\000\000\026C"
10: "\000\000\240\300\000\000\240\300"
11: "\000\000\240A\000\000 A"
12: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000`@\000\000 @"
15: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
16: "\000\000@?\000\000@?"
2 {
1: "camera_cuttofacedefender_leader_player_right_"
11 {
2: "\000\001"
3: "\003\003"
4: "\000\000\200?\000\000\200?"
5: "\000\000\200?\000\000\000\000"
6: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\240@"
7: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
8: "\000\000\000\000\303\365\250>"
9: "\000\000\026\303\000\000\026\303"
10: "\000\000\240@\000\000\240@"
11: "\000\000\240A\000\000 A"
12: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000`@\000\000 @"
15: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
16: "\000\000@?\000\000@?"
2 {
1: "camera_cuttofacedefender_player_left_leader_"
11 {
2: "\000"
3: "\003"
4: "\000\000\200?"
5: "\000\000\200?"
6: "\000\000\240@"
7: "\000\000\000\000"
8: "\000\000\000\000"
9: "\000\000\014\303"
10: "\000\000\240@"
11: "\000\000 A"
12: "\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000\300?"
15: "\000\000\000\000"
16: "\000\000@?"
2 {
1: "camera_cuttofacedefender_player_right_leader_"
11 {
2: "\000"
3: "\003"
4: "\000\000\200?"
5: "\000\000\200?"
6: "\000\000\240@"
7: "\000\000\000\000"
8: "\000\000\000\000"
9: "\000\000\014C"
10: "\000\000 \300"
11: "\000\000 A"
12: "\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000\300?"
15: "\000\000\000\000"
16: "\000\000@?"
2 {
1: "camera_darkpulse"
11 {
2: "\000\001"
3: "\000\006"
4: "\000\000\000?\000\000\000?"
5: "\000\000\000?\000\000\000?"
6: "ff\346>\000\000\240@"
7: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
8: "\232\231\031>\000\000\000?"
9: "\000\000\264\302\000\000\264\302"
10: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
11: "\000\000\310A\000\000pA"
12: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\200?"
15: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
16: "\000\000\000?\000\000\000?"
2 {
1: "camera_dazzlinggleam"
11 {
2: "\000\001\001"
3: "\006\000\013"
4: "\000\000\000?\000\000\000?\000\000\000?"
5: "\000\000\000?\000\000\000?\000\000\000?"
6: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\200?\000\000\240@"
7: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
8: "\000\000\000\000\315\314\314>\232\231\231>"
9: "\000\000\240\301\000\000 \303\000\000\240\301"
10: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
11: "\000\000\240A\000\000\240A\000\000\240A"
12: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000\000\000\000\000@?\000\000\000\000"
15: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
16: "\000\000\200?\000\000\200?\000\000\200?"
2 {
1: "camera_defaultattack"
11 {
2: "\000"
3: "\016"
4: "\000\000\000\000"
5: "\000\000\000\000"
6: "\000\000\240@"
7: "\000\000\000\000"
8: "\000\000\000\000"
9: "\000\000\240\301"
10: "\000\000\000\000"
11: "\000\000\240A"
12: "\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000\200?"
15: "\000\000\000\000"
16: "\000\000\200?"
2 {
1: "camera_defaultattack_leader_player_left_"
11 {
2: "\001"
3: "\016"
4: "\000\000\000\000"
5: "\000\000\000\000"
6: "\000\000\240@"
7: "\000\000\000\000"
8: "\303\365\250>"
9: "\000\000\021\303"
10: "\000\000\000\000"
11: "\000\000 A"
12: "\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000\000\000"
15: "\000\000\000\000"
16: "\000\000\200?"
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11 {
2: "\001"
3: "\016"
4: "\000\000\000\000"
5: "\000\000\000\000"
6: "\000\000\240@"
7: "\000\000\000\000"
8: "\303\365\250>"
9: "\000\000\021C"
10: "\000\000\000\000"
11: "\000\000 A"
12: "\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000\000\000"
15: "\000\000\000\000"
16: "\000\000\200?"
2 {
1: "camera_defaultattack_player_left_leader_"
11 {
2: "\001"
3: "\016"
4: "\000\000\000\000"
5: "\000\000\000\000"
6: "\000\000\240@"
7: "\000\000\000\000"
8: "\303\365\250>"
9: "\000\000\021\303"
10: "\000\000\000\000"
11: "\000\000 A"
12: "\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000\000\000"
15: "\000\000\000\000"
16: "\000\000\200?"
2 {
1: "camera_defaultattack_player_right_leader_"
11 {
2: "\001"
3: "\016"
4: "\000\000\000\000"
5: "\000\000\000\000"
6: "\000\000\240@"
7: "\000\000\000\000"
8: "\303\365\250>"
9: "\000\000\021C"
10: "\000\000\000\000"
11: "\000\000 A"
12: "\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000\000\000"
15: "\000\000\000\000"
16: "\000\000\200?"
2 {
1: "camera_dig"
11 {
2: "\000\001\000"
3: "\000\000\006"
4: "\000\000\000?\000\000\000?\000\000\000?"
5: "\000\000\000?\000\000\000?\000\000\000?"
6: "\000\000\000\00033\023@\000\000\240@"
7: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
8: "\000\000\000\000fff?\000\000\000\000"
9: "\000\000\007\303\000\000%\303\000\000\240\301"
10: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
11: "\000\000\240A\000\000\240@\000\000\240A"
12: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000\000@\000\000\200>\000\000\000\000"
15: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
16: "\000\000\000?\000\000\000?\000\000\200?"
2 {
1: "camera_disarmingvoice"
11 {
2: "\001\001"
3: "\013\013"
4: "\000\000\000?\000\000\000\000"
5: "\000\000\000?\000\000\000\000"
6 {
16409801: 0x40a00000
7: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
8 {
16409801: 0x3f99999a
9: "\000\000\240\301\000\000\240\301"
10: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\240@"
11: "\000\000\240A\000\000\240A"
12: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000\200?\000\000\000\000"
15: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
16: "\000\000\000?\000\000\000?"
2 {
1: "camera_disarmingvoiceenter"
11 {
2: "\000\001"
3: "\006\000"
4: "\000\000\000?\000\000\000?"
5: "\000\000\000?\000\000\000?"
6: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\240@"
7: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
8: "\000\000\000\000\232\231\031?"
9: "\000\000\240\301\000\000 \303"
10: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
11: "\000\000\240A\000\000\000\000"
12: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000\000?\000\000\340?"
15: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
16: "\000\000\200?\000\000\000?"
2 {
1: "camera_discharge"
11 {
2: "\001\001"
3: "\000\006"
4: "\000\000\000?\000\000\000?"
5: "\000\000\000?\000\000\000?"
6: "\232\231\031?\000\000\240@"
7: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
8: "\232\231\031?\232\231\031>"
9: "\000\000*\303\000\000 \302"
10: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
11: "\000\000\240@\000\000\000\000"
12: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000\000@\000\000\000@"
15: "\000\000\200>\000\000\000\000"
16: "\000\000\200?\000\000\200?"
2 {
1: "camera_dischargeenter"
11 {
2: "\000"
3: "\000"
4: "\000\000\000?"
5: "\000\000\000?"
6: "\000\000\240@"
7: "\000\000\000\000"
8: "\315\314\314>"
9: "\000\000*\303"
10: "\000\000\000\000"
11: "\000\000 A"
12: "\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000\200?"
15: "\000\000\200>"
16: "\000\000\000?"
2 {
1: "camera_dragonbreath"
11 {
2: "\000\001\001\001\000\001"
3: "\000\000\000\000\003\003"
4: "\000\000\000?\000\000\000?\000\000\000?\000\000\000?\000\000\000?\000\000\000?"
5: "\000\000\000?\000\000\000?\000\000\000?\000\000\000?\000\000\000?\000\000\000?"
6: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000?\303\365\250>\000\000\000?\000\000\000\000\000\000\240@"
7: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
8: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000?\303\365\250>\000\000\000?\000\000\000\000\000\000\000?"
9: "\000\000 \303\000\000 \303\000\000 \303\000\000\007\303\000\000 C\000\000/C"
10: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
11: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000 A\000\000\000\000"
12: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000\000?\000\000\000\000\000\000\300?\000\000 @\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\277"
15: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\200\276\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
16: "\000\000\000?\000\000\000?\000\000\000\000\000\000\000?\000\000\200?\000\000\200?"
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7: "\000\000\000\000"
8: "\315\314\314>"
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11: "\000\000\000@"
12: "\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000\000\000"
15: "\000\000\000\000"
16: "\000\000\000?"
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4: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000?\000\000\000?"
5: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000?\000\000\000?"
6: "\000\000\200?\000\000\000?\315\314\314?"
7: "\000\000\200>\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
8: "\000\000\200>\000\000\000\000\232\231\031>"
9: "\000\000 \303\000\000\360\301\000\000\360\301"
10: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
11: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\240A\000\000\240A"
12: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000\300?\000\000\000\277\000\000\200?"
15: "\000\000\200>\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
16: "\000\000\000?\000\000\200?\000\000\200?"
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12: "\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000\200@"
15: "\000\000\000\000"
16: "\000\000\000?"
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5: "\000\000\000?\000\000\000?\000\000\000?"
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7: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
8: "\000\000\000\000\303\365\250>\315\314\314>"
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10: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
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12: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\300?\000\000\000?"
15: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
16: "\000\000\200?\000\000\200?\000\000\000?"
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5: "\000\000\200?\000\000\000\000\000\000\200?"
6: "\000\000\000\000{\024n?\000\000\240@"
7: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
8: "\000\000\000\000\303\365\250>\315\314\314>"
9: "\000\000\240\301\000\000\240\301\000\000\360B"
10: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
11: "\000\000\240A\000\000\240@\000\000pA"
12: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000\300?\000\000\300?\000\000@@"
15: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
16: "\000\000\200?\000\000\200?\000\000\000?"
2 {
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11 {
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3: "\006\006\003"
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5: "\000\000\200?\000\000\000\000\000\000\200?"
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7: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
8: "\000\000\000\000\303\365\250>\315\314\314>"
9: "\000\000\240A\000\000\240A\000\000\360\302"
10: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\240@"
11: "\000\000\240A\000\000\240@\000\000pA"
12: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000\300?\000\000\300?\000\000@@"
15: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
16: "\000\000\200?\000\000\200?\000\000\000?"
2 {
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4: "\000\000\200?\000\000\000\000"
5: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\200?"
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8: "\303\365\250>\315\314\314>"
9: "\000\000\240A\000\000\310\302"
10: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\240@"
11: "\000\000\240@\000\000pA"
12: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000\300?\000\000@@"
15: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
16: "\000\000\200?\000\000\000?"
2 {
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4: "\000\000\200?\000\000\000\000"
5: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\200?"
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7: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
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12: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000\300?\000\000@@"
15: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
16: "\000\000\200?\000\000\000?"
2 {
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4: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000?"
5: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000?"
6: "\000\000\000?\000\000 @"
7 {
16147657: 0x00000000
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10: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
11: "\000\000\240A\000\000\310A"
12: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000\000\000\000\000`@"
15: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
16: "\000\000\200?\000\000\000?"
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4: "\000\000\000?\000\000\200?"
5: "\000\000\000?\000\000\200?"
6: "\000\000\000\000\000\000@@"
7: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
8: "\000\000\000\000\000\000@@"
9: "\000\0004C\000\0004C"
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11: "\000\000\240@\000\000\240@"
12: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
15: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
16: "\000\000\000?\000\000\000?"
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5: "\000\000\000?\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
6: "\000\000\200>\000\000 @\000\000\200?"
7: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
8: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\200?\000\000\200?"
9: "\000\0004C\000\000\360\301\000\000\240\301"
10: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
11: "\000\000\000\000\000\000pA\000\000\240A"
12: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000\000\000\000\000`@\000\000\000\000"
15: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
16: "\000\000\200?\000\000\200?\000\000\200?"
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5: "\000\000\200?\000\000\000\000"
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7: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
8: "\000\000\000\000\303\365\250>"
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13: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000@@\000\000\000?"
15: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\200\276"
16: "\000\000@?\000\000@?"
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5: "\000\000\200?\000\000\000\000"
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13: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
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4: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000?"
5: "\000\000\000?\000\000\000\000"
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8: "\232\231\031>\303\365\250>"
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13: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
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15: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\200\276"
16: "\000\000@?\000\000@?"
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5: "\000\000\000?\000\000\000\000"
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13: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
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5: "\000\000\200?\000\000\000\000"
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7: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
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9: "\000\000\240\301\000\000\240\301"
10: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
11: "\000\000\240A\000\000\240A"
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13: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000`@\000\000\300?"
15: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
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5: "\000\000\200?\000\000\000\000"
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15: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
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11: "\000\000\240A"
12: "\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000\300?"
15: "\000\000\000\000"
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11: "\000\000\240A"
12: "\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000"
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13: "\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000\200?"
15: "\000\000\000\000"
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11: "\000\000 A"
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13: "\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000\200?"
15: "\000\000\000\000"
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15: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
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11: "\000\000 A"
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13: "\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000\200?"
15: "\000\000\000\000"
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13: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
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15: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
16: "\000\000@?\000\000@?"
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12: "\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000\200?"
15: "\000\000\000\000"
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12: "\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000"
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15: "\000\000\000\000"
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12: "\000\000\000\000"
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5: "\000\000\000\000"
6: "\000\000\240@"
7: "\000\000\000\000"
8: "\303\365\250>"
9: "\000\000\026\303"
10: "\000\000\240@"
11: "\000\000 A"
12: "\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000\200@"
15: "\000\000\000\000"
16: "\000\000@?"
2 {
1: "camera_enterfacedefenderfromfaraway_player_left_leader_"
11 {
2: "\001"
3: "\005"
4: "\000\000\000\000"
5: "\000\000\000\000"
6: "\000\000\240@"
7: "\000\000\000\000"
8: "\303\365\250>"
9: "\000\000\026\303"
10: "\000\000\240@"
11: "\000\000 A"
12: "\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000\200@"
15: "\000\000\000\000"
16: "\000\000@?"
2 {
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11 {
2: "\001"
3: "\005"
4: "\000\000\000\000"
5: "\000\000\000\000"
6: "\000\000\240@"
7: "\000\000\000\000"
8: "\303\365\250>"
9: "\000\000\026C"
10: "\000\000\000\000"
11: "\000\000 A"
12: "\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000\200@"
15: "\000\000\000\000"
16: "\000\000@?"
2 {
1: "camera_face"
11 {
2: "\001"
3: "\000"
4: "\000\000\000?"
5: "\000\000\000?"
6: "\000\000@@"
7: "\000\000\000\000"
8: "\000\000\200?"
9: "\000\0004C"
10: "\000\000\000\000"
11: "\000\000\000\000"
12: "\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000\000\000"
15: "\000\000\000\000"
16: "\000\000\200?"
2 {
1: "camera_faceattacker"
11 {
2: "\001"
3: "\000"
4: "\000\000\000?"
5: "\000\000\000?"
6: "\000\000\240@"
7: "\000\000\000\000"
8: "\000\000\000?"
9: "\000\000\026\303"
10: "\000\000\000\000"
11: "\000\000\000\000"
12: "\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000\000\000"
15: "\000\000\000\000"
16: "\000\000@?"
2 {
1: "camera_faceattackertilt_leader_player_left_"
11 {
2: "\000\001"
3: "\000\000"
4: "\000\000\200?\000\000\200?"
5: "\000\000\200?\000\000\000\000"
6: "\232\231\231>\000\000\240@"
7: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
8: "\232\231\231>\315\314\314>"
9: "\000\000\026\303\000\000\026\303"
10: "\000\000\240@\000\000\240@"
11: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
12: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000\000\0004\302"
14: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\200@"
15: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
16: "\000\000@?\000\000@?"
2 {
1: "camera_faceattackertilt_leader_player_right_"
11 {
2: "\000\001"
3: "\000\000"
4: "\000\000\200?\000\000\200?"
5: "\000\000\200?\000\000\000\000"
6: "\232\231\231>\000\000\240@"
7: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
8: "\232\231\231>\315\314\314>"
9: "\000\000\026C\000\000\026C"
10: "\000\000\240\300\000\000\240\300"
11: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
12: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000\000\0004\302"
14: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\200@"
15: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
16: "\000\000@?\000\000@?"
2 {
1: "camera_faceattackertilt_player_left_leader_"
11 {
2: "\000\001"
3: "\000\000"
4: "\000\000\200?\000\000\200?"
5: "\000\000\200?\000\000\000\000"
6: "\232\231\231>\000\000\240@"
7: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
8: "\232\231\231>\315\314\314>"
9: "\000\000 C\000\000 C"
10: "\000\000\240\300\000\000\240\300"
11: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
12: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000\000\0004\302"
14: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\200@"
15: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
16: "\000\000@?\000\000@?"
2 {
1: "camera_faceattackertilt_player_right_leader_"
11 {
2: "\000\001"
3: "\000\000"
4: "\000\000\200?\000\000\200?"
5: "\000\000\200?\000\000\000\000"
6: "\232\231\231>\000\000\240@"
7: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
8: "\232\231\231>\315\314\314>"
9: "\000\000 \303\000\000 \303"
10: "\000\000\240@\000\000\240@"
11: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
12: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000\000\0004\302"
14: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\200@"
15: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
16: "\000\000@?\000\000@?"
2 {
1: "camera_facecut"
11 {
2: "\000"
3: "\000"
4: "\000\000\000?"
5: "\000\000\000?"
6: "\000\000 A"
7: "\000\000pB"
8: "\000\000\000\000"
9: "\000\0004C"
10: "\000\000\000\000"
11: "\000\000\000\000"
12: "\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000\000\000"
15: "\000\000\000\000"
16: "\000\000\200?"
2 {
1: "camera_facecutdefender"
11 {
2: "\000"
3: "\003"
4: "\000\000\000?"
5: "\000\000\000?"
6: "\000\000 A"
7: "\000\000pB"
8: "\000\000\000\000"
9: "\000\0004C"
10: "\000\000\000\000"
11: "\000\000\000\000"
12: "\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000\000\000"
15: "\000\000\000\000"
16: "\000\000\200?"
2 {
1: "camera_facedefenderzoomout_leader_player_left_"
11 {
2: "\001"
3: "\003"
4: "\000\000\000\000"
5: "\000\000\000\000"
6: "\000\000\240@"
7: "\000\000\000\000"
8: "\315\314L?"
9: "\000\000 C"
10: "\000\000\240\300"
11: "\000\000 A"
12: "\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000\000A"
15: "\000\000\200\276"
16: "\000\000\000?"
2 {
1: "camera_facedefenderzoomout_leader_player_right_"
11 {
2: "\001"
3: "\003"
4: "\000\000\000\000"
5: "\000\000\000\000"
6: "\000\000\240@"
7: "\000\000\000\000"
8: "\315\314L?"
9: "\000\000/\303"
10: "\000\000\240@"
11: "\000\000 A"
12: "\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000\000A"
15: "\000\000\200\276"
16: "\000\000\000?"
2 {
1: "camera_facedefenderzoomout_player_left_leader_"
11 {
2: "\001"
3: "\003"
4: "\000\000\000\000"
5: "\000\000\000\000"
6: "\000\000\240@"
7: "\000\000\000\000"
8: "\315\314L?"
9: "\000\000 \303"
10: "\000\000\240@"
11: "\000\000 A"
12: "\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000\000A"
15: "\000\000\200\276"
16: "\000\000\000?"
2 {
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11 {
2: "\001"
3: "\003"
4: "\000\000\000\000"
5: "\000\000\000\000"
6: "\000\000\240@"
7: "\000\000\000\000"
8: "\315\314L?"
9: "\000\000 C"
10: "\000\000\000\000"
11: "\000\000 A"
12: "\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000\000A"
15: "\000\000\200\276"
16: "\000\000\000?"
2 {
1: "camera_faint"
11 {
2: "\001\001\001"
3: "\006\002\002"
4: "\000\000\200?\000\000\000\000\000\000\200?"
5: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\200?\000\000\000\000"
6: "\000\000\240?\000\000\300?\000\000 A"
7: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
8: "\000\000\200?\000\000\300?\000\000\300@"
9: "\000\000\264\302\000\000 \303\000\000\360A"
10: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
11: "\000\000\240@\000\000\240@\000\000 A"
12: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000?"
15: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
16: "\000\000\200?\000\000\200?\000\000\200?"
2 {
1: "camera_fireblast"
11 {
2: "\001\001"
3: "\000\003"
4: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000?"
5: "\000\000\000?\000\000\000\000"
6: "\232\231Y?\000\000\240@"
7: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
8: "\000\000\000\000\315\314\314>"
9: "\000\000 \303\000\000 C"
10: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
11: "\000\000\000\000\000\000 A"
12: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\240@\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000\200@\000\000`@"
15: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
16: "\000\000@?\000\000@?"
2 {
1: "camera_fireblast_leader_player_left_"
11 {
2: "\001\001"
3: "\000\004"
4: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000?"
5: "\000\000\000?\000\000\000\000"
6: "\315\314L?\000\000\240@"
7: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
8: "\232\231\031>\315\314\314>"
9: "\000\000\026\303\000\000pB"
10: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
11: "\000\000 A\000\000\240A"
12: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\240@\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000\200@\000\000`@"
15: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
16: "\000\000\000?\000\000\000?"
2 {
1: "camera_fireblast_leader_player_right_"
11 {
2: "\001\001"
3: "\000\006"
4: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000?"
5: "\000\000\000?\000\000\000\000"
6: "\315\314L?\000\000\240@"
7: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
8: "\232\231\031>\315\314\314>"
9: "\000\000\026C\000\000\360B"
10: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
11: "\000\000 A\000\000\240A"
12: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\240@\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000\200@\000\000`@"
15: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
16: "\000\000\000?\000\000\000?"
2 {
1: "camera_fireblast_player_left_leader_"
11 {
2: "\001\001"
3: "\000\003"
4: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000?"
5: "\000\000\000?\000\000\000\000"
6: "\315\314L?\000\000\240@"
7: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
8: "\232\231\031>\315\314\314>"
9: "\000\000 C\000\000\021\303"
10: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
11: "\000\000 A\000\000\240A"
12: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\240@\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000\200@\000\000`@"
15: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
16: "\000\000\000?\000\000\000?"
2 {
1: "camera_fireblast_player_right_leader_"
11 {
2: "\001\001"
3: "\000\003"
4: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000?"
5: "\000\000\000?\000\000\000\000"
6: "\315\314L?\000\000\240@"
7: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
8: "\232\231\031>\315\314\314>"
9: "\000\000 \303\000\000\021C"
10: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
11: "\000\000 A\000\000\240A"
12: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\240@\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000\200@\000\000`@"
15: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
16: "\000\000\000?\000\000\000?"
2 {
1: "camera_fireblastenter"
11 {
2: "\000\001\001"
3: "\006\000\000"
4: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000?"
5: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000?\000\000\000\000"
6: "\315\314\314=\000\000\000?\000\000\240@"
7: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
8: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000?\232\231\231>"
9: "\000\000\240\301\000\000 \303\000\000 \303"
10: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
11: "\000\000\240A\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
12: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\240@"
14: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000@\000\000\200@"
15: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\200>\000\000\000\000"
16: "\000\000\200?\000\000@?\000\000@?"
2 {
1: "camera_firepunch_hit"
11 {
2: "\000\001"
3: "\007\003"
4: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\200?"
5: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
6: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\240@"
7: "\000\000\000\000ff\346>"
8: "\000\000\000\000\232\231\231>"
9: "\000\000\240\301\000\000 C"
10: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
11: "\000\000 A\000\000 A"
12: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000\000?\000\000\000@"
15: "\000\000\200\276\000\000\000\000"
16: "\000\000\000?\000\000\000?"
2 {
1: "camera_flameburst"
11 {
2: "\001\001"
3: "\004\004"
4: "\000\000\000?\000\000\000?"
5: "\000\000\000?\000\000\000?"
6: "\000\000\000?\000\000 A"
7: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
8: "\000\000\000?\232\231\031>"
9: "\000\000\014C\000\000\014C"
10: "\000\000\240@\000\000\240@"
11: "\000\000\240@\000\000\240@"
12: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000\000@\000\000`@"
15: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
16: "\000\000\000?\000\000\000?"
2 {
1: "camera_flameburstenter"
11 {
2: "\000\001"
3: "\006\006"
4: "\000\000\000?\000\000\200?"
5: "\000\000\000?\000\000\200?"
6: "\000\000\000?\000\000 A"
7: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
8: "\000\000\000?\000\000\000?"
9: "\000\000\240\301\000\000\240\301"
10: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
11: "\000\000\240A\000\000\240A"
12: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\240\301"
13: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
15: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
16: "\000\000\200?\000\000\200?"
2 {
1: "camera_flamecharge"
11 {
2: "\000\001\001"
3: "\006\006\003"
4: "\000\000\000?\000\000\000?\000\000\000?"
5: "\000\000\000?\000\000\000?\000\000\000?"
6: "\315\314\314>ff\206?\000\000\240@"
7: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\315\314\014?"
8: "\315\314\314>fff?\232\231\031>"
9: "\000\000\310\301\000\000\310\301\000\000 C"
10: "\000\000@@\000\000@@\000\000\000\000"
11: "\000\000\240A\000\000 A\000\000 A"
12: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000\200?\000\000\300?\000\000@@"
15: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
16: "\000\000\200?\000\000\200?\000\000\000?"
2 {
1: "camera_flamecharge_leader_player_left_"
11 {
2: "\000\001\001"
3: "\006\006\003"
4: "\000\000\200?\000\000\000\000\000\000\000?"
5: "\000\000\200?\000\000\000?\000\000\000\000"
6: "\315\314\314>ff\206?\000\000\240@"
7: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\315\314\014?"
8: "\000\000\000\000fff?\315\314\314>"
9: "\000\000\310\301\000\000\310\301\000\000 C"
10: "\000\000@@\000\000@@\000\000\000\000"
11: "\000\000\240A\000\000 A\000\000 A"
12: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000\200?\000\000\300?\000\000@@"
15: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
16: "\000\000\200?\000\000\200?\000\000\000?"
2 {
1: "camera_flamecharge_leader_player_right_"
11 {
2: "\000\001\001"
3: "\006\006\003"
4: "\000\000\200?\000\000\000\000\000\000\000?"
5: "\000\000\200?\000\000\000?\000\000\000\000"
6: "\315\314\314>ff\206?\000\000\240@"
7: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\315\314\014?"
8: "\000\000\000\000fff?\315\314\314>"
9: "\000\000\310A\000\000\310A\000\000 \303"
10: "\000\000@\300\000\000@\300\000\000\000\000"
11: "\000\000\240A\000\000 A\000\000 A"
12: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000\200?\000\000\300?\000\000@@"
15: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
16: "\000\000\200?\000\000\200?\000\000\000?"
2 {
1: "camera_flamecharge_player_left_leader_"
11 {
2: "\001\001\001"
3: "\006\006\003"
4: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000?\000\000\000?"
5: "\000\000\000?\000\000\000?\000\000\000\000"
6: "\315\314\314>ff\206?\000\000\240@"
7: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\315\314\014?"
8: "\315\314\314>fff?\315\314\314>"
9: "\000\000\310A\000\000\310A\000\000 \303"
10: "\000\000@\300\000\000@\300\000\000\000\000"
11: "\000\000\240A\000\000 A\000\000 A"
12: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000\200?\000\000\300?\000\000@@"
15: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
16: "\000\000\200?\000\000\200?\000\000\000?"
2 {
1: "camera_flamecharge_player_right_leader_"
11 {
2: "\001\001\001"
3: "\006\006\003"
4: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000?\000\000\000?"
5: "\000\000\000?\000\000\000?\000\000\000\000"
6: "\315\314\314>ff\206?\000\000\240@"
7: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\315\314\014?"
8: "\315\314\314>fff?\315\314\314>"
9: "\000\000\310\301\000\000\310\301\000\000 C"
10: "\000\000@@\000\000@@\000\000\000\000"
11: "\000\000\240A\000\000 A\000\000 A"
12: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000\200?\000\000\300?\000\000@@"
15: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
16: "\000\000\200?\000\000\200?\000\000\000?"
2 {
1: "camera_flamethrower"
11 {
2: "\000\001\001\000"
3: "\000\000\000\006"
4: "\000\000\000?\000\000\000?\000\000\000?\000\000\000?"
5: "\000\000\000?\000\000\000?\000\000\000?\000\000\000?"
6: "\000\000\000\000\205\353\021?\000\000\200>\315\314\314?"
7: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
8: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000?\000\000\200>\000\000\000\000"
9: "\000\000 \303\000\000%\303\000\000\026\303\000\000\360\301"
10: "\000\000\240@\000\000\240@\000\000pA\000\000\000\000"
11: "\000\000\240A\000\000\240@\000\000\240@\000\000\240A"
12: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000 @\000\000\000@\000\000\200@\000\000\000\000"
15: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
16: "\000\000@?\000\000@?\000\000\000?\000\000@?"
2 {
1: "camera_flamewheel"
11 {
2: "\000\001\000\001"
3: "\000\000\006\003"
4: "\000\000\000?\000\000\000?\000\000\000?\000\000\000?"
5: "\000\000\000?\000\000\000?\000\000\000?\000\000\000?"
6: "\303\365(?\000\000\200?\232\231\031>\000\000\240@"
7: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
8: "ff\346>\000\000\200?\232\231\031>\315\314\314>"
9: "\000\000*\303\000\000*\303\000\000\240\301\000\000 C"
10: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
11: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\240A\000\000\240A"
12: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000\000?\000\000\000\000\000\000\200@\000\000 @"
15: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
16: "\000\000\000?\000\000\000?\000\000\200?\000\000\000?"
2 {
1: "camera_flashcannon"
11 {
1: "flashcannon_hit"
2: "\000\001"
3: "\001\001"
4: "\000\000\000?\000\000\000?"
5: "\000\000\000?\000\000\000?"
6 {
16606409: 0x3f0ccccd
7: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
8: "\366(\034?\232\231\031>"
9: "\000\000\360\302\000\000\360\302"
10: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
11: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
12: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000\000@\000\000`@"
15: "\232\231\031>\232\231\031>"
16: "\000\000\000?\000\000\000?"
2 {
1: "camera_flashcannon_hit"
11 {
2: "\000"
3: "\003"
4: "\000\000\000?"
5: "\000\000\000?"
6: "\000\000\240@"
7: "\000\000\000\000"
8: "\000\000\000\000"
9: "\000\000 C"
10: "\000\000\000\000"
11: "\000\000\240A"
12: "\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000\200@"
15: "\000\000\000\000"
16: "\000\000\000?"
2 {
1: "camera_followarcingprojectile_leader_player_left_"
11 {
2: "\001\001"
3: "\016\005"
4: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000?"
5: "\000\000\000?\000\000\200?"
6: "\000\000\000?\000\000\240@"
7: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
8: "\000\000\000?\000\000\000?"
9: "\000\000\021\303\000\000\360A"
10: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
11: "\000\000 A\000\000 A"
12: "\000\000 \301\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000\200\277\000\000@@"
15: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
16: "\000\000\200?\000\000@?"
2 {
1: "camera_followarcingprojectile_leader_player_right_"
11 {
2: "\001\001"
3: "\016\005"
4: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000?"
5: "\000\000\000?\000\000\200?"
6: "\000\000\000?\000\000\240@"
7: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
8: "\000\000\000?\000\000\000?"
9: "\000\000\007C\000\000 \302"
10: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\240@"
11: "\000\000 A\000\000 A"
12: "\000\000 \301\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000\000\000\000\000@@"
15: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
16: "\000\000\200?\000\000@?"
2 {
1: "camera_followarcingprojectile_player_left_leader_"
11 {
2: "\001\001"
3: "\016\005"
4: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000?"
5: "\000\000\000?\000\000\200?"
6: "\000\000\000?\000\000\240@"
7: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
8: "\000\000\000?\000\000\000?"
9: "\000\000\021\303\000\000\021\303"
10: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\240@"
11: "\000\000 A\000\000 A"
12: "\000\000 \301\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000\000\000\000\000@@"
15: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
16: "\000\000\200?\000\000@?"
2 {
1: "camera_followarcingprojectile_player_right_leader_"
11 {
2: "\001\001"
3: "\016\005"
4: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000?"
5: "\000\000\000?\000\000\200?"
6: "\000\000\000?\000\000\240@"
7: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
8: "\000\000\000?\000\000\000?"
9: "\000\000\021C\000\000\021C"
10: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\240\300"
11: "\000\000 A\000\000 A"
12: "\000\000 \301\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000\000\000\000\000@@"
15: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
16: "\000\000\200?\000\000@?"
2 {
1: "camera_fortbidle"
11 {
1: "fortbidle"
2: "\001"
3: "\016"
4: "\000\000\000\000"
5: "\000\000\000\000"
6: "\000\000 A"
7: "\000\000\000\000"
8: "\000\000\200?"
9: "\000\000 C"
10: "\000\000\000\000"
11: "\000\000\220A"
12: "\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000\000\000"
15: "\000\000\000\000"
16: "\000\000\000?"
2 {
1: "camera_fortdeployintro"
11 {
2: "\000\001\001"
3: "\000\000\002"
4: "\000\000\200?\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
5: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
6: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000?\000\000\000@"
7: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
8: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000?\000\000\000@"
9: "\000\000 \303\000\0004C\000\000 C"
10: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
11: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000 A"
12: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000 @"
15: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
16: "\000\000\000?\000\000\000?\232\231Y?"
2 {
1: "camera_fortfaint"
11 {
2: "\001\001"
3: "\006\002"
4: "\000\000\200?\000\000\000\000"
5: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\200?"
6: "\000\000\240?\000\000\240A"
7: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
8: "\000\000\200?\000\000\300?"
9: "\000\000\264\302\000\000 \303"
10: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
11: "\000\000\240@\000\000 A"
12: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000\000\000\000\000 @"
15: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
16: "\000\000\200?\000\000\200?"
2 {
1: "camera_fortplayerfainted"
11 {
2: "\001\001"
3: "\003\003"
4: "\000\000\200?\000\000\000\000"
5: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
6: "\000\000\300?\000\000\000@"
7: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\200>"
8: "\000\000\300?\000\000\340?"
9: "\000\000\264\302\000\000 \303"
10: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
11: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\240@"
12: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
15: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
16: "\000\000\000?\000\000\000?"
2 {
1: "camera_gigadrain"
11 {
2: "\000\001\001"
3: "\005\014\014"
4: "\000\000\000?\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
5: "\000\000\000?\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
6: "\000\000\000?\000\000\200?\000\000 A"
7: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
8: "\000\000\200>\000\000\000@\000\000\200?"
9: "\000\000 C\000\000 \302\000\000\240\301"
10: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
11: "\000\000\000\000\000\000@@\000\000\240A"
12: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000@@\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
15: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
16: "\000\000\000?\000\000\200?\000\000\200?"
2 {
1: "camera_gunkshot"
11 {
2: "\000\001"
3: "\001\004"
4: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
5: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\200?"
6: "\037\205+?\000\000\240@"
7: "\000\000\000\000\315\314L>"
8: "\303\365\250>\232\231\231>"
9: "\000\000 \303\000\000\014C"
10: "\000\000\000\000\000\000@@"
11: "\000\000\240A\000\000\240@"
12: "\000\000\240\300\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000@@\000\000@@"
15: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
16: "\000\000\000?\232\231Y?"
2 {
1: "camera_gunkshot_leader_player_left_"
11 {
2: "\001\001"
3: "\002\005"
4: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000?"
5: "\000\000\000?\000\000\000\000"
6: "\037\205+?\000\000\240@"
7: "\000\000\000\000\315\314L>"
8: "\232\231\031>\232\231\231>"
9: "\000\000 \303\000\000 B"
10: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
11: "\000\000 A\000\000\240A"
12: "\000\000\240\300\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000@@\000\000\200@"
15: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
16: "\000\000\000?\232\231Y?"
2 {
1: "camera_gunkshot_leader_player_right_"
11 {
2: "\001\001"
3: "\002\005"
4: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000?"
5: "\000\000\000?\000\000\000\000"
6: "\037\205+?\000\000\240@"
7: "\000\000\000\000\315\314L>"
8: "\232\231\031>\232\231\231>"
9: "\000\000 C\000\000 \302"
10: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
11: "\000\000 A\000\000\240A"
12: "\000\000\240\300\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000@@\000\000\200@"
15: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
16: "\000\000\000?\232\231Y?"
2 {
1: "camera_gunkshot_player_left_leader_"
11 {
2: "\000\001\001"
3: "\002\002\005"
4: "\000\000\200?\000\000\000\000\000\000\000?"
5: "\000\000\200?\000\000\000?\000\000\000\000"
6: "\000\000\000\000\037\205+?\000\000\240@"
7: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\315\314L>"
8: "\000\000\000\000\232\231\031>\232\231\231>"
9: "\000\000*C\000\000 C\000\000\014\303"
10: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\240@"
11: "\000\000\240A\000\000 A\000\000\240A"
12: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\240\300\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000\200@\000\000@@\000\000\200@"
15: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
16: "\000\000\000?\000\000\000?\232\231Y?"
2 {
1: "camera_gunkshot_player_right_leader_"
11 {
2: "\001\001"
3: "\002\005"
4: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000?"
5: "\000\000\000?\000\000\000\000"
6: "\037\205+?\000\000\240@"
7: "\000\000\000\000\315\314L>"
8: "\232\231\031>\232\231\231>"
9: "\000\000 \303\000\000\014C"
10: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\240\300"
11: "\000\000 A\000\000\240A"
12: "\000\000\240\300\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000@@\000\000\200@"
15: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
16: "\000\000\000?\232\231Y?"
2 {
1: "camera_gymhi"
11 {
1: "gymhi"
2: "\001"
3: "\016"
4: "\000\000\000\000"
5: "\000\000\000\000"
6: "\000\000 A"
7: "\000\000\000\000"
8: "\000\000\200?"
9: "\000\000 C"
10: "\000\000\000\000"
11: "\000\000\360A"
12: "\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000\000\000"
15: "\000\000\000\000"
16: "\000\000\000?"
2 {
1: "camera_gymlow"
11 {
1: "gymlow"
2: "\001"
3: "\016"
4: "\000\000\000\000"
5: "\000\000\000\000"
6: "\000\000 A"
7: "\000\000\000\000"
8: "\000\000\200?"
9: "\000\000 C"
10: "\000\000\000\000"
11: "\000\000\340@"
12: "\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000\000\000"
15: "\000\000\000\000"
16: "\000\000\000?"
2 {
1: "camera_gymlowest"
11 {
1: "gymlowest"
2: "\001"
3: "\016"
4: "\000\000\000\000"
5: "\000\000\000\000"
6: "\000\000 A"
7: "\000\000\000\000"
8: "\000\000\200?"
9: "\000\000 C"
10: "\000\000\000\000"
11: "\000\000@@"
12: "\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000\000\000"
15: "\000\000\000\000"
16: "\000\000\000?"
2 {
1: "camera_gymmed"
11 {
1: "gymmed"
2: "\001"
3: "\016"
4: "\000\000\000\000"
5: "\000\000\000\000"
6: "\000\000 A"
7: "\000\000\000\000"
8: "\000\000\200?"
9: "\000\000 C"
10: "\000\000\000\000"
11: "\000\000\240A"
12: "\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000\000\000"
15: "\000\000\000\000"
16: "\000\000\000?"
2 {
1: "camera_heartstamp"
11 {
2: "\000\001"
3: "\014\003"
4: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\200?"
5: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\200?"
6: "\000\000\200?\000\000\240@"
7: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
8: "\000\000\000?\315\314\314>"
9: "\000\000\240\301\000\000 C"
10: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
11: "\000\000\240A\000\000\240A"
12: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\200?"
15: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
16: "\000\000\200?\000\000\000?"
2 {
1: "camera_heatwave"
11 {
1: "heatwave_hit"
2: "\000\001"
3: "\000\000"
4: "\000\000\000?\000\000\000?"
5: "\000\000\000?\000\000\000?"
6: "\232\231\231>\000\000\240@"
7: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
8: "\232\231\231>\315\314\314>"
9: "\000\000\026\303\000\000\026\303"
10: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
11: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
12: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000\000\0004\302"
14: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\200@"
15: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
16: "\000\000\000?\000\000\000?"
2 {
1: "camera_heatwave_hit"
11 {
2: "\000"
3: "\006"
4: "\000\000\000?"
5: "\000\000\000?"
6: "\000\000\240@"
7: "\000\000\000\000"
8: "\000\000\000\000"
9: "\000\000\240\301"
10: "\000\000\000\000"
11: "\000\000\240A"
12: "\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000\000\000"
15: "\000\000\000\000"
16: "\000\000\200?"
2 {
1: "camera_hornattack"
11 {
2: "\001"
3: "\004"
4: "\000\000\000\000"
5: "\000\000\000\000"
6: "\000\000\240@"
7: "\000\000\000\000"
8: "\315\314\314>"
9: "\000\000\007C"
10: "\000\000\000\000"
11: "\000\000\000\000"
12: "\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000\000@"
15: "\000\000\000\000"
16: "\000\000\200?"
2 {
1: "camera_hornattackenter"
11 {
2: "\000"
3: "\006"
4: "\000\000\000\000"
5: "\000\000\000\000"
6: "\000\000\240@"
7: "\000\000\000\000"
8: "\315\314\314>"
9: "\000\0004\302"
10: "\000\000\000\000"
11: "\000\000\000\000"
12: "\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000\000\000"
15: "\000\000\000\000"
16: "\000\000\200?"
2 {
1: "camera_hurricane"
11 {
2: "\001"
3: "\006"
4: "\000\000\000\000"
5: "\000\000\000\000"
6: "\000\000 A"
7: "\000\000\000\000"
8: "\000\000\200>"
9: "\000\000\240\301"
10: "\000\000\000\000"
11: "\000\000 A"
12: "\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000\000@"
15: "\000\000\000\000"
16: "\000\000\200?"
2 {
1: "camera_hydropump"
11 {
2: "\001\001"
3: "\003\003"
4: "\000\000\000?\000\000\000?"
5: "\000\000\000?\000\000\000?"
6: "\315\314L>\000\000\240@"
7: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
8: "\315\314L>\000\000\300?"
9: "\000\000 C\000\000 C"
10: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
11: "\000\000\240@\000\000\240@"
12: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000@@\000\000\220@"
15: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
16: "\000\000\000?\000\000\000?"
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3: "\001"
4: "\000\000\000?"
5: "\000\000\000?"
6: "\000\000\240@"
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8: "\315\314\314>"
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10: "\000\000\000\000"
11: "\000\000 A"
12: "\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000\300?"
15: "\000\000\200>"
16: "\000\000@?"
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3: "\000\000"
4: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
5: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
6: "\000\000\000?\000\000`@"
7: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
8: "\000\000\200>\000\000\200?"
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10: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
11: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
12: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000\200>\000\000\200>"
15: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
16: "\000\000\200?\000\000\200?"
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3: "\r\r"
4: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000?"
5: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000?"
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7: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
8: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\200?"
9: "\000\000\240\301\000\000 \302"
10: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\240@"
11: "\000\000 A\000\000pA"
12: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000\200?\000\000\000@"
15: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
16: "\000\000\200?\000\000\200>"
2 {
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11 {
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3: "\003\003\003"
4: "\000\000\200?\000\000\200?\000\000\000?"
5: "\000\000\200?\000\000\000?\000\000\000?"
6: "\000\000\000\000\303\365\250>\000\000\240@"
7: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
8: "\000\000\000\000\303\365\250>\000\000\300?"
9: "\000\000\026C\000\000\026C\000\000\014C"
10: "\000\000\240\300\000\000\240\300\000\000\240\300"
11: "\000\000\240A\000\000\000\000\000\000 A"
12: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000\200@\000\000@@\000\000\240@"
15: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
16: "\000\000\000?\000\000\000?\000\000\000?"
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3: "\003\003\003"
4: "\000\000\200?\000\000\200?\000\000\000?"
5: "\000\000\200?\000\000\000?\000\000\000?"
6: "\000\000\000\000\303\365\250>\000\000\240@"
7: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
8: "\000\000\000\000\303\365\250>\000\000\300?"
9: "\000\000\026\303\000\000\026\303\000\000\014\303"
10: "\000\000\240@\000\000\240@\000\000\240@"
11: "\000\000\240A\000\000\000\000\000\000 A"
12: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000\200@\000\000@@\000\000\240@"
15: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
16: "\000\000\000?\000\000\000?\000\000\000?"
2 {
1: "camera_hyperbeam_player_left_leader_"
11 {
2: "\000\001"
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4: "\000\000\200?\000\000\200?"
5: "\000\000\200?\000\000\000?"
6: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\240@"
7: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
8: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\300?"
9: "\000\000\014\303\000\000\360\302"
10: "\000\000\240@\000\000\240@"
11: "\000\000 A\000\000\000\000"
12: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000\000@\000\000\200@"
15: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
16: "\000\000\000?\000\000\000?"
2 {
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3: "\003\003"
4: "\000\000\200?\000\000\200?"
5: "\000\000\200?\000\000\000?"
6: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\240@"
7: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
8: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\300?"
9: "\000\000\014C\000\000\360B"
10: "\000\000\240\300\000\000\240\300"
11: "\000\000 A\000\000\000\000"
12: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000\000@\000\000\200@"
15: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
16: "\000\000\000?\000\000\000?"
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5: "\000\000\000\000"
6: "\000\000 A"
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8: "\000\000\200>"
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11: "\000\000pA"
12: "\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000@@"
15: "\000\000\000\000"
16: "\000\000\000?"
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3: "\003"
4: "\000\000\000\000"
5: "\000\000\200?"
6: "\000\000\240@"
7: "\000\000\000\000"
8: "\232\231\031>"
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10: "\000\000\240\300"
11: "\000\000 A"
12: "\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000\300?"
15: "\000\000\200\276"
16: "\000\000\000?"
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3: "\003"
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5: "\000\000\200?"
6: "\000\000\240@"
7: "\000\000\000\000"
8: "\232\231\031>"
9: "\000\000 \303"
10: "\000\000\240@"
11: "\000\000 A"
12: "\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000\300?"
15: "\000\000\200\276"
16: "\000\000\000?"
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5: "\000\000\200?"
6: "\000\000\240@"
7: "\000\000\000\000"
8: "\232\231\031>"
9: "\000\000\026\303"
10: "\000\000\240@"
11: "\000\000 A"
12: "\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000\300?"
15: "\000\000\200\276"
16: "\000\000\000?"
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5: "\000\000\200?"
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7: "\000\000\000\000"
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10: "\000\000\000\000"
11: "\000\000 A"
12: "\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000\300?"
15: "\000\000\200\276"
16: "\000\000\000?"
2 {
1: "camera_icebeam"
11 {
2: "\000\001"
3: "\001\004"
4: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\200?"
5: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\200?"
6: "\232\231\231?\000\000\240@"
7: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
8: "\244p\275>\232\231\031>"
9: "\000\000 \303\000\000\026C"
10: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
11: "\000\000pA\000\000\240@"
12: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000\300?\000\000p@"
15: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
16: "\000\000\000?\000\000\000?"
2 {
1: "camera_icebeam_leader_player_left_"
11 {
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3: "\004"
4: "\000\000\200?"
5: "\000\000\200?"
6: "\000\000\240@"
7: "\000\000\000\000"
8: "\232\231\031>"
9: "\000\000\026C"
10: "\000\000\000\000"
11: "\000\000\240@"
12: "\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000"
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15: "\000\000\000\000"
16: "\000\000@?"
2 {
1: "camera_icebeam_leader_player_right_"
11 {
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3: "\005"
4: "\000\000\200?"
5: "\000\000\200?"
6: "\000\000\240@"
7: "\000\000\000\000"
8: "\232\231\031>"
9: "\000\000 \303"
10: "\000\000\240@"
11: "\000\000\240@"
12: "\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000p@"
15: "\000\000\000\000"
16: "\000\000@?"
2 {
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11 {
2: "\001"
3: "\005"
4: "\000\000\200?"
5: "\000\000\200?"
6: "\000\000\240@"
7: "\000\000\000\000"
8: "\232\231\031>"
9: "\000\000\026\303"
10: "\000\000\240@"
11: "\000\000\240@"
12: "\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000p@"
15: "\000\000\000\000"
16: "\000\000@?"
2 {
1: "camera_icebeam_player_right_leader_"
11 {
2: "\001"
3: "\004"
4: "\000\000\200?"
5: "\000\000\200?"
6: "\000\000\240@"
7: "\000\000\000\000"
8: "\232\231\031>"
9: "\000\000\014C"
10: "\000\000\000\000"
11: "\000\000\240@"
12: "\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000p@"
15: "\000\000\000\000"
16: "\000\000@?"
2 {
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11 {
2: "\000"
3: "\007"
4: "\000\000\000\000"
5: "\000\000\000\000"
6: "\000\000\240@"
7: "\315\314\314="
8: "\232\231\231>"
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10: "\000\000\000\000"
11: "\000\000 A"
12: "\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000\000?"
15: "\000\000\200\276"
16: "\000\000\000?"
2 {
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4: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\200?"
5: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
6: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\240@"
7: "\000\000\000\000ff\346>"
8: "\000\000\000\000\232\231\231>"
9: "\000\000\240\301\000\000 C"
10: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
11: "\000\000 A\000\000 A"
12: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000\000?\000\000\000@"
15: "\000\000\200\276\000\000\000\000"
16: "\000\000\000?\000\000\000?"
2 {
1: "camera_idle"
11 {
2: "\001\000\001\001\001"
3: "\000\003\003\006\006"
4: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
5: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
6: "\000\000\300@\000\000\000\000\000\000\300@\000\000\300@\000\000\300@"
7: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
8: "\000\000\200@\000\000\000\000\000\000\200@\000\000\200@\000\000\200@"
9: "\000\000\026\303\000\000\264\302\000\000\360B\000\000\360\302\000\000\240\301"
10: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
11: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\310A\000\000\310A\000\000\240A"
12: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000\300?\000\000\000\000\000\000 @\000\000\300?\000\000\000\000"
15: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
16: "\000\000\000?\000\000\200?\000\000\000?\000\000\000?\000\000\200?"
2 {
1: "camera_ironhead"
11 {
2: "\001"
3: "\003"
4: "\000\000\000?"
5: "\000\000\000?"
6: "\000\000\240@"
7: "\315\314L>"
8: "\232\231\031?"
9: "\000\000 C"
10: "\000\000\000\000"
11: "\000\000\240A"
12: "\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000\000@"
15: "\000\000\000\000"
16: "\000\000\000?"
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2: "\001"
3: "\003"
4: "\000\000\000\000"
5: "\000\000\000\000"
6: "\000\000\240@"
7: "\000\000\000\000"
8: "\315\314\314>"
9: "\000\000\026C"
10: "\000\000\240\300"
11: "\000\000 A"
12: "\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000\000@"
15: "\000\000\200\276"
16: "\000\000\000?"
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2: "\001"
3: "\003"
4: "\000\000\000\000"
5: "\000\000\000\000"
6: "\000\000\240@"
7: "\000\000\000\000"
8: "\315\314\314>"
9: "\000\000 \303"
10: "\000\000\240@"
11: "\000\000 A"
12: "\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000\000@"
15: "\000\000\200\276"
16: "\000\000\000?"
2 {
1: "camera_ironhead_player_left_leader_"
11 {
2: "\001"
3: "\003"
4: "\000\000\000\000"
5: "\000\000\000\000"
6: "\000\000\240@"
7: "\000\000\000\000"
8: "\315\314\314>"
9: "\000\000\026\303"
10: "\000\000\240@"
11: "\000\000 A"
12: "\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000\000@"
15: "\000\000\200\276"
16: "\000\000\000?"
2 {
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11 {
2: "\001"
3: "\003"
4: "\000\000\000\000"
5: "\000\000\000\000"
6: "\000\000\240@"
7: "\000\000\000\000"
8: "\315\314\314>"
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10: "\000\000\000\000"
11: "\000\000 A"
12: "\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000\000@"
15: "\000\000\200\276"
16: "\000\000\000?"
2 {
1: "camera_ironheadenter"
11 {
2: "\000"
3: "\006"
4: "\000\000\000?"
5: "\000\000\000?"
6: "\000\000\240@"
7: "\000\000\000\000"
8: "\000\000\000\000"
9: "\000\000\240\301"
10: "\000\000\000\000"
11: "\000\000\240A"
12: "\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000\000\000"
15: "\000\000\000\000"
16: "\000\000\200?"
2 {
1: "camera_karatechop"
11 {
2: "\000\000\001"
3: "\014\006\003"
4: "\000\000\000?\000\000\000?\000\000\000?"
5: "\000\000\000?\000\000\000?\000\000\000?"
6: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\240@\000\000\240@"
7: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
8: "\000\000\000\000\303\365\250>\303\365\250>"
9: "\000\000\240\301\000\000\240\301\000\000 C"
10: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
11: "\000\000\240A\000\000\240A\000\000\240A"
12: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000?"
15: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
16: "\000\000\200?\000\000\200?\000\000\200?"
2 {
1: "camera_leafblade"
11 {
2: "\001"
3: "\005"
4: "\000\000\000\000"
5: "\000\000\000\000"
6: "\000\000 A"
7: "\000\000\000\000"
8: "\000\000\200>"
9: "\000\000\026C"
10: "\000\000\000\000"
11: "\000\000pA"
12: "\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000\240@"
15: "\000\000\000\000"
16: "\000\000\000?"
2 {
1: "camera_leafbladeenter"
11 {
2: "\000"
3: "\r"
4: "\000\000\000\000"
5: "\000\000\000\000"
6: "\000\000 A"
7: "\000\000\000\000"
8: "\000\000\200?"
9: "\000\000\360\301"
10: "\000\000\000\000"
11: "\000\000\240A"
12: "\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000\200?"
15: "\000\000\000\000"
16: "\000\000\200?"
2 {
1: "camera_left"
11 {
2: "\001"
3: "\000"
4: "\000\000\000?"
5: "\000\000\000?"
6: "\000\000@@"
7: "\000\000\000\000"
8: "\000\000\200?"
9: "\000\000\264B"
10: "\000\000\000\000"
11: "\000\000\000\000"
12: "\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000\000\000"
15: "\000\000\000\000"
16: "\000\000\200?"
2 {
1: "camera_lowsweep"
11 {
2: "\000\001"
3: "\006\003"
4: "\000\000\000?\000\000\000?"
5: "\000\000\000?\000\000\000?"
6: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\200?"
7: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
8: "\000\000\000\000\315\314\314>"
9: "\000\000\240\301\000\000 C"
10: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
11: "\000\000\240A\000\000\240A"
12: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000\000\000\000\000`@"
15: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
16: "\000\000\200?\000\000\000?"
2 {
1: "camera_magnetbomb"
11 {
2: "\000\001"
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4: "\000\000\000?\000\000\000?"
5: "\000\000\000?\000\000\000?"
6: "33\263?\000\000\240@"
7: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
8: "\315\314L?\303\365\250>"
9: "\000\000\240\301\000\000 C"
10: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
11: "\000\000\240A\000\000\000\000"
12: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000@"
15: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
16: "\000\000\200?\000\000@?"
2 {
1: "camera_megadrain"
11 {
2: "\000\001\001"
3: "\005\014\014"
4: "\000\000\000?\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
5: "\000\000\000?\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
6: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\200?\000\000 A"
7: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
8: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000@\000\000\200?"
9: "\000\0000C\000\000 \302\000\000\240\301"
10: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
11: "\000\000\000\000\000\000@@\000\000\240A"
12: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
15: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
16: "\000\000\000?\000\000\200?\000\000\200?"
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11 {
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3: "\001\004"
4: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
5: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
6: "33\223?\000\000\240@"
7: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
8 {
16409801: 0x3ecccccd
9: "\000\000\026\303\000\000\007C"
10: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
11: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
12: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000\300?\000\000\200?"
15: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
16: "\000\000\200?\000\000\200?"
2 {
1: "camera_moonblast"
11 {
2: "\001\001\001"
3: "\006\006\003"
4: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
5: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
6: "\000\000\240?\000\000@?\000\000\240@"
7: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
8: "\000\000\200>\303\365\250>\000\000\000?"
9: "\000\000\240\301\000\000 \301\000\000%C"
10: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
11: "\000\000\240A\000\000pA\000\000 A"
12: "\000\000\252\302\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
14: "ff\346\277\000\000\200?\000\000@@"
15: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
16: "\000\000\200?\000\000\200?\232\231\031?"
2 {
1: "camera_moonblast_leader_player_left_"
11 {
2: "\001\001\001"
3: "\006\006\003"
4: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
5: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
6: "\000\000\240?\000\000@?\000\000\240@"
7: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
8: "\000\000\200>\303\365\250>\303\365(?"
9: "\000\000 \303\000\000\014\303\000\000\360A"
10: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
11: "\000\000 A\000\000pA\000\000 A"
12: "\000\000\252\302\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
14: "33s\300\000\000\200\277\000\000@@"
15: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
16: "\000\000\200?\000\000\200?\232\231\031?"
2 {
1: "camera_moonblast_leader_player_right_"
11 {
2: "\001\001\001"
3: "\006\006\003"
4: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
5: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
6: "\000\000\240?\000\000@?\000\000\240@"
7: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
8: "\000\000\200>\303\365\250>\303\365(?"
9: "\000\000 C\000\000\026C\000\000\310\301"
10: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
11: "\000\000 A\000\000pA\000\000 A"
12: "\000\000\252\302\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
14: "33s\300\000\000\200\277\000\000@@"
15: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
16: "\000\000\200?\000\000\200?\232\231\031?"
2 {
1: "camera_moonblast_player_left_leader_"
11 {
2: "\001\001\001"
3: "\006\006\003"
4: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
5: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
6: "\000\000\240?\000\000@?\000\000\240@"
7: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
8: "\000\000\200>\303\365\250>\303\365(?"
9: "\000\000\240A\000\000pA\000\000\033\303"
10: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
11: "\000\000 A\000\000pA\000\000 A"
12: "\000\000\252\302\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
14: "33s\300\000\000\200?\000\000\200?"
15: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
16: "\000\000\200?\000\000\200?\232\231\031?"
2 {
1: "camera_moonblast_player_right_leader_"
11 {
2: "\001\001\001"
3: "\006\006\003"
4: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
5: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
6: "\000\000\240?\000\000@?\000\000\240@"
7: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
8: "\000\000\200>\303\365\250>\303\365(?"
9: "\000\000\240\301\000\000p\301\000\000\033C"
10: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
11: "\000\000 A\000\000pA\000\000 A"
12: "\000\000\252\302\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
14: "33s\300\000\000\200?\000\000\200?"
15: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
16: "\000\000\200?\000\000\200?\232\231\031?"
2 {
1: "camera_mudbomb"
11 {
2: "\001"
3: "\004"
4: "\000\000\000?"
5: "\000\000\000?"
6: "\000\000\240@"
7: "\000\000\200>"
8: "\000\000@?"
9: "\000\000\021C"
10: "\000\000\000\000"
11: "\000\000 A"
12: "\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000\000@"
15: "\000\000\000\000"
16: "\000\000\200?"
2 {
1: "camera_mudbombenter"
11 {
2: "\000"
3: "\014"
4: "\000\000\000?"
5: "\000\000\000?"
6: "\000\000\300?"
7: "\000\000\000\000"
8: "\000\000\000?"
9: "\000\000\240\301"
10: "\000\000\000\000"
11: "\000\000\240A"
12: "\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000\000\000"
15: "\000\000\000\000"
16: "\000\000\200?"
2 {
1: "camera_mudshot"
11 {
2: "\000\001"
3: "\006\003"
4: "\000\000\000?\000\000\000?"
5: "\000\000\000?\000\000\000?"
6: "\000\000\200?\000\000\240@"
7: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
8: "\000\000\000\000\315\314\314>"
9: "\000\000\240\301\000\000 C"
10: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
11: "\000\000\240A\000\000\000\000"
12: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\200?"
15: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
16: "\000\000\200?\256Ga?"
2 {
1: "camera_nightslash"
11 {
2: "\000\001\001"
3: "\014\001\006"
4: "\000\000\000?\000\000\000?\000\000\000?"
5: "\000\000\000?\000\000\000?\000\000\000?"
6: "\000\000\000\000\232\231\031?\000\000\240@"
7: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
8: "\000\000\000\000\315\314\314>\315\314\314="
9: "\000\000\240\301\000\000 \303\000\000\240\301"
10: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
11: "\000\000\240A\000\000\240A\000\000\240A"
12: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000@\000\000\000\000"
15: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
16: "\000\000\200?\000\000\200?\000\000\200?"
2 {
1: "camera_ominouswind"
11 {
2: "\000"
3: "\r"
4: "\000\000\000\000"
5: "\000\000\000\000"
6: "\000\000\240@"
7: "\000\000\000\000"
8: "\000\000@@"
9: "\000\000\240\301"
10: "\000\000\000\000"
11: "\000\000\240A"
12: "\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000\300?"
15: "\000\000\000\000"
16: "\000\000\200?"
2 {
1: "camera_overhead_leader_player_left_"
11 {
2: "\001"
3: "\016"
4: "\000\000\000?"
5: "\000\000\000?"
6: "\000\000\240@"
7: "\000\000\000\000"
8: "\303\365(?"
9: "\000\000*\303"
10: "\000\000\000\000"
11: "\000\000\360A"
12: "\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000\200?"
15: "\000\000\000\000"
16: "\000\000@?"
2 {
1: "camera_overhead_leader_player_right_"
11 {
2: "\001"
3: "\016"
4: "\000\000\000?"
5: "\000\000\000?"
6: "\000\000\240@"
7: "\000\000\000\000"
8: "\303\365(?"
9: "\000\000*C"
10: "\000\000\000\000"
11: "\000\000\360A"
12: "\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000\200?"
15: "\000\000\000\000"
16: "\000\000@?"
2 {
1: "camera_overhead_player_left_leader_"
11 {
2: "\001"
3: "\016"
4: "\000\000\000?"
5: "\000\000\000?"
6: "\000\000\240@"
7: "\000\000\000\000"
8: "\303\365(?"
9: "\000\000*\303"
10: "\000\000\000\000"
11: "\000\000\240A"
12: "\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000\200?"
15: "\000\000\000\000"
16: "\000\000@?"
2 {
1: "camera_overhead_player_right_leader_"
11 {
2: "\001"
3: "\016"
4: "\000\000\000?"
5: "\000\000\000?"
6: "\000\000\240@"
7: "\000\000\000\000"
8: "\303\365(?"
9: "\000\000 C"
10: "\000\000\000\000"
11: "\000\000\240A"
12: "\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000\200?"
15: "\000\000\000\000"
16: "\000\000@?"
2 {
1: "camera_pantoattacker_leader_player_left_"
11 {
2: "\001"
3: "\006"
4: "\000\000\000\000"
5: "\000\000\000\000"
6: "\000\000\240@"
7: "\000\000\000\000"
8: "\303\365(?"
9: "\000\000\240\301"
10: "\000\000\000\000"
11: "\000\000\240A"
12: "\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000\300?"
15: "\000\000\000\000"
16: "\000\000@?"
2 {
1: "camera_pantoattacker_leader_player_right_"
11 {
2: "\001"
3: "\006"
4: "\000\000\000\000"
5: "\000\000\000\000"
6: "\000\000\240@"
7: "\000\000\000\000"
8: "\303\365(?"
9: "\000\000\240A"
10: "\000\000\000\000"
11: "\000\000\240A"
12: "\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000\000@"
15: "\000\000\000\000"
16: "\000\000@?"
2 {
1: "camera_pantoattacker_player_left_leader_"
11 {
2: "\001"
3: "\002"
4: "\000\000\000\000"
5: "\000\000\000\000"
6: "\000\000\240@"
7: "\000\000\000\000"
8: "\303\365(?"
9: "\000\000\240A"
10: "\000\000\000\000"
11: "\000\000\240A"
12: "\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000\000@"
15: "\000\000\000\000"
16: "\000\000@?"
2 {
1: "camera_pantoattacker_player_right_leader_"
11 {
2: "\001"
3: "\002"
4: "\000\000\000\000"
5: "\000\000\000\000"
6: "\000\000\240@"
7: "\000\000\000\000"
8: "\303\365(?"
9: "\000\000\240\301"
10: "\000\000\000\000"
11: "\000\000\240A"
12: "\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000`@"
15: "\000\000\000\000"
16: "\000\000@?"
2 {
1: "camera_pantodefender_leader_player_left_"
11 {
2: "\001"
3: "\005"
4: "\000\000\000\000"
5: "\000\000\000\000"
6: "\000\000\240@"
7: "\000\000\000\000"
8: "\303\365\250>"
9: "\000\000\240A"
10: "\000\000\000\000"
11: "\000\000\240A"
12: "\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000\200@"
15: "\000\000\000\000"
16: "\000\000@?"
2 {
1: "camera_pantodefender_leader_player_right_"
11 {
2: "\001"
3: "\005"
4: "\000\000\000\000"
5: "\000\000\000\000"
6: "\000\000\240@"
7: "\000\000\000\000"
8: "\303\365\250>"
9: "\000\000\240\301"
10: "\000\000\000\000"
11: "\000\000\240A"
12: "\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000\200@"
15: "\000\000\000\000"
16: "\000\000@?"
2 {
1: "camera_pantodefender_player_left_leader_"
11 {
2: "\001"
3: "\005"
4: "\000\000\000\000"
5: "\000\000\000\000"
6: "\000\000\240@"
7: "\000\000\000\000"
8: "\303\365\250>"
9: "\000\000\021\303"
10: "\000\000\240@"
11: "\000\000\240A"
12: "\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000\200@"
15: "\000\000\000\000"
16: "\000\000@?"
2 {
1: "camera_pantodefender_player_right_leader_"
11 {
2: "\001"
3: "\005"
4: "\000\000\000\000"
5: "\000\000\000\000"
6: "\000\000\240@"
7: "\000\000\000\000"
8: "\303\365\250>"
9: "\000\000\021C"
10: "\000\000\240\300"
11: "\000\000\240A"
12: "\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000\200@"
15: "\000\000\000\000"
16: "\000\000@?"
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11 {
2: "\001"
3: "\003"
4: "\000\000\000\000"
5: "\000\000\000\000"
6: "\000\000\240@"
7: "\000\000\000\000"
8: "\315\314L?"
9: "\000\000\026C"
10: "\000\000\240\300"
11: "\000\000 A"
12: "\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000`@"
15: "\000\000\200\276"
16: "\000\000\000?"
2 {
1: "camera_pantofacedefender_leader_player_right_"
11 {
2: "\001"
3: "\003"
4: "\000\000\000\000"
5: "\000\000\000\000"
6: "\000\000\240@"
7: "\000\000\000\000"
8: "\315\314L?"
9: "\000\000 \303"
10: "\000\000\240@"
11: "\000\000 A"
12: "\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000`@"
15: "\000\000\200\276"
16: "\000\000\000?"
2 {
1: "camera_pantofacedefender_player_left_leader_"
11 {
2: "\001"
3: "\003"
4: "\000\000\000\000"
5: "\000\000\000\000"
6: "\000\000\240@"
7: "\000\000\000\000"
8: "\315\314L?"
9: "\000\000\026\303"
10: "\000\000\240@"
11: "\000\000 A"
12: "\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000 @"
15: "\000\000\200\276"
16: "\000\000\000?"
2 {
1: "camera_pantofacedefender_player_right_leader_"
11 {
2: "\001"
3: "\003"
4: "\000\000\000\000"
5: "\000\000\000\000"
6: "\000\000\240@"
7: "\000\000\000\000"
8: "\315\314L?"
9: "\000\000\026C"
10: "\000\000\000\000"
11: "\000\000 A"
12: "\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000 @"
15: "\000\000\200\276"
16: "\000\000\000?"
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1: "camera_paraboliccharge"
11 {
2: "\001"
3: "\014"
4: "\000\000\000\000"
5: "\000\000\000\000"
6: "\000\000\240@"
7: "\000\000\000\000"
8: "\000\000\000?"
9: "\000\000\240\301"
10: "\000\000\000\000"
11: "\000\000\240A"
12: "\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000\200@"
15: "\000\000\000\000"
16: "\000\000\200?"
2 {
1: "camera_paraboliccharge_leader_player_left_"
11 {
2: "\001\001"
3: "\006\000"
4: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
5: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
6: "\000\000\000?\000\000\240@"
7: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\200?"
8: "\000\000\000?\000\000\300?"
9: "\000\000\240\301\000\000\240\301"
10: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
11: "\000\000 A\000\000 A"
12: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000\200@\000\000@@"
15: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
16: "\000\000\200?\000\000\200?"
2 {
1: "camera_paraboliccharge_leader_player_right_"
11 {
2: "\001\001"
3: "\006\000"
4: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
5: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
6: "\000\000\000?\000\000\240@"
7: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\200?"
8: "\000\000\000?\000\000\300?"
9: "\000\000\240A\000\000pA"
10: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
11: "\000\000 A\000\000 A"
12: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000\200@\000\000@@"
15: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
16: "\000\000\200?\000\000\200?"
2 {
1: "camera_paraboliccharge_player_left_leader_"
11 {
2: "\001\001"
3: "\006\000"
4: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
5: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
6: "\000\000\000?\000\000\240@"
7: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\200?"
8: "\000\000\000?\000\000\300?"
9: "\000\000\240A\000\000\240A"
10: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
11: "\000\000 A\000\000 A"
12: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000\200@\000\000@@"
15: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
16: "\000\000\200?\000\000\200?"
2 {
1: "camera_paraboliccharge_player_right_leader_"
11 {
2: "\001\001"
3: "\006\000"
4: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
5: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
6: "\000\000\000?\000\000\240@"
7: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\200?"
8: "\000\000\000?\000\000\300?"
9: "\000\000\240\301\000\000\310\301"
10: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
11: "\000\000 A\000\000 A"
12: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000\200@\000\000@@"
15: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
16: "\000\000\200?\000\000\200?"
2 {
1 {
12 {
12: 0x7465705f6172656d
12: 0x72617a7a696c626c
11 {
2: "\001"
3: "\005"
4: "\000\000\000\000"
5: "\000\000\000\000"
6: "\000\000 A"
7: "\000\000\000\000"
8: "\000\000\000?"
9: "\000\000\007C"
10: "\000\000\000\000"
11: "\000\000@@"
12: "\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000\200@"
15: "\000\000\000\000"
16: "\315\314L?"
2 {
1: "camera_playrough"
11 {
2: "\001"
3: "\003"
4: "\000\000\000?"
5: "\000\000\000?"
6: "\000\000\240@"
7: "\000\000\000\000"
8: "\270\036\005>"
9: "\000\000 C"
10: "\000\000\000\000"
11: "\000\000 A"
12: "\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000 @"
15: "\000\000\000\000"
16: "\000\000\000?"
2 {
1: "camera_playrough_leader_player_left_"
11 {
2: "\001\001\001\001\001\001\001\001"
3: "\003\003\003\003\003\003\003\003"
4: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\200?\000\000\000\000\000\000\200?\000\000\000\000\000\000\200?\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
5: "\000\000\200?\000\000\000\000\000\000\200?\000\000\000\000\000\000\200?\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
6: "\315\314L?\354Q\270=\217\302\365=\354Q\270=\217\302\365=\354Q\270=\217\302\365=\000\000\240@"
7: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
8: "\232\231\031>\354Q\270=\217\302\365=\354Q\270=\217\302\365=\354Q\270=\217\302\365=\232\231\231>"
9: "\000\000\026C\000\000\026C\000\000\026C\000\000\026C\000\000\026C\000\000\026C\000\000\026C\000\000\026C"
10: "\000\000\240\300\000\000\240\300\000\000\240\300\000\000\240\300\000\000\240\300\000\000\240\300\000\000\240\300\000\000\240\300"
11: "\000\000 A\000\000 A\000\000 A\000\000 A\000\000 A\000\000 A\000\000 A\000\000 A"
12: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000\000\000pA\000\000 A\000\000p\301\000\000 \301\000\000 A\000\000\240@\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000\200?\000\000\200?\000\000\200?\000\000\200?\000\000\200?\000\000\200?\000\000\200?\000\000\200?"
15: "\000\000\200\276\000\000\200\276\000\000\200\276\000\000\200\276\000\000\200\276\000\000\200\276\000\000\200\276\000\000\200\276"
16: "\000\000\000?\000\000\000?\000\000\000?\000\000\000?\000\000\000?\000\000\000?\000\000\000?\000\000\000?"
2 {
1: "camera_playrough_leader_player_right_"
11 {
2: "\001\001\001\001\001\001\001\001"
3: "\003\003\003\003\003\003\003\003"
4: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\200?\000\000\000\000\000\000\200?\000\000\000\000\000\000\200?\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
5: "\000\000\200?\000\000\000\000\000\000\200?\000\000\000\000\000\000\200?\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
6: "\315\314L?\354Q\270=\217\302\365=\354Q\270=\217\302\365=\354Q\270=\217\302\365=\000\000\240@"
7: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
8: "\232\231\031>\354Q\270=\217\302\365=\354Q\270=\217\302\365=\354Q\270=\217\302\365=\232\231\231>"
9: "\000\000\026\303\000\000\026\303\000\000\026\303\000\000\026\303\000\000\026\303\000\000\026\303\000\000\026\303\000\000\026\303"
10: "\000\000\240@\000\000\240@\000\000\240@\000\000\240@\000\000\240@\000\000\240@\000\000\240@\000\000\240@"
11: "\000\000 A\000\000 A\000\000 A\000\000 A\000\000 A\000\000 A\000\000 A\000\000 A"
12: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000\000\000pA\000\000 A\000\000p\301\000\000 \301\000\000 A\000\000\240@\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000\200?\000\000\200?\000\000\200?\000\000\200?\000\000\200?\000\000\200?\000\000\200?\000\000\200?"
15: "\000\000\200\276\000\000\200\276\000\000\200\276\000\000\200\276\000\000\200\276\000\000\200\276\000\000\200\276\000\000\200\276"
16: "\000\000\000?\000\000\000?\000\000\000?\000\000\000?\000\000\000?\000\000\000?\000\000\000?\000\000\000?"
2 {
1: "camera_playrough_player_left_leader_"
11 {
2: "\001\001\001\001\001\001\001\001"
3: "\003\003\003\003\003\003\003\003"
4: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\200?\000\000\000\000\000\000\200?\000\000\000\000\000\000\200?\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
5: "\000\000\200?\000\000\000\000\000\000\200?\000\000\000\000\000\000\200?\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
6: "\315\314L?\354Q\270=\217\302\365=\354Q\270=\217\302\365=\354Q\270=\217\302\365=\000\000\240@"
7: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
8: "\232\231\031>\354Q\270=\217\302\365=\354Q\270=\217\302\365=\354Q\270=\217\302\365=\232\231\231>"
9: "\000\000\026\303\000\000\026\303\000\000\026\303\000\000\026\303\000\000\026\303\000\000\026\303\000\000\026\303\000\000\026\303"
10: "\000\000\240@\000\000\240@\000\000\240@\000\000\240@\000\000\240@\000\000\240@\000\000\240@\000\000\240@"
11: "\000\000 A\000\000 A\000\000 A\000\000 A\000\000 A\000\000 A\000\000 A\000\000 A"
12: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000\000\000pA\000\000 A\000\000p\301\000\000 \301\000\000 A\000\000\240@\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000\240?\000\000\240?\000\000\240?\000\000\240?\000\000\240?\000\000\240?\000\000\240?\000\000\240?"
15: "\000\000\200\276\000\000\200\276\000\000\200\276\000\000\200\276\000\000\200\276\000\000\200\276\000\000\200\276\000\000\200\276"
16: "\000\000\000?\000\000\000?\000\000\000?\000\000\000?\000\000\000?\000\000\000?\000\000\000?\000\000\000?"
2 {
1: "camera_playrough_player_right_leader_"
11 {
2: "\001\001\001\001\001\001\001\001"
3: "\003\003\003\003\003\003\003\003"
4: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\200?\000\000\000\000\000\000\200?\000\000\000\000\000\000\200?\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
5: "\000\000\200?\000\000\000\000\000\000\200?\000\000\000\000\000\000\200?\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
6: "\315\314L?\354Q\270=\217\302\365=\354Q\270=\217\302\365=\354Q\270=\217\302\365=\000\000\240@"
7: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
8: "\232\231\031>\354Q\270=\217\302\365=\354Q\270=\217\302\365=\354Q\270=\217\302\365=\232\231\231>"
9: "\000\000\026C\000\000\026C\000\000\026C\000\000\026C\000\000\026C\000\000\026C\000\000\026C\000\000\026C"
10: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
11: "\000\000 A\000\000 A\000\000 A\000\000 A\000\000 A\000\000 A\000\000 A\000\000 A"
12: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000\000\000pA\000\000 A\000\000p\301\000\000 \301\000\000 A\000\000\240@\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000\240?\000\000\240?\000\000\240?\000\000\240?\000\000\240?\000\000\240?\000\000\240?\000\000\240?"
15: "\000\000\200\276\000\000\200\276\000\000\200\276\000\000\200\276\000\000\200\276\000\000\200\276\000\000\200\276\000\000\200\276"
16: "\000\000\000?\000\000\000?\000\000\000?\000\000\000?\000\000\000?\000\000\000?\000\000\000?\000\000\000?"
2 {
1: "camera_playroughenter"
11 {
2: "\000\001"
3: "\006\000"
4: "\000\000\000?\000\000\000?"
5: "\000\000\000?\000\000\000?"
6: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\240@"
7: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
8: "\000\000\000\000\270\036\005>"
9: "\000\000\240\301\000\000\240\301"
10: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
11: "\000\000\240A\000\000 A"
12: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\200\276"
15: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\200>"
16: "\000\000\200?\000\000\200?"
2 {
1: "camera_poisonfang"
11 {
2: "\001"
3: "\005"
4: "\000\000\000?"
5: "\000\000\000?"
6: "\000\000\240@"
7: "\000\000\000\000"
8: "\303\365\250>"
9: "\000\000 C"
10: "\000\000\000\000"
11: "\000\000\240@"
12: "\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000\000@"
15: "\000\000\000\000"
16: "\000\000\200?"
2 {
1: "camera_poisonjab"
11 {
1: "poisonjab_hit"
2: "\001"
3: "\001"
4: "\000\000\000?"
5: "\000\000\000?"
6: "\232\231\271@"
7: "\000\000\000\000"
8: "\000\000\200?"
9: "\000\000\007\303"
10: "\000\000\000\000"
11: "\000\000 A"
12: "\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000\240?"
15: "\000\000\000\000"
16: "\000\000\000?"
2 {
1: "camera_poisonjab_hit"
11 {
2: "\001\001"
3: "\003\003"
4: "\000\000\000?\000\000\000?"
5: "\000\000\000?\000\000\000?"
6 {
16147657: 0x40a00000
7: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
8 {
16147657: 0x3f547ae1
9: "\000\000\007C\000\0004C"
10: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
11: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\200>"
12: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000\200>\000\000\200?"
15: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
16: "\000\000\000?\000\000\000?"
2 {
1: "camera_powerwhip"
11 {
2: "\001"
3: "\004"
4: "\000\000\000\000"
5: "\000\000\200?"
6: "\000\000@@"
7: "\315\314L>"
8: "\000\000\000?"
9: "\000\000\264B"
10: "\000\000\000\000"
11: "\000\000pA"
12: "\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000\200@"
15: "\000\000\200>"
16: "\000\000\000?"
2 {
1: "camera_powerwhip_leader_player_left_"
11 {
2: "\001"
3: "\004"
4: "\000\000\000\000"
5: "\000\000\200?"
6: "\000\000\240@"
7: "\315\314L>"
8: "\000\000\000?"
9: "\000\000\264B"
10: "\000\000\000\000"
11: "\000\000 A"
12: "\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000\240@"
15: "\000\000\200>"
16: "\000\000\000?"
2 {
1: "camera_powerwhip_leader_player_right_"
11 {
2: "\001"
3: "\004"
4: "\000\000\000\000"
5: "\000\000\200?"
6: "\000\000\240@"
7: "\315\314L>"
8: "\000\000\000?"
9: "\000\000\264B"
10: "\000\000\000\000"
11: "\000\000 A"
12: "\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000\240@"
15: "\000\000\200>"
16: "\000\000\000?"
2 {
1: "camera_powerwhip_player_left_leader_"
11 {
2: "\001"
3: "\004"
4: "\000\000\000\000"
5: "\000\000\200?"
6: "\000\000\240@"
7: "\315\314L>"
8: "\000\000\000?"
9: "\000\000\310B"
10: "\000\000\000\000"
11: "\000\000 A"
12: "\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000\240@"
15: "\000\000\200>"
16: "\000\000\000?"
2 {
1: "camera_powerwhip_player_right_leader_"
11 {
2: "\001"
3: "\004"
4: "\000\000\000\000"
5: "\000\000\200?"
6: "\000\000\240@"
7: "\315\314L>"
8: "\000\000\000?"
9: "\000\000\240B"
10: "\000\000\000\000"
11: "\000\000 A"
12: "\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000\240@"
15: "\000\000\200>"
16: "\000\000\000?"
2 {
1: "camera_psybeam"
11 {
2: "\000\001"
3: "\003\003"
4: "\000\000\000?\000\000\000?"
5: "\000\000\000?\000\000\000?"
6: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\240@"
7: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
8: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000?"
9: "\000\000*C\000\000*C"
10: "\000\000\240\300\000\000\240\300"
11: "\000\000pA\000\000pA"
12: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000\240@\000\000@@"
15: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
16: "\000\000\000?\000\000\000?"
2 {
1: "camera_psybeamenter"
11 {
2: "\000\001"
3: "\000\000"
4: "\000\000\000?\000\000\000?"
5: "\000\000\000?\000\000\000?"
6: "\303\365\250>\000\000\240@"
7: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
8: "\303\365\250>\341zT?"
9: "\000\000*\303\000\000%\303"
10: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
11: "\000\0004B\000\000\000\000"
12: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000\200?\000\000 @"
15: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
16: "\000\000\200?\000\000\000?"
2 {
1: "camera_psybeamenter_leader_player_left_"
11 {
2: "\001"
3: "\002"
4: "\000\000\000\000"
5: "\000\000\000\000"
6: "\000\000\240@"
7: "\000\000\000\000"
8: "\341zT?"
9: "\000\000\026\303"
10: "\000\000\000\000"
11: "\000\000 A"
12: "\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000\200?"
15: "\000\000\000\000"
16: "\000\000\000?"
2 {
1: "camera_psybeamenter_leader_player_right_"
11 {
2: "\001"
3: "\002"
4: "\000\000\000\000"
5: "\000\000\000\000"
6: "\000\000\240@"
7: "\000\000\000\000"
8: "\341zT?"
9: "\000\000\026C"
10: "\000\000\000\000"
11: "\000\000 A"
12: "\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000\200?"
15: "\000\000\000\000"
16: "\000\000\000?"
2 {
1: "camera_psybeamenter_player_left_leader_"
11 {
2: "\000\001"
3: "\002\002"
4: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000?"
5: "\000\000\000?\000\000\000\000"
6: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\240@"
7: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
8: "\000\000\000\000\341zT?"
9: "\000\000 C\000\000\026C"
10: "\000\000\240\300\000\000\240\300"
11: "\000\000\240A\000\000 A"
12: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000`@\000\000\200?"
15: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
16: "\000\000\000?\000\000\000?"
2 {
1: "camera_psybeamenter_player_right_leader_"
11 {
2: "\001"
3: "\002"
4: "\000\000\000\000"
5: "\000\000\000\000"
6: "\000\000\240@"
7: "\000\000\000\000"
8: "\341zT?"
9: "\000\000\026\303"
10: "\000\000\000\000"
11: "\000\000 A"
12: "\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000\200?"
15: "\000\000\000\000"
16: "\000\000\000?"
2 {
1: "camera_psychic"
11 {
2: "\001"
3: "\003"
4: "\000\000\000?"
5: "\000\000\000?"
6: "\000\000 A"
7: "\000\000\000\000"
8: "33\263>"
9: "\000\000%C"
10: "\000\000\000\000"
11: "\000\000\360@"
12: "\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000 @"
15: "\000\000\000\000"
16: "\000\000\200?"
2 {
1: "camera_psychicenter"
11 {
2: "\000"
3: "\001"
4: "\000\000\000?"
5: "\000\000\000?"
6: "\000\000 A"
7: "\000\000\000\000"
8: "\000\000@?"
9: "\000\000p\302"
10: "\000\000\000\000"
11: "\000\000pA"
12: "\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000\340?"
15: "\000\000\000\000"
16: "\000\000\000?"
2 {
1: "camera_psychocut"
11 {
2: "\001\001"
3: "\014\003"
4: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000?"
5: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000?"
6: "\037\205+?H\341\272?"
7: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
8: "ff\346>\037\205+?"
9: "\000\000\240\301\000\000 C"
10: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
11: "\000\000\240A\000\000\240@"
12: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000\000\000\000\000`@"
15: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
16: "\000\000\200?\000\000\200?"
2 {
1: "camera_psyshock"
11 {
1: "psyshock_hit"
2: "\000"
3: "\014"
4: "\000\000\000?"
5: "\000\000\000?"
6: "\000\000\200?"
7: "\000\000\000\000"
8: "\000\000\200>"
9: "\000\000\240\301"
10: "\000\000@@"
11: "\000\000\240A"
12: "\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000\000\277"
15: "\000\000\200>"
16: "\000\000\000?"
2 {
1: "camera_psyshock_hit"
11 {
2: "\001"
3: "\003"
4: "\000\000\000?"
5: "\000\000\200?"
6: "\000\000\240@"
7: "\000\000\000\000"
8: "\000\000\000?"
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10: "\000\000\000\000"
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15: "\000\000\000\000"
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12: "\000\000\000\000"
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15: "\000\000\000\000"
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5: "\000\000\000?\000\000\000?\000\000\000?\000\000\000?\000\000\000?"
6: "q=\352?\315\314\314>\315\314\314?\315\314L>\000\000\200?"
7: "\205\353\021?\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
8: "\024\256\007?\315\314\314>\000\000\240?\315\314L>\000\000\200?"
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11: "\000\000 A\000\000\240A\000\000pB\000\000pB\000\000\240A"
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13: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
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15: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
16: "\000\000\200?\000\000\000?\000\000\000?\000\000\000?\000\000\200?"
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5: "\000\000\200?\000\000\000?\000\000\000?\000\000\000?\000\000\000?\000\000\000\000"
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10: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
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13: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000\000@\000\000\300?\000\000\200@\000\000\300?33\363?\000\000\000@"
15: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
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5: "\000\000\000?\000\000\000?\000\000\000?\000\000\000?\000\000\000?\000\000\000\000"
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7: "\205\353\021?\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
8: "\024\256\007?\315\314\314>\000\000\240?\232\231\031>\232\231\031>\000\000\200?"
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10: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
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13: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
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15: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
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5: "\000\000\200?\000\000\000?\000\000\000?\000\000\000?\000\000\000?\000\000\000\000"
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10: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
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13: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
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15: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
16: "\000\000\200?\000\000\000?\000\000\000?\000\000\000?\000\000\000?\000\000\200?"
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5: "\000\000\000?\000\000\000?\000\000\000?\000\000\000?\000\000\000?\000\000\000\000"
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15: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
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15: "\000\000\000\000"
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5: "\000\000\000?"
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7: "\000\000\000\000"
8: "\000\000\200?"
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13: "\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000\000\000"
15: "\000\000\000\000"
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3: "\000"
4: "\000\000\000?"
5: "\000\000\000?"
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13: "\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000\000\000"
15: "\000\000\000\000"
16: "\000\000\200?"
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5: "\000\000\000?"
6: "\000\000\240@"
7: "\000\000\000\000"
8: "\000\000\000\000"
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10: "\000\000\000\000"
11: "\000\000\240A"
12: "\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000\000\000"
15: "\000\000\000\000"
16: "\000\000\200?"
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4: "\000\000\000?\000\000\000?\000\000\000?"
5: "\000\000\000?\000\000\000?\000\000\000?"
6: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\200?\000\000\240@"
7: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
8: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\200?\000\000\000\000"
9: "\000\000\007\303\000\000\346\302\000\000\360\301"
10: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\240@"
11: "\000\000 A\000\000 A\000\000\000\000"
12: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
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15: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
16: "\000\000\200?\000\000\000?\000\000\200?"
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5: "\000\000\000?\000\000\000?\000\000\000?"
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7: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
8: "\270\036\005>\000\000\200>\000\000\200>"
9: "\000\000\240\301\000\000\240\301\000\000/C"
10: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
11: "\000\000\240A\000\000 A\000\000 A"
12: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
15: "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
16: "\000\000\200?\000\000\000?\000\000\000?"
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5: "\000\000\000?"
6: "\000\000 A"
7: "\315\314L>"
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11: "\000\000\240@"
12: "\000\000\000\000"
13: "\000\000\000\000"
14: "\000\000@@"
15: "\000\000\000\000"
16: "\000\000@?"
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5: "\000\000\000?"
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11: "\000\000\000\000"
12: "\000\000\000\000"
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14: "\000\000\000@"
15: "\000\000\000\000"
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View raw

(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)

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