function barStackerDefaultSettings(){
return {
minValue: 0, // The gauge minimum value.
maxValue: 100, // The gauge maximum value.
cornerRoundingX: 20,
cornerRoundingY: 20,
barBoxPadding: 6,
barPadding: 6,
color: "#222222", // The color of the outer circle.
vertical: true,
textLeftTop: true,
textPx: 20,
barThickness: 3,
valuePrefix: "",
valuePostfix: "",
valueAnimateTime: 1000
function loadBarStacker(elementId, label, value, config) {
if(config == null) config = barStackerDefaultSettings();
if(value > config.maxValue)
value = config.maxValue;
if(value < config.minValue)
value = config.minValue;
var stacker = d3.select("#" + elementId);
var stackerWidth = parseInt(stacker.style("width"));
var stackerHeight = parseInt(stacker.style("height"));
var barBoxX = config.vertical ? (config.textLeftTop ? config.barBoxPadding + config.textPx : config.barBoxPadding) : config.barBoxPadding;
var barBoxY = config.vertical ? config.barBoxPadding : (config.textLeftTop ? config.barBoxPadding + config.textPx : config.barBoxPadding);
var barBoxHeight = config.vertical ? (stackerHeight - config.barBoxPadding * 2) : (stackerHeight - config.textPx - config.barBoxPadding * 2);
var barBoxWidth = config.vertical ? (stackerWidth - config.textPx - config.barBoxPadding * 2) : (stackerWidth - config.barBoxPadding * 2);
var barClipPathBoxX = barBoxX + config.barPadding;
var barClipPathBoxY = barBoxY + config.barPadding;
var barClipPathBoxHeight = barBoxHeight - config.barPadding * 2;
var barClipPathBoxWidth = barBoxWidth - config.barPadding * 2;
var textRightBottomPaddingMultiplier = 0.25;
var textRotation = config.vertical ? -90 : 0;
var labelTextX = config.vertical ? (config.textLeftTop ? config.textPx : stackerWidth - (config.textPx*textRightBottomPaddingMultiplier)) : config.cornerRoundingX;
var labelTextY = config.vertical ? stackerHeight - config.cornerRoundingY : (config.textLeftTop ? config.textPx : stackerHeight - (config.textPx*textRightBottomPaddingMultiplier));
var valueTextX = config.vertical ? (config.textLeftTop ? config.textPx : stackerWidth - (config.textPx*textRightBottomPaddingMultiplier)) : stackerWidth - config.cornerRoundingX;
var valueTextY = config.vertical ? config.cornerRoundingY : (config.textLeftTop ? config.textPx : stackerHeight - (config.textPx*textRightBottomPaddingMultiplier));
var defs = stacker.append("defs");
var mask = defs.append("mask")
.attr("id", "barboxMask_" + elementId);
.attr("height", stackerHeight)
.attr("width", stackerWidth)
.attr("rx", config.cornerRoundingX)
.attr("ry", config.cornerRoundingY)
.style("fill", "white");
.attr("x", barBoxX)
.attr("y", barBoxY)
.attr("rx", config.cornerRoundingX)
.attr("ry", config.cornerRoundingY)
.attr("height", barBoxHeight)
.attr("width", barBoxWidth)
.style("fill", "black");
.attr("text-anchor", "start")
.attr("font-size", config.textPx + "px")
.attr("x", labelTextX)
.attr("y", labelTextY)
.style("fill", "black")
.attr("transform","rotate("+textRotation+" "+labelTextX+" "+labelTextY+")");
var valueText = mask.append("text")
.text(config.valuePrefix + 0 + config.valuePostfix)
.attr("V", 0)
.attr("text-anchor", "end")
.attr("font-size", config.textPx + "px")
.attr("x", valueTextX)
.attr("y", valueTextY)
.style("fill", "black")
.attr("transform","rotate("+textRotation+" "+valueTextX+" "+valueTextY+")");
.attr("id", "barClipPath_" + elementId)
.attr("x", barClipPathBoxX)
.attr("y", barClipPathBoxY)
.attr("rx", config.cornerRoundingX)
.attr("ry", config.cornerRoundingY)
.attr("height", barClipPathBoxHeight)
.attr("width", barClipPathBoxWidth);
.attr("height", stackerHeight)
.attr("width", stackerWidth)
.attr("rx", config.cornerRoundingX)
.attr("ry", config.cornerRoundingY)
.style("fill", config.color)
.attr("mask", "url(#barboxMask_" + elementId + ")");
var barGroup = stacker.append("g")
.attr("clip-path", "url(#barClipPath_" + elementId + ")")
.attr("T", 0);
var barCount = config.vertical ? barClipPathBoxHeight / (config.barThickness * 2) : barClipPathBoxWidth / (config.barThickness * 2);
var bars = [];
//Draw all the bars.
for(var i = 0; i < barCount; i++){
bars[i] = barGroup.append("rect")
.attr("x", barClipPathBoxX)
.attr("y", (barClipPathBoxY + barClipPathBoxHeight - config.barThickness) - (i * config.barThickness * 2))
.attr("height", config.barThickness)
.attr("width", barClipPathBoxWidth)
.style("fill", config.color)
.style("visibility", "hidden");
} else {
bars[i] = barGroup.append("rect")
.attr("x", barClipPathBoxX + i * config.barThickness * 2)
.attr("y", barClipPathBoxY)
.attr("height", barClipPathBoxHeight)
.attr("width", config.barThickness)
.style("fill", config.color)
.style("visibility", "hidden");
.tween("text", valueTextAnimator(value));
.attrTween("T", new BarTweener(value, bars).tween);
//A tweener for revealing or hiding bars one at a time.
// This is done instead of clipping or using a mask to prevent displaying partial bars. If a bar has a thickness
// of 5 pixels for example, using these methods could cause only a couple pixels of the bar to display as the clip
// or mask slides around.
function BarTweener(value, bars){
var _bars = bars;
//The new maximum bar to display
var endBar = calcBarValue(value)-1;
var newMaxBar;
this.tween = function(d,i,a){
var startBar = parseInt(a);
var ascend = endBar > startBar; //Are we animating up or down...
var barId = d3.interpolateRound(startBar, endBar);
return function(t) {
newMaxBar = barId(t); //The maximum bar to display at this point in the tween.
barGroup.attr("T", newMaxBar); //Keep track of the new max bar incase the animation gets interrupted.
//If we're going up, find the highest bar below newMaxBar that's currently visible...
while(newMaxBar > 0 && _bars[newMaxBar].style("visibility") == "hidden")
//From there going up, make all bars visible until newMaxBar.
for(var i = newMaxBar; i <= barId(t); i++){
_bars[i].style("visibility", "visible");
} else {
//If we're going down, find highest bar above newMaxBar that's currently visible...
while(newMaxBar < startBar && (newMaxBar < 0 ||_bars[newMaxBar].style("visibility") == "visible"))
//From there going down, make all bars hidden until newMaxBar.
for(var i = newMaxBar; i > barId(t) && i >= 0; i--){
_bars[i].style("visibility", "hidden");
return endBar;
this.interrupt = function(){
//And our animation was going so well...
barGroup.attr("T", newMaxBar);
for(var i = newMaxBar; i < barCount; i++){
_bars[i].style("visibility", "hidden");
function calcBarValue(value){
return Math.ceil(barCount * ((value - config.minValue) / (config.maxValue - config.minValue)));
function valueTextAnimator(value){
return function(){
var i = d3.interpolate(d3.select(this).attr("V"), value);
return function(t) {
var newValue = Math.round(i(t));
this.textContent = config.valuePrefix + newValue + config.valuePostfix;
//Store the current value in V as this is easier than parsing the current value of textContent which
//may contain a prefix or postfix. This is needed so that, if the text tween gets interrupted, the
//next animation will start from whatever the current text value is.
d3.select(this).attr("V", newValue);
function BarStackerUpdater(bars){
var _bars = bars;
this.update = function(value){
if(value > config.maxValue)
value = config.maxValue;
if(value < config.minValue)
value = config.minValue;
var barTweener = new BarTweener(value, _bars);
.attrTween("T", barTweener.tween)
.each("interrupt", barTweener.interrupt);
.tween("text", valueTextAnimator(value));
return new BarStackerUpdater(bars);
} |
Thanks for contributing this awesome graphs. Do you happen to have a version using d3 V4?