With MacPorts on macOS 15, install python312. Install py-pip. Install py-virtualenv.
sudo port select --set pip3 pip312
sudo port select --set python3 python312
sudo port select --set python python312
sudo port select --set virtualenv virtualenv312
curl -L -O https://aka.ms/InstallAzureCli
Edit the InstallAzureCli
script to remove the last part of the script that runs the python script the bash script downloads.
# python_cmd=python3
# if ! command -v python3 >/dev/null 2>&1
# then
# if command -v python >/dev/null 2>&1
# then
# python_cmd=python
# else
# echo "ERROR: python3 or python not found."
# echo "If python is available on the system, add it to PATH."
# exit 1
# fi
# fi
# chmod 775 $install_script
# echo "Running install script."
# $python_cmd $install_script < $_TTY
Edit install.py
to change the create_virtualenv(temp_dir, install_dir)
function to use the system virtualenv.
def create_virtualenv(tmp_dir, install_dir):
# download_location = os.path.join(tmp_dir, VIRTUALENV_ARCHIVE)
# print_status('Downloading virtualenv package from {}.'.format(VIRTUALENV_DOWNLOAD_URL))
# response = urlopen(VIRTUALENV_DOWNLOAD_URL)
# with open(download_location, 'wb') as f: f.write(response.read())
# print_status("Downloaded virtualenv package to {}.".format(download_location))
# if is_valid_sha256sum(download_location, VIRTUALENV_ARCHIVE_SHA256):
# print_status("Checksum of {} OK.".format(download_location))
# else:
# raise CLIInstallError("The checksum of the downloaded virtualenv package does not match.")
# print_status("Extracting '{}' to '{}'.".format(download_location, tmp_dir))
# package_tar = tarfile.open(download_location)
# package_tar.extractall(path=tmp_dir)
# package_tar.close()
# virtualenv_dir_name = 'virtualenv-'+VIRTUALENV_VERSION
# working_dir = os.path.join(tmp_dir, virtualenv_dir_name)
# cmd = [sys.executable, 'virtualenv.py', '--python', sys.executable, install_dir]
# exec_command(cmd, cwd=working_dir)
cmd = ["virtualenv", "--python", sys.executable, install_dir]
Now the script will work:
python3 ./install.py
If you are using zsh and you want completions you need to turn on bashcompint.
autoload -Uz bashcompinit
bashcompinit #bash completion support (required for az)
#enable command-line completion for az cli
if [ -f "$HOME"/lib/azure-cli/az.completion ]; then
#requires bash autocompletion: bashcompinit
. "$HOME"/lib/azure-cli/az.completion