Save brendanjerwin/f84bbfc1cd64420992c7 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
iex ((new-object net.webclient).DownloadString('https://chocolatey.org/install.ps1')) | |
$env:Path +=";" + $env:systemdrive + "\chocolatey\bin" | |
cwindowsfeatures MSMQ-Server | |
cinst git.commandline | |
$env:Path +=";" + $env:systemdrive + "\git\bin" | |
cinst git-credential-winstore | |
git config --global core.autocrlf input | |
git clone https://github.com/tnwinc/grc.git c:\grc | |
cinst ruby | |
$env:Path +=";" + $env:systemdrive + "\ruby193\bin" | |
cinst ruby.devkit | |
cd c:\grc | |
gem update --system --no-document | |
gem install bundler --no-document | |
bundle install --gemfile GemFileForWindows | |
cinst Devbox-Common | |
cinst Devbox-P4Merge | |
cinst Devbox-GitSettings | |
cinst VisualStudio2012Professional | |
cinst Dogtail.VS2012.3 | |
cinst nuget.commandline | |
cinst resharper | |
cinst specflow | |
cinst webpicommandline | |
cinst aspnetmvc.install | |
cinst MsSqlServer2012Express | |
cinst linqpad4 | |
cinst GoogleChrome | |
cinst Firefox | |
cinst Devbox-ConEmu | |
cinst notepadplusplus | |
cinst WindowsUpdate.DisableAutoRestart | |
cinst vim | |
cinst poshgit | |
cinst fiddler4 | |
cinst curl | |
cinst Wget | |
cinst nodejs | |
cinst javaruntime | |
rake init:install_certs | |
rake init:allow_iis_express_443 | |
rake init:install_raven | |
cd c:\grc\client | |
bundle install | |
npm install | |
cd c:\grc | |
rake build | |
rake init:configs | |
rake test |
have to add python.
You might want to remove the last step of 'rake test' if the front-end tests aren't going to run in Windows.
Other neat bits we could add:
-Bits to plug in GitHub credentials so they aren't needed to execute git commands
-Restore of default TNW.GrcSuite, Client and ClientSQL databases
-Run of TaskRunner commands to obliterate and recreate indexes
-Completing the script with a successfully rake launch of a tenant you can log into
error on "npm install" : "The term 'npm' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet..." can be resolved by adding path to nodejs directory.
$env:Path +=";" + $env:systemdrive + "\Program Files\nodejs"
note on "cinst nodejs"...
this "should" create a C:\Program Files\nodejs directory with npm in it. If not run ""const nodes.install". Then you can install nom like this:
"C:\Program Files\nodejs\npm" install
also add this for clipx cinst clipx