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Created July 3, 2014 16:50
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papers that do NLP-like stuff with source code
NLP and source code papers, very scattered and partial listing
(collected by Nathan Schneider and Brendan O'Connor)
ICML 2014
Maddison and Tarlow
Structured Generative Models of Natural Source Code
ACL 2013
NLP for program source code
* Movshovitz-Attias & Cohen. Natural Language Models for Predicting Programming Comments.
* Lei, Long, Barzilay, Rinard. From Natural Language Specifications to Program Input Parsers.
Older HCI-ish stuff from Greg Little
Translating Keyword Commands into Executable Code
Greg Little, and Robert C. Miller. UIST, 2006
Keyword Programming in Java
Greg Little, and Robert C. Miller. Journal of ASE, 2008
Keyword Programming in Java
Greg Little, and Robert C. Miller. ASE, 2007
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