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Last active December 31, 2024 14:41
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Open interpreters using polymorphic variants and extensible variants.
(** This is a demonstration of implementing interpreters in an extensible way
that offers a partial solution to the expression problem. The idea is that
the language can be extended with more features after the fact, without
altering previous definitions. It also has the benefit of grouping the
related extensions to the syntax and semantic domains together with the
relevant evaluation rules in a per-feature way.
This approach used is similar to the one described by Matthias Blume in
Records, sums, cases, and exceptions: Row-polymorphism at work}.
module ExtensibleVariants = struct
type expr = ..
type value = ..
module Env = struct
type t = string -> value
let empty : t =
fun x -> failwith ("unbound variable `" ^ x ^ "`")
let extend (x : string) (value : value) (env : t) : t =
fun x' -> if x = x' then value else env x
module Int = struct
type expr +=
| Lit of int
| Add of expr * expr
| Mul of expr * expr
type value +=
| Value of int
let eval (eval : expr -> value) (e : expr) (default : unit -> value) : value =
let apply2 f v1 v2 =
match v1, v2 with
| Value x, Value y -> Value (f x y)
| _ -> failwith "expected integers"
match e with
| Lit i -> Value i
| Add (x, y) -> apply2 ( + ) (eval x) (eval y)
| Mul (x, y) -> apply2 ( * ) (eval x) (eval y)
| _ -> default ()
module Fun = struct
type expr +=
| Lit of string * expr
| App of expr * expr
type value +=
| Value of (value -> value)
let eval (eval : Env.t -> expr -> value) (env : Env.t) (e : expr) (default : unit -> value) : value =
match e with
| Lit (x, b) -> Value (fun arg -> eval (Env.extend x arg env) b)
| App (f, arg) ->
begin match eval env f with
| Value f -> f (eval env arg)
| _ -> failwith "expected function"
| _ -> default ()
module Var = struct
type expr +=
| Var of string
let eval (env : Env.t) (e : expr) (default : unit -> value) : value =
match e with
| Var x -> env x
| _ -> default ()
module Let = struct
type expr +=
| Let of string * expr * expr
let eval (eval : Env.t -> expr -> value) (env : Env.t) (e : expr) (default : unit -> value) : value =
match e with
| Let (x, e, b) -> eval (Env.extend x (eval env e) env) b
| _ -> default ()
(* Wiring it all together! *)
let ( let@ ) = ( @@ )
let rec eval (env : Env.t) (e : expr) : value =
let@ () = Int.eval (eval env) e in
let@ () = Fun.eval eval env e in
let@ () = Var.eval env e in
let@ () = Let.eval eval env e in
failwith "expression not covered"
module PolymorphicVariants = struct
module Env = struct
type 'v t = string -> 'v
let empty (type v) : v t =
fun x -> failwith ("unbound variable `" ^ x ^ "`")
let extend (type v) (x : string) (value : v) (env : v t) : v t =
fun x' -> if x = x' then value else env x
module Int = struct
type 'e expr = [>
| `IntLit of int
| `IntAdd of 'e expr * 'e expr
| `IntMul of 'e expr * 'e expr
] as 'e
type 'v value = [>
| `IntLit of int
] as 'v
let eval (eval : 'e -> 'v) (e : 'e expr) (default : unit -> 'v) : 'v value =
let apply2 f v1 v2 =
match v1, v2 with
| `IntLit x, `IntLit y -> `IntLit (f x y)
| _ -> failwith "expected integers"
match e with
| `IntLit i -> `IntLit i
| `IntAdd (x, y) -> apply2 ( + ) (eval x) (eval y)
| `IntMul (x, y) -> apply2 ( * ) (eval x) (eval y)
| _ -> default ()
module Fun = struct
type 'e expr = [>
| `FunLit of string * 'e expr
| `FunApp of 'e expr * 'e expr
] as 'e
type 'v value = [>
| `FunLit of ('v -> 'v)
] as 'v
let eval (eval : 'v Env.t -> 'e -> 'v) (env : 'v Env.t) (e : 'e expr) (default : unit -> 'v) : 'v value =
match e with
| `FunLit (x, b) -> `FunLit (fun arg -> eval (Env.extend x arg env) b)
| `FunApp (f, arg) ->
begin match eval env f with
| `FunLit f -> f (eval env arg)
| _ -> failwith "expected function"
| _ -> default ()
module Var = struct
type 'e expr = [>
| `Var of string
] as 'e
let eval (env : 'v Env.t) (e : 'e expr) (default : unit -> 'v) : 'v =
match e with
| `Var x -> env x
| _ -> default ()
module Let = struct
type 'e expr = [>
| `Let of string * 'e * 'e
] as 'e
let eval (eval : 'v Env.t -> 'e -> 'v) (env : 'v Env.t) (e : 'e expr) (default : unit -> 'v) : 'v =
match e with
| `Let (x, e, b) -> eval (Env.extend x (eval env e) env) b
| _ -> default ()
(* Wiring it all together! *)
type expr = expr Var.expr Let.expr Fun.expr Int.expr
type value = value Fun.value Int.value
let ( let@ ) = ( @@ )
let rec eval (env : value Env.t) (e : expr) : value =
let@ () = Int.eval (eval env) e in
let@ () = Fun.eval eval env e in
let@ () = Var.eval env e in
let@ () = Let.eval eval env e in
failwith "expression not covered"
let () = begin
let open ExtensibleVariants in
let e : expr =
Let.Let ("y", Int.Lit 3,
Fun.App (Fun.Lit ("x",
Int.Add (Var.Var "x", Int.Lit 1)), Var.Var "y"))
assert (eval Env.empty e = Int.Value 4);
let () = begin
let open PolymorphicVariants in
let e : expr =
`Let ("y", `IntLit 3,
`FunApp (`FunLit ("x",
`IntAdd (`Var "x", `IntLit 1)), `Var "y"))
assert (eval Env.empty e = `IntLit 4);
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brendanzab commented Aug 25, 2024

Moved this to my language garden repository: brendanzab/language-garden@eec68ce

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