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Brendan Zagaeski brendanzagaeski

  • Microsoft
  • Boston, MA, United States
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brendanzagaeski / Metadata.xml
Created December 22, 2015 23:44
Some Metadata.xml fixes for binding ADTECH Mobile ( in Xamarin.Android
<!-- This is an example of
In this particular case, the conflicting definition is in
That interface also defines an "onError" method.
Error CS0102: The type
already contains a definition for `p0' -->
<attr path="/api/package[@name='com.adtech.mobilesdk.publisher.vast.player']/interface[@name='VideoPlayerListener']/method[@name='onError' and count(parameter)=1 and parameter[1][@type='java.lang.Exception']]" name="argsType">VideoPlayerListenerOnErrorArgs</attr>

The following steps are commands to run in a command prompt. The first step assumes that you have already changed directory with the cd command into the directory that contains the .ipa file (UnifiedSingleViewIphone1.ipa in this example.)

  1. Expand the .ipa archive:

    ditto -xk UnifiedSingleViewIphone1.ipa ./original

  2. Add back the symbolic link, overwriting the incorrect non-linked version of the file:

    ln -fs ../.monotouch-64/UnifiedSingleViewIphone1.exe original/Payload/

brendanzagaeski /
Created July 7, 2015 02:42
Steps to submit a Xamarin.iOS app using the Xcode Organizer

Note: these steps are for the special case where a user wishes to submit a Xamarin.iOS app to the App Store using the Xcode Organizer. In most cases the simpler option is instead to use Application Loader. See the first post on for the simpler steps and additional information.

Steps to submit a Xamarin.iOS app using the Xcode Organizer

For this example assume that the name of the Xamarin.iOS project is "iPhoneApp1".

(Modified from the helpful post here.)

  1. Use the "Build -> Archive for Publishing" workflow in Xamarin Studio to create the .xcarchive (see also the "Building the Distributable" section on the publishing guide).
brendanzagaeski /
Created March 30, 2015 07:44
Bundle and modify all the necessary files to allow printing via Gtk.PrintOperation in Xamarin.Mac
echo 'etc/fonts/fonts.conf etc/pango/pango.modules lib/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/engines/ lib/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/engines/ lib/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/engines/ lib/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/engines/ lib/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/engines/ lib/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/printbackends/ lib/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/printbackends/ lib/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/printbackends/ lib/gtk-2.0/modules/ lib/gtk-2.0/modules/ lib/pango/1.8.0/modules/ lib/pango/1.8.0/modules/ lib/pango/1.8.0/modules/ lib/pango/1.8.0/modules/ lib/pango/1.8.0/modules/ lib/pango/1.8.0/modules/ lib/pango/1.8.0/modules/ lib/pango/1.8.0/modules/
brendanzagaeski /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:17
Install path fixups for GTK# with Xamarin.Mac mmp
cp /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/Current/lib/libgdk_pixbuf-2.0.0.dylib "$1/Contents/MonoBundle/"
cp /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/Current/lib/libgio-2.0.0.dylib "$1/Contents/MonoBundle/"
cp /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/Current/lib/libgmodule-2.0.0.dylib "$1/Contents/MonoBundle/"
cp /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/Current/lib/libffi.6.dylib "$1/Contents/MonoBundle/"
cp /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/Current/lib/libxml2.2.dylib "$1/Contents/MonoBundle/"
find $1 -name "*.config" | while read FILE; do
sed -i "" 's:/Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/3.12.1/lib/:@executable_path/../MonoBundle/:' "$FILE";
brendanzagaeski / Metadata.xml
Created July 7, 2014 22:01
Some Metadata.xml fixes for binding the "Brother Print SDK for Android" ( in Xamarin.Android
<!-- Some Metadata.xml fixes for binding the "Brother Print SDK for
Android" ( in
Xamarin.Android. -->
<!-- Warning BG8401: Skipping Com.Brother.Ptouch.Sdk.LabelInfo.LabelColor, due to a duplicate field, method or nested type name
This one is a bit tricky. Let's first just try removing the whole
LabelColor nested class:
brendanzagaeski / Metadata.xml
Last active October 2, 2021 20:32
Some Metadata.xml fixes for binding NeoReaderSDK ( in Xamarin.Android
<!-- Error CS0234: The type or namespace name `QuadCorners' does not exist in the namespace `DE.Neom.Neoreadersdk'. Are you missing an assembly reference?
This problem is caused by the default unspecified visibility of
the QuadCorners Java class.
Note in particular the very end of the following line from
<class abstract="false" deprecated="not deprecated" extends="java.lang.Object" extends-generic-aware="java.lang.Object" final="false" name="QuadCorners" static="false" visibility="">
brendanzagaeski / FooFileActivity.cs
Last active November 25, 2023 22:07
Tell Android to open a particular file type in your Xamarin.Android app
using Android.App;
using Android.Content;
// Tell Android to open a particular file type in your Xamarin.Android app
// Different apps will produce different intents for the same file, so
// you will need multiple intent filters to handle all the cases.
// You can look in the `adb logcat` logs to see which intent appears
// after you have tapped on a file in an app.
brendanzagaeski / Metadata.xml
Created May 20, 2014 02:33
Some Metadata.xml fixes for binding "Java WebSockets" ( in Xamarin.Android
<!-- Some Metadata.xml fixes for binding "Java WebSockets" ( in Xamarin.Android -->
<!-- This is a case of
Error CS0102: The type `Org.Java_websocket.WebsocketMessageEventArgs'
already contains a definition for `p0' -->
<attr path="/api/package[@name='org.java_websocket']/interface[@name='WebSocketListener']/method[@name='onWebsocketMessage' and count(parameter)=2 and parameter[1][@type='org.java_websocket.WebSocket'] and parameter[2][@type='java.nio.ByteBuffer']]" name="argsType">WebsocketMessageByteBufferEventArgs</attr>