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Brent Laster brentlaster

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Embarking on a December cruise through the Caribbean and Central America offers a delightful escape to warmer climates. Here's an overview of the expected weather for each destination and packing recommendations to ensure a comfortable and enjoyable journey.

Day 1: Fort Lauderdale, FL

  • Weather: In December, Fort Lauderdale experiences mild temperatures, with daytime highs averaging around 75°F (24°C) and cooler evenings.

  • Packing Tips: Light layers are advisable—a t-shirt or blouse for the day and a light jacket or sweater for the evening.

Days 2 & 3: At Sea in the Caribbean Ocean

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brentlaster / action.yml
Last active February 4, 2024 15:52
Sample files for @getskillsnow CICD in 3 weeks course
name: 'Test Action'
description: 'Runs a simple execution to validate compiled built deliverable'
author: 'attendee'
artifact-version: # semantic version of the artifact from build
description: 'built version of artifact'
required: true
default: '1.0.0'
arguments-to-print: # rest of arguments to echo out
description: 'arguments to print out'
brentlaster / cicd3-simple-test-script
Created February 4, 2024 13:35
Code for test script for CICD in 3 weeks course from @getskillsnow
# Simple test script for greetings jar
set -e
java -jar build/libs/greetings-ci-$1.jar ${@:2} > output.bench
IFS=' ' read -ra ARR <<< "${@:2}"
for i in "${ARR[@]}"; do
grep "^$i$" output.bench
brentlaster / cicd3-test-run-job
Created February 4, 2024 13:31
Code for test-run job for CICD in 3 weeks workshop by @getskillsnow
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
needs: build
- name: Download candidate artifacts
uses: actions/download-artifact@v4
name: greetings-jar
brentlaster / info.txt
Created January 18, 2024 18:06
Demo gist
This is some text.
This is some text.
Lab 1, step 8
argocd app create roar-deploy-k8s --repo --path . --dest-server $CLUSTER_IP --dest-namespace roar
Lab 3, step 3
argocd repo add [email protected]:/git/repos/roar-k8s-helm.git --ssh-private-key-path ~/.ssh/id_rsa
Lab 4, step 9
argocd proj create jenkins-proj -d,* -s [email protected]:/git/repos/roar-min-deploy.git
Lab 4, step 11