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Created April 12, 2023 12:25
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Scene Switching in Godot 4
# How to switch to a PackedScene
extends Node2D
@export var level_2_scene:PackedScene
func _on_level_2_button_pressed() -> void:
# How to switch to a File resource path
extends Node2D
func _on_level_1_button_pressed() -> void:
# Set up the Autoload singleton as a global variable and then use this like:
# SceneSwitcher.switch_scene("res://level_1.tscn")
extends Node
var current_scene = null
func _ready() -> void:
var root = get_tree().root
current_scene = root.get_child(root.get_child_count() - 1)
func switch_scene(res_path):
call_deferred("_deferred_switch_scene", res_path)
func _deferred_switch_scene(res_path):
var s = load(res_path)
current_scene = s.instantiate()
get_tree().current_scene = current_scene
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