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Enter file contents hereimport pypyodbc
connection_string = ("Driver={SQL Server};Server=sql_xx_reporting;Database=xx;Trusted_Connection=Yes;")
connection = pypyodbc.connect(connection_string)
cur = connection.cursor()
#SQL=('SELECT * FROM tbl_twitter_stream')
SQL=("insert into tbl_twitter_stream(tweetID ,tweetText,tweetRetweetCt,tweetFavoriteCt,tweetSource,tweetCreated,userID,userScreen,userName ,userCreateDt,"
Values=['723581579696607232','Breeeet Juice and they will send you...','0','0','Prospect street','2016-04-22 18:37:46','794315930',
'derekdoane55', 'Derek Doane','2012-08-31 17:31:26' ,'sc: derek_doane','242','9','San Diego, CA','Pacific Time (US & Canada)']
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