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Creating a bootable usb stick containing a direct install of Ubuntu 14.04 from Fedora 23


  1. Download the Ubuntu 14.04 Live Desktop (64-bit) iso.
  2. Enable virtualization in the BIOS.
  3. sudo dnf install qemu-kvm
  4. Install the UEFI bios images.
  5. As root, boot the ISO in a virtual machine:
stickdev=/dev/sdX # Make sure this is set to the device for your usb stick
qemu-kvm -drive file=$stickdev,format=raw -m 2048 -pflash /usr/share/edk2.git/ovmf-x64/OVMF-pure-efi.fd -cdrom $isopath
  1. Select "Install Ubuntu"
  2. Install to the USB stick, overwriting everything that is there (after making sure it is the USB stick and not your hard drive). It should be only drive available and will probably show up as /dev/sda in qemu even though it is a different device on your physical machine.
  3. When the installation finishes, the disk will probably still not be bootable under (presumably due to an installer bug). To fix, follow the instructions here under "Adding an ESP or GRUB-BBP to an installation with GPT" to add both an UEFI System Partition (ESP) and a legacy Bootable BIOS Partition (BPP).

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