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Last active October 14, 2021 13:24
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  • Save brettpetch/58cd7c73537065942a7e78d3cb03022f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save brettpetch/58cd7c73537065942a7e78d3cb03022f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
# BDInfoCLI-ng Install Script
# Requires Swizzin and mono, Still in very very early beta.
# Should sorta-kinda work.
# Elevate like this ``sudo su -``
# Place me at ``/root/`` and ``chmod +x /root/ && ./``
. /etc/swizzin/sources/
. /etc/swizzin/sources/functions/mono
user=$(cut -d: -f1 < /root/
function _install() {
apt_install nuget
mkdir -p /home/$user/scripts/
chown -R $user:$user /home/$user/scripts
git clone /home/$user/scripts/BDInfoCLI-ng
cd /home/$user/scripts/BDInfoCLI-ng/ || exit
nuget restore -NonInteractive
mkdir /home/$user/scripts/bdinfo
xbuild /property:Configuration=Release /property:OutDir=/home/$user/scripts/bdinfo/
rm -rf /home/$user/scripts/BDInfoCLI-ng/
chown -R $user:$user /home/$user/scripts/
cd /home/$user/scripts/bdinfo/ || exit
# todo: create a runscript to pass stuff thru.
function _remove() {
apt_remove nuget
rm -rf /home/$user/scripts/bdinfo
echo "What do you like to do?"
echo ""
echo "install = Install bdinfo"
echo "uninstall = Completely removes bdinfo"
echo "exit = Exits Installer"
while true; do
read -r -p "Enter it here: " choice
case $choice in
echo "Unknown Option."
# to be placed at /home/$i/ for fast runs.
mkdir -p /home/$user/bdinfo
mono /home/$user/scripts/bdinfo/BDInfo.exe $1 /home/$user/bdinfo/
root@box:~# bash <(curl -sL
What do you like to do?
install = Install bdinfo
uninstall = Completely removes bdinfo
exit = Exits Installer
Enter it here: install
... Performing apt update
✔ Done
... Performing installation of 1 apt packages
✔ Apt install complete
Cloning into '/home/user01/scripts/BDInfoCLI-ng'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 777, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (10/10), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (9/9), done.
remote: Total 777 (delta 4), reused 4 (delta 1), pack-reused 767
Receiving objects: 100% (777/777), 2.79 MiB | 1.29 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (524/524), done.
Installing 'ZedGraph 5.1.7'.
Installing 'Discutils'.
Installing 'Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack-Core'.
Installing 'Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack-Shell'.
Successfully installed 'Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack-Core'.
Successfully installed 'Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack-Shell'.
Successfully installed 'ZedGraph 5.1.7'.
Successfully installed 'Discutils'.
mkdir: cannot create directory ‘/home/user01/scripts/bdinfo’: File exists
>>>> xbuild tool is deprecated and will be removed in future updates, use msbuild instead <<<<
XBuild Engine Version 14.0
Mono, Version
Copyright (C) 2005-2013 Various Mono authors
Build started 10/14/2021 3:21:48 PM.
Project "/home/user01/scripts/BDInfoCLI-ng/BDInfo.sln" (default target(s)):
Target ValidateSolutionConfiguration:
Building solution configuration "Release|Any CPU".
Target Build:
Project "/home/user01/scripts/BDInfoCLI-ng/BDInfo/BDInfo.csproj" (default target(s)):
Target PrepareForBuild:
Configuration: Release Platform: AnyCPU
Created directory "obj/Release/"
Target CopyFilesMarkedCopyLocal:
Copying file from '/home/user01/scripts/BDInfoCLI-ng/packages/Discutils.' to '/home/user01/scripts/bdinfo/DiscUtils.dll'
Copying file from '/home/user01/scripts/BDInfoCLI-ng/packages/Discutils.' to '/home/user01/scripts/bdinfo/DiscUtils.Common.dll'
Copying file from '/home/user01/scripts/BDInfoCLI-ng/packages/Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack-Core.' to '/home/user01/scripts/bdinfo/Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.dll'
Copying file from '/home/user01/scripts/BDInfoCLI-ng/packages/Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack-Shell.' to '/home/user01/scripts/bdinfo/Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Shell.dll'
Copying file from '/home/user01/scripts/BDInfoCLI-ng/packages/Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack-Shell.' to '/home/user01/scripts/bdinfo/Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.ShellExtensions.dll'
Copying file from '/home/user01/scripts/BDInfoCLI-ng/packages/ZedGraph.5.1.7/lib/net35-Client/ZedGraph.dll' to '/home/user01/scripts/bdinfo/ZedGraph.dll'
Target GenerateResources:
Tool /usr/lib/mono/4.5/resgen.exe execution started with arguments: /useSourcePath /compile "FormChart.resx,obj/Release/BDInfo.FormChart.resources"
Tool /usr/lib/mono/4.5/resgen.exe execution started with arguments: /useSourcePath /compile "FormMain.resx,obj/Release/BDInfo.FormMain.resources"
Tool /usr/lib/mono/4.5/resgen.exe execution started with arguments: /useSourcePath /compile "FormPlaylist.resx,obj/Release/BDInfo.FormPlaylist.resources"
Tool /usr/lib/mono/4.5/resgen.exe execution started with arguments: /useSourcePath /compile "FormReport.resx,obj/Release/BDInfo.FormReport.resources"
Tool /usr/lib/mono/4.5/resgen.exe execution started with arguments: /useSourcePath /compile "FormSettings.resx,obj/Release/BDInfo.FormSettings.resources"
Tool /usr/lib/mono/4.5/resgen.exe execution started with arguments: /useSourcePath /compile "Properties/Resources.resx,obj/Release/BDInfo.Properties.Resources.resources"
Target GenerateSatelliteAssemblies:
No input files were specified for target GenerateSatelliteAssemblies, skipping.
Target CoreCompile:
Tool /usr/lib/mono/4.5/mcs.exe execution started with arguments: /noconfig /debug:pdbonly /optimize+ /out:obj/Release/BDInfo.exe /resource:obj/Release/BDInfo.FormChart.resources /resource:obj/Release/BDInfo.FormMain.resources /resource:obj/Release/BDInfo.FormPlaylist.resources /resource:obj/Release/BDInfo.FormReport.resources /resource:obj/Release/BDInfo.FormSettings.resources /resource:obj/Release/BDInfo.Properties.Resources.resources BDROM/TSCodecAC3.cs BDROM/TSCodecAVC.cs BDROM/BDROM.cs BDROM/TSCodecDTS.cs BDROM/TSCodecDTSHD.cs BDROM/TSCodecHEVC.cs BDROM/TSCodecLPCM.cs BDROM/TSCodecMPEG2.cs BDROM/TSCodecMVC.cs BDROM/TSCodecTrueHD.cs BDROM/TSInterleavedFile.cs BDROM/TSStreamBuffer.cs BDROM/TSStreamClipFile.cs BDROM/LanguageCodes.cs BDROM/TSStreamClip.cs BDROM/TSStreamFile.cs BDROM/TSPlaylistFile.cs BDROM/TSStream.cs BDROM/TSCodecVC1.cs FormPlaylist.cs FormPlaylist.Designer.cs ToolBox.cs FormChart.cs FormChart.Designer.cs FormMain.cs FormMain.Designer.cs FormReport.cs FormReport.Designer.cs FormSettings.cs FormSettings.Designer.cs Program.cs Options.cs Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs Properties/Resources.Designer.cs Properties/Settings.Designer.cs obj/Release/.NETFramework,Version=v4.5.AssemblyAttribute.cs /target:exe /win32icon:Resources/Toma4025-Rumax-Bluray-disc.ico /define:TRACE /nostdlib /reference:../packages/Discutils. /reference:../packages/Discutils. /reference:../packages/Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack-Core. /reference:../packages/Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack-Shell. /reference:../packages/Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack-Shell. /reference:/usr/lib/mono/4.5-api/System.dll /reference:/usr/lib/mono/4.5-api/System.Data.dll /reference:/usr/lib/mono/gac/System.Deployment/ /reference:/usr/lib/mono/4.5-api/System.Drawing.dll /reference:/usr/lib/mono/4.5-api/System.Windows.Forms.dll /reference:/usr/lib/mono/4.5-api/System.Xml.dll /reference:../packages/ZedGraph.5.1.7/lib/net35-Client/ZedGraph.dll /reference:/usr/lib/mono/4.5-api/System.Core.dll /reference:/usr/lib/mono/4.5-api//mscorlib.dll /warn:4
BDROM/TSCodecAVC.cs(38,18): warning CS0219: The variable `constraintSet0Flag' is assigned but its value is never used
BDROM/TSCodecAVC.cs(39,18): warning CS0219: The variable `constraintSet1Flag' is assigned but its value is never used
BDROM/TSCodecAVC.cs(40,18): warning CS0219: The variable `constraintSet2Flag' is assigned but its value is never used
BDROM/BDROM.cs(684,26): warning CS0219: The variable `result' is assigned but its value is never used
BDROM/TSPlaylistFile.cs(282,21): warning CS0219: The variable `dataLength' is assigned but its value is never used
BDROM/TSPlaylistFile.cs(296,21): warning CS0219: The variable `extensionsOffset' is assigned but its value is never used
BDROM/TSPlaylistFile.cs(307,21): warning CS0219: The variable `playlistLength' is assigned but its value is never used
BDROM/TSPlaylistFile.cs(308,21): warning CS0219: The variable `playlistReserved' is assigned but its value is never used
BDROM/TSPlaylistFile.cs(310,21): warning CS0219: The variable `subitemCount' is assigned but its value is never used
BDROM/TSPlaylistFile.cs(318,28): warning CS0219: The variable `itemType' is assigned but its value is never used
BDROM/TSPlaylistFile.cs(350,25): warning CS0219: The variable `condition' is assigned but its value is never used
BDROM/TSPlaylistFile.cs(381,36): warning CS0219: The variable `angleType' is assigned but its value is never used
BDROM/TSPlaylistFile.cs(425,25): warning CS0219: The variable `streamInfoLength' is assigned but its value is never used
BDROM/TSPlaylistFile.cs(433,25): warning CS0219: The variable `streamCountPIP' is assigned but its value is never used
BDROM/TSPlaylistFile.cs(584,17): warning CS0219: The variable `start' is assigned but its value is never used
BDROM/TSPlaylistFile.cs(591,17): warning CS0219: The variable `subpathid' is assigned but its value is never used
BDROM/TSPlaylistFile.cs(592,17): warning CS0219: The variable `subclipid' is assigned but its value is never used
BDROM/TSPlaylistFile.cs(721,25): warning CS0219: The variable `code' is assigned but its value is never used
FormChart.cs(344,28): warning CS0219: The variable `frameType' is assigned but its value is never used
FormReport.cs(687,30): warning CS0219: The variable `clipOutSpan' is assigned but its value is never used
FormReport.cs(924,34): warning CS0219: The variable `chapterEndSpan' is assigned but its value is never used
BDROM/BDROM.cs(79,37): warning CS0414: The private field `BDInfo.BDROM.ExcludeDirs' is assigned but its value is never used
BDROM/TSCodecHEVC.cs(393,29): warning CS0414: The private field `BDInfo.TSCodecHEVC._chromaSampleLocTypeTopField' is assigned but its value is never used
BDROM/TSCodecHEVC.cs(394,29): warning CS0414: The private field `BDInfo.TSCodecHEVC._chromaSampleLocTypeBottomField' is assigned but its value is never used
Target _CopyAppConfigFile:
Copying file from '/home/user01/scripts/BDInfoCLI-ng/BDInfo/app.config' to '/home/user01/scripts/bdinfo/BDInfo.exe.config'
Target DeployOutputFiles:
Copying file from '/home/user01/scripts/BDInfoCLI-ng/BDInfo/obj/Release/BDInfo.exe.mdb' to '/home/user01/scripts/bdinfo/BDInfo.exe.mdb'
Copying file from '/home/user01/scripts/BDInfoCLI-ng/BDInfo/obj/Release/BDInfo.exe' to '/home/user01/scripts/bdinfo/BDInfo.exe'
Done building project "/home/user01/scripts/BDInfoCLI-ng/BDInfo/BDInfo.csproj".
Done building project "/home/user01/scripts/BDInfoCLI-ng/BDInfo.sln".
Build succeeded.
/home/user01/scripts/BDInfoCLI-ng/BDInfo.sln (default targets) ->
(Build target) ->
/home/user01/scripts/BDInfoCLI-ng/BDInfo/BDInfo.csproj (default targets) ->
/usr/lib/mono/xbuild/14.0/bin/Microsoft.CSharp.targets (CoreCompile target) ->
BDROM/TSCodecAVC.cs(38,18): warning CS0219: The variable `constraintSet0Flag' is assigned but its value is never used
BDROM/TSCodecAVC.cs(39,18): warning CS0219: The variable `constraintSet1Flag' is assigned but its value is never used
BDROM/TSCodecAVC.cs(40,18): warning CS0219: The variable `constraintSet2Flag' is assigned but its value is never used
BDROM/BDROM.cs(684,26): warning CS0219: The variable `result' is assigned but its value is never used
BDROM/TSPlaylistFile.cs(282,21): warning CS0219: The variable `dataLength' is assigned but its value is never used
BDROM/TSPlaylistFile.cs(296,21): warning CS0219: The variable `extensionsOffset' is assigned but its value is never used
BDROM/TSPlaylistFile.cs(307,21): warning CS0219: The variable `playlistLength' is assigned but its value is never used
BDROM/TSPlaylistFile.cs(308,21): warning CS0219: The variable `playlistReserved' is assigned but its value is never used
BDROM/TSPlaylistFile.cs(310,21): warning CS0219: The variable `subitemCount' is assigned but its value is never used
BDROM/TSPlaylistFile.cs(318,28): warning CS0219: The variable `itemType' is assigned but its value is never used
BDROM/TSPlaylistFile.cs(350,25): warning CS0219: The variable `condition' is assigned but its value is never used
BDROM/TSPlaylistFile.cs(381,36): warning CS0219: The variable `angleType' is assigned but its value is never used
BDROM/TSPlaylistFile.cs(425,25): warning CS0219: The variable `streamInfoLength' is assigned but its value is never used
BDROM/TSPlaylistFile.cs(433,25): warning CS0219: The variable `streamCountPIP' is assigned but its value is never used
BDROM/TSPlaylistFile.cs(584,17): warning CS0219: The variable `start' is assigned but its value is never used
BDROM/TSPlaylistFile.cs(591,17): warning CS0219: The variable `subpathid' is assigned but its value is never used
BDROM/TSPlaylistFile.cs(592,17): warning CS0219: The variable `subclipid' is assigned but its value is never used
BDROM/TSPlaylistFile.cs(721,25): warning CS0219: The variable `code' is assigned but its value is never used
FormChart.cs(344,28): warning CS0219: The variable `frameType' is assigned but its value is never used
FormReport.cs(687,30): warning CS0219: The variable `clipOutSpan' is assigned but its value is never used
FormReport.cs(924,34): warning CS0219: The variable `chapterEndSpan' is assigned but its value is never used
BDROM/BDROM.cs(79,37): warning CS0414: The private field `BDInfo.BDROM.ExcludeDirs' is assigned but its value is never used
BDROM/TSCodecHEVC.cs(393,29): warning CS0414: The private field `BDInfo.TSCodecHEVC._chromaSampleLocTypeTopField' is assigned but its value is never used
BDROM/TSCodecHEVC.cs(394,29): warning CS0414: The private field `BDInfo.TSCodecHEVC._chromaSampleLocTypeBottomField' is assigned but its value is never used
24 Warning(s)
0 Error(s)
Time Elapsed 00:00:01.0073780
root@box:~# user=$(whoami)
mkdir -p /home/$user/bdinfo
mono /home/$user/scripts/bdinfo/BDInfo.exe $1 /home/$user/bdinfo/
Cannot open assembly '/home/root/scripts/bdinfo/BDInfo.exe': No such file or directory.
root@box:~# exit
user01@box:~$ user=$(whoami)
mkdir -p /home/$user/bdinfo
mono /home/$user/scripts/bdinfo/BDInfo.exe $1 /home/$user/bdinfo/
Please wait while we scan the disc...
Preparing to analyze the following:
File Elapsed Remaining
Scan completed successfully.
Please wait while we generate the report...
Object reference not set to an instance of an object
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Changelog: changed to figure out user rather than doing %i calls (that don't work)

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brettpetch commented Oct 14, 2021

sudo su -
bash <(curl -sL

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