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Last active October 16, 2024 19:52
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y = 31_536_000,
d = 86_400,
h = 3_600,
m = 60,
SecondsConverter = function (input) {
let remainder
this.y = input / y | 0
this.d = (remainder = input - y * this.y) / d | 0
this.h = (remainder -= d * this.d) / h | 0
this.m = (remainder -= h * this.h) / m | 0
execute = async function () {
const cmd = await command.execute(...arguments)
if (!cmd.success) {
let acc = ``
for (const argument of arguments)
acc += argument + ` `
throw Error(`$${acc}\u{2022} ${cmd.reason ?? cmd.reply}`)
return cmd.reply
main = async () => {
const time = new SecondsConverter(1.893e8 * Math.random() + 1)
i = 0,
difference = ``
for (const field in time) {
if (!time[field])
difference += (difference.length ? `, ` : ``) + time[field] + field
if (++i === 2)
return `(${difference} ago) ${args[0]?.slice(args[0][0] === `@`) || await execute(`abb`, `chatter`, `excludeSelf:true`)}: ${(await execute(`tweet`, `random:true`, `textOnly:true`, `QTHESTORMM`)).replace(RegExp(String.raw` https:\/{2}t\.co\/[A-Za-z\d]{10}\b.*$|^RT @\w{1,15}: `, `l`), ``)}`
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