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Last active August 29, 2015 14:05
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  • Save briancicutti/cd2e89ca004baf597e65 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save briancicutti/cd2e89ca004baf597e65 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Given /^I am logged in/ do
Given /^I login to a ([Ss]ecure|[Cc]ontrol) account/ do |accountType|
Given /^I login to (?:a|an) ([Uu]n)?[Rr]estricted secondary account/ do |negate|
Given /^I login to a suspended account$/ do
Given /^I press the Sign In button$/ do
Then /^Click on HomeButton$/ do
Then /^I should see (?:the|a valid) ([Ss]ecurity|[Mm]ode) ([Ss]creen|[Ss]tatus)$/ do |secureType,status|
And /^I go back to Home Screen$/ do
When /^I launch app$/ do
And /^I ensure that all alerts are dismissed$/ do
And /^I wait for (\d+) minutes$/ do |minutes|
Given /^I log out$/ do
Then /^I should be on the Home (?:page|Screen)$/ do
Given /^I launch the Xfinity Home App$/ do
Then /^I should see the (.*)/ do |field|
Given /^I enter (no|a|a correct|an incorrect) (username|password)( longer than 16 characters)? into the (?:Username|Password) [Ff]ield$/ do |type, field, over_sixteen|
Then /^I should see (?:a|an)( blank| incorrect)? (Login|suspended account|Session) [Ee]rror$/ do |type, error|
Given /^I have two unsuccessful login attempts$/ do
And /^I enter in correct user credentials$/ do
When /^I toggle the Keep Me Signed in switch to On$/ do
Then /^I should see a popup warning message$/ do
Given /^I enter text into the Password field$/ do
Then /^I should see masked password text$/ do
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